Gameday IX GM Kate's Grehunde's Gorget (Inactive)

Game Master Kate Baker

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Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Swashbuckler 1 | HP19/19 | AC 20 / 20 | F +4, R +8, W +5 | Perception +5| [dice=Rapier]1d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]1d6+2[/dice]

"Well, hello mah fellow Pathfinders," cries the man, as he raises his mug of ale high in greeting. Despite the sudden movement, he does not spill a drop. Not that any ale would stand out on his completely black ensemble. A sheathed blade (a rapier, it appears) hangs from the back of his chair and a red cloak is thrown over the adjacent chair.

The blackhaired, black clad man gestures at the table, inviting you to sit. "Eye am zuh Black, as you can see by mah beautiful hair and breathtaking fashion choices, honh honh," he laughs in an Andoren accent.

He points to the nearby red cloak. "Do you like mah latest wardrobe addition? She was <ahem> not wearing eet, and ah had to hastily put zumtheeng on and make a kweek exit when her beau returned unexpectedly!"

He laughs and winks as he says this. "Perhaps ah will call mahself zuh 'Black and Red' from now on!"

Vigilant Seal

Acro +7, Crafting +5, Deception +4, Diplo +4, Warfare Lore +5, Pathfinder Society Lore +5, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occult +5, Religion +4, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
M Elf Rogue 1 HP 15/15 | AC 18 | Perception +6
Stats and Saves:
STR 10 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12/ Fort +4, Ref +9, Wil +6

The elf raises his own mug. "Mmm, yes, I love when a name is appropriate. I am pleased to meet you, Zuh Black." He grins at his own joke; he grins at all his own jokes. "I am Falael Carynore." He notes the rapier with approval; he appreciates those with an eye for good weapons. "I like your cloak and would compare it to my own. It's a cloak of invisibility. See? No, you can't... it's invisible!"

He laughs so hard he can't continue speaking.

Envoy's Alliance

Acro +4, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +4, Dueling Lore +5, Nature +3, Performance +4, Religion +3, Warfare Lore +5
F Elf PFS#186188-2001 LG Champion of Shelyn/1
HP:18 | AC 18 | F:7 R:4 W:5 | Perc: 7 low light vision| Focus: 1 | Hero: 1|

A tall elven woman pulls out a chair and smiles congenially at the two men while they enjoy their drinks and jests, resting her glaive comfortably against the wall, within arms reach, a rainbow streamer hanging off the shaft.

"You'll look like a scarlet rumped tanager," she says, a coy smile on her lips.

"Shelyn does love her songbirds."

She removes her helmet and takes a seat with her companions, moving with some measure of grace despite the chain mail. " I'm Ulena, pleased to meet both of you, it's been awhile since I've worked with other Pathfinders, I can't wait to resume my commission."

The Exchange

Male Human Swashbuckler 1 | HP19/19 | AC 20 / 20 | F +4, R +8, W +5 | Perception +5| [dice=Rapier]1d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]1d6+2[/dice]
Ulena T. wrote:
She removes her helmet and takes a seat with her companions, moving with some measure of grace despite the chain mail. " I'm Ulena, pleased to meet both of you, it's been awhile since I've worked with other Pathfinders, I can't wait to resume my commission."

"Ah, eet eez wonderful to be working with a fair Pathfinder. Welcome, Lady Ulena. I appreciate your choice of patron. Everybody ought to know Shelyn," says The Black, with a tip of his mug to Ulena.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Ranger 1| HP 15/21 | AC 18 / 18 | F +6, R +9, W +4 | Perception +6| [dice=Short Sword]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P/S)]1d6+1[/dice]

A backwoods looking goblin wanders in as Ulena and The Black engage in their banter.

"Oh dat Shelyn do be prejudice, I tells ya! Uh huh. Jus cuz yer not purdy, or reals good at singin' or artin', she dun 'ave nuffin to do wit yer, uh huh. She ain't got no time fer them dat ain't born lucky wit fancy gifts. She's no supporter of the struggle for equal treatment o' thems that's less fortunate, I'll tell you what!

