mathpro18's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 628 posts (5,489 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 26 aliases.

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The days aboard the Jenivere have been long especially for the last week or so as captain Alizandru Kovack has seemed very...distracted. It all started when you took on a new passenger, one Ieana. All of you have taken notice that the captain doesn't even come out to take readings on their position, he just stays in his cabin all the time. All of the work on board has been left to first mate Alton Devers.

After another very long day on board the ships dinner bell finally rings. Despite having restocked at the last port the ships cook has been very mundane in his meal selections of late so you aren't really looking forward to the meal, you're all just desperate for a break from working or a chance to socialize.

Everyone makes their way to the mess hall and lines up in the typical line for dinner. This time Captain Kovack couldn't even bother to come to dinner as you don't see him at the head of the line. A very exhausted Alton is there, wobbling to and fro on his feet. You can't tell if he's just trying to roll with the ship or if he's so exhausted he might fall over. Tonight's dinner consists of fish stew, a stale dinner roll, and your choice of grog, ale, or water.

You all make your way through the serving line and out to the galley where you can finally sit down and socialize among yourselves. Here in the galley the crew and the travelers mingle, class and rank forgotten.


You were discovered by a member of the crew but you were able to befriend them and they decided to let you stay and not turn you in. Tonight she brings you your dinner of fish stew and a cup of ale. She lets you know that she had to pay extra for the ale but she did it out of the kindness of your heart, seeing that you seem to be down on your luck right now. She stays and has dinner with you in the old and then asks if you want to come play cards or dice in her cabin.

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Hey guys just a heads up I have a real life game that I'm DMing today so I won't be on much. We're tackling book 2 of Rise of the Runelords with a wizard, a bard, an oracle, and a bloodrager...this should be interesting.

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Hey guys just a heads up I have a real life game that I'm DMing today so I won't be on much. We're tackling book 2 of Rise of the Runelords with a wizard, a bard, an oracle, and a bloodrager...this should be interesting.

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Just a few housekeeping things

1) Gameplay thread is up for dotting.
2) it's not a huge deal at this level but can I please have all casters link to their spell descriptions for every spell they can cast.
3) just a heads up climb and swim play a major role early on

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Saaz Daga wrote:

That was my thinking as well, focus on the Perception and Knowledges first :3

And ah crap, a friend just pointed out to me that while Ravener Hunters get Mysteries and Revelations they don't change the required ability from Charisma to Wisdom >_<

With GM's permission can I use Wisdom for them? If not okies, just have to be even more careful with what I pick.

(was gonna go Life then Channel for my first revelation but still looking them over and comparing them now that we getting the group together)

You can use wisdom

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So making a bit of a change here and we are going to swap a player from each player. You guys are losing agutsu but are gaining St John smythe

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Okay my selections have been made! Congradulations to those selected. Will the following people please report to the approperate discussion thread.

Table 1(linked to this campaign so just click on the discussion tab)

-St. John Smythe(trawers71)
-Jungle Jack(Eriktd)
-Saaz Daga(Rysky)
-Ambriel Kogalnica(rdKnight)
-Erinnell Hopeworth(Aleister VII)

Table 2(discussion thread can be found here

-Agatsu Hulla(Archlich)
-Amboy Yacolt(PDXCook)
-Kenderella Lefuriel(Oyzar)
-Nalesa(Ariarh Kane)

I want to give special thanks to Robert Henry for keeping a list of interested players in this thread. Usually, that guarantees you a slot at the table but being that you're in 2 of my games already I wanted to give the slot to someone new. I hope you understand.

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Welcome Sizara, Agutsu Hulla, Amboy Yacolt, Kenderella Lefuriel, and Nalesa to Serpents Skull! Please read over the player's guide which can be downloaded for free here.

You can post any out of character conversations in this thread as well as questions for me or to other players and when you are going to be gone for an extended period of time please let me know here.

I know I said I would be getting things started today in the recruitment thread but its possibly going to be tomorrow and more than likely going to be Monday before things get kicked off.

