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Compucast, the well decorated Vesk technomancer reports for duty with a straight back and flexed claws.
Upon his broad shoulders he wears a brand new set of Vesk Overplate, replete with Abdarcorp logos.

Bluuuuu |

Greetings fellow Starfinder! Compucast hears in his head as a large barathus floats into the room. It hovers directly above one of the chamber's chairs before carefully lowering itself down atop it. The barathu shifts a bit uncomfortably as the armor plating fitted around its shell grates against the furniture. A tentacle reaches down underneath the shell to adjust something as the vesk notices the end of a pike sticking out from below it.
I am Blu[b/] the barathu imparts, though the name display takes a considerable amount of time Think like a whale call. [b]But you may call me 'Bluuuuu'. I have heard rumor our assignment will take us to Arniselle. Have you ever been there before? I found it to be an interesting place.

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A brown furred ratfolk in an impeccable business suit sits in a chair in the waiting room, his claws clicking across his datapad screen as he logs his latest report. He occasionally looks up and nodds at other Starfinders as they enter, waiting for the briefing.
At the queestion from Bluuu Atticus gives a simple no but immediately begins seearching the infosphere for information on the planet.
Culture if appropriate: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22

GM Kate |

You have indeed all been summoned to the Lodge in Arniselle! Zigvigix let you know that you would receive further briefing on the planet from newly minted Venture-Captain Suulhu-Huur.
Atticus reads up on Arniselle. The planet Arniselle, home of the morlamaw people, is the third planet orbiting the star designated CX8742. This planet is extremely cold, with average temperatures below freezing. Oceans cover most of Arniselle, with a few uninhabited, icy land masses clustered on one side of the planet. Extreme seismic activity and a recent rise in the sea level submerged several landmasses. The morlamaws are Arniselle’s only intelligent species to have developed any notable technologies (albeit still simple by Pact Worlds standards). There are several large underwater morlamaw cities in the deepest ocean trenches. Pact Worlds organizations recently made contact with the morlamaws, and both the Starfinder Society and AbadarCorp, among others, have begun establishing outposts on the mostly aquatic planet.
After some travel in a starship, you get to the Arniselle Lodge, which is completely underwater. Morlamaws, kalos, and wrikreechees swim busily around the Lodge, while a few humans and vesks swim more slowly in armor, occasionally bumping into furniture. A female kalo, herself clad in heavy armor but with the helm off, greets her new visitors. “Ah, good, you’ve arrived from the Lorespire Complex. Please, follow me into the meeting room.”
This is a good time to introduce your characters and describe how they're handling being underwater!

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Atticus will make some purchses before we leave.
Buying a trailblazer fusion for my handcannon. Any suggestions for ways to negate concealment from anyone? Could we get a quick primer on how underwater combat works in starfinder please.
As mentioned, Atticus is a small brown furred ysoki. When they set off he gears up in a well maitained set of DSuit armour. He checks a variety of weapons, storing most in his null space chamber along with a variety of tools.
As they slip into the waters of the strange planet a set of gills start to work on his neck and he extends his feet, causing a set of swimming fins to emerge. With a flick of a switch his armour aids his swimming.
Atticus has the swimming fins and gills augmnets as well as hydrojets in his armour. He has a 30' swim speed as a result.

GM Kate |

Land creatures usually have considerable difficulty when fighting in water, as it affects a creature’s attack rolls, damage, and movement. The following adjustments apply whenever a character is swimming, walking in chest-deep water, or walking along the bottom of a body of water.
Characters swimming or floating in water that is at least chest deep and characters who are fully immersed have cover against attacks made from the surface.
Most attacks made underwater take a –2 penalty and deal half damage. Attacks that deal fire damage do only one-quarter damage. Attacks that deal electricity damage take a –4 penalty rather than a –2 penalty. Melee attacks that deal piercing damage deal full damage. Thrown weapons are ineffective underwater, even when launched from land.
A creature that is attempting Constitution checks to hold its breath can’t concentrate enough to cast spells. Some spells might work differently underwater, at the GM’s discretion.

