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Organized Play Member. 207 posts (215 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
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The APG is by far THE best of the 4 core books. Hands down. Buy this book on just that. you won't be dissapointed.
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This book is no Complete Divine or Complete Arcance. I mostl play a cleric and this book does little for me personally.
Yeah, its got some interesting tweaks, but for the price, i dobn't think thy are worth it.
So far I've used 1 feat and the spells from this book. Nothing else. Should've bought the APG.
This is the Bestiary that shou;dv'e been releases so long ago. 1 page. 1 monster.
I read this to my daughter when I lay her down at night its so good.