Stag Lord

Gayel Nord's page

Goblin Squad Member. *** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 1,058 posts (6,697 including aliases). 53 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 50 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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Purplefixer wrote:
Did anyone figure out what the "Gather Preliminary Information about Hagegraf and Narseigus (see below)" freakin refers to, because I can find NOTHING.

I have the same problem, i draw out narseigus description in the last book. Look at the summary at the start.

I realised that Narseigus obsession with the avernal worm is with having powerful subordinate.

I give the aubergist a way to give the side quests

At least my players hate Hagegraf. That a good thing! Sadly they weren't interested at the forge so they miss the resilient rune.

Map and handout aid Token.


Map and handout aid Token.

So, she failed the reflex save, but still stay on her machine. Got it.

Map and handout aid Token.

Yes, on her machine...

Map and handout aid Token.

I will post tomorrow.Sorry.

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Yeah, that was a great one. Thanks owen

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Ken'Thras Sunspell wrote:
I don't have any negative feelings toward Dae, but just because my Starfinder lore is a little lacking, is there an in-universe reason Altronus is being replaced? I don't really know anything about him, so I'm just curious.

I think this is more of a "A new generation!" Kind of thing.

Map and handout aid Token.
AbadarCorp Entertainment wrote:

Welcome everybody, and welcome to PaizoCon online Play-by-Post! To get this going, I need a few things from you:

- I need you to fill out the RPG Chronicles (you can find the link in the campaign header) with your PFS details and your character level
- On the Maps and Handouts (also linked in the campaign header), I need you to upload a token and enter your Initiative and Perception modifiers.
- Once you have done that, feel free to introduce your character in the gameplay thread
- If you haven't already done so, please roll a single d20 in the discussion thread

I like to keep a good pace in my games, and would normally ask for a posting frequency of 1/day + 1/weekend. I use the 'two-vote' for moving to new areas. In combat, I usually give people 24 hours to post an action (which is usually more than enough), and I'd either ask the other players to suggest an action or just allow the player to catch up when I don't hear anything after 24 hours. If there are days that you are not available, or if something unexpected comes up, that's of course no problem - if possible, a notification is appreciated.

Still waiting for one more player to join in, then we can start!

boon: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Map and handout aid Token.


Map and handout aid Token.

How my pantheon!


It really like it! I know i haven't post a lot, but i think i am starting to lose the focus.

I will take a time off.

As for Calisst, i think i will change it completely except the species and the class. Having a lash was interesting. Ultimately, i need Cha and Str to make viable for my criteria. Having a slider is an interesting concept, but the chassis of the witchwarper is a reality warper.

As i first read, i am confused about the feats. Not that they are confusing in their wording, but the theme are all over the place.

I can't help but think this is a sort of fighter. You have no specialisation. Like the fighter has. The player has the liberty to create his commander. There is a lot of action feats like the fighter has.

There so many actions i see the same problem, i have with my Bard and Shield magus. The 3 action is just not enough to fully play the class. Haste would the spell to cast on this character and to have mature mount. So he would be able to 'stride', Strike and do my tactics and banner action.

Wait, is 1 action ability from a mount only appear at level 10 for a commander, is that an error? Shouldn't it be like every other animal is when it is mature?

I like this... I just want to try it on the table.

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I am confused of the Geography.

Is Hagegraf close to Highhelm? and upper the court?

Map and handout aid Token.

We are rolling badly!

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Yeah! That will be the final of the Great O.K CORAL!

Map and handout aid Token.

Dennis, you forgot to add the additional 2d6 of damage.

Map and handout aid Token.

Ah he is a enchanced witchwarper. With infinity lash. My main weapon is a whip that i burn infinity world on and i have a damage buffing spell.

Map and handout aid Token.

Ha! I thought it will be on Discord!

I will show the character soon!

2/5 *

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Jessica's blog wrote:
Yesteryear’s Hope is dedicated to the memory of Jack Brown, a passionate and much beloved member of our Organized Play community who passed away in 2023. It’s our honor to bring one of Jack’s memorable characters into this adventure as one of the three special guests that you can show around the festival. Much thanks to Hilary Moon Murphy, to Thurston Hillman, and especially to Jack’s family for letting us introduce Jack’s character Lucius to the world.

Thanks to you as well, Jessica, for saying yes to this memorial.