Bluuuuu |

Bluuuuu is excited to hear that the murmurs are true and that they are indeed returning to Arniselle. Once there however he remembers the downsides of being amongst the morlamaws: the barathu's movements become clumsy as the dense water around them all make it hard for him to manuever. I am lucky to have this with me then he thinks while holding out his piercing pike - though right now you notice him using it as much for balance or a bracing lever as for combat.
A question: technically Hydrojets work off of a creature's 'Land Speed' However, Barathus don't have a natural land speed at all (just Fly). Would they still be able to function for Bluuuuu to push him around?
Otherwise, his tentacles are gonna get a workout on Athletics checks!

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Ohh Hydrojets, good thinking. Can I purchase a set of them, or is it too late?
The mighty Comupcast is a towering Vesk. Oddly for a Vesk he doesn't carry an ostentatiously large weapon with him. However from the way he flexes his claws, you get the feeling that maybe he feels he doesn't need a weapon.
Indeed Bluuuu I have been here before. thinks Compucast.
It was some time ago though.
Nodding to the rest of the crew he announces "I am Compucast. Obviously that is not my birth-name. Names have power, and thus mine is now hidden. On this mission I can provide technological expertise along with magical support."
Again he flexes his claws, and from the heavy armor he wears, you get the feeling that he'd also like to provide some up close and personal combat support as well.

GM Kate |

You can totally still buy stuff! You knew where you were heading when you left Absalom Station. Bluuuu, I'll say that hydrojets work off your fly speed. It seems like they should work somehow for you!

Bluuuuu |
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Technical support is wonderful. the barathu agrees. I admit I am not especially saavy on that front. But I will certainly defend you while you do your computing! He tries to strike an intimidating pose with his pike, but the hydroejets accidentally jet at the perfectly-wrong time to send the mollusk-like creature spinning off-balance.
Sorry. I am still getting used to these new features. There is not much swimming on Bretheda. At least not like this. Is it Vesk...2? That has a lot of oceans? Have you ever traveled there?
Bluuuuu also looks over to see if Atticus is more willing to engage, but doesn't prod the quiet ysoki.
Great! Bluuuuu will pick up a Hydrojet Armor upgrade then (installing it in lieu of his normal Thermal Capacitor), as well as a spare spell-ampoule of life bubble

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Atticus makes sure his equipment is secure in watertight containers. He experiments with his fins, getting the feel of the currents. He turns to the Baraathu, Yes, this environment is unusual, it presents certain challenges. Looking over at Compucast he says, I also specialise in providing technical support as well as analytics of the value of various natural, raw and personnel based materials on new planets. This place seems to be vertiably teeming with opportunities. He smiles as he calculates in his mind the commission he will earn on his report about the ways this planets resouces might be exploited.

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"I have not." says Compucast.
"Though I have met those who have. I find dry land easier to work on. But this Vesk Overplate should protect me from all but the deepest areas of ocean."
Then, with a nod to Atticus he adds "It is good to have technical backup."

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"Hydrojets? Good idea!" A friendly looking Nuar in a sequined workout suit swims up to the team. On her back is the logo, Mu's Fightclub. She floats in the water and smiles, posing for a moment as her crew follows her in. The crew swims well, and is a mixed lot: one halfling, a dwarf, a half-orc and a loose-limbed brakim. They're wearing the sparkly outfits too, and are trailing film gear. Mu snaps her fingers. "Holly! Can you get us some hydrojets? And coffee in canisters that can be drunk underwater. This group looks like it'll need coffee!"
I am going to madly attempt to level Mu. She's level 10, so I get to advance her TWO levels. Wheeee!
"Hey, I'm Magical Mu from Mu's Fight Club. We're gonna tone you up and have fun kicking ass! Pleased to meet you!"

Mu's Fightclub |

The halfling, Holly Hellcat, looks mutinous. "Why do I always have to go for coffee? Send Thumper this time!"
Thumper the half-orc sighs, puts down his equipment, and says, "Yeah, totally my turn." Then he waves at the other Starfinders. "Nice to meet you all. Any of you need coffee too?"
This is Mu's Fightclub, my representation of her alien associates boon. They will be cheering her on, and bringing coffee and massages for everyone.

