Lord Vardak

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Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Mendev’s Pathfinder lodge in the capital city of Nerosyan is housed within Starrise Spire, a defensive tower in the outer wall whose pinnacle glows with celestial light that shines out like a beacon, simultaneously giving comfort to Nerosyan’s defenders and acting as a warning to any who might wish the city harm.

Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury calls a short meeting on a covered balcony overlooking the city. A middle-aged Mwangi man with greying hair, he closes the door to the spire’s interior and takes a seat in one of the set-up camp chairs, gesturing for his guests to do the same.

We Pathfinders of Mendev,” he states, making a sweeping hand gesture that encompasses everyone present, “have our own agendas, but these must sometimes give way to the greater need: the protection of this land and its people from the horrors that dwell in the Worldwound."

We are here by the grace of her majesty, Queen Galfrey of Mendev. Without her support, we would surely be run out of town by Hulrun’s more fervent followers. Our agreement with her states that all Pathfinders are required to volunteer some of their time in the defense of the realm. As relative newcomers, I’ve recommended you to take part in a minor military mission under the command of a veteran crusader named Sir Ilivan of Erages. Although he is not a Pathfinder, you would be wise to follow his advice, as he has been fighting the Abyssal spawn longer than some of you have been alive. I expect you will give him the respect he deserves.

Venture-Captain Jorsal stands and opens the heavy wooden door leading back into the lodge, revealing a tall half-elven man clad in heavy plate armor, wearing a red tabard typical of the Mendevian Crusaders, and carrying a cavalry helmet in his left hand. He gives a professional nod to Jorsal before striding to the front of the group, surveying everyone with poorly disguised disappointment.

Pathfinders,” he barks in quick staccato without further preamble, “our mission is simple. The recent attacks on the wardstones have compromised our defenses, and the enemy presses its advantage. We have received word of attacks on Fort Portolmaeus to the north, but the crusader leadership suspects that other parts of the line may have been breached as well. We will proceed to Fort Portolmaeus tomorrow morning on horseback to assess the damage, using the passphrase ‘That the Black Prince might be redeemed’ to permit us entry. On the way there, we will scout for enemy movements and other signs of demon activity. Once we have completed our assessment, we are to return to Nerosyan and you will be relieved of your obligations to the Crown. Do you have any questions?

Kowledge (History, Local, or Religion) DC 10:

The Mendevian Crusades began almost a century ago when a rift to the Abyss opened in the barbarian kingdom of Sarkoris. The church of the goddess Iomedae called the First Crusade, and it was largely a success.

DC 15

The wardstones are magical menhirs of tremendous power first built during the Second Crusade. They project a powerful field capable of destroying all but the most powerful demons. Built near the banks of the West Sellen and Moutray Rivers, they stopped the expansion of the Worldwound until very recently.

DC 20

The wardstones recently failed, coinciding with a large attack on Nerosyan. No doubt the demons are at least indirectly responsible.

DC 25

Even though the demons of the Worldwound have no central leadership, their most powerful current warlords are the balor Khorramzadeh of Iz, also known as the Storm King, and the marilith Aponavicius, who controls the former crusader city of Drezen far to the north.

Diplomacy (Gather Information) or Knowledge (Local or Nobility) DC 10:

The half-elven soldier was a smuggler on Lake Encarthan before joining the Mendevian Crusades, a fact he is not ashamed to admit.

DC 15

Sir Ilivan rose from the ranks of the enlisted to become an officer and was knighted by Queen Galfrey.

DC 20

The knight hails from the half-elven settlement of Erages in Kyonin, where he had to endure prejudice and segregation throughout his youth. He later joined Kyonin’s military, but ultimately left his homeland after being discharged from this military for striking an elven officer.

DC 25

Sir Ilivan has become increasingly distant in the past few years due to the horrors endured by all soldiers who fight in the Mendevian Crusades. His most devastating experience involved killing a number of fellow soldiers while he was demonically possessed.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

And welcome to the Worldwound, where the epic battle against the Abyss is done! I hope we all enjoy here a nice time of RP and strategy.

Please add here some basic information needed for me to report at the end of the scenario (you can copy paste this template).
[b]Player name[/b]:
[b]Character PFS #ID[/b]:
[b]Day job roll[/b]:
[b]Advancement[/b]: Normal / Slow ?
[b]Brief character description[/b]:
I assume your faction is properly set in your character alias (the icon next to your name), so please double check it.

Please, do not hesitate to let me know if there is any other extra information you would like me to add in your chronicle.

About Tier
This game is probably going to end out of tier for some of you. Please, try to sort out what character will you be finally playing through the week. If you end playing low in a high tier, please, take care and play it safe. If you end playing high in a low tier, please, be considerate and try to hold of your best tricks so others can enjoy too.

This will be a Standard Society game, as I do not think there is enough interest for Core.

Some notes to set some expectations on PbP gaming:

In order to keep the pace during combat, I might skip one player if he is the only one still to act, and give him the right to use his action in the next turn. I have found this is usually the best balance between maintaining the game pace and keeping the players opportunity to participate even if they cannot post very often.

Also, in order to improve everybody's experience, every time you have a doubt, in addition to ask about it (please do so!), add contingency actions so I can resolve the events without having to go back and forth into a two people discussion.

And one rule when you post, if you are unsure if something works in a certain way, try it out, if not, I will just ignore the action or tell you what other thing to do. It just saves a lot of time in PbP. Even more if you add contingency actions in spoilers.

For example:

If no one says against this direction, I check the left door for traps.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 6[/dice] -> Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

[spoiler=If nothing found]
I open the door and go into the room if there is no immediate danger.

[spoiler=If the door is locked]
I call the party rogue to open the door. If we don't have rogue, I try to force it open with my axe Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13.

GM answer:

Great contingencies post! Thanks for helping the action to keep moving!

The door seems to have no traps at all. When you try to open it, you discover it is locked. You call the rogue and he take 20 for total 26 unlocks it.

Your torch light goes inside the room, and you see a big birthday cake. All of a sudden your Pathfinder friends come out around and greet you all "Happy birthday!"

That saves us from expending 3 days checking questions and answers back and forth to decide where to go and what happens with it.

Once I can confirm we are all enrolled, I will set up the Gameplay thread so we can start.

And first rule that triumphs them all: have fun! :D

#5-02: The Wardstone Patrol [3-7]

This will be run as a standalone adventure that might appeal to players with interest in the Worldwound, be part of a military structure, fight the demons or just have some society play fun.

This is not a first come, first served recruitment, do not be set back by an apparently full table.

All-out war has erupted on the long-contested border between the crusader nation of Mendev and the demon-infested Worldwound. With the magical defenses that once held the demons at bay failing, defense of the region now falls to small patrols of mobile soldiers to resupply, reinforce, and communicate between the border's many fortresses and outposts. With so much at stake, the Pathfinder Society has enlisted many of its agents to assist in the war effort, both to protect its own interests and to prevent the onrushing tide of demonic attackers from plunging the entire Inner Sea region into chaos. On one such wardstone patrol, however, the party may find itself facing an enemy of an entirely different nature.

Written by Alex Greenshields.

Seating I will choose 4 players (5 exceptionally), giving priority to people who has had less chances to play PbP, who have GMed for me in the past and who has a history of interacting with other PCs and roleplaying their character.

Start Date 16th of December 2023 (I will start earlier if I am satisfied with the table recruitment earlier, so in case of doubt, please show interest.)

Posting frequency: At least 1 post every 2 days. This is what I require from players in order to maintain a pace that keeps the interest of everyone. Usually, I post more often daily, and will probably go ahead if a day has passed and everyone else has already posted though.

Core/Normal: Will depend on the general interest. Please state what characters would you play depending on mode.

Pregens: I will accept pregens, but I prefer self-made characters with an interesting personality or background.

GMing style: I make passive rolls, as Perception, Initiative or Saves. GM bots may happen, but more usually I skip the player turn and give you an extra round of actions for when you are able to post. I like a mixture of roleplaying and combat, and my favorite adventures are when players interact with each other and create inter-party dynamics. My games do not play in easy mode, monsters play their abilities to their fullest and as close to the adventure scripted tactics as it makes sense, but I try to make it fair and have rarely seen a PC death at my table. I have run plenty of adventures successfully in these boards (list here).

Mapping tools: You are expected to have access to view (and preferably edit) Google Slides maps.

Player responsiveness: I expect you to have initiative as a player, pushing the game to explore and interact, not just reacting to the GM initiative rolling and direct questions for what is next.

Do not be shy if you have little or no PbP experience. PFS Scenarios are a good place to start!

Welcome everyone!

This product page fails to load for some reason: https://paizo.com/products/btpy8ysn

It is the link to the Shackled City Adventure Path hardcover. I know the link because I have it on my profile for a long time and it always worked.

I wanted to write a review today after finishing the AP but it is failing.

The dungeon issues link just works, but the hardcover is not listed there, as this is an independent book I guess: https://paizo.com/store/books/dungeon/products/issues/shackledCity

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

It is just a normal day at Magnimar, the City of Monuments at western Varisia, when you are called by the Pathfinder Lodge.

The summons from Sheila Heidmarch arrives two hours before dawn, and the Venture-Captain demonstrates a scarcely contained mix of excitement and anxiety as she motions for everyone to take a seat. “A short time ago, I sent a team of Pathfinders to recover the refuge tokens that might grant us access to the Runelord Krune’s lair. While that team succeeded in recovering the tokens, we still lack the proper command words to activate them, and no amount of divination seems able to provide them."

"While we don’t know the command words themselves, we do know that the words are etched into a set of rune plates—durable, well-crafted, and roughly parchment-sized tablets bearing ritual instructions—that are held in the Thousandth Spire, one of the many towers at the Thassilonian ruins known as Desgard’s Thousand Columns in what was once Haruka." Sheila invites you to have some pastries and a cup of tea while she continues with her explanation "You won’t have time to formally chronicle the site today, as you will not be alone. Our divinations also sensed multiple cells of Lissalans converging on the site, and it appears they have a lead. As a result, I have called in a favor from a Lissalan cultist we captured some months ago to have you teleported directly to the site."

"Krune and his predecessors appear to have protected their towers against most forms of divination. As a result, there is little more that I can tell you on short notice. The Thousandth Spire stands near the western end of the site, and its entryway will be marked by these runes,” she states, placing a slip of paper on the table. "Don’t tamper with any of the other towers unless you know what you are doing; you will be traveling to an eminent site of sloth magic, and there’s little telling what products of conjuration magic lie hidden within."

With that, Sheila plants her feet and curtly nods to signal the close of the meeting. "You have your orders: retrieve the runeplates, exercise discretion, and show initiative. You’re among my top agents, and I trust you to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Questions?"

Knowledge (arcana) DC 15:

Sin magic evolved—or more specifically devolved—from the rune magic of Xin, first emperor of Thassilon. Its use virtually died out with the fall of Thassilon.

if check result was ≥20

The magic of sloth emphasized the calling of servants, and elements of its secrets survive in modern conjuration magic. Its practitioners abstained from using evocation and illusion magic.

DC ≥25


Traveling scholars who have examined Desgard’s Thousand Columns have noted that the towers seem to thrum with stored conjuration magic. A few sages speculate that the site might serve as a storage facility of untapped arcane power for those so bold as to call upon it.

DC ≥30


A traveling conjurer noted that her teleportation and summoning spells behaved unpredictably yet became more powerful when near the ruins—when she managed to control the effect.

DC ≥35


In fact, experiments demonstrate that the energies are not uniform but appear to be legions of individual conjuration effects held in stasis.

Knowledge (history) DC 15:

The empire of Thassilon once covered much of what is now Varisia, but it crumbled in the wake of Earthfall over 10,000 years ago.

if check result was ≥20


Haruka, the domain of sloth, was one of the smallest provinces of Thassilon. Despite its size, Haruka cunningly carved a place for itself through its unrivaled slave trade and prominent role in the worship of Lissala and the Peacock Spirit.

DC ≥25


Few vestiges of Haruka remain, particularly given the violent destruction of Xin-Haruka soon after the empire’s fall. Historians still debate whether or not a host of metallic dragons razed the city, and the dragons have remained silent on the issue.

DC ≥35


Analysis of the works of a noted bronze dragon historian indicate that perhaps metallic dragons take turns watching over the ruins to ensure that no one unleashes whatever lies in the towers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Iron Gods: Iron maps;

The town of Torch has long enjoyed a singular claim to prosperity—a violet flame that burns atop Black Hill in the heart of the town. This flame burns incredibly hot, and while it’s usually the size of a bonfire, several times a year the fires spew up into the heavens in a brilliant beam of purple violence.

Torch is one of the only locations where adamantine and other skymetals can be worked with relative ease in Golarion, and its entire economy has risen around these purple flames since its fires ignited spontaneously in 4602 AR. Traveling smiths come from across Avistan to pay for the opportunity to work with them. Of course, Torch needs all the visiting trade and coin it can gather, for the taxes and tariffs the Technic League charges the Numerian town on a monthly basis are exorbitant. The town prospers, but the bulk of its income is quickly extracted and brought to Starfall.

Which is why, when the fires atop the hill suddenly go out, the town is in trouble...

Chapter 1: Fires of Creation by Neil Spicer

It is a torrid summer, yet more than the intense scent to sweat and sulfur that traditionally plague the complaints of Torch citizens, today no one talks about anything else than the missing flames and the failed expeditions to the bowels of Black Hill.

