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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 628 posts (5,489 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 26 aliases.

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go ahead and dot the gameplay thread

go ahead and dot into game

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Welcome Sizara, Agutsu Hulla, Amboy Yacolt, Kenderella Lefuriel, and Nalesa to Serpents Skull! Please read over the player's guide which can be downloaded for free here.

You can post any out of character conversations in this thread as well as questions for me or to other players and when you are going to be gone for an extended period of time please let me know here.

I know I said I would be getting things started today in the recruitment thread but its possibly going to be tomorrow and more than likely going to be Monday before things get kicked off.

Just a reminder when things go live in the gameplay thread I would like for each of you to please try and post once per weekday if you can. I know life happens and I'm not super strict about this but the one post per day helps things move along. I do not expect players to post on weekends because I rarely will(Unless I work Saturdays but that's the only exception).

Welcome Sizara, Agutsu Hulla, Amboy Yacolt, Kenderella Lefuriel, and Nalesa to Serpents Skull! Please read over the player's guide which can be downloaded for free here.

You can post any out of character conversations in this thread as well as questions for me or to other players and when you are going to be gone for an extended period of time please let me know here.

I know I said I would be getting things started today in the recruitment thread but its possibly going to be tomorrow and more than likely going to be Monday before things get kicked off.

Just a reminder when things go live in the gameplay thread I would like for each of you to please try and post once per weekday if you can. I know life happens and I'm not super strict about this but the one post per day helps things move along. I do not expect players to post on weekends because I rarely will(Unless I work Saturdays but that's the only exception).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome St. John Smyth, Jungle Jack, Saaz Daga, Ambriel Kogalnica, Erinnell Hopeworth to Serpents Skull! Please read over the player's guide which can be downloaded for free here.

You can post any out of character conversations in this thread as well as questions for me or to other players and when you are going to be gone for an extended period of time please let me know here.

I know I said I would be getting things started today in the recruitment thread but its possibly going to be tomorrow and more than likely going to be Monday before things get kicked off.

Just a reminder when things go live in the gameplay thread I would like for each of you to please try and post once per weekday if you can. I know life happens and I'm not super strict about this but the one post per day helps things move along. I do not expect players to post on weekends because I rarely will(Unless I work Saturdays but that's the only exception).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Race to the lost city! Deep in the southern jungles, a fantastic city of wonders lies ruined and forgotten by the outside world, ripe for plundering and exploration by the heroes. Yet they aren't alone—several other factions, from deadly Red Mantis assassins to the avaricious Aspis Consortium—have also been tipped off to the city's existence, and the race is on to see who will reach it first. Of course, nothing in the jungle is as easy as it seems. For once they arrive, the heroes discover that the city may be lost, but it is not uninhabited...
Hey everyone! I have just returned from a LONG hiatus and have gotten some module games off the ground so I thought would jump in for something a little more long term and in depth and run an AP! I absolutely love the first book of Serpents Skull so I chose to run that(well and I haven't run it 5000 times like some of the other AP's). It seems to be a little less popular as well so it will be nice to give people that have wanted to play it a chance to. I know things kind of go down hill quick after book one and we will cross that bridge when/if that time comes.

Those interested please post character concepts here. I don't need full sheets/alias's because putting that much time into a build to not be selected is something I can't ask you to do. But if you wish to build an alias feel free I won't stop you. I just need an outline of classes/abilities/feats/general direction your taking your character. I do want to see a fleshed out background so please read the background spoiler below. Character creation rules are in the spoiler below labeled character creation.

If you are new to play by post/pathfinder please feel free to apply here and I will do my best to get you into the game.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day during the week. I am going to be on and available to post while at work and I tend to work 3-8 hour shifts depending on the day but I won't guarantee I'll be on on the weekends. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I may not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation:

-Level 1 characters
-20 point buy for stats
-Max hp at level 1 and then rolled after that(or average if you roll under average)
-Roll your gold or take average for your class
-Core races are preferred but other races may be considered but I will not allow custom races.
-NO EVIL CHARACTERS all other alignments allowed
-All classes are allowed except Occult classes
-No Third party published material
-Any and all paizo 1E books are open and available for use
-Background skills will NOT be allowed
-You will get two traits, one must be from the players guide found here
-No drawbacks for an extra trait


I've seen this method used in the past with fabulous results and it really helps flesh out your characters so please give me the following:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.

Recruitment will remain open until March 12th unless we don't have enough applicants at that time(which I doubt will be the case). If you have any questions please feel free to post them here or PM me. I will be choosing 4-6 of you to join the game depending on how things mesh together.

This game starts in the lovely month of Desnus. Spring is in full bloom and the temperatures are starting to rise once again, bringing with them the promise of fair weather. Being that your all higher level characters you have all developed a reputation and in come cases it alone is responsible for your involvement in the Breaching Festival.

Each of you are awoken one morning by a knock on your door. When you answer it a very sharp dressed woman stands in the door way. She is wearing the livery of House Ornelos and clears her throat before speaking.
"A message from the Headmaster of the Acadame for you" the woman says as she hands you an ornately decorated envelope. She then waits silently for you to read the letter.

As you open the envelope you are surprised to find that you've been invited to partake in this years Breaching Festival. Headmaster Toff Ornelos also requests that you meet with him personally in his office in Ornelos Hall on the Acadamae grounds immediately to speak about your involvement in the festival. It also mentions that you will be attending the Festival as part of one of the first ever teams allowed to take place in the festival. He also lets you know that the Festival is slated to start tomorrow so time is of the essence.

Once you have finished reading she smiles at you "If you need assistance getting to the academe I can teleport you there sir, I have a scroll that will take us right to the headmasters office. If not then please make haste, as the letter said the festival starts tomorrow and the headmaster wishes to speak to you before then."

Today started like any other day. You were spending a month in your individual homes taking a break from your career as adventurers. This was to be the last day of solitude before it was back to work. You had orders to meet your group at a near by tavern. You all make your way to the tavern were you're supposed to meet with your adventuring party. You don't have another mission as of yet so you might want to spend a little time catching up and trying to decide what to do next.

As you gather together you notice that Telye Sin is missing.

Today started like any other day. You were spending a month in your individual homes taking a break from your career as adventurers. This was to be the last day of solitude before it was back to work. You had orders to meet your group at a near by tavern. The day passes uneventfully for all but the general(read the spoiler below General) and you all make your way to the tavern were you're supposed to meet with your adventuring party. You don't have another mission as of yet so you might want to spend a little time catching up and trying to decide what to do next.

As you gather together you notice that the general is missing is not present.

