About Etna AgnesContract Feats:
The Deal: You gain darkvision 60 ft. and the see in darkness ability, however you gain the Contract Bound weakness. The Change: Your natural armor improves +2, you gain a +2 racial bonus to saves versus Poison and you gain fire resistance 5. Your eyes now glow anytime you are upset or angry, your skin takes on a reddish hue and you begin to grow horns and a tail. Further, you radiate an evil aura as if you were an evil outsider. Holy Water now harms you and you are susceptible to all other attacks that would normally harm an evil outsider. The Ascended: You gain the spell like ability 3/day—bestow curse, detect thoughts, locate creature; 2/day Greater Teleport; At Will/Alter Self. Your Cha score is improved by +2. You are now an outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful). You gain resistance to fire 30. The Learned: Your Natural Armor bonus is increased to +4. You gain a +4 (formerly +2) racial bonus to saves versus Poison and regeneration 5 (good spells, good weapons). Special Attack: You gain the summon universal monster ability and can summon a devil once per day with a 100% chance of success. The devil remains for 1 hour. The PC's caster level or Hit Dice, whichever is higher, determines the most powerful kind of devil it can summon and the effective spell level of this ability, according to the following. 5th level - Lemure, 9th level - Bearded devil, 11th level - Erinyes, 13th level - Bone Devil, 15th level - Barbed devil, 17th level - Ice devil. Contract Devil, Lesser: Infernal Contract Supernatural Ability. Stats:
Etna Agnes
Female ifrit sorcerer (wishcrafter) 7 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 128, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 160) LE Medium outsider (native) Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 enhancement, +2 natural) hp 47 (7d6+17) Fort +5 (Situational Text), Ref +5, Will +5 Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 30 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +3 (1d4/19-20) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +14) . . 1/day—burning hands (DC 18) Sorcerer (Wishcrafter) Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +14) . . 3rd (6/day)—fly, haste . . 2nd (8/day)—create pit[APG] (DC 19), flaming sphere (DC 19), glitterdust (DC 19) . . 1st (8/day)—ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 18), grease, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement (DC 18), silent image (DC 18) . . 0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 17), prestidigitation, read magic . . Bloodline Arcane -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 25 Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 15 Feats - Custom Feat -, - Custom Feat -, - Custom Feat -, Alertness, Eschew Materials, Noble Scion Of War[ISWG] Traits contract master Skills Bluff +19, Diplomacy +20, Fly +6, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (planes) +12, Linguistics +13, Perception +2, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +12, Use Magic Device +16 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan SQ arcane bond (arcane familiar, pig), expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, heart's desire, metamagic adept (2/day), wildfire heart, wishbound arcana Combat Gear scroll of comprehend languages (x2), scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of sleep (x2), acid (2), liquid ice[APG] (2), tanglefoot bag, thunderstone (2); Other Gear dagger, handy haversack, hat of disguise, bedroll, blanket[APG], flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), masterwork backpack[APG], mwk manacles, scroll case, silk rope (50 ft.), waterskin -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only). Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you. Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar. Energy Resistance, Acid (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks. Energy Resistance, Cold (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks. Energy Resistance, Fire (30) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks. Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less. Expanded Wishcraft (Blindness/Deafness) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Message) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Protection from Good) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Familiar Bonus: +3 to Diplomacy checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach. Heart's Desire (7/day, DC 20) (Su) Target must state a desire out loud, allowing you to use wishbound arcana to grant it. Metamagic Adept (2/day) (Ex) Apply a metamagic feat without increasing the casting time of the spell. Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch. Speak with Animals (Ex) Your familiar can communicate with animals similar to itself. Speak with Familiar (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your familiar. Wildfire Heart +4 racial bonus on initiative Wishbound Arcana (Su) Use expressed wishes of nearby creatures as verbal components of your spell. -------------------- Emissary:Once per day, members of this race can roll twice when making a Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll. Gregarious:When members of this race successfully use Diplomacy to win over an individual, that creature takes a –2 penalty on attempts to resist any of the member’s Charisma-based skills for the next 24 hours. -\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\
Spell Known:
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Read Magic, Arcane Mark, Message(Wishbound Arcana)
Level 1: Grease, Silent Image, Ear-Piercing Scream, Mage's Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, Deja Vu (WA) Level 2: Glitterdust, Flaming Sphere, Create Pit, Blindness/Deafness (WA) Level 3: Haste, Fly Background:
House Agnes was a minor but wealthy noble house in Talingarde, with only two heirs: Torgard Agnes and Raphael Agnes. While the first became an important member of the knights of Alerion, marrying early, Raphael took a very different lifestyle: he delved in the secrets of the arcane arts and traveled the land, becoming a famous adventurer and aiding the kingdom in more than one occasion. By the time he settled down after gaining a fortune in his travels, many things had changed: he had grown old, his brother Torgard had died in battle, and Raphael passed most of his time as a retired wizard with his brother's family, taking the role of grandfather for Torgard's grandchildren.