Yesterday, it was expected Khonnir Baine would return from his second foray into Black Hill caves, but there were no news of him or his expedition. Today, many people has decided to approach to his business to see if he has returned during the night.

The open windows of the Foundry tavern let in a pleasing breeze accompanied by the buzzing sound of the cicada. Val Baine, the young Kellid girl daughter of the Town Councilor, walks from table to table cleaning and bringing food to eat to the customers. Her worried expression leaves little doubt, the wizard has not yet returned.

Her foster siblings, a young Kellid boy working in the stove, and a half-elf girl proudly holding a metal stick exchange stares and sentences, while a rat-man is attempting to fix a ceiling fan without much success.


1d20 ⇒ 9
1d100 ⇒ 31
The spotting of a purple haired woman, good-looking like you have never seen before, has hold your brain busy ever since you saw her walking in the streets a few days before the torch went out.

It has been a few days now that some people at town are reporting suffering from random headaches that go away as suddenly as they came. Fortunately, you have not been afflicted.


1d20 ⇒ 17
1d100 ⇒ 51
A bunch of the smelters in the boarding house claim they saw a wyvern with some sort of machine sticking out of its chest a day’s ride west of town.

It has been a few days now that some people at town are reporting suffering from random headaches that go away as suddenly as they came. Fortunately, you have not been afflicted.


1d20 ⇒ 12
1d100 ⇒ 85
You have heard in town that Garmen Ulreth, the owner of the local gambling house, is planning about to relocate his business in a few months to a different city, because the no flame surely means the end of the city.

It has been a few days now that some people at town are reporting suffering from random headaches that go away as suddenly as they came. Fortunately, you have not been afflicted.


After a long trip upstream the Sellen river you have just arrived to Torch. To your great surprise there is no flame were to work metals as you had been told. After a few questions, you have been directed to the Foundry tavern under the promise of good food and drinks. Apparently the owner has been exploring the caves under town in a search to solve the problem with the flame. His return is expected shortly and he is supposed to explain about his findings.

You can enter the scene whenever you wish!


After a long trip through the River Kingdoms, you have heard of a recent event in Sevenarches. Apparently some creature appeared through the old elven gate out of the blue some time ago. With all elves banned from the region, your inquiries have given you a track to follow all along the Sellen river into Numeria. The rumors of this alien creature have brought you all over to Torch, which is as good a place as any other to continue the search of your brother.

As you have arrived to town, your questions have pointed you to the Foundry tavern, as long as unveiled the recent problems going on in Torch.

You can enter the scene whenever you wish!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Iron Gods: Iron maps;

Numeria has a long history of mystery and wonder buried under its rugged landscape, for on that one fateful night thousands of years ago, the Rain of Stars scarred the land. The fragmented remnants of a non identified object from beyond the stars fell from the sky, scattering strange technological ruins and deadly perils across the land. Today, these sites are feared by the barbaric tribes and coveted by the sinister spellcasters of the Technic League. Yet something worse than brutish berserker or super-science wizard has risen to power in these hidden technological halls. The Iron Gods are ready to make their presence known, and if they are not opposed by the region’s newest heroes, a scourge unlike any the Inner Sea has seen will arise!

Welcome to the Iron Gods AP! Welcome to Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars!

Published between August 2014 and January 2015, Iron Gods was the 15th AP published under the Pathfinder monthly seal, and the first one to feature technological gear becoming the germ for Starfinder.

Not being a lover of sci-fi in my epic fantasy games, playing Iron Gods in these boards has been an absolute blast for the last 5 years.

Now, I present my intention to run the full campaign for a group of 5 valiant players under the Pathfinder rules.

And because such an epic goal requires epic meddlers, rascals, scavengers, mercenaries, adventurers, heroes, I summon to this thread you, the Called Ones.

This will be a trip I hope we will not forget, in the good sense, and I expect it will bring fun, grandeur and respite from the constraints of our daily lives.

Some resources for your reference:
- Iron Gods Player's Guide, the official starting point for you adventurers.
- Iron Gods Player's Guide Extension where you can find the Creation Rules, Houserules and Expectations, the Technology Crash Guide, and a brief introduction to Numeria's History.
- Torch's Gazetteer includes all you need to know about Torch.

If you have problems coming up with a background or personality for your character, I can recommend Ash’s Guide to RPG Personality & Background. It is often rewarding to discover your character organically, but you can find really good material in that web page.

As you know, we have a Slack channel for more direct back and forth chat, but if you want to discuss something that requires more in-depth writing, or you need to share some information that should stand the pass of time, or if you simply cannot reach to the chat, please feel free to write here whatever pleases you. At the least we will use this thread to post level advancement information.

^Up, at the top of the page, you will find links to the current map, the treasure sheet and whatever other information it might be important for the current chapter.

Without more preamble, lights on! Have fun! Be Heroes! Or not! But enjoy our time together! :)

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

And welcome back to Varisia, land of ancient monuments! I hope we all enjoy here a nice time of RP and strategy.

Please add here some basic information needed for me to report at the end of the scenario (you can copy paste this template).
[b]Player name[/b]:
[b]Character PFS #ID[/b]:
[b]Day job roll[/b]:
[b]Advancement[/b]: Normal / Slow ?
[b]Brief character description[/b]:
I assume your faction is properly set in your character alias (the icon next to your name), so please double check it.

Please, do not hesitate to let me know if there is any other extra information you would like me to add in your chronicle.

And now some notes to set some expectations, specially for those of you new to PbP gaming:

In order to keep the pace during combat, I might skip one player if he is the only one still to act, and give him the right to use his action in the next turn. I have found this is usually the best balance between maintaining the game pace and keeping the players opportunity to participate even if they cannot post very often.

Also, in order to improve everybody's experience, every time you have a doubt, in addition to ask about it (please do so!), add contingency actions so I can resolve the events without having to go back and forth into a two people discussion.

And one rule when you post, if you are unsure if something works in a certain way, try it out, if not, I will just ignore the action or tell you what other thing to do. It just saves a lot of time in PbP. Even more if you add contingency actions in spoilers.

For example:

If no one says against this direction, I check the left door for traps.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 6[/dice] -> Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

[spoiler=If nothing found]
I open the door and go into the room if there is no immediate danger.

[spoiler=If the door is locked]
I call the party rogue to open the door. If we don't have rogue, I try to force it open with my axe Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24.

GM answer:

Great contingencies post! Thanks for helping the action to keep moving!

The door seems to have no traps at all. When you try to open it, you discover it is locked. You call the rogue and he take 20 for total 26 unlocks it.

Your torch light goes inside the room, and you see a big birthday cake. All of a sudden your Pathfinder friends come out around and greet you all "Happy birthday!"

That saves us from expending 3 days checking questions and answers back and forth to decide where to go and what happens with it.

Once I can confirm we are all enrolled, I will set up the Gameplay thread so we can start.

And first rule that triumphs them all: have fun! :D

On support of NostalgiaCon I will GM the scenario #4-20: Words of the Ancients, a Tier 7-11 adventure. A simple and fun dungeon crawl with a balance between roleplaying and combat encounters.

After countless divinations and the efforts of undercover agents throughout Varisia, the Pathfinder Society has discovered the location of the last component needed to awaken a sleeping runelord. In a mad dash to beat the cult of Lissala to this ancient Thassilonian ruin, the Pathfinders must do whatever it takes to ensure they and not the evil cultists acquire the power within. But the arcane components are not unguarded, and even after 10,000 years, the cost of ensuring the safety of the region could be higher than the veteran adventurers are prepared or willing to pay.

Written by John Compton.

Seating I will choose 4 players (up to 6 if there is overwhelming interest), giving priority to people who has had less chances to play PbP, who have GMed for me in the past and who has a history of interacting with other PCs and roleplaying their character.

Start Date 10th of January 2022 (I might delay one week because of other stuff that month)

Posting frequency: At least 1 post every 2 days. I will probably go ahead if a day has passed and everyone else has already posted though.

Core/Normal: I am open to GM this as Core if there is enough interest, but my initial guess is it will be a Normal campaign.

Pregens: I will accept pregens, but will give priority to other characters.

GMing style: I make passive rolls, as Perception, Initiative or Saves. GM bots may happen, but more usually I skip the player turn and give you an extra round of actions for when you are able to post.

Mapping tools: You are expected to have access to view (and preferably edit) Google Slides maps.

Player responsiveness: I expect you to have initiative as a player, pushing the game to explore and interact, not just reacting to the GM initiative rolling and direct questions for what is next.

Do not be shy if you have little or no PbP experience. PFS Scenarios are a good place to start!

Welcome everyone!

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

Does antimagic field block line of effect?

Take a spell like dominate monster or glitterdust and imagine both the caster and the target are outside the antimagic field, but the field is in between both of them.

Can the spell be cast or is the antimagic field suppression of magic considered a solid barrier on what relates to magic and thus blocks the line of effect required for the spell to be cast?

If you are not signed in, going to paizo.com only renders an error message with a few JSON data.

paizo.com wrote:

Sorry, the website is currently offline.

Sorry, the website is currently offline.
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If you read this on time, do not sign out or you won't be able to get back into the website.

The best way to reproduce is opening paizo.com in a new private window.

Both tested on Firefox and Chrome Desktop versions.

Whole request data:

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Interestingly "curl https://paizo.com" works just fine.

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

In Absalom, the Venture-Captains claimed it would be a nice walk in the woods, a pleasant change of pace from the bustle of the city. Obviously they forgot about the brambles, boulders, and biting insects of the Verduran Forest, which turned the journey into an arduous three-day scramble of detours, torn clothes, and near falls. Fortunately, Venture-Captain Dennel Hamshanks made a firm impression before the expedition left Absalom.

The air grew still as Hamshanks rolled into a meeting room deep inside the Pathfinder Lodge in Absalom, his jowls flowing and his enormous axe clanking against his thigh. The man’s black eyes scanned the room. “You lot?” Hamshanks spat. “Well, maybe you’ll surprise me."

Your boat leaves in an hour, so I’ll be brief. One of the Society’s contacts in Andoran sent us an interesting little nugget this morning. A druid named Hemzel swept into Augustana’s Civic Library last week, demanding his right of research. Our contact learned that Hemzel acquired a lorestone from somewhere in the Verduran Forest. Heard of such a thing?” Hamshanks paused expectantly and spat again. “Of course not. Heard of druids, at least? And their crazy stone circles? Well thank Gorum for that. Lorestones are somehow connected to them—supposedly they can bestow you with all of the knowledge of the druids. We’d like to know how, so we want that stone and you’re going to get it for us."

Unfortunately, the Society is not a friend to Hemzel. He’s the self-declared protector of the Verduran Forest inside Andoran’s borders and some of our more eager explorers have angered him and his little band of gnomes. He’s sworn a blood feud with the Pathfinders."

Break out your skills of persuasion and get me that lorestone. Do what you need to—sweep the floors or plant some trees for the old man. Something nice—let him know we’re there to study and not to slash and burn.

As the sun sets on the third day of travel in the Verduran Forest, the welcome sight of a puffing chimney—Hemzel’s home, according to the map—reveals itself atop a hill.

This one starts a bit more straight than usual. No knowledge checks or questions are scripted, but feel free to buy equipment as you feel.

Please interact as you approach to Hemzel's home. You can assume you have gotten acquainted during your travel but you are rather new to each other

Iron Gods: Iron maps;

And welcome to the Verduran Forest, great forest of the gnome and fey in Taldor! I hope we all enjoy here a nice time of RP and strategy.

Please add here some basic information needed for me to report at the end of the scenario (you can copy paste this template).
[b]Player name[/b]:
[b]Character PFS #ID[/b]:
[b]Day job roll[/b]:
[b]Advancement[/b]: Normal / Slow ?
[b]Brief character description[/b]:
I assume your faction is properly set in your character alias (the icon next to your name), so please double check it.

Please, do not hesitate to let me know if there is any other extra information you would like me to add in your chronicle.

And now some notes to set some expectations, specially for those of you new to PbP gaming:

In order to keep the pace during combat, I might skip one player if he is the only one still to act, and give him the right to use his action in the next turn. I have found this is usually the best balance between maintaining the game pace and keeping the players opportunity to participate even if they cannot post very often.

Also, in order to improve everybody's experience, every time you have a doubt, in addition to ask about it (please do so!), add contingency actions so I can resolve the events without having to go back and forth into a two people discussion.

And one rule when you post, if you are unsure if something works in a certain way, try it out, if not, I will just ignore the action or tell you what other thing to do. It just saves a lot of time in PbP. Even more if you add contingency actions in spoilers.

For example:

If no one says against this direction, I check the left door for traps.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 6[/dice] -> Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

[spoiler=If nothing found]
I open the door and go into the room if there is no immediate danger.

[spoiler=If the door is locked]
I call the party rogue to open the door. If we don't have rogue, I try to force it open with my axe Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18.

GM answer:

Great contingencies post! Thanks for helping the action to keep moving!

The door seems to have no traps at all. When you try to open it, you discover it is locked. You call the rogue and he take 20 for total 26 unlocks it.

Your torch light goes inside the room, and you see a big birthday cake. All of a sudden your Pathfinder friends come out around and greet you all "Happy birthday!"

