Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)

3.10/5 (based on 48 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)
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Raise your character to the pinnacle of magical might with Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic! Within this book, secrets arcane and divine lie ready to burst into life at the hands of all the spellcasting classes in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. In addition to the brand-new magus class—a master of both arcane magic and martial prowess—you'll also find a whole new system for spellcasting, rules for spell duels and other magical specialities, and pages upon pages of new spells, feats, and more. Because when it comes to magic, why settle for less than absolute power?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. This imaginitive tabletop game builds on more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic includes:

  • The magus, a new base class combining deadly arcane magic with the skills and weapons of a trained warrior.
  • Words of power, an innovative and flexible new spellcasting system.
  • New options for dedicated casters, such as alchemist discoveries, alternative uses for channeled energy, druid companions, sorcerer bloodlines, eidolon abilities, witch hexes, and oracle mysteries.
  • Additional feats and magical abilities for martially oriented casters, including monk ki tricks, inquisitor archetypes, and ranger traps.
  • New magical conditions called spellblihgts, as well as systems for crafting constructs, binding outsiders, and spell-dueling.
  • More than 100 new spells, plus detailed guidelines for designing your own.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-299-9


Looking for more? Check out the Resources and Free Downloads available for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Last Updated - 03/30/2012

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Average product rating:

3.10/5 (based on 48 ratings)

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More Options ! more magic, ... MORE !


flavorful options, powerful options
classes, archetypes, feats...

while 100% of the boook might not please you, you want this book.

having the choice to build flavorful PC with the right options is priceless (and for this book, you have...)

ultimate magic, rrrrright!!

this book owes its selling rate for the Magus.

lazy feats, some options are good, some others just dotn´
Archetypes: the best Bladebound Magus
worst of all: Trapper Ranger

Spellblights: interesting but too complex for a fumble system
Spellword Casting: at the beginning it looks very nice, then i read it and... is the same spell restriction and opportunities at a expensive cost of time

feats: ok those are feats

Magic spellbooks: why you dont just paraphrase some words concerning about how to protect the spellbooks with some spells and thats all. maybe a feat or two for scaling this option, besides the spellbooks looks greats.

spells: again, the magus options are great.

my advice for you: buy the book, cut the pages concerned for magus, and dump the rest or Download the pdf at any place you can, print the magus and drop the rest


While I do not think that either this or Ultimate Combat deserve to be called "Ultimate" anything books (maybe Ultimate Monk), I do think that Ultimate Magic does better cover it's proported theme. In my opinion, Inner Sea Magic did a better job overall, but is sadly setting specific.

On th Divine Side (minus Paladin) this book is extremely, extremely limited. There are a few gems, but most are either placed really far out of reach, or just not worth what you give up for them, and might as well not have been there at all rather than tease.

On the Arcane side, this book is full of material, but severely lacking as well. There is an assortment of random material that just seems like it was left over from other books and tossed in here. The only magical items in this book (exceptionally noticable on the Divine Magic side) are Wizard's Spellbooks, (which of the top of my head, only 3 Classes in the entire game will actually have any use for beyond the sell price).

There are a lot of (would be) nice Feats, except they are specific to a Class, or build, or whose names imply it would be great for somone else besides who it is actually intended. Over all, there are a lot of options, but actually very slim pickings. Overall, it leaves a lot of classes and build out in the cold.

Whereas Ultimate Combat is at best Ultimate Monk, Ultimate Magic is closest to being more appropriate as Ultimate Wizard/Inquisitor, (arguably Classes that did not need more).

mediocre at best


This book is no Complete Divine or Complete Arcance. I mostl play a cleric and this book does little for me personally.

Yeah, its got some interesting tweaks, but for the price, i dobn't think thy are worth it.

So far I've used 1 feat and the spells from this book. Nothing else. Should've bought the APG.

A good product to add to your collection!


After reading through Ultimate Magic, some new mechanics offered in this book can add flavor and fun to an adventure.

The Magus appears to be a class that is fun to play as. You are able to swipe at your enemies with your sword in one hand and with magic in the other.

Spellblights are interesting. These curses can hinder the spellcasters in different ways.

One chapter that I especially liked was the words of power. The concept was a little hard to wrap around but when you understand it fun ensues. I tried out a couple of words of power in an adventure and it was pretty fun. There was a point where I fought a spellcaster who also had words of power and it felt like the two were having a very destructive debate ha!

Overall I enjoyed this product and I recommend this to everybody!

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Gorbacz wrote:

That makes no sense for Paizo. They are interested in new players, and new players should rather be spending $ on Paizo books, instead of scrambling for out-of-print WotC books. So, there will be some overlap.

But it's also counter-productive. Half the reason people are into Pathfinder is because of the ease of 3.5e backwards compatibility, and I believe Pathfinder RPG was partially created to gather the host of people that had a bunch of 3.5e books and didn't want to "start over".