For the General's eyes only:

You have had a feeling something was up with your daughter. She has missed her last opportunity to write to you which she has never done before. You know being newlywed she can sometimes get caught up on things but...this feels different...more sinister. Unable to shake the feeling, you decided to check in on her. It takes most of the day but you eventually make your way to her new home and that is when your world shatters around you. You find the bloody remains of your daughter spread in pieces across the front yard...well most of it anyway, her head has been removed by what looks to be a rather large blade and you see a note clutched in her severed hand . The note its self is written in a strange language but one you have seen many times and you instantly recognize as Celestial. It informs you that your son in law has been taken into the services of the insatiable queen, Izmiara. It instructs you that your daughter was deemed useless and was therefore killed. From what you've heard about Izmiara you shutter to think what she might be doing to or with your son in law and that thought combined with the state your daughter was left in makes you sick to your stomach. You spend the day trying to get over the rage that burns inside of you and tending to your daughters body. You are late arriving to the tavern and by the time you get there your party members have already arrived. If you want to say anything to them about what has happened is up to you. Please let your party members make a few posts before you jump in.

The winds of winter blow, sending chills through any that are brave enough to be outside on this cool autumn day. The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful. After a few moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with backpacks and supplies. Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk. A hush falls over the croud as he begins to speak.

Once again the winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Kassen himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today. Where are the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to
Kassen’s tomb and retrieve the flame to keep this community safe for another winter?

Each of you has been brought to the square by your mentor who is standing by your side and will encourage you to step foward if you don't on your own but I don't see anyone being that shy in this group.

Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to rely on itself to solve its problems. Meanwhile, the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas. Now the hacking coughs of the sick are heard throughout town. The plague has come
to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t be bothered to stop it.

Welcome to my Academe of Secrets game! You are a rather eclectic group so if you want to start discussing how your going to fit together as a party that would be great.

I want to start off by asking if your wanting some time to finish up final details and interweave experiences for a few days or do you guys want to jump right into it?

Fantomas and Adonis please include links to all the spells you know in your alies, it makes my job easier when I can just click a link to see what a spell does.

Welcome Group 2 to my Moonscar game! You are a rather eclectic group so if you want to start discussing how your going to fit together as a party that would be great.

Remember everyone we are assuming you are an established party. Please keep that in mind when making your final touches to your characters.

I want to start off by asking if your wanting some time to finish up final details and interweave experiences for a few days or do you guys want to jump right into it. I also need to do something real quick so excuse me...1d4 ⇒ 2...interesting. Nothing to worry about....

Othniel, Telye, and Tazwell please include links to all the spells you know, it makes my job easier when I can just click a link to see what a spell does.

Welcome Group 1 to my Moonscar game! You are a rather eclectic group so if you want to start discussing how your going to fit together as a party that would be great.

Remember everyone we are assuming you are an established party. Please keep that in mind when making your final touches to your characters.

I want to start off by asking if your wanting some time to finish up final details and interweave experiences for a few days or do you guys want to jump right into it. I also need to do something real quick so excuse me...1d4 ⇒ 1...interesting. Nothing to worry about....

Ladim I please ask you to not spoil anything from the way I start this because its going to have the same start...not that you remember that long ago lol.

Zefig, Ladim, and Ani please include links to all the spells you know, it makes my job easier when I can just click a link to see what a spell does.

Welcome everyone to the discussion thread for my falcons last hope game. Please post here and start interacting with your fellow gamers. I will be along with more details later...I've come down with a stomach bug so I'm not feeling well at the moment and won't be on much tonight.

Welcome everyone to the discussion thread for my falcons last hope game. Please post here and start interacting with your fellow gamers. I will be along with more details later...I've come down with a stomach bug so I'm not feeling well at the moment and won't be on much tonight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Welcome one and all to the Crypt of the Everflame!

A few notes:

1) You are all from the town of Kassin. You can either know eachother or not, thats up to you. You're also realitivily young and untetsted at this point in time. Part of the point of this quest is to test your abilities as adults and to see what you've learned from your mentors(see point 2).

2) You all will have a mentor so to speak in Kassin that has taught you your craft. Information on the mentors and who has what mentor will be in the spoilers below.

Menas's Mentor:

If you ask a dozen folk in Kassen who the strangest family in town is, you
would get the same answer 12 times: the Vargidans. This old family has a touch of magic in its blood, with each one of the children showing some sorcerous talent. Where this magic comes from is a mystery, and the family refuses to speak of such things in mixed company. Lording over the family is the wealthy and eccentric patriarch, Moltus Vargidan. This aging man has white hair that trails down to his knees, and he can ofen be found wandering the halls of the estate, muttering to himself. Living with him are almost a dozen children (each from a different wife) and a pair of lifelong servants. Sorcerers who come from this house have been forced to learn things for themselves, because the old man shares few of his secrets, and many of the
children are starting to believe that his grip on reality is slowly slipping.

Finn Gingerberry:

The small town of Kassen has only one temple and it is devoted primarily to Erastil, but Father Prasst allows those who worship other friendly gods to pray at the temple as well. While Father Prasst does not offer services in the names of these deities, there are small shrines to other gods set up in some of the alcoves, including Gozreh, Gorum, Shelyn, and Torag. Father Prasst is a kind and understanding man, but he is hard when it comes to the defense of the community. He is quite young, only 24, and many in the community do not put too much faith in his council, except in spiritual matters. He was trained as a soldier in Tamran, but he le$ a$er his first battle to become a priest, and refuses to say why.

Thave Arustunson:

Those who frequent the Seven Silvers tavern know to count their coins before they leave the table, especially if they have been served by “Short Change,” the halfling waiter who has a propensity for giving less change than is due (although he insists the name is due to his short stature). Although Jimes is genuinely kind and helpful to all the locals, he just can’t help but end up with some of their possessions at the end of the night, be it a few coins
or a loose dagger. Most of the townsfolk are quite aware of this and do not take too much offense if something goes missing. Afer all, they know where the missing goods went. Anyone who works with Jimes at the Seven Silvers is sure to get a host of tips and tricks from this good-natured thief, who thinks that a little petty the$ is all in good fun


The people of Lastwall, the militaristic nation to the north, take it as their responsibility to keep the orcs of Belkzen in check. Unfortunately, their forces are spread thin, so they rely on a number of scouts close to the border
of Belkzen to keep watch. Sir Dramott is one such scout. Although he has no authority here in town, he regularly reports to his commanders in Lastwall, informing them of any orc activity. Mayor Uptal is grateful for Sir Dramott’s assistance whenever trouble is brewing, but he is concerned about a military
officer from a foreign land stationed in his town. The people of Kassen respect Sir Dramott, but they would rather he go home and leave them to their own devices. As a mentor, Sir Dramott is capable and wise, if a bit harsh. Unfortunately, all of his lessons deal with service to Lastwall, and his pupils are taught to think of such service as a high honor.

I've recently returned after a LONG hiatus and I've decided to run The Academe of Secrets. Its a pathfinder module released for 13th level players.

Those interested please post character concepts here. I don't need full sheets/alias's because putting that much time into a build to not be selected is something I can't ask you to do. But if you wish to build an alias feel free I won't stop you. I just need an outline of classes/abilities/feats/general direction your taking your character. I do want to see a fleshed out background so please read the background spoiler below. Character creation rules are in the spoiler below labeled character creation.