That saves us from expending 3 days checking questions and answers back and forth to decide where to go and what happens with it.

Once I can confirm we are all enrolled, I will set up the Gameplay thread so we can start.

And first rule that triumphs them all: have fun! :D

I want to GM another PFS game through this July and own all the season 0 scenarios but have never had the opportunity to GM many of them.

My only conditions are Season 0 and Core campaign. I would prefer to GM some scenario I have never GMed or played before. There is a list of all my games in my profile.

To set a start for the discussion on what to play, I will begin by suggesting:

  • #0-23: Tide of Morning Tier 4-5 (this is the "precuel" for #3-05 Tide of Twilight)
  • #0-27: Our Lady of Silver Tier 8-9 (this one might be interesting to know more about Katheer, Qadira's capital)

  • Any GM in the online campaigns forum can inject any CSS class in the website to his board. Some of the changes can really break usability, and some of the class ids are so common words that they come once and again without the GM knowing what is going on.

    You can basically use in the campaign title the id of any CSS class in the paizo.com website style sheet and it will be applied to your entire campaign.

    I made this example with 'red' and 'form-prompt' a while back.

    Someone posted their campaign getting red recently and felt frustrated/confused.

    More details here.

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    After a hurried summons to the Grand Lodge in Absalom, a quick conversation with Venture-Captain Alissa Moldreserva, and a wet, stormy trip across the Inner Sea to Andoran, the small, warm Pathfinder Lodge in Augustana is a welcome break from travel. "I can’t believe we are wasting our time on this matter,” says Caudron Wallace, the venture-captain of Augustana as he paces the main hall. “Frankly, I want as little to do with it as possible, so I’m passing it on to you.” Wallace nods toward a door at the back of the room. “The vagrant through there was found collapsed on our front steps gripping a wayfinder of all things. We still don’t know who he is. Talk to him, for the tale he tells is amazing if true, and then come back here.

    Most PFS scenarios begin with a venture captain doing a briefing that quickly sets the goals of your mission. This is usually a good moment to introduce your character as the group assembles together. Then you usually have the opportunity to ask questions to the captain about the exposed mission.

    Usually there is a button in My Organized Play that allows you to create Core characters for the PFS campaign.

    That New Core Character button has disappeared.

    Is that because Core characters should be created in a different way now? I directed my players to create Core characters for our new game only to find out the characters are PFS(1ed) normal characters when I enter their IDs on the the reporting system and they gain no prestige from the game!

    Please help.


    Hi! How do I instruct my players to create a Core campaign character nowadays?

    There used to be a button in My Organized Play specifically for Core campaign.

    That button is no more there.

    I thought maybe now all PFS 1 characters were Core by default until they play in their first normal campaign.

    It is not the case.

    How one creates a Core campaign character?

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    And welcome to Augustana, greatest Harbor of Andoran and the Inner Sea! I hope we all enjoy here a nice time of RP and strategy.

    Please add here some basic information needed for me to report at the end of the scenario (you can copy paste this template).
    [b]Player name[/b]:
    [b]Character PFS #ID[/b]:
    [b]Day job roll[/b]:
    [b]Advancement[/b]: Normal / Slow ?
    [b]Brief character description[/b]:
    I assume your faction is properly set in your character alias (the icon next to your name), so please double check it.

    Please, do not hesitate to let me know if there is any other extra information you would like me to add in your chronicle.

    And now some notes to set some expectations, specially for those of you new to PbP gaming:

    In order to keep the pace during combat, I might skip one player if he is the only one still to act, and give him the right to use his action in the next turn. I have found this is usually the best balance between maintaining the game pace and keeping the players opportunity to participate even if they cannot post very often.

    Also, in order to improve everybody's experience, every time you have a doubt, in addition to ask about it (please do so!), add contingency actions so I can resolve the events without having to go back and forth into a two people discussion.

    And one rule when you post, if you are unsure if something works in a certain way, try it out, if not, I will just ignore the action or tell you what other thing to do. It just saves a lot of time in PbP. Even more if you add contingency actions in spoilers.

    For example:

    If no one says against this direction, I check the left door for traps.
    [dice=Perception]1d20 + 6[/dice] -> Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

    [spoiler=If nothing found]
    I open the door and go into the room if there is no immediate danger.

    [spoiler=If the door is locked]
    I call the party rogue to open the door. If we don't have rogue, I try to force it open with my axe Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11.

    GM answer:

    Great contingencies post! Thanks for helping the action to keep moving!

    The door seems to have no traps at all. When you try to open it, you discover it is locked. You call the rogue and he take 20 for total 26 unlocks it.

    Your torch light goes inside the room, and you see a big birthday cake. All of a sudden your Pathfinder friends come out around and greet you all "Happy birthday!"

    That saves us from expending 3 days checking questions and answers back and forth to decide where to go and what happens with it.

    Once I can confirm we are all enrolled, I will set up the Gameplay thread so we can start.

    And first rule that triumphs them all: have fun! :D

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Recently I designed a short adventure for my players at our Shackled City campaign. When we approached the Demonskar to enter Karran-Kural they showed interest to further explore the place and put an end to the demon infestation. Some of them are very invested on demon hunting and one of the players in particular is a descendant of Surabar Spellmason, Nabthatoron’s great rival, so it had a lot of sense for them to take this direction.

    Building upon the notes at Chapter 5 on what happens with the Demonskar after Nabthatoron’s defeat, I devised a straightforward adventure with a set of balanced encounters against demons that I thought might appeal to the party.
    The adventure gives an opportunity for the PCs to be heroic and cleanse the danger of the Demonskar, while it gives the GM the opportunity to foreshadow the appearance of the Cagewright Xokek and show the players the cabal is working behind the curtains to collect the Shackleborn and set up their ritual.

    Satisfied with the final result, I have collected all my notes and I am releasing the adventure for the benefit of any future GM that also finds the need to give shape to the Demonskar: Against the Demonskar - A Shackled City Sidequest by GM Rutseg.

    Oh! It is a level 12th adventure.

    If you wish to have a look at how it played out for our group, you can read from this particular point in our Shackled City campaign.

    Special thanks to the incredible players in my campaign. It would have impossible without their inspiration and continuous endeavor to the adventure.

    I am proposing you a new PFS scenario in either Core or Normal Campaign. This game is specially intended for people new to PbP, so do not hesitate to apply even if you have just a small or not at all previous experience with PbP playing.

    The chosen adventure will be #0-13: The Prince of Augustana: When an old beggar shows up filthy and injured on the doorstep of the Augustana Pathfinder Lodge in Andoran and demands to be recognized as Andoran's one true Emperor, Venture-Captain Wallace is inclined to chase him off. But when the old beggar reveals a wayfinder and tells a tale of demons and portals to another world beneath the streets of Augustana, Wallace summons you from Absalom to investigate. Will you make it through sewers, swarms, and sanctuaries to uncover the truth or will the dangers of the Augustana underworld consume you forever?

    Written by Craig Shackleton

    What I will be expecting?
    Character builds: Whatever fitting PFS Core rules. You can propose up to two characters suited for a lower and a higher tier (for example a level 2 and a level 4). You can also propose a Normal Campaign character, but I would like this game to be new player friendly and thus I will preferably run it as a Core only campaign.
    Posting frequency: 2 times per day (but we will manage if everyone posts once a day at least)
    Playing style: Fluid and tactical combat with vivid roleplaying interaction. I have a preference for players that get more excited to perform their characters personality and background than for their specific built decisions. Note combats will be fair and fluid but tactically meaningful. People with a balanced interest in both the Social and Tactical parts of the game will be the ones feeling the more comfortable with my GMing style.
    Timespan: The game will take around 1 or 2 months to complete, depending on players responsiveness.
    Party size: 4 or 5 players. Old scenarios are written for 4 players in mind, so no more than 5 players will be recruited.
    Pregens: I will accept pregens, but will give priority to player made characters.
    GMing style: I make passive rolls like Perception, Initiative, and sometimes, Saves. If everyone else has gone for the round and we are waiting, I will move on with the next round but give you an opportunity to perform two rounds in your next post. I have found this is the best way to keep PbP pace while still letting everyone to enjoy their characters without the stress of having to post when there is no time available.
    Mapping tools: You are expected to have access to view and edit a Google Presentations maps (apps are available for both Android and iPhone, so you will be able to work with the map even with your mobile device).
    Player responsiveness: I expect you to have initiative as a player, pushing the game to explore and interact, not just reacting to the GM initiative rolling and direct questions for what to do next. I highly recommend wise Painlord's guide to PbP if you have not read it yet.

    Just provide a couple ideas of possible characters you would like to play with (class, race and level are enough).

    Priority will go to people who is new to PbP, but others can apply to. I will probably want to have one or two people with more experience able to lead by example on how to make a PbP fun and successful.

    I will give a few days for as much people as possible to discover the recruitment. But I might decide to close soon if I get the players I want.

    Good luck and have fun everybody! :D

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Chapter 1: The Deluge

    15th Abadius 4716 AR - Desperation Bay

    The Kaava Cutter's keel cuts through the crystalline waters of Desperation Bay in a cloudy day. The Sargavan naval vessel has left Port Freedom with the first rays of the day. As each month, the Kaava Cutter has initiated its detour from its weekly service between Eleder and Port Freedom to visit Sargava's southernmost and newest colony, Pridon's Hearth.

    Even after the day off at Port Freedom most of the passage in the vessel come from Sargava's capital, but there are a few individuals that boarded at the smaller port. From here on the rules of civilization become fuzzy while the unmerciful laws of wild nature dictate sentence. There is no other right in Sargava's frontier but that one to fight for survival and progress.

    Aside from you, at least another twelve passengers travel in the Kaava Cutter, and most of that people are indentured laborers traveling with a minor noble from Sargava's capital called Gallio Menius. It was difficult to ignore the man as his servants loaded and moved around boxes and farming equipment to the dismay and frustration of the ship captain.

    As the morning progresses you decide to check the dinning room below decks, where you have heard the cooker serves moonshine in preparation for lunch time. As you all arrive, you find out the only other person in the dinning room is a Mwangi, a dark skinned and short woman, with a slender muscular frame and wiry black hair. She is dressed in simple clothing made from animal hides and overtly ignores you while she drinks from a stained wooden cup.

    You hear up the boots of someone descending from the opposite stairs, and when you turn to check, you find out some of the other passengers are coming downstairs to gather around the table. Perhaps this might be a good moment to introduce yourself and get to know each other, after all, it is probable they will soon be your neighbors and fight alongside with you to build a future in this remote and little piece of Golarion.

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Welcome to the Ire of the Storm Pathfinder Module!

    In this final phase we will come to know each other better and shape together the 5 characters that will eventually become the heroes of our campaign.

    The idea is to create a party that is both mechanically and personally balanced and well tied together on reasons to cooperate with themselves and Pridon’s Hearth. In addition, the process will give me extra insight on what each of you is expecting and can offer to the game, which will be invaluable to build a campaign that is both fun and a fulfilling gaming experience.

    The creation rules are as follows (let me know if you need clarifications in any point):

    Creation rules & other gaming information:

    Starting level: Start at level 1, the adventure will end once you reach level 6.
    Starting wealth: Average for the chosen class.
    Ability generation system: 15 point buy
    Hit point generation system: PFS-style (maximum at level 1, half the hit dice plus one afterwards).
    Alignment restrictions: Only neutral and good characters allowed. Lawful Evil might be acceptable if character motivations ensure cooperation with the party and the colony.
    Number / type of traits allowed: 2 traits allowed, one of which should be an Ire of the Storm campaign trait.
    Source material restrictions: Core + Advanced Player’s Guide + Ultimate Magic + Ultimate Combat + Advanced Class Guide + Pathfinder Unchained + Advanced Race Guide + Ultimate Campaign + Bestiaries + CS:Inner Sea World Guide + CS:Inner Sea Gods + PC:Heroes of the Wild + PC:Blood of the Elements + PC:Familiar Folio + PC:Animal Archive + PC:Sargava the Lost Colony + each player may chose a single Player Companion source that helps him bring the background of his character to life (let me know which if you chose one).
    Firearms: Early firearms.
    Hero points: 1 each new level, including initial one.
    Unchained rules available
    Classes: You can use either the Unchained or the Core version of any class, but for the Summoner you must use the Unchained version.
    Background Skills
    Skill Unlocks
    Variant Multiclassing
    Maps: Google Slides with edit permissions for all players.
    Posting frequency: At least 1 every 24 hours, and let others know if you will be not available for more than 2 days. Weekends and summer holidays might see a much slower rate.
    Level advancement: Plot driven (with adjustments depending on party effectiveness).
    Initiative management: Turn stacking (if someone is holding the round, I will resolve the round and that someone can post two rounds of actions on next post)
    Treasure management: You are in an isolated colony, most of your equipment is expected to come from adventuring finds.
    Magic Items Crafting: Available. There will be time for crafting, but it will become limited at some points of the adventure.
    PFS credit: I will issue chronicles to those players interested (there are 3 chronicles plus a bonus one for playing the full adventure).

    When choosing the stats and options of your character, please, take into account how easy it will be to play it on PbP. If it requires immediate feedback from other players, adds complex rules or exceptions or forces other players or the GM to remember about plenty of modifications and exceptions, it will probably be a bad option, painful to take to reality. Likewise, consider if those options will be still interesting for you and the rest of the players after weeks of play. If your character will be casting the same spell or using the same maneuver in most combats during months, you might lose the interest on your character after some weeks playing, which is not good.