Just a reminder when things go live in the gameplay thread I would like for each of you to please try and post once per weekday if you can. I know life happens and I'm not super strict about this but the one post per day helps things move along. I do not expect players to post on weekends because I rarely will(Unless I work Saturdays but that's the only exception).

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Welcome St. John Smyth, Jungle Jack, Saaz Daga, Ambriel Kogalnica, Erinnell Hopeworth to Serpents Skull! Please read over the player's guide which can be downloaded for free here.

You can post any out of character conversations in this thread as well as questions for me or to other players and when you are going to be gone for an extended period of time please let me know here.

I know I said I would be getting things started today in the recruitment thread but its possibly going to be tomorrow and more than likely going to be Monday before things get kicked off.

Just a reminder when things go live in the gameplay thread I would like for each of you to please try and post once per weekday if you can. I know life happens and I'm not super strict about this but the one post per day helps things move along. I do not expect players to post on weekends because I rarely will(Unless I work Saturdays but that's the only exception).

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While I'm still making my selections I wanted to pop by and let you guys know that I think we have enough here to do 2 tables of 5 players so that means 10 of you will be selected to play in this! I should have my selections up shortly I'm working on it.

I should also let those of you who are in my other games that you will be lower on the priority list because I don't want to seem like I'm playing favorites and I want to give different players a chance to experience my DM style. You haven't been outright dropped from consideration but please note that if it's between you and someone who isn't currently playing with me a nod will be given to them.

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HEY RYSKY! Glad to see you around the boards still!

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Hey guys I'll start going through submissions tomorrow at work. I actually got the day off so just wanted to pop by real quick.

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Hey SCKnightHero1 we have gamed together LONG ago lol glad to see you pop in and dot.

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99% sure I'm going to be using google slides for maps.

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welcome back then!

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Race to the lost city! Deep in the southern jungles, a fantastic city of wonders lies ruined and forgotten by the outside world, ripe for plundering and exploration by the heroes. Yet they aren't alone—several other factions, from deadly Red Mantis assassins to the avaricious Aspis Consortium—have also been tipped off to the city's existence, and the race is on to see who will reach it first. Of course, nothing in the jungle is as easy as it seems. For once they arrive, the heroes discover that the city may be lost, but it is not uninhabited...
Hey everyone! I have just returned from a LONG hiatus and have gotten some module games off the ground so I thought would jump in for something a little more long term and in depth and run an AP! I absolutely love the first book of Serpents Skull so I chose to run that(well and I haven't run it 5000 times like some of the other AP's). It seems to be a little less popular as well so it will be nice to give people that have wanted to play it a chance to. I know things kind of go down hill quick after book one and we will cross that bridge when/if that time comes.

Those interested please post character concepts here. I don't need full sheets/alias's because putting that much time into a build to not be selected is something I can't ask you to do. But if you wish to build an alias feel free I won't stop you. I just need an outline of classes/abilities/feats/general direction your taking your character. I do want to see a fleshed out background so please read the background spoiler below. Character creation rules are in the spoiler below labeled character creation.

If you are new to play by post/pathfinder please feel free to apply here and I will do my best to get you into the game.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day during the week. I am going to be on and available to post while at work and I tend to work 3-8 hour shifts depending on the day but I won't guarantee I'll be on on the weekends. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I may not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation:

-Level 1 characters
-20 point buy for stats
-Max hp at level 1 and then rolled after that(or average if you roll under average)
-Roll your gold or take average for your class
-Core races are preferred but other races may be considered but I will not allow custom races.
-NO EVIL CHARACTERS all other alignments allowed
-All classes are allowed except Occult classes
-No Third party published material
-Any and all paizo 1E books are open and available for use
-Background skills will NOT be allowed
-You will get two traits, one must be from the players guide found here
-No drawbacks for an extra trait


I've seen this method used in the past with fabulous results and it really helps flesh out your characters so please give me the following:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.

