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shadowsgrneyes wrote:Curious as to the vareity of new witch hex's. And witch or familiar specific feats. . .On hexes:
There's a hex that involves detecting children or young animals, a curse transmitted via seeing your familiar, nasty fingernails, Snow White style sleep cursin' food, magical scars, spookin' horses, aquatic lungs, turning people into food(:O), seeing through the eyes of other animals, animated huts, and all sorts of nastiness involving ice needles and tombs.
Witch example art is a badass pilgrim looking dude.
Oh! And don't forget the prehensile hair hex, where you get to grow your hair and grab people with it. :D

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Just saw the Thanatopic and Threnodic metamagic feats.
Playing a sorcerer in Carrion Crown.
<- My face.
Oh! And don't forget the prehensile hair hex, where you get to grow your hair and grab people with it. :D
Available to Qinggong monks too! Now you have multiple classes to emulate the white-haired lady from Forbidden Kingdom! :D

Tom Qadim RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 |

One allows you to create arms or armor that is a holy symbol.
Now that sounds interesting. Does that mean any character can purchase a suit of armor or weapon that has been turned into a holy symbol? Does the text mention the additional cost to a suit of armor or weapon that's been "holified"?
:: Still [somewhat patiently] waiting for my subscription PDF. Sad face. ::
Oh! Can anyone spill the beans about the new exorcist archetype for inquisitor? Share some details?

Sniggevert |

this may have covered elsewhere in the 600 plus posts. amazon lists this as being available on the 17th I assume that is wishful thinking. What is the release date for this book so i can add two and a half weeks?
Street date is May 18th. They set the date the PDF will be available for purchase to match when the book should be available for sale at stores.

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oh mighty pathfinder subscribers is there any chance i can get a bit more info on the broodmaster summoner and master summoner? thank you all in advance for that and thank you for the info thus far
sidebar on hordes on summoned monsters (recommended for experienced players and other advice)
Broodmaster in brief:
-at 2nd level get 2 Small eidolons
-explanations of how summoner class features interactions with multiple eidolons
-at 8th level spend evolution points to get two Medium eidolons, four Small eidolons, or one Medium eidolon and two Small eidolon
-at 13th level spend evolution points to get two Large eidolons, four
Medium eidolons, eight Small eidolons, or any similar combination in which two smaller eidolons count as one eidolon of one size larger
Master Summoner in brief:
-A master summoner’s class level is halved (minimum 1) for the purposes of determining his eidolon’s abilities
-Starting at 1st level, a master summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 5 + his Charisma modifier. If eidolon is summoned, restrictions apply; if eidolon is not summoned no restrictions.
-Augement Summoning is gained as a bonus feat at 2nd level in place of bond senses.

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Just saw the Thanatopic and Threnodic metamagic feats.
Playing a sorcerer in Carrion Crown.
<- My face.
ronaldsf wrote:Available to Qinggong monks too! Now you have multiple classes to emulate the white-haired lady from Forbidden Kingdom! :D
Oh! And don't forget the prehensile hair hex, where you get to grow your hair and grab people with it. :D
I was thinking of Medusa of the Inhumans (from Fantastic Four), but that works too. :)

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I have a humble request: is there any way we could know which designer did which part of UM?
I'm trying to remember now. Everybody pitched into the spells and we had a long disussion thread banging around ideas. Same with feats.
Russ Taylor and I did the spellblights/conditional magic section together.
Seems like I did clerics and druids (and sorry, the ambiguous animal shaman text about "-2 level wild shape at 6th level" is still in Ultimate Magic, identical to the APG text).
Some stuff I had written for the APG got bumped over to Ultimate Magic too, like a couple of bard archetypes and sorcerer bloodlines and feats and such.
There might have been more; honestly, I can't remember off the top of my head at this point, though I didn't do quite as much in terms of total word count on UM as I did on the APG or Ultimate Combat.
I did enjoy seeing hemoculysis in the previews, as that was one of mine. :)

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Master Summoner in brief:
-A master summoner’s class level is halved (minimum 1) for the purposes of determining his eidolon’s abilities
-Starting at 1st level, a master summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 5 + his Charisma modifier. If eidolon is summoned, restrictions apply; if eidolon is not summoned no restrictions.
-Augement Summoning is gained as a bonus feat at 2nd level in place of bond senses.
Actually, the restrictions he mentions is that if you have an eidolon out, you can also have one (and only one) summon monster SLA active too. So we can now have Eidolons and summons out at the same time without having to waste SM as a known spell. And as he said, without an eidolon out, you can have multiple summon SLA's going up to however many you have.