    Similarly, when choosing your background and personality, take into account it should make things easier rather than difficult for your party and keep the character fresh after months of play. That usually means your character has room to evolve during the adventure and has reasons to collaborate and not insult or otherwise antagonise with other characters.

    Your characters are expected to have a reason to travel to Pridon’s Hearth, you have great ideas presented among the campaign traits and you can explore more than one of those ideas even if you do not pick up the corresponding trait, or you can come up with your own reasons.

    You might choose to know some of the other members of the party, perhaps by face or name, or you can even be friends or have stronger relationships. You can also be unknown to each other. The first AP event assumes you are traveling in the same ship, so you have at the very least seen each other for the last few days before reaching to Pridon's Hearth. Your characters know they will be neighbors in the near future and thus they are most likely eager to build up some bonds as they travel together (imagine yourselves in the first day of a new school or work). Soon enough people in the colony will start to see you as a group of defenders or investigators and will start asking you related tasks. It is only good that you think for a reason your character might be engaged on those activities on behalf of the colony.

    This is a wilderness campaign and the only settlement you will ever have access to is very small. As such classes that do not require city services and complex equipment will have an easier time than others. Sorcerers, Clerics, Druids and Oracles will have it much easier to get access to new spells than a Wizard, a Magus or a Which, whom will find a hard time finding other casters from whom to get spells. Likewise, a Monk might have less problems to stand in front of enemies than a heavy armored Fighter that finds no magic shop where to buy his shiny armor, weapon and shield. There will be some time for minor crafting, but do not put too much hopes on that.

    I hope you help each other to attain a group of characters that are both interesting and balanced on background, personality and stats. I think the most you talk and interchange suggestions, the best will be the result. I will also be around adding my own advice and knowledge about the adventure.

    What I am expecting from each of you is to provide:
    - A background that explains from where your character comes, how did he or she achieve its power or training and what brings him or her to Pridon’s Hearth.
    - Some thoughts on the character personality, be it simple or complex, and how it will add to the fun of everyone in the group (including the GM) without causing problems with the adventure.
    - A full statsblock of your character (please write it down in your character alias profile so I can easily access it for reference).
    - An alias with a portrait that conveys your character (it can be reused).
    - The appearance and description of your character will be provided during play, but you might share your thoughts here too.

    Only once everyone’s character is complete I will start the adventure.

    I suggest you start by stating what kind of character you are interested to play, then pick up a campaign trait and finally proposing a class and race for your character. You can iteratively repeat this process with the others until you are satisfied with the group that shows up.

    I hope you have fun during this collaborative creation process, and good luck to everybody!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Pridon's Hearth is Sargava's newest colony, pushing the country's borders further south than ever before and attracting treasure-hunters, fortune-seekers, and troubled souls hoping for a fresh start. But unnaturally powerful storms rock the tiny settlement just as the local lizardfolk tribe declares war on the colonists within. Are these threats somehow related? What became of the heretical cult of Gozreh that journeyed to the region a century ago, and do its corrupt teachings hold the key to calming the growing hurricane? Can the heroes protect the growing community from raging tempests and hostile monsters alike? And what role does the shadowy Aspis Consortium play in these recent dangers? These challenges and more await heroes willing to face down the Ire of the Storm!

    Ire of the Storm is one of the best rated Pathfinder Modules in Paizo store and I managed to secure a copy under my claws a few months ago. This is a 1st to 6th level adventure written in 64 pages by Thurston Hillman. The adventure develops in a jungle estuary frontier region of Sargava. It is divided in three well defined parts, being the first one event-driven, the second one a sandbox using Kingmaker exploration system to discover the region and a last part composed by a dungeon. The PCs arrive in a ship to the colony and will have to step up to defend the colony and explore the region to investigate and put an end to a dangerous menace.

    I offer myself to run this adventure for a group of 5 players.

    Because I know how time consuming and frustrating can be creating a new character and I have previous good experience with a party creation process, this recruitment will be player based.

    Instead of presenting a new character concept with its stats, background and personality, I will only request your interest on playing the Ire of the Storm Module with me as a GM by answering a few brief questions about you. I will then look through your campaign list and past posts in order to make a selection, to ensure a minimum playing consistency and playing style that I might enjoy. That said I will reserve a place for a new player with little posting history. If there is a long list of people interested I might look for some additional process to help me come to a decision.

    A second step will follow then, with only the selected players making the effort of creating a character. The character creation will be a group effort were you will be expected to start working together, and you will be able to create a balanced party with relations to each other and the adventure itself.

    It is my intention to have a selection of players within 2 weeks and start the campaign with the beginning of the new year, but this might greatly vary depending on the recruitment success. Likewise, this is just an intuition as plenty of things can happen during that time, but I expect to complete this in little more than a year.

    I consider the adventure good enough as it is and thus you can expect to play it as written, but I might introduce some roleplaying or combat additions if the group calls for them.

    In case it affects your desire to play these will be the character creation rules:

    Creation rules & other gaming information:

    Starting level: Start at level 1, the adventure will end once you reach level 6.
    Starting wealth: Average for the chosen class.
    Ability generation system: 15 point buy
    Hit point generation system: PFS-style (maximum at level 1, half the hit dice plus one afterwards).
    Alignment restrictions: Only neutral and good characters allowed. Lawful Evil might be acceptable if character motivations ensure cooperation with the party and the colony.
    Number / type of traits allowed: 2 traits allowed, one of which should be a campaign trait from a homebrew list I will provide during character creation.
    Source material restrictions: Core + Advanced Player’s Guide + Ultimate Magic + Ultimate Combat + Advanced Class Guide + Pathfinder Unchained + Advanced Race Guide + Ultimate Campaign + Bestiaries + CS:Inner Sea World Guide + CS:Inner Sea Gods + PC:Heroes of the Wild + PC:Blood of the Elements + PC:Familiar Folio + PC:Animal Archive + PC:Sargava the Lost Colony + each player may chose a single Player Companion source that helps him bring the background of his character to life.
    Firearms: Early firearms.
    Hero points: 1 each new level, including initial one.
    Unchained rules available
    Classes: You can use either the Unchained or the Core version of any class, but for the Summoner you must use the Unchained version.
    Background Skills
    Skill Unlocks
    Variant Multiclassing
    Maps: Google Slides with edit permissions for all players.
    Posting frequency: At least 1 every 24 hours, and let others know if you will be not available for more than 2 days. Weekends and summer holidays might see a much slower rate.
    Level advancement: Plot driven (with adjustments depending on party effectiveness).
    Initiative management: Turn stacking (if someone is holding the round, I will resolve the round and that someone can post two rounds of actions on next post)
    Treasure management: You are in an isolated colony, most of your equipment is expected to come from adventuring finds.
    Magic Items Crafting: Available. There will be time for crafting, but it will become limited at some points of the adventure.
    PFS credit: I will issue chronicles to those players interested (there are 3 chronicles plus a bonus one for playing the full adventure).

    Who am I?:

    I have been playing and GMing in PbP for some years now. My main campaign is a Shackled City AP that has been running for almost 4 years now and is on the last half of the adventure. Likewise, I have GMed multiple PFS scenarios in the past, and I am an active player in many campaigns in these forums.

    I have been playing Pathfinder over the last decade and I still maintain a couple of active friendly groups running through APs with a biweekly basis.

    I like roleplaying because I love novels, theatre, character's evolution and strategy games.

    Finally, I am not an English native, thus I have to apologize beforehand for my weird grammar structures and typos. If you see an error to come often to the thread, please let me know privately so I can try to fix it.


    • - What do you like from PbP gaming?
    • - Have you ever played or read partially or completely the Ire of the Storm before?
    • - What made you decide to apply?
    • - What is your roleplaying motto?

    Merry Christmas and Good Gaming!

    HP 142/142 AC 39 29 TAC 18 15 FF 35 25 | CMD 35 | F +12 R +14 W +17 (im. fear; +2 il.; +4 reroll 3/3) | SS:1/2 PoG:16/17 L1:4/7 L2:3/7 L3:6/7 L4:5/7 L5:2/6 L6:4/6 L7:5/6 L8:4/4 | Ini +4 (x3) Senses darkvision 60' +18 |
    Acro+11,Climb+5,Diplo+19,DisDevice+22,HAnim+5,Heal+5,Intim+8,Keng+4,Khist+1 8,Kplanes+13,Kreligion+14,Ling+16,Ride+3,SMotive+5,Spellcraft+5,Stealth-1,U MD+17,Conc+21
    Female Orc blooded Human Oracle 17 | GS Doc | (Completed Giantslayer)

    Surprise Round
    The ancient Slag Giant Etena emerges from the Underforge. She cast a spell at the Dragon Disciple.

    The other Slag Giant Ferrin looks shocked by her mistress' actions.

    Round One
    Leira can now take actions in Round One.

    "Figures! This is just great," Droja says as she begins to cast a Summoning spell.

    Kaos 22 (AC20/MA21 112/112)
    Etena 18 (AC? ?/?)
    Leira 14 (AC19 69/69)
    Droja 13 (AC16 71(83)/71(83FL)
    Lug 4 (AC21 43/?.)
    Hill Giant (AC21 10/85)

    "Rats! I knew you giants were traitors and I should have exterminated you on our first meeting!" Leira casts greater invisibility to disappear from sight as soon as possible, stepping back to avoid opportunity attacks if needed.

    If you are currently playing Shacked City, and particularly, if you are one of my players, please skip this post and close this tab immediately.

    If you are not playing Shackled City...:

    An incoming encounter might seem a bit out of the plot line and I am looking to make it more memorable and trigger the interest of my players.

    As such, I am looking for a player to take the reigns of certain complex NPC during the players encounter with it. The NPC in particular is Zarik Dhor, a minotaur half-black dragon looking to measure himself against the rising name of the party heroes and avenge his father. The thing is, due to some particularities of this NPC and recent reduction on the number of players in the party, a skillful player might win his way into the party by pure roleplaying. I will stress this out, I am recruiting you for a single encounter, winning out the other players to join the campaign will entirely depend on your skill as a roleplayer to make Zarik memorable and find the reasons for the other PC’s to invite you over to join and follow their quest. The probability Zarik will be killed during the encounter will be high, because you know killing monsters is what PC’s do all day. Or they might decide to leave you aside and follow with their things.

    About the campaign
    We are playing Paizo first ever AP: The Shackled City Adventure Path using the Pathfinder rules. We have been playing since January 2016 and we are now half-way the 7th Chapter of a total of 12. The party is currently at level 12 and have enjoyed a good mixture of rich roleplaying and intense fights.

    By now the party is pretty established, with well defined roles, both socially and mechanically. As such, I am reluctant to recruit new people that might break the current good mood and balance in the party. But the number of players has shrunk to 4 from an initial 7 group. Two of them have been planned drops and the third has been a recent player disappearance. Because of these two factors, I am opening the door of giving continuity to Zarik if this encounter experiment goes well.

    If you want to know more about how the adventure has gone so far, you can give a glimpse to our campaign index.

    Zarik Dhor background
    There is a black dragon named Dhorlot in the campaign known as the Father Dragon because he likes to couple with all kind of races leaving behind strange hybrid spawn. The players have crossed faces with this dragon a couple times and last time they fought and win forcing Dhorlot to a shameful escape.

    Nearly 50 years ago, just after reaching young adulthood, the black dragon began an obsessive drive to create half-dragon progeny. One of his most bizarre couplings was with a female minotaur shaman who led a tribe far to the north, in the jungle. Dhorlot proved a cruel overlord to the minotaur tribe, but he did not stay long, viewing his time with the minotaurs as a waste because the progeny matured too slowly for this obsessive tastes and because none of them ever developed proper wings. Dhorlot later continued his breeding experiments in the kuo-toan shrine of Bhal-Hamatugn, where the party got to met with him while exploring the shrine in search of the legendary dwarven hero Zenith Splintershield (now dead but with his corpse gone missing by a far reaching conspiration).

    The AP calls for Dhorlot’s most powerful progeny, a half-black-dragon minotaur named Zarik Dhor to come looking for the characters. A complex character in his own right, Zarik’s selfish nature and occasional bouts of cruelty are balanced by his disdain for his father’s behavior. This conflict gives the characters at least some chance of negotiating with him rather than having the encounter default to a simple combat.

    The most interesting point is, there is a Campaign Trait, the Wyrm Blooded, that secretly makes you a spawn of Dhorlot. It happens the dwarf paladin of our game choose that trait, making himself a half-brother of Zarik. Despite continuous evidence of this fact, like his black scales, the dwarf has rejected this idea so far and confronted anyone suggesting this is true. This builds up to a memorable encounter between Zarik and Kikinnin, and I know he will engage, because he is very good roleplaying his character, but I am as well convinced he will try to kill Zarik if he shows any kind of evilness.

    The AP calls for different possible reasons he wants to search for the characters, but you can find your own. Perhaps Zarik wishes to measure his strength against the ones that defeated his father. Maybe he has vengeance in mind, he held no love for his draconic sire, yet his bond to his heritage compels him to take vengeance on the characters. Instead of a direct physical threat you might prefer to present Zarik as a powerful potential antagonist who’s more interested in talking with the characters than smashing them into pulp. In that case, Zarik came to Cauldron (the main adventure city) to learn about those who killed his father, and he has immensely personal decisions to make regarding the fate of his draconic sire as well as those who drove him out of his chosen home of Bhal-Hamatugn.