Recruitment will remain open until March 12th unless we don't have enough applicants at that time(which I doubt will be the case). If you have any questions please feel free to post them here or PM me. I will be choosing 4-6 of you to join the game depending on how things mesh together.

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Female Elf Bard(Arcane Duelist) 3

"Well we are kind of mercinaries for higher Grigore" Faunra says as she joins the rest of her friends at the table. "I mean I've seen Lash and Amyia do some very creative things to the human body for the right amount of money..."

That sounded MUCH dirtier than I intended

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Welcome one and all to the Crypt of the Everflame!

A few notes:

1) You are all from the town of Kassin. You can either know eachother or not, thats up to you. You're also realitivily young and untetsted at this point in time. Part of the point of this quest is to test your abilities as adults and to see what you've learned from your mentors(see point 2).

2) You all will have a mentor so to speak in Kassin that has taught you your craft. Information on the mentors and who has what mentor will be in the spoilers below.

Menas's Mentor:

If you ask a dozen folk in Kassen who the strangest family in town is, you
would get the same answer 12 times: the Vargidans. This old family has a touch of magic in its blood, with each one of the children showing some sorcerous talent. Where this magic comes from is a mystery, and the family refuses to speak of such things in mixed company. Lording over the family is the wealthy and eccentric patriarch, Moltus Vargidan. This aging man has white hair that trails down to his knees, and he can ofen be found wandering the halls of the estate, muttering to himself. Living with him are almost a dozen children (each from a different wife) and a pair of lifelong servants. Sorcerers who come from this house have been forced to learn things for themselves, because the old man shares few of his secrets, and many of the
children are starting to believe that his grip on reality is slowly slipping.

Finn Gingerberry:

The small town of Kassen has only one temple and it is devoted primarily to Erastil, but Father Prasst allows those who worship other friendly gods to pray at the temple as well. While Father Prasst does not offer services in the names of these deities, there are small shrines to other gods set up in some of the alcoves, including Gozreh, Gorum, Shelyn, and Torag. Father Prasst is a kind and understanding man, but he is hard when it comes to the defense of the community. He is quite young, only 24, and many in the community do not put too much faith in his council, except in spiritual matters. He was trained as a soldier in Tamran, but he le$ a$er his first battle to become a priest, and refuses to say why.

Thave Arustunson:

Those who frequent the Seven Silvers tavern know to count their coins before they leave the table, especially if they have been served by “Short Change,” the halfling waiter who has a propensity for giving less change than is due (although he insists the name is due to his short stature). Although Jimes is genuinely kind and helpful to all the locals, he just can’t help but end up with some of their possessions at the end of the night, be it a few coins
or a loose dagger. Most of the townsfolk are quite aware of this and do not take too much offense if something goes missing. Afer all, they know where the missing goods went. Anyone who works with Jimes at the Seven Silvers is sure to get a host of tips and tricks from this good-natured thief, who thinks that a little petty the$ is all in good fun


The people of Lastwall, the militaristic nation to the north, take it as their responsibility to keep the orcs of Belkzen in check. Unfortunately, their forces are spread thin, so they rely on a number of scouts close to the border
of Belkzen to keep watch. Sir Dramott is one such scout. Although he has no authority here in town, he regularly reports to his commanders in Lastwall, informing them of any orc activity. Mayor Uptal is grateful for Sir Dramott’s assistance whenever trouble is brewing, but he is concerned about a military
officer from a foreign land stationed in his town. The people of Kassen respect Sir Dramott, but they would rather he go home and leave them to their own devices. As a mentor, Sir Dramott is capable and wise, if a bit harsh. Unfortunately, all of his lessons deal with service to Lastwall, and his pupils are taught to think of such service as a high honor.

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I will have my review of your characters up tomorrow...cramming for my exam tonight right now and don't have time to take a good look. Will also post in the game play thread tomorrow.

