Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness
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Wild, untamed lands hold a wealth of mystery and danger, providing the perfect backdrop for heroic adventure. Whether adventurers are climbing mountains in search of a dragon's lair, carving their way through the jungle, or seeking a long-lost holy city covered by desert sands, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness gives them the tools to survive the wilds. A new 20-level base class, the shifter, puts animalistic powers into the hands—or claws—of player characters and villains alike, with new class features derived from animalistic attributes. Overviews of druidic sects and rituals, as well as new archetypes, character options, spells, and more, round out the latest contribution to the Pathfinder RPG rules!

Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness is an invaluable hardcover companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an open playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.

Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness includes:

  • The shifter, a new character class that harnesses untamed forces to change shape and bring a heightened level of savagery to the battlefield!
  • Archetypes for alchemists, barbarians, bards, druids, hunters, investigators, kineticists, paladins, rangers, rogues, slayers, witches, and more!
  • Feats and magic items for characters of all sorts granting mastery over the perils of nature and enabling them to harvest natural power by cultivating magical plants.
  • Dozens of spells to channel, protect, or thwart the powers of natural environs.
  • New and expanded rules to push your animal companions, familiars, and mounts to wild new heights.
  • A section on the First World with advice, spells, and other features to integrate the fey realm into your campaign.
  • Systems for exploring new lands and challenging characters with natural hazards and strange terrain both mundane and feytouched.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-986-8

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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3.00/5 (based on 59 ratings)

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Another Great Hardback Update Collection!


Ultimate Wilderness is a much better book than some reviewers might lead you to believe. You get the new shifter class - which has had some basic errata since release - along with great archetypes for most of the other classes to help them fit into a wilderness-based campaign.

It's a great book to help players prepping to play something like Kingmaker or Ironfang Invasion. You get new spells, feats and a new exploration mode.

The book itself maintains the high quality of work that most Paizo products exhibit. The art in this book is some of my favorite in any of the hardback collections. There are a few updated spells that needed errata, such as snowball.

As a fan, I really like that several of the archetypes convert the flavor of many Game of Thrones characters into Pathfinder mechanics. What more could you ask for?

Lots of ptential, but none of it really sticks


I was extremely excited for this publication, so it's rather depressing how disappointing the books contents turned out to be.

The shifter class was an interesting idea, but when put down on paper is just druidic wild shape with hunter focus, in the form of aspects. It, unfortunately, never surpasses the druid in the wild shape department, and is, in fact, rather limited, and the temporary nature of all the aspects means that the shifter isn't terribly impressive in that regard either. The archetypes, both for the shifter and other classes, are interesting, but several suffer from massive drawbacks, for little to no gain. Like taking on druidic weapon/armor proficiencies and restrictions, including losing abilities for wearing metal, but don't gain any significant power to mkae up for it.

The new rules expansions are, for the most part, only thrown off by some conflicting skill applications (survival to harvest poison, but heal to take internal organ trophies?) but these are easy to ignore, or fix by homebrew. So these chapters are the most stable and useful of the lot.

One of the most exciting discoveries was the Cultivate Magic Plants feat, allowing you to grow plants that copy spell effects, but the price tag attached to them, especially when attached to something with the considerable disadvantages of being an immobile magical item, makes it entirely useless next to the crafting cost of regular magical items, especially if you have a GM that's willing to allow players to use the rules on creating new magical items. Just for an example, a goodberry bush can fully feed 2 people per day forever... for 4000 GP to craft. While you could make an item to infinitely cast goodberry for 2000 gp if you have to wear it, or better yet create food and water (for about 30000).

In conclusion, the book has a lot of cool stuff in it, but only for GMs. Players won't be able to make good use of many of the archetypes and feats as they revolve too much around staying in a single environment or working with nonsensical restrictions. While many of the feats are just too focused (or expensive) to be useful except to an NPC. GMs, grab it, it's got good stuff, but players will (and should) probably stick to what they've already got.

Everything I wanted from Ultimate Wilderness


Great race write ups, a fun new class (that doesn't require a ton of source books to play) and tons of information and systems to run a wilderness adventure or spice up the wilderness sections of any game. Definitely happy to add this one to my bookshelf.

