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Torvald unties the rope that attaches the wooden bucket to the roadside well's windlass, then, careful not to slosh the contents, he brings the cool water to the small band of travellers who are resting in the shade. His chain mail jingles faintly with every step.

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It'd been a long day and a long trek. But finally, Iceferry was in sight. Just another hour or so on the march, and it'd be time to rest weary legs at a warm in. Up ahead, Gorholt could see a small band of travelers resting in the shade.
Hoisting his shield back on to his back, Gorholt quickly adjusted his chain mail and straightened his tabard.
"Right. Time for me to move."

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"Who's a good dog? That's right, you are!" The little green haired gnome walks alongside her riding dog, Bailiff. Bailiff is a good dog, loaded with packs and with the 'just in case' saddle.
if only I was any good at riding him... Pip winces, thinking of how many times she fell of Bailiff the last time she tried to ride her riding dog. But who else can help carry all her law books?
Seeing others she looks up. "Oh hello. Are you also here to meet Venture Captain Torrsen? My name is Pip, and I'm with the Envoy's Alliance legal counsel team. I'll be your legal representative if anyone gets into trouble on this mission!"

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Smirking slightly at the mention of legal counseling in this backwater area, Gorholt gave a formal bow to Pip.
"Greetings Pip. Gorholt Cragborn at your service. And yes, I was indeed on my way to meet with the good Venture Captain. Would you care to join me?"

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"I would love to do so!" Pip nods to Gorholt, and offers him a courtly bow of her own. "Though... I already met Bjersig Torrsen. My dog, Bailiff, really likes his dog, Mahki. They're both working dogs! I just wish that my first aid classes didn't conflict with the sign language classes offered at the Grand Lodge! I would have loved to greet him in sign this time!"
It's nice walking alongside the dwarf. His stride is a little slower than her own, which is nice. Walking alongside Saliss is exhausting! That elf always outpaces her and then she has to run in a most undignified way to keep up with him.
"So, Gorholt. Tell me about yourself. Where are you from? Why did you become a Pathfinder and what did you do before you became a Pathfinder?"

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As Sallis is accepting the offer of some water, his ears twitch. He thanks the fellow for the drink before looking for the source of the noise. He spots a familiar gnome approaching in the company of a very noisy dwarf. I will never understand why anyone would wear such impractical armor!
He puts on a smile and once they are close enough he waves and calls out “Pip! Good to see you again! Who is your new friend?”

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Torvald smiles at the half-elf before moving on to the next traveller. He recognizes Pip's voice and grins to himself as she approaches in the dwarf's reassuring company. He turns his attention back to the last of the travellers he's been assisting, emptying the last of the water bucket into a youngster's cupped hands. "Blessed is the long road, Friends," Torvald murmurs, then hoists his pack and shield onto his back. He nods once at the group, then strides out to catch up to Pip and Gorholt. He falls into step behind them, listening quietly.

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Pip turns back and sees Saliss and Torvald. "Oh hey! Saliss, this stout dwarf is Gorholt Cragborn. We just met, but he's off the meet with Bjersig Torrsen too." Then she grins. "Torvald! Did they let you out of training already? Wonderful! Do I get to be on your first mission?"

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Sallis waves to Gorholt and Torvald, then gets to his feet and brushes himself off. Grabbing the reins of his donkey, he heads over to join Pip and the rest of the group.
Once he is close enough to not have to shout, he nods to each of the newcomers and says “Pleased to meet you. I’m Sallis.”
If it weren’t for the eyes having pupils, he could easily be mistaken for a full elf. He has the angular features and wiry build common to elves. His clothing and studded leather armor are also in the style favored by the elves of Kyonin. Even his gait has the flowing quality and long stride normally associated with those people.
Looking to Pip, he says “Looks like you are doing well, Pip! I hope this mission is more pleasant than our last one.”

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Torvald laughs in response to Pip's question. He decides not to mention that the only thing he can remember from her legal briefings at the Grand Lodge was never to admit anything, advice his elder brothers provided long ago.

