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![]() Is the damage done by this feat Force damage? If so why is there a line about bypassing DR/Magic? If not does it still work against Incorporeal creatures? ![]()
![]() So I am getting close to submitting a character for this little event but have hit an issue on the contact page. When I attempt to ask a question about formatting I get the following message: "Error. Please note: The form data could not be sent to the specified email address." Does anyone have a solution to this issue? Edit: Maybe when it asks for an email it means the site owner's email? i can't seem to find that anywhere either. ![]()
![]() I recently heard a lot, if not all, of the Third Party Companies that worked with Paizo have pulled away from the company because Paizo told them about PF2 at the same time they told everyone else. It was a complete surprise to people producing products for a system that, quite suddenly, wouldn't have it's own company behind it in a very short amount of time. Is this true? Does it sound like something that could be true? Bear in mind there is history of something similar happening in the past... when WotC made 4th edition and Paizo made Pathfinder. Just posting this for the discussion and possibly confirmation(one way or the other). ![]()
![]() So I've been thinking about a backup character should my current one in an Astral Plane game die or be forced to run from the party. Due to the way we're creating characters one of my options is Shaman(not going to multiclass). Keeping in mind I'm using this blog post as a basis for the character, what Spirits(we have plenty of healing, so Life isn't necessary) and spells would you suggest and why? Are any archetypes besides Animist and Benefactor secretly helpful? Feats I might look into? ![]()
![]() Has anyone else wondered why, if they are not races(Leadership) or normal animals(animal companions), the options for having monsters in the party are terrible and overvalued to the point you don't want to take them? I was trying to find some way Monstrous Companion or monster cohorts could be good, but looking at that and things like the saddening drake archetypes... I can't help but think Paizo doesn't want players actually having anything the Leadership feat doesn't grant. To give two examples, let's look at Pegasus and Young Dragons. This assumes the GM is allowing the monster cohorts, of course. A pegasus is listed as a level six cohort, so you can get one at level eight at the earliest. At level eight you have a CR 3 creature with 4 HD and two spell-like abilities. It's strong enough to carry a rider, but only has 34 HP and, for level eight, pretty low saves. At the same time, getting a Young Dragon is truly a waste of a feat. The lowest CR among them is the Young White Dragon at 6, so it has a Cohort Level of 14. How is a CR 6 creature of any us when you are level 16? Is there something I'm missing on what should be a cool option? ![]()
![]() If this is the wrong part of the forums for this kind of thing please flag it for moving. So a few days ago I had an idea to get through some of my free time. Taking third party products(that can be found online, such as the d20pfsrd site) and making characters with them to post online. The name of this little project is my attempt to be funny. So, for now, I present the rules for The Broken Journal. The purpose of this thread is to take third party options and make characters with them. Not just stat blocks through. I will be attempting to put little bits of story into the characters to give them depth. Character Creation Rules
Suggestions for character concepts are appreciated, as are contributions of characters using the above rules. ![]()
![]() While browsing YouTube videos I stumbled upon a funny compilation of someone playing Winston from Overwatch. The phrase "I'm not a monkey" get's used and suddenly the idea to play a Vanara Alchemist/Master Chemist using lightning bombs and a large form popped into my head. Has anyone else thought of making Pathfinder characters based off Overwatch? I'd love to hear about them. ![]()
![]() Things had gone so well on the last job. Clearing out some bandits and even bringing done a rabid wererat gave you some minor fame in town and earned the attention of caravan owner, Silas Grib, about working for him as caravan guards. After fighting for your life it seemed like an easy job and you'd get to travel by caravan instead of on foot! As the town of Belhaim comes into view, however, you get the feeling the easy job might be over quickly and your payment not coming. Greeting you just outside the city is a rather imposing man and a few others. "Silas Grib, you're under arrest for smuggling! Come peacefully and you might get out of jail quicker!" The man calls out loudly, causing your employer to jump from his caravan and run back towards the treeline. He's caught by the guards rather quickly and manacled before he can get far. The leader then turns to you, looking you up and down. "Are you in league with Grib? Don't try to lie now or things will only get worse!" ![]()
![]() So I had an idea for a neat little PBP that's a bit of a deviation from the norm. Usually I see “no third party material” or, rarely, “third party on a case-by-case basis” in recruitment threads. I understand why, but I know part of it is a stigma/myth that surrounds third party material in many cases. So, yeah, this one is gonna allow a lot of third party material, just for the heck of it. CHARACTER CREATION:
