Golarian Online, Beta Tester's Paradise

Game Master Dragonborn3

A select group of gamer's has been picked to test a new fantasy game on the Virtual Reality servers. Can this game, mysterious as it is, be the next step in gaming?

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[]Yes? []No?

When the VR device -a simple looking helmet with directions on it's use- showed up at your house you couldn't help but put it on and begin the beta test. You might have felt excited, or a little scared perhaps, but this felt like it was the right decision.

At first the game started out a bit cliche. You and a few others were offered jobs as caravan guards. Eveeything went smoothly the first few days, though you were kept busy fending off some wolves and a couple bandits, but it wasn't until the caravan arrived at Belhaim that the real adventure seemed to start.

The town had barely come into sight when several armed guards rode up and stopped your caravan, promptly arresting the owner on smuggling charges. While the owner seems intent on taking you down with him, the sheriff believes you knew nothing about this, and takes him away.

Unfortunately, this means you aren't getting paid and are now stranded in Belhaim. Luckily a local tavern owner, a human named Talia Orem, offers to give you room and board for a few days. That's how you and the other players ended up eating an early dinner in the tavern...

Take some time to roleplay with each other. :)

Male Kobold Sorcerer/1 | HP: 6/6 | Init +7 | Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +2 | AC 15 Tch 14 FF 12 | BAB +0 CMB -3 CMD 11 | Perc +2 (Darkvision 60') | Trap Runes (DC 13) 6/6

Undoubtedly the oddest one of the group, the kobold calling himself Ixen doesn't look much, given he only comes up about 3' 2" tall. For his player, this was a surreal, but interesting experience - he was so used to being the taller one in a group, that having to look up for a change was kind of cool.

Poking at his virtual food, Ixen looked up around at the other players at his table, a little surprised to see the variety in the team. Most players picked the big, handsome heroes or gorgeous damsels, but this was a nice conglomeration. After a moment, he decided to break the quiet of the game ambiance. "...I'll admit, the game has taken an interesting turn. Normally when you are working for someone doing illegal stuff, they make it painfully obvious. I was worried we were actually going to have to orchestrate a jail break for a moment."

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

"I hope it doesn't conflict with my lawful alignment." Tsugumi joked. The first quest did a good job at stretching dormant RPG muscles. While not inexperienced, she was definitely more used to fighters.
She sipped from her glass of wine. She looked over the group. She was wondering if these players were enjoying their avatars as much as she was. A bit reluctant to go with her initial daring design, in a flash of courage she entered it anyway, though she still felt a bit exposed compared to other, more armored individuals. More than that, she was worried she was the boring one because she chose human. Maybe she should have picked a more outlandish concept.
She made an amused hum. "Luckily, stuff like this at the beginning of the game rarely ever comes back to bite us in the behind." She rested an elbow on the table and began picking at her hamburger steak with her fork. "Pretty realistic, isn't it?" She asked. "Tastes like the real thing. Never gonna have to go out and pay for fine dining again."

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

"This experience is rather amazing. They've accomplished a lot. I wonder if the food is programmed to taste the way it does, or if our brains interpret it that way..." Which is a very odd thing to be coming out of the bearded face at the table. He looks like a young dwarven male, in service to a deity called Torag. His shield is slung over the back of his chair, and his hammer lays within reach on the table. "The combat is fun so far, although the hits are a bit...uncomfortable. Do any of you know how many beta packages they sent out?"

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

"Yeah, I could do without the lifelike pain, but I guess it raises the stakes." Tsugumi shrugged. "The data storage here must be amazing. I mean, just to fit all of those races and classes alone, it should take more data than most rpgs have in their entire game. Then we get into the size of this open world and it's mind-boggling."

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

"Yes, indeed! I have not seen any hint of loading, it all seems seamless so far. Must have larger servers than a normal MMO to handle all of this in one instance."

Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

Staring widely at the virtual feast before him, Galahot digs into his meal with gusto. He decided to play the ifrit race, since it didn't seem common, and he always liked how the outlandish choices looked. Though seeing the kobold made him wish he looked through the race list more thoroughly. He usually didn't go for MMO's or even video games really, but after a bet with his roommate, what else could "Galahot" do? He can't just admit he wouldn't be able to get through the module.

Yeah, this is pretty sweet. I haven't eaten an actual steak in months. Most games wish they could stick this many ideas into it. I can't even keep track of all the kinds of magic getting used. Schools of magic, divine, arcane, whatever the hell the Alchemist is supposed to be. What is it, like Dr. Frankenstein? I guess?

Although Danfarth's question has me intrigued. Are there other beta testers? There have to be, right? Do you think they got set up in other severs? Or is fighting other players on the table?

Male Kobold Sorcerer/1 | HP: 6/6 | Init +7 | Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +2 | AC 15 Tch 14 FF 12 | BAB +0 CMB -3 CMD 11 | Perc +2 (Darkvision 60') | Trap Runes (DC 13) 6/6

"Bombs. I'm pretty sure Alchemist is all about blowing stuff up... which I almost went with, actually. I've been told kobolds make ones. But than I saw that this Sorcerer bloodline came with tricks and traps, and I couldn't pass it up. Plus, I can double as party rogue... come to think of it, for such a trap-oriented class, rogues don't get to tinker with traps very often, do they? Dismantle, yeah, but setting them up?"

Ixen looked down at his food, taking a bite out of it and leaning back in his chair... only to sit forward, realizing he was pushing into his new appendage. "...the tail is gonna take some getting used to." Having another bite of his food, he ponder the prospect his new party was discussing. "Now you're starting to freak me out. 's gonna end up like some new age episode of the Twilight Zone, where we've borrowed bodies of other people... IN ANOTHER DIMEEEEENSIIIOOOON!!! Do do do do do do do do~"

Ixen chuckled to himself as he took another bite of food. This was why he loved online games - he could never bring himself to be that silly face to face. But here, it was almost expected. He was the oddest looking one, so a little goofy behavior couldn't hurt now and again, right?

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

The caravan's 'night guard' made her way into the tavern, sniffing the air a bit at the aromatic smells of the offered food while she moved to the edge of the room, folding her wings down and perching on a stool as she gnawed ferociously at a leg of some animal. After a few moments of growly-stomach toll being paid, she glances up, gives a small belch as she washes down the meat with the local beverage of choice.

With only the party really knowing about her, not too many people (read: NPCS) had been able to ask questions of the strix.

"Meat's a bit burnt. Wonder if maybe that's the race tastes coming into play, or just the way it's made. Anyways, the flying is awesome so far, pretty intuitive even. Enough stealth options to make any rogue eat their heart out, but at the same time a bit beefier with whatever a 'slayer' is."

Ahzuma pauses for a second.

"I think the most disturbing thing so far has been how... graphic it has been when some of our attackers have bit it." She makes a bit of a face. "Could have done without *that* bit of realism after that arrow in the neck of that one bandit..." She drifts off a bit and puts her shaking to use by nibbling on the leg a bit more.

"Also curious how they got the balancing figured out. I mean, my race isn't all that common but they were able to have code for it... that's gotta mean something, right?" She glances to make sure any NPCs are out of earshot -- it wouldn't help for any GMs listening, but better to be at least somewhat immersive even in Beta.

"About the only design feature I've had to put a bug report in on is my vest hanging up a bit uncomfortably, but that could just be explained away as trying to fit 'human' clothing on the frame. Overall, though, I'm really enjoying this so far?"

There's a bit more musing as she considers.

"Also hope there's a chance to respec somewhere along the way. I went heavy on the hp, but could probably back off of that to get more and faster shooting. OOOH! IXEN! We could totally be a spec ops pair! I'm in yer base, killin yer dudes!" She laughs a bit at that.

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

"Don't worry, I have a feeling we'll bump into another party sooner or later. Maybe to test out the PvP"
She laughed at Ixen's joke. "Better not jinx it lizard-boy. Anything happens and I'm blaming you."
"Yeah, the gore is a bit much. I hope it doesn't become any sort of catharsis for the more... violent players, so to speak. Other than that, the combat is a thrill. I mean, I didn't even know all of those martial arts moves before I logged in, and now I can do flips and kick, and flips with kicks. How do you think they managed that?"