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A well-kempt halfling in curious, sleek green armor that still allows a violet cape with golden pauldrons to billow behind him, swims into the briefing room. His armor's environmental protections keep his image sharp despite the watery environment, and he swims effortlessly while talking on a handless comm unit. "Ray, I'm about to check in for my other job, can you please just move the stocks into excavation? I know the market is falling now, that's why we have to jump on this investment opportunity now! Every other broker is going to be ditching their investments in xenoarchaeology, so we'll be able to make a killing now and possibly pick up some panic-sale artifacts too. ...well find the sellers, Ray! I'm not paying you for excuses, I'm paying you to make it happen!" He shakes his head as if to reset and looks to the group. "Sorry, last second market work. Alfred Rhodes present, most call me 'Dusty.' You now have my undivided attention!"
Are underwater weapons in the Core Rulebook? Can I use my Rebuilt Nakondis to buy a level 4 underwater CRB smallarm at a discount?

GM Kate |

Underwater weapons are in Alien Archive 1, and they make the weapon cost 10% more than normal, rather than being a fusion. The Trailblazer fusion will also work. I'm not familiar with that boon offhand.

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I have a trailblazer infusion on my handcannon. I will buy an underwater azimuth laser pistol

Bluuuuu |
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It is good to meet you Mu. Bluuuuu begins to say, before being pausing as he sees the full extent of the nuar's entourage. You seem quite the...prolific Agent. I'm certainly willing to get toned up but he lowers his mental speech to the barest of a thought-whisper. I had thought fight clubs were not to be talked about?
Realized Bluuuuu's main ranged attack (singing disk) isn't gonna be great underwater, so he will also grab an Underwater Liquidator Caustolance

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A pair of short forms in underwater gear zip out of their wet suits and quickly pay themselves dry in an attempt to present his casual outfit.
Hey uh, whats up fellas. A white furred Ysoki, fur greased back and clad in a cheap looking suite of checkered starfinder blue and starfinder orange double-breasted suit shows up with a miniature version of himself passing out mints with the starfinder logo on the tin.
Name's Wheeler - head of Starfinder donor relations and all around problem-solver. He says with a wink. Today I have Junior here in tow for training, so be nice. Junior mumbles something inaudible.
Wheeler gives a good look up and down Dusty and then Mu Hey have you gents discussed a donation matching program with your employers? You might not know this but many employers will go out of their way to sponsor and promote the extracurricular activities of their employees. We can use all the good press - and all the well placed sponsorships - we can get these days.
As he thinks on the prompt, he quietly shares his thoughts with junior. Just loud enough that the others can hear but clearly not trying to invite argument.
I guess we're back on Arniselle for a reason. Hope its worthwhile. Place still gives me the willies and I still don't really trust the Morlamaw aren't gonna fall under the league of some other spiritual yahoo. Its a miracle they didn't all join up with the Jinsul if you asked me.
He checks his null space chamber for his old hydrojets armor upgrade, slotting it into his armors empty chamber. He then checks the fusion seals on his two major weapons - an Antipodal Plasma Heavy Gun and a Cathode Cannon. He is relieved to find that the Cathode Cannon has a trailblazer seal and relaxes some.

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Atticus nods to his fellow ysoki with a tight little smile.
Hmm, a rival or a useful ally. I wonder who you are working for

