Stag Lord

Gayel Nord's page

Goblin Squad Member. *** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 1,058 posts (6,697 including aliases). 53 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 50 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.

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Yeah, that was a great one. Thanks owen

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Ken'Thras Sunspell wrote:
I don't have any negative feelings toward Dae, but just because my Starfinder lore is a little lacking, is there an in-universe reason Altronus is being replaced? I don't really know anything about him, so I'm just curious.

I think this is more of a "A new generation!" Kind of thing.


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Calisst observes the dropping droplets.

This is an soothing effect. Perhaps, i should accept that my species will disappear from the multiverse.

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

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I am confused of the Geography.

Is Hagegraf close to Highhelm? and upper the court?

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Yeah! That will be the final of the Great O.K CORAL!


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GM Kate wrote:
The neon lights are flat on the ground. Most other objects are cover: the rooms with walls and doors, the round thing with crates, and the lashunta crowd.

Réédition :Calisst moves, hoping that round thing with crates will give him cover.

With his standard action, he draws the whip.

Verdant Wheel

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AC 19 | HP 24 | Speed 25 ft. |Expert Fort: +8 Trained Reflex: +7 Expert Will: +7|Curse, lesser|
phaeton_nz wrote:

Nearly all of you succeed although Magima's 'meow' could be counted as a distraction assuming the Waterfall is a cat lover. Still, Once out of the situation, Taiwalei sighs in relief and thanks you for rescuing him from the scrutiny.

When you and Taiwalei arrive at the portal, four dozen agents step through from the sailing lodge, the Grinning Pixie, with an incredible amount of luggage and crates. While you wait for the crowd to pass, Taiwalei takes the brief waiting time to formally introduce himself and learn your names.

Taiwalei of the Eastern Okaiyo Ocean, pleasure to meet you all. The charming seafaring venture-captain gives a slight bow. I leave myself in your care! So, who are you all? What’ve have you done lately? Fola must be really impressed with your work to ask you to be my guides!

"I am not so much. I am Tristan the Giver from the Greenhall Abbey in Nirmathas. At least, that where i was raised before it has been attacked by bandits and escaped with my life.

When i returned with the holy relic, i was too late to save them.

Since then, i wander the Inner Sea. I realized soon that my simple presence was facilitating conflicts. You can understand what a follower of Erastil must feel when he realized to have this sort of curse.

Tristan has a wry smile. Someone was testing my faith and i was sure it wasn't Erastil.

I joined the Society because of the pay and for my thirst for understanding what going on. I learned that I was an Oracle. One of the few who channel divine power itself without having a relationship with a deity or a powerful figure. The reason, i still don't know why. The divine way is impenetrable. But, i see my presence as a sign that a battle will occur and not that i am the sparking fuse.

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Realising that horizon thunder sphere exist, i think this change is a buff for spellcasters since you can have a dedication to your opposite tradition and have the same power.

Horizon Hunters

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Male Ac:20/18 |Hp:15/18 | Saves: Fort: +5; reflex:+8; Will +5 Skeleton Oread Swashbuckler 1

Hector looks again at the pile.. perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

2/5 *

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I would like access to aventure path item or options.

There starting to have so many option that i would like to remove the exclusivity to one character

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Bye owlbear! We will miss you!

2/5 *

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John Mangrum wrote:
Aw yeah, the Bulwark finally gets its due!

After Years!

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Map and handout aid Token.

Wait, i yave imput the wrong xp. I have modified the sheet.

Vigilant Seal

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CN Female Dragonscaled Kobold | Sewer dragon | Ranger/alchemist (precision) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 2/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | Resist Fire 2 negative 1| F +11 R +13 W +11 (+2 poison, disease)| Perception +11 (darkvision) | speed 25 ft | Focus Points: 1/1 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

"I am full! This pearly white aeon stone is probably the most useful magical item i know. Second, of course, of the feather token ladder. "

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Map and handout aid Token.

Also. I can feel this. My level 7 snow elf has this feat since the start. Never, i received sleep effect.

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Map and handout aid Token.
Miladistra wrote:
Bah! Lingering Mein finally triggers and it doesn't help me.

Wait.. it is an incapacitation trait. You could move two times.

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Map and handout aid Token.