If you are new to play by post/pathfinder I would suggest this isn't the game for you as it requires someone with experience to navigate its twists and turns. I am currently recruiting for some first level modules(Crypt of the EverFlame and Hollows last Hope) that will be more suited for new players.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day during the week. I am going to be on and available to post while at work and I tend to work 3-8 hour shifts depending on the day but I won't be on on the weekends. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I will not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation:

-Level 13 characters
-2d6+6 or 20 Point buy which ever is higher for stats
-Roll HP or take average which ever is higher
-Average starting gold for the level(140,000 gp)
-Core races are preferred but other races may be considered but I will not allow custom races.
-All classes are allowed except Psionic classes
-Any equipment found in Ultimate Equipment is allowed
-No Third party published material
-Any and all paizo 1E books are open and available for use
-Prestige classes are encouraged but not required. To make some of these more appetizing I will be allowing Variant Multi classing. The rules for which can be found here.
-Background skills will be allowed
-You will get two traits


I've seen this method used in the past with fabulous results and it really helps flesh out your characters. Though I haven't seen it used for a Module so I'm wanting to see if it has the same results. So please give me the following:
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

Recruitment will close on Wednesday Feb 26th at 7 PM EST.

I've recently returned after a LONG hiatus and I've decided to offer some higher level games. The first will be Moonscar. Its a pathfinder module released for 16th level players. You will be traveling to one of the other moons in the galaxy to solve some abductions.

Those interested please post character concepts here. I don't need full sheets/alias's because putting that much time into a build to not be selected is something I can't ask you to do. But if you wish to build an alias feel free I won't stop you. I just need an outline of classes/abilities/feats/general direction your taking your character. I do want to see a fleshed out background so please read the background spoiler below. Character creation rules are in the spoiler below labeled character creation.

If you are new to play by post/pathfinder I would suggest this isn't the game for you as it requires someone with experience to navigate its twists and turns. I am currently recruiting for some first level modules(Crypt of the EverFlame and Hollows last Hope) that will be more suited for new players.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day during the week. I am going to be on and available to post while at work and I tend to work 3-8 hour shifts depending on the day but I won't be on on the weekends. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I will not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation:

-Level 16 characters
-4d6 drop low or 20 Point buy which ever is higher for stats
-Roll HP or take average which ever is higher
-Average starting gold for the level(315,000)
-Core races are preferred but other races may be considered but I will not allow custom races.
-NO ALIGNMENT RESTRICTION(yes you heard me right, this is an opportunity to play evil characters but you MUST work together)
-All classes are allowed except Psionic classes
-Any equipment found in Ultimate Equipment is allowed
-No Third party published material
-Any and all paizo 1E books are open and available for use
-Prestige classes are encouraged but not required. To make some of these more appatizing I will be allowing Variant Multi classing. The rules for which can be found here.
-Background skills will be allowed
-You will get two traits


I've seen this method used in the past with fabulous results and it really helps flesh out your characters. Though I haven't seen it used for a Module so I'm wanting to see if it has the same results. So please give me the following:
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

Recruitment will close on Wednesday Feb 26th at 7 PM EST.

Hello everyone! I was a pretty popular DM back in the day but I've gotten busy with real life and have been inactive or about 5 or so years. I've decided to dust off my account and get a few games started up. This thread is for crypt of the everflame. Character creation details are as follow:

Stats-I am going to be generous and let you do 2d6+6 for stats, roll two sets and take your favorite.

Races-Limiting to core races only

Books-Any PF1 material is allowed but I'm not a huge fan of the psionic adaptaitons.

HP-Max HP at first level, roll after that

Gold-Average starting gold

Traits- 2 traits

Any questions can be asked here

Hello everyone! I was a pretty popular DM back in the day but I've gotten busy with real life and have been inactive or about 5 or so years. I've decided to dust off my account and get a few games started up. First off I thought I would run an oldie but a goody in Hollows last HOpe. Character creation details are as follow:

Stats-I am going to be generous and let you do 2d6+6 for stats, roll two sets and take your favorite.

Races-All core + Advanced Races playtest races are available to play. I'm limiting RP to 22 if you do an advanced race.

Books-Any PF1 material is allowed but I'm not a huge fan of the psionic adaptaitons.

HP-Max HP at first level, roll after that

Gold-Average starting gold

Traits- 2 traits

Hero Points- I will be using hero points for this game. You all start
out with 1 hero point.

Any questions can be asked here

Anyone in the Grand Rapids, MI area looking for a group? My wife, 18-year-old son, and I are looking to host a group at our home in Grand Rapids. I would prefer being able to play so looking for someone who ideally wouldn't mind GMing duties(can be split if needed). I'm open to either pathfinder 1 or 2. Message me if interested or respond to this post.

Sorry to start a new thread on a topic that's already being discussed but I felt that my question was different enough that I didn't want to hijack the other thread with it.

Does the first level class feat granted by Natural Ambition count as a bonus feat? Or are there enough first level class feats that it can be recorded in the class feat box?

Hey guys,

My wife, step son, and I are interested in starting up a new gaming group in our home in Bridgeton, MO. Right now we have the GM(either me or my wife) and 1 players(by step-son). It will more than likely(like 99% sure) to be me running to start with and then once we get more comfortable with each other and my wife gets comfortable she might try running a few sessions.

Here is what we are looking for in players:
Age 25-45
Able to play with newer players
Able to "go with the flow"(no rules lawyers)
Non smoker
Drinking is okay but only in moderation(don't want to have to call a taxi for you at the end of the night)
Pet friendly(we have 3 cats and 1 dog)
Good personal Hygiene

Other than that we're pretty flexible about who we play with. We are recently married and have just started going back to school on top of working so we're looking to do something together that can help de-stress from a long week of studying/classes.

Right now we're looking at every other Saturday night to play. As I mentioned we'll be using Pathfinder rules. We can discuss specifics later but I'll be running an AP(to be decided by the group) if I GM and I'm pretty sure my wife will want to do the same when she GM's.

Anyone interested can feel free to post here or ask for my contact info and I can PM it to you.


Today was day 4 of Ameiko missing and you are starting to grow worried. You know that over the last few months she has been going on short mini adventures to the south into the Brinestump marsh but she won't tell you why and when you pry she gets upset so you leave it well enough alone and don't ask anymore. She is on one of those trips now but its been a day and a half longer than usual. You spend most of the day pacing at the Rusty Dragon before you decide to go out and look for her. She's never gone this long and you feel in your gut something happened to her.

Gathering up what ever you want you head out. You travel along the road to the marsh for about 30 min when you see them. Shalelu and Ameiko, both very badly burned. Ameiko has passed out and SHalelu is carrying her in her arms, limping and bleeding from a bad gash on her head.

"Oh thank god your here" Shalelu said as she spots you. She then stumbles and falls, dropping Ameiko to the ground, her leg giving out. You see the back of it is very very badly burned, a mass of blisters, blood, and exposed muscle.