    I am also interested to see how Zarik will face Maxim, the other dwarf of the party, and the one who humiliated Dhorlot bringing him down in his escape flight.

    Zarik got to know about the events because Dhorlot retreated to the minotaur village to lick his wounds a couple of months ago. What exactly happened during this encounter with Dhorlot and what exactly the dragon has explained to his offspring is for you to decide. Remember Zarik’s mother is a powerful shaman and leader of the minotaur tribe. You can decide for her to still be alive or Zarik having claimed her position. Perhaps this encounter is the last test for Zarik to claim leadership of his tribe, and if he is defeated he won’t be able to come back to his tribe.

    Creation rules
    You must follow the creation rules specified in the campaign recruitment thread, with the exceptions that follow.

    Your starting level will be 12. Due to Zarik’s background and temperament druid, sorcerer, cleric (of a tribal god), witch, barbarian, ranger or fighter might do good fits. If you wish to try join the party after your fight with the characters, the druid, sorcerer or witch might work better because of party roles balance. We already have two strong front liners and I do not lean towards accepting a third one, but a secondary melee type with some blasting or utility capabilities will work great. Be mindful with the other players, they are the current heroes, you are only a guest until otherwise is proved, do not steal their highlight.

    You are a minotaur. Because minotaurs don’t make for a proper playable race, we will use Rogue Genius asterion racial rules to reflect your minotaur racial traits. In top of those rules, you will have the scent ability. Although Zarik has horns, you will only have a gore natural attack if you pick up the asterion feat that grants it as a racial trait.

    This character is supposed to be a half-black dragon. You should look for ways to reflect this fact in game while keeping it legal according to the campaign creation rules, and in balance with the rest of characters who are way more Core rulebook based. You might chose to do so with only ascetic descriptions and personality work, but some interesting options you might want to explore are:

  • - draconic bloodline (sorcerer bloodline)
  • - dragon disciple (prestige class)
  • - eldritch heritage (feat chain)
  • - Knowing the Draconic language

    You are allowed to use the unchained variant multiclassing rules but only to chose Sorcerer and the black dragon bloodline.

    You are allowed to use the half-dragon template (the base NPC does have this stuff), but your character must be level 10 instead of 12 then, and the following modifications apply: your creature type is still humanoid asterion (but you are also considered a dragon for effects), you gain no fly speed (the base NPC has no wings), your natural armor improves only by +2, the abilities increase are only Str +4, Con +2, Int +2 and Cha +2, your caster level increases by +2 (but you do not gain other level benefits like known spells or slots).

    You must pick the Wyrm Blooded trait (see the campaign recruitment thread and the Player’s Guide for traits).

    Rules base, this will be a very homebrew character. As such, you have to accept rule changes might happen in order to bring you to balance and don’t get the highlight of current players, in case you end up continuing the AP with them.

    Starting gold
    40,000 gp. We are playing a low magic equipment campaign.

    Allowed sources
    In addition to the campaign sources, your character in particular has access to the Legacy of Dragons options (Player Companion book). But be mindful of the sources restrictions and game expectations as stated in the recruitment thread. In particular all the limitations about no animal companions, reach builds, spells and objects.

    What does the actual NPC look like as written by the adventure designers
    He is a minotaur monster (D&D level adjustment +6) with the half-dragon template and 4 fighter levels with 4 barbarian levels.

    Feats: Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will, Multiattack (this is a monster feat you have no access to), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (spiked chain), Weapon Specialization (spiked chain).

    Possessions: +3 chain shirt, +2 spiked chain, cloak of resistance +3, gloves of Dexterity +2, ring of protection +2, potion of bull’s strength (2), potion of bear’s endurance (2), potion of see invisibility (2), potion of cure serious wounds (2), 1900 gp.

    How to apply
    Write down a character. You are expected to provide:

  • - A background that follows these guidelines, but you can make slight adjustments to show your particular view of the NPC.
  • - Include a description of your personality and some lines on how do you plan to face your encounter with the players.
  • - How do you plan to turn up things once Zarik is defeated so you can join the party (if you have interest in joining and not only on the single encounter).
  • - Fully fledged statsblock.

    I will have player reputation and past campaigns record into account, basically to make sure your playing style and personality will mingle well with current players, but otherwise your ability to create a Zarik that leads to an interesting encounter for my players will be the most relevant criteria here. Your difficulty for selection is to find what interesting encounter means to me.

    An alias is not required. I have already reserved the Zarik Dhor alias and I will delete it for you to use once you are chosen.

    After all your character might end killed by the party or you might not find a motivation to join them. This might end being a tough creation exercise for only a week or so of gaming. I will understand if short fun is not worthed the effort for many of you.

    Applications will be accepted until Friday the 20th of September 2019. Once selected you will need to show patience, because players might trigger this encounter as early as few days or as late as a month or more.

  • I do understand the need to reorder urls in the website from time to time, but it would be great both for fans and to maintain search engines usefulness if you could create redirections for the old urls to point to the new ones.

    I do know this is generally possible with just configuring the website proxy server so all our old links don't break when pages are reorganized.

    I have a Player's Guide to an old product, Shackled City, and some of the links apparently broke during the last website reconfiguration.

    Fortunately someone reached me to fix it and I was able to still edit the document and perform the fixes, but some other community material might not be that fortunate.

    For example, I had to edit the guide to point:
    http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/olderProducts/dungeon/ shackledCity

    https://paizo.com/community/forums/paizo/archive/booksMagazines/dungeon/sha ckledCity

    Please have us into account when configuring your urls!

    9 people marked this as a favorite.

    The Reference In Pathfinder the main advantage of Sorcerer spellcasting when compared to Wizard (or Oracle to Cleric) has been the flexibility on the use of your spell slots to keep using your best spells in each situation, and to apply metamagic on the fly to your spells.

    The What As of v1.3 the Sorcerer (and Bard) dedication feats have been released. With Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting you get to know and cast one 1st level spell. At 6th level you get a 2nd level spell. At 8th you get a 3rd level spell. Each of these ones you can only use 1/day. The problem when you compare to the Cleric or Wizard dedication is you cannot change the spell you know. So while the multiclassed Cleric or Wizard character can swap each day her prepared spell, bringing some utility and flexibility to the group, in comparison the Sorcerer (and Bard) are locked with their spell repertoire while they do not have more spells to cast per day or more on-the-fly flexibility (because they only know 1 spell).

    The Aggravation Because how Heightening works, the Cleric and Wizard can prepare their 1st level spell in their 3rd level slot, whereas the Sorcerer (and Bard) have to learn it heightened into their repertoires if they want to use it heightened, except for 2 spells they can freely heighten through Spontaneous Heightening class feature. Because the Sorcerer dedication (and Bard) feat does not give Spontaneous Heightening, multiclass Sorcerers cannot even get some flexibility on the use of their higher level slots by heightening their lower level spells.

    The Proposal At level 4 give them their bloodline 1st level spell and 2 level 1 slots per day in addition to the 1st level spell. At level 6 give them Spontaneous Heightening in addition to the 2nd level spell and one 2nd level spell slot. At level 8 give them an extra 2nd level slot and their 2nd level bloodline spell in addition to the 3rd level spell and slot. Consider giving them the opportunity to swap an old spell each time you learn a new spell level (not the bonus ones from their bloodline).

    For the higher level spellcasting feats a similar progression solution would be developed

    The Alternative If you do not want to give them Spontaneous Heightening (which I do not think is a great bonus because their slower progression is already severely crippling the usefulness of most spells), you could at least give them a Spell Point pool they could use to heighten their spells to their highest spell level (or half their level rounded up if they need more punch). Well, maybe this Spell Point ability to heighten any spell could be a good idea for all the Spontaneous Casters anyway.

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Only a handful of other Pathfinders, most of them initiates, walk the halls near the office of Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin.

    The Grand Lodge's chamberlain sits behind an organized desk, reading a recently printed chronicle, and tapping his finger on an elaborate open envelope, the only sound in the eerily silent Pathfinder Society headquarters. "Can you believe this place?" Valsin calmly asks, keeping his eyes squared on his chronicle. "Almost every agent worth her salt is off in Varisia right now. I bet you the Heidmarchs' manor has more Pathfinders in it than this place."

    Valsin finishes his reading and places the document on the desk, while sliding the envelope forward.

    "Desna smiles upon us that I have you fine agents here, as I doubt anyone else in Absalom is better qualified for this mission. I won't lie, this is probably one of the trickiest tasks I've ever had to send a group of Pathfinders on, and much rides on its success. I need you to attend a wedding. And not just any wedding, mind you, but a Blakros wedding."

    Valsin looks back at you trying to assess the kind of pathfinders he really has in front of him.

    Feel free to give some short presentation or just state the presence of your character in the briefing room

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Welcome everybody!

    On principle it seems we are going for lower tier 3-4.

    There will be good RP opportunities so I hope you enjoy those type of games in addition to combat.

    In order to keep the pace during combat, I might jump one player if he is the only one still to act, and give him the right to use his action in the next turn. I have found this is usually the best balance between maintaining the game pace and keeping the players opportunity to participate even if they cannot post very often.

    Also, in order to improve everybody's experience, every time you have a doubt, in addition to ask about it (please do so!), add contingency actions so I can resolve the events without having to go back and forth into a two people discussion.

    And one rule when you post, if you are unsure if something works in a certain way, try it out, if not, I will just ignore the action or tell you what other thing to do. It just saves a lot of time in PbP. Even more if you add contingency actions in spoilers.

    For example:

    If no one says against this direction, I check the left door for traps.
    [dice=Perception]1d20 + 6[/dice] -> Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

    [spoiler=If nothing found]
    I open the door and go into the room if there is no immediate danger.

    [spoiler=If the door is locked]
    I call the party rogue to open the door. If we don't have rogue, I try to force it open with my axe Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20.

    GM answer:

    Great contingencies post! Thanks for helping the action to keep moving!

    The door seems to have no traps at all. When you try to open it, you discover it is locked. You call the rogue and he take 20 for total 26 unlocks it.

    Your torch light goes inside the room, and you see a big birthday cake. All of a sudden your Pathfinder friends come out around and greet you all "Happy birthday!"

    That saves us from expending 3 days checking questions and answers back and forth to decide where to go and what happens with it.

    Required info
    Player name:
    Character name:
    Character level:
    PFS id:
    Advancement pace: (Normal or slow?)
    Dayjob roll:

    I will perform the compulsory character audit only if I find the time during the first week of playing.

    Gameplay first post will go up once everybody knows exactly what character is playing.

    Have fun!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I am proposing you a new PFS scenario in Normal Campaign for the Gameday 6 (Gameday's are online events, you do not need to register anywhere, just answer the recruitment as usual). This will be table 200 of the event.

    The chosen adventure will be #4-09: Blackros Matrimony. "The eldest daughter of the prominent Blakros family is set to wed an influential Hellknight, and the Pathfinder Society is invited to the festivities. Dressed for a wedding befitting royalty, a team of Pathfinders attend the ceremony on behalf of the Decemvirate, but will their presence ultimately strengthen the Society's relationship with the influential Blakroses, or will events at the wedding bring the already tenuous alliance to a breaking point?"

    Written by Thurston Hillman.

    What I will be expecting?
    Character builds: Whatever fitting PFS rules. You can propose up to two characters suited for a lower and a higher tier (for example a level 4 and a level 6).
    Posting frequency: 1 time per day (once every two days if things get fuzzy)
    Playing style: Relaxed but effective pace with capacity to RP (I want fluid combats with characters that have paid a minimum observance to a background and make an effort for party interaction). I have preference for players that make an effort to perform their characters, rather than just stat beasts. That said, I like the strategy layer of combat, and will help you out if you have difficulties with the rules on that sense.
    Timespan: The game will take around 2 months to complete, depending on players responsiveness.
    Party size: 5-6 players
    Pregens: I will accept pregens, but will give priority to other characters.
    GMing style: I make passive rolls, as Perception, Initiative or Saves. GM bots may happen, but more usually I skip the player turn and give you an extra round of actions for when you are able to post.
    Mapping tools: You are expected to have access to view (and preferably edit) Google Slides maps.
    Player responsiveness: I expect you to have initiative as a player, pushing the game to explore and interact, not just reacting to the GM initiative rolling and direct questions for what is next.

    Just provide a couple ideas of possible characters you would like to play with (class, race and level are enough). I will check your previous gaming experience and take into account party balance when selecting who is going in.

    People who has GMed me (past or present) will have priority. Do not be shy if you have little or no PbP experience. PFS Scenarios are a good place to start.

    The game will start at second session Gameday 6 kick-off, 6th of October, if we have a complete party by then.

    Be aware this is a known scenario for being a completely diplomatic mission. Skill oriented characters have plenty of potential to enjoy this one. If you are combat oriented without no NPC interaction or knowledge skills, this might get boring for you. Expect tones of NPC RP interaction.

    Llevaré la #4-06: The Green Market para niveles 5-9.

    Pathfinder Companion: Weapon Master's Handbook wrote:

    Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Sunder, Smashing Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon.