I feel like I've come full circle with this, as Jack and I prepped Yesteryear's Truth together when Starfinder first launched. Jack helped me figure out the starship combat system, and gave me a laminated copy of the custom map so that I did not have to draw it at GenCon.

So many people in org play have fond memories of Jack wearing his purple fedora and feather boa when cosplaying as his favorite character, Lucius. I couldn't resist letting Lucius join the festivities on Elytrio! He always wanted to be where the party was.


That wonderful....

Map and handout aid Token.

I was sure i had posted the introduction! I will do it tonight!

I can also. Level 1 oracle

2/5 *

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

The answer to this can be found in the newly reposted guide.

Guide to the Remaster wrote:
Until a full list of deity sanctifications is published, any deity without published sanctification is treated as “can sanctify to holy.” Any champion may select any of the three Causes of Good from the Core Rulebook (Paladin, Liberator or Redeemer) regardless of deity.

EDIT: Ninja'ed by Alex!

PS: I just read Pharasma's entry. Pharasma does not accept sanctification.

So if i had a redeemer of Pharasma, i can't play it anymore.

2/5 *

Are champion of gods that are now outside the sanctification (a redeemer of Pharasma) are still sanctified holy until the publication of player core 2?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Realising that horizon thunder sphere exist, i think this change is a buff for spellcasters since you can have a dedication to your opposite tradition and have the same power.

Map and handout aid Token.

"Any time a Pathfinder Society NPC or allied NPC provides a healing potion or heal spell (as a casting, wand, scroll, effect of a boon including promotional boon, or other similar effect), a PC who relies on negative healing may receive an oil of unlife (Advanced Player's Guide 258) or harm spell (Core Rulebook 343) of an equal level instead. The player must make this request at the time the healing is supplied"

Wow, i will remember this!

Map and handout aid Token.

I have one also.

Map and handout aid Token.


Marcius has already done this adventure sadly. (i have just seen it.) but you will have the most valuable skeleton ever. Hector Horizon!

Map and handout aid Token.

Ok.i will do it tonight

Well, we need something.

Zon-kuthon is a major deity.

hum. Maybe. I don't think you. If that happen, those Walrus were right about the weeping knight.

I do think she has return and has taken the portefolio of sorrow.

2/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would like access to aventure path item or options.

There starting to have so many option that i would like to remove the exclusivity to one character

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Bye owlbear! We will miss you!

2/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Mangrum wrote:
Aw yeah, the Bulwark finally gets its due!

After Years!

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Map and handout aid Token.

Wait, i yave imput the wrong xp. I have modified the sheet.

Map and handout aid Token.

Seem ok!

Map and handout aid Token.
GM Tiger wrote:
If it wasn't for the DCs, my group would probably have a better challenge with the 3-4 enemies. They're running amok on the fey... After 1 round, I've been reduced to the quickling and 1 mitflit...

Same the only reason, the quickling is that because of his high AC and insane speed. (I would like to create a monk Quickling)

Map and handout aid Token.

Yes, thanks!

Map and handout aid Token.
Kernal Klank wrote:

"Ya, you best flee cat!" Kernal shakes his warhammer after the feline before brushing any soot from his beard.

"More forces coming. Ok, let's get ready." Kernal rummages through his things, looking for anything helpful in the coming fights.

Do we want to use some of these things up? Like this one? At the beginning of one combat encounter, the PCs can reduce their Challenge
Points by 2 for the purposes of scaling the encounter.

That only work in part one 1 think. And I like having a challenging final fight

Map and handout aid Token.

AID TOKEN: Timely inspiration
Passing From: Gayel Nord
Passing to: Chadius
Aid Character's Name: Nadurai
Boosted? Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): 3 rounds of inspire Courage!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Map and handout aid Token.

Also. I can feel this. My level 7 snow elf has this feat since the start. Never, i received sleep effect.

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Map and handout aid Token.
Miladistra wrote:
Bah! Lingering Mein finally triggers and it doesn't help me.

Wait.. it is an incapacitation trait. You could move two times.

Map and handout aid Token.

And one optional done. I have put it on the mapping success.

Map and handout aid Token.
GM Tyranius wrote:
Sorry, I wasn't expecting that much AoE damage all at once.

Lol. I just imagine Dab's sad face. Preparing super fast an horrible trap with enginnering precision... and the blasters blast.

Map and handout aid Token.

