M Kalo Monstrous Humaoid(aquatic) Star Walker Operative 3 KAC:14 EAC:14 init:+3 perception:+7 [i][/i]; SP: 12/12 HP: 14/14 RP: 4/4 Fort:+0; Ref:+5;Will+3
Darkvoid lays it on thick with lots of gurggling and blubbering inside his suit."It's not fair, they could have done so much more. I I can't I just can't." bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 ![]()
M Kalo Monstrous Humaoid(aquatic) Star Walker Operative 3 KAC:14 EAC:14 init:+3 perception:+7 [i][/i]; SP: 12/12 HP: 14/14 RP: 4/4 Fort:+0; Ref:+5;Will+3
"not exactly the kind of assignment I was expecting, well not the album part anyway, but a hero's work is never done." fort: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2The hours in line take their toll on Darkvoid. He slowly raises his own credit stick to purchase a copy
and a crush of people stampede him leaving him bruised on the ground with his face on the deck plating and the hand clutching his cred stick still up in the air. ![]()
4-99 MAPS:
![]() Little Lendtech wrote:
I'm fine with that unless someone has a particular place they want to see their upgrade go ![]()
4-99 MAPS:
![]() It takes a few days to get back to Absalom Station. When the you
The PCs complete their primary objective if they discover Rasheen’s
4-99 MAPS:
![]() ref: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Round 5
![]() Scottybobotti wrote:
I might be able to do one or more of those in a few weeks when my current PbPs wrap up. ![]()
4-99 MAPS:
![]() Gremvest wrote:
It was a spell and you attack will negate it. You other attacks miss. Round 3
4-99 MAPS:
![]() I'll double check, but at least 20 feet I'm sure. Sorry for slowing down on posts. I'm signing on a new house tonight and getting ready to teach summer school. I should be back up to speed closer to the end of the week. ![]()
F Human Xenoarchiologist Technomancer 9 SP:63/63 HP:49/49 RP:9/9 EAC:18 KAC:18 init: +6 Fort:5 Ref:6 Will:6
![]() Prebriefing flashback
Male Lashunta Icon Envoy 4 SP:28/28 HP:28/28 RP:5/5 EAC:14 KAC:14 init: +4 Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:2
Morbo will make use of his look alive ability while the others take a rest. All allies who stay within 60' during the short rest gain a +2 morale bonus to Perception and initiative checks for the next hour or until the next 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points, whichever comes first. ![]()
Male Lashunta Icon Envoy 4 SP:28/28 HP:28/28 RP:5/5 EAC:14 KAC:14 init: +4 Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:2
"Perhaps we should approach these individuals in smaller groups. Suddenly being confronted by 6 starngers might be intimdating. Colrid, can you tell us a bit about these 3 people so we have some idea of how to win them over." ![]()
Male Lashunta Icon Envoy 4 SP:28/28 HP:28/28 RP:5/5 EAC:14 KAC:14 init: +4 Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:2
Morbo takes a look around perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19, "Let us hope we do not need them."
![]() Twila-5 wrote: Twilia-5 here is a level 1 operative who needs just one more scenario to reach level 2. It was at this point in her career that her predecessor, Twila-4, met her untimely demise. Will Twila-5 face the same fate? Well, there's only one way to find out: she's ready to test her mettle against whatever comes her way! Scruffy will be interesting in meeting Twilia-5 when she gets to level 3. ![]()
Male Brakim Mechanic 4 KAC:15 EAC:14 init:+6 perception:+5 [i][/i]; SP: 28/28 HP: 30/30 RP: 3/4 Fort:+4; Ref:+5;Will+0
I don't know if it works or anyone else would agree. But I would be amused if Twila-5 and the rest of use played the 1-2 subtier of 3-00 The last bite in the PbP gameday opening up soon. ![]()
Male Brakim Mechanic 4 KAC:15 EAC:14 init:+6 perception:+5 [i][/i]; SP: 28/28 HP: 30/30 RP: 3/4 Fort:+4; Ref:+5;Will+0
will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
![]() Tyranius wrote:
Did someone say all vo table? yeah i know they need to be different games. ![]()
Male Brakim Mechanic 4 KAC:15 EAC:14 init:+6 perception:+5 [i][/i]; SP: 28/28 HP: 30/30 RP: 3/4 Fort:+4; Ref:+5;Will+0
Scruffy and Robert-0 move towards what they assume is a dance floor.