Hey everyone(Colin Spear, Daedalus the Dungeon Builder,
Tarondor, Ammon knight of Ragathiel, The Carrion Crawler, Sam C, and Chubbs) to the Jade Regent campaign. Here is our discussion thread. For those not used to how things run here this is where we keep most(if not all) of the out of character postings. You will also post here if you are going to be unavailable to post for a few days(more on that below).

Let me start off by saying this is going to be a very large wall of text post. I apologize for this

Just to get this out of the way I'm going to lay down some ground rules for the group, in a spoiler for organizational purposes, please read anyway:

Game Rules:

1) These are family friendly boards we're posting on so any adult content should be kept to a minimum. There are opportunities for your characters to act as sexual beings in this adventure path, when those events happen, things will be set up and then fade to black. Also I am all for describing actions in combat but keep the violent and graphic descriptions to a minimum.

2)Please see the spoiler below for character creation guidelines.

3)If you can not post please let us know here so we can adjust if needed. If you disappear I will bot your character for a while but after a while you will be booted from the game(say 3 weeks). I understand emergencies happen and can be unforeseen so if you are gone for an extended period with out notice and want to rejoin a game please PM me and we can discuss it.

4)I am available to post during the week pretty much exclusively. I have a wife and family that demand my attention on the weekend. I will check in on the discussion threads and possibly the game play threads if things need brief posts but these will be made from my phone and thus will be limited.

5)I would like for each of you to post at least once per day Monday-Friday. If you can do more great, if not please do your beast and keep rule 3 in mind. This game does not happen with out posts so please do what you can when you can.

6)Combats are a big pain in the ass in this format and will be discussed at a later date. I have a system that works for the most part and will be following it but its to clunky to post here now and isn't relevant until we get to our first combat which might be much later.

Character Creation Guidelines can be found below, also in a spoiler for organizational purposes but please read them.

Character Creation Guidelines:

-Characters are level 1
-Average starting wealth
-Classes from Core, APG, UM, UC, ACG, and Unchained are acceptable.
-Standard races would be prefered, but I will consider things from the ARG based on background and strength of argument for why this race should be allowed. Alternate races with ties to Tian Xia don't need prior approval though(Kitsune, Tengu(I think), Samsarian, and Nagaji).
-NO third party publishing sources allowed!
-All other Paizo splat books will be allowed
-Race traits, feats, magic items, and alternate class features from the ARG are allowed but you can not build your own custom race.
-2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the Jade regent players guide.
-20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 10 before racial adjustment.

Now for backgrounds I'm going to be doing something a little different that I stole from another poster here that I have found works wonders for plot hooks and getting people tied into the campaign. See the spoiler below on how I want you guys doing backgrounds. All this is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

Information on how to write backgrounds:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the 4 NPC's mentioned in the Players guide(Koya, Ameiko, Shalelu, and Sandaru) as these ties but you can feel free to have others as well.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.

-Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.

Next I want to touch on my availability. As I mentioned before I am a graduate student and married and also work 25 hours a week. I am taking an almost full load this semester. I work from 8 AM-1:30 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday-Friday(with some exceptions that vary by week) and am in class from 3:30-7 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday and Wednesday. I am getting my masters in mathematics which means my homework consists of writing proofs, which I spend about 15-20 hours a week doing. I will most likely be posting from work 90% of the time but might post outside of work hours from my phone of something is quick and easy to post.

In the interest of respecting rules 3 and 5 I have exams coming up on Wednesday 2/22 and Monday 2/27 so my posting on those days and possibly leading up to them will more than likely be limited to once a day or quick posts. This also means I should probably be studying for the Real Analysis exam on Wednesday rather than writing this wall of text post but oh well lol.

Finally I want to say thanks for baring with my HUGE wall of text post and welcome aboard. We will have fun from here on out I just needed to get the business stuff out of the way so its out there and understood and should hopefully not need to be mentioned again.

If you have any questions please feel free to post them here or PM me. And you guys can feel free to use this thread now to discuss character builds or what ever you want, its your discussion thread.

Hey everyone(Entymal, WarforgedMan, AmBarbaian, Louxman, Donto, Snowheart, Corsario) to the Rise of the Runelords campaign. Here is our dicussion thread. For those not used to how things run here this is where we keep most(if not all) of the out of character postings. You will also post here if you are going to be unavailable to post for a few days(more on that below).

Let me start off by saying this is going to be a very large wall of text post. I appologize for this

Just to get this out of the way I'm going to lay down some ground rules for the group, in a spoiler for organizational purposes, please read anyway:

Game Rules:

1) These are family friendly boards we're posting on so any adult content should be kept to a minimum. There are opportunities for your characters to act as sexual beings in this adventure path, when those events happen, things will be set up and then fade to black. Also I am all for describing actions in combat but keep the violent and graphic descriptions to a minimum.

2)Please see the spoiler below for character creation guidelines.

3)If you can not post please let us know here so we can adjust if needed. If you disappear I will bot your character for a while but after a while you will be booted from the game(say 3 weeks). I understand emergencies happen and can be unforeseen so if you are gone for an extended period with out notice and want to rejoin a game please PM me and we can discuss it.

4)I am available to post during the week pretty much exclusively. I have a wife and family that demand my attention on the weekend. I will check in on the discussion threads and possibly the game play threads if things need brief posts but these will be made from my phone and thus will be limited.

5)I would like for each of you to post at least once per day Monday-Friday. If you can do more great, if not please do your beast and keep rule 3 in mind. This game does not happen with out posts so please do what you can when you can.

6)Combats are a big pain in the ass in this format and will be discussed at a later date. I have a system that works for the most part and will be following it but its to clunky to post here now and isn't relevant until we get to our first combat which might be much later.

Character Creation Guidelines can be found below, also in a spoiler for organizational purposes but please read them.

Character Creation Guidelines:

-We will be using the anniversary edition
-Characters are level 1
-Average starting wealth
-Classes from Core, APG, UM, UC, ACG, and Unchained are acceptable.
-Standard races would be prefered, but I will consider things from the ARG based on background and strength of argument for why this race should be allowed.
-NO third party publishing sources allowed!
-All other Paizo splat books will be allowed
-Race traits, feats, magic items, and alternate class features from the ARG are allowed but you can not build your own custom race.
-2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the Anniversary edition Rise of the Runelords players guide.
-20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 10 before racial adjustment.

Now for backgrounds I'm going to be doing something a little different that I stole from another poster here that I have found works wonders for plot hooks and getting people tied into the campaign. See the spoiler below on how I want you guys doing backgrounds. All this is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

Information on how to write backgrounds:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.

-Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.

Next I want to touch on my availability. As I mentioned before I am a graduate student and married and also work 25 hours a week. I am taking an almost full load this semester. I work from 8 AM-1:30 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday-Friday(with some exceptions that vary by week) and am in class from 3:30-7 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday and Wednesday. I am getting my masters in mathematics which means my homework consists of writing proofs, which I spend about 15-20 hours a week doing. I will most likely be posting from work 90% of the time but might post outside of work hours from my phone of something is quick and easy to post.