Reprinted material, lack of clarity


First off, I'm a huge fan of Pathfinder. But I'm not a fan of "Ultimate Wilderness." There are a number of issues with the content in the book, mostly the clarity of language. A lot of the rules seem unclear and not straightforward. The shifter is the biggest example of this.
To be honest I was looking forward to the shifter, being far more robust than it actually is. And I understand that this is my issue with what I expected from them, but what built up my anticipation of the shifter was the quality of past classes released by Paizo: summoner, alchemist, witch, bloodrager, investigator, brawler, spiritualist, medium (even if it isn't harrowed), magus, ninja, hunter and so on and so forth.
Past that, I'm not a big fan of the reprinted material because I buy the smaller books. If I'm buying the smaller books why would I want to buy them again with a hardcover?
That being said, I'm still a big Pathfinder fan, but I'd like for future releases to take a different developmental cycle than what "Ultimate Wilderness" received. This book seems like it lacked editing and playtesting.


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Verzen wrote:
Mark. I have a shifter guide almost done. When can i publish it?

I would say waiting at least for the public release of the book would be in good taste. However, as I've cautioned potential guide authors in the past, it might be better to wait just a bit longer anyway to get more data , trying out a few builds in play and finding synergies and the like.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This should work with shifter, right?

What is the aromaphile like? How different is the Wolf Style tree from its original incarnation? What is the gathlain's new kineticist FCB like? :p

Verzen wrote:
Mark. I have a shifter guide almost done. When can i publish it?

I'm looking forward to it, hopefully some aspects of the Shifter are worthwhile.

Verzen wrote:

This should work with shifter, right?

They have the Wild shape class feature and an effective druid level for it. Seems fine to me.

PS: I look forward to checking out the guide and maybe adding some comments of my own.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Rowe. The dinosaur one (i cant spell the name from memory atm) and the tiger one are both purple for similar reasons. The wolverine one is also purple as it is just amazing. Its like being a barbarian / shifter hybrid

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graystone wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
That Sean fellow wrote:
Wait, there's a lycanthrope archetype?!

Yep, it is limited, but nice and flavorful. The shifter only gains one animal type, but gains DR/silver equal to half his shifter level. At level 4 he can also enter a hybrid form (of his size I believe) which has all of the animal form's abilities and automatically gains his shifter claws if he wants. Yay for werewolves that actually have claws!

The only problem I have with it is that it *still* struggles to be as good as something like the mooncursed barbarian (unless I am mistaken). Though the sheer amount of DR this archetype can get is nice, since most creatures can't bypass DR/silver.

yes, this one hit the nail on the head for flavor, no doubt.

mechanically, you have humanoid form AND all the attacks from major form. For instance, you can take the dino form and get 2 talons attacks and a bite then add weapon attacks then at 8th you get 2 forearm attacks too, meaning that if you use a non-hand weapon, like armor spikes or boulder helmet, you could make full weapon attacks and 5 natural weapon ones: then add that they can pounce from the start [4th]. Even if you don't use the natural weapons, you have a 120' pounce/charge...

Add the DR, and it's seems pretty solid IMO. Maybe not THE best, but I wouldn't complain if someone asked me to play one. ;)

PS: I noticed the void reference Mark. I thought it might have been you. :)


I'm not a min-maxer by any stretch so probably wouldn't try get all the five attacks. But being able to change and claws and pounce as a werewolf. I'm SO in!
Think it's going to be my next PFS character for sure.

From what I've heard so far I'm definitely going to be playing with the Lycanthrope Archetype, The Green Knight and the Nature Vigilante from these books at the very least.

Sean, where are you playing PFS? I am Joburg too

J4RH34D wrote:
Sean, where are you playing PFS? I am Joburg too

PFS...Pretty much only at Icon and on the boards here. Since there's no venture captains around and no other games really except in Pretoria and Durban I think.

Pity there's no Crocodile shape for the shifter from the sounds of it. I think it would be fun for a Osirian Shifter.

That Sean fellow wrote:
J4RH34D wrote:
Sean, where are you playing PFS? I am Joburg too

PFS...Pretty much only at Icon and on the boards here. Since there's no venture captains around and no other games really except in Pretoria and Durban I think.

I pmed you.

Mind shifting there so we dont derail too hard?

Liberty's Edge

im sure my subscription is in there somewhere. problem is its already been 8 days since i processed the payment for it.

Shark shifter?

