Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer's Guide (PFRPG)

3.30/5 (based on 32 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer's Guide (PFRPG)
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Being an adventurer is a dangerous line of work, but the rewards are well worth the risk. The smartest adventurers never go it alone—they not only bring allies to help explore the dangerous reaches of the world, but also seek aid in the form of support, supplies, and secrets from powerful organizations. With such a group to serve as a guide, an adventuring party's chances for success have never been better!

Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide presents several such organizations, each with its own suite of benefits and boons to grant those affiliated with it. Designed for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and drawing upon the rich traditions of the official Pathfinder campaign setting, this indispensable guide for adventurers provides a wealth of new character options for your game.

Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide includes:

  • Details on 18 different organizations that use adventurers to further their goals, including the law-enforcing Hellknights, the sinister assassins of the Red Mantis, and of course, the world-renowned Pathfinder Society itself.
  • A wealth of new player options, including feats, spells, magic items, prestige classes, archetypes, and new abilities and powers for a wide range of classes.
  • Rules and advice on how to incorporate the new options found in this book into your own game, whether it takes place in the official Pathfinder campaign setting or in a world of your own choice or design.
  • Notes on the movers and shakers of each organization—nonplayer characters who can come alive in your game as allies and advisors for the player characters.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-938-7

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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3.30/5 (based on 32 ratings)

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Deepens My Investment in Golarion


I didn’t expect to find such a connection to this book, having not played the APs that touch on the various groups contained herein (and also just generally hating hellknights), but hoo-boy was I surprised.

The writing is lovely, the characters and organizations are vivid, and the player options are exciting and well-designed. The gray maidens chapter in particular blew me away in particular. The mechanics of their player options are a pedect combination of flavorful and mechanically effective, and have the added bonus of fitting together into a coherent and effective character build.

Great Book!


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

These days, it can take a lot for a book focused on new feats, spells, etc. to impress me. I’ve reached a saturation point. There are so many options now that I can’t keep track of them all, and most new ones get forgotten soon after I read them. Adventurer’s Guide is one of the few books that stays in my mind and keeps pulling me back to it. I can’t recommend it enough!

The worst core line offering by far


The title is misleading, as was posited by many during the product preview, and mealy-mouthedly denied by Paizo. This is a Golarion book, period, which has no place in the core line, and the contents consist of an insultingly large percentage of reprints. Shameful, really.

Good Product if New


Soooo...I'm going to say that I obsessively collect Pathfinder products, and as such, much of this material is old hat for me. Emphasis here is 'for me.' With that said, I want to examine this in a vacuum.

The artwork is good, but then, it's been good. It serves more as a 'Faction Guide 2' for me than anything, giving some details about the various organizations, class options, feats, and ties. In particular, though, I like that I don't have to flip through two or three books to get character options for the factions. Hellknights in particular were always a pain due to how diffuse their rules were. I can now hand this book to a person and say "here ya go. Here's some ideas of factions in the setting."

One drawback, as has been mentioned, is spoilers for the various APs. While I use those sparingly, it can be somewhat problematic, and I'd suggest steering players away from this if that's the case.

Overall, it's a decent enough product. If you're new to the setting, it's worth picking up as a nice collected list. If you're old hat, a few options inside are interesting enough, and a few setting updates are worth examining. I'm particularly interested in the Lantern Bearers' new direction.

Solid addition with some faults


This book helps clear up and collect a lot of older material, balanced now with other released material for GMs. It also adds in a wealth of new material for factions of Adventurers across Golarion.

What's good?
A solid collection of old and new under one singular heading.

What's bad?
Some factions contain major spoilers, making it hard for a GM to just pass off to players who may be playing certain APs.

What's fun?
Inclusion of multiple races and creeds and even transgendered factions and npcs in multiple parts of the book. This book really fleshed out some factions which had little to no crunch.

What's odd?
Certain feats are fun but others are less the useable. A feat that allows a bonus on maneuvers but doesn't stack with improved maneuver feats? Those are the ones that help avoid AoO. So what's the point of the feat? Additionally a heads up to some people about the amount of reprints would have calmed an angry section of customers.

Honestly I love the book and can't wait to try out some of the new material and some of the updated versions of older (and due to other books options more unbalanced) options.

When you get past the salty tears of angry optimizers, you're left with a fine entry into the guides section with Inner Seas flavour.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hopefully they will upload it along with a blog post, and maybe give us a preview.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So eager to have this I subscribed today! Is it May yet?!