In the interest of respecting rules 3 and 5 I have exams coming up on Wednesday 2/22 and Monday 2/27 so my posting on those days and possibly leading up to them will more than likely be limited to once a day or quick posts. This also means I should probably be studying for the Real Analysis exam on Wednesday rather than writing this wall of text post but oh well lol.

Finally I want to say thanks for baring with my HUGE wall of text post and welcome aboard. We will have fun from here on out I just needed to get the business stuff out of the way so its out there and understood and should hopefully not need to be mentioned again.

If you have any questions please feel free to post them here or PM me. And you guys can feel free to use this thread now to discuss character builds or what ever you want, its your discussion thread.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey guys,

Let me start things off on the right foot by being the first to admit I've had a horrible track record here for starting games and then life getting in the way and having to drop out or just going silent after a few weeks/months. I apologize for this really bad habit. I just tend to take on to much at a time and it always bites me in the butt and I burn out quickly. I also lead a rather busy life(working on my masters on top of working 25 hours a week and I'm married so my wife takes up some time as well).

But I am willing to run just one game for 6 players if I can get people who are willing to look past my spotted past on this site and give me a shot. If no one is willing I understand because its very frusterating to get into a game and then have it fizzle out before it gets going.

That being said if I can get people to bite I am looking to run a game here on the forums for about 6 people. If I get more interest then I might consider running for more of you but only one game. I'd maybe go up to 8 players though and thats it.

Here is the list of things I'd be willing to run:
Acadame of Secrets
Rise of the Runelords
Jade Regent
Carrion Crown
Serpents Skull
Dragons Demand
Crypt of the Everflame

Let me know if your interested and what you would like me to run.

So I've been thinking about going with my wife and step sons. My oldest step son will be graduating from high school on 5/26 however so we wouldn't be able to arrive until 5/27 at the earliest which means we'd miss the first day(s) of the con. I've never been and have wanted to for the last several years its just never been in the cards so to speak.

So for those of you who have gone would it be worth going for Saturday/Sunday/Monday? Or should we just hold off until next year when all 5 days will be possible?

Also are there rooms left in the block at the hotel?

Amarantha Van Der Griest:
You are awoken one morning by a knock on your door. When you answer it a very sharp dressed woman stands in the door way. She is wearing the livery of House Ornelos and clears her throat before speaking. "A message from the Headmaster of the University in Korvosa." She steps forward and hands you an ornately decorated envelope. She then turns and waits for you to finish reading. As you open the envelope you are surprised to find that you've been invited to partake in this years Breaching Festival. Headmaster Toff also requests that you meet with him personally in his office in Ornelos Hall on the Acadamae grounds immediately to speak about your involvement in the festival. It also mentions that you will be attending the Festival as a guest of honor and that the Festival is slated to start tomorrow so time is of the essence.

Once you're done she smiles at you and says "Congradulaton's. I've been ordered to teleport you right to Ornelos hall if you need transport, if you have your own means of getting there then thats fine. "

Silas Kaine:
You are awoken one morning by a knock on your door. When you answer it a very sharp dressed woman stands in the door way. She is wearing the livery of House Ornelos and clears her throat before speaking. "A message from the Headmaster of the University in Korvosa." She steps forward and hands you an ornately decorated envelope. She then turns and waits for you to finish reading. As you open the envelope you are surprised to find that you've been invited to partake in this years Breaching Festival. Headmaster Toff also requests that you meet with him personally in his office in Ornelos Hall on the Acadamae grounds immediately to speak about your involvement in the festival. It also mentions that you will be attending the Festival as a guest of honor and that the Festival is slated to start tomorrow so time is of the essence.

Once you're done she smiles at you and says "Congradulaton's. I've been ordered to teleport you right to Ornelos hall if you need transport, if you have your own means of getting there then thats fine. "

Erik Draden:
You are awoken one morning by a knock on your door. When you answer it a very sharp dressed woman stands in the door way. She is wearing the livery of House Ornelos and clears her throat before speaking. "A message from the Headmaster of the University in Korvosa." She steps forward and hands you an ornately decorated envelope. She then turns and waits for you to finish reading. As you open the envelope you are surprised to find that you've been invited to partake in this years Breaching Festival. Headmaster Toff also requests that you meet with him personally in his office in Ornelos Hall on the Acadamae grounds immediately to speak about your involvement in the festival. It also mentions that you will be attending the Festival as a guest of honor and that the Festival is slated to start tomorrow so time is of the essence.

Once you're done she smiles at you and says "Congradulaton's. I've been ordered to teleport you right to Ornelos hall if you need transport, if you have your own means of getting there then thats fine. "

You are awoken one morning by a knock on your door. When you answer it a very sharp dressed woman stands in the door way. She is wearing the livery of House Ornelos and clears her throat before speaking. "A message from the Headmaster of the University in Korvosa." She steps forward and hands you an ornately decorated envelope. She then turns and waits for you to finish reading. As you open the envelope you are surprised to find that you've been invited to partake in this years Breaching Festival. Headmaster Toff also requests that you meet with him personally in his office in Ornelos Hall on the Acadamae grounds immediately to speak about your involvement in the festival. It also mentions that you will be attending the Festival as a guest of honor and that the Festival is slated to start tomorrow so time is of the essence.

Once you're done she smiles at you and says "Congradulaton's. I've been ordered to teleport you right to Ornelos hall if you need transport, if you have your own means of getting there then thats fine. "

Zeph Ornelos:
You are awoken one morning by a knock on your door. When you answer it a very sharp dressed woman stands in the door way. She is wearing the livery of House Ornelos and clears her throat before speaking. "A message from the Headmaster of the University in Korvosa." She steps forward and hands you an ornately decorated envelope. She then turns and waits for you to finish reading. As you open the envelope you are surprised to find that you've been invited to partake in this years Breaching Festival. Headmaster Toff also requests that you meet with him personally in his office in Ornelos Hall on the Acadamae grounds immediately to speak about your involvement in the festival. It also mentions that you will be attending the Festival as a guest of honor and that the Festival is slated to start tomorrow so time is of the essence.

Once you're done she smiles at you and says "Congradulaton's. I've been ordered to teleport you right to Ornelos hall if you need transport, if you have your own means of getting there then thats fine. "

You are awoken one morning by a knock on your door. When you answer it a very sharp dressed woman stands in the door way. She is wearing the livery of House Ornelos and clears her throat before speaking. "A message from the Headmaster of the University in Korvosa." She steps forward and hands you an ornately decorated envelope. She then turns and waits for you to finish reading. As you open the envelope you are surprised to find that you've been invited to partake in this years Breaching Festival. Headmaster Toff also requests that you meet with him personally in his office in Ornelos Hall on the Acadamae grounds immediately to speak about your involvement in the festival. It also mentions that you will be attending the Festival as a guest of honor and that the Festival is slated to start tomorrow so time is of the essence.