GM Kate |

The group proceeds to the Iceferry Lodge. As you arrive, you are greeted by a gnome named Lirall, who prominently wears a wayfinder. After letting you into the Lodge, she selects one cord labeled “Office” from a bundle of colored cords near the door.
The loud howl from a dog echoes throughout the building, followed by a trio of scampering, blue skinned goblins dashing down the hall. A large husky bursts into the hallway, snarling at the goblins until a tall half orc emerges a moment later and lays a calming hand on her back. He gestures for you to follow him into a meeting room, seemingly ignoring the goblins.
Venture Captain Bjersig Torrsen begins explaining the situation, his dog Mahki sitting attentively nearby. As he speaks aloud, the half orc punctuates his words with phrases in a sign language. "Apologies for the ruckus. The Frostfurs are talented scouts, but they have an adversarial relationship with Mahki. She doesn’t particularly like them either."

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“Do the Frostfurs work with this lodge a lot? I’ve met a few goblins who have joined the society, but I don’t think any were from that tribe.” Salliss seems more curious about the tribe than concerned.
This fellow certainly likes to gesture with his hands! Rather exaggerated facial expressions too, I wonder if they were a circus performer or something?

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Pip was just as glad that she left Bailiff back in the stables. Not because Bailiff would misbehave around the Frostfurs, but because she had helped so many recently joined goblin pathfinders with their paper work and legal documents that the dog had finally given up barking at every single one he met. He even settled down in her last mission and stopped barking at Gurmire, the goblin arson investigator she'd traveled with.
I don't want to embarass the Venture Captain by bringing in a more mellow dog than Mahki, especially with how superbly trained she is about everything else.
"Hello, Venture Captain!" Pip waves. She makes sure to set the example of facing the VC so that Bjersig can see her face and read her lips. "It's good to see you again so soon. I'm looking forward to another mission with you!"
Pip has a Tarnbreaker Champion boon.

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Torvald removes his hand from the sheath of his starknife with an embarrassed flush rising on his neck. Goblins! He clears his throat and takes a cleansing breath, then follows the Venture Captain and his companions into the meeting room.
Normally, Torvald is gracious and polite, no matter the circumstances. Today, however, he speaks over Pip's greeting to ask, "Will we be working with goblins on this mission?" He realizes that he's standing with arms crossed, a very confrontational pose, and deliberately relaxes his arms while taking a seat. "Because that would be .. entertaining, I'm sure."

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"Greetings Venture Captain. I was told I was needed here, so hopefully, there is a use for all of us. I have to admit that I'm rather new to this area - I've only just arrived from Absalom, and they didn't give me much of a briefing. I mean, I'd only arrived from Five Kings Mountains two days before I was sent off to here."
Gorholt laughs quietly to himself.
"I guess that answers all your questions from earlier too Pip, as I barely got a word in. I'm a Pathfinder - new in the trade. I was called by the goddess you could say. And this is my very first mission. Please to be working with you all."
Hmm, this Bjersig is certainly an expressive fellow. It looks almost like battle-language. And surrounding yourself with goblins of all things. Glad the dog is here.

GM Kate |

"The Frostfurs are working with us on quite a few projects, but not this one. The Grenskuldr family traces their lineage back to the storied warrior Grehunde the Sun Chaser, a Linnorm King who ruled over the city of Jol and whose victories in battle were legendary. The family still has a lot of influence. I’ve asked them to help out the Society, and they’ve asked for a favor in exchange. That’s where you come in. Are you familiar with Valenhall?”
Gorholt Society: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Saliss Society: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Pip Bardic Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Viola Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Saliss, Pip, and Viola all know that Linnorm King Ulvass sailed to Arcadia in –473 AR and established Valenhall, a semi-mythical but real place. Brave Ulfens dream of making the perilous journey there at the end of their lives. King Sveinn Blood-Eagle recently did exactly this.
I generally assume that people trained in a skill will want to attempt checks with it, and people not trained will not want to, but please tell me if that's not correct for your character.