Dark Archive

Finally updated.

The three most iconic prestige-classes of Pathfinder are a good choice for the cover, as they are easily recognizable even for people who don't know much about Golarion.

Lantern Lodge

Marco Massoudi wrote:

Finally updated.

The three most iconic prestige-classes of Pathfinder are a good choice for the cover, as they are easily recognizable even for people who don't know much about Golarion.

OK I must be missing something because to the best of my knowledge Grey Maidens have never had a published Prestige class. If I'm wrong please tell me where it is I'm only a couple of weeks away from the maidens being introduced to my CotCT game.

Silver Crusade

Nope, they not a Prestie Class nor Archetype.

Till now.

Rysky wrote:

Nope, they not a Prestie Class nor Archetype.

Till now.

"And there was much rejoicing...yay." Seriously, that will be very cool.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

Finally updated.

The three most iconic prestige-classes of Pathfinder are a good choice for the cover, as they are easily recognizable even for people who don't know much about Golarion.

I didn't know who they were till I was told. At first I was like "so instead of the iconics we have bug-dude, a blackguardy dude that isn't the blackguard iconic and the person from the back of the CRB".

So have they revealed yet all the organizations yet?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Milo v3 wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Finally updated.

The three most iconic prestige-classes of Pathfinder are a good choice for the cover, as they are easily recognizable even for people who don't know much about Golarion.

I didn't know who they were till I was told. At first I was like "so instead of the iconics we have bug-dude, a blackguardy dude that isn't the blackguard iconic and the person from the back of the CRB".

Which would have been the case if we'd made up brand new organizations, of course.

But by using organizations from Golarion, some of the audience will know immediately who they are and will be all the more excited and intrigued. Which is better than no one knowing anything.

James Jacobs wrote:

Which would have been the case if we'd made up brand new organizations, of course.

But by using organizations from Golarion, some of the audience will know immediately who they are and will be all the more excited and intrigued. Which is better than no one knowing anything.

Yes, I just found the idea of people who know nothing of golarion finding them recognisable an odd one.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Milo v3 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Which would have been the case if we'd made up brand new organizations, of course.

But by using organizations from Golarion, some of the audience will know immediately who they are and will be all the more excited and intrigued. Which is better than no one knowing anything.

Yes, I just found the idea of people who know nothing of golarion finding them recognisable an odd one.

Whether or not you recognize them as specific Golarion content, there's a VERY good chance anyone who buys the Core Rulebook will recognize at least the Gray Maiden... since she's on the back cover of the Core Rulebook.

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Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
CBDunkerson wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
When will the cover be updated?
If you just want to see the cover art, I posted a link to it here. ^_^
A Hellknight, a Grey Maiden, and a Red Mantis assassin walk into a bar...

The bartender says, "can you kill a man for me?"

"Is he a criminal?" the Hellknight asks sternly.

"Is he the ruler of a nation?" the Red Mantis asks menacingly.

"Is he someone who can finally help me have more than a highly limited purpose and one-dimensional backstory?" the Grey Maiden asks plaintively.

The bartender pauses before replying, "It's James Jacobs."

Taking no chances, the Grey Maiden kills her companions before they can respond, then stabs the bartender through the heart and rushes out to guard Mr. Jacobs 24/7, weeping grateful tears of joy.

And Pharasma has her new knightly order.

I think that's probably the nicest Mantis assassin picture I have seen thus far....

Looks like Wayne Reynolds correct ?

James Jacobs wrote:
3 of its most important NPC members,

Do the NPC members of each organization get stat blocks, or are these just descrpitions of who they are and what they do in the organization? Or perhaps does it depend on the organization?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
VVKing wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
3 of its most important NPC members,
Do the NPC members of each organization get stat blocks, or are these just descrpitions of who they are and what they do in the organization? Or perhaps does it depend on the organization?

They get super short stat blocks; Alignment, sex, race, class, level. Many of them have had stats appear in other products, but again... the focus of the book is on what these groups can do to support and guide adventurers, not on what and who they are themselves.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sounds like a good and interesting book to me that can greatly help both players and Gms to enhance campaigns.

Question i have to ask though, will there be an organization from Tian Xia? And other places than the Inner Sea? Looking at the Keleshite Empire and Garund there as well?

Great looking book! How long before it would be PFS sanctioned?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So looking forward to this and using bits and pieces in my Curse of the Crimson Throne game.