GM Kate |

Suulhu-Huur effortlessly swims into a room off to the side of the main lodge and closes the door once everyone is inside. “I’ll try to keep this briefing short and to the point. Director Ebaki of AbadarCorp has been looking into some financial oddities, and he found that a ysoki employee named Datch, who some of you may have met, recruited a group of morlamaws for a mining operation.
“The morlamaws were apparently careful enough to stay away from any of the Society’s expeditions, we never saw them. The records show that the operation was a failure, but here’s the strange thing: the ship that was supposed to return the equipment to AbadarCorp instead brought back unlabeled minerals that somehow ended up ‘lost in inventory.’”
Suulhu-Huur tilts her head slightly. “Something strange is going on. We’ve identified the site of the AbadarCorp mining operation, and it’s in the middle of some big basalt formations. Which brings me to my next point. A recent Starfinder Society mission to the planet Wealdriad found carvings in the basalt formations there that looked like morlamaws. The carvings were primitive and very old, but morlamaws are pretty distinctive. None of our new Society members here have any idea why those carvings would be there. It’s just all adding up to something suspicious. I think there’s something weird about that basalt. I asked Zigvigix from the Exo-Guardians to send a team of our top agents; that’d be you. Between AbadarCorp and something old and strange, I don’t want to take any chances. Most of our agents here are still pretty new. I’d like you to go investigate the site. Find out what they were mining and why. Find out if there’s some connection to the carvings on Wealdriad. Be careful. My gut tells me there’s something strange going on out there. Any questions about your mission?”

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Dusty scratches his head. "Datch? Doesn't ring a bell. But then again, I've been under a rock trying to get corporate backing for Starfinder projects. Does sound a little, shall we say, inconsisent. Looking forward to getting to the bottom of it all."
Dusty's sword cane does piercing damage, so it should be unaffected by being underwater (if the –2 attack penalty still applies, he'll just cancel it out by flat-footifying with specialization skill mastery for trick attacks). His semi-auto already has a fusion, and it sounds like Dusty would have known before that Arniselle is underwater, so before coming he'll have bought a level 4 trailblazer fusion seal from Nakondis (meaning any CRB item of level 4 or lower gets a 10% discount) for 673 credits and have stuck it on his thunderstrike sonic pistol 24 hours before the mission. With that purchase, should be ready to go!

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Atticus flips open his data pad and starts reviewing the reports of Wealdriad. Inteesting, lot of exploitable opportunities there. He bookmarks several items to reserch in more detail later.
What can you tell us about this site? What were they mining, how big is it, what sort of machinery, any dangerous flora, fauna or anomolies in the area we need to be aware of?

Bluuuuu |

Suulhu-Hur! It is good to see you safe and well again! Bluuuuu says as he sees the kalo once more.
Listening as she describes the situation, the barathu questions: The mine was a failure you say? Does that mean that AbadarCorp has abandoned the area? With that ysoki Datch being involved with them, there is a risk Starfinders exploring an Abadar site could be spun against us even more.

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Ahh, Datch, he going to be a recurring thorn in our side this season?
Compucast also waves an armoured hand in greeting to Suulhu-Hur. "I have returned!"
"AbdarCorp lent me this armor." states the vesk without any hesitation.
"I do not think as a whole they are behind any wrongdoings. Any large organisation can have poorly performing members. Only together can we achieve our potential. Teamwork not Mework."
Thinking about the briefing Compucast continues.
"Both formations were Basalt? I don't think I can recall anymagical properties of basalt but.."
He pauses to consider portal magic and different types of stone.
mysticism: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
"You are implying a link between the sites on the different planets? Do you also think we might find the 'missing goods' in the mining area?" he asks carefully.
"Lastly...what was the nature of the 'lost in inventory' goods."

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Atticus also scowls a little, pb]I have been busy on other jobs recently, just who is this Datch? I keep hearing people talk about them but can never get to the bottom of things. [/b]

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Ole Ziggy always did like the cut of my jib
Wheeler looks a bit troubled at the mention of Datch. She was like a classic gentleman thief villain and had the good looks to match. And she had gotten herself tangled up with the Morlamaw. Immediately after the society made that discovery on Wealdriad. Given the massive scope of the Data Breach in Guidance... "Well nothing that woman does is by accident OR ends in failure. My money is your ancestors hid something powerful here and now Datch has it but we definitely need to confirm it. Abadar please just once favor us over Datch.
Wheeler coughs and nudges Junior who puts a tin of Starfinder Mints into Suulu-huurs flipper. Thanks as always for yer 'ospitality Junior whispers.
It was our impression that you morlamaw were native to Arniselle. And hadn't been to space prior to contact with the Society. What gives?