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Hey guys,

Let me start things off on the right foot by being the first to admit I've had a horrible track record here for starting games and then life getting in the way and having to drop out or just going silent after a few weeks/months. I apologize for this really bad habit. I just tend to take on to much at a time and it always bites me in the butt and I burn out quickly. I also lead a rather busy life(working on my masters on top of working 25 hours a week and I'm married so my wife takes up some time as well).

But I am willing to run just one game for 6 players if I can get people who are willing to look past my spotted past on this site and give me a shot. If no one is willing I understand because its very frusterating to get into a game and then have it fizzle out before it gets going.

That being said if I can get people to bite I am looking to run a game here on the forums for about 6 people. If I get more interest then I might consider running for more of you but only one game. I'd maybe go up to 8 players though and thats it.

Here is the list of things I'd be willing to run:
Acadame of Secrets
Rise of the Runelords
Jade Regent
Carrion Crown
Serpents Skull
Dragons Demand
Crypt of the Everflame

Let me know if your interested and what you would like me to run.

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Snicks new voice took me FOREVER to get used to but eventually the author grew on me.

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I appologize for things slowing down to a crawl I'm going to speed things up a little to see if we can get the new players in before they loose interest

Walthus will make you a very simple meal of fish soup and then he excuses himself and retreats to a garden in the back of the house for a bit. The rest of the day passes uneventfully and eventually the party falls asleep. The night passes and the dawn comes and you wake to the smell of meat cooking in the kitchen and coffee brewing. After a quick breakfast you are off and headed to the goblin camp. Shalelu makes it a point to thank Walthus for his hospitality and help.

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Does that mean we can expect to see another campaign journal entry some time soon Derric?

Shalelu looks at Leokian and smiles assuingly. "He's been through a lot...and wasn't really a people person to begin with, so taking all that into consideration yes. Then again it is a bit odd for him to let us stay but I'm sure he's just showing gratitude for saving him from that thing."

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Oh something I forgot to mention that you guys can keep in mind when polishing your characters is I don't run with coin weight(for those of you using hero lab) or Encumbrance.

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I have made my selections slightly early. Will the following players please join me in the discussion thread:

Silas Kaine
Erik Draden
Zeph Ornelos
Sagacious Tien
Amantha Van der Griest

I will also be PMing you guys to let you know you've been selected. Thank you to everyone who applied you put forth some very interesting builds.

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"Not unappreciative at all lass...just don't like strangers in my home, and since the last one that I had showed up tried to kill me...I would think you would understand my concern." Walthus says shaking his head and makes his way toward the rest of the group. "Looking for the Licktoads are you? Not many want to look for them, most want to steer clear. You're either extremely brave or extremely stupid...not that there is much of a difference. I do know where there camp is and if you had a map I could circle it for you."

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I am going to run a Crypt of the Everflame game. I am looking for 4-6 players that are willing to play in this adventure. If you are new to pathfinder/play by post then this is the game for you but I will also take veteran players as well.

Character creation rules can be found in the spoiler below. To be considered I would like to see a full build of your character and a fleshed out background per the specification in the spoiler below. This module runs a lot better if everyone was local to Kassin so that will be a requirement.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day Monday-Thursday. I am available between 10 AM and 4 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday-Thursday. I will occasionally be able to post on Fridays between 12-5 but that really depends on whats going on and I WILL NOT post on the weekends. I understand a lot of people have jobs and won't be able to post when I can, that's fine as long as your making your 1/day post rate. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I will not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation:

Books: Anything put out by Paizo is fair game except anything with the Occult. If you want to use something from a non hardcover source please let me know.

Races:Core only please

HP: Max at first level

Skills: Background skills will be allowed

Stats: 25 point buy

Traits: You will get 2 traits

Classes: Anything from Core, APG, ACG, UM, UC, or Unchained is allowed

Background info:

-As for backgrounds, I'd like it to go as follows:
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Including Lorrimor in one of those might not be a bad idea.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

-Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own. Cool?