Dats alright though. She's all flash and no substance. Purdy singin' an' artin' don't do much fer thems that's fightin' hard for equal justice. Dat struggle is real, uh huh.

The goblin shoots his little fist in the air.

"Power ta da People! Yes, ser.

By da by, I'm Crump Thaddeus Spotswood II at yer service. Ya'll can call me Crump, uh huh. I'm a country barrister and by the looks o' you lot, yuh mightn' need my services in the future, sho nuff. Purdy folks'n like you always seem ta get in ta trouble, I'll tell you what. Making money helpin' your kind gits me enough coin ta help thems dat get crushed by Da Man! Longshanks & pointy ears, present company excluded, sure know how ta squeeze da little guy.

Now I'm assumin' that ya'll ain't da types to hassle a feller jusin' cause he's poor or small. I'ma still tryin' ta figure out what sorts be workin' fer da Society, uh huh."

Envoy's Alliance

Acro +4, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +4, Dueling Lore +5, Nature +3, Performance +4, Religion +3, Warfare Lore +5
F Elf PFS#186188-2001 LG Champion of Shelyn/1
HP:18 | AC 18 | F:7 R:4 W:5 | Perc: 7 low light vision| Focus: 1 | Hero: 1|

Ulena smiles back at The Black and raises her mug back to him, though she's drinking only water. When the goblin shuffles over, she pulls out a seat for him and listens while offers his opinion on Shelyn.

"Well Mr. Spotswood I'm afraid you're right to a degree. People are imperfect and sometimes they can fail to espouse the true virtues of the eternal maiden."

She points to her armor and weapon.

"In fact, it is in Shelyn's name that I fight to maintain the beauty of the world, and that beauty comes from it's varied people, of all sizes. The more free people in the world, the more art and gifted voices will we have to appreciate. Inner beauty, and the beauty of struggle, Shelyn sees a sort of art in that, and so do I. Consider me an ally of equality Mr. Spotswood."

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Ranger 1| HP 15/21 | AC 18 / 18 | F +6, R +9, W +4 | Perception +6| [dice=Short Sword]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P/S)]1d6+1[/dice]

Crump, expecting a strong retort from Ulena, is surprised by her response.

"Ain't ne'er heard no Shelynite talk anything 'bout inner beeuty an' da beeuty o' da Struggle. Dats differnt. You might be alright. Since it does seem like we're goin' be workin' tagether, dat there is a good thin. It's nicen' ta meet ya.

An ya don' have ta call me "Mr. Spotswood." We only use dat fer formal occashuns, like bein' in front o' a judge er fancy dinners wit nobles an' such. Ya'll can jus' call me Crump, uh huh."

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

A small kobold with bronze and green scales shuffles in. He is wearing a hooded cloak and carrying a longspear as a walking staff. You can see a club on his belt and a shield slung on his pack.

"There is all manner of beauty when you think about it. There is majestic beauty of a mountain or giant tree. And there is beauty in the power of the lion chasing down prey." He looks carefully at each of them, spending a moment studying each. He nods. "The Dragon has arrived. I am called Rhaegal."

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

As you all arrive at the Iceferry Lodge, you are greeted by a gnome named Lirall, who prominently wears a wayfinder. After letting you into the Lodge, she selects one cord labeled “Office” from a bundle of colored cords near the door.

The loud howl from a dog echoes throughout the building, followed by a trio of scampering, blue skinned goblins dashing down the hall. A large husky bursts into the hallway, snarling at the goblins until a tall half orc emerges a moment later and lays a calming hand on her back. He gestures for you to follow him into a meeting room, seemingly ignoring the goblins.

Venture Captain Bjersig Torrsen begins explaining the situation, his dog Mahki sitting attentively nearby. As he speaks aloud, the half orc punctuates his words with phrases in a sign language.

"Apologies for the ruckus. The Frostfurs are talented scouts, but they have an adversarial relationship with Mahki. She doesn’t particularly like them either."

There is art of Torrsen and Mahki on Slide 3!

