Mon–Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific
Contributor. Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber. Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 848 posts (11,644 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 59 Organized Play characters. 19 aliases.
Augustana Station Kate Baker Outpost VIII Announcement Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
Kate Baker
Outpost VIII Announcement
Castamir's Flaxseed Station Kate Baker – GM Kate Out Post VIII Announcement Play by Post Lodges and Guides Data Tracking Form Link Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
Kate Baker – GM Kate
Out Post VIII Announcement Play by Post Lodges and Guides Data Tracking Form Link
Cottonseed PFS PbP (2E) GM Kate – Xanno the Magnificent Outpost VIII Announcement Data Tracking Form Link Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
GM Kate – Xanno the Magnificent
Outpost VIII Announcement Data Tracking Form Link
Doug's Strength of Thousands Campaign Kate Baker – Curling-Wisps-of-Smoke Reliava SoT (Semester 1-4 Year 4): Map & Reference, Handouts, Macros | Loot | Hero Points Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
Kate Baker – Curling-Wisps-of-Smoke Reliava
SoT (Semester 1-4 Year 4): Map & Reference, Handouts, Macros | Loot | Hero Points
The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate! GM Kate Outpost VIII Announcement Data Tracking Form Link Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
GM Kate
GM Blake's Fist of the Ruby Phoenix Campaign Kioko the Hunter Character Macros | Loot Patrons | Artwork Battle Map Phoenix Fan Obtained Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
Kioko the Hunter
Character Macros | Loot Patrons | Artwork Battle Map Phoenix Fan Obtained
GM Dennis' SF2 Playtest #3: Wheel of Monsters! [closed] Iseph the Android Slides Community-made pregens Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
Iseph the Android
Slides Community-made pregens
GM Kate's Extinction Curse [closed] GameMaster Kate Baker – GM Kate Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
GameMaster Kate Baker – GM Kate
GM S's "Race for the Dustwarren Cup" [Tier 7-10] Trylara Bahtinov HANDOUTS | Tactical Map Quickposts: INITIATIVE [dice=Hostiles]d20[/dice] [dice=Lanius]d20+12[/dice] [dice=Ohmarc]d20+0[/dice] [dice=Rogers]d20+7[/dice] [dice=Swizzers]d20+5[/dice] [dice=Trylara]d20+2[/dice] GM Tracker Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
Trylara Bahtinov
HANDOUTS | Tactical Map
Flash's Fire Starters Blackwood Scenic Tour (Closed) (inactive) Crisis GMs (inactive) Cwethan's Last Bite (inactive) The Dire GM's [SFS] #3-13: Silence at Outpost 634 (PaizoCon Online 2021) (inactive) DM Khel's Absalom Initiation (inactive) DM Khel's Tapestry's Toil (inactive) DM Khel's Test of Tar Kuata (inactive) Finishing Withering World PlaydisCon game (inactive) Game Master S's "Feuding Faiths" (inactive) Game Master S's "Hope for the Future" (inactive) Game Master S's Playtest 2 "It Came from the Vast!" (inactive) Gameday IX GM Kate's Grehunde's Gorget (inactive) Gameday IX GM Tyranius Quest #12 Putrid Seeds (Tier 3-6) (inactive) Gameday VII Carimac's Assault on Absalom (inactive) Gameday VIII - PFS #9-09 Beyond the Halflight Path - GM Hawthwile (inactive) Gameday VIII GMAdrian's #1–03: Escaping the Grave (closed) (inactive) Gameday VIII: GM Kate's Acts of Association (inactive) Gameday X (SFS) The Last Bite GM Thread (inactive) Gameday X GM Kate's For the Factions (inactive) Gameday X GM Kate's SFS 3-00: The Last Bite (inactive) Gameday XI GM Kate's A Time of Crisis (inactive) Gameday XIII Shadow of the Vault Lord GM Kate (inactive) GameDay XIII: Game Master S's "Aucturn Asunder" (inactive) Gameday: GM Kate's Beneath Unbroken Waves (inactive) GD 12 Iron Battle (inactive) GM Andrewm's Honey Heist [closed] (inactive) GM Bret’s Outpost II Doom comes to Dustpawn! (inactive) GM Dennis - Bounty 2: Blood of the Beautiful (inactive) GM Dennis - PFS #2-16 Freedom For Wishes (3-8) (inactive) GM Dennis - Professional Golfblin Association Desert Classic [closed] (inactive) GM Dennis - SFS #4-10 The Way In - Table 2 (inactive) GM Dennis - SFS #5-05 Boom-Block Gambit (inactive) GM Dien's PFS #23: Tide of Morning (inactive) GM Doug Henderson’s The Haunting of Hinojai (Closed) (inactive) GM Doug — The Sandstone Secret [Gameday VIII PFS2] (inactive) GM Doug's Flooded King's Court [Outpost III] (inactive) GM Doug's Guardian's Covenant (inactive) GM Doug's Lions of Katapesh [Outpost III] (inactive) GM Doug's Lost on the Spirit Road (inactive) GM Doug's Siege of Gallowspire [Outpost III] (inactive) GM Doug's Tarnbreaker's Trail (inactive) GM