Recruitment will close Tuesday 4/12 at 12 AM CST

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I've recently been on a kick for higher level play and its been going well so I thought I'd open up a game of Academe of Secrets. Its a pathfinder module released for 13th level players. A summary of the adventure can be found in the spoiler below and a detailed description would be found here.

Adventure Background:

Every year the Acadamae—Korvosa’s prestigious school of the arcane arts—opens its gates to the city to host the Breaching Festival, where the most skilled infiltrators are invited to enter the magically guarded Hall of Wards or die trying. Testing their luck against the university’s strongest defenses, the competitors pull out all the stops as they vie for a chance at a fortune in gold and magical treasure. This year, the school’s headmaster has invited the heroes to participate, against the contest’s longstanding traditions. While the Breaching Festival has not seen a champion in over a century and a half, this year’s festival promises to be the deadliest trial the school has ever known. Should the heroes reign victorious, the secrets they may uncover promise more than gold and glory—they may rock the very foundation of the Acadamae, and even the entire city!

Those interested please post character concepts here. I don't need full sheets/alias's because putting that much time into a build to not be selected is something I can't ask you to do. But if you wish to build an alias feel free I won't stop you. I just need an outline of classes/abilities/feats/general direction your taking your character. I do want to see a fleshed out background so please read the background spoiler below. Character creation rules are in the spoiler below labeled character creation.

I would like my players to be able to post once a day Monday-Thursday. I am available between 10 AM and 4 PM CST(GMT-6) Monday-Thursday. I will occasionally be able to post on Fridays between 12-5 but that really depends on whats going on and I WILL NOT post on the weekends. I understand a lot of people have jobs and won't be able to post when I can, that's fine as long as your making your 1/day post rate. Posting on the weekends is also fine just understand I will not be able to respond until Monday.

Character Creation guidelines:

-Characters are level 13
-Standard wealth by level(140,000)
-Classes from Core, APG, UM, UC, ACG, and Unchained are acceptable
-NO third party publishing sources allowed
-Core races only.
-2 traits
-No background skills
-Stat generation will be 2d6+6 or 20 point buy which ever is higher.


I've seen this method used recently with fabulous results and it really helps flesh out your characters. Though I haven't seen it used for a Module so I'm wanting to see if it has the same results. So please give me the following:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Including Lorrimor in one of those might not be a bad idea.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

-Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own. Cool?

Recruitment will close on Tuesday April 19th.

Any other questions can be posted here.

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Hey guys just a heads up I have family in from out of town and tomorrow is a designated family day so I won't be posting at all. They've been here a week tomorrow so Saturday and Sunday will be spent saying goodbyes and then recuperating from their visit. What is it about spending time with ones mother in law that is so stressful lol. So I probably won't post again until Monday.

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Male Human Aristocrat 4/Rogue 3


Technically Slight of hand can only be used if you put a skill point in it but I'm willing to look past that right now. It would be a d20+dex and you are correct his dex mod is 5 so you rolled the right thing. the DC was 20 however so the attempt fails.

Aldern smiles a large grin at Ariza and nods "I mean no offence to you dear, just to the green skinned freak that you associate with. Then again it isn't his falut that half of his parents were into beastial sex I suppose. To each their own. After he's done speaking he will lean across the table and whisper to Ariza.

Whisper to Ariza DC 15 perception check to hear:

Is that your foot I feel running up my leg? You playful little what thick legs you have...and quite long for a woman of your stature.

Random dice roll nothing to see here1d4 ⇒ 4

Rak you feel something brushing the side of your leg. If you look under the table you see Aldern is trying to play footsies with you.

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Male Human Aristocrat 4/Rogue 3

"I'm sorry good sir but I don't associate with your kind." Aldern says rather matter of factly.

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We used to have a cat, until my parents took her, that was such a diva...she would growl and cherp at you if you picked her up and tried to pet her. She would also lock her arms and try to push away from you if she came over for pets and you picked her up to do it. It had to be on her terms and not to long otherwise she'd become displeased and you'd hear about it.

