Gold Dragon

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Liberty's Edge

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No grave knight archetype? :(

Liberty's Edge

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The Raven Black wrote:

Real people suffer just from being exposed to slavery in escapist fantasy because it hits so hard. That is how deep and strong the trauma is.

Paizo decided to care about this real suffering of real people.

I, for one, respect this deeply.

Mate, as a great grandchild of slaves, and as someone who faces the consequences of it every single day, and as someone who lives in a country where unfortunately from time to time modern day slavery pops on the news, I simply cannot see how or why I would suffer from seeing slavers as the bad guys in fantasy

Liberty's Edge

Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Indeed there is a TTRPG company that does this

Isn't that only because the law says that they have to, because they are a publicly traded company?

Maybe doing more than the law says you have to is a good idea?

*laughs in quality management*

Liberty's Edge

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashanderai wrote:

If you're quoting Darth Vader in ESB, the quote is, "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

As for the dates quoted from my post in another thread, I was apparently pulling my date ranges from the wrong part of the product pages, so Elfteiroh is correct.

I am altering the quote. Pray I don't alter it any further.

Liberty's Edge

I wonder when we will get Drow as an Ancestry. I am guessing not in here, as it would be a better fit for the Core line.

Liberty's Edge

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richienvh wrote:
Callin13 wrote:
Yea I think the biggest issue is the spell accuracy. AC takes into account potency runes but spells cant benefit from those. Its a basic failing of the system I feel every week on my Wizard. If there we Potency Runes for spell attacks and" Power" Runes for DCs I think it would alleviate some issues.

This. Maybe we get some magic items that work as potency runes for spells in the book (after all, its named Secrets of Magic).

Perhaps spell strike adding your potency runes to the spell attack would be a nice fix for the class?

Liberty's Edge

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NielsenE wrote:
I'm unlikely to get a chance to properly playtest the Magus, given the short window and the number of conventions I'm GMing at this month. So I filled out the survey checking the 'Did not playtest, but want to give feedback' option. The survey was rather underwhelming compared to the ones for the Playtest (don't know how it compared to the APG playtest surveys). No free-answer text. No ability to give nuance. Hard to express how individually pieces (aside from striking spell) might be ok, the union is still unexciting.

There are actually 2 surveys, one for multiple-choice, the other one for open responses.

The open response one:

Liberty's Edge

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ProjektMyra wrote:
Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for July! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.
Could you do us and Paizo a favor and update the "Legends" cover to the real one? It would make everyone's job to promote the book even easier.

Thats the real cover.

Liberty's Edge

My body is ready.

Liberty's Edge

Rysky wrote:
Paladinosaur wrote:
What polearm is the the duskwalker using? Is that a glaive?

(Changeling, the Duskwalker is the grey skin with Ed Hardy tats using the hatchet)

Monk Spade perhaps?

yep, I meant the changeling, mb.

We dont have stats for monk spades yet, do we?

Liberty's Edge

What polearm is the the duskwalker using? Is that a glaive?

Liberty's Edge

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Paladinosaur wrote:
VVKing wrote:
Question, how exactly do the NPC creation rules work? Been wondering that since they got rid of hit dice.
Um pretty sure they released the npc creation rules in a a blog post months ago

Here it is! eation

Liberty's Edge

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Awesome cover!
The Society isn't my thing, but I Hope this means the other factions Will also ver their own books

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
VVKing wrote:
Question, how exactly do the NPC creation rules work? Been wondering that since they got rid of hit dice.

Um pretty sure they released the npc creation rules in a a blog post months ago

Liberty's Edge

David knott 242 wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
I'm pretty sure wild college dorm room parties are only American thing? Over here at least they go to have those parties at night clubs instead :p

American college students can't do that because we pretty much have a universal drinking age of 21, and bars and night clubs check everyone's IDs -- so usually the oldest seniors go out to buy kegs of beer and bring them back to the dorms.

We also did that at my college back around 1980, but even though the drinking age for beer and wine was only 18 back then, we were in a state where selling alcoholic drinks by the individual drink was illegal. The only advantage we had over the current day was that anyone but the youngest freshmen could buy the kegs.

Wait, so you couldnt buy a beer, but could buy a 6-pack?

Liberty's Edge

So, what is the DMG:Unchained/unearthed arcana ratio of this book?

Liberty's Edge

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thecursor wrote:
This is great and all but...we can haz Crimson Throne?

Please don't. I cant afford to quit my job and play 24/7.

Liberty's Edge

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Any word on when the playtest drops?

Liberty's Edge

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Janus_Arcillis wrote:
I am sorry to say that, but i saw a book cover on the Instagram, where there are Iomedae, Cayden Caylean and Norgorberg on the front like colored statues, and it looked way better as a Gods and magic guide than some dwarf fighting on the bridge.... So i hope that the one on Instagram will be final visualization.
Where might we be able to see this art?

Paizo's instragram profile.

Liberty's Edge

Wait, are angels now exclusively NG?

Liberty's Edge

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Sara Marie wrote:

Just wanted to let folks know, we currently have all the remaining Lost Omen's World Guide books reserved for pending orders.

We are doing a reprint of the book. If you want to start a Lost Omen subscription with the World Guide and the website gives you trouble due to its backorder status, start with the Pathfinder Lost Omens Character Guide and let customer service know you'd like to add the World Guide as well. You can do this up until the Pathfinder Lost Omens Character Guide becomes the "current" item to start (late Sept?) when we are generating October's items.