Doug's The Perennial Crown Parts 1 & 2 (inactive) GM Glorious's Slave Ships of Absalom (inactive) GM JChapman's Tarnbreaker's Trail (inactive) GM Kate's 5-13 Finding the Forgotten (inactive) GM Kate's Beneath Unbroken Waves, Table 2 [closed] (inactive) GM Kate's Commencement [closed] (inactive) GM Kate's Debt to the Quah (closed) (inactive) GM Kate's Grehunde's Gorget [closed] (inactive) GM Kate's Grehunde's Gorget [Freelance Forge] (inactive) GM Kate's Grehunde's Gorget, Cottonseed (inactive) GM Kate's Ruins of Azlant (closed) (inactive) GM Kate's Sanctuary of Drowned Delight, Table 1 (inactive) GM Kate's Sanctuary of Drowned Delight, Table 2 (inactive) GM Kate's Shadows of the Black Sovereign (closed) (inactive) GM Kate's The Slithering (closed) (inactive) GM Matt's 5-17: Yesterday's Tide (inactive) GM S's "5-08: Tarnished Legacy: Star Sugar Superstar!!!" (inactive) GM S's "Ridgerock Rescue" [1-4] (inactive) GM Silbeg's Age of Ashes AP (inactive) GM Thunderspirit's "Fistful of Flowers" for PbP Gameday XII — Gameplay (inactive) GM Thunderspirit's Gameday X — Pathfinder One Shot #2: Dinner at Lionlodge (inactive) GM Tyranius (PF2) Star-Crossed Court (inactive) GM Tyranius (PF2E) Port Peril Pub Crawl (inactive) GM Valen's PFS 1-12 The Burden of Envy (June 2020)(Table 2)(12 Challenge Points) (inactive) GM Valen's SFS 1-25 The Beacon Code (PbP) (October 2019) (inactive) Granta's Evergreen Arc #3 (inactive) Iron B5 (inactive) Iron Road (inactive) Killer Dough (inactive) The Moar Core Tour (inactive) Motteditor's 2-19 Enter the Pallid Peak PBP [Gameday X] (inactive) Motteditor's PFS (2nd edition) PBP (inactive) OutPost 1: GM Kate's Sanctuary of Drowned Delight, Table 1 (inactive) OutPost 1: GM Kate's Sanctuary of Drowned Delight, Table 2 (inactive) Outpost III: GM Kate's Forbidden Tides (inactive) OutPost III: GM Kate's Grehunde's Gorget (inactive) Outpost IV - KiT GMs (inactive) Outpost IV: GM Kate's King in Thorns [author table] (inactive) Outpost VII GM Kate SFS 5-14 Ghost Level Delve (inactive) OutPost VII: GM S's "Unearthing Ulumbia" (inactive) Outpost: GM Kate's Beneath Unbroken Waves (inactive) PFS 2-03 Rebel's Ransom (inactive) PFS 4-16 - Dacilane Academys First Great Prank War (inactive) PFS B4 (Closed) (inactive) PFS Daughter's Due (inactive) PFS(2) 4-14: Shattering Golden Chains (inactive) PFS2 1-04 Bandits of Immenwood (1-4)(GA) (inactive) Pirate 3-01 (inactive) Pirate PFS2 B7 (Closed) (inactive) Pirate Post IV Q9 (inactive) Pirate Purpose (inactive) Pirate Quests (inactive) Redelia's private PFS game (inactive) RetroCon: GM Kate's Year of the Shadow Lodge (inactive) Rusty Iron Henges (inactive) SFS 2-10: Corporate Interests (inactive) SFS Bounties 5-8 (KS) (inactive) TOZ's Sky Key Solution [Tier 10-11] [Gameday IX] (inactive) [Freelance Forge] SFRPG 1-02 Fugitive on the Red Planet (inactive) [Gameday IX] GM Dennis - Quest 7: A Curious Claim (inactive) [Gameday VIII] GM Dennis SFS 1-26 - Truth of the Seeker (inactive) [Gameday XIII] Demonic Afterparty (inactive) [Gameday XIII] GM Dennis - SF2 Playtest #1: Shards of the Glass Planet (inactive) [Gameday XII] - GM Hawthwile's Blessings of the Forest [Tier 1-2] (inactive) [Gameday XII] Starfinder Society Special #5-99: Battle for the Bulwark (Author's Table)(Levels 1-2) (inactive) [Gameday XI] Doug's 3-98: Expedition into Pallid Peril (Tier 3-4) (inactive) [OP7] PFS2e Q16 - The Winter Queen's Dollhouse (inactive) [Outpost 7] A Most Wondrous Exchange! (inactive) [Outpost II] GM CariMac's 4-7 Severing Ties (inactive) [Outpost II] GM Dennis - SFS #1-31 Treading History's Folly (inactive) [Outpost] GM Dennis - SFS 2-00 Fate of the Scoured God (tier 1-2) (inactive) [PbP Gameday X] GM Ladile's Bounties (inactive) [PFS2] 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road (inactive) [PFS] GM Dennis' #6-10 The Wounded Wisp (inactive) [PFS] GM Doug's Down the Verdant Path (Closed) (inactive) [PFS] Retrocon 2019 Special, 5-00: The Siege of the Diamond City - Classic Tier 5-6 (inactive) [PFS]GM Dennis - #3-23 The Goblinblood Dead (closed) (inactive) [PFS]GM Dennis - #7-10 The Consortium Compact (inactive) [PFS]GM Dennis - The Confirmation (inactive) [PFS]GM Dennis' #6-18 - From Under Ice (closed) (inactive) [RD][PFS2] 1-01 Absalom Inititaion -- Shadow Lodge (inactive) [RetroCon] Year of the Shadow Lodge - GM Thread (inactive) [SFS-GM Skeemo] 1-34 Heart of the Foe (inactive) [SFS/ACE] 6-03 Project Dawn (inactive) [SFS/OSP] GM Mjolbeard's 1-01 The Commencement (inactive) [SFS/Outpost] 5-11 Archivist's Inquiry (inactive) [SFS] 5-12 Envar's Expeditions II (inactive) [SFS_GM Skeemo] 1–17 Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear (inactive)