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

Nods as he eats and listens to the others with interest. "I usually always try out a new game with a paladin, and this 'warpriest' looked as close to a paladin in WoW that they had. Always play dwarves, so that was a no-brainer for me. You guys really think there will be PVP?"

Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

Man, I hope so. I've been a fan of horror movies and the like for a while, so gore isn't much of an issue for me. Although it is a little creepy when they twitch. Galahot pauses.

PvP means fighting other players, right? I'm new to the MMO thing.

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

Nods. "PvP means Player versus Player. Instead of fighting the MOBs or monsters and such, in the environment, you fight other players. Some games have instances where that's allowed, and in other games it's on all the time, and there is no safe zone. I don't personally find the PvP all the time stuff to be much fun, but, we're in beta, so I supposed it won't matter. They usually don't save progress on characters after the beta is over."

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

"I'd rather not PvP, thanks. I mean, we're supposed to be Beta-testing, but at the same time I really don't like that method of play. Enough dangers in a given world and all? And Dan? They DID have paladin in the options? Or didn't you get that one? And you played WoW? What race/class?"

The strix picks up her haunch of meat and gnaws on it a bit more, smacking her lips a few times before tossing the bone to the side and grabbing another leg.

"Hmm. Burnt flesh. Nom nom." She gives a bit of a smirk.

Male Kobold Sorcerer/1 | HP: 6/6 | Init +7 | Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +2 | AC 15 Tch 14 FF 12 | BAB +0 CMB -3 CMD 11 | Perc +2 (Darkvision 60') | Trap Runes (DC 13) 6/6

"Man, that'd be hilarious to get some dudes for my magical base on this adventure. I wonder how well the 'Leadership' thing works. I know my class demands high charisma, so I might could get away with it... though I don't typically spring for Leadership." Ixen picked up his cup and lifted it to drink... only to stop after he whacked his chin with it. Pushing it out a bit further, he finally got it to the right part of his mouth and sipped. "Longer mouth, sharper teeth, tail, 3 feet high... this is messing with my sense of self a bit."

Setting his cup down, he looked around, trying to see if perhaps any other patrons might actually be players in disguise. They should have some kind of HUD that points them out, but... this WAS a beta test. "I always spring for the 'unloved' races in games like this. If somebody says that, like, elves are an unpopular race, I go with them. In this case, kobolds are usually considered the worst for everything... so, naturally, I picked them. I mean, who likes winning all the time anyways?"

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

@ Azhuma
"Yeah, I saw the paladin, but it didn't feel the same. Plus, I don't mind support characters much. This one seemed to do a bit of both, and still be able to kick some arse."
@ Ixen
"I hear ya. There's no way to 'win' an MMO anyway, just beat the content."

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

"I'm guessing PvP in an arena. I bet it'd become a place for gambling and settling grudges."
"One advantage of playing human, I guess. You know where everything goes."
Tsugumi felt a bit biased in the next conversation. She did like winning all the time. That was the point of playing a Fighter. "I wonder what kind of quests we'll face. I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood for punching something real big. Kobold's a cool race though, by the looks of it. Wonder how they factor in all the anatomy differences."

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

Ahzuma glances over at Ixen.
"You seem to be taking to it pretty well? I mean, I'd be all over the place if I had a tail, and I'd be a bit paranoid being that short... never could stand gnomes or goblins because of that. But the other taller races in games? Just as bad. Always clipping and banging on doorframes. And yes, having the 'I WIN' button... is boring."

She glances over at Danfarth. "Well, we look like we've got a party here, so I'm kind of keen to see how it plays out? First time I haven't been b!$+#ed at for taking a sub-optimal melee weapon, which is really refreshing." When her one word is censored she sort of blinks a few times, making a confused face before shaking her head and laughing.