She was an EXCELLENT mouser however. At a previous house that my wife and I had she caught and mostly killed(at least broke all 4 legs) probably a dozen mice. One of which she was nice enough to leave in bed on my side of the bed with out warning me...I slept on it all night and I had mouse goo stuck to me in the morning...probably revenge for petting her.

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and not to give anything away but usually when things run away they reappear you know its best to be on alert and on your toes now that you know what the swamp has in it.

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Sorry for the bad experience in our first battle everyone. I messed up by denying Derric his attack, that was my mistake. I believe most of the confusion lies in the double posts I made, as I think some of you believe its two different rounds happening. It isn't its the same round but the site kept crashing when I was trying to edit the first post. I've noticed dice rolls changing when you preview them sometimes between the preview and post so I wanted to post the init rolls before I resolved the round and was able to do that and then Paizo started glitching major every time I went to finish the post.

As for preempting the warpriset, I figured since she was "Readying for battle" this would be the best course of action since it all happened in the same round. The monster won init, acted first, and in those actions critically wounded the poor samurai.

As for the sickness that he is currently suffering from I believe he has an ability what will remove that status. I believe the Determined ability will allow you to remove Sickened Derric so you'll be fine as long as you spend the point from your resolve pool. You could have also spent a point from the pool to roll twice on the save, but I didn't see that until after I had posted. Again my mistake.

For future notice all spoilers, exept the one I title DM eyes only, are viewable by characters to see what inits were rolled and how round actions are resolved. I run combat the way I do to try to speed up what bogs down most PBP's and its a system that works for most of my groups once they get used to it. If there are posted actions that no longer are viable or make sense or another better option is presented, to keep things moving I reserve the right to take the best path possible.

Hopefully we can move on from this and continue the game with no further issues.

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Ariza Zanimila wrote:
Here is my Alias for this game. This is Adaram :)

Could you please fill in your character information.

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One time back in college I left the window open in my living room and some drunk idiot came by at 3 in the morning and punched out the screen. I heard the crash of the screen hitting the floor and woke up only to turn around and go back to sleep, figuring Tom had gotten into something. The next morning I wake up and there is no Tomnus to be found and the window is still wide open minus the screen which was laying on the floor in front of the window. Panicked I ran outside in only my underwear to find Tomnus curled up sleeping on my neighbors outdoor couch. He churped up at me as I reached down and picked him up and hugged him to me. He was shivering as it was November and had snowed over night. Thankfully he was fine and I replaced the screen and he never got out again. My neighbors complained about me being out in my underwear though lol.

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I have a 8 almost 9 year old DSH named Tomnus that I randomly bought from a pet store when I was out video game shopping in college. Hard to believe him and I have been together for almost 8.5 years. The first time we met he ripped the glasses off my face and started chewing on the ends of them...I knew then there was no way I was walking out of the store with out him. He then sat curled up on my chest for the hour and a half long drive home, purring for most of the ride home(only stopped when I had to take a turn because he was resting his back feet on the steering wheel). Thinking we had bonded I excitedly picked him up and took him into my apartment. He proceeded to run under my bed and hide for the next 8 hours...hissing at me any time I tried to look at him or get him out.

I was on skype with a friend of mine when he decided it was time to come out...and eat the rest of my dinner while I was in the bathroom. I came out to hysterical laughter.

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Since we have so many new players coming to Pathfinder I have decided to also run a humble bundle welcome game. I will be running new players to pathfinder through at least the first book of Rise of the Runelords as it is one of the most iconic series of adventures that Paizo has written.

I will be accepting only new players and to make things simple I will be accepting the first 5 new players to post to this thread. We will discuss character creation and I will help walk people through it if needed once players are selected.

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Nadezdha wrote:
lol, poor DM Mathpro, playing catchup on all his games today. Your gonna need a backrub!

You have no idea how right you are Nadezdha.