Horizon Hunters

Forge Dwarf Fighter / 2nd
| HP: 21/36 | AC: 19 | F: +9; R: +7; W: +5 | Initiative: +7; Perception: +7; Darkvision| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 20' ◆ | Stealth +5 | AoO ↺

The doors burst open as a burly Dwarf with a short flaming red mohawk, mustache and long red beard enters wearing Chainmail armor buckled with a wide belt and carrying a Great Axe. He has a tattoo of a Wyvern prominently on his bare upper left arm with the tail wrapping around the bicep. His face is entirely covered with what looks to be some sort of tribal tattoos. His wide eyed, piercing and extremely unsettling gaze falls on each person as he says, "Aye looks ta be inna righ' place fer dis fine group o' Pathfinders samnaðr 'bout norðr-ætt heðra. Aye be named Brundar o' Clan Bloodblade." He heads over to take a seat at the table next to The Black. He looks him over and says, "Aye be prettier dan dis un. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" He gives a serious look over at Venture Captain Bjersig Torrsen, "Now hvat we be heðra fer?"

Pathfinders gathering about north here.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Ranger 1| HP 15/21 | AC 18 / 18 | F +6, R +9, W +4 | Perception +6| [dice=Short Sword]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P/S)]1d6+1[/dice]

Crump is pleased to see that other goblins are being employed by the Society.

"Gud ter see yer usin' skilled local talent. I'm sure dat da strained relashunship between dem and yer dawg is dat a critter like dat could undercut wages, uh huh.

I'm sure dat yer payin' dem fellers fair wages, right Venture Captain? I'm thinkin' maybe I aughta talk ta dem about formin' a union. Scoutin's dangerous work and skilled scouts should be properly compensated, I'll tell you what.

But 'nuff bout dat. We's have our own bizness ta atten' ta. What c'n yuh tell us 'bout what we'r needed fer, uh huh?"

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

"Of course, I'm sure they'd be happy to discuss a goblin union. But yes, to the reason I called you here! The Grenskuldr family traces their lineage back to the storied warrior Grehunde the Sun Chaser, a Linnorm King who ruled over the city of Jol and whose victories in battle were legendary. The family still has a lot of influence. I’ve asked them to help out the Society, and they’ve asked for a favor in exchange. That’s where you come in. Are you familiar with Valenhall?”

GM screen, Society checks:

The Black Society: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Crump Society: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

The Black and Crump:
You both know that the Linnorm King Ulvass sailed to Arcadia in –473 ar and established Valenhall, a now almost mythical realm. Brave Ulfens dream of making the perilous journey there at the end of their lives. King Sveinn Blood-Eagle recently did exactly this.

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal paces slowly into the building. When the goblins come rushing out, he yips and assumes a defensive stance, holding his spear out. When they show they are no threat, he relaxes and shakes his head. "Silly goblins have no discipline."

The Dragon looks back and forth between the dwarf, the goblin, and Captain Torrsen. He glances at Ulena. "Do you understand them?"

Rhaegal merely shakes his head when the VC asks about Valenhall. "What favor?"

The Exchange

Male Human Swashbuckler 1 | HP19/19 | AC 20 / 20 | F +4, R +8, W +5 | Perception +5| [dice=Rapier]1d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]1d6+2[/dice]

"Valenhall is zee near mythical realm to zee West, yes? Heaven Westward, the Summerlands, that sort of thing, yes?" says The Black to Torrsen. "Established millennia ago."

He smiles at the thought. "Tell me we are going there, yes? I could stand to put some distance between myself and a certain Taldan senator. Honh honh," he laughs.

Vigilant Seal

Acro +7, Crafting +5, Deception +4, Diplo +4, Warfare Lore +5, Pathfinder Society Lore +5, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occult +5, Religion +4, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
M Elf Rogue 1 HP 15/15 | AC 18 | Perception +6
Stats and Saves:
STR 10 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12/ Fort +4, Ref +9, Wil +6

"Valenhall? There's been songs written about... no, wait, that can't be right. Oh, drat. But two immediate questions come to mind -- as The Dragon has stated, 'What Favor?', and 'What does the Society get for the favor?'" The rogue leans in closely, clearly interested in learning more.