Ability Scores: 25 Point Buy. This is for fun, so why not, eh? Hit Points: Max! This goes for any animal companions, mounts, etc, but not for anything you summon with Summon Nature's Ally, Summon Monster, or similar abilities. Background Skills: These are just nice. We're using them. :) Level and Starting Wealth: Level 2 and 2,000gp. You've some minor experiences(might have been adventuring, might not) and had a particularly reward venture or investment. Alignment: Any. However, I don't want people making Chaotic Evil characters. I feel that can be... disruptive and fits villains better. Magical Item Crafting: Yes, but you have to abide by the 2,000gp limit. In this way you can have items(most likely scrolls or potions, depending on your class/feats) your character made personally, but not enough to outshine the rest of the players. Races: Paizo's races(ask for higher powered ones if you're interested), and then some 3rd party races. These include Saurians, Entobian, Zif, Oakling, Numistian, Muse, Mogogol, Boggle(no Arcane Craft feat. It's too easy to make the +5 meaningless), Dragonkin, Seedling, Lizardfolk, and Briarborn. Classes: Dreamscarred Press Psionic classes, Swashbuckler, Warlock, Artisan, Spell-Less Ranger and it's variant Skin-Changer Ranger, Dragonrider, Magister, Scholar, and the wonderful Spheres of Power system, classes, and archetypes. Traits: Two. You can take a drawback for an extra Trait. You can reflavor the fluff of traits and even the name as long as you link to the original. Automatic Bonus Progression: You may use it if you want, but it is not required. The Adventures: I'm thinking either Murder's Mark or Dragon's Demand. Thoughts for other low level adventures? ![]()
![]() I was looking at the different spheres again and decided to check out Conjuration and see if it was as fun as some of the rest. Sadly, it doesn't look like it. This stems a bit from the need to select Extra Companion a lot. "You may select (form) talents multiple times, but no more than once per companion, unless the talent says otherwise." To me this reads that I cannot have a creature with the Draconic Creature(form) talent and the Quick Creature(form) talent. Am I wrong? ![]()
![]() I've been looking at Spheres of Power a lot recently and finally got around to making a character for it, but since I'm new to the system I wanted to double check and make sure I got everything right. The idea for the character is I've had for a long time: a thief that learns runic magic, but hurts himself when using said magic. This is something hard to pull off(though A wilder with Warrior's Surge fits the bill), but pretty easy with SoP. For your review, here is Gerald Antairus. ![]()
![]() I'm wondering how these two talents interact. Kinetic Fist:
Element(s) universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1 Associated Blasts any Saving Throw none You surround your body with energy or elemental matter from your kinetic abilities. You can use this form infusion as part of an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action to add damage to each of your natural attacks and unarmed strikes until the beginning of your next turn. Since kinetic fist is part of another action, using this wild talent doesn't provoke any additional attack of opportunity. You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage per 3 dice of your kinetic blast's damage (minimum 1d6), and this damage is of the same type as your kinetic blast's damage. This extra damage ignores spell resistance and doesn't apply any modifiers to your kinetic blast's damage, such as your Constitution modifier. Fire's Fury:
Element(s) fire; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn — When using fire blasts or composite blasts that include fire, add your elemental overflow bonus to the damage dealt. If the kinetic blast normally adds double your elemental overflow bonus to damage, these effects stack. Let's keep the example simple. A 3rd level Pyro Kineticist has Improved Unarmed Strike and Weapon Finesse(Said Kineticist is Human). He spends a move action to Gather Energy and reduce the Burn cost of Kinetic Fist down to 0. Is his damage
or 1d3(base unarmed damage)+1d6(Kinetic Fist damage)? ![]()
![]() Recently, this campaign has not only disappeared from my Campaigns tab, but every character that I was playing in it no longer has it listed as a game they've participated in. It is also not in my Previous Campaigns list. Is there anyway to figure out how/why this happened, and how it can be fixed? ![]()
![]() []Yes? []No? When the VR device -a simple looking helmet with directions on it's use- showed up at your house you couldn't help but put it on and begin the beta test. You might have felt excited, or a little scared perhaps, but this felt like it was the right decision. At first the game started out a bit cliche. You and a few others were offered jobs as caravan guards. Eveeything went smoothly the first few days, though you were kept busy fending off some wolves and a couple bandits, but it wasn't until the caravan arrived at Belhaim that the real adventure seemed to start. The town had barely come into sight when several armed guards rode up and stopped your caravan, promptly arresting the owner on smuggling charges. While the owner seems intent on taking you down with him, the sheriff believes you knew nothing about this, and takes him away. Unfortunately, this means you aren't getting paid and are now stranded in Belhaim. Luckily a local tavern owner, a human named Talia Orem, offers to give you room and board for a few days. That's how you and the other players ended up eating an early dinner in the tavern... Take some time to roleplay with each other. :) ![]()
![]() "You've been selected to test a new virtual reality MMO! Do you wish to explore a wondrous world?" Yes
A message every gamer wants to see at some point or another. With VRMMOs on the rise around the world, everyone's competing for an account in their genre of choice and keeping tabs on new developments, you haven't heard anything about Golarion Online. No one seems to know anything about it, and dismiss it as a hoax. Still, something made you click Yes and put on the headgear... House Rules:
Character Creation Rules for “Golarion Online, Beta Testers”
20 point buy
Paizo Classes: Core, Base, Hybrid. No Summoners(Monster Trainers, below, take their place), Unchained, or Occult.
