GM Kate |

Hi all! This table is part of the Starfinder special for Gameday X! Please check the information for signing up for this game over here.

GM Kate |

Hi all! There are now slides linked from my profile. Please fill out the sign-in when you have a chance.

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Umbro-187 Profession Security Contractor: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27

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Umbro-187's updated character sheet is linked in his tagline.

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Hi. It looked like the table could use someone with good technical skills and they lifted the restriction on how many specials we could play so I thought I would join with Colthan. We are wrapping up his last game and he just hit level 8 so I need to update his profile. I'll get to that later today.
I see the Starship tag. Colthan is usually the Engineer but can cover any role. Though he isn't the best choice for captain.
Profession (corporate professional): 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (3) + 28 = 31
Sadly my primary Datch character who is a SSLE as well is too high for this.

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What is the rule for specials? Can you play it once at each tier?

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Okay. Updated. About time I took Trapspotter. Especially if Datch is involved.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |
What is the rule for specials? Can you play it once at each tier?
It was specific to this con. Players were asked to only sign up for one of the specials running, I.e. choose 1 of the pfs1, pfs2 or spa specials to play in. The restriction was recently lifted as people have had plenty of time now to sign up if they wanted to.
As far as replaying specials, you can replay The Last Bite twice, once in the 1-4 range, and once in the 5-8 range.

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Okay, I played it a tier 1-4 already, but not this tier.

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So to be clear none of our past boons matter? The only relevant one I have is Drat that Rat from Sangoro's Lament. Or maybe extra node for the ship.

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Umbro-187's Boons
Ally: Duskmire Allegiance (Yetis)
Faction: Wayfinders Champion
Personal: Stain of the Perplexity
Social: Purchasing Power
Starship: Defender of the Fleet
Slotless: Basic Purchasing Plan, Mobile Translator, Qabarat University Admittance, Nuclear Tools, Izalraan Megafauna, Inexpressible Choice (Painful History), Triunite Technotheurgy

GM Kate |

I'm asking for clarification on the boon thing, and will get back to you.

GM Kate |

Sorry about that! The text about boons is from the scenario, but that change didn't actually happen. Please slot boons as normal.

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I think we are missing one or two people.
Umbro-187's profile shows Piloting +12 but if it is actually +18 and we have no one else good at engineering then Colthan will cover Engineer on the ship. Sister-Maggie is looking like a good captain.
Kal Maar Magic Officer maybe.
Personal Boon: Nanotech Survivor (Check a box for a minor combat boost)
Ally Boon: Professional Hireling set 2 (Social skills +16)
Social Boon: Contractor's Respect (Borrowing a Lightning Pistol, Ribbon and setting it to non-lethal)
Starship Boon: If we plan for me to be the pilot I'll take extra node. If I'm the Engineer I won't need the bonus so will take In-the-vehicle training which gives me a minor bonus when driving vehicles.

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Look at the link in Umbro-187's tagline for his most up to date stats.

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aonsrd doesn't do images and the silver chrysanthemum isn't the primary symbol of any of the major gods. Colthan probably knows who Sister-Maggie worships but I don't.

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aonsrd doesn't do images and the silver chrysanthemum isn't the primary symbol of any of the major gods. Colthan probably knows who Sister-Maggie worships but I don't.
Hmm...quite the mystery it seems.

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I just quickly copied The Tam’s character sheet. Haven’t played him in a while, but loved to.
I think they changed the feat that gives DR.
I need to sort boons, but it is 2 in the morning and I need sleep more.

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Okay now that I'm home I have enough time to address the mystery of Sister Maggie's 'holy symbol.'
If you look carefully at Sister Maggie's character sheet you can figure out that she is not a nun or a priestess or a mystic. She is actually a con artist. She is in reality a grifter known in some circles as 'Gaslight Maggie.' After an elaborate con went wrong and she needed to hide out she used an old disguise and ended up joining the Starfinder Society as Sister Maggie. Originally she intended to lay low for awhile before bilking the society for all the credits she could and leaving. She is surprised to find that she actually enjoys being a starfinder and is gradually beginning to envision leaving her life as a confidence trickster behind.
Her 'holy symbol' not a proper religious symbol. Her religion is fake for the most part and her bluff score is high enough to cover any discrepancies.

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Ah. Fair enough. But Colthan will be asking you who she worships when he gets a chance. He hates not knowing important things like what gods exist.

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Ah. Fair enough. But Colthan will be asking you who she worships when he gets a chance. He hates not knowing important things like what gods exist.
No worries. She has a cover story and I'm betting that her bluff is better than your sense motive.

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By quite a bit yes. You couldn't hide your identity from him but convincing him not to look should be easy. Not that he would care.
He does R&D for AbadarCorp's weapons department. Turning exotic plants and animals into lethal toys that are sold to the highest bidder. His house is all glass.

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Do we have anyone who is a good gunner? Umbro-187, can fill that role if we have someone else who can be the pilot.