It was at that time that he met Lady Farisa. A beautiful, young woman of noble birth, she came to Talingrade with a child a little more than a year old, Thomas. Even at that time, she spoke little of her origin and her past, asking Talingarde for protection after she was driven away from her not-specified native country. In hindsight it was really strange that she didn't raise suspicion, but the authorities were okay with it as long as she had the money to settle in the city. It can't be said that she didn't attract attention, tough: marrying a much older man, having a child from a previous, mysterious marriage, made malicious gossip flock around her. The fact that this elderly man was none other than Raphael Agnes, the famed wizard, made only things worse: that didn't stop the two from marrying, and little time later a girl, Etna, was born. Being the daughter of a famous wizard was a blessing: first and foremost, she didn't get killed on the spot as a “spawn of the devil” as soon as she was born. Raphael, a renowned scholar, explained to everyone (included a seemingly distressed Lady Farisa) that Etna was an Ifriit, a much different creature than a devil: the wizard's power, probably, influenced the girl's birth in some ways.
Good things don't last tough, as Etna learned, and Raphael got suddenly ill when Etna just turned nineteen years old. He died shortly after, and what Etna saw on his deathbed changed her life forever.
And then there was Lady Farisa herself.
She cried for hours, and her hair grew slowly back to their normal color, and then steadily became brighter than ever before.
In the meantime, Etna started preparing for the second part of her plan: to take back all the money that Lady Farisa inherited from her father, and completely destroy her reputation.
While the major part of his father inheritance had gone to her mother, Etna had received a little of it only for herself: it was more than enough for her to start investing in most of Talingarde businesses, and strike contracts that while seeming fair, where in reality completely in her favor. It helped a lot that Etna was able both to soften up people with her magic without them noticing, and that most of Talinarde merchant were either too gullible or too sure of themselves to even consider the idea that they were being scammed.
With time, Etna drained Lady Farisa's inheritance and reacquired it for herself, while also making her mother invest in societies that did not-so-licit side businesses (without her mother knowing, of course). That would have done nicely to damage her reputation, or get her arrested, even.
The trial lasted for a long while: apparently a great number of people where employed to figure out all of Etna's exploits. The investigation have been going on for some months, it seems, and since then it took them some time to track all the unfair contracts, investment and trading that she did.
Sure enough, she was sent to Brandescar to be later transported to a (short) life of hard labor at the salt mines. She didn't struggle, and had accepted her own failure, but she couldn't help to wish for a second chance to bring down Lady Farisa and Talingarde, that city that condemned her, someone who didn't break any law, only because she was “evil”. Appearance:
Etna's small horns, two little black protrusions on her forehead, are usually covered by her long, shoulder-lenght hair. While taking an orange color most of the time, Etna's hair, constantly shifting like a live flame, brightens up and start to move like a crackling fire when she's angry, and lose their coloration in moments of great sadness. An attractive woman, she prefers to wear sober green or red-colored outfit, and she doesn't have the fascination that Ifriits usually have for extremely gaudy jewelry, preferring instead sobre jade or emerald ornaments.