Looking forward to this. My group is playing Serpent Skull now and factions play such a big part in that series. Totally disappointed however that the 9th Battalion didn't make the cut !

I wish it would hurry up and come out already.....I'm really eager to see what they came up with for the Cypher Mages, RMA, and Grey Maidens....

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Organizations of the Adventurer's Guide blog post is up!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Rivethun. Dwarves finally have gotten their own "Golarion" spin. Yay! :)

I'm looking forward to this. I'm getting a feeling of anticipation similar to that of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting years ago. This feels like I'm getting the part that was missing from the Inner Sea World Guide. Organisations made flesh and not just mentioned in passing. Now you can play a member of one of those pivotal organisations. Nice.

Really, really, really hoping modules or APs will support these new PrCs (i.e. not just destined for NPC stats, but also meant for players in those modules or APs - the cover of the book is begging for its own AP, nay, it's own novel... I would so read the adventures of this evil trio...)

A bit sad that the Sleepless Detectives and the Mendevian Crusaders aren't featured in the list, but other than that it's a pretty solid list.

Heine Stick wrote:
A bit sad that the Sleepless Detectives and the Mendevian Crusaders aren't featured in the list, but other than that it's a pretty solid list.

I would hope these two would make the cut for a 2nd book, if that happened...hopefully it will. Already excited for this one.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

If you're as interested as I am in seeing a follow-up, remember to not just purchase, but review! ^_^

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Interesting that Silver Ravens made the list.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

*skims* Wow. That is a LOT of character content.

How long before this would be PFS legal?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
How long before this would be PFS legal?

It's in the core rulebook line. John Compton helped with the second development pass. My hope is that it's PFS legal pretty quickly as a result... hopefully on par with however long it takes any hardcover rulebook to become "PFS legal."

But don't take that as a promise, since I'm pretty much 99% ignorant of how things become "PFS legal" in the first place!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If we are very lucky it can go legal on release.
If we are lucky, it will go legal about 2 weeks after release (they say they try to do their PFS posts about mid month)
If we aren't lucky, it could be a month and a half or more.

I'm eager to get this but haven't even received a 'Pending' notice yet...which is unusual.

EDIT: Now I know why--shipping doesn't begin until NEXT Monday...razin'frazzin'skrazza'raggit! I has a sad now. :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I heard an interview on the Know Direction podcast the other day that said that Paizo was going to be experimenting with putting Golarion specific content into the RPG line of books. Then I come to check out what new books are coming.

I gotta say, I do not agree with this new direction. Keep the campaign specific stuff in the Campaign Setting line, and keep the RPG line setting neutral. This should NOT be in the RPG line.

I will not be buying this book, not because I don't like the idea of it, but because I don't want to contribute to Paizo thinking that all of us consumers are supportive of the blurring of the lines between the RPG and Campaign Setting stuff.

I know this has been hashed out back and forth between plenty of people in this thread, and I understand both sides. I don't agree at all with the people defending this crossover. I'm not expecting them to agree with me at all either. I'm not posting this to renew this discussion. I'm posting to add my voice as an additional number to those that have spoken up about their disagreement with the crossover.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

17 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't expect everyone to agree with our decision to directly support Golarion in the rulebook line, and it wasn't a decision we arrived at lightly in-house to go forward with... but it's the decision we made (and one that I personally am very glad we made) and it's very likely going to be the case going forward.

All I can ask is that folks who don't agree with this decision to check out a copy of the book in your local game store—the TYPE of content we're putting in these books is the same. It's only the proper nouns that have changed. The rule content remains 100% open content, in any event.

But it's not up for a vote. This is what we're doing going forward with the rulebooks for the foreseeable future.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just want to see what Council of Thieves Pr-Class looks like honestly...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
This is what we're doing going forward with the rulebooks for the foreseeable future.

Then I wish you, and the rest of Paizo, luck in your future endeavors. This is where we part ways.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I just want to see what Council of Thieves Pr-Class looks like honestly...

I'm excited to see the final result. ^_^

Dark Archive

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
This is what we're doing going forward with the rulebooks for the foreseeable future.
Then I wish you, and the rest of Paizo, luck in your future endeavors. This is where we part ways.

Okay, seriously, this is something I've been wondering for years, but why are customers on Internet so melodramatic? .-.

