C Shepard's page
Organized Play Member. 39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.
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Fantastic. Nice to see you guys coming together for this.
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I love the Darkmoon Vale adventure series.
Really disappointed that the kids are gone from the adventure.
They were a big part of the campaign that I ran back then that was launched from these adventures. The young brother of a certain townsfolk being controlled by someone with a missing facial part was a big part as well as Kira and the rest.
The group took a shinning to them, and took them under their wing.
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Aaron Shanks wrote: We have no replacements to the pawns line at this time. Yeah, it's called pushing the WizKids mini's.
This sucks, loved the pawns
Pigraven wrote: So our Paizo Advantage 15% off only applies to the list price, not the Our Price? It looks like my advantage discount is not applied.
Is there any chance we'll see other items come out for this, like the original Beginners Box (5th class, DM's and Player's kit, 1 page adventures) and the like?
thaX wrote: Bout' time!!
been hearing about this romance for years, good to see the two lovebirds finally commit to each other.
Good story and nice play on the naming of butterflies in the stomach, or Jitters, as some call it.
*Throws some rice*
Yeah, was really hoping for this in the comics, where their relationship really took off but they seemed to have died. They had a smidgen of this in the Big Finish production but this cements it. Sent it to my daughter who loved it!

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Chance Wyvernspur wrote: doc roc wrote: Paizo made a lot of noise about addressing the class properly, but yet I look at the cleric in PF2 and I see absolutely no reason to play one. Given all of the damage incoming I see a reason to have one. I also see a table full of people who don't want to play one. As if being a healbot wasn't already unappealing, you get to have your foot nailed to the deck by Anathema too. Alas, I'm ready to return to D&D 3.5. I just can't convince my friends to follow. As the guy who usually plays clerics, when I get a chance to play, I feel your pain. My group and I have pretty much decided that if these nerfs stay, for cleric's and casters in general (feels like the old days of WoW where classes were nerfed due to whining in the forums), we won't do 2E. As the playtest went on, excitement waned then went away. Changes were made supposedly due to reduce complexity, which didn't make sense or seemed disingenuous at best (like the removal of bonus spells based on stats), while making other areas more complex than before. We really wanted this to be the next go to but beyond a few changes (most which seems to be tweaks from unchained, like action economy), we just don't see us embracing the new system. It sucks since we have been here from the beginning.
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Oh look, more caster nerf... so Cleric's have to have a Charisma bonus to get any healing unless they memorize healing spells, with fewer spells slots than 1E...
David knott 242 wrote: There is a skill feat called Multilingual that lets you learn two extra languages each time you take it, so learning new languages is only marginally more difficult than in PF1.
Yeah, even with that feat I'm not happy with how they do languages. My Linguist Wizard from one of my Co GM's RoTRL campaign, who picks up esoteric languages is pretty much dead on arrival in conversion attempt. Think they wen't too far on the curve with languages.
PossibleCabbage wrote: I am very much looking forward to Risen Nocticula whenever that gets around to happening. Since this has happened in my world due to events in WoTR, I concur. My problem is I run a homebrew world, as does my Co Dm his own and having to make individual powers for a lot of gods is a pretty daunting task I really don't want to tackle.
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Wanderdown wrote: I was hoping for something else, because I'm bored mindless of the Goblins. Blah blah we have low Int and are cookoo blah blah.
The last Free RPG Day mod for any characters other than Goblins was, what, Risen from the Sands? Wasn't that 2014?
Same here. I love Crystal Frasier's work but can't stand the goblins and it becomes once again something I can't use at my table. It was said they would alternate non-goblin and goblin adventures but they never did.
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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: The original Pathfinder Beta was more experimental and drifted farther away from the 3.5 Rules than the final product did. I remember being faintly disappointed it didn’t adopt some of the cool stuff like Racial Hit Points in the game. We used the double 1st hit dice forever from back then.
Still kept some of the Cavalier playtest in ours too.
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TriOmegaZero wrote: PFS has never been about the money, the levels, the boons. It's always been about....the play play play. I never thought I would enjoy PFS until PaizoCon. Met great people, played some Iconics and had fun. Took my papers home to apply to a character I was going to start playing in PFS... and passed because the PFS out here is nothing like the Con experience. Made me happy I have a somewhat stable game group.
The more I read, the more I'm looking forward to PF2.0.

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Kohl McClash wrote: Keith McVay wrote: One thing I will say is that 5E got it right in the amount of products it releases, which are minimal.