She never really tried, but with some practice she could be able to easily camouflage her heritage, with only her eyes, with their bright yellow irises, raising some suspicions. Personality:
Her past experiences have left Etna a cold, calculating and ruthless person. Her previous pity for people that got exploited by others turned into annoyance and scorn, and in this she doesn't make any difference between poor and rich people: for her, the first are guilty of not being cunning or cynical enough to avoid their misfortunes, and the latter are not worthy of their power and wealth if they're not capable of maintaining it. This was also the reason as to why she didn't struggle much when she got captured, because she thinks that it's only fair that she got surpassed by someone superior, more cunning and sly. That doesn't mean that she wouldn't accept a second chance, if it was given to her... Possible party and NPC interaction:
Etna only heard of Asmodeus in the whispers of priests and on old records she cataloged, but as soon as she learns of his existence, she will almost immediately start worshiping him, seeing that his mindset is much alike her own. If these teachings come from a member of the party, she will hold a particular respect for that person.
While she will regard much of the melee classes as "brutes" (that could become, with time, "useful and reliable brutes"), she shows respect for both casters (particularly wizards) and elderly people in general. She will keep in-character tensions to a minimum, as she understands that working together will be paramount to achieve her goals, and also because the only thing that will really make her lose her temper will be people badmouthing her dead father. Also, she has a dislike for women that use their "features" to charm their way trough, as they remember Etna of her sister Elizabeth. Goals:
Combining his wish-warping nature and her faith in Asmodeus, she will aim to become a Mephistopheles-type character. At the pinnacle of their evil power, other people may be happy in ruling with an iron fist while wearing a nasty, black spiky armor; she wants to become a manipulator and corrupter of human souls. Because of this, she wouldn't like to take a position of command, but instead work to rewrite Talingarde law system: ideally, it will mimic the one from Hell, with hundreds and hundreds of hidden loopholes and double meanings, something that could be exploited by the more cunning against the weak.
If possible, she will also work to try to become a Phistophilus Devil without going trough the normal process with which Devils are created. Obviously, she will heed anyone who is foolish or desperate enough to come to her for her wish making and contracting skills, ready to twist and manipulate their desires. In play:
Etna will focus strongly on the debuffing and battle control side of things, with some sparse buffs and (much to her dismay) a rare damaging spell. She will constantly try to talk to enemies while she fight them, ready to twist their words to activate her Wishcrafter abilities.
She will keep Diplomacy, Bluff, Knowledge(Law) and Linguistic maxed, and place the remaining skill points as it seems fit. Feat wise, she will take Eldritch Heritage(Arcane), Metamagic Feats, maybe spell perfection(Shadow Conjuration) and any feat tax that will be used in acquiring the Contract Devil's powers mentioned above. ' Manipulating Ifrit:
TYPE ------------------ ..Outsider (Native) 3 RP ------------------ SIZE ------------------ ..Medium 0 RP ------------------ BASE SPEED ------------------ ..Normal 0 RP ------------------ ABILITY SCORE MODIFIERS ------------------ ..Flexible +2 RP ------------------ LANGUAGES ------------------ ..Standard 0 RP ------------------ RACIAL TRAITS ------------------ Senses Racial Traits ..Darkvision 60 ft - RP Defense Racial Traits ..Wildfire Heart +2 RP Magical Racial Traits ..Elemental Affinity, Fire +1 RP ..Spell-Like ability, Lesser +1 RP Feat and Skills racial Traits ..Emissary +1 RP ..Gregarious +1 RP ..Skill Training (Diplomacy) +1 RP ------------------ Total: 12 RP |