When's the playtest?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Razz wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

That makes no sense for Paizo. They are interested in new players, and new players should rather be spending $ on Paizo books, instead of scrambling for out-of-print WotC books. So, there will be some overlap.

But it's also counter-productive. Half the reason people are into Pathfinder is because of the ease of 3.5e backwards compatibility, and I believe Pathfinder RPG was partially created to gather the host of people that had a bunch of 3.5e books and didn't want to "start over".

And you don't have to buy the books. Jodi won't come over to your house and cleave your 3.x books.

At the same time, Paizo is moving forward, Razz. They have to address new options in their own fashion. So, you can use the old stuff, use Pathinder stuff, or mix and match *shrug*

Razz wrote:

Wow, this is going to be both fun and insane for me.

I had to pour through the APG Spells and Feats to see if WotC had any duplicates. I usually use WotC's as a default, with exceptions (such as using Lunge over Lunging Strike).

I do the same with spells. It bugs me having "duplicate" spells, where a WotC spell and a Pathfinder spell do almost the same thing with a few twists or a change in spell level and I have to scour each one and make a Word file reference which material is stamped "Confirmed" or "Denied" on it, basically. (for example, there's the Tsunami spell in Spell Compendium and Tsunami in the APG; the one in the Spell Compendium is clearly better than the APG, so I ruled the duplicate in APG out my games)

So, my one request to Paizo staff, look at your WotC books, particularly the Spell Compendium, and try not to make duplicates. The same with feats! It's kinda annoying and tiresome :D Be unique!

I have to disagree here. I don't have much 3E stuff and it's not like you can just go out and buy those extra books. While if you do have huge 3E collection of books you can use them with Pathfinder many of us can't so duplicated are more than welcome for me as I don't use any 3E books.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Actually, now that APG is out and UM/UC are on the horizon, I declare a Fresh Start for my games. The Completes, the Tomes, the Heroes, the Funky Sourcebooks are all going for their well deserved holiday, and my PF games will be run only on Paizo PC material. I'll keep some monster books around until the PF Bestiary count goes up, but in general I consider PFRPG to be a great opportunity to slim down my shelves and discourage obsessive dumpster diving in my games. Hence the reset.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Gorbacz wrote:
Actually, now that APG is out and UM/UC are on the horizon, I declare a Fresh Start for my games. The Completes, the Tomes, the Heroes, the Funky Sourcebooks are all going for their well deserved holiday, and my PF games will be run only on Paizo PC material. I'll keep some monster books around until the PF Bestiary count goes up, but in general I consider PFRPG to be a great opportunity to slim down my shelves and discourage obsessive dumpster diving in my games. Hence the reset.

Agreed. I'd point out that the APG is at least two complete books in content, if not more. It also helps that it's our DMs first run at Pathfinder, so we're just using the Core Rules and Bestiary.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Matthew Morris wrote:

At the same time, Paizo is moving forward, Razz. They have to address new options in their own fashion. So, you can use the old stuff, use Pathinder stuff, or mix and match *shrug*


Dark Archive

Elorebaen wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

At the same time, Paizo is moving forward, Razz. They have to address new options in their own fashion. So, you can use the old stuff, use Pathinder stuff, or mix and match *shrug*



Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
Actually, now that APG is out and UM/UC are on the horizon, I declare a Fresh Start for my games. The Completes, the Tomes, the Heroes, the Funky Sourcebooks are all going for their well deserved holiday, and my PF games will be run only on Paizo PC material. I'll keep some monster books around until the PF Bestiary count goes up, but in general I consider PFRPG to be a great opportunity to slim down my shelves and discourage obsessive dumpster diving in my games. Hence the reset.

I did that last week, actually, putting my 3.x books into boxes. It's not that Pathfinder RPG is not as backwards compatible as Paizo promotes it as. It is. It's just that, wih the 4 rulebooks they've published so far, they've shown me that Pathfinder RPG books is all I need to create the characters and games I want. Heck, the Advanced Player's Guide alone contains a ton of options that, to me, are superior to previous game mechanics.

That said, I'm keeping my 3.x book. I am a collector, after all. :D

Dark Archive

Ravenmantle wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Actually, now that APG is out and UM/UC are on the horizon, I declare a Fresh Start for my games. The Completes, the Tomes, the Heroes, the Funky Sourcebooks are all going for their well deserved holiday, and my PF games will be run only on Paizo PC material. I'll keep some monster books around until the PF Bestiary count goes up, but in general I consider PFRPG to be a great opportunity to slim down my shelves and discourage obsessive dumpster diving in my games. Hence the reset.