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"Can't say that I am. Perhaps a brief rundown would be a good idea. I mean, I like jumping into action as much as the next person, but there's a time and place for caution."

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"I know a little, mainly about its founding under King Ulvass," Pip admits, "but would like to know more. What makes the journey so perilous, and why do so many Ulfens desire to go there?"

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"I have no knowledge of these matters," Torvald states. He settles in to listen, and as he does so, he removes from his belt pouch a couple of small wooden polyhedrals and places them on the table in front of him.

GM Kate |

"It is a long journey over the sea with many possible dangers but it is where Ulfen heroes journey to finish their lives. Even to the present day, brave Ulfen dream fondly of finishing their last battle and sailing off to Valenhall."
"Grehunde the Sunchaser never got to sail off to Valenhall—she died in what she planned to be her last battle. Her gorget was passed down to her descendants, most recently Hlavard Grenskuldr, also a Linnorm King. Hlavard was an impressive warrior in his youth, but a month ago he sailed off toward Valenhall to set up a shrine to Grehunde there and finish her journey. He planned to ensure the gorget found its final home in a place of honor. Unfortunately, something happened to his ship, the Shoreseeker, along the way. Merchants report that the ship is still partially above water, but they didn’t get close enough to find out what happened. While his children respected Hlavard’s decision, they would rather not have their father’s body and the priceless family heirloom at the bottom of the sea. I’d like you to find the ship and retrieve Hlavard and the gorget. I’ve arranged a ship for you, the Wandering Hearth, to follow the Shoreseeker’s path through the Steaming Sea. Any questions about your mission?"
Mahki sits up straight as a Frostfur goblin passes in front of the door. She growls slightly.

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As the Venture Captain is asking if we have questions, Torvald glances at his companions, then raises a hand. "If the king and the gorget have, indeed, sunk beneath the waves, are there magics or blessings available to us that would enable us to seek for them under the water?"
Torvald is focused on Bjersig Torrsen and misses Mahki's growling.
I have the perception of a brick.

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Sallis waits for the venture captain to finish answering Torvald’s question before asking his own.
“I am no sailor, so please forgive my ignorance of such things.”
“Is there anything else we should recover from the ship? How about the remains of other crew, the ship would have needed more than one person to crew it right?”
“Are there any cultural taboos or observances we should be aware of? Any rites to be performed as a show of respect?”

GM Kate |

"If it's fully underwater, then leave it be. The merchants reported that it was still somewhat floating. The crew made it to shore on a lifeboat, but their stories conflict. Something may have attacked the ship, or it may have just run aground of something, and Hlavard told them to leave while he investigated. He never lit the signal light that said it was okay for the crew to return, so they made their way back home. They are on another ship now, unfortunately. They should be back in about six months, but we can’t wait that long for this mission."
Saliss Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Pip Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
The Steaming Sea is named for the thick mist that hangs over the waters. Frequent volcanic activity from the Hellrung Mountains leads to the sudden formation of new islands and ridges.

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Gorholt holds his tongue while the others ask their questions, before adding his own.
"You say the merchants couldn't get close enough to see what had happened. What stopped them? Creatures? Obstacles? And how do we get out there? I don't think any of us brought a boat, nor do we look like sailors."

GM Kate |

"Fear, mostly. The Steaming Sea is dangerous. I've booked you passage on the Wandering Hearth to take you to the site.

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"Dangerous, I'll say! It's the perfect place for a gnome to go to avoid the bleaching!" Pip pipes up. "The Steaming Sea is named for the thick mist that hangs over the waters. Frequent volcanic activity from the Hellrung Mountains leads to the sudden formation of new islands and ridges."
Pip raises an eyebrow. "Are there any nautical maps of the area? I'm wondering if there are any nearby islands to the wreck."

GM Kate |

Torrsen pulls out a map. "The map doesn't show any, but as you say, new islands can suddenly appear."