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Acro +4, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +4, Dueling Lore +5, Nature +3, Performance +4, Religion +3, Warfare Lore +5
F Elf PFS#186188-2001 LG Champion of Shelyn/1
HP:18 | AC 18 | F:7 R:4 W:5 | Perc: 7 low light vision| Focus: 1 | Hero: 1|

Ulena spends so much time watching Mahki just exist that she zones out for awhile before finally snapping back to the conversation. A previous post got eaten.

"I'm not familiar with Valenhall but it sounds like Mr. Black is at least! Sun Chaser is quite the title, I hope to hear more about Grehunde while we help his ancestors out." Ulena waits to hear what the favor is, but she's clearly on board regardless.

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

"You won't have to go quite that far, the Black! Grehunde the Sunchaser never got to sail off to Valenhall—she died in what she planned to be her last battle. Her gorget was passed down to her descendants, most recently Hlavard Grenskuldr, also a Linnorm King. Hlavard was an impressive warrior in his youth, but a month ago he sailed off toward Valenhall to set up a shrine to Grehunde there and finish her journey. He planned to ensure the gorget found its final home in a place of honor. Unfortunately, something happened to his ship, the Shoreseeker, along the way. Merchants report that the ship is still partially above water, but they didn’t get close enough to find out what happened. While his children respected Hlavard’s decision, they would rather not have their father’s body and the priceless family heirloom at the bottom of the sea. I’d like you to find the ship and retrieve Hlavard and the gorget. I’ve arranged a ship for you, the Wandering Hearth, to follow the Shoreseeker’s path through the Steaming Sea.

As for the favor, I’ve asked the Grenskuldrs to get the Society invited to participate in a special event. Do well on this mission, and I’ll make sure you’re on the list!"

GM screen, Nature checks:

Ulena Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Rhaegal Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Crump Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Brundar Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7


You know that the Steaming Sea is named for the thick mist that hangs over the waters. Frequent volcanic activity from the Hellrung Mountains leads to the sudden formation of new islands and ridges.

Any other questions for the Venture-Captain?

The Exchange

Male Human Swashbuckler 1 | HP19/19 | AC 20 / 20 | F +4, R +8, W +5 | Perception +5| [dice=Rapier]1d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]1d6+2[/dice]

"Eez he alive? Eez he going to be happy to return? Or will we end up fighting eem to return the gorget to his children?"

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

"Well, we don’t quite know what happened. The crew made it to shore on a lifeboat, but their stories conflict. Something may have attacked the ship, or it may have just run aground of something, and Hlavard told them to leave while he investigated. He never lit the signal light that said it was okay for the crew to return, so they made their way back home. Unfortunately, they are on another ship now, so we can’t ask more questions. They should be back in about six months, but we can’t wait that long."

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Ranger 1| HP 15/21 | AC 18 / 18 | F +6, R +9, W +4 | Perception +6| [dice=Short Sword]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P/S)]1d6+1[/dice]

Crump considers the details of the briefing.

"Yessir, I do have a few questions fer ya, uh huh.

One, sounds like we're goin' divin' deep for this here gorget and body. I like swimmin' as much as any other feller, but do the Society have any resources to a-sist us gettin' down ta da bottom and survivin' for a while as we search? Some potions or some sort?

Two, who's crewin' this here ship we're goin' be on? They Society folks or jus' some sailors yuh done hired just now? Cayn we trust dem? Ain't lookin' to fallin' with no pi-rats, no sir.

Three, what's da family expectin' back? Jus a body and the gorget? Or they wanna know what happen'd ta dere Daddy too?

Four, do these here Grenskuldrs have enemies we might run into? If'n so, what's up with dem fellers?

Five, wat's all this about a special event? Wat's so special bout this "event" an' why is it that we's pasipitating innit?

I reserve the balance of muh time for redirect, yer honor."