GM Kate |

"Yes, indeed, Datch. I hear she's been causing a lot of trouble for the Society. The mine is located in a basalt formation. I’m not sure what they could be mining there besides basalt, but maybe there are other materials of value. It’s pretty far from any of the trench cities, and there are a lot of dangerous animals in the open ocean. You’ll have a submersible vehicle, so drive straight there and avoid being out in the ocean any longer than necessary to get in."
"Director Ebaki says that the mine was reported in AbadarCorp records as closed due to insufficient production. That doesn’t seem true, since a starship carried a full load of something away from here, and I want to know what that was, and why they would cover it up. It's not impossible that AbadarCorp still has people there since they still have outposts on Arniselle, but officially the location is closed. If there are still workers there, find out what you can, but don’t pick any fights."
"And I'll admit it's a weak connection to Wealdriad. There’s basalt all over the place. But still, morlamaw carvings in Wealdriad basalt, AbadarCorp mining basalt and covering it up. Something weird is going on, and I just have a sense that it’s all connected."
Suulhu-Huur is actually a kalo, not a morlamaw. Her art is up now. Speaking of which...
When everyone has all their questions answered, Suulhu-Huur asks the agents she's met before (those of you who played 1-08) to stay behind after she adjourns the meeting.

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Compucast thinks about what he might know about the Morlamaws and their planet.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Yes, a Vesk technomancer with diplomacy...
life science: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34
or feel free to read all spoilers except the last one under diplomacy/culture
"There are trade routes between the trench cities..." notes Compucast. "How close to them is the basalt mine?" Turning to the rest of the team he notes "Apart from sea snakes and serpents, there are also others, fish and crustaceans. Often they are camouflaged, and if we are on the bottom they may hide in all sorts of places and seem to come from nowhere! "
Once again he turns to the VC "Are there any known predators in that region or on the routes we are taking? Recent reports of attacks?"
He thinks for a bit. "I know some of the Moramaw don't like us off worlders down here. Are any of them especially notable, or active in the area? "

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Culture: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
Life Science: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Sharing all intel. Will get back to RP tomorrow with better connection.

GM Kate |

"You'll have to leave the main trade routes. It seems like AbadarCorp picked a fairly remote spot for this mine. The entire ocean is filled with dangerous creatures, so there are likely to be some nearby. You should be pretty safe in the submersible."

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Culture: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24
Life science: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34
Atticus quietly compares the information he has gleaned in his own research with what the others are coming up with. He leans back in his chair and smiles, if he could he would light a cigar.
Well, this lot seem pretty competent, guess I get an easy ride this time, no pressure.

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"What more can you tell us about this submersible? Is it equipped with defensive armaments?" inquires the technomancer.
"And I don't suppose we have any records of the layout of the Abdarcorp mines?"

GM Kate |

"No arms, I'm afraid, but it's sturdy. No, Doctor Ebaki wasn't able to get a layout from the AbadarCorp records."
She asks Bluuuuu, Compucast, and anyone else who has been to Arniselle before to stay after the meeting.
"It's good to see you again! Look, I would have been a goner if your team hadn’t gotten there when you did, and you have my gratitude. It’s a little strange to be back here now—and in charge—after what happened. Well, life’s just like that sometimes, and soldiers do what we must. Needless to say, I’ve had that little backroom destroyed, though. As a token of my appreciation, I’d like you to have these for the mission. Take care of them, this is all my best gear!"
She hands over an underwater advanced pike, an underwater tactical knife, an underwater advanced semi-auto pistol, and an underwater light machine gun, engraved with the name “Muncher” in kalo.

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Dusty wanders over to the submersible, absentmindedly affixing his bayonet to the weapon bracket on his thunderstrike pistol. "Wonder what you had to do to get invited to the cool kids table. Anyhoo, can't say doing cleanup work for AbadarCorp is my preferred schtick, but investigating a multi-planet archaeological mystery sounds right up my alley!"