Grand Lodge Contributor

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doc the grey wrote:

Also, though I've only fully read the nonvermin, nonplant animal companions thus far, all of them are cool both thematically and mechanically as far as I can see. Anglerfish, Celocanth, and Giant Squid are awesome aquatic additions, Yak as a large creature at 1st so it can be used as a mount is a godsend, the Saber-toothed cat has some amazing mechanical design with an insane bite damage AND an incentive to get the thing to grapple making it both mechanically interesting & novel AND historically accurate, and the marsupial lion made me look up a thing I never heard of and instantly want to have one as an animal companion. And that's just like the tip of the iceberg too, they finally did an Eohippus and I want to see a ranger with a tracking mini protohorse, Capybaras can be mounts for halflings who I now want to see on one in fullplate, and Tasmanian Devils are here and my only complaint is no ferocity. Also, Taz is a standard on the Ranger's Animal Companion list which is awesome. Also, they have wolfdogs now.

That all, is dope as s&%&.

Thanks! I designed the new animal companions (i.e. all except the llama, moose, and panda, which I think are reprints). I made it a point to include animals from as many continents & climate zones as possible, to include both extinct & extant species, new mounts for both Small and Medium PCs, and to include a few new variants for animals that were previously a bit generic. Glad to hear that you like the new stuff!

I wanted to make the new variants mechanically different from the existing companions and used real-world animals for inspiration. I found some interesting details on how, for example, saber-toothed cats were physically different from modern felines, and how it affected their hunting methods.

For the curious, I also designed:


The arrow champion (swashbuckler), cartographer (investigator), skirmisher (fighter), star watcher (investigator), tribal fighter (fighter), and wildstrider (swashbuckler) archetypes. The natural philosopher (investigator) also sounds like one of mine, but I haven't received my copies yet.

New psychic disciplines: ferocity, symbiosis.

New animal familiars: cat (margay), fire salamander, horned lizard, jerboa, lamprey, meerkat, tarsier, and vampire squid.

Some stuff I designed for Heroes of the Wild was also reprinted: Verdant Spell, wood shaman spirit.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I wish there was a rhino aspect that gave 2/4/6 natural enhanvement bonus to AC. Then i could emu late The Rhino from Spiderman!

This is all pretty cool. Any chance I can get more info on the Bard and Skald Archetypes?

Also, are any of the Ranger archetypes Spell-less?

Anyone have any info on the Wasteland Meditant archetype for monk?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What does the natural philosopher do?

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Gisher wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:
Wish I could stack the new Star Watcher Investigator with my Lamplighter...really cool archetype that gets proficiency with Starknife and Astrological extracts (means you make and read star charts to activate extracts).
Star Watcher sounds fun. I'll be curious as to whether it makes a viable switchhitter. But your Lamplighter is going to be happier with a Lantern Staff than Starknives anyway. :)

Very true, but that combination could've been so beautiful, could've been so right...(and if you get the reference, you may be over 40!).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Sideromancer wrote:
What does the natural philosopher do?

Declare things that they like natural law and thus right?

Pennate wrote:
How different is the Wolf Style tree from its original incarnation? What is the gathlain's new kineticist FCB like?

With Wolf Style, the amount of damage beyond the initial 10 you need to deal to reduce their speed was doubled. There are also minor clarifications regarding duration and the order of resolution of events. Wolf Trip received a small nerf regarding where your victims can land, and Wolf Savage was changed from acting as Bestow Curse to let you either fatigue, deal CHA damage, or deal CON damage.

Does anyone know why Wolf Style was nerfed? It was a cool feat chain, but it wasn't something that really struck me as overpowered.

Galthains don't have a Kineticist FCB listed :P Vine Leshys can get extra wood-element wild talents, though.

Mbertorch wrote:
Also, are any of the Ranger archetypes Spell-less?

Some of the archetypes add spells to your spell list, but none of them swap out spells :/

Bladelock wrote:
Anyone have any info on the Wasteland Meditant archetype for monk?

It's a chained monk archetype that swaps Stunning Fist out for something that fatigues your opponent, and can be activated as a free action when you deal damage (no need to declare that you're using it ahead of time!). It gets Evasion/Improved Evasion for Fort. saves, and concealment when taking double move actions in a desert. It can also turn people into salt at 15th level, instead of quivering fist :D

I don't expect to ever play a game set in a desert, so I probably won't ever use it, but if you are planning to this is an archetype worth considering, at least. It's a cool archetype.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

does the stargazer just get proficiency in star knives? or does it get so special abilities with them as well?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NewXToa wrote:
Does anyone know why Wolf Style was nerfed? It was a cool feat chain, but it wasn't something that really struck me as overpowered.