The Exchange

Male Human Swashbuckler 1 | HP19/19 | AC 20 / 20 | F +4, R +8, W +5 | Perception +5| [dice=Rapier]1d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]1d6+2[/dice]
Crump Thaddeus Spotswood II wrote:
"Ain't lookin' to fallin' with no pi-rats, no sir."

"After your eenitial speech, eye did not expect you to be dropping zee anti-ysoki racist comments, ser," responds The Black, with a smile, hoping to get the goblin barrister to rise to the bait.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Ranger 1| HP 15/21 | AC 18 / 18 | F +6, R +9, W +4 | Perception +6| [dice=Short Sword]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P/S)]1d6+1[/dice]

Crump let's out a sigh.

"All you purdy city fellers think yuh so smart, uh huh. Twistin' up an honest goblin's words, tryin' ta cause trouble. I guess I should jus' expect it from a Longshanks, always be oppressin', uh huh.

Was yuh was too busy preenin' to hear that I represent the little feller and last I checked ysoki's be little fellers like muhself."

Envoy's Alliance

Acro +4, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +4, Dueling Lore +5, Nature +3, Performance +4, Religion +3, Warfare Lore +5
F Elf PFS#186188-2001 LG Champion of Shelyn/1
HP:18 | AC 18 | F:7 R:4 W:5 | Perc: 7 low light vision| Focus: 1 | Hero: 1|

"Well, I don't know much about Ysoki, but I know a little about the steaming sea!" Ulena offers information to her companions, hoping a quick interruption will stop any arguing.

"There's a thick mist that covers the water, which means you'll never know what's about to come through the fog. The Hellrun volcanoes cause the sudden formation of all sorts of things. We'll have to be careful, but we might see an island no one else has ever seen before!"

She turns back to the Venture captain.

"When do we get to see the Wandering Hearth?"

The Exchange

Male Human Swashbuckler 1 | HP19/19 | AC 20 / 20 | F +4, R +8, W +5 | Perception +5| [dice=Rapier]1d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]1d6+2[/dice]
Crump Thaddeus Spotswood II wrote:
"All you purdy city fellers think yuh so smart, uh huh."

"Hohn hohn! Even zee goblin gentleman thinks eye am pretty! Eye shall take zat as a victory and resign zee field, triumphant!" laughs The Black.

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

Torrsen responds to all of Crump's questions. "I don't believe it's fully sunken, or at least it wasn't when the merchant ship saw it. Perhaps it ran aground of one of those volcanic ridges that Ulena just mentioned. If it is fully sunken, don't go down into the ocean; just come back. In that case we'll have to get Khoumrock out here in his strange diving suit.

The Captain of the ship is Eynilla Vriggdahl, and she has her own crew.

The family would like the body and the gorget back. I'll give them a copy of your report if you do learn of the cause of death, of course.

I don't suppose anyone gets to be a Linnorm King without making a few enemies, but trips to Valenhall are almost sacred. I'd be very surprised if an Ulfen attacked him. I wouldn't call scavengers or pirates impossible, though.

As for the event, you'll have to wait for the announcement!"

Vigilant Seal

Acro +7, Crafting +5, Deception +4, Diplo +4, Warfare Lore +5, Pathfinder Society Lore +5, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occult +5, Religion +4, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
M Elf Rogue 1 HP 15/15 | AC 18 | Perception +6
Stats and Saves:
STR 10 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12/ Fort +4, Ref +9, Wil +6
GM Kate wrote:
I don't suppose anyone gets to be a Linnorm King without making a few enemies

"If they all say they love you, you have either done something incredibly right, or something incredibly wrong." Falael regards the Venture-Captain with a lopsided grin. "I, for one, am in. I've always wanted to sail... singing sea shanties, listening to that strange sailor language where they make up words for things that already have words..." His voice trails off as his train of thought takes him off elsewhere.

Envoy's Alliance

Acro +4, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +4, Dueling Lore +5, Nature +3, Performance +4, Religion +3, Warfare Lore +5
F Elf PFS#186188-2001 LG Champion of Shelyn/1
HP:18 | AC 18 | F:7 R:4 W:5 | Perc: 7 low light vision| Focus: 1 | Hero: 1|

"Well I think we're certainly up to the task. Let's go meet Captain Vriggdahl."