I did that last week, actually, putting my 3.x books into boxes. It's not that Pathfinder RPG is not as backwards compatible as Paizo promotes it as. It is. It's just that, wih the 4 rulebooks they've published so far, they've shown me that Pathfinder RPG books is all I need to create the characters and games I want. Heck, the Advanced Player's Guide alone contains a ton of options that, to me, are superior to previous game mechanics.

I completely agree, and I did the same already when Beta came out. :)

Liberty's Edge

This looks awesome!
I look forward to the Magus Playtest!

Hoping they will include some means to enhance those familiars and bonded weapons.

voska66 wrote:
Razz wrote:

Wow, this is going to be both fun and insane for me.

I had to pour through the APG Spells and Feats to see if WotC had any duplicates. I usually use WotC's as a default, with exceptions (such as using Lunge over Lunging Strike).

I do the same with spells. It bugs me having "duplicate" spells, where a WotC spell and a Pathfinder spell do almost the same thing with a few twists or a change in spell level and I have to scour each one and make a Word file reference which material is stamped "Confirmed" or "Denied" on it, basically. (for example, there's the Tsunami spell in Spell Compendium and Tsunami in the APG; the one in the Spell Compendium is clearly better than the APG, so I ruled the duplicate in APG out my games)

So, my one request to Paizo staff, look at your WotC books, particularly the Spell Compendium, and try not to make duplicates. The same with feats! It's kinda annoying and tiresome :D Be unique!

I have to disagree here. I don't have much 3E stuff and it's not like you can just go out and buy those extra books. While if you do have huge 3E collection of books you can use them with Pathfinder many of us can't so duplicated are more than welcome for me as I don't use any 3E books.

And even if some of us have the 3E material, we just don't have the time and/or willpower to covert it over to Pathfinder.

Lord Thavian wrote:

This looks awesome!

I look forward to the Magus Playtest!


Eh, not sure about how excited I should get about this product.

I love spellcasters and they are really powerful already from about levels 5+, I just hope none of the rules in here allow players to make broken spellcasters.

However from what I saw in the APG you guys are pretty good at making really balanced alternate class options, Feats, and spells, so I will definitely buy this product and try it out in my games.

This is yet another gaming book I must have!

I can't imagine a gaming library as rich as the Pathfinder collection. Eternal thanks be to Paizo!!

Grand Lodge

Gorbacz wrote:
Actually, now that APG is out and UM/UC are on the horizon, I declare a Fresh Start for my games. The Completes, the Tomes, the Heroes, the Funky Sourcebooks are all going for their well deserved holiday, and my PF games will be run only on Paizo PC material. I'll keep some monster books around until the PF Bestiary count goes up, but in general I consider PFRPG to be a great opportunity to slim down my shelves and discourage obsessive dumpster diving in my games. Hence the reset.


The Exchange

Will there be rules for casting magic like the Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series or L.E. Modesitt, Jr Recluce series. I have been looking for rules to create the feel of these two worlds. Some people have said that the magic of Recluce is lot like psionics.

Also rules for creating Harry Potter magic (i.e. wand) would be cool also.

And here I am echoing (somewhat) Merrickcale's call out!

Any news yet on when we might see a playtest for the Magus and the Words of Power spellcasting system?

Drools uncontrollably...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Yasha wrote:

And here I am echoing (somewhat) Merrickcale's call out!

Any news yet on when we might see a playtest for the Magus and the Words of Power spellcasting system?

Drools uncontrollably...

We're still nailing down details on the playtest... Keep an eye on the Paizo blog.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Yasha wrote:

And here I am echoing (somewhat) Merrickcale's call out!

Any news yet on when we might see a playtest for the Magus and the Words of Power spellcasting system?

Drools uncontrollably...

Yasha wipe that up. :)

Justin Franklin wrote:

Yasha wipe that up. :)

Hey, stop judging me. Aboleth can't help but be somewhat mucous challenged. And who are you to talk? You're slavering worse then I am, Mr. Hound of Tindalos.

Thanks Vic! I really wasn't expecting a response, just tossing that out to let all you folks at Paizo know that I'm interested (as I'm sure others are as well...except Sebastian, we know his opinions don't matter).

Thanks again!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
jim162065 wrote:

Will there be rules for casting magic like the Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series

WOTC put out a D20 wheel of time RPG a few years ago. You can probably find it on ebay or amazon. They also put out one adventure and then nothing else.

Liberty's Edge

I just decided to make a Vermin Druid for our new campaign! Sucks that I'll have to wait 7 months to see how to do it properly...Unless the rules for this are released, say, for subscribers? :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Aveneer wrote:
I just decided to make a Vermin Druid for our new campaign! Sucks that I'll have to wait 7 months to see how to do it properly...Unless the rules for this are released, say, for subscribers? :)

Some of this will be going into an open playtest, but I would be suprised if the vermin druid is in there. However, I'm sure there are a couple of feats in one of the Paizo books about a Vermin companion, although I can't remember where.