    Benefit: While using Smashing Style, if you successfully damage an object with the sunder combat maneuver, you reduce its hardness by 1. An object can’t have its hardness reduced to less than 50% of its normal hardness, and its hardness is restored when the damage dealt by the sunder attack is repaired.

    This seems something neat to do against robots. At least a fighter could do something slightly more meaningful with his attacks than hitting for 0 damage due to hardness. And once you reach Hardness 19 your adamantine weapon can go through the full hardness.

    The only problem is it reads "An object" and I read somewhere else robots are not objects.

    It seems a small effect after so much feat and action economy investment so I guess it would be no problematic to houserule it. But what is the official position on 'robots are not objects' and specifically on 'robots are not treated as objects for feats like Smashing Crush and the like'?

    I have noticed a new url is being used after the last update.
    No matter how many times I delete the /paizo/ after paizo.com in the url it appears there once and again.

    Are you guys planning to move the messageboards to a different server or is this a general domain change for the website?

    Will old links on campaigns continue to work?

    Whenever I build a support caster, be it arcane or divine, I always end up with the same difficulty, going over the super long lists of feats and never finding anything really appealing.

    Past some feats like toughness, iron will/great fortitude, to improve character survivability, the rare aid another character, and others like item creation that help the full party, I rarely find anything directly useful for casting my support spells (those that work reliably even without a high casting ability).

    If I build a melee or ranged character, I find plenty of interesting combat feats. If I build a blaster, save or die or summoner caster, there is also some interesting things out there.

    But what for those characters not build for combat that merely bring utility to the party and during combat they basically buff other characters, move them around, place walls, perhaps heal pernicious states, give utility (things like fly), etc... are there any good feat options for them?

    Any source, preferably from the main RPG Paizo line, but also from Companion or Campaign Setting is ok.

    4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

    The Occult Adventures spell aversion allows you to force a creature to remain 60' apart from an object or place if it fails a Will save, or become nauseated if it is forced to come closer.

    Is there anything that prevents me to force the creature apart from an object I carry like my armor or bow?

    The duration seems a bit too large, 1 day/level, in comparison with other spells that grant the nauseated condition at that level (cacophonous call, instrument of agony), and pushing someone to be in the area of an object I carry appears as a quite easy action.

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Muscular e imponente en un abrigo largo teñido de verde, túnica y pantalones abombados, la Capitana de Expedición semiorca Calisro Benarry retira una silla de debajo de la mesa de roble macizo en el centro de su exquisitamente amueblado camarote y se sienta. "Bienvenidos al Pixie, Pathfinders. Disfrutad del paseo mientras dure, porque para la noche del domingo estaréis fuera del barco".

    "Estamos a un día de navegación del encuentro con un ballenero Pezzacki, el Paciencia, que tiene permisos para cruzar el bloqueo Chelio para pescar. Ese pueblo sufre un bloqueo desde que derrocó al gobierno del imperio hace cinco años, y los permisos de paso son difíciles de conseguir. Os teletransportaríamos a Pezzack si los condenados diabolistas no tuvieran el lugar plagado de espías, por lo que en lugar de eso os vamos a lanzar en la bodega del Paciencia con sus capturas. Lo que es bueno para vosotros, en serio, porque nadie en esa ciudad huele mejor de lo que vosotros lo vais a hacer".

    Calisro se inclina hacia adelante y susurra bruscamente, "Os soltarán con mi contacto en la Academia de Magia Aplicada, el profesor Kalizandrex Poppo. Él os ayudará a localizar a un Pathfinder llamado Olandil, que ha estado atrapado allí durante los últimos cinco años, vuestro trabajo es sacarlo de Pezzack. Sin embargo, tened cuidado de con quién habláis, y de cómo hacéis las preguntas. Ese lugar es más volátil que Groum de juerga, y cuanto más se hurga, más probable es que seáis los siguientes en hacerla arder".

    La Capitana de Expedición saca un manojo de cartas náuticas de un estuche en su cintura y las despliega encima de la mesa «Por lo que respecta a salir del puebo, se un par de cosas sobre los patrones de navegación de los barcos de los alrededores. El Pixie puede esperar para recogeros cerca de la costa al norte de aquí durante una semana antes de que la gente de Abrogail empiece a hacer preguntas». La Capitana de Expedición sonríe con suficiencia mientras continúa, «en caso de que no lo hayáis notado, el Pixie, bueno, se parece terriblemente a un barco pirata, y la armada chelia no recibe a los piratas exactamente con las manos abiertas. Mejor será que estéis aquí para entonces. ¿Alguna pregunta?»

    Saber Historia CD 15:

    Hace 5 años, una combinación de Caballeros Infernales, guardias leales al Imperio, y strix, arrasaron en llamas la ciudad de Pezzack en una batalla conocida como las Segundas Cenizas. La armada chelia estableció un bloqueo a Pezzack entonces que persiste hasta el día de hoy.

    Saber Local DC 10:

    Pezzack es un pueblo costero en Cheliax. Su industria más prominente es la ballenera.

    Para abrir los spoilers tenéis que tirar la habilidad que dice ahí y obtener un número igual o superior en ella. Entonces los podéis leer y explicar al resto lo que sabéis.
    Trabajaremos con el sistema de honor, y espero que seáis legales con esto, sino me pondré muy puto y os lo haré pasar mal ^_^

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    ¡Bienvenidos a la anarquía! A ver qué tal se les da a estos aventureros salir airosos del caos.

    Como esta es vuestra primera partida PbP (Play-by-Post) os explico un poco cómo funciona.

    La campaña esta dividida en varios Tabs (encima de este post los veréis):
    - Campaign Info: Aquí encontraréis información general sobre el escenario y los enlaces a los mapas y handouts.
    - Gameplay: Aquí es donde se juega realmente. Todos los posts se escriben 'in character' es decir interpretando a vuestro personaje.
    - Discussion: Este tema, donde se habla de jugador a jugador y podemos discutir cualquier cosa que no veáis clara.
    - Recruitment: Por si hace falta crear un post público para pedir más jugadores.
    - Players/Characters: Un resumen de los personajes que están jugando (se añanden automáticamente la primera vez que ponéis un post en Gameplay).

    Una de las diferencias más grandes es la forma en que se juega. Todos los posts van interpretando al PJ, describiendo lo que hace y con diálogo de lo que dice.

    Para describir lo que hace vuestro PJ se utiliza la tercera persona: Xien se acerca al Capitán de Expedición Ambrus Valsin y le saluda mientras empuña su tridente en la mano derecha.

    Para decir algo, lo hacemos entre comillas y en negrita:
    "Saludos Capitán Valsin. ¿Qué ordena?"
    Que en código se escribe así: "[b]Saludos Capitán Valsin. ¿Qué ordena?[/b]"

    Cuando hay que hacer tiradas se usa [dice]:
    [dice=Diplomacia (reunir información)]1d20+7[/dice]
    Que daría como resultado:
    Diplomacia (reunir información): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

    Para añadir aclaraciones y otro texto, lo hacemos con [ooc]:
    Pandora lanza causar miedo sobre Ambrus Valsin.
    Vol DC 16 o queda asustado
    Que se escribiría:
    Pandora lanza [i]causar miedo[/i] sobre Ambrus Valsin.
    [ooc]Vol DC 16 o queda asustado[/ooc]

    Debajo de los posts hay un botón que se puede desplegar que te sirve de chuleta para todas las etiquetas de formato. Pone: 'How to format your text'
    Os dejo que descubráis vosotros mismos cómo escribir texto que se esconde y puede desplegarse.

    Cómo escribir con un PJ en concreto:

    Debajo del post que estáis escribiendo pone Post As. Allí podéis seleccionar vuestro alias de PJ de la Sociedad Pathfinder que estáis usando durante la aventura.

    Pues si después de esto aún queréis jugar así, necesitaremos saber qué PJ queréis jugar y que proporcionéis esta información:
    [b]PFS #ID del PJ[/b]:
    [b]Tirada de trabajo diario[/b]:
    [b]Descripción del PJ[/b]:

    La aventura es Grado 1-5, así que podéis decidiros por cualquier PJ en ese rango, mejor si todos son de nivel parecido.

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Welcome everybody!

    And welcome to the Redoubt! I hope we all enjoy here a nice time of RP and strategy.

    Please add here some basic information needed for me reporting at the end of the scenario (you can copy paste this template).
    [b]Player name[/b]:
    [b]Character PFS #ID[/b]:
    [b]Day job roll[/b]:
    [b]Advancement[/b]: Normal / Slow ?
    [b]Brief character description[/b]:
    I assume your faction is properly set in your character alias (the icon next to your name), so please double check it.

    Please, do not hesitate to let me know if there is any other extra information you would like me to add in your chronicle.

    And now some notes to set some expectations, specially for those of you new to PbP gaming:

    In order to keep the pace during combat, I might jump one player if he is the only one still to act, and give him the right to use his action in the next turn. I have found this is usually the best balance between maintaining the game pace and keeping the players opportunity to participate even if they cannot post very often.

    Also, in order to improve everybody's experience, every time you have a doubt, in addition to ask about it (please do so!), add contingency actions so I can resolve the events without having to go back and forth into a two people discussion.

    And one rule when you post, if you are unsure if something works in a certain way, try it out, if not, I will just ignore the action or tell you what other thing to do. It just saves a lot of time in PbP. Even more if you add contingency actions in spoilers.

    For example:

    If no one says against this direction, I check the left door for traps.
    [dice=Perception]1d20 + 6[/dice] -> Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

    [spoiler=If nothing found]
    I open the door and go into the room if there is no immediate danger.

    [spoiler=If the door is locked]
    I call the party rogue to open the door. If we don't have rogue, I try to force it open with my axe Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19.

    GM answer:

    Great contingencies post! Thanks for helping the action to keep moving!

    The door seems to have no traps at all. When you try to open it, you discover it is locked. You call the rogue and he take 20 for total 26 unlocks it.

    Your torch light goes inside the room, and you see a big birthday cake. All of a sudden your Pathfinder friends come out around and greet you all "Happy birthday!"

    That saves us from expending 3 days checking questions and answers back and forth to decide where to go and what happens with it.

    The gameplay thread is open so we can start playing.

    And have fun!

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    It is deep dark night when you reach to the subterranean entrances of your destination. You have been contacted by Venture-Captain Shevala Iorae to gather in one of the Grand Lodge's outbuildings with some of your pathfinder colleagues. The small trip has been peaceful and has given you the opportunity to update with the last accomplishments of your companions.

    The cold subterranean records hall is dim and quiet. In front of a heavy wooden door stands Venture-Captain Shevala Iorae, one of the Society’s premier experts on the ruined siege towers near Absalom. She waves and begins speaking eagerly as she approaches, the flame of her candle struggling against her pace.

    Hello! I’m sorry to summon you to such a bleak meeting space, but I’m gathering intelligence that I can really get only here. Come, you’ll have to see for yourselves.” Venture-Captain Iorae gestures toward the wooden door behind her, saying, “Before we go in, tell me—do you know much about the Red Redoubt of Karamoss?

    K. arcana DC 20+:
    Karamoss was a wizard from Numeria known as the Machine Mage. He allegedly spent decades researching automatons inside the notorious technological dungeon known as Silver Mount, and was said to possess unparalleled mastery over all kinds of constructs and machines.

    K. arcana DC 25+:
    The red metal from which the Red Redoubt was constructed is called djezeteel, and has an enhancing effect on magic.

    K. arcana DC 30+:
    The robotic army that Karamoss used to attack Absalom is rumored to have been built within the siege tower itself, using forges powered by elemental energy from the Plane of Fire.

    K. engineering DC 15+:
    The entire Red Redoubt was built in a single night out of a strange red skymetal alloy called djezeteel, said to have been invented by Karamoss himself.

    K. engineering DC 20+:
    Though the aboveground sections of the tower were destroyed, the underground levels seemed to be sound. As far as anyone knows, there could be dozens of unexplored levels below the surface.

    K. engineering DC 25+:
    Supplying power to the tower—and creating an army of constructs—would have required an immense amount of energy. The tower was likely equipped with a powerful energy source, possibly a massive Numerian power generator or some kind of magical reactor.

    K. local DC 15+:
    The uppermost surviving levels of the Red Redoubt are considered relatively safe. Junior members of the Pathfinder Society are often run through obstacle courses here set up by their mentors.

    K. local DC 20+:
    One recent such excursion took an unexpected turn when a team of Pathfinder recruits stumbled into an undiscovered sublevel of the siege tower. Since then, Pathfinder Society activity in the area has increased dramatically.

    K. local DC 25+:
    Venture-Captain Shevala Iorae has led the new efforts to explore the Red Redoubt, and she has sent scouting teams into progressively deeper levels of the tower. For the last few days, Shevala has not left the Grand Lodge, instead remaining cloistered below in a darkened records room.

    Any character with a chronicle related to the Redoubt can of course share his/her experience there of course

    I am proposing you a new PFS scenario in Normal Campaign for Tier 5-9!

    The chosen adventure will be #6-17: Fires of Karamoss. A Pathfinder expedition has uncovered hitherto unknown levels in the Red Redoubt, a millennium-old siege fortress created by the machine-mage Karamoss. A source of Numerian technology in its own backyard piques the Society’s interest, yet informants in the redoubt speak of an aggressive contingent deep below that aims to reactivate Karamoss’s powerful forges. Can the PCs salvage the fortress’s treasure while also preventing a catastrophe that could crush Absalom?