I guess Lisa and Vic will finally be able to get Harrison Ford frozen into carbonite and added to their memorabilia

Liberty's Edge

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I was a little annoyed that the CRB did not have art for most of the "made up" and racial weapons. I hope this solves the issue

Liberty's Edge

Also, Sun druids please!

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Does that mean dragons no longer have 12 different age categories or that they will be featured elsewhere or in adventures themselves?

I suppose we will see rules for the dragons age category together with the monster creation rules in the GmG.

I was also suprised by the complete absence of those rules in the bestiary itself, but I'm ok if that means we are getting more flavor for the dragons. Yet, i do hope they are not gone.

The rules for different power levels of dragon are the same as for any monster. The names of the 12 dragon age categories aren't "gone" since they still exist for reference in 1st edition books (or D&D books for that matter), and obviously dragons don't pop out of the egg as "young" or stop getting more powerful and older at "ancient," but that space is indeed better suited to giving dragons more flavor, I feel.

Some instructions on how to get these other ages would be cool. Even it is "slap this template". Maybe fit it a Age of Ashes article or in the Gamemastery Guide?

Liberty's Edge

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Not my cup of tea.

Liberty's Edge

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James Jacobs wrote:
ShadowKni9ht97 wrote:

So, there is apparently a Soulbound Doll that has to be fought in game. It says that the doll can be found in the 6th Bestiary. Does anyone have any advice as to how to translate it to the 2E?

It's an elite soulbound doll, and the rules for elite are found on page 6 of the 2nd edition Bestiary.

We're trying to figure out how best to indicate this in future stat blocks. My preference would be like this:

Elite Soulbound Doll (Pathfinder Bestiary 304, 6)

OR maybe we just don't cite the page reference for a creature at all...

Please use page references! I know its cleaner and saves space, but it can be a pain to figure out. Or perhaps use some sort of index?

Liberty's Edge

I wonder if Witches will be Occult or the prepared equivalent to the sorcerer.
I'd also like to see some form of gish witch (like the hexblade or pact of the sword for 5e's Warlock).

Liberty's Edge

About Iomedae not allowing LN clerics - is this a retcon or a new development? IYRC, there's a LN Inquisitor in the first WotR adventure?

Liberty's Edge

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Doktor Weasel wrote:
Similarly, Pharasma lost the Water domain. It was always a really weird fit for her in the first place, so it won't really be missed.

I believe it was related to both her role as goddess of births, and the river of souls.

Liberty's Edge

I know it is way too early to go into details, but can you talk a little bit about the flavor of witch patrons in 2E?

Liberty's Edge

And what about the Orc Necksplitter?

Liberty's Edge

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Someone call the Order of the Rack!

Liberty's Edge

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I was pretty sure Magus and Inquisitor would be among the first new classes. Guess it will take them some time to figure out how to do 6th casters in this edition.

Liberty's Edge

What aligments do Nethys, Iomedae and Sarenrae allow for their followers?

Liberty's Edge

Finally did it!

Liberty's Edge

Some Kind of Chymist wrote:

I am also unable to download this one and i have tried everything I think of including using different browsers, refreshing the page, clicking the trouble downloading link, connecting to a different internet, logging in and out, etc.

No matter what I try all that I can download is an empty ZIP file (with file size 0 bytes) on my desktop computer and a failed download on my phone.

Any ideas?

Did all that and also tried downloading it using my desktop at my workplace. )=

Liberty's Edge

Still no luck downloading this one )=

Liberty's Edge

Still not working for me. Just tried at work and i'm still geting the 147byte file.

Liberty's Edge

What's the Bastard Sword like?
Can you give a list of all racial weapons?

Liberty's Edge

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Lord Bowser wrote:
Ok, now that you mention it I'm honestly curious... what does the rest of the world do about creature speeds and the expected 5-foot square battle mats? Do people convert to meters or is that just a fight you've given up on?
I think 2-meter squares (with diagonals costing 3 meters) could be cool.

Back in the 3e DnD days, the Portuguese translation went for 1,5 meters per square. They also used 0,5kg for a pound IFRC.

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:

I'm gaming on regular basis with 20+ people across 4 groups and only two of us have the setting book.

Everybody else just uses Pathfinderwiki if they need any info about the setting.

What I would love was an updated Inner Sea Primer, tho. That was a neat booklet, hope it sold well enough to warrant an update.

Isn't the companion line gone?

Liberty's Edge

Will this one go to 20th lvl?

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Leshies and Lizardfolk seems like a terrible decision. There are lots of more popular ancestries.

Liberty's Edge

Is Sargava still a thing in the new edition?

Liberty's Edge

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Is lastwall gone? How about Sargava?
Vidrian and Oprak are new to me. And it seems the Isle of Terror is getting some development... Perhaps as the Whispering Tyrant seat of power again?

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I haven't played the game yet, but I have a request: Rules for incorporating Pitax (Or any other full kingdoms) were cut for space in the AP. Could we please get them this time around?

Liberty's Edge

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This is very cool. Glad Paizo finally figured how to do a dragon themed AP.

Liberty's Edge

Does It have anything to do with that mythic red dragon of the 5 Kings mountains?

Liberty's Edge

James, will this book reflect this change to Aeons?

Liberty's Edge

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Robert Brookes wrote:
Just a heads-up: Sorshen, Arushalee, Nocticula, Casandalee, Shensen, etc are all James Jacobs characters regardless of who wrote the particular AP. You can probably just ask him about these characters in his ask JJ thread. You have the fortune of all of them being created by the same guy in this particular instance.

This feels less like a friendly tip and more like an attempt to start a good ol' internet mobbing.