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An artist I am not but the battle map is up. If someone could put you in the right marching order and maybe pretty things up I made it where you all can edit it.

Battle Map

Orc Initatives: 1d20 ⇒ 51d20 ⇒ 181d20 ⇒ 19

Sariel's words fail to impress them as they continue to advance. Menas you smell something strangely familiar but you can't put your finger on it, not getting a really good whiff.

Need actions for the first round

The first mate kind of startles as St. John joins him at the table. He wasn't expecting company tonight, not that he would complain. He tries to put on his best reassuring face. "No worries, the captain is just...distracted with other things right now. I've been doing everything I can to pick up the slack while he is otherwise occupied but to be honest, it is wearing me thin. I assure you the captain is fine and so are we..." his words trail off and he seems to be doing some calculations in his head.

Sizara and Nalesa you both overhear some crew members talking amongst themselves about how they feel the captain is having an affair with one of the passengers and that's why he hasn't been showing up for his shifts, they've been too busy rutting like half-orcs. One of the half-orc crew members hears this and takes offense to it and a small fight breaks out but it is quickly settled.


You are pretty sure its only been one crew member that has discovered you. Her name is Gelinda and she is a half elf.

My gym closed for 2 weeks...thankfully they're refunding membership fees for that time period

also be patient I'm trying to get a battle map up.

My dad is a dr and one of his patience was confirmed positive for COVID-19 so he's under quarantine and has been asked to not practice medicine until he's been confirmed not a carrier. This is especially worrisome because he's a cancer survivor and my mom has stage 3 cancer that is currently undergoing treatment. So if he does get it we're not sure who's going to take care of mom because he won't be able to and she needs care...she fell out of bed the other day...

You make your way through the streets of Skelt. It's just before midnight and those of you who are looking around and watching those around you don't see anyone suspicious but it does seem a bit odd that there are this many people out at this hour. Being a bigger city you might chop it up to having more of a nightlife in the larger city.

After about 15 minutes you make your way to Three Dancing Bears. Assuming you enter you are greeted by a very tall frail-looking elvan man. "Good Evening, how can I help you fine, I'm guessing from your attire, adventurers this evening? If your in need of lodging we can certainly help you out, you miss" he gestures to Telye "Look particularly haggard. Or is it a drink you are interested in? We have some of the finest ale and wine in all of Nirmathis.

The student relaxes hearing all your kind words. "Umm...can you kindly put me down...I mean I don't mind being in your arms its uncle is the headmaster and if he were to see me in your arms...he might get the wrong idea."

Today was my first day working from feels so strange and I get hung up on just the same from home as I do from the call center lol.

I know this is late and not relevant right now but here is the map of the area that I mentioned getting to you a few days ago. Does anyone remember how to put it where the link will appear under the campaign name?


Ambriel Kogalnica wrote:

I work for the Oregon Department of Human Services. We're expecting to be hit with maybe the biggest rush of benefits applications ever due to statewide service sector closings.

I'm going to be pulled off my normal job to help process intakes somewhere between sometimes and a lot, and it's possible overtime could become involved.

I don't know what this is going to do to my availability right now, posts from me could become spotty at times depending on how things unfold. It's getting pretty crazy right now.

Thanks for the update! I live in Michigan and things are getting crazy here. I work for a call center and they shut down the entire center(200 employees) and made everyone work from home agents.

Can someone refresh my memory on how to post maps where they stay in campaign info as links? I've done it before but I don't remember how.

Laural holds up a moment telling the kind dwarf to wait a minute and then flips to the back page of her grandmothers' journal. "I just so happen to have a map with all the places marked, granted it was about 50 or so years ago that this map was drawn so I don't know how accurate it is anymore. She pulls out the map and hands it to Kilain.

I know I should probably have made you work for this more but meh I'm an over-generous DM...drives my sons nuts lol

I'm fine with adult fun happening in my games but keep in mind paizo is a family friendly site and anyone can read what we write. So with that in mind we will fade to Black on any spicy bits.