Because bestow curse is f!+#ing scary. And near limitless in what it can do.

Rysky wrote:
NewXToa wrote:
Does anyone know why Wolf Style was nerfed? It was a cool feat chain, but it wasn't something that really struck me as overpowered.

Because bestow curse is f*~$ing scary. And near limitless in what it can do.

...but the spell started showing up at least 4 character levels before you can take Wolf Savage. 3rd-level cleric spell, vs. requiring 9 ranks in Knowledge (Nature).

And the feat was the third in a chain, required a higher Wis than most martials will have, has strict usage requirements, and STILL allows a save. And Wolf Trip only triggers on AoOs, which generally implies reach weapons, but Wolf Savage only triggers on unarmed/natural attacks (so generally not reach weapons.)

Silver Crusade

Wolf Trip may only trigger on AoOs but Wolf Savage happens any time you damage a prone opponent. If you're taking Style feats there's usually a certain build you're going for along with it, and if you have a Unarmed Strike/Natural Attack character built for tripping this ability is probably gonna go off a lot more than the equivalent level spellcasters memorizing the spell.

That and the WS version goes of Fortitude rather than Will.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sir_Andrew wrote:
does the stargazer just get proficiency in star knives? or does it get so special abilities with them as well?

The Star Watcher archetype also gets access to two investigator talents that work with starknifes.

Rysky wrote:

Because bestow curse is f&+$ing scary. And near limitless in what it can do.

*mumble mumble* martials *mumble* nice things *mumble mumble*

I guess I can see why they'd nerf Wolf Savage, but as shaventalz said, that was only the 3rd feat in the chain. In addition, the nerfs they made to Wolf Style and Wolf Trip didn't affect how often Wolf Savage triggers at all, so there was apparently more than just Bestow Curse that the devs had an issue with.
Edit: Sorry, I meant to say "some of the nerfs made to..."

Rysky wrote:

Wolf Trip may only trigger on AoOs but Wolf Savage happens any time you damage a prone opponent. If you're taking Style feats there's usually a certain build you're going for along with it, and if you have a Unarmed Strike/Natural Attack character built for tripping this ability is probably gonna go off a lot more than the equivalent level spellcasters memorizing the spell.

That and the WS version goes of Fortitude rather than Will.

My point with the whole AoO thing was that, for most builds trying to use Wolf Savage, the first feat in the chain is useless. For that matter, a decent chunk of the second feat in the chain only works off of trip attempts during AoOs - the first feat doesn't use a trip attempt, and the third feat specifies a combat style that is more difficult to get AoOs with. So, potentially, you've spent two feats that don't synergize well with each other or your goal feat just to get here.

And yes, I realize it can happen the first time you damage a prone opponent on your turn (takes a swift action). That was part of the usage restriction I mentioned. And really, most of the stuff you'd have prone in melee is either dead anyway (caster types) or has a higher Fort than Will (most melee enemies.)

Silver Crusade

Wolf Trip wasn't changed at all.

I believe that instead of being able to make the creature land in a space adjacent to you, it now needs to be a square adjacent to both you and the creature in question.

Silver Crusade

NewXToa wrote:
I believe that instead of being able to make the creature land in a space adjacent to you, it now needs to be a square adjacent to both you and the creature in question.


Ah, gotcha.

Silver Crusade

shaventalz wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Wolf Trip may only trigger on AoOs but Wolf Savage happens any time you damage a prone opponent. If you're taking Style feats there's usually a certain build you're going for along with it, and if you have a Unarmed Strike/Natural Attack character built for tripping this ability is probably gonna go off a lot more than the equivalent level spellcasters memorizing the spell.

That and the WS version goes of Fortitude rather than Will.

My point with the whole AoO thing was that, for most builds trying to use Wolf Savage, the first feat in the chain is useless. For that matter, a decent chunk of the second feat in the chain only works off of trip attempts during AoOs - the first feat doesn't use a trip attempt, and the third feat specifies a combat style that is more difficult to get AoOs with. So, potentially, you've spent two feats that don't synergize well with each other or your goal feat just to get here.

And yes, I realize it can happen the first time you damage a prone opponent on your turn (takes a swift action). That was part of the usage restriction I mentioned. And really, most of the stuff you'd have in melee is either dead anyway (caster types) or has a higher Fort than Will (most melee enemies.)