    Written by Joe Homes.

    This adventure continues the exploration initiated in adventures as #6-01: Trial by Machine. Although the Technologist feat is not required to reach a good end, it will come to good use in this scenario.

    What I will be expecting?
    Character builds: Whatever fitting PFS rules. You can propose up to two characters suited for a lower and a higher tier (for example a level 5 and a level 9).
    Posting frequency: 1-2 times per day
    Playing style: Fast pace with capacity to RP (I want fluid combats with characters that have paid a minimum observance to a background and make an effort for party interaction). I have preference for players that make an effort to perform their characters, rather than just stats beasts. That said, I like the strategy layer of combat, and I will try to help you if you have difficulties with the rules on that sense.
    Timespan: The game will take between 1 and 2 months to complete, depending on players responsiveness.
    Party size: 5 or 6 players
    Pregens: I will accept pregens, but will give priority to other characters.
    GMing style: I make passive rolls, as Perception, Initiative or Saves. GM bots and delays if only one player is missing to act will be frequent.
    Mapping tools: You are expected to have access to view (and preferably edit) Google Slides maps.
    Player responsiveness: I expect you to have initiative as a player, pushing the game to explore and interact, not just reacting to the GM initiative rolling and direct questions for what is next.

    Just provide a couple ideas of possible characters you would like to play with (class, race and level are enough). If more than 6 players are interested, I will check your previous gaming experience and take into account party balance when selecting who is going in.

    People who has GMed me (past or present) will have priority. Players with little or no previous PbP experience are more than welcome and will reserve at least 1 spot for them if interested.

    The game will start as soon as we have a complete group, I hope not later than 9th of April.

    Good luck everybody!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    A wretched drizzle falls from the ash-gray sky. The crowded, rain-slicked buildings seem especially bleak and frightful this evening, hunched together beneath the gloomy skies. A few lights burn in their windows, but mostly their shutters have been closed for the night. The scent of chimney smoke fills the air, and the din of water trundles from the rooftops, splashing into dark alleys and turning street gutters into rivulets.

    Dandarrion Brokenhill:

    After morning work at the gates, you have had lunch at the barracks. You have heard the reports of disappearances this week have strangely raisen but Terseon Skellerang has no more men to investigate it. After some small rest on the afternoon you are enjoying some free time until late at night while walking on the street when...


    You were looking for a short visit to the Drunken Morkoth inn in order to pay a visit to your “favourite” barmaid when you found Marigold walking altered in the streets. After she explaining you about a troubling dream of a skull with a smoking eye, you have decided to alter slightly your plans and try to sooth you as she looks for some guidance. You are talking and walking by her side when...


    This has been a troubling evening. It all started when you found Gemma, your younger sister, fleeing from a hobgoblin in the middle of the city. Out of disbelief on what should have moved her out of the Malachite Fortress and what a hobgoblin might be doing in the city you instantly moved into her defence. Guided by a force you have never felt before, like if Abadar himself was speaking to your ear, you cut the left arm of the hobgoblin and made him flee in fear for his life, not before claiming a revenge for his lost limb. You brought then your sister, on blood and delirant, to the close church of Wee Jass for healing. The clerics have done their job, but she seems fallen into a comma out of their reach, perhaps due to the combination of her illness and wounds. Whatever she was looking for in Cauldron, it remains a mystery to you, and after some hours the clerics have convinced you to go home. You are walking back home when…

    Marigold Montajay:

    Tonight your dreams have been troubled again. The returning dream of a skull with a smoking eye has merged this time with a shadow towering over Cauldron. Profiting your break day in the Bluecrater Academy, you have decided to visit Kristof Jurgensen in the Shrine of Pelor. He always helps you interpret your troubling dreams. In your way, you have met with JJ and he is walking and talking by your side when...


    You have just recently came back from Sasserine. The business was good and your uncle happy. He handed you a small bag of money for the well done job “Take some days free and enjoy the city. I am sure you are tired of the road by now
    After having some fun you are coming back to home pleased when...

    Ruben Lachance:

    Eyes red as rubies, white strong horns like a bull, folded big nose and dark blue skin. The image of the ogre mage that killed your parents is still vivid in your memory “Just a bad dream, kid…” You are no longer a kid, but walking away from the naive daughter’s bedroom of Maavu Arlintal, you cannot avoid to remember it was in a night like this your life changed forever, stolen by a criminal monster. Your thoughts are interrupted when...

    Ryan Taskerhill:

    You have been busy as of lately preparing for your tonsure. You have helped Ruphus Laro to tend for the less favoured of Cauldron, you have achieved dexterity with the mace and just meditation and blessings from Sarcem Delasharn, High Priest of the order, are remaining. After a complex day dealing with Taskerhill family businesses that have maintained you out of the temple, you are coming back to St. Cuthbert’s church when...

    A sudden, plaintive cry for help from a nearby alley splits the evening air. As you turn to the alley, you see within, four figures assault a fifth, who lies face down on the wet cobblestones. One of the attackers lifts the victim by the hood of his cloak and thrusts him against a wall as another growls, "Stay away from the orphanage, you got that?"

    The four attackers are unarmed, but dress with padded leather and have shortswords crossed on their belts. Although their most remarkable trait is they have painted their faces half-white and half black with makeup.

    K. local DC 15:

    The half-white half-black faces makeup is characteristic of the Last Laugh, a local gang of thieves.

    Surprise round DC 5:

    Foes: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

    They turn their attention to you as they realize of your nearby presence “Get out of here, nothing of your business!


    Dandarrion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
    JJ: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
    Kikinnin: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
    Marigold: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
    Maxim: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
    Ruben: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
    Ryan: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
    Man: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
    Foes: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19

    Ryan & Kikinnin:

    You do recognise the man being attacked as Ruphus Laro. An Abadar cleric from the St. Cuthbert church.

    Round 1:
    Dandarrion, Ryan, JJ, Ruben, Man (delays), Marigold, Maxim, Foes, Kikinnin
    Bold may act.
    Map updated!

    Welcome to The Shackled City AP!

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Welcome to the Shackled City AP!

    In this final phase the 7 players that will finally become part of the game will be decided.

    The idea is to create a party that is both mechanically and personally balanced and well tied together on reasons to cooperate with themselves and Cauldron. In addition, the process will give me extra insight on how good each of you will be able to work together in order to have a fun and fulfilling game experience.

    The creation rules are as follows:
    Setting: Golarion (the Greyhawk deities will be alternate names of the Golarion ones in the region as per the Player’s Guide)
    Starting level: Level 1
    Starting wealth: Average for the chosen class.
    Ability generation system: 20 point buy
    Hit point generation system: PFS-style (maximum at level 1, half the hit dice plus one afterwards).
    Alignment restrictions: Only neutral and good characters allowed. Lawful Evil might be acceptable if character motivations ensure cooperation with the party and the city.
    Race restrictions: Only 1 character per party will be allowed a race outside of the Core in order to keep those races rare (if more than one person is interested, it is up to you on how to deal with the situation)
    Number / type of traits allowed: 2 traits allowed, one of which should be a community campaign trait from the Shackled City Player’s Guide. Drawbacks will be not allowed, but a character might choose one Shackled City original campaign trait with its correspondent drawback without that extra trait counting to the trait limit (this might end up providing you two campaign traits, one from the original AP and another community provided trait).
    Animal companions: No companions allowed. You have to pick an alternate option for this kind of class features, every player will be allowed control of only one character.
    Summoning: No feats or other options that improve summoning are allowed.
    Reach builds: You are warned I do not like these builds on PbP due to the difficulties of immediate feedback and extra complexity of turn interruptions.
    Spells: Only access to Core spells is granted at the start of the game.
    Hero points: The hero points subsystem will be used. You will begin play with 1 hero point and another one will be granted at each level. Remember you cannot have more than 3 at any time. Due to forum dice mechanics the pre-roll bonus will be not applicable (only after die bonus will be legal). Hero points spells and items will not be available. Hero points feats are legal though.
    Background skills: Players are allowed 2 extra skill ranks per level as per the background skills option from Unchained. You are allowed to use those rules.
    Source material restrictions: Core + Advanced Player’s Guide + Advanced Race Guide + Bestiaries + Ultimate Magic + Ultimate Combat + Ultimate Campaign + Inner Sea Guide. Unchained variant classes are allowed as if they were an archetype.

    The limited sources are both to give balance to the game (this is an old AP), and keep things a bit simpler as there will be enough complexity on rules with a large group in an epic high level adventure during the late game. But it is also an invitation to look for new concepts that make your character different and interesting to play story-wise, rather than stats-wise.

    When choosing the stats and options of your character, please, take into account how easy it will be to play it on PbP. If it requires immediate feedback from other players, adds complex rules or exceptions or forces other players or the GM to remember about plenty of modifications and exceptions, it will probably be a bad option, painful to take to reality. Likewise, consider if those options will be still interesting for you and the rest of the players after years of play. If your character will be casting the same spell or using the same maneuver in most combats during years, you might lose the interest on your character after some months playing, which is not good.

    Similarly, when choosing your background and personality, take into account it should make things easier rather than difficult for your party and keep the character fresh after years of play. That usually means your character has room to evolve during the adventure and has reasons to collaborate and not insult or otherwise antagonise with other characters.

    Your characters are expected to be Cauldron locals, but if that is not the case, think of a strong reason to stay on Cauldron during years and eventually become one of its defenders to the last breath. You might choose to know some of the other members of the party, perhaps by face or name, or you can even be friends or have stronger relationships. You can also be unknown to each other. The first AP event does not assume you start the game together, and will set yourself in a position to cooperate and create an improvised adventuring party. Thus, you will need to think of a reason why you have a break on your daily responsibilities and perform a small investigation for the city.

    This is an urban campaign. Although ultimately any class can work fine, I think it is fair to provide a list with the classes I think the tone of the Shackled City campaign fits the best:

    • Bard
    • Cleric
    • Fighter
    • Magus
    • Monk
    • Oracle
    • Paladin
    • Rogue
    • Sorcerer
    • Wizard

    A list of classes that might fit in the Campaign with small effort:
    • Barbarian
    • Gunslinger
    • Inquisitor
    • Ranger
    • Witch

    Take into consideration there are chapters that assume the party has access to high level spells. Early levels will also see plenty of mechanical and magical traps, and as the campaign advances ability to influence other characters will become more and more relevant. Combat capacity will remain important through all the campaign.

    I hope you help each other to attain a group of characters that are both interesting and balanced on background, personality and stats. I think the most you talk and interchange suggestions, the best will be the result. I will also be around adding my own advice and knowledge of the campaign.

    The community Shackled City AP Player’s Guide is a convenient source to get an insight of both Cauldron and the campaign, and can help you to prepare interesting background hooks. I do not expect you to read it at full, but skimming through and reading the relevant parts for your character will probably improve the enjoyment of the adventure.

    I hope you have fun during this collaborative creation process, and good luck to everybody!

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Welcome to the Shackled City AP!

    In this final phase the 7 players that will finally become part of the game will be decided.

    The idea is to create a party that is both mechanically and personally balanced and well tied together on reasons to cooperate with themselves and Cauldron. In addition, the process will give me extra insight on how good each of you will be able to work together in order to have a fun and fulfilling game experience.

    The creation rules are as follows:
    Setting: Golarion (the Greyhawk deities will be alternate names of the Golarion ones in the region as per the Player’s Guide)
    Starting level: Level 1
    Starting wealth: Average for the chosen class.
    Ability generation system: 20 point buy
    Hit point generation system: PFS-style (maximum at level 1, half the hit dice plus one afterwards).
    Alignment restrictions: Only neutral and good characters allowed. Lawful Evil might be acceptable if character motivations ensure cooperation with the party and the city.
    Race restrictions: Only 1 character per party will be allowed a race outside of the Core in order to keep those races rare (if more than one person is interested, it is up to you on how to deal with the situation)
    Number / type of traits allowed: 2 traits allowed, one of which should be a community campaign trait from the Shackled City Player’s Guide. Drawbacks will be not allowed, but a character might choose one Shackled City original campaign trait with its correspondent drawback without that extra trait counting to the trait limit (this might end up providing you two campaign traits, one from the original AP and another community provided trait).
    Animal companions: No companions allowed. You have to pick an alternate option for this kind of class features, every player will be allowed control of only one character.
    Summoning: No feats or other options that improve summoning are allowed.
    Reach builds: You are warned I do not like these builds on PbP due to the difficulties of immediate feedback and extra complexity of turn interruptions.
    Spells: Only access to Core spells is granted at the start of the game.
    Hero points: The hero points subsystem will be used. You will begin play with 1 hero point and another one will be granted at each level. Remember you cannot have more than 3 at any time. Due to forum dice mechanics the pre-roll bonus will be not applicable (only after die bonus will be legal). Hero points spells and items will not be available. Hero points feats are legal though.
    Background skills: Players are allowed 2 extra skill ranks per level as per the background skills option from Unchained. You are allowed to use those rules.
    Source material restrictions: Core + Advanced Player’s Guide + Advanced Race Guide + Bestiaries + Ultimate Magic + Ultimate Combat + Ultimate Campaign + Inner Sea Guide. Unchained variant classes are allowed as if they were an archetype.

