Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory 2 (PFRPG)

3.40/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory 2 (PFRPG)
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Armed for Adventure

Following in the tradition of the most popular Pathfinder Player Companion of all time, Adventurer's Armory 2 is a comprehensive guide to equipment of all sorts. Containing a wide array of new adventuring gear, alchemical items, armor, clothing options, magic items,poisons, tools, traps, and weapons to outfit any character, this guide is a welcome addition to any armory. Whether you're looking to gain the edge in combat or fit in to a social situation, Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer's Armory 2 has you covered!

Inside this book you'll find:

  • New feats, spells, and skill tricks to allow any adventurer to get the most out of the equipment they already own.
  • Armor and weapon modifications, allowing smiths or skilled adventurers to customize equipment on the fly to meet specific needs.
  • New construct familiars known as poppets—stuffed or wicker dolls crafted to carry out simple tasks at their masters' bidding.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-945-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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Yay! More Weapons!


I don´t know what kind of Pathfinder game the writers play...


...but it´s not the one i wanna play.

I first read "Adventurer´s Armory" and then this book. The first one is superior in every single way.

-The Spider-Silk Bodysuit is very useful if you are a drow with high dex and not enough money for bracers of armor.
-The Dwarven war shield is nice if you always wanted to play a dwarf with two shields.
-The Drow Razor is great for sneak attacks and criticals.
-The Sanpkhang is a poison-users weapon of choice.
-Gnome Piston Maul & Gnome Ripsaw Glaive are both fun and useful.
-The Orc Hornbow is very powerful, but it´s an exotic weapon for everyone without orc-blood.
-The tools and kits are good as are the poisons.
-The six spells are all very flavorful and useful.
-The Alchemical Wares.
-Concoctions are fun, especially if you drink too many.

-The traits are all much too specialized.
20 out of the 25 new weapons are bad.
-The Ladder, Lantern, Lamp, Mirror and Pole Equipment tricks are very special and far away from the usefulness of the Heavy Blade Scabbard and Shield tricks from AA.
-The new Clothing, magic items and Alchemical Equipment tricks are of very limited use or costly.
-The Equipment from Abroad items are underwhelming.

-Equipment Packages are clearly overpowered for 1st level characters. For instance, the "Holy Warrior Package" is worth 1245 gold pieces - more than a 2nd level player character has!
-Armor Modifications give very minor special boni but impose larger penalties.
-The Butchering Axe is way overpowered, i wouldn´t allow it in my games.
-The Weapon modifications are very pricy, give minor boni and often may need a feat to use.
-The nine feats are all bad.
-Out of the 18 Adventuring Gear items, 17 are very special and one is overpowered (Spring loaded scroll case).
-Nalinivati´s kiss got cut from the book but is still listed on the interior back cover.
-Poppets, while being a nice idea, are too cheap and easy to construct, their capabilities are held too vague. Their whole existence undermines the craft construct feat and would change the way manual labor is done on Golarion significantly. This is not well thought out.

To me 21 of 30 pages are useless, 9 are interesting.
While i am used to the fact that most of the Player Companions have 50% good and 50% bad content, this one is weaker than most.

Repackaging and Bloating


Following the recent trend of compiling, repackaging, and nerfing of material from other books this product also adds a lot more unnecessary and very niche gear to further contribute to Pathfinder bloat. This is compounded further with the fact that every interesting item features a drawback and Feat tax to avoid said drawback. The only standout items in this book are the Equipment Packages and the Poppets, but these aren't really enough to justify the cost and further game bloat.

Needed to be more adventurous


For the most part this is a very solid book. The equipment packages are a great idea for players who want to get started fast without hunting through pages of items for the prices of cheap equipment (and are a good value to boot), I want one of those waifu body pillows for the Butchering Axe, the Poppets are a great idea as cheap, easy-to-build, handy constructs, and I absolutely adore the new equipment tricks. There are also a number of reprinted items, but at least there's enough new material that it doesn't feel as egregious as when the Adventurer's Guide did it.