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Atticus settles himself inside the submersible, checking out the controls. I wouldn't worry about it, probably getting some sort of super secret special instructions. I am sure that between us we can ferret out any sercrets from that lot. Who would you pick as the weak link in any interrogation he asks with a grin. My creds are on Compucast, he looks like he likes to talk, odd for a Vesk, most I have met have been the strong, surly and silent types.

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My creds are on Compucast, he looks liek he likes to talk, odd for a Vesk, most I have met have been the strong, surly and silent types.
Dusty chuckles. "Man, you should have seen the vesk I scoped the jinsul planet with. Ran his own Tool Time show back home. Total ham, not your stereotypical meat shield at all."

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While they wait Atticus looks to run a diagnostic on the submersibles engines, computers, navigation and other systems to make sure no-one has been messing with it before they leave. After all, he wouldnt put it past Abadarcorp to sabotage something if it was in their interestst to do so. Given he has carried out such jobs in the past he knew it was a possibility.
Engineering: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33
Computers: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31

Bluuuuu |

Bluuuuu looks over the offered weapons and accepts them gently. We did nothing more than you would have done, had we been the first team to arrive. Still, the armaments are appreciated. We Will try to get them back in pristine condition.
The barathu takes a paticular liking to the pike, feeling its heft in his tentacular limbs. Turning over towards Compucast, he asks Are any of these the sort you think would be useful? If not, perhaps the others will find them easier to handle below the seas.

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Compucast nods "Armaments are Always appreciated."
He looks at the machine gun. "This looks familiar." he says opening an eye slightly larger as he stares at the VC.
"Your old team mates?" he asks, adding "[b]Your honor us with their memory./b]"

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Wheeler pulls up his database and plies his connections within 'the company' and takes 20 on the culture check to grab any potential missing information. Via Level 6 Corporate Agent, result is a 38 on culture.
He hands the datapad to junior who holds onto it for the time required for a search and gives a devilish grin when he gets results back just before leaving.
It seems a group of morlamaws have learned about something called the Eternal Source, and have said that they have proof that Arniselle and morlamaws have always been important on a galactic scale. Loonies the whole lot of em. We should be careful of these fanatics since there's that whole basalt connection.
He grins looking at the submersible.
I can drive if you'd like. I always enjoy playing around with unique toys like this

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"Be my guest" rumbles Compucast.
"Our VC has offered us some specialised underwater weapons." he adds. Pointing to the stash provided.

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Culture: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40
And that's the last of the culture spoilers!
"Huh. I've heard that a group of morlamaws have learned about something called the 'Eternal Source', and have said that they have proof that Arniselle and morlamaws have always been important on a galactic scale. That may be something that we want to track..."
Mu looks over the stash. "I use an advanced pike already. Since it pierces through the water, I'm not sure what advantage the underwater offers?"
She tries it out.
Kate, what exactly does the underwater property do in this case? If no one claims it, I will happily take it though!

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Atticus sorts through the material, If no-one objects I will take the pistol just in case...

Bluuuuu |

Of course, Bluuuuu says to Atticus, though he glances over to Compucast to confirm the vesk doesn't have any issues with it.
All of these weapons should be able to get full propulsion and impact, even within the deep pressure of the water. Bluuuuu says to Mu.
Bluuuuu actually would like the advanced pike if you don't mind Mu - he's only working with a basic tactical one right now. All of the 'underwater' weapons should be able to deal full damage and avoid taking attack penalties underwater: otherwise its normally a -2 to hit and half damage (though piercing does full still)

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Mu hands the underwater advanced pike to Bluuuuu. "You know... This looks more advanced than the one you are carrying. We could join forces and create a wall of pikes!"

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"A solid, if antiquated tactic against foes with limited mobility." observes Compucast.
"And foes with few ranged options. Luckily for us if we are facing sea creatures, they may be lacking ranged attacks, and inside a cave their mobility may be restricted."

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Atticus looks up, Compucast here makes a good point, he almost, but not quite manages to keep the note of surprise from his comment. Are the cave mines flooded or have they been sealed? Just what sort of environment will we be working in?