As ask by Karnel.(bot)

Karnel raised His shield. He will swipe (two-action) Black fey and the mushroom ring.

+1 Striking, Crushing, Cold Iron Warhammer+1, inspire courage: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 13 + 1 = 322d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2, 6) + 4 + 1 = 13

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Skyrahk|Female kobold cleric of Dahak 4 Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5|AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17|hp 6/29|Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8

This is fun!

Creating a pit just below the portal was the best idea ever!

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN Female Dragonscaled Kobold | Sewer dragon | Ranger/alchemist (precision) Lvl 5 | Hero Points: 2/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | Resist Fire 2 negative 1| F +11 R +13 W +11 (+2 poison, disease)| Perception +11 (darkvision) | speed 25 ft | Focus Points: 1/1 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

I think that you need to be another character yes.

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Looking at Bret suggestion... I will change the character to my most flavourful.

(Cough, cough) A rocky gray with a tint of purple-skinned gnome with almost white hair gnome enters the stage with a weasel on her left shoulder and an alchemical crossbow in her back. She looks confident like she knows she will be chased but whoever is hiding behind the shadows.

"I think it is time that I present myself.I am Inonotuusobliquus

from Dwimovel in the Darklands. My quest is to be the world’s Greatest Cook! I joined the Pathfinder society as an excuse to travel the world and learn the best cooking techniques. I was so great with my cooking technique that I didn't need to do the three years of training! They told me that my dish was like an elixir that an alchemist would make. So, with me, you have the best of both worlds. It doesn't taste awful and it works!

Lately, I heard the new trend in cuisine is magician cooks. I am so angry! Using magic in food is to be drawn into an illusion. This isn't real food! But... I want to be the greatest chef, I need to be at least be able to do this I also have a rivalry with the Mask and the Moon, but not the owner himself... we have had a few dates together.

I am also writing a cooking book. Something very simple. Not simple for me. Each recipe has 5-7 ingredients with a few times of preparation. That is the best way I think I can show the world who I am. When I will be the greatest, I want that people will know about me before.

My favourite adventure was...when I visited the village Plaguestone. I learned so many things about how you cooked turnip. Pie, soup, pudding. How and the murder mystery was bad either."

Class: Alchemist (which dedication. This is a version of Ino for the adventure).

Why she is investigating the dark archives.... this is food-related, right?

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I am happy about the aura... But, quite annoy about the lack of healing option for fire.

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Note that understand that the healing option would be with wood, but is a stable in Xianxia that fire purify the body of his impurity and i see in this document .

A healing wave splashes across creatures in a 30-foot cone,
its cleansing water chasing afflictions from the body. Each
creature in the area regains 3d6 HP and can attempt a new
save against one poison or disease affliction affecting it; on a
failed save, the condition doesn’t worsen.
Each creature in the area then becomes temporarily immune
to Torrent in the Blood for 10 minutes.
Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d6.


CIRCULATE QI [two-actions] FEAT 12
The pure air of your inner gate is rich in qi that you can
use to invigorate and restore an ailing creature. Target an
adjacent living creature. It regains 30 HP, and Circulate Qi
then attempts to counteract one of the following conditions
of your choice: blinded, clumsy, deafened, drained, enfeebled,
paralyzed, sickened, or stupefied. Counteracting a condition
with a condition value reduces the value by 1 instead of
entirely removing it. The target is then temporarily immune to
Circulate Qi for 1 hour.
You can try to remove an instance of a condition from a
given creature only once using this impulse, though you can
try to remove the same condition from a different source. For
instance, if you failed to remove the drained condition from
a jiang-shi vampire’s Drain Qi ability, you couldn’t attempt to
remove it again, but 1 hour later, you could still try to remove
the drained condition from a poison.

as such I would like that fire would have somme similar like torrent in the blood but for only himself (no healing also.). It would be Great. (and if there would be a higher feat for curse. That would fantastic)

Vigilant Seal

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LG (Mâle) Elf (Ice) Champion (pal) 6 | HP 78/78 | AC 25| Cold:2 Elec:1 Harm:5 Evil:3| F + 12 R +9 W +12 ;+2 reflex against damage| Perc +12 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: ---
GM Tyranius wrote:
Avonathalanthalasa Caldon wrote:
DM, my initiate is +12 due to an elven feat that I have that adds +2 to initiative rolls.
Thanks, I bumped up your initiative to +12 as Scout (+1) and Elven Instincts (+2) don't stack due to both being the same bonus type.