"Swearing filter: Needs to be able to be toggled." She makes that comment to the air, as if hoping that gets logged somewhere.

"I'm much bigger on the roleplay, to be honest. Getting away from work and y'know, just living in a different world and all? Yeah. I'm really glad that the interface is so immersive, it makes so many things a lot easier to do. Getting the first day in game or so down was a bit of a nightmare, but... it's not that bad now. Beating the content is part of the deal, the other part is having fun and being with friends and all."

Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

What do you mean "suboptimal"? Scythes are cool. Although, why not go for the full size version?

I have to admit I prefer winning, myself. Course, in this context "winning" is more about getting cool stuff and beating dungeons than other people. Not sure how into "roleplay" I am. I'll give it a try, maybe. Galahot said, clearly not aware of the context he said that in. He quickly switched subjects anyway.

Well, I can't stick my hand in a fire, which sucks cause that would be cool, but I think that's because I traded out the fire resistance for something. Wasn't totally sure what I was doing, but I figured going first was more useful long term.

Post edited for fullness.

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

The strix looks at her armor, the sickle on her hip, and the bow plus arrows she's got, then back to Galahot.

"Weight and clumsiness actually. That, and I was trying to go with the idea that perhaps somewhere in my past I'd scavenged it from a human farmer's tools somewhere. It's hard to fly with a scythe -- while it looks cool and while it murders when it crits... I'd be more worried about getting it caught in a wing or something." The answer is both mechanically sound and fitting to the description.

"Nothing saying I wouldn't use one if I ran across one of the ground, but I'd have to drop it to get airborne. I'm on a really tight flight budget... can't wait to get lighter armor and gear, actually."

Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

Oh, I getcha. I know what you mean, I had to buy a horse just to keep a bedroll around. I think I still have room if you want to store some of your stuff on it. Still though, if this game can teach you kung-fu, it'll probably help you avoid dismembering yourself. Galahot mused.

His meal was about finished, though his vegetables were mostly untouched. He doesn't seem to notice.

So, anyone got a plan? Do we talk to someone for our next mission? He gives the tavern a quick look around for an important looking NPC.

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

Cause I got nothin'.

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

"That'd actually be kind of handy but let's leave that until we get to that point? I mean, it's not like we're going to take your horse into a dungeon, right? And just because I have the skill doesn't mean it doesn't scare me a bit."

The strix considers as she totally *yoinks* some of Galahot's veggies.

"Either that, or it'll come to us. What are you looking for?"

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

As if on cue, a loud, low rumbling sound similar to thunder shakes the inn.

Perception checks.

Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

Should I roll a new one? If so:

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

Let us add to the fail train!

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

Tsugumi smiles at the swearing filter suggestion. "Probably would make a ****-ing better experience if players were actually able to ****-ing swear and ****. I mean, by all I've ****-ing seen of this *****-ing game, it's rated MA on the ****-ing Violence alone. I don't get why they'd need to censore it whenever I say ****."
She laughed at Galahot's comment. "I'm sorry, the image of a bunch of noobs playing this game and accidentally cutting off their own limbs just popped into my mind."
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Hmm... something's not right. My characters never succeed at spot checks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

*Recites George Carlins "Seven dirty words you can't say on tv" in a rhythmic fashion*


Male Kobold Sorcerer/1 | HP: 6/6 | Init +7 | Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +2 | AC 15 Tch 14 FF 12 | BAB +0 CMB -3 CMD 11 | Perc +2 (Darkvision 60') | Trap Runes (DC 13) 6/6

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Ixen just starts somewhat blankly at Tsugumi's testing of the swear filter... she was interesting. And then Galahot joined in. Slowly turning back to the strix, Ixen nodded quietly. "...yeah. I've got a low strength - kobolds and all - so I'm gonna have a challenge just walking. Beauty of magic, though, is I have spells for that. I wonder if I should learn Unseen Servant..."

The kobold looked down at the table, then around the room. "...did anyone else feel that?"

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

"Galahot's gotta lay off the foreign cuisine, it appears." She joked, at the same time, moving from her seat and taking a long look around.