- 3 Core Books
- An adventure HC or 2 a year
- One crunch/fluff combo book about a specific topic
So in 4 years they have (I think)
- 3 Core Books
- 8 Adventures
- 3 Fluff/Crunch Niche Books (Volo, Mordenkainen and Xanathar)
I don't think people want non-stop books of feats and mediocre classes. Sales of 5E seem to indicate this and my personal buying preferences align with this philosophy.
Amen and agreeed! I bought the first few APs which were great but i stopped buying cause I already had enough to use in my lifetime so a slower release schedule fits my buying habits than the book of the month club Paizo release trend. They don't put stuff out because Hasbro doesn't care enough. WoTC is in a three story building, with one floor storage and one being rented out. their bread and butter is Magic. They are having 3rd parties do their heavy lifting like Kobold and Green Ronin.
Gondolin wrote: DM Alistair wrote :I never understood the hate against 4e and 5e.
For me, it was because when WoTC hyped their upcoming 4.0 and told us : «in the meantime, keep playing and buying D&D 3.5.» Only to find out later thant the 500$ worth of stuff I bought from those dweebs, would not be useable with 4.0. So I stuck with Paizo and Pathfinder and never gave WoTC another dime.
Or that 4E was supposed to be like Star Wars SAGA... and it wasn't even close.

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Kevin Mack wrote: Mark Moreland wrote:
As for deep continuity, as mentioned in the FAQ, we won't be changing any of the core assumptions of the setting, or jumping forward decades or anything. Some rulers might change here and there as makes sense, and some borders may shift from the default First Edition map, but the history of the world isn't getting retconned or anything like that. Is making Goblins a playable race not changing the core assumptions of the setting? Since being a playable race right out the core rulebook would indicate they have gone from crazed pyro's people tend to kill on sight to being if not welcomed at least tolerated. I have NEVER gotten the hype of PF Goblins. Every time a goblin adventure dropped for free game day, I stayed home. Most of my home game area doesn't even have goblins.
That aside I am looking forward to the new edition, but with trepidation due to the 3.5 to 4E fiasco. If it's not for me and my group I have plenty of material to last me another 10 plus years.
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Anguish wrote: captain yesterday wrote: Honestly, I'm tired of the We be Goblins! Series. On the other hand, many of us established players/DMs like the opportunity to run a one-shot that's silly too, so this is again ideal. On the gripping hand, there's you.
So yeah, dunno. On the third hand, since two were taken as if there was all there was, many of us established players/DMs don't want another goblin adventure which brings nothing to our game table. They said they would switch every/other year. That didn't happen.
Guess I'll put this in this thread instead.
So that whole, "switching up," every year isn't going to happen this year because we're getting another Goblin adventure this year...
So that whole, "switching up," every year isn't going to happen this year because we're getting another Goblin adventure this year... We B4 Goblins.
Sun Kil Moon wrote: Buy the pdf for the AP, photoshop the images, and make your own pawns for that particular brand. That's what I did for some of the older APs. It took forever, but it was worth it. Now I have pawns for every AP, counting the ones I have now which I subscribe for.
I made pawns for almost every pathfinder image at this point because it's the best fantasy artwork ever imagined.
I want to use Mini's for mine but I think I'm going to go this route for the AP.
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Dragon78 wrote: I will be skipping this one. Ditto. I really wish I could suspend my subscription for the AP because this goes hand in hand with Hell's Vengeance which I don't want either. I don't allow evil characters and neither do the other DM/GM's in my group. Too many years of derailed campaigns and sick jerks.
Sc8rpi8n_mjd wrote: I have uploaded the document to Google Drive, here is the link for those still interested:
Thank you for this. It's going to go a long way in helping me with my Carrion Crown/Age of Worms campaign I'm getting ready to run.
So we ever going to see the APG characters in this format? Mister Iconic Magus?
Dragnmoon wrote: Drogon wrote: Without decent participation from major vendors like Wizards of the Coast and Fantasy Flight Games, spending the money on the kits this year wasn't worthwhile at all. Though I am surprised that Fantasy Flight Games did not participate, I think this is the first time in awhile, has Wizards of the Coast ever participated in free rpg day? Yeah they put out a tile and fig one year and a 4E Eberron adventure and something else.
But they are doing a World Game Day or some such on the exact same day!
Edit: Found at the Acaeum
2008 - Treasure of Talon Pass (inc. miniature & dungeon tile)
2009 - Khyber's Harvest
2010 - Bloodsand Arena (Dark Sun)
2011 - Domain of Dread: Histanen
2012 - Dead in the Eye
Berselius wrote: Sigh, greeeaaattt...another goblin module for Free RPG Day...(rolls eyes). I feel the same way man. Something to go onto my shelf and gather dust.
The one local store that is doing Free RPGday isn't having play events.