Exact and as a scout archetype everyone except Me has this +2.

Vigilant Seal

2 people marked this as a favorite.
LG (Mâle) Elf (Ice) Champion (pal) 6 | HP 78/78 | AC 25| Cold:2 Elec:1 Harm:5 Evil:3| F + 12 R +9 W +12 ;+2 reflex against damage| Perc +12 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: ---

[In Elven] ”You flatter me, I only strive to emulate the perfection of Ioemadae but I am only a mortal even with divine power. I can’t differentiate good from evil either. I am as blind as a normal man. I heard that until thirteen ago, all paladin like myself had the power to see evil but now. It needs training and it is only an imprecise sense. This man could have been a victim and I would have still sense evil if an invisible fiend were there. When I have seen this man gripping his bombs, I surmised they were no room for discussion.

Still, I didn’t realize what my status projects to the uninformed lifeforms. This is something I need to think about. I need to be careful next time.”
My actions are looked as being part of Iomedae's ethos? That thought is terrifying me! thinks with a calm façade Coptidel. Being seen as the example of Honour and justice… is inconceivable! I am not that! And that event was the proof even if this person was evil in fact! I…

A wave of calm coming from the paladin’s tempered soul Or, this is the aura of courage lol. washes over this round of self-doubt.

No, there is a time for self-reflection and this is not one of those times now. For now, let me remind us of this before the next possible encounter. Still… this man’s tongue is more venomous than a snake. I need to be careful around him or...
And then he sees Barad doing the same thing for Avonathalanthalasa.

”Barad, even if you are right in your perspective. As a fellow armoured being, I do not think that expressing doubt in your heart and acting on it is not contributing to the mission. I have seen Avona putting herself in harm’s way and I have faith I will see it again during the mission. I trust her judgment in actions as I trust yours. As you say..., my words and actions are following Iomedae’s ethos..Says Coptidel ready to defend her.

Vigilant Seal

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LG (Mâle) Elf (Ice) Champion (pal) 6 | HP 78/78 | AC 25| Cold:2 Elec:1 Harm:5 Evil:3| F + 12 R +9 W +12 ;+2 reflex against damage| Perc +12 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: ---

I imagine the scientist saying Curse you "Knights of Golarion!" and Coptidel so confused. ...No... it is knights of lastwall.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG (Mâle) Elf (Ice) Champion (pal) 6 | HP 78/78 | AC 25| Cold:2 Elec:1 Harm:5 Evil:3| F + 12 R +9 W +12 ;+2 reflex against damage| Perc +12 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: ---

So, if you can use an animal large enough for the plate, we can stop any casualty. Great!

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG (Mâle) Elf (Ice) Champion (pal) 6 | HP 78/78 | AC 25| Cold:2 Elec:1 Harm:5 Evil:3| F + 12 R +9 W +12 ;+2 reflex against damage| Perc +12 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: ---

Even if he is an elf, Coptidel feels himself less like an Elf because of how much others are into Elf's culture.

Those public name looks so... elven. And I am named after a flower! They don't call me the tourmented for for nothing,

"What a team we will be."he says in common.

Grand Archive

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Male Half-orc (Thief) (Pathfinder agent)(witch dedication:Baba Yaga)|Spell active: None , AC:28/29| HP: 119/119|Fort + 17 (E), Ref + 20 (M), Will + 17 (E); Perception: +20 (+1 trap);Darkvision|Speed: 40ft

same from omble. He is neutral.

Liberty's Edge

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Fighter 6| 25 ac (t:13;ff;22) 57/57 hp. |For +7; reflex +5 will+4; fear+2| init +2

That is a twist.


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Male Xenoarchiologist Dwarf operative (gadgettear) 6 E22; K23; +4 bullrush trip, +4 mobility|stamina: 54/54 HP:42/42 Resolve: 8/8| Fort:+8; Reflex +10 (evasion); Will + 6 ; +2 poison, spells| Speed 40ft?

You could have tv series with this.says Roméo while looking at the others.