I don't see how, if you do enough damage it trips them, which is a possible setup for Wolf Savage, since you can hit them with it on your turn or when they try to stand back up. Wolf Trip builds off Style.

And then Wolf Savage just requires they be prone, the other feats help with that but as long as the target is prone you can use, so tripping or a spellcaster casting grease, etc.

As for targets while the High Fortitude will be a problem there's the High Reflexes and Will save classes/creatures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fourshadow wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:
Wish I could stack the new Star Watcher Investigator with my Lamplighter...really cool archetype that gets proficiency with Starknife and Astrological extracts (means you make and read star charts to activate extracts).
Star Watcher sounds fun. I'll be curious as to whether it makes a viable switchhitter. But your Lamplighter is going to be happier with a Lantern Staff than Starknives anyway. :)
Very true, but that combination could've been so beautiful, could've been so right...(and if you get the reference, you may be over 40!).

I didn't get the reference because I'm too far over 40. Tiffany was after my teenage pop music phase. You kids and your crazy, newfangled music. :)

Your post did make me realize that I can't think of any Investigator archetypes that stack. I think they've been careful not to let that happen - at least with the good ones.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:
What does the natural philosopher do?
Declare things that they like natural law and thus right?

Wait tables until a tenure-track teaching position opens up?

Verzen wrote:
I wish there was a rhino aspect that gave 2/4/6 natural enhanvement bonus to AC. Then i could emu late The Rhino from Spiderman!

My favorite animal is the rhino so I fully support this idea.

I wish there were at least one aquatic option for the shifter. With Ruins of Azlant and a general aquatic focus recently it would have been nice to get more than frog.

In general still looking forward to the shifter, since I play at home making the common sense thing to make workable aren't hard. And as the only player in my group with an eye toward optiization having something that's a little lower but still cool story is a good option for me personally. And even if it isn't what I wanted exactly I still see potential in what it is (without having the book).

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It is too bad that there does not seem to be a "Wild Origins" Player Companion coming out next month. I have generally really liked those supplements. I guess they are skipping them now because of the elimination of the old hardback = generic/companion = world specific rule.

jedi8187 wrote:
Verzen wrote:
I wish there was a rhino aspect that gave 2/4/6 natural enhanvement bonus to AC. Then i could emu late The Rhino from Spiderman!

My favorite animal is the rhino so I fully support this idea.

I wish there were at least one aquatic option for the shifter. With Ruins of Azlant and a general aquatic focus recently it would have been nice to get more than frog.

In general still looking forward to the shifter, since I play at home making the common sense thing to make workable aren't hard. And as the only player in my group with an eye toward optiization having something that's a little lower but still cool story is a good option for me personally. And even if it isn't what I wanted exactly I still see potential in what it is (without having the book).

I'm hoping down the line we get shark and crocodile options for the shifter among others like say.. an armadillo or skunk. Those could be super fun.

NewXToa wrote:
Sir_Andrew wrote:
does the stargazer just get proficiency in star knives? or does it get so special abilities with them as well?
The Star Watcher archetype also gets access to two investigator talents that work with starknifes.

Ok, this has now become the first thing I'm checking out when I get this book.

That Sean fellow wrote:
jedi8187 wrote:
Verzen wrote:
I wish there was a rhino aspect that gave 2/4/6 natural enhanvement bonus to AC. Then i could emu late The Rhino from Spiderman!

My favorite animal is the rhino so I fully support this idea.

I wish there were at least one aquatic option for the shifter. With Ruins of Azlant and a general aquatic focus recently it would have been nice to get more than frog.

In general still looking forward to the shifter, since I play at home making the common sense thing to make workable aren't hard. And as the only player in my group with an eye toward optiization having something that's a little lower but still cool story is a good option for me personally. And even if it isn't what I wanted exactly I still see potential in what it is (without having the book).

I'm hoping down the line we get shark and crocodile options for the shifter among others like say.. an armadillo or skunk. Those could be super fun.

I'm fairly certain we will get new foci as more supplements come out. Which reminds me the new animal foci in this book for the shifter, does the Hunter get access to them? Would be easy enough to adapt them for the hunter if not?

Rysky wrote:
I don't see how, if you do enough damage it trips them,

If you hit them hard enough with *an AoO*. Not just a freebie during your turn. If you can force them to provoke during your turn, sure, but that gets even more niche.