Ashanderai |

Just saw the Thanatopic and Threnodic metamagic feats.
Playing a sorcerer in Carrion Crown.
<- My face.
ronaldsf wrote:Available to Qinggong monks too! Now you have multiple classes to emulate the white-haired lady from Forbidden Kingdom! :D
Oh! And don't forget the prehensile hair hex, where you get to grow your hair and grab people with it. :D
Actually, that is not exactly the case (emulating the movie yes, but not the monk getting the hex). The Qinggong Monk can get the Strangling Hair 3rd level Witch/Wizard spell as a spell-like ability powered by ki; not the Prehensile Hair Hex.
They are two different things, though very similiar. The spell is more useful in combat, doing more damage with close range and grappling. However, if you just want an extra hand to use and occasionally have your hair help you get out of a tight spot when forced into melee, then the hex is better and has a longer duration. The hex does very minor damage, cannot grapple, is considered a secondary natural attack, and is restricted to a shorter reach than the spell.
Also, for a qinggong monk, the spell is definitely better as it allows you to inflict its damage or your unarmed damage, whichever is greater.

Nephelim |

So I've been spending the past couple days pouring over my PDF, and because the only PF game I play is with a Druid, I'm totally loving Speaking Wildshape and Fast Wildshape, but...
Not to sound like I'm complaining, but there seem to be very few Druid-only spells, the ones that are are not all that awesome (1000 gp to resurrect an Animal Companion? really?) and some of the spells for Wizards, Witches, Oracles, and Clerics seem to be logical Druid-ish spells, but are not. Blessing of the Mole, Control Summoned Creature, Fleshworm Infestation, Sands of Time, and Wooden Phalanx all seem like they make sense to be Druid spells but are not, and yet Clerics get really really druid-ish spells like Spit Venom?
[EDIT: Also, no Dragon forms to Wildshape for the Dragon Shaman? A feat to add more functionality to wildshape, like being able to use swallow whole, or add Monst. Humanoids and\or Dragons as available forms? Wow, I really DO sound like a complainer..]
Still, I'm happy with what IS there... though my next character is totally going to be a Summoner or Alchemist.

arkady_v |

Anything for alchemists? I'm looking for an alternative to a fire bombing alchemist for an upcoming Serpent's Skull adventure path character. I want to play more of an herbalist focusing on mutagens, extracts, infusions, and poisons, and it'd be nice to have an alternative to the fire bomb.
Edit: I was just reading through the Wayfinder #4 archetype for "herbalist", and it's pretty cool, but I'd still like to know if there's anything in Ultimate Magic for alchemists, since I'll probably use the herbalist archetype if my DM goes for it.

Nephelim |

Anything for alchemists? I'm looking for an alternative to a fire bombing alchemist for an upcoming Serpent's Skull adventure path character. I want to play more of an herbalist focusing on mutagens, extracts, infusions, and poisons, and it'd be nice to have an alternative to the fire bomb.
Oh yeah... alchemists have some really fun and disturbing new discoveries. Having a Tumor as a familiar that can detach and wander around, or vestigial conjoined twins, extra limbs\tentacles. Bottled oozes, alchemical zombies, simulacrua, tanglefoot bombs, self-mumification, and more!
... and 30 new spells.

arkady_v |

arkady_v wrote:Anything for alchemists? I'm looking for an alternative to a fire bombing alchemist for an upcoming Serpent's Skull adventure path character. I want to play more of an herbalist focusing on mutagens, extracts, infusions, and poisons, and it'd be nice to have an alternative to the fire bomb.Oh yeah... alchemists have some really fun and disturbing new discoveries. Having a Tumor as a familiar that can detach and wander around, or vestigial conjoined twins, extra limbs\tentacles. Bottled oozes, alchemical zombies, simulacrua, tanglefoot bombs, self-mumification, and more!
... and 30 new spells.
Wow, that all sounds really... weird, LOL.

E I |
Nephelim wrote:Wow, that all sounds really... weird, LOL.arkady_v wrote:Anything for alchemists? I'm looking for an alternative to a fire bombing alchemist for an upcoming Serpent's Skull adventure path character. I want to play more of an herbalist focusing on mutagens, extracts, infusions, and poisons, and it'd be nice to have an alternative to the fire bomb.Oh yeah... alchemists have some really fun and disturbing new discoveries. Having a Tumor as a familiar that can detach and wander around, or vestigial conjoined twins, extra limbs\tentacles. Bottled oozes, alchemical zombies, simulacrua, tanglefoot bombs, self-mumification, and more!
... and 30 new spells.
You think that's weird? Witches get the ability to cook people and smell children.

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arkady_v wrote:Nephelim wrote:Wow, that all sounds really... weird, LOL.arkady_v wrote:Anything for alchemists? I'm looking for an alternative to a fire bombing alchemist for an upcoming Serpent's Skull adventure path character. I want to play more of an herbalist focusing on mutagens, extracts, infusions, and poisons, and it'd be nice to have an alternative to the fire bomb.Oh yeah... alchemists have some really fun and disturbing new discoveries. Having a Tumor as a familiar that can detach and wander around, or vestigial conjoined twins, extra limbs\tentacles. Bottled oozes, alchemical zombies, simulacrua, tanglefoot bombs, self-mumification, and more!
... and 30 new spells.
You think that's weird? Witches get the ability to cook people and smell children.
We haven't even mentioned the Pokemon Alchemist...