Once you're done she smiles at you and says "Congradulaton's. I've been ordered to teleport you right to Ornelos hall if you need transport, if you have your own means of getting there then thats fine. "

It has been a long day and thankfully midnight has finally arrived as everyone makes their way through the streets of Tamran. There is a slight chill in the air. This time of night they're dead except for the few drunks out stumbling through the streets or a few nefarious thieves out to make a quick buck but you're here on business so you pay them no mind.

Regulas, Rhen, Shadoo, Yarr, and Quinn your reputations precede you and you have all received a letter from a fellow adventurer in need of your help. He was short on details but asked you meet with him at the Dancing Lancer at midnight. He identifies himself in the letter as Ladim Relos and instantly you recognize the name. Either you've worked with him previously or have at least heard of his arcane skill and great power. If he's asking for your help it must be with something very important.

My wife and I have been in the St. Louis area for about 2 years now and we're looking for an existing gaming group or to start our own if we have enough interested players(looking for 3 more). We are in our 30's and would like to game with people who are around our own age though we won't shy away from people in their 20's. Please be at least 21 however.

We have our own home and are willing to host and I'm willing to DM if need be but would like to rotate that responsibility so I get a chance to play as well. We currently own 3 dogs and 2 cats so people with pet allergies need not apply. The dogs will be kept outside so they won't interrupt the game.

She played D&D back in the early 90's but has been playing Pathfinder for a little over three years now. She has played fighters and clerics mostly but is willing to play what ever is needed.

I've been playing for the last 15 years or so and have played everything from D&D/Pathfinder to Arduin and Final Fantasy table top. I can play pretty much anything and fill any role though I do prefer mele characters(fighers/barbarians/monks) to casters but am more than willing to challenge that.

If you want to see a little bit of my play style, though I'm not sure how accurate an indicator this is, you can check my profile here because I run 12 games on these boards right now.

We are available Friday night or Saturday and Sunday(pretty much all day). She is a student and I'm going to be starting a Masters program at UMSL so the week is pretty much dedicated to working and studying.

If this sounds like a fit for your group you can either PM me, respond to this thread, or email me at

Welcome Silas, Erik, Zeph, Sagacious, Reikananths, and Amantha.

Let me first start off by saying welcome to all the players who haven't had the pleasure of gaming with me and welcome back and I'm sorry to those that have. I'm glad you have chosen me as your DM and I hope to not disappoint.

I'd like to take a little time and get to know my players so below you will find a brief bio on me and if you feel comfortable writing one for yourself, feel free to do so.

I am currently running several games on these boards(this game brings me up to 12) and my players almost always enjoy themselves. I've been playing Pathfinder since about 2010 but have played D&D 3.5, Shadowrun, Final Fantasy table top, Vampire the Masquaraide(one session), as well as several home brewed games in the past so all together I have about 15-20 years of gaming experience.

I also enjoy role playing video games and have been a hopeless final fantasy junky for the last 15 years. I've played both MMO versions of Final Fantasy and even met my fantastic wife while playing FFXI. I currently play FFXIV though it isn't as fun as XI was in its hay day(before level cap was raised beyond 75). I have also played dragon age origins extensively.

I have an on again and off again relationship with Magic the Gathering which is currently on again lol. It is something my step son and I enjoy doing together, even though he insists on building the most annoying decks on the planet(Mill, Infect, and Madness).

I have been married for two years and a week and have gotten my wife hopelessly addicted to Pathfinder. Ever since she watched me run a table of Raise of the Runelords she's been hooked. Recently I've had the privilege of introducing two of my sons to Pathfinder as well as one of of their friends. Its nice to know that I spread the drug that is Pathfinder to younger generations. Now every time they come to visit(they don't live with us) they beg me to run something for them. One of these days we will actually start and complete a campaign...have yet to accomplish that.

Welcome Lucendar, Shadoo Mortimer, Regulas, Ladim, Yarr, and Quinn!

Let me first start off by saying welcome to all the players who haven't had the pleasure of gaming with me. Let me also say welcome back and I'm sorry to those that have. I'm glad you have chosen me as your DM and I hope to not disappoint.

I'd like to take a little time and get to know my players so below you will find a brief bio on me and if you feel comfortable writing one feel free to do so.

I am currently running several games on these boards and my players almost always enjoy themselves. I've been playing Pathfinder since about 2010 but have played D&D 3.5, Shadowrun, Final Fantasy table top, Vampire the Masquaraide(one session), as well as several home brewed games in the past so all together I have about 15-20 years of gaming experience.

I also enjoy role playing video games and have been a hopeless final fantasy junky for the last 15 years. I've played both MMO versions of Final Fantasy and even met my fantastic wife while playing FFXI. I currently play FFXIV though it isn't as fun as XI was in its hay day(before level cap was raised beyond 75). I have also played dragon age origins extensively.

I have an on again and off again relationship with Magic the Gathering which is currently on again lol. Tt is something my step son and I enjoy doing together, even though he insists on building the most annoying decks on the planet. I've also gotten him, his brother, my wife, and my sister in law all hooked on Pathfinder.

The day is young and not many are up in the small town of Kassin. A cold chill blows in the air and you can tell Winter will soon be here.

You have all gotten word from the Mayor that you have been selected to bring back the flame from the crypt. Its been four years since the Mayor has selected anyone to partake in the Quest for the Everflame and you all feel honored to be selected. You are to meet in the square of town at noon for your send off ceremony but first you have last minute preparations to take care of.


You spend the morning in your family home cooking breakfast for your father, as you do every morning. He seems to be worse off than he was yesterday an you worry about him but he encourages you to head out on your adventure. After breakfast you take him to the church for his daily treatment. On your way you run into your old friend Anthony Jaspar. He gives you a quick hug "Good luck with everything" he says and then kisses the top of your head and whispers in your ear "No worries I'll watch him".


You wake with a start as you, once again, had a dream of a white dragon. As per usual you had turned into one but this time you were pillaging Kassin looking for treasure to add to your hord. You were just about to attack your half sister with your breath weapon when you awoke. Crow also wakes with a start and looks at you "Happen again did it? he says rather nonchalantly and then begins preening himself. A few moments later there comes a knock on your door and an all familiar voice comes from the other side "Qina dear you sleep any longer and you are going to be late" your mother's voice calls.


You awake at the temple as usual and set to your daily routine. You spend an hour in meditation before you meet with Praast to go over final preparations for your quest. "I'm proud of you my boy" he says with a smile. "Don't worry I handled the temple before you came here, I will be fine with out you here. Bring back the flame and make this town proud."


You wake and spend time in meditation, as is your ritual, when there is a knock on the door. You go to answer it and are shocked to see Merelda standing there.


You wake in your family home and you smell a very familiar smell filling the house. You make your way to the kitchen and you see that your mother has been up making her famous Baked Chicken Pie. She sees you enter the kitchen and you are the only one up right now. She smiles brightly at you "Just for you" she says.