    The limited sources are both to give balance to the game (this is an old AP), and keep things a bit simpler as there will be enough complexity on rules with a large group in an epic high level adventure during the late game. But it is also an invitation to look for new concepts that make your character different and interesting to play story-wise, rather than stats-wise.

    When choosing the stats and options of your character, please, take into account how easy it will be to play it on PbP. If it requires immediate feedback from other players, adds complex rules or exceptions or forces other players or the GM to remember about plenty of modifications and exceptions, it will probably be a bad option, painful to take to reality. Likewise, consider if those options will be still interesting for you and the rest of the players after years of play. If your character will be casting the same spell or using the same maneuver in most combats during years, you might lose the interest on your character after some months playing, which is not good.

    Similarly, when choosing your background and personality, take into account it should make things easier rather than difficult for your party and keep the character fresh after years of play. That usually means your character has room to evolve during the adventure and has reasons to collaborate and not insult or otherwise antagonise with other characters.

    Your characters are expected to be Cauldron locals, but if that is not the case, think of a strong reason to stay on Cauldron during years and eventually become one of its defenders to the last breath. You might choose to know some of the other members of the party, perhaps by face or name, or you can even be friends or have stronger relationships. You can also be unknown to each other. The first AP event does not assume you start the game together, and will set yourself in a position to cooperate and create an improvised adventuring party. Thus, you will need to think of a reason why you have a break on your daily responsibilities and perform a small investigation for the city.

    This is an urban campaign. Although ultimately any class can work fine, I think it is fair to provide a list with the classes I think the tone of the Shackled City campaign fits the best:

    • Bard
    • Cleric
    • Fighter
    • Magus
    • Monk
    • Oracle
    • Paladin
    • Rogue
    • Sorcerer
    • Wizard

    A list of classes that might fit in the Campaign with small effort:
    • Barbarian
    • Gunslinger
    • Inquisitor
    • Ranger
    • Witch

    Take into consideration there are chapters that assume the party has access to high level spells. Early levels will also see plenty of mechanical and magical traps, and as the campaign advances ability to influence other characters will become more and more relevant. Combat capacity will remain important through all the campaign.

    I hope you help each other to attain a group of characters that are both interesting and balanced on background, personality and stats. I think the most you talk and interchange suggestions, the best will be the result. I will also be around adding my own advice and knowledge of the campaign.

    The community Shackled City AP Player’s Guide is a convenient source to get an insight of both Cauldron and the campaign, and can help you to prepare interesting background hooks. I do not expect you to read it at full, but skimming through and reading the relevant parts for your character will probably improve the enjoyment of the adventure.

    I hope you have fun during this collaborative creation process, and good luck to everybody!

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    The quietness in Cauldron is coming to an end. The last pieces of a millennia plan are coming finally into their place extending a large shadow over the volcano city and maybe also affecting the history of the world itself if the plotters in the darkness are not stopped before the last piece is on place.

    The Shackled City was the first ever published Adventure Path. It came up in the pages of Dragon 96 to 117 by the hand of Paizo for the D&D 3ed system. For the first time, the adventure was designed from the point of view of a whole campaign taking the players from level 1 to level 20. The adventure was later published as a handbook in a special edition and converted to the 3.5ed system.

    Hereby I present my intention to run the full campaign for a group of 7 valiants under the Pathfinder rules.

    Because such an epic goal requires epic players, and because I know how time consuming and frustrating can be creating a new character, the recruitment process I will propose for this AP is a bit different from the usual one.

    This will be a player based recruitment. Instead of presenting a new character concept with its stats, background and personality, I will only request your interest on playing the Shackled City AP with me as a GM by answering a few brief questions about you. I will then look through your past posts in order to make a preselection of people I think I might enjoy playing with in a very long adventure like this.

    A second step will follow then, with only the preselected players making the effort of creating a character. The character creation will be a group effort, in which I will observe how well you work together, and you will be able to create a party that really ties up together both in background and personality. Provided the recruitment finds enough endorsement, it is of my intention that I will preselect enough players to form up at least two groups of 5 people, so I will chose then one of the groups to play and complete the initial group of 7 with the 2 people of the other party that have showed the best teamwork skills during the process.

    It is my intention to have a preselection of players within 2 weeks and start the campaign in one month from now, but this might greatly vary depending on the recruitment success. Likewise, this is just an intuition as plenty of things can go on during such a long span, but I preview the first chapter to take us around 5 months, and the whole campaign between 3 and 5 years to complete.

    The game will be run following Pathfinder rules. Golarion deities will be used, preserving the original campaign ones as the name by which some Golarion deities are known in Cauldron area. Have a look at the religion section in the Player’s Guide for correspondences.

    I will not extend on character creation rules until the moment they are required, but because I understand they might impact the desire of some people to apply, here is a summary of what you can expect:

    Creation rules summary:

    Starting level: Start at level 1, you will eventually reach level 20.
    Starting wealth: Average for the chosen class.
    Ability generation system: 20 point buy
    Hit point generation system: PFS-style (maximum at level 1, half the hit dice plus one afterwards).
    Alignment restrictions: Only neutral and good characters allowed. Lawful Evil might be acceptable if character motivations ensure cooperation with the party and the city.
    Number / type of traits allowed: 2 traits allowed, one of which should be a community campaign trait from the Shackled City Player’s Guide. Drawbacks will be not allowed, but a character might choose one Shackled City original campaign trait with its correspondent drawback without that extra trait counting to the trait limit (this might end up providing you two campaign traits, one from the original AP and another community provided trait).
    Source material restrictions: Core + Advanced Player’s Guide + Advanced Race Guide + Bestiaries + Ultimate Magic + Ultimate Combat + Ultimate Campaign + Inner Sea Guide
    Maps: Google Slides with edit permissions for all players.
    Posting frequency: At least 1 every 24 hours (expect me to post much often), and let others know if you will be not available for more than 2 days.

    For additional information on how I plan to run the game, please check the game expectations under my GM profile.

    Who am I?:

    I have been playing and GMing in PbP for one year and a half. I have GMed 14 PFS scenarios and played 38 in PbP, all of them are finished. My completion time ranges from 20 to 60 days depending on scenario and party. I am currently playing 3 long term PbP campaigns (GM Chris Raise of the Runelords, GM Darkblade Giantslayer and GM Maki Temple of Elemental Evil).

    In addition I have completed just half year ago a Red Hand of Doom campaign I GMed through a whole year, and I am playing through a Kingmaker Adventure Path and a Dragonlance Key of Destiny campaign. Not to mention the 29 PFS games I have GMed and the 21 I have played at local events and all the AD&D playing and GMing I made between 1996 and 2004.

    I like roleplaying because I love novels, theatre, character's evolution and strategy games. As a result, expect any modification I make to the original AP will be to further engage you with the story while keeping combats as much interesting as possible.

    Finally, I am not an English native, thus I have to apologize beforehand for my weird grammar structures and typos. If you see an error to come often to the thread, please let me know privately so I can try to fix it.

    What will I be looking for when lurking through your aliases:
    • Tidy and comprehensive profiles
    • Fully fledged characters with background, personality and stats (I will check the quality for those characters you have used the most, that is, the ones with more posts)
    • Reasons why you are not posting with inactive aliases (I am really interested on how and why your previous games ended)
    • Posting frequency (I understand this often depends in the party as a whole)
    • Posting style (I want to see here how you are contributing to the party enjoyment)

    I invite you to do same with me and do not apply if you do not like what you read, specially with my GM Rutseg alias.


    • What kind of player you are?
    • What is your favourite campaign setting?
    • Have you ever played or read partially or completely the Shackled City before?
    • What made you decide to apply?

    Questions are left open for interpretation on purpose, answer as you feel. Please, try to keep it short, to a couple of sentences per question at most as I hope I will need to read a lot of posts. It is ok if you add more about yourself and what do you like after answering the questions, but keep the question answers concise please.

    This is a project I have been maturing since one year ago while I got my hands in this wonderfully edited hardcover of The Shackled City Adventure Path. As such I am committing to a time consuming long purpose task but I hope to have much fun while doing it, and I would like to find a group of players that get the same feeling while playing.

    Thanks to:

    All my previous GMs for their inspiration
    Wilmannator's Guide to Successful Play-by-Post Recruitment and Painlord’s Guide to PbP GMing for their well structured ideas
    Paizo for creating such an amazing and conveying Adventure Path

    In case you want to see more information about the Adventure Path before applying, I suggest you take a look at the Player’s Guide I will provide for character creation.

    Happy new year and good gaming!

    For the last year I have been gathering information about the Shackled City preparing to GM my own instalment of this the first ever Paizo Adventure Path.

    I have decided to contribute to the community my own version of a Player's Guide for the campaign as I think it might benefit multiple people. It is my desire that other GM's or even players contribute to this guide making it an even better resource for next players to play the campaign. For that reason I have opted by an open for edition Google Docs document as opposed to other older guides in PDF which are more difficult to contribute to. Feel free to add there your contributions and fix any error you might find.

    Shackled City Adventure Path - Community Player's Guide

    If I find vandalism towards the guide, I might opt to set the edition permissions only to comments or even close it completely and only allow trusted editors under request.

    I have paid special attention to include information for running the campaign in Golarion and under the Pathfinder ruleset and to foreshadow some of the mysteries surrounding Cauldron without going too deep on it.

    I hope you all enjoy it and find the guide useful!

    I have found today a bug reporting a 19 tables special event.

    This bug converts Core characters to Normal characters unwillingly and without the reporter noticing it. I have proven the bug by testing it with a newly created character. You can test the bug in this way:

    1- Create a New Core Character
    2- Access an existing or a new Session to report in Normal campaign
    3- Test the new Core character by inserting its ID, it will be highlighted in Red it is a PFC character
    ---- Until here everything is ok----
    4- Press the <Delete> button next to the character to make sure the character is not reported (it is important you do not change the ID, delete with the PFC in red still)
    5- Check the character is not in the list of characters anymore
    6- Save the session
    7- Insert the character ID in the session, you will see it is no longer a Core Character but a Normal character. Go to the character sessions, you will see there is no reported session for that character.

    Basically pressing the <Delete> button seems to delete the character from the session report, but some array with the Core characters to be transformed is not cleared, because when you save the session the characters are transformed even if they are no longer part of the session report.

    This bug has made me unwillingly transform this two characters to Normal Campaign:
    175572 1 Perdenarion
    183645 1 Kronmar

    If possible I would appreciate if they are converted back to Core whenever possible :(

    I have tested the bug with my purposely created Core character Dadibe, which fortunately it seems I can delete.

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch’s mission summons brings you to her Magnimarian manor house. When you arrive other pathfinders are already there and the Venture-Captain does not delay her briefing.

    Loyal Pathfinders,” the deep-voiced Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch says from the end of the long dining table, “our colleagues in Absalom are putting pressure on me to find out more about the forgotten goddess Lissala and her worshipers.

    We have searched catacombs and libraries for artifacts and accounts of the faith for centuries, but now that we know the cult is still active here in Varisia, this has become a priority for the Ten.

    One of my agents claimed she had uncovered an active cult of Lissala practicing their rites in Palin’s Cove, a few days ride from Korvosa. If she’s correct, this would be an unusual opportunity for us—we could study the goddess and her faith firsthand instead of piecing together information from disparate runes and legends hidden in the dust of a crumbled empire. Find this cult and get to the center of its inner workings. Brute force might get you in the door, but we won’t learn much from a bunch of dead cultists, so infiltrate it if you can. Learn what secrets you can, and get out safely to report your findings to me. I want to know how Lissala’s faith has survived 10 millennia undetected, and what foul plan they’re concocting that has precipitated their resurgence all of a sudden.

    I have a man in Palin’s Cove by the name of Gerhart Aldrim. He has arranged lodging and cover identities for you if you need them. Aldrim will expect you at the Baited Hook Inn within the week, and can answer any questions you might have about your mission. Oh, and one last thing: The agent who uncovered the cult has not reported back in some time. So do be careful. Losing one Pathfinder is misfortune; losing an entire team would seem like carelessness.

    Feel free to add anything to your presentation. Although most information you will have to check out once at Palin’s Cove, I will give you some time for player interaction. Feel free to roleplay your trip to Palin’s Cove

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    Welcome everybody!

    This game has plenty of RP opportunities as well as strong combat situations. I will try to move things out at good pace but still leave time for you to enjoy the research NPC and PC interaction scenes, not only jumping from encounter to encounter. If you find this tedious or boring, let me know, I will try to adapt the playing style to the group desires.

    In order to see who is ready to join the game, I would like you to post the following information (you can copy paste this template):
    [b]Player name[/b]:
    [b]Character PFS #ID[/b]:
    [b]Advance pace[/b]: Slow or normal?
    [b]Day job roll[/b]:
    [b]Brief description of your character[/b]:

    Thanks everybody and I hope we find some fun playing here together :)

    Iron Gods: Iron maps;

    After your last deeds and a small period of rest you happen to cross by Varisia in your return to Absalom. There, you are acknowledged by Pathfinder contacts and requested your attendance to a meeting in Magnimar at Venture-Captain's Sheila Heidmarch home.

    The day rises sunny and clear and the streets of Magnimar are bustling and lively as in their best days.

    The house is magnificent and the servants let you wait in a small room for the other Pathfinders to arrive and Sheila to be ready.

    Feel free to interact/further present yourself as we make extra time for the last pathfinders to join ;)

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