GM Kate |

Hi all! We'll get started on January 14th, but feel free to say hi, finalize characters, and so on! This is a Tier 3-4 table.
I should have Big Joe, Wicked Brew, RePete, Pete H., Blake's Tiger, and into the aether here.

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Checking in. Need to run through character profile and confirm all up to date. Will try to do that today.

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Blake's Tiger checking in. :)

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I think this group would benefit quite well from another frontliner and a Skald is a great addition to any set of pathfinders. I'm excited, John has been sitting back in the wings for too long.
Anyone wish to discuss tactics or just handle it in game?

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Dr Nibbles is melee focused. I realize this is going to seem strange, but he is an alchemist without bombs and without mutagens. :-P
My special abilities are injections. I can hypnotize them with a touch attack. I can also charm person with a touch attack. Typically I use defensive elixirs and ones that can do minor aoe damage. I also have a tumor familiar that boosts my Armor.
I don't do a lot of melee damage, but I work well as a flanking partner.

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GM Kate, was double checking my profile vs chronicles and realized...this character is level 5. Is that a problem?
If so, I do have a couple other options I could bring instead.

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Re: strategizing
Let me know if there are any particular cleric spells that you feel would synergize well with your characters.

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Bless is probably good. Hit would help most of us it and I'm pretty sure it stacks with the Skald stuff well. Other than that, not sure. I don't know what group buffs exist for clerics at spell level 1 & 2.
John is reach melee, but tries not to be front of the front lines. We have anyone who is? What about traps/scouting?

GM Kate |

Dr. Whiskerson, I’m checking with the overseer GM to make sure if that’s okay.

GM Kate |

And I got the ok from GM Dennis, so you’re good! One level 5 character doesn’t affect the subtier.

GM Kate |

By the way, in the interest of full disclosure, GM Dennis and I are married. I don’t expect that to affect anything, but just throwing it out there.

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Frontline here! I also use a reach weapon and fish for AOOs, but have a cestus if I need to punch a thing. Just got Skald's Vigor (fast healing 2 when I'm singing) so as to try to not die.
Re: cleric buffs, I wouldn't say no to a Bull's Strength since I don't have a belt of STR yet. Protection from Evil and Shield of Faith are good staples. The other "animal/stat" buffs are situationally nice too. I think DEX/Cat's Grace is the only one clerics don't get.

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Prot evil and remove fear are quite valuable. You never need them until you need them, and then you REALLY need them. :D
Grats on sharing a hobby with your spouse, tis very nice to have that!

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And I got the ok from GM Dennis, so you’re good! One level 5 character doesn’t affect the subtier.
Woot! Sounds good to me. And I second Johns statement. The wifey and I do a lot of rock climbing together...though she fails to understand the glory that is Pathfinder. :-P
I have a Peacock tumor familiar that grows out of me. It takes half of the damage that I would take when hit. It has Fast Healing 5 while it's attached to me. It has the body guard feat and combat reflexes. So...2x per round if I'm attacked it takes an AoO vs DC 10 to boost my AC by 2.
I have "Preserve Organs" discovery. So...all critical hits and sneak attacks have a 25% of being negated and just being normal hits regarding damage.
My injections are touch attacks. Upon a hit, the enemy immediate takes a -2 to all will saves for 2 minutes. I can add a 'serum' to the injection as a free. Currently the serums only function as "Charm Person" and "Hypnotism" spells. The -2 Will save applies to the save for this as well.
Any use of the heal skill that could potentially harm my foes (AkA removing a barb) automatically does the minimum damage when done by me.
As a free action, I can gain 5 HP two times per day (Spontaneous Healing)
Any questions just ask. :-P
@John, I have decent disable device (+13 with tools) and ok-ish perception, so unless someone is better at it, I can take point. Also, with John and Engelbert being reach preferred, it looks like I may be your front man. :-P

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Sorry for the delay but I am finally here. )Big Joe)

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It amuses me that we are 5 arcane and a divine. So...can a rat see a spellbook or two? ;-)

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1st: Ant Haul, Burning Hands, Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Retreat, Heightened Awareness, Infernal Healing, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Shield, True Strike, Unseen Servant.
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Scrivener's Chant, Touch of Fatigue.

