Tyranius wrote:
Did someone say all vo table? yeah i know they need to be different games.
Yeah that is what is normally done in most PFS/SFS scenarios. Usually only the custom maps get put in the back. But you don't need to have an exact map. You can get a blank make (Or a toll of gridded wrapping paper) and sketch out the map you need. I've amassed a large collection of the flip maps, but still end up drawing the ocassional newer map i dont yet have, or custom maps.
1) They are available under the community use packages as a bundle called Starfinder Society Pregrens 2) The Pathfinder Society Page will probably have a landing page for reporting SFS events as well. You Create apage for your event there and at the end of the event you type in the information including you player number (as the GM) and the numbers of your other players. 3) Your pace will quickly outstrip the available material unless you different games have unique players there are currently 5 scenarios available and one AP volume (which is good for 2-4 sessions depending on how it is run.) They are only releasing 1 new scenario a month and I think AP volume are every other month. Consider frequently rerunning the quest pack and 1-01 since both are playable. Keep an eye on the product pages so you know what scenarios are coming up and their level range.
after the rewards for this sceanario ill be spending 16pp on raise dead. 1280gp per Restoration I have more than enough cash to pay for them.
I will certainly accept any donations and I'll say that i still had a blast with you all despite the death. Good times. I hope to play with some of you again online or in person should the chance ever arise. The boon is called against the consortium,
So i would just need the agents name and GM initials on the sheet since I can;t have the boon signed for real.
GM Grog wrote:
Tier 8-9 Tavarius (cleric 9)Fatima (magus 8) Ruprecht (alchemist 8) GM Grog (fighter 9) Jason (cleric 9)
You know there are a bunch of things in this errata that are things like rephrasing how often class features can be used. Going from when this wears off the target is immune to being only targeted once per day. Which I'm sure is what was intended but the way things were worded it makes it seem like you could spam the ability for as long as the creature was still effected. I'm assuming that wasn't the intention hence the errata. When every ability for the class is phrased that way its a lot of changed. I actually printed the errata and just started writing them into my hardcopy while watching tv. There are some sections ill be cutting out and pasting in because they are extensive, but mostly it was line out this word change it to this word. Add this work at the end remove this sentence. I'm not that bothered btu i understand those who are. If it hasnt been a problem at your table and you arn't playing PFS, I'm thinking it shouldn't be that much of a concern.
Gary Stegall wrote: If I am posting in the wrong area I apologize, I've done some searching into how to become a venture captain and other such things... I am trying to organize players in my area and I was looking for some advice as to what I can do to be more involved in the community and earn GM stars, etc because I would love to be more involved in cons and such.. Ive played for a while now and hope to do more. Thank you all! This is the wrong sub forum but it has been flaged so I'm sure it will get moved. If you havn't looked here yet,http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/getInvolved that would be good. While there are benefits to being a VO you certainly don't need to be to get things moving in your area. I started organizing things well before I became the VL for my area. My advice on getting started is
laraqua wrote: So Season 5 seemed to gear up to the Pathfinders getting into Sky Citadel Jormurdun but then it never eventuates. There seems to be no adventures in Season 5 that deal with entering it nor any adventures in Season 6 that mention it. Did something happen in one of the scenarios - perhaps The Paths We Choose - that prevent it? I'm happy for spoilers. I just need to know what happened with it. The season 6 opener 6-00 which is a multi-table special event deals with it.
Saffire wrote: Ok so, I play pathfinder and I'm kind of new at it still. One of our players said he was doing this contest so I started looking into it the other day and after reading this thread I decided to give it a shot. So there ya go, another female in the rpg superstar :D Go for it. I had been playing PF for less than a year when I made top 32 in 2010. I also completely skipped 3.5 so I was studying mechanics as I went. It was an awesome experience and goes to show if you have creative ideas you can make it.
Victor Zajic wrote: Why is this item so expensive? It takes up the head slot, which a rod doesn't, and only works on Evocation. Shouldn't these limitations lowers it's cost relative to the 9,000gp rod it emulated? casting Rage 1/day is pretty awful for casters, too. I don't have the item in front of my at the moment, but rage probably adds substantially to the cost even if it isnt a great option for many casters. The formula for unlimited use of a spell is from 1800-2000*spell level*caster level. Since it is only one use a day you divide by five. Even assuming minimum caster level on the item and treating it as a command word rather than use activated that is (1800*3*5)/5 or 5700gp. Things get wonky if one also applies the rules for non-standard slot(rod into a helm) and additional abilities. That said sometimes pricing wondrous items is more art then since, but I think this us likely well priced for what it can do. It is not a bad option for a battle cleric or maybe a Magus. I don't recall if the rage is self only or not. In either case it is a good thematic fit to the Runelord of Wrath.
Chaosorbit wrote:
While it is fun, I would leave voice in the void until later. You can still do it, but it is a 1-7 So it offers you some flexibility to do it later. However it has some tie to Echos of the overwatched. Those two make sense in either order though. They kind of have some background details that inform one anther based on the history of the museum building and the original owner before it was turned into a museum by the Blackros family
Matthew Morris wrote:
I just played part 4 for the first time having neaver read it. I'd run the first 2 parts several times and read part 3 many times, but never managed to feel the need to prep part 4. I just couldn't eem to get a group all the way through. Needless to say, my kind-hearted and fun loving Kistune Magus is going to be a borderline sociopath when it comes to Aspis agents.
I don't know if this counts as a gripe, but I can say from experience, if you have a round where you work up someone else's idea, do all you can to make it your own. I took the wrong direction with this ("well if I was free lancing and given an assignment with some really good stuff already written I shouldn't throw that out.") and it cost me. Of course that means I didn't make it far enough to be permanently disqualified. Might be time to make a come back.
James Jacobs wrote:
Sorry to hear it got you. Get better soon James.
It makes sense as a way to try out new writers and will be a nice way to add more material for PFS demos and people who want some PFS goodness but only have a little time. Though it does mean my efforts on sceanario ideas to pitch for Season 4 are mostly writing exercises now. Oh well, time to come up with some Quest ideas!
This might be a weird question, but any chance that the Paizo released content as far as adventures go could be sanctioned for PFS? I have some students in the high school club i advise learning the ropes of pathfinder with the first steps modules for PFS, but I have at least one rookie GM and he and his player might benefit from playing around with the beginners box, it would be nice if their PFS characters could get credit somehow. Seems like a long shot with the way the product is designed, but I figured it couldn't hurt to toss the idea out. *ninja'd*