Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() Nazuri wrote: Nazuri launches into a very long, drawn out, but also hilarious story of all the crazy things that tourists do, starting with how she had one group searching for a missing member only to find out that the missing person was now searching for herself, apparently having missed the roll call. Ramiel adds to this with stories of locals back home that got lost because they didn't have their GPS watch. Walking down the same block they had every day for years but still getting lost and turned around and, in one case, in the sewer system. ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() Jaster Kite wrote: How much would that be, Dev? 8,330gp for a +1 Shocking ripsaw glaive. Reflavor it to a sword instead of a polearm. ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() "Is he a dragon or something? So many trashy romance novels have one of the characters as a dragon." Ramiel says as he joins everyone. He looks like he should be tired, with bags under his eyes but then again that was how he always seemed to look. ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() "Wasn't there a movie about this once? Goo taking over a city or something? This country is nothing but cliches. So far." Ramiel thinks as he stays silent. He was pretty sure if he said what he wanted to say things wouldn't go well. ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() "I don't know what you just said, but you're awesome." Rameil mutters to Devic as he runs over to Sleeping Knightly and does the thing where you half-smack a sleeping person's face for a bit(after checking his pulse). "Hey, this is no place for a nap! Get up or when we get our friends back I'm getting them to braid your hair or bedazzle your armor or something!" Move action to get to Ammon, standard action to slap him awake as per the sleep spell. ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() Sorry for the wait. "Thanks, Nazuri...." Ramiel coughs as he punches lightning at the guy hitting him so much. The newcomer had managed to heal most of the injuries the buffoon was inflicting, but he knew there was a limit to what a spellcaster could do. He just had to hope he could stay alive long enough she didn't meet that limit. Destructive Blast, melee touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() "Are you really taking a moment to taunt them?" Ramiel asks as he throws a bolt of lightning at the one that hit him. "I know moments are your sthick but time and place, man!" Electric Blast, melee touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
With that out of the way he turned to the one that had just struck Geralt and did the same. Electric Blast, melee touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() "I don't know, I'm having a shockingly good time." Ramiel mutters as he looks around and tries to get an eye for the weapons their latest 'lethal' threat might have. Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() Rameil wrote:
Well it happened. The lich walks the land once more on the first day a saving throw was rolled. Failed by 1, so no more paladin/monk. ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() "I'm a vigilante, got it? I don't care if I have to play as True Neutral for a couple of days." First thing that popped into my head. 4:12 is where the line comes from. Can't get the video at a certain time while on my iPad. ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() "One favor, and only because I still think you can help save our boss and her assistant. I would have agreed to more, but you apparently attempt murder if someone answers a question wrong." Ramiel explains as he curses what is starting to seem like a comic book plot. His life was so very, very weird now. "I don't speak for my friends though." ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() Well it isn't exactly as easy to deal with as "move to flank and let's slaughter it" is it? :) That poor, poor hydra got stuck between two gestalt rogues(one fighter, one ranger, both two-weapon fighting) and just... it was like a blender, man! ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() Ramiel still has all his credits. He actually hasn't bought anything besides chimichangas this whole game.
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel wrote: i have a few books in my stock: first world realm of the fey, guide to the dark markets, faith and philosophies, a few hardcovers, but not the book of the damned Forgot to reply to this conversation. I have a ton of PDFs that I could use to make stuff. This includes two 'do it yourself' books, The Genius Guide to the Taleneted Bestiary and In the Company of Dragons. If you ever need/want me to make something, Jaster, you just let me know! [/devilish scheming] ![]()
Male Human Elementalist(Electrokinetic Archetype) 4, Current HP: 39
![]() GUYS! A player just did a funny thing in my Emerald Spire game! Spoiler: So they've reached a level called the Throne of Azlant and they destroyed a clockwork machine that was attacking them and one person heard a ticking and grinding sound afterwards. It was a clockwork heart, still beating.
The monk/paladin picks it up and resists the sudden urge to place it on his own chest. It's the size of an ogre's fist and he's a Halfling, by the way. Some magical inspection later and they figure out it gives +4 Con to whoever puts it to their chest. The paladin/monk does so immediately and everyone watches in horror as it burrows into his chest and expels the slurry that was his original heart. The best part? The transmutation aura this thing(a minor artifact!) was giving off covered up the necromancy in it. He's replaced his heart with the phylactery of the very lich they're trying to find and kill! I've got a great plan now, which involves them thinking the crown the lich wears is his phylactery so they destroy it and don't think about the heart and then use these rules (Additional Graveknight Armor Information) for what happens.