Liberty's Edge

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Aveneer wrote:
I just decided to make a Vermin Druid for our new campaign! Sucks that I'll have to wait 7 months to see how to do it properly...Unless the rules for this are released, say, for subscribers? :)
Some of this will be going into an open playtest, but I would be suprised if the vermin druid is in there. However, I'm sure there are a couple of feats in one of the Paizo books about a Vermin companion, although I can't remember where.

What I need are the statistics of the vermin companions...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I hope there's more for sorcerers than just bloodlines. After the ones in the APG I'm kind of bored with bloodlines and I'd like to seem some good PrCs that might take the class in weird ways, maybe like a "metasanguinist" class that blends multiple bloodlines together.

Liberty's Edge

Yasha wrote:

And here I am echoing (somewhat) Merrickcale's call out!

Any news yet on when we might see a playtest for the Magus ?

Drools uncontrollably...

I'm very anxious to see what the Magus ends up looking like as well!

Until then, you could always try out the Vanguard class

Just saying :)

As long as I get a decent favored class option for Half-Elven Sorcerers I'll be happy.

The big question for me is what the new alternative spellcasting system is going to be like; is it a variant Vancian system, or something radically new and different?

Dark Archive

In the APG we got a good list of stuff but I think we have enough bloodlines. If new bloodlines come out with every book we'll be flooded with blood lines and each will be static to what is in that book. I think the blood lines, even domains & wizards schools, should have an option in each one where a character can change out something within a blood line for something else, like what was done for Paladins in the APG.

---- Oh yeah, and how do people get in on play testing

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We will make a big deal of posting the playtest document, which will be free for anyone to download. Then you use the material in your game, put it through its paces, and come back here and share your observations.

Erik Mona wrote:
Then you use the material in your game, put it through its paces, and come back here and share your observations.

Whoah, sounds way too involved. I think I'll just sit here and say everything's simultaneously overpowered and underpowered without having to exert myself with playtesting.

I know for a fact that some of those things really *ARE* going to be simultaneously over/underpowered, especially those pesky SchrödingerCat familiars.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

That cat is dead...

Shem wrote:
That cat is dead...

Long live the cat.

I think it's safe to say since there's no mention of Prestige Classes, then none will be included in the book. As much as I would like to have a Shifter/Master of Many Forms conversion, would it be possible to at least round out the polymorph school, so I can make my own conversion for the time being, specifically adding:

- Vermin Form
- Ooze Form
- Aberration Form
- Fey Form
- Monstrous Humanoid Form

Dark Archive

Playtesting of Ultimate Magic starts next Monday

joela wrote:
Playtesting of Ultimate Magic starts next Monday

Well, ruin my weekend why don't you? Now you have me counting the minutes until Monday... that's just unnatural :)

joela wrote:
Playtesting of Ultimate Magic starts next Monday


Dark Archive

Chris Gunter wrote:
joela wrote:
Playtesting of Ultimate Magic starts next Monday

Ow! My "ears"!

Anywhoo, yeah. Wes posted the news on the Paizo blog (linked above). Can't wait to try out the Magus and the alternative magic system.

The Exchange

Holy tomato paste, Batman! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait until Monday!

Dark Archive

w0nkothesane wrote:
Holy tomato paste, Batman! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait until Monday!


Dark Archive

The 'words of power alternate magic system' has me all aflutter.

I don't have any idea what it will be, but the possibilities are crazymaking!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Ultimate Magic Playtest starts Monday

<Steeples fingers and in a purring voice>


Just when I thought I could be all "meh" about another book coming up, you toss in more options for the 14 classes.. Now I'm all like "ooh!"

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

*sigh* Is it April yet?

Set wrote:

The 'words of power alternate magic system' has me all aflutter.

I don't have any idea what it will be, but the possibilities are crazymaking!

No doubt, I have been a fan of this idea since I got into Paladium Fantasy back in 1985 or so, and I play with my current incarnation of that with my version of the Runemark. It will be nice to see what 25 years of thought have to bring to the table when pulled from the collective minds of Paizo.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I wonder if: Premade spellbooks suitable for use at all levels of play

Also means premade Cleric spell lists for quick NPC evil clerics

The Magus class...great, something that'll step on the Duskblade's toes...and Eldritch Knight's. And hasn't the whole "be a warrior/spellcaster mix" gish thing been done to death!?

Hold on --- why are we getting a Magus when we have the Eldritch Knight in Pathfinder?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Because the eldritch knight is a prestige class?

Because we can't use the duskblade?

Because we don't have a 20-level caster/fighter base class?

Because YOU demanded it?

Because we wanted to?

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