You wake and have one final sparing session with Cedron. Once that's done there is a knock at the door and as you answer it you are shocked to see Delarra standing there.

Welcome Quina, Vivian, Belathorian Twice Born, Brezik, Allister, and Gad'larr.

Let me first start off by saying welcome to all the players who haven't had the pleasure of gaming with me and welcome back and I'm sorry to those that have. I'm glad you have chosen me as your DM and I hope to not disappoint. This is a classic adventure and one of the first ones released for the Pathfinder rule set.

I'd like to take a little time and get to know my players so below you will find a brief bio on me and if you feel comfortable writing one feel free to do so.

I am currently running several games on these boards and my players almost always enjoy themselves. I've been playing Pathfinder since about 2010 but have played D&D 3.5, Shadowrun, Final Fantasy table top, Vampire the Masquaraide(one session), as well as several home brewed games in the past so all together I have about 15-20 years of gaming experience.

I also enjoy role playing video games and have been a hopeless final fantasy junky for the last 15 years. I've played both MMO versions of Final Fantasy and even met my fantastic wife while playing FFXI. I currently play FFXIV though it isn't as fun as XI was in its hay day(before level cap was raised beyond 75). I have also played dragon age origins extensively.

I have an on again and off again relationship with Magic the Gathering which is currently on again lol. Tt is something my step son and I enjoy doing together, even though he insists on building the most annoying decks on the planet. I've also gotten him, his brother, my wife, and my sister in law all hooked on Pathfinder.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am going to run a Crypt of the Everflame game. I am looking for 4-6 players that are willing to play in this adventure. If you are new to pathfinder/play by post then this is the game for you but I will also take veteran players as well.

Character creation rules can be found in the spoiler below. To be considered I would like to see a full build of your character and a fleshed out background per the specification in the spoiler below. This module runs a lot better if everyone was local to Kassin so that will be a requirement.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day Monday-Thursday. I am available between 10 AM and 4 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday-Thursday. I will occasionally be able to post on Fridays between 12-5 but that really depends on whats going on and I WILL NOT post on the weekends. I understand a lot of people have jobs and won't be able to post when I can, that's fine as long as your making your 1/day post rate. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I will not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation:

Books: Anything put out by Paizo is fair game except anything with the Occult. If you want to use something from a non hardcover source please let me know.

Races:Core only please

HP: Max at first level

Skills: Background skills will be allowed

Stats: 25 point buy

Traits: You will get 2 traits

Classes: Anything from Core, APG, ACG, UM, UC, or Unchained is allowed

Background info:

-As for backgrounds, I'd like it to go as follows:
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Including Lorrimor in one of those might not be a bad idea.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

-Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own. Cool?

Recruitment will close Tuesday 4/12 at 12 AM CST

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've recently been on a kick for higher level play and its been going well so I thought I'd open up a game of Academe of Secrets. Its a pathfinder module released for 13th level players. A summary of the adventure can be found in the spoiler below and a detailed description would be found here.

Adventure Background:

Every year the Acadamae—Korvosa’s prestigious school of the arcane arts—opens its gates to the city to host the Breaching Festival, where the most skilled infiltrators are invited to enter the magically guarded Hall of Wards or die trying. Testing their luck against the university’s strongest defenses, the competitors pull out all the stops as they vie for a chance at a fortune in gold and magical treasure. This year, the school’s headmaster has invited the heroes to participate, against the contest’s longstanding traditions. While the Breaching Festival has not seen a champion in over a century and a half, this year’s festival promises to be the deadliest trial the school has ever known. Should the heroes reign victorious, the secrets they may uncover promise more than gold and glory—they may rock the very foundation of the Acadamae, and even the entire city!

Those interested please post character concepts here. I don't need full sheets/alias's because putting that much time into a build to not be selected is something I can't ask you to do. But if you wish to build an alias feel free I won't stop you. I just need an outline of classes/abilities/feats/general direction your taking your character. I do want to see a fleshed out background so please read the background spoiler below. Character creation rules are in the spoiler below labeled character creation.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day Monday-Thursday. I am available between 10 AM and 4 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday-Thursday. I will occasionally be able to post on Fridays between 12-5 but that really depends on whats going on and I WILL NOT post on the weekends. I understand a lot of people have jobs and won't be able to post when I can, that's fine as long as your making your 1/day post rate. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I will not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation guidelines:

-Characters are level 13
-Standard wealth by level(140,000)
-Classes from Core, APG, UM, UC, ACG, and Unchained are acceptable
-NO third party publishing sources allowed
-Core races only.
-2 traits
-No background skills
-Stat generation will be 2d6+6 or 20 point buy which ever is higher.


I've seen this method used recently with fabulous results and it really helps flesh out your characters. Though I haven't seen it used for a Module so I'm wanting to see if it has the same results. So please give me the following:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Including Lorrimor in one of those might not be a bad idea.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

-Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own. Cool?

Recruitment will close on Tuesday April 19th.

Any other questions can be posted here.

I've recently been on a kick for higher level play and its been going well so I thought I'd open up a game of Moonscar. Its a pathfinder module released for 16th level players. You will be traveling to one of the other moons in the galaxy to solve some abductions. A detailed description would be found here.

Those interested please post character concepts here. I don't need full sheets/alias's because putting that much time into a build to not be selected is something I can't ask you to do. But if you wish to build an alias feel free I won't stop you. I just need an outline of classes/abilities/feats/general direction your taking your character. I do want to see a fleshed out background so please read the background spoiler below. Character creation rules are in the spoiler below labeled character creation.

If you are new to play by post/pathfinder I would suggest this isn't the game for you as it requires someone with experience to navigate its twists and turns. I will be opening up games more suited to newer players as well so keep your eyes peeled for those.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day Monday-Thursday. I am available between 10 AM and 4 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday-Thursday. I will occasionally be able to post on Fridays between 12-5 but that really depends on whats going on and I WILL NOT post on the weekends. I understand a lot of people have jobs and won't be able to post when I can, that's fine as long as your making your 1/day post rate. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I will not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation:

-Level 16 characters
-4d6 drop low or 20 Point buy which ever is higher for stats
-Roll HP or take average which ever is higher
-Average starting gold for the level(315,000)
-Core races are prefered but other races may be considered but I will not allow custom races.
-NO ALIGNMENT RESTRICTION(yes you heard me right, this is an opprotunity to play evil characters but you MUST work together)
-All classes are allowed except Psionic classes
-Any equipment found in Ulitmate Equipment is allowed
-No Third party published material
-Any and all paizo books are open and available for use
-Prestige classes are encouraged but not required. To make some of these more appatizing I will be allwoing Variant Multiclassing. The rules for which can be found here.
-Background skills will be allowed
-You will get two traits


I've seen this method used recently with fabulous results and it really helps flesh out your characters. Though I haven't seen it used for a Module so I'm wanting to see if it has the same results. So please give me the following:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Including Lorrimor in one of those might not be a bad idea.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

-Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own. Cool?