Tsugami and Ahzuma:
You realize the 'thunder' sounded a lot more like a rockslide.

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

"Whelp, this could hurt." Tsugumi mumbled to herself. "I hear a landslide, better check out what's happening."

Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

Landslide? Seems above our pay grade, but hey. Good guys, right? Let's go.

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

"Suppose people will need help n' heals." He stands and grabs his shield and hammer, and follows the others out.

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

"Huh. They've even apparently got plate tectonic action scripted. Should check it out to see how accurate it is, even." She grabs the remainder of Galahot's veggies, and makes her way outside, taking two steps and launching herself airborne to get a 'bird's eye' view of any potential devastation...

Male Kobold Sorcerer/1 | HP: 6/6 | Init +7 | Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +2 | AC 15 Tch 14 FF 12 | BAB +0 CMB -3 CMD 11 | Perc +2 (Darkvision 60') | Trap Runes (DC 13) 6/6

Ixen follows along quickly, sticking close to Danfarth. The NPCs might have a less than friendly reaction to him, so if an encounter did start, he wanted to be close to the guy who could hit hard.

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

"Yes, exactly my thoughts Azhuma." Tsugumi said absent-mindedly as she made for the door.

A huge plume of dust rising from a hill near town dominates the skyline. People are running about telling everyone about the "Witch Tower" falling, and a group is already heading towards the hill.

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

The winged humanoid flies a little bit higher, catching a little bit of a breeze as she pushes to get a better vantage point

Witch Tower is it, anyways? is the rather tongue-in-cheek thought running through her head as she tries to avoid making too much of a spectacle of herself while en route.

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

Danfarth will head over to see if anyone is injured.

Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

Galahot joins the group heading towards the hill.

Male Kobold Sorcerer/1 | HP: 6/6 | Init +7 | Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +2 | AC 15 Tch 14 FF 12 | BAB +0 CMB -3 CMD 11 | Perc +2 (Darkvision 60') | Trap Runes (DC 13) 6/6

"I would just like to preface this by saying, I had nothing to do with it. Honest." Ixen pipes up as he hustles to the fallen tower.

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

Tsugumi blinks, then stares wide-eyed at the sight. First thing she does is assess the situation and see if anything unusual was afoot.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|

From her aerial vantage point, Ahzuma looks for any injured folks that might need help. For the moment, she's not pulled her bow out, though the idea of plinking a couple of arrows to live up to the 'Strix mystique' is an entertaining thought.

Thankfully, she played in Society play, and one of the rules there is 'don't be a jerk', so she refrains from that for now.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

As Danfarth gets closer he calls out. "Anyone hurt in there!?"

{GRP CHAT} Anyone see anything?

Male Ifrit Magus (Hexcrafter)/ 1

I risk a Perception roll

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4

{GRP}I think there's a dust cloud and some people out here.

Galahot states after failing to locate anything of interest.

M Dwarf Warpreist 1

Danfarth laughs.

F Strix
Slayer 1||HP:15/15|AC:16/T:14/FF: 12|F:+4/R:+6/W:+0|CMB:+3|CMD:17(13)|BAB: +1|Init:+6|Low-Light V.|Darkvision|Craft(Bows):+4|Fly:+8|K:Geog.:+4|K:Loc:+4|Per:+4(6)|SM: +4|Stlth:+8(10)|Surv.:+4|


Ahzuma assumes it's lag, at any rate. She *hopes* it's just lag and not something worse, like a disconnect.

Male Kobold Sorcerer/1 | HP: 6/6 | Init +7 | Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +2 | AC 15 Tch 14 FF 12 | BAB +0 CMB -3 CMD 11 | Perc +2 (Darkvision 60') | Trap Runes (DC 13) 6/6

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

"I don't know about anyone else, but this detail is incredible! I can actually see the dust particles and everything!" Ixen replied, apparently more interested in the dust itself than what it was hiding.

Female Human (Tian) Master of Many Styles: 1

"Yeah, these designers sure had a lot of spare time on their hands."

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