She smiles broadly while Falael speaks of all the activities they could participate in.

"Mr. Carynore do you know any shanties already? Maybe you can teach us and we can impress the sailors by singing one with them!"

Vigilant Seal

Acro +7, Crafting +5, Deception +4, Diplo +4, Warfare Lore +5, Pathfinder Society Lore +5, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occult +5, Religion +4, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
M Elf Rogue 1 HP 15/15 | AC 18 | Perception +6
Stats and Saves:
STR 10 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12/ Fort +4, Ref +9, Wil +6

"I know none. I have had no occasion to sail, having spent most of my formative decades in the Chitterwood in Isger. I'll admit I haven't been this excited in years."

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal is deep in thought. "Dragons don't usually swim. This should be a interesting challenge. And to secure a Linnorm King's body...a fine task! I will do it."

He looks at the others. "What are these sea shanties? Some sort of singing water creature? Are they dangerous?"

Vigilant Seal

Acro +7, Crafting +5, Deception +4, Diplo +4, Warfare Lore +5, Pathfinder Society Lore +5, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occult +5, Religion +4, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
M Elf Rogue 1 HP 15/15 | AC 18 | Perception +6
Stats and Saves:
STR 10 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12/ Fort +4, Ref +9, Wil +6

"Oh, yes, my dear The Dragon. Dangerously catchy songs sung by sailors on the sea! You would be in no danger, unless you fear enjoying music!" His grin gives way to a look of puzzlement. "Pardon my ignorance, but it's so rare to meet a dragon that isn't trying to kill me or subjugate a village or town. Do dragons enjoy a good song?"

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

The next day, you board the Wandering Hearth. The captain, Eynilla Vriggdahl, is a middle-aged Ulfen woman.

"Hrmmph. Pathfinders, huh? New ones, by the look of you. Are you prepared for this journey? Do you have all your supplies? The route is far from a safe one."

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal considers Falael for a moment, then nods. "Yes, dragons enjoy fine art and good singing. We sing songs to tell of mighty victories over enemies and songs of love and sorrow. I shall learn of these shanty songs and perhaps bring them back to other dragons!"

He turns to the Captain and proudly displays a set of winter clothing. "I have bought leathers made of sheep fur to keep me warm!"

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Ranger 1| HP 15/21 | AC 18 / 18 | F +6, R +9, W +4 | Perception +6| [dice=Short Sword]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P/S)]1d6+1[/dice]

Crump looks over the boat and her captain.

"I ain't no sailor, and I have all da gear I got, I tell you wat. I was figurin' dat since you own da ship, you would be da one responsible fer navigatin' and such. What kinds uh supplies you reckon we need?

I don't know da details o' da contract yah signed to take us through dis Steaming Sea, but I'd assume dat a safe passage clause would be a part ah dat, uh huh. Obviously, if'n we was to run into some pi-rats or sea monsters, we'd be expected to help uh course. So are there other things dat we should be prepared fer?"

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

"All kinds of things could happen. You want to be prepared for anything. The Steaming Sea has many surprises."

Captain Vriggdahl's worries are not unfounded. As the ship journeys through the Steaming Sea, a storm strikes. Winds and rain strike the ship from seemingly every direction.

The crew desperately keep the ship upright, but the torrential rain and heavy waves batter everything on board. You may be able to help reduce the damage to the ship and their supplies.

You may attempt Sailing Lore to help Captain Vriggdahl sail the ship, Athletics to secure crates and equipment or Climb the rigging, or Acrobatics to secure ropes at the sides of the ship without falling overboard.

The DCs are not the same. Acrobatics is the toughest and Sailing Lore is the easiest. You don't think you can make things worse by trying to help, but might put yourself at risk.