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-orc (Thief) (Pathfinder agent)(witch dedication:Baba Yaga)|Spell active: None , AC:28/29| HP: 119/119|Fort + 17 (E), Ref + 20 (M), Will + 17 (E); Perception: +20 (+1 trap);Darkvision|Speed: 40ft

Good idea. I love when items found are used in the adventure.

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Do it. Give a review.

It is very easy.

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-orc (Thief) (Pathfinder agent)(witch dedication:Baba Yaga)|Spell active: None , AC:28/29| HP: 119/119|Fort + 17 (E), Ref + 20 (M), Will + 17 (E); Perception: +20 (+1 trap);Darkvision|Speed: 40ft

"Thanks you for your confirmation."says Omble.

He turns to the group.

"I suggest that we escort this group to safety outside and then, we continue our exploration."

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Map and handout aid Token.

It is sad that our characters don't know this is the first Joro. We would have some fun barter like " You tabletop Nerd!" or "For the first Joro, you sure don't act like one. Are you sure that you have correctly sequence your DNA?" Or "So tell us the truth, did you learn medecine in a kid show?"

Envoy's Alliance

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AC 18 (+20 with shield raised), Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 |HP 18|Perception +3;

"Thank you for this piece of wisdom Dr. Yuen."says the young noble as he follows the tien man.

You lowly peasant! Who do you think you are to tell me how to call you? We,the noble, are a caste higher that this title of Doctor. thinks for himself Marcius.


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Untyped N Copaxi Bureaucrat Solarion 7 | SP 10/63 HP 53/53 | RP 5/6 | EAC 22; KAC 23 | Fort +7; Ref +10; Will +5 | Init: +6| Perc: +5, SM: -1 (blindsense (scent)) | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.

O.K. Coral emits scent of confusion.

He just asked about my rank? Does this android knows about the situation in Tabrid Minor? Or this is just a way for him to see the world? This is confusing when you met a different race. I should a just ignore it.

RZMR can hear O.K. Coral's voice even if he doesn't see a mouth.

You want to know more about Copaxi's Society! Great! You see, Copaxi are a race that live in Tabrid Minor. A planet from Near space. Recently, We applied to join the Pact Worlds as a protectorate. In fact, i was part of the team that assemble the documents necessary for the application. This is where we live.

Tabrid Minor has a population of two billion sentient souls which by comparison is a thousand more populous than Absalom station.

Our society is centralised and very Industrialized but we have regional governement. We value respect for leadership and technological innovation while preserving individual expression. Each city is comprised of many individuals all working toward a common goal, behaving like a giant copaxi. As for magic we have legend of depraved spellcasters inspire many superstitions intended to protect against witchcraft, even though magic use is quite rare.

I must also warn you for your safety that if you want to visit it, that you should look organic. We have have history of robots going into a rampage and killing a lot of people. So, developpement or research on A.I. is banned for safety reasons." says with enthousiast. OK Coral.

"And you, what is your society?"

dc 12 sense motive:
When talking about magic, OK Coral seems to hesitate for a second.

2/5 *

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Mes coondoléances.

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Thanks you! But could i ask to change my numbers for this? 43907-2005 Torra, grand archive?

I will change it on the slide.

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The Lair of the Toysmaker!

If we met a doll who want to be a real boy i will laugh.

Does any of you have healing skill? I have 4 hp left.

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Map and handout aid Token.

The group looks around and find a big pile of Shining rocks (no value) that SSalarn use as his "dragon" hoard.

Finally someone recall knowledge and identify their ex-foe as a tatzlwyrm. A sneaky cousin of True dragon. (Actually mythical creature from the Alps.) The reflection from his scale identify it as an "Elite" of this species. (no value)

You return to the Village with the head. And they gives you a sack of
carvings and silver jewelry worth 20 gp.

I am sorry. I will really tries to sent and report by the end of the week. Deadline!

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Map and handout aid Token.

Sslarn is finally put down. From the arrow.


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Map and handout aid Token.

Paizo Employee Alex Speidel Organized Play Associate 5 hours, 16 minutes ago | FLAG | LIST | REPLY
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Nefreet wrote:
Where can we find the general rules for running Bounties?

Are Boons allowed? Can you play a character who needed a Boon to access their Ancestry? And I have heard there is no Downtime.