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There are 3 key roles in starship combat.
The pilot is key because positioning effects what weapons we get to use and what weapons the enemy doesn't get to use.
The Engineer is important because we don't want the shields to go down and die/Lose and get towed home.
The Gunner is important because your weapons are useless if you can't hit the enemy ship.
Science Officer is very important early to discover the enemy ships weapons but less so later on.
Kal Maar has full BAB but only 15 dex. And decent +12 Mysticism.
Sister-Maggie has +12 to computers and Piloting. Also 6 ranks in Pilot and 16 Dex.
The Tam has Athletics +12 and Diplomacy +18.
Umbro-187 has full BAB and 23 dex. Also +18 to piloting.
Colthan Becknar can cover any non Captain role.
So let's look at it like this.
Key role Engineer: No one other then Colthan has Engineering so he is the Engineer.
Key role Pilot: Of the remaining PCs Umbro-187 is by far the best pilot. They are Pilot.
Gunner: Of the remaining PCs Sister-Maggie is the best Gunner so should handle Gunnery.
Kal Maar should be our backup gunner or Magic Officer depending on the situation and The Tam should probably be Captain using the Encourage option with Diplomacy on Piloting or Gunner.
Round 1 Colthan will be Science Officer to scan enemy ships then switch to Engineer.
Sound good?

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Doesn't Coltan have a high piloting bonus also, which would make him a good gunner too? Whoever is the gunner will need to be able to broadside every round or we will need multiple gunners.

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Scanning what weapons the enemy ship has and on what facing is critical round 1.
If the shield need little or no repairs I can do gunnery until they do but odds are I'll have to do Engineering throughout.

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Umbro-187, can snap shot if he has to. We could also glide if the situation presents itself, but I'd need to know how @GM Kate interprets that rule. I've had people tell me the pilot cannot glide and fire at the same time.

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Thanks for taking the time to look at the roles that each of us could fill. The Tam can give a try at the Intimidate Captain action with his +10.
I just look at Chief Mate actions.
Manual Realignment can be useful for the initial scans.
Maintenance Panel Access is useful when diverting power, as diverting power to both shields and guns seems good to me.

GM Kate |

Umbro-187, can snap shot if he has to. We could also glide if the situation presents itself, but I'd need to know how @GM Kate interprets that rule. I've had people tell me the pilot cannot glide and fire at the same time.
I'm not sure if I'm quite following the question, but my understanding is that someone acting in the gunner role can take the glide minor action if no one is acting in the pilot role.

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Sorry, I got confused with glide and snapshot. I just want to clarify though, if we glide we automatically lose initiative since there is no one in the pilot role.

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For now at least we get a choice on starship or no. While we have a plan, We are not well suited to starship combat so let's skip that mission.
Obviously Colthan is fine with the hacking mission though I'm sure there is more to these then a single skill check.
Let's do The Sun, Absalom Station, Then Castrovel.

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I just realized that while gambling is part of Umbro-187's back story he doesn't have the appropriate skills to gamble very well.

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I love it. The whole gambling nun trope is hilarious!

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Forgot to post slotted boons:
(gifted from 704 that already has a personal boon, 1-99)
When you slot this boon in your Personal Boon slot, once per day as a free action, you can reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 1 (to a minimum of 0 RP.) When you use this ability to stabilize, you also immediately gain 1d6 Hit Points for every 2 character levels you have.
Your allegiance with the Exo-Guardians means you gain personal bonuses for completing related mission objectives, as well as championing the faction.
Prerequisites: Exo-Guardians Tier 2
Benefit: Once per adventure when you successfully score a critical hit in combat against a significant enemy (Starfinder Core Rulebook 242) or succeed at Life Science check that is written into the adventure, you recover 1 Resolve Point, up to your Resolve Point total.
Special: This boon has no effect unless the character is championing the Exo-Guardians Faction this adventure.
You defeated one of the orbital defense platforms orbiting the planet Elytrio. The platform contained several unique, albeit technologically outdated, innovations in starship design. The most promising adaptation of the technology is its ability to deter oncoming missiles using miniature automated drones. When you slot
this starship boon, once per starship combat, a science officer can reduce the speed of a single tracking weapon fired at your starship by 50% for 1 round. Declare the use of this ability when the enemy weapon is fired but before its gunnery check is attempted. A science officer can spend a Resolve Point to activate this boon again in any subsequent round or encounter. A starship can only be improved by a single copy of this boon.
You can requisition elite assistance from the Starfinder Society.
Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 3, Professional Hireling Access
Benefit: This boon acts as Basic Hireling Access, except the total bonus to your ally’s skill check is now equal to 6 + your level.
Special: This boon supersedes the skill bonus used by Basic Hireling Access. When slotting this boon, you can select one skill set from Basic Hireling Access that you already purchased but use the improved skill check bonus instead.
You have become a rising celebrity backed by your faction.
Prerequisites: Acquisitives Tier 2
Benefit: When you have this boon slotted and you attempt a Day Job check at the end of a session, multiply your total earnings by your Acquisitives Reputation Tier. For example, if you are Tier 3 in the Acquisitives, you multiply the result of your Day Job check by 3. Apply this additional multiplier after doubling the result of your Profession skill check and determining your total earnings.
Slotless: Starfinder Insiginia, Marked Field Agent.

GM Kate |

I apologize for only posting once yesterday; our power was out all day.

GM Kate |

We didn't use the aid token in the first encounter, so sounds like it's time to boost! Take a look at Slides 7-9.

GM Kate |

I'm sorry for being pokey, it turns out that it's tough having Gen Con and Gameday at the same time!
You avoided the security forces with your awesome checks at the beginning, so we are done with this encounter once we wrap up Colthan's save. What would you like to do next?
There are still the External Audit, Universal Healthcare, and Corporate Culture covert missions, and now the Down to the Wire action mission back on the Sun.

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So Starship which I think we should avoid.
Combat + Survival
Combat + Investigation
Investigation could mean using social skills which the party is good at. Colthan is the only one with high Survival skills and we don't have casters for Life Bubble or curing poisons or diseases so lets skip Survival.
So I vote Universal Healthcare for Investigation or Down to the Wire for pure combat.

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I vote for Down to the Wire.