Recruitment will close on Tuesday April 19th.

Looking for two replacement players for my Jade Regent campaign. We currently have A cavalier, a warpriest, and an arcanist. Character build rolls are in the spoiler below. We need a rogue-type character. Someone with disable device at least. The other new player can be what ever we fell will help fill out and round out the party. I will be taking my player input on applications but I reserve right of final say. If you have any questions feel free to post them here or PM me.

Character Creation Guidelines:

-Characters are level 1
-Average starting wealth
-Classes from Core, APG, UM, UC, ACG, and Unchained are acceptable.
-Please none of the new classes that were play tested(pathfinders taken on Psionics)
-Standard races would be prefered, but I will consider things from the ARG based on background and strength of argument for why this race should be allowed.
-NO third party publishing sources allowed!
-All other Paizo products will be allowed
-Race traits, feats, magic items, and alternate class features from the ARG are allowed but you can not build your own custom race.
-2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the Jade Regent players guide.
-20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 10 before racial adjustment.

The new players will be selected on Monday April 11th.

The days aboard the Jenivere have been long especially for the last week or so as captain Alizandru Kovack has seemed very...distracted. It all started when you took on a new passenger, one Ieana. All of you have taken notice that the captain doesn't even come out to take readings on their position, he just stays in his cabin all the time. All of the work on board has been left to first mate Alton
Devers and those of you who work as crew on board have been given extra responsibility to make up for all the extra work put on Alton(s+!& runs down hill after all).

After another very long day on board the ships dinner bell finally rings. Despite having restocked at the last port the ships cook has been very mundane in his meal selections of late so you aren't really looking forward to the meal you're all just desperate for a break from working or a chance to socialize.

Everyone makes their way to the mess hall and lines up in the typical line for dinner. This time Captain Kovack couldn't even bother to come to dinner as you don't see him at the head of the line. A very exhausted Alton is there, wobbling to and fro on his feet. You can't tell if he's just trying to roll with the ship or if he's so exhausted he might fall over. Tonight's dinner consists of fish stew, a stale dinner roll, and water. For those of you on the crew you can upgrade to grog but it will come out of your profits.

You all make your way through the serving line and out to the galley where you can finally sit down and socialize amungst yourselves. Here in the galley the crew and the travelers mingle, class and rank forgotten.

Here is the new discussion thread. Build rules are in a spoiler below. As I mentioned in the other discussion thread I won't be on much after 4 PM CST today. For those of you who have characters done and want to role play a little I will throw up the start of the adventure in the game play thread.

Character Creation:

-Characters are level 1
-Average starting wealth(found on page 140 of the core rule book)
-Classes from Core(if your new to pathfinder try to stick to just this), Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate magic, Advanced Class Guide, and Ultimate Combat are acceptable.
-Archetypes from Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate magic, Advanced Class Guide, and Ultimate Combat are acceptable.
-Standard races(those found on pages 21-27 of the core rule book) would be preferred. If you want to play something unusual(from the advanced race guide) I may allow it based on background and strength of argument for why this race should be allowed.
-NO third party publishing sources allowed
-Race traits, feats, magic items, and alternate class features from the Advanced Race Guide are allowed but you CAN NOT build your own custom race.
-2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the players guide.
-You can either keep the rolls you had in the other thread or use 20 point buy(as explained on page 16 of the core rule book).

For easy reference I suggest using this. It has all the rules from the books I'm allowing and more so be sure the options your taking are from the allowed list of books.

Welcome to the discussion thread everyone! This is where we will discuss everything that goes into our game that doesn't happen in character. It is where we will be going through the process of creating our characters, getting to know one another, and letting each other know when we won't be able to post for a long period of time if that ever happens. Its also where any and all questions can be posed to me or the group.

Let me first start off by saying welcome to all the new players. I'm glad you have chosen me as your first pathfinder DM and I hope to not disappoint. I'd like to take a little time and get to know my players so below you will find a brief bio on me and if you feel comfortable writing one feel free to do so.

I am currently running several games on these boards and my players almost always enjoy themselves. So much so that I have started to have several repeat players in my games. I've been playing Pathfinder since about 2010 but have played D&D 3.5, Shadowrun, Final Fantasy table top, Vampire the Masquaraide(one session), as well as several home brewed games in the past so all together I have about 15-20 years of gaming experience.

I also enjoy role playing video games and have been a hopeless final fantasy junky for the last 15 years. I've played both MMO versions of Final Fantasy and even met my fantastic wife while playing FFXI. I currently play FFXIV though it isn't as fun as XI was in its hay day(before level cap was raised beyond 75). I have also played dragon age origins extensively.

I also have an on again and off again relationship with Magic the Gathering and it is something my step son and I enjoy doing together though I've also got him hooked on Pathfinder lol.

Thats enough about me what about you guys?

Hey everyone

Since my first game for people new to pathfinder is working out so well I've decided to run a group through the beginner box adventure here on the site through play by post. All applicants should be people who are new to pathfinder and preferably, but not required, to have come to the hobby through the humble bundle deal Paizo is offering.

I will be taking the first six people who are interested. I know six is a little large for a group but it will work. Character creation will be done in a discussion thread once there are six people interested. If you have any questions please let me know.

If I get more than six people interested in this I will happily run another table so if your interested please post below.

Oh and just a heads up I do not post much if at all on the weekends so just keep that in mind.

Its late in the month of Rova when you all arrived for the swallowtail festival. The town of Sandpoint has been even more full of life than usual, which is saying something for this small but bustling port village. Its the night before the festival starts and your all sitting in The Rusty Dragon trying to get service but you're finding that difficult. All the staff seems overwhelmed by the amount of people they have to wait on and its been about 20 minutes and you still haven't gotten service.

The bar's owner, a young Tian woman by the name of Ameiko, can be heard shouting orders from the kitchen. She hasn't left said kitchen since you've arrived which you also find a little strange because she's known to greet all her guests.

A fair skinned elf stands on the stage trying to entertain the large crowd that has packed the restaurant tonight. She appears to be some sort of bard and she sings the most exquisite song.

Okay guys the 3 of you that posted interest can start posting here with character ideas and any question you have. Character creation rules are spoilered below. To open the spoiler just click on the white show button next to it.

Character Creation guidelines:

-Characters are level 1
-Max starting wealth(found on page 140 of the core rule book)
-Classes from Core(if your new to pathfinder try to stick to just this), APG, Ultimate magic, and Ultimate Combat are acceptable
-Standard races(those found on pages 21-27 of the core rule book) would be preferred. If you want to play something unusual I may allow it based on background and strength of argument for why this race should be allowed.
-NO third party publishing sources allowed
-Race traits, feats, magic items, and alternate class featurs from the Advanced Race Guide are allowed but you can not build your own custom race.
-2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the players guide(be sure to get the anniversary edition of the players guide)
-20 point buy(as explained on page 16 of the core rule book) with no stat above 18 or below 10 before racial adjustment.