Male Brakim Mechanic 4 KAC:15 EAC:14 init:+6 perception:+5 [i][/i]; SP: 28/28 HP: 30/30 RP: 3/4 Fort:+4; Ref:+5;Will+0
GM Farol wrote:
Hmm been doing that wrong for longer than I care to admit. ![]()
Male Brakim Mechanic 4 KAC:15 EAC:14 init:+6 perception:+5 [i][/i]; SP: 28/28 HP: 30/30 RP: 3/4 Fort:+4; Ref:+5;Will+0
GM Farol wrote:
yeah it's just a little weird because you CAN put injector rounds in it, but it fires some fine stream of chemicals normally "*sniff* Scruffy just wants to get the job done and fix his drone." ![]()
M Kasatha Icon Mystic(xenodruid) 2, KAC:13 EAC:12 init:+0 perception:+3 [i][/i]; SP: 14/14 HP: 16/16 RP: 3/4 Fort:+1; Ref:+0;Will+6
![]() I'm game for whatever, but I also know we have only been clearing 1-2 missions each part of the story so I would look at attacking the perimeter or descending into the pit. ![]()
Male Brakim Mechanic 4 KAC:15 EAC:14 init:+6 perception:+5 [i][/i]; SP: 28/28 HP: 30/30 RP: 3/4 Fort:+4; Ref:+5;Will+0
"Darn shame it had to be this way. Welp take care of 'em Robert-0."
M Lashunta Corporate Agent Mechanic 8 SP:0/48 HP:49/52 RP:11/11 EAC:21 KAC:22 init: +4 Fort:5 Ref:9 Will:2
![]() Alberto picks up 3k in UPBs, some ion tape, a couple of zip sticks and maybe some grenades before heading boarding the ship
Mandriod Andoid Outlaw Operative 3 SP:10/18 HP:22/22 RP:3/4 EAC:16 KAC:17 init: +7 Fort:1 Ref:6 Will:4+2 against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep
![]() playing it safe and taking 10 if that seems unsuccessful in round 3 I would change to a roll for round 4 Flexnaught shutters his eyelids blocking out all external stimuli and breaths deeply a few moments despite not needing to, "Remember your training." He takes a single deep breath before turning to the camera an explaining in that single breath, "Melt a pound of butter in a heavy saucepan over low heat and slowly cook until the bubbling ceases and the liquid turns clear. Strain and cool, being sure to leave any solids in the bottom of the pan. Or, once the butter has cleared, remove from heat and add two inches of hot tap water. Since it's less dense than water, the now clarified butter will float to the top.A few hours in the fridge will solidify the butter. Use or wrap in wax paper and foil and refrigerate. Can be frozen for up to two months. But since I don't have that much time, I'll improvise." Round 3
Round 4
Mandriod Andoid Outlaw Operative 3 SP:10/18 HP:22/22 RP:3/4 EAC:16 KAC:17 init: +7 Fort:1 Ref:6 Will:4+2 against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep
![]() Flex-naught erupts in outrage glaring at the other team, How dare YOU!? My chassis did not survive 320 years post gap only for me to boot up and be disrespected off camera, by a bunch of low rent CHUMPS!...Mwah ha ha ha naw I'm just kidding I'm sure you've got the skills to provide an entertaining challenge. My outer covering is 40% titanium alloy, which means I may not be thick skinned but I am durable. Now, where are the chairs." ![]()
![]() You know there are a bunch of things in this errata that are things like rephrasing how often class features can be used. Going from when this wears off the target is immune to being only targeted once per day. Which I'm sure is what was intended but the way things were worded it makes it seem like you could spam the ability for as long as the creature was still effected. I'm assuming that wasn't the intention hence the errata. When every ability for the class is phrased that way its a lot of changed. I actually printed the errata and just started writing them into my hardcopy while watching tv. There are some sections ill be cutting out and pasting in because they are extensive, but mostly it was line out this word change it to this word. Add this work at the end remove this sentence. I'm not that bothered btu i understand those who are. If it hasnt been a problem at your table and you arn't playing PFS, I'm thinking it shouldn't be that much of a concern.