Answers to Ani's star chart questions:

1. Is Izmiara nearby?
2. Is Izmiara in this city?
3. Is Izmiara in this region?
4. Is Izmiara in Skelt?
Not any more, will return
5. Is Izmiara in Nirmathas? (This one assumes Ani knows Skelt is in Nirmathas, can make skill roll if needed.)
6. Is Izmiara on this world?
7. Is Izmiara on this plane?
8. Does someone nearby know where Izmiara is?
9. Does someone in this city know where Izmiara is?
10. Does someone in this region know where Izmiara is?
11. Does someone in Nirmathas know where Izmiara is? (This one assumes Ani knows Skelt is in Nirmathas, can make skill roll if needed.)
12. Does someone in Skelt know where Izmiara is?
13. Does someone on this world know where Izmiara is?
14. Does someone on this plane know where Izmiara is?
15. Does Izmiara inhabit a living body?
Yes demonic extraplaner but living

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, got side tracked at work

Seska looks dumbfounded and sheepishly says "How do you know about that... her voice trails off and she gets silent for a moment before deciding to tell the truth. " was a scroll of summon monster. I thought I could call that creature and control it but I quickly lost control of it."

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The days aboard the Jenivere have been long especially for the last week or so as captain Alizandru Kovack has seemed very...distracted. It all started when you took on a new passenger, one Ieana. All of you have taken notice that the captain doesn't even come out to take readings on their position, he just stays in his cabin all the time. All of the work on board has been left to first mate Alton Devers.

After another very long day on board the ships dinner bell finally rings. Despite having restocked at the last port the ships cook has been very mundane in his meal selections of late so you aren't really looking forward to the meal, you're all just desperate for a break from working or a chance to socialize.

Everyone makes their way to the mess hall and lines up in the typical line for dinner. This time Captain Kovack couldn't even bother to come to dinner as you don't see him at the head of the line. A very exhausted Alton is there, wobbling to and fro on his feet. You can't tell if he's just trying to roll with the ship or if he's so exhausted he might fall over. Tonight's dinner consists of fish stew, a stale dinner roll, and your choice of grog, ale, or water.

You all make your way through the serving line and out to the galley where you can finally sit down and socialize among yourselves. Here in the galley the crew and the travelers mingle, class and rank forgotten.


You were discovered by a member of the crew but you were able to befriend them and they decided to let you stay and not turn you in. Tonight she brings you your dinner of fish stew and a cup of ale. She lets you know that she had to pay extra for the ale but she did it out of the kindness of your heart, seeing that you seem to be down on your luck right now. She stays and has dinner with you in the old and then asks if you want to come play cards or dice in her cabin.

And its up now!

The days aboard the Jenivere have been long especially for the last week or so as captain Alizandru Kovack has seemed very...distracted. It all started when you took on a new passenger, one Ieana. All of you have taken notice that the captain doesn't even come out to take readings on their position, he just stays in his cabin all the time. All of the work on board has been left to first mate Alton Devers.

After another very long day on board the ships dinner bell finally rings. Despite having restocked at the last port the ships cook has been very mundane in his meal selections of late so you aren't really looking forward to the meal, you're all just desperate for a break from working or a chance to socialize.

Everyone makes their way to the mess hall and lines up in the typical line for dinner. This time Captain Kovack couldn't even bother to come to dinner as you don't see him at the head of the line. A very exhausted Alton is there, wobbling to and fro on his feet. You can't tell if he's just trying to roll with the ship or if he's so exhausted he might fall over. Tonight's dinner consists of fish stew, a stale dinner roll, and your choice of grog, ale, or water.

You all make your way through the serving line and out to the galley where you can finally sit down and socialize among yourselves. Here in the galley the crew and the travelers mingle, class and rank forgotten.

You guys travel for another hour before you come to a clearing in the woods. Your path is blocked though by 3 very large orcs that stand shoulder to shoulder. You notice that they are holding great axes. "Look boys it looks like dinner will be early today" one of them says as he looks at the other two. They move to close the distance on you guys.

I need initative rolls and your actions for the first round of battle. If I have time I'll throw up a battle map tomorrow morning. I also need a perception check from Menas

Can I get all casters to link all their spells to the spell descriptions please.