I'm one of three GM's/DM's that run our group of 9 (when everyone makes it). We all decided to stick with Pathfinder since there wasn't anything in the 5E/Next/Whatever to make us want to change (from initial play-test to the end).
The only thing I'll personally get is the figs (since I still use WoTC 3.5 IP monsters) and even then 20 bucks for 4 figs is pretty out there. (Amazon aside because I really want to support my FLGS and using Amazon's huge discount to say the prices are okay is really not a good way to look at the game cost as a whole.)
I really feel that their attempt to bring everyone from every edition back to the fold will fail and potentially fracture the fan base even more. The people who play the editions they are trying to emulate will play those editions using the books they already have.
graywulfe wrote: Rise of the Runelords is the only set where the Iconics were Rares. First Four were their own Set (Valeros, Ezren, Kyra, Merisiel)
Runelords they were Uncommon (Harsk, Seoni)
Heroes & Monsters they are Rare (Seelah)
Shattered Star they are Rare (Lem, Amiri)
Legends they are Rare (Lini, Sajan) Lini's Snow Leopard is Uncommon
Skull and Shackles they are Rare (Seltyiel, Lirianne)
Diamonds to Doughnuts Alain the one shown so far for Wrath of the Righteous is a Rare.
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Jason S wrote: I especially want to see the iconics as uncommons, but you have them as rares! Even as uncommons these minis would be very popular and in high demand.
That right there is one of my issues with the miniature line. I run a couple of Iconics Groups for some newbie gamers and it helps them to get into it with their own designated figure (most are young). The first four were their own set, the first couple of sets they were uncommon. Then there is discussion on the forums about a lot of people wanting an iconics set then wham they're rare.
Playing catchup and dealing with the horrible second party markup if you wanted to try peace meal. There is no way for me to sustain purchasing the sets.
If I only had the time to dedicate to my Bones that I wish I had, the whole reason I started buying the plastic minis back when WoTC started them.
So is anyone else missing the Hero Labs file from their zip file?
Shadar Aman wrote:
Because, as noted earlier in this thread, it is a...
Actually they can tap a credit account up to 30 days before shipping. At least that was the law last time I had to deal with a retailer last year. Good customer service is tapping the account when they ship.

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Steve Geddes wrote: There's a release date and it would be annoying to other retailers if subscribers were to get their PDFs too far ahead of the street date - it would further incentivise subscriptions and undercut the "buzz" of release, since when a book hit the shelves it would be old news, having the details discussed online for weeks prior.
They try to get us our books on the release date. That means they generally give us access to the PDFs early. However, don't actually aim (or promise) to get subscribers their PDFs early, that's just how it usually works out.
Most months we get our PDFs early. One month of the year, some of us have to wait a few days after release.
No, that's not acceptable when that is the point of the subscription. They tap my account and take the cash, the PDF's should be available in my downloads (which they did on Friday). People ordering them from the online store should not get them before the subscribers who have already been tapped.
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4 Pages game content, 3 fluff on a couple of dragons in the Varisian Hinterlands (Sandpoint). 1 page stat block on old age black dragon. No additional game product.
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Hope there is more game content in this one then the last. I was going to cancel last issue but there was discussion on having more game content. If not, won't continue.
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Solid adventure. Would love to see some campaign traits for it. Planning to run it as a lead in to Red Hand of Doom. Now just need the after RHoD and I have my Dragon Based AP.
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Arnwyn wrote: Paizo has an irrational love of fiction in the APs. It's not going away.
But I'm still going to say it anyways: the fiction in the APs is a massive waste of space (especially painful when you keep hearing about "page count" issues that have demonstrably caused problems in past APs).
But yeah, I've resigned myself to the fact that the fiction is here to stay. *sigh*
Late to the party. When they say they run out of space so they cut material during the Paizo Con panel podcasts, the inclusion of the fiction in the AP, which they just increased the cost of, irritates me. It doesn't help me, I don't read it. Add in the fact I don't use their world. I want game material in my game books. Looking forward to seeing the changes, if any in Wrath of the Righteous.
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Game content dumped to three pages. Not worth 4 bucks to me anymore, having the mini encounter, game material and map was. The art is hands down better then what was in the first six but I bought it for both game material and the comic. The comic on it's own is not enough to hold me.
I actually just started this tonight and the group actually liked the Crooked Kin and so did I. Have a Warforged Gunslinger who has a thing for children so the girl missing meant something to him. Plus they figure in like the movie The Bride.
So far my only problem is the players asked what evidence was presented to the court to put the creature on trial but there really isn't a nice listing of it. You have to find it out from asking the people for info but there has to be some form of records to work off of.