GM Kate |
You have arrived in Iceferry, a district of Kalsgard in the Land of the Linnorm Kings. It is bitterly cold. You are on your way to the Pathfinder Lodge, where you have been summoned by Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen.
Hampton Candlewood |
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Narrator: it was NOT someplace warm.
Hampton looks positively miserable underneath the ample layers of furs as he glumly trails along to the Lodge in Iceferry.
Gideon Amberhand |
Gideon shivers immensely as he is severely under-dressed for the occasion. He is found chatting with anyone who will hear him as a small crowd draws around him at the Lodge. He watches as a half-elf passes by to go into the lodge and looks back to the crowd. Holding bold hands into the air he lets out a beaming white smile that seems to glint off the sun. "Apologies, I must go pay my respects to the Venture Captain!" He tosses an obvious wink. "I promise any who want an autographed copy of my book can stick around, I will make sure you get a copy." None of the folks in this frigid land look interested in books or this famous man as they seem more interested in pure survival. he takes it in stride and follows the half-elf into the warm lodge.
Proceeding next to him, he tosses out another wide, flashy smile. "Forgot how cold it can be out here." Gideon tosses back his hood to reveal the face of a young 40 year old man with flowing golden locks and bright blue eyes. "You probably recognize me from my many books. Gideon, Gideon Amberhand. And you are?" He holds his hand out, his smile never leaving his face.
Flint Thunderstriker |
Flint's beard and hair are lighter than the rest of his clan, but still a deep brown with streaks of copper. His armor is polished to the point that it can be difficult to look at in the sun. His leather gear is well oiled, and well loved. Across his back for now, a steel shield bearing the symbol of Torag gives a clear indication of Flint's calling. Torag's champions are a proud lot, and Flint is every bit the stereotype.
"Tis a pleasure to meet all of you! Glad to be here. Glad to be here."
GM Kate |
As you arrive at the Lodge, you are greeted by a gnome named Lirall, who prominently wears a wayfinder. After letting you into the Lodge, she selects one cord labeled “Office” from a bundle of colored cords near the door.
The loud howl from a dog echoes throughout the building, followed by a trio of scampering, blue‑skinned goblins dashing down the hall. A large husky bursts into the hallway, snarling at the goblins until a tall half‑orc emerges a moment later and lays a calming hand on her back. He gestures for you to follow him into a meeting room, seemingly ignoring the goblins.
Venture‑Captain Bjersig Torrsen begins explaining the situation, his dog Mahki sitting attentively nearby. As he speaks aloud, the half‑orc punctuates his words with phrases in a sign language.
"Apologies for the ruckus. The Frostfurs are talented scouts, but they have an adversarial relationship with Mahki. She doesn’t particularly like them either."
Flint Thunderstriker |
"Gah! Can't say I blame her. It's just..... weird. Ah well. "
Flint parts his beard before speaking so that his mouth is clear.
"So whatcha got for us boss?"
Gideon Amberhand |
Gideon lets out a yelp as the goblins and dog rush down the hallway. "AAAIIIIIEEEE!" Clearing his throat, he composes himself a bit better. He raises his finger in the air. "Ah yes, Frostfur's I was just getting ready to explain what they were." Gideon sticks his hand out, quickly shaking the Venture Captain's cold hand. "Pleased to meet you. I can see exactly why you called someone of my skill out here now." he begins to boast. "Why last time I was here I single-handily defended some locals near Jol from a pair of white dragons. They were lucky I was nearby as those colossal beasts proved quite difficult and would have surely decimated the town."
GM Kate |
“Ah yes, to the reason I called you here! The Grenskuldr family traces their lineage back to the storied warrior Grehunde the Sun Chaser, a Linnorm King who ruled over the city of Jol and whose victories in battle were legendary. The family still has a lot of influence. I’ve asked them to help out the Society, and they’ve asked for a favor in exchange. That’s where you come in. Are you familiar with Valenhall?”
Gideon Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Gideon racks his brain, but can't remember any details.
I'm assuming that people will generally want to make checks for skills they are trained in. If you want to make an untrained Society check there, let me know!
"Over 5,000 years ago, Ulfen explorers traveled across the Arcadian Ocean to the continent of Arcadia, where they established Valenhall, a now almost mythical realm where Ulfen heroes journey to finish their lives. Even to the present day, brave Ulfen dream fondly of finishing their last battle and sailing off to Valenhall."