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I thought I ordered the book through the subscription service, to get the PDF along with the book, but apparently I only ordered the book!
I guess....sniff....I will have to wait until it arrives.
Contact customer support. If your book has not shipped yet they should be able to change it.

Grey Lensman |
I only have 2 gripes with the book.
Where are the racial favored class options for the Magus?
The Sorcerer got his stuff handed out to other classes if they are willing to spend the feats.
On the plus side, I love the new ice spells, and masterpiece performances may very well get immediate use in our Serpent's Skull campaign.
And I have my next witch hex in Kingmaker.

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I have a humble request: is there any way we could know which designer did which part of UM?
That can be tricky to work out even as the designers, at least for freelancers. I know what I wrote, but I don't have the book yet so I can't say for certain what made it in. And even when I do get the book, development can change/rename/combine freelancer contributions until we aren't sure what to take credit for.

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There is some resistance to adding new 0-level spells to the game because it means wizards get all of them automatically, which is a little unfair to classes with a limited number of spells known (bard, oracle, sorc, etc.).
Well, apparently, they do not : "A standard spellbook includes all cantrips from the Core Rulebook except those in the wizard’s oppositional schools. Books containing cantrips from additional sources are noted in the content description." (Ultimate Magic, p 121)
Ergo, the way I read it, all cantrips from additional sources would not be known by any and all level 1 wizards. They would have to find them and add them to their spellbook, same as any other spell.
To be consistent with Ultimate Magic, the CRB should be given an errata in the Spellbook part of the Wizard class (page 79), such as "A wizard begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level wizard spells in this book (except those from his prohibited schools, if any; see Arcane Schools) plus three 1st-level spells of his choice."

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I have a humble request: is there any way we could know which designer did which part of UM?
There was a lot of shared work on this book, but here's some of what I worked on:
* About half the pregenerated spellbooks. I think I'm the one who put in that you don't get all the new cantrips in them :)
* Some of the spellblights
* A chunk of the constructs rules, including that somewhat convoluted pricing formula. The crazy cool stuff's all Tim Hitchock's work :)
* A mess of new spells. I haven't looked to see what made it in, but my focus was on filling in gaps on existing spell descriptors like lightning and shadow, some of the new spells for constructs, and lower level symbol spells. I believe I wrote atavism and arboreal hammer too.
I also turned in probably half-dozen new cantrips, that for reasons already explained didn't make it into the book. A few of them were interesting, ah well :)

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How about spell lists? I understand Magi get a limited list of spells like alot of 3/4 casters that have other stuff. But I refuse to believe they dont get any of the new spells offered in their book.
Any expansion or changes (including new spells) for the Magi lists?
Well, they got Disrupt Undead... ;)

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How about spell lists? I understand Magi get a limited list of spells like alot of 3/4 casters that have other stuff. But I refuse to believe they dont get any of the new spells offered in their book.
Any expansion or changes (including new spells) for the Magi lists?
Well there is Arcana Theft which allows them to grab an opponent's buffs and make them thier own its a nice 4th level variation on dispel magic.
Then they can get 14 additional spells later on from the wizard list of your choosing 2 of each level they can cast.
Force Punch and Force Hook are nice additions one allows them to knock people away from them the other drags them to a target.
Then there are the new cold and acid touch attack spells...

Patrick Gurdgiel |
Sean K Reynolds wrote:There is some resistance to adding new 0-level spells to the game because it means wizards get all of them automatically, which is a little unfair to classes with a limited number of spells known (bard, oracle, sorc, etc.).Well, apparently, they do not : "A standard spellbook includes all cantrips from the Core Rulebook except those in the wizard’s oppositional schools. Books containing cantrips from additional sources are noted in the content description." (Ultimate Magic, p 121)
Ergo, the way I read it, all cantrips from additional sources would not be known by any and all level 1 wizards. They would have to find them and add them to their spellbook, same as any other spell.
To be consistent with Ultimate Magic, the CRB should be given an errata in the Spellbook part of the Wizard class (page 79), such as "A wizard begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level wizard spells in this book (except those from his prohibited schools, if any; see Arcane Schools) plus three 1st-level spells of his choice."
Am I the only one who finds the "every cantrip" logic absurd in the first place?
What is this amazing magical force that populates every wizard's spell book across every continent and every dimension with a new cantrip automatically just because Tim the Enchanter developed a custom cantrip to wash the party's laundry?

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oh.. so the list is expanded then, with the UM spells I mean.
Thats nice.. That theft thingy sounds cool, is it a class ability or a spell?
4th level spell you touch attack them to do a targeted dispel magic if it succeeds you take the first spell that is within your spell range and its now considered yours. Its one of the few Magus only spells.