Envoy's Alliance

Acro +4, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +4, Dueling Lore +5, Nature +3, Performance +4, Religion +3, Warfare Lore +5
F Elf PFS#186188-2001 LG Champion of Shelyn/1
HP:18 | AC 18 | F:7 R:4 W:5 | Perc: 7 low light vision| Focus: 1 | Hero: 1|

As the ship sets sail Ulena feels her excitement mounting. She's been on a few small journeys before but sailing is always a new experience. So is being on
a ship in the middle of a storm, and if it wasn't for nearly a century of dance and military training, she'd probably be less steady on her feet.

This ship is a work of art. Shelyn guide my hands that I may protect it.

She sees the sailors struggling with the supplies, and a few of them braving the rigging as well. Deciding that those on the rigging are most in harms way she steels herself to join them and hopefully lessen the burden.
Athletics: Climb the Rigging: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

The Exchange

Male Human Swashbuckler 1 | HP19/19 | AC 20 / 20 | F +4, R +8, W +5 | Perception +5| [dice=Rapier]1d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P)]1d6+2[/dice]

The Black, not being a complete fool, ties himself to the ship before he begins securing lines.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Vigilant Seal

Acro +7, Crafting +5, Deception +4, Diplo +4, Warfare Lore +5, Pathfinder Society Lore +5, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occult +5, Religion +4, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
M Elf Rogue 1 HP 15/15 | AC 18 | Perception +6
Stats and Saves:
STR 10 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12/ Fort +4, Ref +9, Wil +6

Falael joins The Black in an attempt to secure the supplies.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

A stream of musical syllables escape his lips; anyone who speaks Elven would recognize a string of curses that would sound much worse in Common. He is currently not smiling.

Horizon Hunters

Forge Dwarf Fighter / 2nd
| HP: 21/36 | AC: 19 | F: +9; R: +7; W: +5 | Initiative: +7; Perception: +7; Darkvision| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 20' ◆ | Stealth +5 | AoO ↺

Brundar with his mohawk still standing due to possibly animal fat or such holding it in place during the raging storm, grumbles in Dwarven, "Skapari Faðir, órr Járnsmiðr þengill, ør-uggr allr þó at." truds forth, grabs hold of some heavy crates, straining his back and arm muscles, pushes them back into place and secures them.

"Father of Creation, Our Lord of Iron, safely see all through this."

Athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Ranger 1| HP 15/21 | AC 18 / 18 | F +6, R +9, W +4 | Perception +6| [dice=Short Sword]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P/S)]1d6+1[/dice]

Crump carefully balances and weaves with the pitching and rolling of the ship while he tries to secure the lines.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal is in awe of the power of the natural world. For a moment he stands in the wind and rain basking in such a different form of power than he is used to. Then the pitching deck reminds him that this dragon needs the boat. He tries to climb up the rigging to keep the lines and sails clear.

Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

The Pathfinder team spring into action and does amazing!

Rhaegal and Ulena climb up the rigging, helping the sailors keep everything where it needs to be. Falael struggles at the side, but makes sure to fall onto the ship side of the rail, avoiding needing any help. Crump and the Black neatly move along the railing, tying off ropes, while Brundar single-handedly moves crates that should take three people!

As the storm clears, Captain Vriggdahl surveys the damage. "Good work, Pathfinders. I think we can spare some of our supplies to help you on your mission, seeing as you saved quite a bit of them."

She hands you two crowbars, two spears, two lesser elixirs of life, and two lesser antidotes.

"Shoreseeker is in sight, Captain!" yells a sailor from the crow's nest.

Captain Vriggdahl pulls out her own spyglass to take a look at the ship.

"That's odd. I thought it might have run aground a volcanic ridge, it looks like it's on top of other wrecked ships."

GM screen, Nature checks:

Ulena Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Rhaegal Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Crump Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Brundar Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Rhaegal, Brundar:
You recognize the pile of wrecked ships as a sea serpent’s lair. Sea serpents are known for capsizing ships to build their homes.

Horizon Hunters

Forge Dwarf Fighter / 2nd
| HP: 21/36 | AC: 19 | F: +9; R: +7; W: +5 | Initiative: +7; Perception: +7; Darkvision| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 20' ◆ | Stealth +5 | AoO ↺

Brundar just barely perceptively nods his head at the Captains comments.

