![]() Sheet looks good. Thanks much for GM'ing for us TOZ. Much fun was had! random aside about gaming@TOZ: I had actually tried to go to one of your AZ game days in Jan of 2018 when I was out in Phoenix training folks for a week, but ended up going to the wrong game store - apparently they had two locations and I went to the wrong one. Glad to have gotten to game with you via pbp, however, was much fun! ![]()
![]() Cwethan's Iconic wrote: Okay Tim, I'm leaving you Jamila or Krakos. Krakos works, especially as I'm applying the credit to another inquisitor. Player Name: TimD
![]() John Compton wrote: I have created a thread that lays out the rules for creating a Pathfinder Society Playtest character of 1st, 5th, and 10th levels. Excellent, but what about the important levels (15 & 20)? :) ![]()
![]() RE: Flame Dancer: It's not one of my pet peeves, but I've seen / heard several complaints at various game days and in online discussions - more than I ever did the APG Summoners (though less than slumber-witches, to be fair). I have one as well, but mostly for fireball access and because it fits my "fiery, but only slightly infernal" theme for the character. (I don't think I've actually used the smoke sight ability yet and the character 7th L.) ![]()
![]() RE: legal: As long as they were played at 2nd level of higher, they are still legal. I see them at tables I'm playing at / GM'ing all the time. RE: grar level, ie disruptive or unwelcome - as with almost all things, that's going to depend on the GM in question. You'll probably get more flack from a Slumber-hex focused witch (or other SoS-focused character) or flame-dancer bard than you would an APG Summoner. Some GMs just don't like some character types, but you should be fine playing them even if the GM grumbles a bit. ![]()
![]() Alex Wreschnig wrote: Looking more closely at your key idea--what kind of effects would you hope to have for these multiple-chronicle replay sheets? I'd imagined it like some of the Quest chronicle sheets, but possibly more or less extensive depending on the specifics of what the sheet would allow. The goal would be to encourage folks to help make tables by allowing a replay, but to cut down on replay for chronicle-fishing purposes while not making it strictly better than playing an adventure that one hasn't played yet.In my head (at the moment, at least), it looks like 3 to 5 areas on a chronicle / boon sheet. The first would be the normal intro / flavor for the chronicle showing what it is for and any restrictions on using the chronicle or boon. The next 1 to 3 areas have lines for char #, GM#, scenario#, game date, and the level the character was who played the scenario. The last area would be where the "finalization" would be calculated and would have a check-list of options. It would have a place to initial and specify the final adventure used on the sheet and instructions on how to apply any rewards. Alex Wreschnig wrote: Were you thinking that a PC might only get partial credit for a replay (like 1/2 xp, 1/2 level appropriate gold) and once they replay X scenarios they get a big lump sum? What would the design goal be for providing rewards in a lump sum rather than providing level-appropriate rewards on a blank chronicle? Again, in my head (and I'm sure other folks have many other thoughts on this) it would be either minimal or just under minimal gold / tier based on the level of the character the sheet is applied to with an alternative for rewards other than just gold / pa / xp. What those alternatives are, would be a bit more up in the air - and would likely depend on the # of sessions played for no other benefit other than to make tables (on the lower end, maybe the ability to purchase items off of chronicle sheets for higher PA cost, or discounted retraining ; mid range, maybe to start a new character at higher level ; on the higher end, maybe specific race boons or the ability to duplicate or transfer another boon [with restrictions] onto a new character - with all sorts of options in between) Alex Wreschnig wrote: I can see how increasing rewards per game played on a replay chronicle could be gamified, but I'm not seeing a healthy game here. I imagine you've got a better idea than I do of what you were hoping to accomplish--what am I missing? Sure - again, the end goal would be that it wouldn't be strictly better - just that they aren't going into the negatives for helping out or replaying a scenario they don't even remember from years before. ![]()
![]() Alex Wreschnig wrote: I don't think blank chronicles will work for everything. What if, instead of just receiving a "blank chronicle" you were receiving a 0xp, 0gp, 0pa chronicle as if you were doing a "make a table go" replay and then got to fill in the portion on a bonus chronicle sheet (similar to the holiday chronicle sheets, emerald spire, and some APs) based on the fact that you had done a replay? - THAT chronicle is the one that would give any gp / PA / xp. The "Zeroed" chronicle would still note any negative boons, consequences, etc and would be available for GMs to track for specific scenario purposes. Ideally, an "Explore/Report/Cooperate" replay chronicle would be formatted in a manner similar to some of the quest sheets where the player can either continue to contribute to the chronicle or "cash it out" and apply it to a character for whatever rewards had been unlocked. ![]()
![]() TimD wrote:
In hindsight, this is probably far less than informative for building a party. To correct that...Best character options for TimD: Low-Tier Heilsteinn - Oread Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Cleric of Immonhiel 2 (Char Lvl 3.2) "Ashfeather" - Tengu Inquisitor of Pharasma 4.2 High-Tier
![]() I have more characters than sense and have several that would be in-tier for this.