Two Traits, but no drawbacks.
Melee Feats: Feat trees are consolidated into the first feat, but you must pick a “path” to go when you take the feat and you gain the next feats when you qualify for them. Talk to me about the path if it's unclear. This is to help melee martials compete a bit more with their ranged counterparts.
Magic Item Creation: Dynamic Magic Item Creation from Pathfinder Unchained will be used, with the exception that the time is cut down immensely. When you start creating the magic item you make all the checks one after the other until the item is either finished, destroyed, or you simply failed. I'll roll for the events after we find out how many checks are needed. Other Variant Rules: Ask and we'll see. Called shots are in. Video Game stuff: HP and level display for allies, along with names. You can sends messages to your fellow players as well, as the spell sending. Items are stored in your Inventory, and while they aren't visible, they still count against encumbrance and can be stolen as normal. Think Sword Art Online, since that's part of the inspiration for me to try and run a game again. Thanks to Jaster Kite, I'm going to try and run a game of my own, inspired by his. You'll be taking part as people controlling online avatars and exploring a new game world by taking part in a starting quest called The Dragon's Demand. Of course, that's the same name as the module made by Paizo, and the game I'll be running. :) I will say there are going to be times I won't post for a few days though, so the game probably won't move as fast as it could. I apologize in advance. One last thing. Don't talk about your characters here. Send me a private message. It's a test run made up of strangers, not a group of people getting together to plan out who plays what in the new game. Any questions you may have can be asked here though. ![]()
![]() My second attempt ever at a guide(the first being a Wilder guide I only ever got as far as naming), I decided to work on an Elan guide for a few reasons. One, I like the idea of a race being remade. Two, they're pretty versatile and durable. Three, i just like psionics. :) I still to work out the exact builds for the five pregenerated Elans, a more in-depth look at the racial archetypes, and general feats that are good for any Elan. Feedback and discussion are always welcome. ![]()
![]() Fire God's Blessing.
Is Fire God's Blessing considered magical healing or healing from resting for the purpose of if you gain the extra healing from Fast Healer? ![]()
![]() I know it's a bit late to be asking this, but would any gamers going be interested in playing a bit of the Emerald Spire during the convention? I'll be bringing ore generated characters in case someone doesn't have one or doesn't want to make one. I'll only be accepting, at most, 5 players. Character Creation: 25 point buy. Any Paizo material, but you have to bring the book it came from with you or the relevant pages printed out. Try to bring your own dice. Common and Featured races. Only one archetype(if any). Max hit points. Average starting gold. Two traits.