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Hello everyone. After one of my players disappeared I am in the need of a replacement player. This game is going to be a very special game in that it didn't start at the beginning of the AP. We jumped into the start of book 4. So if you've been interested in playing a higher level campaign here is your chance as this is starting at level 11.

I am not requiring that the people who apply here have previous knowledge of the AP but those who have played the first 3 books before will not be turned away because there is no chance of meta gaming because we've skipped that material.

Anyone interested please comment below. Any comments/concerns are also encouraged to be either posted below or you can PM me. I will be on from 10-4 CST to answer any questions. Please see the spoiler below for character creation guidelines.

Character Creation Guidelines:

*Books: All Paizo hardcovers are allowed for feats, spells, magic items except the Occult book. If you want to use other paizo materials(softcovers) ask first but you will more than likely get approved.

*NO third party publishing sources allowed

*Races: All standard races are allowed but that is it.

*Characters should be 11th level.

*You will have 82,000gp to spend. No more than 50% should be spent on a single item. Please keep magic items to those found in hardcovers only. Please try to limit yourselves to 5 wondrous items or less. No such restrictions on potions, rings, rods, wands, or magic weapons exist.

*Two traits will be chosen, one of which must be from the players guide. Drawbacks can be taken but I will take advantage of them.

*Hit points: Roll your hit points as well /level on the boards. If you roll below your average HP for a level you can take average(half your hit dice round up) and replace your roll for that level with that amount.

*Stat generation will be 25 point buy

*All dice rolls should be done in spoilers as to not clutter up the thread.

Right now we have a Half-Orc Warpriest, A human wizard, and a dwarf inquisitor. My players might pop by and give input and they will also have a vote in whom I choose if they wish. As my group is about to head into a VERY large combat and is chomping at the bit to get this started I will be closing this recruitment by Friday Feb 26th. I am looking for 1-2 replacement players.

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"Come on Leokian I'll show you to the general store." Shalelu says and then takes him to the store and make sure he has all the equipment he needs.

After an hour you guys set off, ready to tackle this adventure. You make your way down the lost coast road to the south. You travel with out issue for a half an hour until Shalelu stops you. She walks off the bath to the side of the road. As you look around you notice the grass here has been flattened and there is blood everywhere. After a long uncomfortable silence she speaks. "This...this is where the attack happened." She then kneels down, drawing a dagger from her belt and cuts off an ear from a dead goblin. That's when you notice the 6 dead goblins laying scattered about the side of the road.

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Shalelu smiles at Leokian and puts a hand on his arm "Thank you for understanding and not requesting that I stay behind...I would have followed you guys anyway so way to bypass an argument." she smiles at the rest of you and nods "Why don't we meet at the gate to the lost cost road in an hour? Does that give everyone enough time?"

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There might be a chance for combat coming up shortly depending on how much role play comes up so I thought I might take a chance to post how I do combat so you all know and things can run somewhat smoothly.

When combat is imminent I will roll init's for everyone. Each of you will post your actions for the round and roll any necessary rolls. These posts do not need to be made in init order, just post when ever you can. Then I will write up a round summary where I detail the success of each of your actions. Your actions will be resolved in initiative order so if your later in the initiative you may want to post a back up to what you want to do in the round, in case your first option is no longer viable.

Any questions?

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The sheriff looks very puzzled as Rhis comes up and touches him on the throat. As she returns to her seat he clears his throat, the sound booming through the room.

"QUIET!!! he calls out, almost deafening everyone in the room. He blushes scarlet as he looks around the room confused at the sudden volume of his voice. "What did you do to me you little witch? he calls to Rhis. "Never mind I'll deal with you later. As I was saying I am reinstating the bounty for the goblins. Those brave enough to partake will receive 10 gold pieces for every relatively fresh goblin ear they bring to me. If you can bring in the head of the Licktoad chieftain I will give you 300 gold pieces. That is all." He then walks right up to Rhis. "What did you do to me?" he asks far more loudly then he means to.