However, a bunch of the stuff seems like it was toned down or otherwise weakened in the interest of playing it safe. The biggest examples of this are probably the Armor/Weapon Modifications that were included. The basic idea is great, giving some customization options to players who want to add new effects or shiny bells to their equipment, but the system needed more room to grow and display what it could do rather than two pages overall. Most of the armor modifications aren't worth the price for the modification because the effects seem almost nerfed by committee, like the modification which dazzles a creature once per day if they fail a (admittedly good) DC, or the one which has a chance of sickening a creature if they happen to be using power attack and their mother just called last night and complained about how much better their brother is doing as a monster in The Dragon's Crypt, and have they met any nice goblin girls yet? The weapon modifications are a bit better off, but most of the modifications are miniscule bonuses that could have been boiled down to some additions to the Weapon Design Rules (from Weapon Master's Handbook) and a note on how to attach those additions to already existing weapons. As much as I'd want those rules to be expanded and refined into something really worthwhile, they're most likely just going to be forgotten as a bunch of weak non-magical weapon "enchantments".

It just feels... too toned down, in a way that's kind of hard to voice properly. Like the entire book was restrained, or the writers couldn't make a bunch of cool weird items for one reason or another. The first book had the feeling of being a treasure box of items that made your mind spin with the possibilities for each one. This one feels like a store shelf, where everything's been placed out for display in a very specific way, and you're just browsing for something that you want.

tl;dr Not the best book, but it's still fairly solid and has some good ideas and new tricks.

Reprints and Niche Gear


1) The direction of the artwork.
2) Equipment tricks
3) Niche Gear
4) Reprints of previous gear.

1) Equipment packages

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Forget pants, we need "Boxers of Power".

Chamber Pot of Potions.

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Chamber Pot of Potions.

What is That? A way to recycle potions?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Chamber Pot of Potions.
What is That? A way to recycle potions?


Sovereign Court

Socks of Coin Storage (negates coinage weight up to 100 pounds of coins i.e. up to 5,000 coins; coins go to a pathfinder pouch like extradimensional pocket; can be worn after coins are inserted in it but must remove socks to retrieve gold; socks worn weigh nothing; socks carried but not worn weigh ten times less than their content i.e. divide weight of coin by 10, so 10 pounds when full; the price of this item is per sock, so a pair of socks combined could accommodate up to 10,000 coins)

Underwear of Freshness (warriors and adventurers have come to rely on these accessories, especially during lengthy exploration or during wartime; any waste generated when wearing this garment is teleported 100 miles away in a random direction)

Socks of Static Cling, Belt of Many Pockets, Bra/Panties of Feminine Virtue, Broom of Animated Cleaning, Yo-Yo of Destruction, Instant Tent/House/Mansion, Bowling Ball Feather Token, Meteorite Flumph Figurine, Rod of Dustbunnies, Garter Belt of Hidden Weapons, etc.

Going off of that Bra/Panties of Feminine Virtue, A long time ago, for a book series that I never actually wrote more than a prologue for (I always did more world building than story crafting when coming up with ideas, so actually writing a book is more difficult than it should be given how long I've been thinking about this series), I came up with an idea about how a popular trend among females in the magical world was to have their bras cursed so that if someone other than themselves attempted to undo the clasp it would "bite" the hand of the person undoing it, usually with some sort of venom that would result in nausea or unconsciousness. I came up with this idea in elementary school when, due to popular media, I was under the impression that a common practice on dates was to go to the movies, not watch the movie, and the guy tries to undo the clasp on the bra (I didn't know why, I just thought that it was part of the courtship ritual), so I thought that would be an amusing thing that could happen sometimes.

I would imagine that such a concept could be reworked for certain types of spy-like characters, like certain parts of the Calistrian church, or something, so that when using seduction techniques to get close to a mark for the purposes of clandestine information gathering, one would not have to actually engage in intercourse.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

Underwear of Freshness (warriors and adventurers have come to rely on these accessories, especially during lengthy exploration or during wartime; any waste generated when wearing this garment is teleported 100 miles away in a random direction)

Directly upwards counts.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

very much looking forward to this but...

PLEASE no potion sponge items that solve a problem or rules ambiguity that doesn't exist.

Does Seelah seem really light skinned in that art to anyone else?

Grand Lodge

Hopefully we'll get a repeating hand crossbow scope and extended banana clip. We need more R.H.C. additions!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Banana Hammock of Accommodation. Like a Bag of Holding, but...

It also doubles as a camping item. Sleeps several comfortably.

djones wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

Underwear of Freshness (warriors and adventurers have come to rely on these accessories, especially during lengthy exploration or during wartime; any waste generated when wearing this garment is teleported 100 miles away in a random direction)

Directly upwards counts.