![]() As it stands right now, damage is pretty simple. Take damage, discard a number of cards equal to the damage you took. If you didn't have enough cards, so what? Discard what you can and ignore the rest. Somehow, back when we started Risemof the Runelords, we got that wrong. Instead of damage coming from our hand, we send cards from our deck into the discard pile. While we were all relieved, I noticed how easy the game became later on. Now that I've got Skull & Shackles, I'm thinking about making our mistake a Houserule. What everyone think? Is it too much? Should any excess damage come from your deck instead of being ignore? ![]()
![]() "Things aren't going to get better for a long time, I can tell. The people that didn't change, the ones that are still human? I already know they're going to hate us. Hate the Pulsed. I'm lucky. I can hide my horns and tail. My only friend looks like a humanoid cat right now though. He'll have a much harder time. I'll help keep him safe though, just like he will keep me safe. Signed, ImpTail." "This is my fault, I just know it. For three years I was.. Well, the doctors call it a coma, but it was much, much more for me. I was just dreaming, and that dream was more real that anything at all. Not that you'd believe me it I told you what was going on..." ~Máché37 Posts like that and more are showing up on UnknownPower, with the number growing as time passes by. Some people are talking about the riots, the looters, the strange way they look. Some are happy about the Second Pulse, because now at least they know they aren't alone. How could they not, when it seems to be all the news is talking about? ![]()
![]() To some of you, welcome back. To other, thanks for joining us. I'm rebooting the play by post game "An Age of Modern Magic" just a few hours after the second Pulse, an in-game event, occured Enjoy the new world. Much like another pbp I'm in, this game is player/story driven. Unlike said pbp, we're not going to be so rules light. For reference to the rules and to the first game itself, here is the old recruitment thread. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Enjoy the new world. ![]()
![]() The KD is an archetype for Magus that focuses on Bladed Scarves. At 9th level they can pick this arcana. Curse (Su):
Choose an ability score upon taking this arcana. Whenever the bladed scarf dancer scores a critical hit with a bladed scarf, he may expend 1 point from his arcane pool to deal 1d4 points of damage to that ability score of the creature struck. This arcana can be selected multiple times, but a different ability score must be chosen each time. The bladed scarf dancer must be at least 9th level before selecting this arcana. If you activate this ability and have the arcana six tines, does it take 1 point or 6? ![]()
![]() A friend of mine has mentioned an old feat that gave you extra hut points, and every time you took it you gained more plus what you had before(3 the first time, then 6, then 9, for a total of 18) or something like that. Can anyone help me find it? My curiosity has been piqued. Things I know.
![]() My question us simple. When adding a temple that increases a creature's CR, what us it's new CR? For example, does a house centipede with the Giant and Advanced templates become CR 1/4 or CR 2? ![]()
![]() So, getting away from the recent questions about half-elves and their FCB's, I was looking at their Multitalented ability. Here it is for reference. Multitalented:
Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes. So, my question is if the +1 hit/skill point is in addition to the one they normal gain from level up in a favored class? If not, should the language have been cleared up to state that, and add in the alternat FCB's they can choose from when the Advanced Race Guide came out? ![]()
![]() So yesterday I decided I would run a one-shot for my friends. The thing is I want it to be as creepy and firmly in the horror genre as it can get. (:< Here's the rules they got.
Then I added a bit of randomness. Player 1 (Personality trait: Proud. Focus: Knowledge)
So far, my plan us rough. Around the time a carnival/circus troupe comes into town, people start disappearing and the population of stray dogs seems to boom overnight. A few people will be found torn apart, supposedly by the dogs. Wether if not the carnival/circus has anything to do with the real villians(a cult of Lamashtu*) is undecided, but there will be a Gray Jester with them(heroes of horror monster). So what I'm looking for is ideas. Traps? Haunts? Monsters, some tweaked to look different to avoid meta gaming? NPC's? *:
A pregnant midwife, who is later 'kidnapped', will tell them about the cult! and show them the mark on her stomach and revealing her 'past' as a worshiper, lying about no being a Lamastuan. She's not pregnant, but rather a summoner who births her Eudolon(a glabrazu type). Her 'water' will break during their rescue attempt. For added creepiness, she'll take 1-2d4 points of damage while summoning her eidolon, and the damage she takes will not only grant temporary hp to the eidolon, but tear open the marks on her stomach. 3/4ths of the group are experienced gamers, so I really want this to be memorable! ![]()
![]() First, sorry if this is the wrong part of the forum. Second, the gift I want to buy is a hardcover and a pdf of different products. When I look at it in my cart the pdf, which is from my friend's wish list, says it will be added to my downloads upon purchase. Shouldn't it go to hers? Will the book be sent to her or to me as well? ![]()
![]() So, in the likely event that my Goblin Sage Sorcerer dies(I say likely because, well, there's been groups of enemies so far, and our main melee is a Tiefling magus and a mount less goblin cavalier), I'm planning on a Samsaran Druid(Saurian Shaman) going into Barabarian(Invulnerable Rager) and the Vital Strike chain. Reason for Samsaran: I want to grab Divine Power(1st level), Holy Sword(4th level), and Forceful Strike(4th level) from the Paladin spell list with Mystic Past Life. So what ability scores(20 point buy) and order of feats would you suggest? ![]()
![]() My players have asked if merely closing your eyes defeated the multiple chance to miss. Say the spell caster is using Mirror image and gets five images. To make things easy, on a roll of 6 on a d6 you hit the real spell caster. But if you close your eyes, your chance of hitting goes from 1in 6 to 1 in 2. Us this correct? |