Thats fine Kenderella.

Going to be getting the game play thread up shortly here!

Going to be getting the game play thread up shortly here!

The secretary sighs and walks with Eldorazo. When he mentions the bill she laughs "Son, what you make from winning the festival will more than pay for what you have spent thus far I assure you. If you hold here I'll go see if the head master will see you now"

Laurel quarks her face up at Makoa in confusion "I would think a big fella like you would be used to danger. The elder-wood mold can be found on the oldest tree in the vale, damned if I know where that is. In the vale you need to watch out for wolves and there is also rumored to be a Tatzlwyrm that lives in the vale but thats just a bunch of superstition I'm sure. A witch also lives in the woods. Her name is Ulizmila and if you can get on her good side she might be able to help you with the rats tale...heck an old witch like that might even have some. The mushrooms might be harder to find...but... she pauses for a moment rubbing the bridge of her nose. "If memory serves those mushrooms love growing around metal and there is an abandoned dwarven forge on the other side of the vale. Its a long journey by foot but you would be hard pressed getting horses to go through the vale so your not in for an easy journey."

You guys blink out of the bar and appear in downtown Skelt. The streets are slightly busier than you would suspect at this time of night. Being that it is later in the night it would probably be your best bet to get a room for the night and start fresh in the morning but if you want to see what leads you can find now there is a bar a few blocks away that would still be open.

Yes sorry for the delay getting a post up asap.

Oh I don't think that bill is necessary Eldorazo but it did make me laugh out loud

Byron and Eldorazo sense that what the girl is saying is true but she is clearly holding things back. She seems intimidated by the dwarven woman.

That would be knowledge local I think for skelt(might be geography) and knowledge planes for Izmiara. And what questions do you ask Ani

Laurel returns to the room carrying a book. She adjusts her glasses on her face and looks at all of you in the room with a bit of a warm, if not forced, smile. "The magistrate was right, I could use your help, especially with as bad as things seem to be getting. I have a possible cure here in this book but I need some ingredients that I would like your help getting. I need some Elder-wood moss, a specially pickled root called rats tail, and seven iron bloom mushrooms. It you could bring them to me as soon as possible I think I have a shot at curing this. Any questions?"

The girl blushes as Adonis picks her up but instinctively wraps her arms around his neck. Once everyone arrives back in the headmasters office the dwarven secretary stands and rushes over to Adonis. "Is she okay? Seska what did you do?

The girl squirms a little in Adonis's arms "I didn't do anything...I just...wanted to prove that I have the skill to...but apparently I was wrong. she begins to cry a little burying her face in Adonis's chest.

Any Star Trek: Voyager fans out there, that was for you lol

I'll be getting a post up soon. Sorry for the delay.

Hey guys just a heads up I have a real life game that I'm DMing today so I won't be on much. We're tackling book 2 of Rise of the Runelords with a wizard, a bard, an oracle, and a bloodrager...this should be interesting.

Hey guys just a heads up I have a real life game that I'm DMing today so I won't be on much. We're tackling book 2 of Rise of the Runelords with a wizard, a bard, an oracle, and a bloodrager...this should be interesting.

Hey guys just a heads up I have a real life game that I'm DMing today so I won't be on much. We're tackling book 2 of Rise of the Runelords with a wizard, a bard, an oracle, and a bloodrager...this should be interesting.

Hey guys just a heads up I have a real life game that I'm DMing today so I won't be on much. We're tackling book 2 of Rise of the Runelords with a wizard, a bard, an oracle, and a bloodrager...this should be interesting.

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Hey guys just a heads up I have a real life game that I'm DMing today so I won't be on much. We're tackling book 2 of Rise of the Runelords with a wizard, a bard, an oracle, and a bloodrager...this should be interesting.

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Hey guys just a heads up I have a real life game that I'm DMing today so I won't be on much. We're tackling book 2 of Rise of the Runelords with a wizard, a bard, an oracle, and a bloodrager...this should be interesting.