Rules for running a Bounty are within the product itself, but the short version is: there is no boon slotting or school training, yes you may play a Level 1 character with an unlockable Ancestry, no Downtime is granted to Society characters.

I think you have the answer Nefreet. Lol.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Female LG Vesk Priest [Sarenrae] Solarian 6 | SP 50/54 HP 48/48 | RP 7/7 | EAC 24; KAC 25 | 10 electricity;10 fire; acid 5; dr 6| Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +9+1d6 | Speed 30ft, | No spell | no spell | Active conditions: Graviton 3

"You can explode whenever you want!" shouts Marguerite as she continues her assault.

eac: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 9 - 4 = 25

B: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

eac: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 9 - 4 = 25

B: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

double crit!: 2d8 + 18 ⇒ (4, 8) + 18 = 30

She hits his head both time.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female LG Vesk Priest [Sarenrae] Solarian 6 | SP 50/54 HP 48/48 | RP 7/7 | EAC 24; KAC 25 | 10 electricity;10 fire; acid 5; dr 6| Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +9+1d6 | Speed 30ft, | No spell | no spell | Active conditions: Graviton 3

A trap. Oh. Not original.

Since she's doesn't know the abilites of each vesk. Sister marguerite will move and throw a part of Sunlight into red's eye. Reflex dc 17 or blinded for one round. Graviton 1

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female LG Vesk Priest [Sarenrae] Solarian 6 | SP 50/54 HP 48/48 | RP 7/7 | EAC 24; KAC 25 | 10 electricity;10 fire; acid 5; dr 6| Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +9+1d6 | Speed 30ft, | No spell | no spell | Active conditions: Graviton 3

"I am sure we can do something."

diplo: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female LG Vesk Priest [Sarenrae] Solarian 6 | SP 50/54 HP 48/48 | RP 7/7 | EAC 24; KAC 25 | 10 electricity;10 fire; acid 5; dr 6| Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +9+1d6 | Speed 30ft, | No spell | no spell | Active conditions: Graviton 3

"I would like that we choose the office that deal with the Non-vesk Now. Says Marguerite with a smile.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female LG Vesk Priest [Sarenrae] Solarian 6 | SP 50/54 HP 48/48 | RP 7/7 | EAC 24; KAC 25 | 10 electricity;10 fire; acid 5; dr 6| Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +9+1d6 | Speed 30ft, | No spell | no spell | Active conditions: Graviton 3

I vote A for confusion

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Female LG Vesk Priest [Sarenrae] Solarian 6 | SP 50/54 HP 48/48 | RP 7/7 | EAC 24; KAC 25 | 10 electricity;10 fire; acid 5; dr 6| Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +9+1d6 | Speed 30ft, | No spell | no spell | Active conditions: Graviton 3

"Thank you to have giving us a few moments Commander. May the Dawnflower's light be with you. Stopping those who endanger innocents is a noble job we both do. Honor is important in both of our two solar systems.

I will be direct. We both know knowing where we walk into is primordial for the success of a mission.So any info is important. We are adults. We can survive on our own.

That said, since this is our "first contact". I do have questions about you Commander.

How did you meet Naiaj? And it seems you have also heard of Radovan.

What do you know about the starfinder society?

What is your worry? We Starfinders are quite the troubleshooter. The organisation is not that noble like yours. But we are capable.

What has happen that you need (Marguerite signs the mecanical jaw)... I am sorry... that was disrespectful."

Buying the scoured star boon for the first time.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female LG Vesk Priest [Sarenrae] Solarian 6 | SP 50/54 HP 48/48 | RP 7/7 | EAC 24; KAC 25 | 10 electricity;10 fire; acid 5; dr 6| Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +9+1d6 | Speed 30ft, | No spell | no spell | Active conditions: Graviton 3

Only for one round. This the power of Crush. But next Round, i can use a move action to make him staggered (dc 17 fort to negate). I like this power. It is like a counter against operatives.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female LG Vesk Priest [Sarenrae] Solarian 6 | SP 50/54 HP 48/48 | RP 7/7 | EAC 24; KAC 25 | 10 electricity;10 fire; acid 5; dr 6| Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +9+1d6 | Speed 30ft, | No spell | no spell | Active conditions: Graviton 3

Orange is stunned dm, he cannot attacks me.