Blue Dragon

Chris French's page

2 posts. Alias of agyess.

For the purpose of the starting point in sacred geometry what level is the sphere spell?

My play wants to say the starting point is the base SP cost

I think it should be caster level/2

I'm not looking for the DM is always right answer, that one I know, but I'm looking for rules based answer.


Is there a way to block a Sending? I have a party with 3 PCs with access to sending. and they have decided on a harassment campaign against the current main villain.

Sending is Evocation, spell resistance: no, saving throw: none. Short of living in an anti-magic bubble, there seems to be no way of blocking it. Seems OP for a level 4 spell.

If a creature gains a miss chance say dim light or shadow mastiff shadow blend, does that effect the chance to parry?

Has anyone reworked the poison cost list for the unchained poison track mechanics? VKP8/edit?usp=sharing
This spell is based on keep watch but refocused for a dwarven forgemaster cleric.

Focused Work
School: Enchantment; Level Cleric 1, wizard/sorc 1


Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F or DF


Range Touch
Target 1 creature per 2 caster levels
Duration 8 hours or less, see text
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)


When the spell is cast the subject chooses a single task, usually a craft skill, artistry skill or knowledge skill (the latter used when researching) and is able to work on the project throughout the duration of the spell. The focus is so intense that the subject is treated as sleeping for any perception checks made during this time that do not directly affect the current project. (An artist might not notice the thief stealing the coin pouch from his belt but would notice the same thief stealing his paints or brushes).

The target must stay withing 25 + 5 per 2 caster levels of the focus of their work.

​This spell enables the subjects to focus on a single task through out the night without ill effects.​

​The subjects suffer no fatigue and gain all the usual benefits of a full night's rest.​

​The subjects gain hit points as though from resting, wizards may prepare their spells as though they had slept for 8 hours, and so on. Effects that rely on actual sleep or dreaming are ineffective, though the subjects are still susceptible to effects that would put them to sleep, such as sleep or deep slumber. Any activity not directly related to the chosen task, including fighting, immediately ends the effect, and the affected creatures must either have the spell cast on them again or sleep for the remaining hours to avoid fatigue and gain the benefits of a full night's rest. ​

Who loses their attacks if the roll fails?

My PC may be running across a forged historical artifact... Now the real artifact would definitely count as have information associated with it. Would using legend lore on the false copy result in the longer 1d10 day casting time? and if so how would a proper bad guy go about hiding the fact that its a forgery?


The save DCs for 2 of this creatures special abilities (gibbering, spittle) are listed as Constitution bases (24/+7) but neither seems to be computed properly. they both should be 19 (assuming standard rules) but instead are listed at 13, 18 respectively.

Is there a reason behind this?


Started working on the conversions for D0 as a nice test run for the new rules. Most of the encounters can be converted fairly easily but 2 are sticking out as problematic (because the monsters aren't in the new MM) the darkmantles (Anyone got anything close?) and the cauldron (again any suggestions?).

I'm also a little worried about the worg, but I test ran a group of 5 kolbold skirmish in place of a PC group and w/o action points or encounter /daily level abilities they took it down to 20 hp.

so anyone got any thoughts to help me out here?

Seems this one got me too.

Just curious how long (real time) people are taking in getting through each AP? My group averaged 2-3 sessions (6 hours) per AP, thought to be fair at times we skip whole sections both intentionally and unintentionally. (we decided not to go on the bore hunt and more or less left the giants on in their mountain figuring it was better just to deal with Karzog and be done with it.)