I mean, seriously, that not first time I've seen "Good bye company, I shall take my leave and never return until new release of something awesome I want"

Like, to me it feels like customers are trying to intimidate company to sell stuff they specifically want ._.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
This is what we're doing going forward with the rulebooks for the foreseeable future.
Then I wish you, and the rest of Paizo, luck in your future endeavors. This is where we part ways.

Okay, seriously, this is something I've been wondering for years, but why are customers on Internet so melodramatic? .-.

I mean, seriously, that not first time I've seen "Good bye company, I shall take my leave and never return until new release of something awesome I want"

Like, to me it feels like customers are trying to intimidate company to sell stuff they specifically want ._.

That is kind of the tactic yes. That is exactly what their doing. Otherwise why say it and not just do it?

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Vidmaster7 wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
This is what we're doing going forward with the rulebooks for the foreseeable future.
Then I wish you, and the rest of Paizo, luck in your future endeavors. This is where we part ways.

Okay, seriously, this is something I've been wondering for years, but why are customers on Internet so melodramatic? .-.

I mean, seriously, that not first time I've seen "Good bye company, I shall take my leave and never return until new release of something awesome I want"

Like, to me it feels like customers are trying to intimidate company to sell stuff they specifically want ._.

That is kind of the tactic yes. That is exactly what their doing. Otherwise why say it and not just do it?

But don't they realize how petty that sounds?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

There is no good answer that will make you feel better about it. either they know and don't care or they are too dumb to know neither is terribly satisfying.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Folks; don't worry too much about it. Let's try to stay focused on the Adventurer's Guide itself and not get hung up on whether or not someone else thinks it's a good idea or not, or whether someone will or won't buy the book.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That Council of Thieves bit is a little too late for me (over halfway through book 6 of that module right now), but it'll be neat nonetheless. Looks like a good 18 organizations to get new information on. Can't wait for this book!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A less dramatic way of putting it is "Vote with your wallet." You don't like the way a company is conducting their business or what they're selling? Don't buy their stuff. Sure, if you come to Paizo's forum and tell people "Hey, don't buy their stuff" the devs are going to naturally get defensive about it; it's their livelihood. But that's how business goes.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dark Midian wrote:
A less dramatic way of putting it is "Vote with your wallet." You don't like the way a company is conducting their business or what they're selling? Don't buy their stuff. Sure, if you come to Paizo's forum and tell people "Hey, don't buy their stuff" the devs are going to naturally get defensive about it; it's their livelihood. But that's how business goes.

I'd say that rather than devs getting defensive about it, only thing it results is that people who are actually looking forward to stuff start arguing about it with you :'D But yeah, following Jacobs' advice to stay on subject and not worry

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dark Midian wrote:
A less dramatic way of putting it is "Vote with your wallet." You don't like the way a company is conducting their business or what they're selling? Don't buy their stuff. Sure, if you come to Paizo's forum and tell people "Hey, don't buy their stuff" the devs are going to naturally get defensive about it; it's their livelihood. But that's how business goes.

I love the book's idea and I'll buy it, but there's nothing wrong with people explaining why they are not going to buy it. Paizo needs to know why people *do* buy certain books (whether it's "I like the title font!" or "kitsune iz da bomb!") and why people *don't* buy certain books (whether it's "the paper smells funky" or "I never buy books written by authors with vowels in their names").

I agree the poster above didn't word his post well, but there's nothing wrong with the sentiment (it's basically the opposite of the common advice we're told that if we want to see something, we need to not just buy it but also review it).

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This book is the first hardcover since Inner Sea Gods that has me really excited.

I'm hoping the Mammoth Rider prestige class gets the tiny fix it's been needing in the description of the colossus hunter ability :D.

Also looking forward to more Magaambya stuff, I went through Moonscar with a level 6 wood wizard/10 magaambyan arcanist, and my Serpent Skull character is a witch who grew up at the Magaambya Academy. Sadly we're in the final chapter of the final book, so I won't get to use any of the stuff for her, but still, awesome to have more options.

Liberty's Edge

I was hoping for the Palatine Eye, but this looks awesome nonetheless

While it might be late for some, I still want to see Council of Thieves mostly because I always felt they deserved their own Pr-class. Which I'm now glad they're getting.

Zangy wrote:
That Council of Thieves bit is a little too late for me (over halfway through book 6 of that module right now), but it'll be neat nonetheless. Looks like a good 18 organizations to get new information on. Can't wait for this book!

I could maybe pick up the Silver Raven thing in my Hell's Rebels campaign, we're on book 4 I think. If it meshes with my character build that is.

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