The waiter finally comes over with Rhis's coffee.

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James Sutter wrote:
mathpro18 wrote:
Do you know when the audible copy of Pirate's Prophesy will be available.
Very soon! The audio versions usually trail the print release by a little bit, and the *actual* on-sale date is tomorrow... subscribers often get the print books early just because they're special. :)

Thanks James...hopefully it comes out by Friday so my wife and I can listen to it on our road trip but if not thats fine. We're in the middle of Plague of Shadows.

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Hello Everyone. Its official I've lost my mind and I've decided to run yet another game here on the boards. Thats right on top of running 4 groups of rise of the runelords, a group through price of immortality, and 3 groups of jade regent I've decided to run Carrion Crown. Its one of my all time favorite AP's and I've only played it through book 2 and ran it through book 1 so I'm looking forward to having better luck hopefully with whomever is brave enough to apply.

As I mentioned before I am running a lot right now but I believe I can dedicate all the time necessary to running this as well. I am on about 6 hours a day constantly and then off and on other times of the day. Weekends I'm not on much however so if the weekends are the only time you play this isn't the game for you.

Character Creation Guidelines:

Books: Anything put out by Paizo is fair game except anything with the Occult. If you want to use something from a non hardcover source please let me know.

Races:Standard(those found in the CRB) and Featured races are fine to apply but remember if your not a standard race you WILL be subject to racism for the first part of this adventure. The people of ravengrow are VERY isolated and not accepting of outsiders. Its doublely so to those who are not "normal". That being said I won't be a dick about it but don't expect to lay a Featured race and be welcomed with open arms.

HP: Max at first level and half +1 every level after

Skills: Background skills will be allowed

Stats: 25 point buy

Traits: You will get 2 traits, one of which will need to be selected out of the players guide.

Classes: If you want to play a summoner please do so from unchained.

I recently applied to a game but didn't get in, that modified backgrounds so I'm going to steal his idea lol. I liked how it fleshed out the characters so please read the spoiler below on what I want for your backgrounds.

Background info:

-As for backgrounds, I'd like it to go as follows:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Including Lorrimor in one of those might not be a bad idea.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

-Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own. Cool?

Being that this adventure starts at 1st level, Recruitment closes on Tuesday the 9th at 10 AM CST. I will be heading out of town this weekend so won't be posting much if at all. I am leaving Friday night and won't be back on here until Monday morning.

Any questions feel free to post them here or PM Me.

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Hey guys it dawned on me this morning that I've neglected to tell you some critical information. I don't run with coin weight or encumbrance. However if I find you guys taking advantage of the encumbrance issue I will not hesitate to drop the hammer lol.

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So posts are up. I wanted to take a moment and give you the standard talking to about meta gaming. As the party is split right now we should probably be using spoilers but I'm not going to enforce that. Just please please please those of you at koya's remember you wont' know the rusty dragon information and vice versa.

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Derric wrote:

I'll try and update my equipment sometime this Monday as I got some stuff to do tomorrow but I'll try and post when I can as we continue.

Which reminds me, anyone heard from the gm? Not trying to sound impatient or be rude, I'm just concerned that's all.

Sorry guys weekends are usually not a good time for me to jump on and post. I do appologize as this weekend was extra crazy what with trying to find a place to move into, getting new furnature for the existing house, and dealing with family issues.

I am always available Monday-Thursday from 10-4 CST. I keep paizo taps up and open on my work computer and refresh every 5 min or so unless busy. I will get an in game post up shortly to get things moving along a bit.

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Back at the Rusty Dragon. She went to Koya's to finish getting patched up and then back to the Rusty Dragon. Far to many people at Koya's for her comfort.

Koya's home:

Ameiko grimices under the hug of her sister. "" she says and then tries to shift her sister off her but is to weak to do so. At Tarvinda's call Ameiko calls back "That was me...had a nightmare...getting squished by my sister now...all's fine though if she doesn't let go soon I'm going to need Koya's assistance soon."

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