As the Captain remarks on the wrecked ships, Brundar's eyes go even wider if at all possible then he grabs hold of his great axe and smiles, "Looks ta be uh beasty involved. Uh Sea Wurm lair dat be. Keep yer eyes 'bout." He eagerly goes to the ship's railing watching for any disturbance in the waters.

Envoy's Alliance

Acro +4, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +4, Dueling Lore +5, Nature +3, Performance +4, Religion +3, Warfare Lore +5
F Elf PFS#186188-2001 LG Champion of Shelyn/1
HP:18 | AC 18 | F:7 R:4 W:5 | Perc: 7 low light vision| Focus: 1 | Hero: 1|

"A 'sea wurm'? Oh my. Captain how does one usually handle a sea wurm?" Ulena joins Brundar by the railing watching for the beast.

"Do you think it can be distracted long enough for us to find the gorget?"

Verdant Wheel

male Kobold Druid 7 | HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | F +13 R +14 W +15 (S->CS for Fear effects)| Perception +15 (darkvision) | speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Rhaegal swings from the rigging and looks out at the shipwreck. "Sea serpents! Like water dragons! They must be living there and sinking the ships to make their homes."

Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

"Sea serpents? Hmmm. They usually don't wait this long to attack anyone near their lair. Perhaps it's out hunting? Let's be quick about this and be gone." The ship approaches the wrecked Shoreseeker.

Captain Vriggdahl brings the ship around and crew members lay down boards so you can cross.

Can I get a marching order on the boards, please? And if you'd like to change your exploration mode activity from what's on Slide 3, now is the time.

Envoy's Alliance

Acro +4, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +4, Dueling Lore +5, Nature +3, Performance +4, Religion +3, Warfare Lore +5
F Elf PFS#186188-2001 LG Champion of Shelyn/1
HP:18 | AC 18 | F:7 R:4 W:5 | Perc: 7 low light vision| Focus: 1 | Hero: 1|

Ulena makes sure she's one of the first on the boards, and crosses them when everyone is ready to go. She keeps her eyes forward making sure to be prepared for anything.

No change in exploration, Ulena will usually attempt to be first in order.

Horizon Hunters

Forge Dwarf Fighter / 2nd
| HP: 21/36 | AC: 19 | F: +9; R: +7; W: +5 | Initiative: +7; Perception: +7; Darkvision| Hero Pts: 1/3 | Spd: 20' ◆ | Stealth +5 | AoO ↺

Before heading out, Brundar keeps his voice low but warns everyone, "'Ware ye footin'. Her deckin' may no be stable."

Envoy's Alliance

Male Goblin Ranger 1| HP 15/21 | AC 18 / 18 | F +6, R +9, W +4 | Perception +6| [dice=Short Sword]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Dmg (P/S)]1d6+1[/dice]

Crump will try to be the first one on the other ship (rangers lead the way!), weapons in hand. He will use the Avoid Notice exploration activity (Already updated on the google slide).

"Alrighty. I'ma git on dat there boat real quiet-like first. Cyan ya'll watch muh back and follow as quiet as yuh can? Maybe we git lucky and find what we's lookin' fer witout distrubin' no beasties."

Vigilant Seal

Acro +7, Crafting +5, Deception +4, Diplo +4, Warfare Lore +5, Pathfinder Society Lore +5, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occult +5, Religion +4, Society +5, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Thievery +7
M Elf Rogue 1 HP 15/15 | AC 18 | Perception +6
Stats and Saves:
STR 10 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 12/ Fort +4, Ref +9, Wil +6

Falael watches everyone jostling each other to be in front with a slight wince, a little sore from the events of the storm. Or maybe embarrassment? No, definitely from the fall. But not wanting to be a part of all the jostling, he decides to be rear guard, affording The Dragon the safety of being surrounded by others.

Will be casting Detect Magic and hoping the party moves slow enough that I can detect ahead of them (I think that's 150'/min).

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