Robert Miller 55's page
Goblin Squad Member. 561 posts (593 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
The links go to a page that no longer exists.
J. Merrick wrote: I pre-ordered this from Paizo.
It’s still listed in my subscription queue for June.
Should I be worried that the description now says unavailable (instead of preorder) on the website?
Pretty sure your fine, this is a pre order only product, meaning it is no longer available, period.
It is a good book, I have used it several times since buying it.
Another possibly lower cost way to provide us with larger Pawns, at least for those of us with our own printers, is to sell those PDF only. If your card stock would work in most printers, sell packs of just your card stock, blank. I assume your card stock is not the same card stock I buy at Wal Mart.
Erik Mona wrote: Oh, and there are no Gargantuan bases in the Beginner Box, so that's another problem with really big dudes. Can the really big dudes be designed to work with two or more of the smaller bases?
Like several above, I already own many copies of RA. 1 of each original 3 modules, 3 of RA Reloaded, and I have it on PDF, and I will still be in on this pre order. Shouldn't be a problem to put $25 per month into my savings account so that by March, I'll be able to pay in full immediately. Now I just need to buy ToAD.
John Benbo wrote: I need a bigger house...or a separate house just for my Frog God Games books. No kidding!
Even though I own the original release of Rappan Athuk and 3 copies of RA Reloaded, count me in once again, Bill!
Just to let Paizo know, the new PDF offer has me back on board with this subscription line.
I think it is pretty clear Paizo did things right on their end. IF not the customer would not have been able to get a refund on his end. Clearly customs did not correctly interpret or fully read over the accompanying paperwork. Fortunately when he called he got someone competent enough to find where the mistake was made and issued him a refund.
Whats your pricing on PDF's going to be? I'll pay now to let me play around with it before it is finalized. Best way for me to give any real feedback anyways. ITs one thing to look at a picture of something and try to figure out how it works, and totally something else to play with it and actually make it work.
Wow Clark! You might single handedly make me prefer PDF over print with this!
This AP returns to Sandpoint? Plus it has already started? Is it to late to subscribe with this beginning issue?
Never mind! It was a struggle but I finally found it!
Vic Wertz wrote: bazzal wrote: my friend is driving me nuts to get this book fixed so we can use it... is there a planned time to release a complete errata pdf free download? that would really help this book...
i really like your products but this one really hurt your name... please fix it... i'm on your side...
We only release compiled errata PDFs when we release a new printing, and we don't announce new printings until we begin shipping new printings.
Until then, just click on over to the "Errata/FAQ" tab, which is getting a fair amount of updates these days. OK, I am a message board idiot and have no idea where this "tab" you speak of is located at. Since I just bought the hard cover of this I would like to find the errata, so could someone please lead this idiot to the right location? A link should be enough for me, I can usually click on those successfully.
Darn! Green is among my least liked colors.
hopeless wrote: So any one got hold of this yet?
Was wondering if this was worth buying but as yet hadn't heard a review of it.
Since I've only just picked up the little black book version of high guard was more looking at picking up those at this point but seeing this advertised got me wondering what everybody else is thinking about this particular setting.
Mongoose has it "in stock" as of the 15th, so it can be up to another 3 weeks before it works its way through distribution chains to LGS'. So somewhere between now and then, Paizo should get a hold of it.
Personally I am going to pass on this, coming up with encounters is something I never have problems with in Traveller. Probably because I don't get to run it any where near as often as I would like.
I was getting ready to come "back" here from RPGNow to tell you guys you should also put up an "Evocative City Sites" bundle too, then I saw it. Nice!

Cpt_kirstov wrote: Robert Miller 55 wrote: Twin Dragons wrote: Liz Courts wrote: Realsyntax wrote: I would love to begin a pathfinder subscription with the Beginner Box. When will we see this? Right now, it has a scheduled release date of October. You should be able to start a Pathfinder RPG subscription with this item as your starting subscription item in late August. Will there be a PDF inclusive of the BB with the sub? That is an interesting question, because in the past Paizo has refused to offer up digital version of flip maps, and would likely have the same policy about "Pawns" as they do cards (no digital version), so it would be interesting to see if they make an exception for this product. Vic hinted that there most likly will be a PDF of some sort, but not of what it would include. I'm guessing the rulebok/scenario would be in a PDF, and the map/pawns would not. I can see that. If they don't offer up the Pawns as their own separate package to sell, I hope they at least include those in the PDF so we have some way to get more, or make replacements.
Maps we can buy separately, most of their cards are still in print, so replacements can be bought, but the pawns cannot, unless they do offer them up as a separate product, or at least include them in the PDF. Thats my concern.
Twin Dragons wrote: Liz Courts wrote: Realsyntax wrote: I would love to begin a pathfinder subscription with the Beginner Box. When will we see this? Right now, it has a scheduled release date of October. You should be able to start a Pathfinder RPG subscription with this item as your starting subscription item in late August. Will there be a PDF inclusive of the BB with the sub? That is an interesting question, because in the past Paizo has refused to offer up digital version of flip maps, and would likely have the same policy about "Pawns" as they do cards (no digital version), so it would be interesting to see if they make an exception for this product.
I definitely need to hear more before I'll allow myself to get excited. Like I told James at Neon Con, there is a certain approach I am looking for, and so far it doesn't sound like that is what it is going to be. Either way, I am sure this will be great for Paizo and Pathfinder.
Please cancel all subscriptions related to my account.
Also, I tried to do this via this e-mail:
but it got bounced back due to "Technical details of temporary failure:
The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=7720
[mail.paizo.com. (0): Connection dropped]"
Anyways, its been a lot of fun, thanks for all the great products and great memories.
I'll still be around, its just that the subscription model doesn't work for me anymore. I'll be buying much more piece meal from here on out.
You know, when I saw this in my order shipment notification I was going to cancel it, but now that I see it has Ravenloft written all over it, I can't wait to get it.

I hadn't read through all of this AP before, but it was brought to my attention that there were some problems with this AP starting with a tournament invasion and progressively getting worse up to HAVING to make a deal with a demon to defeat the main obstacle.
I couldn't believe these claims were legitimate. Sure, Paizo did similarly stupid things in their early AP's, but had gotten much better with such heavy handed railroading since then. So I pulled out my copies, found where the tournament/invasion material begins and started reading.
Maybe it is because I have become so spoiled with your copious amount of really good writing, but whatever the reason I am very saddened by how bad you guys are in this AP. This thing starts off so awesome, the tournament has so much potential for awesome, not to mention the invasion and final climax. But such blatant and heavy handed railroading makes it hard even for a DM with over 25 years of experience like me to rewrite into the more free form and fun set of experiences this AP can be.
I don't think I'll have much problem derailing how you have the tournament and invasion being, but as we get to the final scenes and how they have only one set of tracks to go down in order to win the day, thats going to be a lot of rewriting.
I'm sure I can do it, but with you guys I shouldn't be needing to.
Very, very disappointed.
Pendagast wrote: Vic Wertz wrote: Pendagast wrote: yea it works now, got it in my save for later box... Question, if I select it now, does it charge me now, and send it when I ask for it (according to which button I choose) or does it charge me when it ships?
We only ever charge when things ship. (PDFs and other downloads "ship" immediately). So last question, does pre-ordering (seeing as I wont be charged until it ships) help you guys out any? It helps them be sure their print run is big enough.
Gorbacz wrote: Amazon is notorious for missing intended release dates with RPG products, and that's something Paizo has no control over. Want the book early? Order it from "the source"! :) Thats what I did! Got the physical product Saturday and the PDF when it shipped.
This thing is FULL of awesome! I haven't even pulled out the map yet!