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“I’m glad the other sailors made it to safety.”
He pauses a moment in thought, then announces “I can’t think of any more questions at this time.” He looks around to see if the others have any.

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Torvald digests the information, a nervous expression playing over his face. He takes up the polyhedrons he laid out earlier, shakes them in his palm, casts them on the table and peers intently at the results. After a moment, he recovers the polyhedrons and leans back, smiling. "The goddess favours the expedition."
He stands and shoulders his pack, ready to move.

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Just before the Venture Captain begins his explanation, Viola rushes into the room, clutching a worn leather-bound journal. She quickly sits on the ground next to Mahki, giving her a familiar smile and scratch behind the ears. She then pulls a pencil from behind her ear to take notes as he gives his mission briefing.
If I apologize for being late I'll just be drawing attention that isn't needed, especially since I would have to interrupt everyone to ensure he can see to hear me. I don't want to upset him, especially with the positive welcome he gave us after our last mission.
After listening to his directions, and the questions of the others, she finally speaks up, with a quiet voice.
"Though the sailors are unsure of what caused the ship to crash, are there any creatures that are known to be in that area? Or legends of such? Often I find that there is more truth in the tales that are passed down to us than we want to admit."

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Gorholt lifts and eyebrow at the rush in from Viola.
Listening to her question, he nods.
"The lady has a point. If they're afraid, they must have reason. Most people aren't just afraid of the environment like the volcanic activity, otherwise they wouldn't be there at all. It often runs deeper. That said, our mission remains the same. And more importantly, it's the right thing to do. That one final honor for a fallen warrior. Well, warriors, if Hlavard has died as well."
Gorholt tugs at his beard for a moment, looking pensive.
I'm not certain why the Society would be interested in this, but if the Captain says that is what we need to do, then that is what we need to do.
"I'm ready to leave whenever the rest of you are."

GM Kate |

"There are many dangerous sea creatures. I would stay out of the water as much as possible. Luckily, you'll be with a very experienced captain."
You have time to buy whatever you'd like in Iceferry, and the next morning, you set off on the Wandering Hearth!
The captain is Eynilla Vriggdahl, a middle-aged Ulfen woman.
"Hrmmph. Pathfinders, huh? New ones, by the look of you. Are you prepared for this journey? Do you have all your supplies? The route is far from a safe one."

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"That depends on you Captain. How long do you expect the voyage to take?"
Gorholt knows nothing of the sea, so he's brought nothing with him except what he already has. He's probably about to have a miserable time.

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Torvald stows his backpack and shield where he's told to leave them, then makes his way to the deck just in time to hear Gorholt ask about the length of the journey.

GM Kate |

"It'll be a couple of days to the site. Mind yourselves on the deck now. The weather looks to turn bad."
Captain Vriggdahl's worries are not unfounded. As the ship journeys through the Steaming Sea, a storm strikes. Winds and rain strike the ship from seemingly every direction.
The crew desperately keep the ship upright, but the torrential rain and heavy waves batter everything on board. You may be able to help reduce the damage to the ship and their supplies.
You may attempt Sailing Lore to help Captain Vriggdahl sail the ship, Athletics to secure crates and equipment or Climb the rigging, or Acrobatics to secure ropes at the sides of the ship without falling overboard.
You don't think you can make things worse by trying to help, but might put yourself at risk.

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Athetics 1d20 + 7 - 2 => 1 + 7 - 2 = 6
Really, Universe? A natural '1' on my first ever die roll in Organized Play??
The wind and rain combined with the the pitching and rolling of the deck are nothing like anything that Torvald has experienced previously. He struggles to remain upright, lurching from side to side with the unaccustomed motion.
Don't be sick. Don't be sick. Don't throw up in front of the dwarf.
He wills himself to assist the crew members who are trying to secure crates and equipment, but he keeps pausing to retch or grab on various ropes whose names and functions mean nothing to him in desperate attempts to remain upright.

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Gorholt helps out as best as he can by securing ropes to the side, feeling that at least he knows ropes, unlike the other stuff.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Iomedae's shield! This is more difficult when the ground is moving!