I know. Snare is less used. But this is a good and varied consommuable. At each level, you have new type to try. And they keep putting new types with each book.

There is a good guide about it. nd_where_to_place_them_the/

Map and handout aid Token.


My table has finish the normal success. I think they will devour the optionnal.

Kinda sad no optional one is a severe one.

Map and handout aid Token.

AFter this, we should look for Shadrixis. says the cleric while ignoring the D'ziriak.

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Map and handout aid Token.

As ask by Karnel.(bot)

Karnel raised His shield. He will swipe (two-action) Black fey and the mushroom ring.

+1 Striking, Crushing, Cold Iron Warhammer+1, inspire courage: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 13 + 1 = 322d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2, 6) + 4 + 1 = 13

Map and handout aid Token.
ikoolik wrote:

AID TOKEN: Allied Offensive

Passing From: ikoolik/Ivan K.
Passing to: Gayel Nord
Aid Character's Name: Tak-Tak
Boosted? Not Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by 1d6

We do the same!

AID TOKEN: Allied Offensive
Passing From: Gayel Nord
Passing to: Ikoolik
Aid Character's Name: Raghil
Boosted? Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by 1d6
From our table to yours :person_bowing:

Map and handout aid Token.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Excuse me dear, Can you help an old kobold?

Finally for the weapon fusion!

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Looking at Bret suggestion... I will change the character to my most flavourful.

(Cough, cough) A rocky gray with a tint of purple-skinned gnome with almost white hair gnome enters the stage with a weasel on her left shoulder and an alchemical crossbow in her back. She looks confident like she knows she will be chased but whoever is hiding behind the shadows.

"I think it is time that I present myself.I am Inonotuusobliquus

from Dwimovel in the Darklands. My quest is to be the world’s Greatest Cook! I joined the Pathfinder society as an excuse to travel the world and learn the best cooking techniques. I was so great with my cooking technique that I didn't need to do the three years of training! They told me that my dish was like an elixir that an alchemist would make. So, with me, you have the best of both worlds. It doesn't taste awful and it works!

Lately, I heard the new trend in cuisine is magician cooks. I am so angry! Using magic in food is to be drawn into an illusion. This isn't real food! But... I want to be the greatest chef, I need to be at least be able to do this I also have a rivalry with the Mask and the Moon, but not the owner himself... we have had a few dates together.

I am also writing a cooking book. Something very simple. Not simple for me. Each recipe has 5-7 ingredients with a few times of preparation. That is the best way I think I can show the world who I am. When I will be the greatest, I want that people will know about me before.

My favourite adventure was...when I visited the village Plaguestone. I learned so many things about how you cooked turnip. Pie, soup, pudding. How and the murder mystery was bad either."

Class: Alchemist (which dedication. This is a version of Ino for the adventure).

Why she is investigating the dark archives.... this is food-related, right?

GM Hmm wrote:

My Application Form

Player's forum handle: Gayel Nord
Character name: Agathe. Just Agathe
Character Pronouns: Her
Ancestry (Heritage): Android (aphorite)
Classes (Dedications): Investigator
Home Region or City: Alkenstar city
Level of original character: 2
Faction: Grand archive


★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Character Details

1) Any special rules, boons, or corner cases you need to let me know about: She has a chained flail

2) A few sentences about your character, both out of character and in character as your character would describe themself. Why are you in the Pathfinder Society? What are your character’s quirks, interests and pet peeves? Where are you from? (And if this is not originally a Pathfinder Society Character, tell me about what makes them a good fit for this story.) Agathe has been created to be a mystery solver related to non-axiomite. She has been called in Alkenstar and has been stranded since. She says she joined the society because it has the highest concentration of mystery. But in truth, she is confused by this chaotic world and need to part of something that is structured also.

3) If you have to level your character to level seven for the first chapter (‘The Lady’s Harvest’) are there any special changes you’re planning on making to it? No.

4) What was your character’s previous favorite adventure, and why?The first Dark archive adventures. She liked the mystery

5) Why do you want to investigate in the Dark Archives Case Files? Mysteries!

6) Will you be able to post 2-3 times a day on average, barring occasional days off (Cons, Work, Short Vacations, etc?)yes Hmm.

7) Is there a botting spoiler already in your character’s profile? (Hint, hint!) I am going to do this

And if you do not know what botting is, here is Bot Buddy’s Guide to Botting!

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