For low-tier, I'd offer:
For either tier, I'd offer:
For high-tier, I'd offer:
I'll update the profile for whichever works best for PbP with all of the current info for the char. ![]()
![]() Tallow wrote:
I actually had Golden Earring going through my head, but yeah... ![]()
![]() Figured I'd get the ball rolling on the GM thread for this as I did not see one already out there. This looks like it's going to be great fun, but there are a few hiccups I'm finding: There are two encounters described in this module (A1 and D) which both mention having creatures which normally do not have the ability to verbally communicate engaging in verbal communication. For a non-PFS game, for A1, I'd probably just increase the Int to 5 or 6 and give it a rank or two of Linguistics and the ability to understand Common and Varisian and do something similar for D, but I'm not sure what to do for this for a PFS game day. For Encounter F, the speed penalty from the breath weapon is specified as cumulative and can result in a 0 speed. I am not seeing any way to free a trapped creature. Again, for home games this wouldn't be an issue, I'd probably just treat it as a slightly more resilient tanglefoot bag, but this is for PFS. Finally, can we advise the players about the conditions for the 2nd point of prestige so that they can make an intelligent choice about which character to apply this to, or is that too reminiscent of "chronicle fishing"? ![]()
![]() Mike McKeown wrote:
:) Assumption not in evidence, your VO-ness. I've not had a chance to hear one live, which from the exposure to them I've had from DragonCon over the years, I understand is the most important, so I can only attest to the creativity. ![]()
![]() While I'm not positive, I think that some of the dice may have been made by some of the local PFS groups to give out at local conventions / game days / etc. and not just by Paizo. I seem to recall a conversation by some of our former VO staff about ordering custom dice for one of our year-end holiday parties. ![]()
![]() Delbert Collins II wrote: *stuff about SCARAB doesn't have competition and 5-Star GMs have always been at war with Eastasia Rebuttal about 'Competition and Conflict of Interest':
Delbert Collins II wrote: SCARAB does NOT view any convention as competition and has helped others launch eight different conventions over the years we have been in existence. Which is great, especially if read as "Walmart doesn't consider any local stores as competion - especially as they almost all go out of business shortly thereafter" sort of tone. As almost anyone who has ever dealt with volunteer-driven activities knows, you only have so many volunteers. I can recall with great clarity that in March of 2014 GA PFS had chosen to support a new-ish local convention called SecretsCon. Unfortunately for SecretsCon, SCARAB had contracted to assist another local game day resulted in a divide of local players to the deteriment of both conventions. I'd post the board links, but unfortunately the original GA PFS boards set up by Mike Brock died a few years go. I'd send links to SecretsCon, but they no longer exist either. As mentioned upthread, this is one of the reasons that a large # of GA PFS members protested the change from "conventions" to "Game Days" for Paizo boon support when the limited boon release proposal was suggested. We had already discovered what is good for SCARAB is rarely (if ever) good for GA PFS.