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GM Kate |

Hey, folks! We now have Google Slides for the game, linked from my header. Please fill out your Perception and Sense Motive modifiers, and add your icon to the slide.

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Thanks Vatya!
Adding the following: Ant Haul, Heightened Awareness, True Strike (30g total I believe)
@John, I added you to the google slide as it appeared you and I were the only two holdouts.
@GM Kate: I don't see a section for Sense Motive. Looks like Perception and Initiative are what you have on the slide.

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Taking Strength as second domain spell list for the Bull’s Strength. Enlarge Person useful to anyone? Otherwise it will be Shield.

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Taking Strength as second domain spell list for the Bull’s Strength. Enlarge Person useful to anyone? Otherwise it will be Shield.
I suspect Englebert would like Enlarge Person with his Reach AoO fishing.

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John has enlarge person. No one in any group he has run yet has wanted it. If someone does want it he’d be happy to cast it.

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Ready to get rolling! I have updated Idril's stat block to include following purchases:
+2 Chain Shirt 4250 gp
Wand of Shield 750 gp
Will use wand liberally to try and have shield active for combat whenever possible.
Looking forward to getting underway.

GM Kate |

Sorry for going silent, folks! I was at a con this weekend, and the wi-fi didn't work very well. I'll have the question post up this evening!

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I bought a few things: +1 cloak of resistance (1000 gp), +1 four-mirror armor (1275 gp), masterwork longspear (305 gp), wand of bless weapon (2PP). Ready to play!

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@John I meant to mention in my gameplay post but forgot: Enlarge Person has a range of "close" (25' + 5'/2 levels) so it'll still be good to go when it finishes casting. And thank you! having 20' reach is quite fun.

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How long did it take us to get from the previous room here? Asking because of the 5 min buff.

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Just to clarify, John isn't unprepared to fight an incorporeal ghost, but he also doesn't have K: Religion to ID it and has yet to encounter one to know of the correct methods to fight them.

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Hey all, I need to apologize for disappearing. I got really really sick. I feel terrible for just disappearing like that though. I was hoping to get caught back up on my games tonight but I still don’t feel well and have no motivation. I’m thinking one more good night’s rest and I’ll be feeling well enough to go through everything I missed since the weekend. I’m really sorry.

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Great to hear from you Engelbert!!! Getting sick that bad really sucks, I hope you can keep recovering.

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Quick heads-up: I have a guest coming over for Valentine’s Day on Wednesday night to spend a couple days. I will be sure to post Wednesday but I won’t be able to post Thursday and maybe not Friday. Depending on where we’re at in-game tomorrow I’ll try to post potential actions or botting options. If we’re just at an RP point I might just need to catch up over the weekend.

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I believe Nibbles has a familiar using the Body Guard feat.

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Dawa is correct. Heres a link to the familiar archetype

GM Kate |

Thank you! And thanks for the heads-up, Engelbert!
I myself will be at a con this weekend, so you'll have a backup GM, Worg, for a couple of days!

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Since I’m out tomorrow (and maybe Friday) here are some thoughts on botting:
I have 4 rounds of Raging Song left and as long as I or someone is benefiting from them I’ll keep it up until they run out. I get Fast Healing 2 while the song is active.
Note the wisps that attack when anyone affected by the song is adjacent to a foe.
Cause Fear and Grease are spells to possibly strategically use.
I have a scroll of Mirror Image to use if I start getting beat up bad
I get 2 AOOs per round and have a reach weapon (and a cestus if I need to attack an adjacent foe)
Other than that, just help allies flank and attack with the bardiche.
I’ll try to check in once more tonight if possible. Thanks!

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Seems overseer ninja'd me. Lol
Player: RePete
Character Name: Dr Nibbles Whiskerson
PFS #: 126566-12
Faction: Scarab Sage
Day Job: Craft (Alchemy): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
Funds: 850g 5s
Normal Progression