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Acrobatics, Promotional Vestments: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 1 = 22
Steady Balance may apply.
Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics
You can keep your balance easily, even in adverse conditions. Whenever you roll a success using the Balance action, you get a critical success instead. You're not flat-footed while attempting to Balance on narrow surfaces and uneven ground. Thanks to your incredible balance, you can attempt an Acrobatics check instead of a Reflex save to Grab an Edge.
Sallis does his best to secure the ropes while lashed by the rain. He is caught by surprise at the sudden pitching of the deck, but somehow manages to recover.
Goodbye hero point, I hardly knew you!

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Pip has never sailed before, but one of her many cousins was a sailor and told her all about it! Pip sets to helping out with some of the important tasks on board the ship, only slipping a little on the wet deck.

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Acrobatics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Viola attempts to climb up on the side to secure the ropes, but cannot get a sturdy hold on the slick ropes as she struggles to balance on the edge of the deck.

GM Kate |

The team struggles a bit with the awful storm. Torvald tries to secure some crates, but one slips out of his hands, falling on his foot! He takes 1d6 ⇒ 1 bludgeoning damage.
Viola and Gorholt struggle at the sides of the ship, desperately trying not to be swept aside.
Pip remembers some helpful tips about sailing, and Saliss dances easily along the edge. Yes, I think the feat applies.
By the storm's end, you've altogether helped save several crates of equipment from going overboard.
As the storm clear, Captain Vriggdahl surveys the damage. "Good work, Pathfinders. I think we can spare some of our supplies to help you on your mission, seeing as you saved quite a bit of them."
She hands you two crowbars and two spears.

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"Many thanks, Captain!" Torvald accepts one of the crowbars, limping a bit on his left foot and smiling in a green-tinged queasy face. He says to comrades, "I can carry the extra weight easily, so if you need me to take more of these items, please say so."

GM Kate |

"Shoreseeker is in sight, Captain!" yells a sailor from the crow's nest.
Captain Vriggdahl pulls out her own spyglass to take a look at the ship.
"That's odd. I thought it might have run aground a volcanic ridge, it looks like it's on top of other wrecked ships."
Saliss Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Pip Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

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Sallis would like the other crowbar. “If there is anyone without a piercing weapon, you may want to take a spear. That would give you a weapon to use underwater.”
When he sees how the ships are arranged, Salliss exclaims “Watch out! I’ve heard of sea serpents that stack ships up that way to make their lairs!”

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Pip looks at the stacked boats and all the water around the area. She keeps her bows and arrows, but also pats the short sword by her side. "I don't need a spear, thank you. So, we may have to fight this thing, but I hope not. Captain, can you keep an eye out so we're not the next addition to the lair?"

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At Sallis' comment about piercing weapons, Torvald confirms that his star knife is still sheathed at his side, then moves to stand beside Pip to look out at Shoreseeker and takes in the sight of stacked, wrecked vessels creating an artificial islet.
He tells his companions, "I'm going below to get my shield and streamline my gear. Back in a minute."
When he returns a minute later, Torvald has a coil of rope draped diagonally from his right shoulder to left hip. He's also got his shield slung across his back.

GM Kate |

"Sea serpent, eh? They're big and aggressive, so it would have attacked by now if there was one here. Well, let's be quick about this." The ship approaches the wrecked Shoreseeker.
Captain Vriggdahl brings the ship around and crew members lay down boards so you can cross.
Can I get a marching order on the boards, please?

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"I'll grab one of the spears. It's always smart to be prepared."
At Torvald's comment about carrying gear, Gorholt lets out a guffaw and shakes his head.
"No thank you. I think I'll be alright. But I have to admit that the idea of diving into a Sea Serpent's lair, while wearing armor sounds like a quick way to meet Pharasma."
Gorholt looks over the ships, trying to discern a route to Shoreseeker that doesn't involve swimming.
[Ooc]Not sure if that is possible. A Perception check perhaps?[/b]