Yeah sorry been a crazy couple of days I'll get things rolling again probably tomorrow. I am starting a game of rise of the runelords today for my son and his friends so I'll be busy with that most of the day.

Amboy Yacolt wrote:
Is it too late to update my skill point?? Somehow I messed them up with a took Amboy back to first level. Either way the dice will tell the truth.

Yeah that's fine

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Just a few housekeeping things

1) Gameplay thread is up for dotting.
2) it's not a huge deal at this level but can I please have all casters link to their spell descriptions for every spell they can cast.
3) just a heads up climb and swim play a major role early on

Kenderella Lefuriel wrote:

Edit: Sorry for my earlier confusion. I misread the archtype. I removed the mistaken question.

@DM Mathpro: Looks like Kenderella will be the slow one of the group... I think everyone else have at least 30 ft movement, right? Is it ok if I buy a saddle? Then I won't have to slow is down. I guess I'll have to give up my scroll in order to be able to afford it as an exotic riding saddle is 30 GP.

Yeah you can have a saddle if you wish

Game play thread is dotable

go ahead and dot into game

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Saaz Daga wrote:

That was my thinking as well, focus on the Perception and Knowledges first :3

And ah crap, a friend just pointed out to me that while Ravener Hunters get Mysteries and Revelations they don't change the required ability from Charisma to Wisdom >_<

With GM's permission can I use Wisdom for them? If not okies, just have to be even more careful with what I pick.

(was gonna go Life then Channel for my first revelation but still looking them over and comparing them now that we getting the group together)

You can use wisdom

I hate to do this but a request was made for St. John Smythe to switch to table 2. We are taking Agutsu Hulla from table 2. Basically there swapping places

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So making a bit of a change here and we are going to swap a player from each player. You guys are losing agutsu but are gaining St John smythe

Saaz I kind of had you in a skill role I hope that works, if not I hope you don't step on Erinnell's feet to much seeing that they're new to PBP.

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Okay my selections have been made! Congradulations to those selected. Will the following people please report to the approperate discussion thread.

Table 1(linked to this campaign so just click on the discussion tab)

-St. John Smythe(trawers71)
-Jungle Jack(Eriktd)
-Saaz Daga(Rysky)
-Ambriel Kogalnica(rdKnight)
-Erinnell Hopeworth(Aleister VII)

Table 2(discussion thread can be found here

-Agatsu Hulla(Archlich)
-Amboy Yacolt(PDXCook)
-Kenderella Lefuriel(Oyzar)
-Nalesa(Ariarh Kane)

I want to give special thanks to Robert Henry for keeping a list of interested players in this thread. Usually, that guarantees you a slot at the table but being that you're in 2 of my games already I wanted to give the slot to someone new. I hope you understand.

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Welcome Sizara, Agutsu Hulla, Amboy Yacolt, Kenderella Lefuriel, and Nalesa to Serpents Skull! Please read over the player's guide which can be downloaded for free here.

You can post any out of character conversations in this thread as well as questions for me or to other players and when you are going to be gone for an extended period of time please let me know here.

I know I said I would be getting things started today in the recruitment thread but its possibly going to be tomorrow and more than likely going to be Monday before things get kicked off.

Just a reminder when things go live in the gameplay thread I would like for each of you to please try and post once per weekday if you can. I know life happens and I'm not super strict about this but the one post per day helps things move along. I do not expect players to post on weekends because I rarely will(Unless I work Saturdays but that's the only exception).

Welcome Sizara, Agutsu Hulla, Amboy Yacolt, Kenderella Lefuriel, and Nalesa to Serpents Skull! Please read over the player's guide which can be downloaded for free here.

You can post any out of character conversations in this thread as well as questions for me or to other players and when you are going to be gone for an extended period of time please let me know here.

I know I said I would be getting things started today in the recruitment thread but its possibly going to be tomorrow and more than likely going to be Monday before things get kicked off.

Just a reminder when things go live in the gameplay thread I would like for each of you to please try and post once per weekday if you can. I know life happens and I'm not super strict about this but the one post per day helps things move along. I do not expect players to post on weekends because I rarely will(Unless I work Saturdays but that's the only exception).

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