Rysky wrote:
which is a possible setup for Wolf Savage, since you can hit them with it on your turn or when they try to stand back up.

Nope. Your turn only, because Wolf Savage requires a swift action to activate. And it's not "swift action to turn on the ability", it's "swift action after punching them," so no out-of-turn usage.

Rysky wrote:
Wolf Trip builds off Style.

How? Wolf Style doesn't actually make a trip attempt, and the first half of Wolf Trip gives a bonus to some trip attempts. The second half of Wolf Trip would apply, but it would also apply to any other trip attempts. If it didn't have the prerequisite, I wouldn't be able to tell it's actually part of a feat chain.

Rysky wrote:
As for targets while the High Fortitude will be a problem there's the High Reflexes and Will save classes/creatures.

The enemies with higher Ref or Will generally also have lower HP, and Wolf Style (feat #1) requires you to be able to do massive amounts of damage in a single blow. I'll grant that the change helps if you've got an outsider or fey prone at your feet (generally lower Fort bonus from HD), but they're also some of the creature types that are more likely to fly or have other tricky abilities to keep them from going prone. I doubt Wolf Savage works on objects, so Undead are safe. The change to Fort probably most helps against Aberrations and Monstrous Humanoids, but overall I would say that it's a less-desirable save to target for this particular use.

EDIT: Getting a little off-topic with this tangent, though. Back to the new stuff!

Are there any new familiars that would be a stronger Mauler than the fox?

Shadow Lodge

David knott 242 wrote:

It is too bad that there does not seem to be a "Wild Origins" Player Companion coming out next month. I have generally really liked those supplements. I guess they are skipping them now because of the elimination of the old hardback = generic/companion = world specific rule.

Yeah, those books always had things in them that could make a class or play style really shine(until nerfed in a reprint).

Gisher wrote:
NewXToa wrote:
Sir_Andrew wrote:
does the stargazer just get proficiency in star knives? or does it get so special abilities with them as well?
The Star Watcher archetype also gets access to two investigator talents that work with starknifes.
Ok, this has now become the first thing I'm checking out when I get this book.

They basically let you use your melee-only Investigator abilities when throwing your starknife.

jedi8187 wrote:
I'm fairly certain we will get new foci as more supplements come out. Which reminds me the new animal foci in this book for the shifter, does the Hunter get access to them? Would be easy enough to adapt them for the hunter if not?

The Shifter's Minor Forms seem to be about the same power level as (and at least in a few cases directly copy/pasted from) the Hunter's Animal Focus.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:
What does the natural philosopher do?
Declare things that they like natural law and thus right?
Wait tables until a tenure-track teaching position opens up?

This hurt my soul.

Also, bard/skald archetypes? Any cool news there?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rowe wrote:
Verzen wrote:
Mark. I have a shifter guide almost done. When can i publish it?
I'm looking forward to it, hopefully some aspects of the Shifter are worthwhile.

I'm looking forward to this too. Despite not being able to keep up with mine, I love guides a lot.

Mikko Kallio: Almost everything you listed I really liked! Keep up the good work! *two thumbs up* :)

Skald: Bacchanal [alcoholic goodberry eater...], boaster [endurance and diehard type feats], hunt caller [animal senses and form songs]

Bard: filgih [divine casting, druid armor, nature songs], cultivator [plant spells, affect plants with performances, plant growth song, some druid abilities], thundercaller [sound burst song, rage song, call lightning song, call lightning storm song]

graystone wrote:
Skald: Bacchanal [alcoholic goodberry eater...]

What, normal booze isn't good enough for them? Do grapes offend your refined palate, Mr. "I only eat sustainably-harvested microgrow berries"? Buncha elven snobs... :)

graystone wrote:
hunt caller [animal senses and form songs]

They... sing wild shape at people? Am I reading that right?

graystone wrote:
Bard: filgih [divine casting, druid armor, nature songs]

Do they use the Druid spell list?

graystone wrote:
thundercaller [sound burst song, rage song, call lightning song, call lightning storm song]

Any real difference from the original version?

Bacchanal can have regular booze too, don’t worry. (They’re also good at chugging potions.)

shaventalz wrote:

graystone wrote:
Bard: filgih [divine casting, druid armor, nature songs]

Do they use the Druid spell list?

Nope! They still cast spells as a bard, using the bard spell list. It just changes arcane to divine.

Shadow Lodge

That's kind of weird. Do any Druid or Ranger spells get added to the list?

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