"Grehunde the Sunchaser never got to sail off to Valenhall—she died in what she planned to be her last battle. Her gorget was passed down to her descendants, most recently Hlavard Grenskuldr, also a Linnorm King. Hlavard was an impressive warrior in his youth, but a month ago he sailed off toward Valenhall to set up a shrine to Grehunde there and finish her journey. He planned to ensure the gorget found its final home in a place of honor. Unfortunately, something happened to his ship, the Shoreseeker, along the way. Merchants report that the ship is still partially above water, but they didn’t get close enough to find out what happened. While his children respected Hlavard’s decision, they would rather not have their father’s body and the priceless family heirloom at the bottom of the sea. I’d like you to find the ship and retrieve Hlavard and the gorget. I’ve arranged a ship for you, the Wandering Hearth, to follow the Shoreseeker’s path through the Steaming Sea. Any questions about your mission?"
Everyone tries to remember what they know about the Steaming Sea.
Flint Nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Hampton Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Gideon Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Forsetta Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Biago Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
The Steaming Sea is named for the thick mist that hangs over the waters. Frequent volcanic activity from the Hellrung Mountains leads to the sudden formation of new islands and ridges.
Flint Thunderstriker |
By the way. The Steaming Sea is named for the thick mist that hangs over the waters. Frequent volcanic activity from the Hellrung Mountains leads to the sudden formation of new islands and ridges. It's not going to be comfortable."
Hampton Candlewood |
Hampton looks at Flint despondently. You call this comfortable? he asks, his voice muffled through the numerous layers.
To the Venture-Captain he says, I understand not wanting to leave the body, but I would hope the plan is to carry out their wishes with the forget. Hampton moves the topmost bundle of furs aside and asks, Any idea what we might run into out there? Forewarned is foreamed, after all.
Biago |
Biago tries to see if he remembers anything.
nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
But he doesn't seem to think he knows anything useful.
Are we expected to swim to the depths of where this gorget is? I am not one for swimming!"
GM Kate |
"Well, bad weather, for certain. There are some dangerous creatures in those waters, but you should be pretty safe on board the ship; you're with a very experienced captain. The ship itself is not totally sunken, based on the reports from merchants. We don't really know what happened to it, though. The crew made it to shore on a lifeboat, but their stories conflict. Something may have attacked the ship, or it may have just run aground of something, and Hlavard told them to leave while he investigated. He never lit the signal light that said it was okay for the crew to return, so they made their way back home."
GM Kate |
I'll pause here for additional questions or shopping and move you along this evening.
Gideon Amberhand |
By the way. The Steaming Sea is named for the thick mist that hangs over the waters. Frequent volcanic activity from the Hellrung Mountains leads to the sudden formation of new islands and ridges. It's not going to be comfortable."
Gideon's smile beams. "Thank you, Flint. I was just about to say exactly the same thing." He tosses a wink out to Forsetta. "Not to worry my dear, this brave here will be with us and you have myself of course. No harm will come of you, for I didn't smile that banshee away." He tosses another cheesy smile off to her.
Gideon is too busy regaling tales of his adventures to have anymore questions.
Flint Thunderstriker |
"Nope. I think I'm ready. Just got to oil m'straps. Don't want the salt wrecking the armor." Ready
Forsetta Tucco |
"I will be ready in but a moment my friends. I'm just waiting for a delivery from my friends in the Swords."
GM Kate |
The next day, you board the Wandering Hearth. The captain is Eynilla Vriggdahl, a middle-aged Ulfen woman.
"Hrmmph. Pathfinders, huh? New ones, by the look of you. Are you prepared for this journey? Do you have all your supplies? The route is far from a safe one."
Hampton Candlewood |
Forsetta's courier brings a minor healing potion to Hampton as well.
That's why they hired you, isn't it? Hampton says with a smile. As you're the best?
Despite his words, Hampton has piled on a few extra furs for this early morning sojourn.
GM Kate |
Captain Vriggdahl's worries are not unfounded. As the ship journeys through the Steaming Sea, a storm strikes. Winds and rain strike the ship from seemingly every direction.
The crew desperately keep the ship upright, but the torrential rain and heavy waves batter everything on board. You may be able to help reduce the damage to the ship and their supplies.
You may attempt Sailing Lore to help Captain Vriggdahl sail the ship, Athletics to secure crates and equipment or Climb the rigging, or Acrobatics to secure ropes at the sides of the ship without falling overboard. The Acrobatics seems the toughest.
You don't think you can make things worse by trying to help, but might put yourself at risk.
Gideon Amberhand |
"Hrmmph. Pathfinders, huh? New ones, by the look of you. Are you prepared for this journey? Do you have all your supplies? The route is far from a safe one."
Gideon smiles laying a comforting hand on Eynilla's shoulder. "Yes, they are quite new indeed, but not without skill and experience." He pulls the hand to his chest, indicating himself. "You probably recognize me, Gideon Amberhand, from my numerous books and awards."