Rebuttal about '5-Star Hoops': Delbert Collins II wrote: I have not added any requirements to get a 5th star and have approved every single person who has ever applied to a 5th star under me. I think you have me confused with someone else. Prior to the creation of the RVC position, GMs who had earned their five-star status were not required to jump through self-aggrandizement hoops in order to earn their 5-star status. GA PFS was fortunate to have a truly superb GM, Colin W., who was in every way I can think of, exactly what a PFS GM should be while GMing. At the time, I was a store coordinator at one of the local game stores that Colin GM'd at. Colin did not really care about recognition or about stars, but as is true of most volunteers who set a great example or go above and beyond he did inspire others to care about it on his behalf. To that end, I wanted to make certain that he would get that recognition, preferable as a "surprise" so I outreached to JohnC, who confirmed the # of games he needed (he was already at 11 of the 10 needed specials) in November of 2015 and began the count down so that I could "arrange" to have a VO witness his 150th game and make sure that his 5-star would happen smoothly.
Then we waited...
After hearing nothing but crickets, I outreached again on Aug 24 at the same time the VL who attending the game send another follow-up email after checking with our former VC, who advised that the information had been forwarded along with his resignation as one of his last acts as VC. Finally we were told that we would need to send a list of his games. At the time, there was no one in GA who had access to the ability to access Paizo data due to the shift of the VOs. When questioned about if the information hadn't already been sent, the response was "If he[former VC] didn't send the sessions simply put it will not get approved."
Not exactly a great way to retain the kind of volunteers PFS should desire. Regarding timing - all of this, of course, right before our little local convention, DragonCon, with an almost entirely new VO cadre. ![]()
![]() Joe Bouchard wrote: The timing for bringing this up on the forums conceivably couldn't be worse. The decision, whatever it reasoning / validity, is immediately affecting PFS players and apparently stores in the the removed VO's region. Much like complaints about when things blow up right before GenCon because PFS leadership implements a change then, the timing is not driven by those who have issues with the decision - it's the timing of the decision itself. This is also where the "praise in public / criticize in private" aspect falls through as "trust us, it's being handled" only works for so long as things pile up and volunteers find other things to do with their time / resources. From the POV of someone in the region, but not the state, I've just assumed that the RVC has carte blanche unless they do something that would result in jail time. Maybe that's a good thing. I'm less certain now than ever. ![]()
![]() Bob Jonquet wrote: “Official” documentation is never as simple as it sounds. First, it would need to be universally applicable to all archived specials which could be problematic since they were all developed with different intentions and success math. Second, Paizo would still want it to go through the development team, art and layout, editing, etc. the normal process for any published document. They typically do not have time for such things in their busy schedule. I don't understand your response to this proposal, so I believe there may be some confusion. The proposal is not "remake the scenario", the proposal is "create a generic conversion sheet akin to the 'secondary success' sheet". There is no artwork and the only layout that would be needed is to make sure that all of the text fits onto the sheet in a manner that is able to be read via both device and hard copy. Example: 07-00: The Sky Key Solution: *For Four Tables, the following modifiers apply **Aid Tokens: modify the available # of aid tokens by [+/- x]. Modify the effects of [specific aid token type] by [x]. If [conditions / tiers are {x}] modify by [x]. Due to the smaller table sizes, the table GMs may wish to remind players to pass along the aid tokens at the end of any encounters in which they are used. **Victory Points: ***For Part 2: [specify changes in Victory Points needed or accumulated by specific encounter] ***For Part 3: [specify changes in Victory Points needed or accumulated by specific encounter] **Calculating the Outcome: [exact table calculations for Missed Opportunity, Admirable Expedition, Impressive Performance, Unrivaled Accomplishment] **Conclusion: [enter any "failure" cost changes here {especially for lower-tier tables}] *For Three Tables, the following modifiers apply
*For Two Tables, the following modifiers apply
Normal: The Sky Key Solution has a normal table # minimum of 5 tables.