And now we know why aliens made Golarion disappear in Starfinder... they could never live down the embarrassment of their passing starfleet being severely damaged by a frozen poo Kessler syndrome orbital cloud moving at 4-6 miles/second.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhudrew wrote:

Banana Hammock of Accommodation. Like a Bag of Holding, but...

It also doubles as a camping item. Sleeps several comfortably.

Congrats. You've just opened the door for the cursed banana hammock of devouring.

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:

Banana Hammock of Accommodation. Like a Bag of Holding, but...

It also doubles as a camping item. Sleeps several comfortably.

Congrats. You've just opened the door for the cursed banana hammock of devouring.

Sounds like a mimic.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Congrats. You've just opened the door for the cursed banana hammock of devouring.

That's even more dire than the cursed banana hammock of envy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Rubix Cube of Frustration;)

I'd like to see a way for ancestral weapons to actually work in PF.

3.5 had a pretty good option in Ancestral Relic (take a feat. Now you can sacrifice treasure and add its full value, instead of selling it for half, to the value of a single magic item adding new abilities as appropriate.) that was simple and effective, but the new item crafting rules make it odd to port directly.

Perhaps some magic items that can grow in power as an innate part, like gaining new abilities when more precious gem are inserted into it.

Personally I think a 32 page book is too small for detailed rules for a well done version of ancestral weapons/relics type rules.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd love to see more "non-Japanese" weapons from Asia.

Edit 1: I guess I should make a list and link to info/pics.

Edit 2: On the off-hand, this book would also be a good place to detail more weapons from non-humans (elves, dwarves, halflings, araneas, etc.).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I'd love to see more "non-Japanese" weapons from Asia.

Edit 1: I guess I should make a list and link to info/pics.

Edit 2: On the off-hand, this book would also be a good place to detail more weapons from non-humans (elves, dwarves, halflings, araneas, etc.).

For that matter, I'd love to see some 'half' weapons. "Great Scimitar: This weapon was developed by Half Orcs who liked the power of the falchion but preferred the option to use it one handed." (basically that would be a refluffed katana, but weapons made to play to the half breed's strengths is my thought.)

Dragon78 wrote:

Personally I think a 32 page book is too small for detailed rules for a well done version of ancestral weapons/relics type rules.

No need to devote an entire subsystem to it. The BoED feat I mentioned is only half a page, about a quarter of which is an example.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Matthew Morris wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I'd love to see more "non-Japanese" weapons from Asia.

Edit 1: I guess I should make a list and link to info/pics.

Edit 2: On the off-hand, this book would also be a good place to detail more weapons from non-humans (elves, dwarves, halflings, araneas, etc.).

For that matter, I'd love to see some 'half' weapons. "Great Scimitar: This weapon was developed by Half Orcs who liked the power of the falchion but preferred the option to use it one handed." (basically that would be a refluffed katana, but weapons made to play to the half breed's strengths is my thought.)

Apologies, but I can't resist complaining some more about how a very agile one-handed weapon in real life became a ponderous 2-hander that's bigger (but weaker) than a greatsword in D&D/Pathfinder. Maybe on Golarion "falchions" are an orc thing, but how and why?

Silver Crusade

Erich Williams wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I'd love to see more "non-Japanese" weapons from Asia.

Edit 1: I guess I should make a list and link to info/pics.

Edit 2: On the off-hand, this book would also be a good place to detail more weapons from non-humans (elves, dwarves, halflings, araneas, etc.).

For that matter, I'd love to see some 'half' weapons. "Great Scimitar: This weapon was developed by Half Orcs who liked the power of the falchion but preferred the option to use it one handed." (basically that would be a refluffed katana, but weapons made to play to the half breed's strengths is my thought.)
Apologies, but I can't resist complaining some more about how a very agile one-handed weapon in real life became a ponderous 2-hander that's bigger (but weaker) than a greatsword in D&D/Pathfinder. Maybe on Golarion "falchions" are an orc thing, but how and why?

You would need to ask the DnD peeps then, because to my knowledge it's always been like that.

How did I miss the construct assistants.

so are we phasing out amulets of mighty fists yet? :)

Dark Archive

I'm reluctant about this.
Ultimate Equipment (pocket edition out in october - yay) should cover pretty much anything.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:

I'm reluctant about this.