As the storm begins Gideon can be found in his room, hovering over a bucket as his face is quite green from all of the rocking. Seeing a few of the eye rolls he attempts to keep a weak smile. "No need to worry, seems I caught a small bug going around. Hopefully I do not pass this on to the rest of you."
A few of the crates shift towards him. Weakly getting to his feet Gideon tries tightening the ropes around them.
Athletics (Untrained): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Flint Thunderstriker |
You may want to consider a Hero point...
Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 Flint moves as quickly as his legs will carry him. He moves to secure what he can, using his corded dwarven muscles.
Hampton Candlewood |
Storms like this are uncommon in Osirion, let alone aboard a ship.
Acrobatics to secure ropes at the sides of the ship without falling overboard: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
But, it turns out, securing ropes is much the same whether in the desert or at sea.
GM Kate |
Gideon starts to secure a rope but sees a crate tipping over right onto him! He narrowly avoids getting crushed underneath.
The re-roll avoids the critical failure there!
Biago tries to remember something about sailing, but comes up with nothing.
Flint has better luck securing the ropes around the crates, keeping several from going overboard. Forsetta climbs high into the rigging, assisting the crew, while Hampton dances along the sides of the ship, tying ropes off without ever falling in.
As the storm clear, Captain Vriggdahl surveys the damage. "Good work, Pathfinders. I think we can spare some of our supplies to help you on your mission, seeing as you saved quite a bit of them."
She hands you two crowbars, two spears, and two lesser elixirs of healing.
"Shoreseeker is in sight, Captain!" yells a sailor from the crow's nest.
Captain Vriggdahl pulls out her own spyglass to take a look at the ship.
"That's odd. I thought it might have run aground a volcanic ridge, it looks like it's on top of other wrecked ships."
Flint Nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Hampton Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Gideon Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Forsetta Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Biago Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
No one is sure what that might mean.
"Well, let's be quick about this." The ship approaches the wrecked Shoreseeker.
GM Kate |
Anyone want to change their exploration mode from default once you're boarding the new ship?
Hampton Candlewood |
Anyone want to change their exploration mode from default once you're boarding the new ship?
Hampton can scout if Forsetta wants to switch to something else. Otherwise he's fine with Search.
GM Kate |
Captain Vriggdahl brings the ship around and crew members lay down boards so you can cross.
Map is up! Can I get a marching order on the boards, please?
Flint Thunderstriker |
"If it's safe, I'll head over. Someone has to go first. It should be me!" Once someone gives the okay, Flint will cross first.
Hampton Candlewood |
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Assuming Hampton sees nothing imminently dangerous, he will nod to the dwarf. I'm right behind you, Red Three Flint.
Placed us on the ship. Hampton will follow after Flint.
Forsetta Tucco |
Forsetta pulls out both her picks. They look more like pick axes than traditional military picks. "Shelter behind me, Gideon. I wouldn't want something--untoward--happening to your pretty face."
Gideon Amberhand |
Gideon moves behind Forsetta. "Much appreciated, Forsetta. Are you sure we have to cross this way though. It seems awful dangerous." He looks down at the stormy waters and broken vessel imagining his body breaking against it in the waves as he falls. Gideon clings close to the woman in front of him so only she can hear him.
Keeping a brave face he waves back to the crew and the rest of his allies. "This will be a piece of cake. Have I told you about the time I swam with a mermaid.... blah..blah...blah"
Gideon is good on his marching order on the map and searching.
GM Kate |
Hampton stops Flint from proceeding. The floor just beyond the boards is covered in gray mold.
Flint Nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Hampton Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Gideon Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Forsetta Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Biago Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Hampton Candlewood |
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Yes, I'm sure you have, Hampton says. But sure feet will not protect you from gray mold. Let me see what I can do...
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 better
GM Kate |
Longe post this evening, but that successfully neutralizes the mold!
GM Kate |
The group makes it safely to the other ship! You can head below decks, but you can see that it is flooded.
Important information!
You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier. Reduce your remaining air by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you attacked or cast any spells that turn. You also lose 1 round worth of air each time you are critically hit or critically fail a save against a damaging effect. If you speak (including casting spells with verbal components or activating items with command components) you lose all remaining air.
When you run out of air, you fall unconscious and start suffocating. You can’t recover from being unconscious and must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save at the end of each of your turns. On a failure, you take 1d10 damage, and on a critical failure, you die. On each check after the first, the DC increases by 5 and the damage by 1d10; these increases are cumulative. Once your access to air is restored, you stop suffocating and are no longer unconscious (unless you’re at 0 Hit Points).
Who would like to head below decks?
Flint Thunderstriker |
"Oi. I'll give it a go. Can someone tie a line around me waist though? If I'm gone for more than half a minute, pull me back. Got it?"