![]() I had put together something similar a few years ago that I had in a file called "the infamy campaign" with characters going from 2nd to 14th L. If I were to do it now, I'd probably also mix in some of the Seven Fingers' tomb scenarios as well. Infamy Campaign Progression: lvl start - lvl end
![]() Arutema wrote:
Likely so, but ... A) I don't really do SF and would prefer to see something in PF.B) it would be apt and a fun future easter-egg if their attitudes in SF were partly formed / cemented due to interactions from murder-hobo flavored Pathfinders long, long ago... Add me to the list of folks for:
... and adding to my list: I'd like to see a callback to a certain Minotaur Prince as well, whom I don't believe we've seen anything of since Delerium's Tangle (barring a very brief mention in a faction mission in Season 3...). Given his previous ties to GM Torch, this could be a way to wrap / continue that particular storyline as well. Something involving kraken so that we can see Captain Tanner finally get his revenge. ![]()
![]() Focusing on paladins using poison seems odd when the real gem in the Code change is the removal of the "you WILL cause party conflict" clause about cooperation with evil from the 1E Paladin code. I'm also hoping the "casting an evil spell" is removed as I can see the "will you use the wand of infernal healing on the dying infant?" conundrum for the next round of "paladin falls" drinking games. ![]()
![]() Hilary Moon Murphy wrote: So the only really real data likely coming out of Core is that while there are still people playing it and loving the challenge it provides, it is by far the minority of what you find in PFS. It's a legal form of replay available to everyone, not just those with sufficient GM stars. Based on BobJ's stated standards about replay and the fact that complaints go "up stream" as a RVC he would have the most information about cheating-related complaints of that sort than anyone outside of Tonya.That said, as I'm not actually in support of unlimited replay, I suppose I'll follow over to the new thread... ![]()
![]() @BobJ (due to think thing that as you're an RVC I would you'd likely have access to more / better info) Has the current "open replay option" aka "Core campaign" been generating significantly more complaints about the type of behavior you are associating with replays? - all of the (admittedly second- or more-hand) information I've seen regarding regions where Core is doing well seem to indicate that the limited replay options opened by Core haven't had the noticeable negative effects that were anticipated by many who campaigned against no replay at all. ![]()
![]() BigNorseWolf wrote: Does she fly? You can dim door above a target if you're flying. Actually, you can't:
Per the prd, conjuration effects:
"A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it." Also her tactics and her bodyguards' tactics do seem to be something at odds with each other, but it should be kind of funny to watch them scramble to keep up with her. ![]()
![]() Alex Wreschnig wrote: unless she dimension doors directly above a target If you read the conjuration effects in the magic section, you'll discover that you can't actually teleport or dimension door into mid-air, so sadly that's not viable either. I was equally confused about this particular opponent's tactics as well, as they seem to cede the combat to the PCs in a very strange manner and (as you observed) PCs will know to 5' step one way or the other to deal with reach weapons. Looking at the terrain, it may be possible to finagle some things regarding heights of boulders, steps, etc. which aren't specified in the scenario.Regarding the chronicle sheet, I'd argue this has one of the best chronicle sheet's I've seen outside of Season 4, though not necessarily for the faction being featured, but I've not seen as much Season 9 so I may be out of the loop. ![]()
![]() I would very much like to see a table reduction for specials, especially after 2.0 launches and it becomes even more challenging to schedule the specials. RE: Boon / scenario requirements - I would recommend a sheet similar to the "secondary successes" sheet be generated to convert them and avail as a download containing the affected specials. ![]()
![]() Bob Jonquet wrote: Also, let us remember that organized play is a marketing platform for Paizo. It would surprise me if they wanted PFS1 to continue any longer than it naturally will. They are unlikely to make significant rules changes to artificially force it to continue. It is not likely to bring much if any revenue since they won't be producing new content for 1E. Counter-point to that is that I'm pretty sure Paizo wants to sell through their remaining PF 1.0 product and with the "must own" restrictions, PFS is probably their only way to do so after 2.0 launches. ![]()
![]() RE: factional First Steps quests - I like that thought, but would also like to see something specific with differing VCs and for both "newly confirmed" pathfinders and "Seekers", especially to emphasize that differences in how those characters might be viewed by the Society as a whole and bring in some differences in missions from the different VCs / faction heads, etc. (ie "you've learned from you interactions with Drengle Dreng - you may cross this boon off of your chronicle sheet to recover from the effects of fatigue from lack of sleep" type of thing) |