
Kate Baker's page

Contributor. Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber. ******* Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 841 posts (11,199 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 59 Organized Play characters. 16 aliases.

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3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

These all sound excellent! I can’t wait to play them!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

This game is part of Outpost VII! Players will be determined on a first come, first served basis, based on signups on the official spreadsheet.

Convention information here!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Where are the Forgotten? You'll have to find them!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Discussion goes here! This game will start after the end of the SFS Gameday Special, exact date to be determined.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

The crisis is here!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Welcome to our discussion thread for A Time Of Crisis! More information coming.


9 people marked this as a favorite.

Luis, Diego, and Joseph, thank you so much for sharing your stories here, and for sharing your words with all of us through your work. Golarion and the Pact Worlds are so much richer for your influence.

(And thanks to Diego, much more cow-filled.)


Please cancel my subscriptions, and I'd like to give a giant thank you to the hardworking people of Customer Service.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

for the Factions!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

This game is a part of Gameday X! Please sign up on the interest form here once sign-ups are allowed! I will run the lottery on August 18th.

This game is a part of Gameday X! Please sign up on the interest form here once sign-ups are allowed! I will run the lottery on August 18th.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Hi all! This table is part of the Starfinder special for Gameday X! Please check the information for signing up for this game over here.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Datch taps her fingers together...plotting.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Hi, folks! This will be a session of 2-00: The King in Thorns for Outpost IV!

Please sign up in accordance with the rules of the con outlined here.

I'm looking forward to this game!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Taps fingers together ominously

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Who's ready to go to Numeria?

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here is the discussion for Quest 8: Shadows of the Black Sovereign

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Please note instructions in the Recruitment thread! This is part of Gameday IX.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


This game will be part of the upcoming PbP Gameday IX convention and will begin on September 1st, 2020.

Seats at this game will be filled on a First Come, First Serve (FCFS) basis as follows:

(1) GM early-access sign-ups beginning August 5th.

(2) Any remaining seats will be filled when general player sign-ups open on August 12th.

Sign-ups that occur before GM early-access opens will not be accepted.

Thank you! Looking forward to the game!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Hi all!

We won't get started until after Gen Con, but this space is here if you want to talk about characters.

You will all make 5th level characters for this game. You get a lump sum of 270 gp to buy your equipment.

You cannot be a human. Any other ancestry that has been published so far is on the table, including the new ones from APG.

If you want another uncommon character option, let me know.

The story begins in the city of Kibwe, where you have come to buy rare darkwood (perhaps for a weapon or perhaps for art).

I'll let you decide whether you all know each other, or if you just all happen to be in the same shop right now.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Discussion for Quest 3: Grehunde's Gorget!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Hey, folks! This is the discussion thread for SFS 2-18: Forbidden Tides for Outpost III! I'll get slides up soon, but please chime in and introduce your character!

If it affects anyone's decision, there are special things for PCs who played 1-08: Sanctuary of Drowned Delight and for characters who are morlamaws.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Hey, folks! Welcome to the discussion thread for Grehunde's Gorget for Outpost III! Please check in and fill out the slides linked from my GM profile when you have a chance.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here you can discuss the Gorget!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Plan the circus here! I'll have a few posts with stuff about how I run games, including safety tools!

We will begin on the street day of 1/29 if everyone is ready, but please check out the player's guide and start discussing characters!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

The circus is coming to town!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here you discuss the gorget!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here you seek the gorget!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here you will associate with some acts!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here you can discuss the Acts!

Hey! This will be a game of the SFS repeatable scenario Acts of Association! Please post here if you are interested in playing.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here you can discuss things.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here you will pay your debt.

3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, dang, Fola Barun gets a faction, too? Awesome! And I look forward to meeting Urwal!

3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

20 people marked this as a favorite.

Heck yeah, Calisro Benarry and Valais Durant are leading factions!


I almost hate to point it out, but this should probably be in the lottery, along with the other slot of ACG with Ron.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Hey, hey! This will be the thread for 9-24: Beneath Unbroken Waves!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Hi all! We'll get started on January 14th, but feel free to say hi, finalize characters, and so on! This is a Tier 3-4 table.

I should have Big Joe, Wicked Brew, RePete, Pete H., Blake's Tiger, and into the aether here.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Here you will look for shadows.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse


Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Hey folks! I aim to get started once my two tables of Sanctuary of Drowned Delight wrap up. Let's call it beginning of September so folks can plan?

Feel free to start talking about characters!

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