Ultimate Equipment (pocket edition out in october - yay) should cover pretty much anything.

Seeing as how there's always new magic items and equipment in... pretty much everything they put out, before and after UE, I'm gonna disagree.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Im looking forward to poppets. Tiny constructs that can run around attending to their masters needs, while also looking like little cloth dolls. Hopefully they won't be too expensive. After all how will my strange witch doctor be able to gather the hairs, blood and skin for his ganji dolls to control those who dare to disrespect my home.

Shadow Lodge

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I'd like to see more d12 Weapons, and possibly some Two-Handed massive smashy weapons along the lines of a "War Mace" or "Great Flail".

Some Feat Chains for NOT-MONK, NOT MAGIC, Weapon Fighting Styles that are not religious or deity based, (but perfectly viable for religious warriors), and do not involve Combat Expertise (or other odd Prereqs). Particularly for heavy Heavy Mace, Warhammer, Greatsword/Bastard Sword/Longsword, Dagger, and Longspear. Similarly, Non-Magical Options for Thrown Combat styles. <By Non-Magical, I mean mundane Fighting Style Feats that a Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Battle Cleric/Oracle, Warpriest, Rogue, etc. . . could all feasibly pick up and use fairly equally and effectively, but do not require a Patron Deity or Spellcasting ability at all. These are not specifically designed for the Monk, or any specific Class Feature.>

A large focus on Simple and Martial Weapons, and not much on Exotic or obscure weapons that are a lot less likely to actually be used at the table or more than a few times.

Ways to get Wis to Attack/Damage. <We have multiple versions for Dex which is much more problematic than good for the game many times, and a few for Cha or Int.>

A good selection of Cleric/Warpriest spells, as well as Bloodrager. Not so much for Wizard/Magus/Witch/Bard.

I agree, put the Scroll in Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath table variation out to pasture.

A Warpriest Archetype that focuses on Deity's Favored Weapon.

Hm. I didn't notice it before but I guess they updated the page and the artwork.

Silver Crusade


DM Beckett wrote:
I agree, put the Scroll in Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath table variation out to pasture.

Actually, this particular question has already been answered. Campaign Clarifications got an extra note under the original Adventurer's Armory.

Campaign Clarifications wrote:
A wrist sheath or spring-loaded wrist sheath can hold one forearm-length item. In addition to the listed examples, wrist sheaths can be used to store and deploy potions and scrolls. They cannot hold rods.

Any chance of a Artificer's Lab?

We already have a portable version from Advanced Race Guide, wondering if we'll get anymore variants


Dragon78 wrote:

Hmmm. Like Woody and Buzz or more like Chucky?

I'm assuming more like Nine from that other movie about poppets.

You know, with this book coming out and seeing all the cool stuff that has come out dealing with equipment, proficiency, etc, I think we could stand to have an equipment focused book that isn't just a catalog. I'm gonna make a thread...

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I would prefer an ultimate equipment book volume 2.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
I would prefer an ultimate equipment book volume 2.

I mean, for any player companion book I've liked, I would have preferred a similar full hardcover. It's kind of like preferring twenty-dollar bills over tens, isn't it?

**cough-cough** scorpion whip **cough-cough**

I really like the sound of the poppets. Very exciting.

I was talking about what Albatoonoe was talking about, not the product itself.

*still think we'll get Stitchpunk poppets*

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I want a poppet that makes me coffee as soon as I wake up every morning and already has my spellbook set up for me and can do my hair while I prep spells.

Is this so much to ask? Imps just don't do the trick. They're not gentle with a comb...and I think they spit in my coffee every morning.

Dark Archive

At least it's only spit. The cynthigots keep leaving spores in my scrambled eggs...


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Scholar of Damnation wrote:
At least it's only spit. The cynthigots keep leaving spores in my scrambled eggs...

There's sprouted grains and almonds and the like, they're just continuing the food trend!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Braniac wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Can we get stats on socks and underwear please?
And pants while you're at it. Some decent, magical pants. And a pants slot to put them in.
Pants? great idea. Make them slotless..

You can't have slotless pants, otherwise they're just pants-shaped cloth. No way to put your legs through them.

Still hopin' this includes a dual Amulet of Mighty Fists/Natural Armor in it. XD I'm genuinely surprised that such an item apparently hasn't been published before.

It would be horrendously expensive so people have to pick between it or the other two necklaces.

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