GM Rutseg |
Welcome everybody!
On principle it seems we are going for lower tier 3-4.
There will be good RP opportunities so I hope you enjoy those type of games in addition to combat.
In order to keep the pace during combat, I might jump one player if he is the only one still to act, and give him the right to use his action in the next turn. I have found this is usually the best balance between maintaining the game pace and keeping the players opportunity to participate even if they cannot post very often.
Also, in order to improve everybody's experience, every time you have a doubt, in addition to ask about it (please do so!), add contingency actions so I can resolve the events without having to go back and forth into a two people discussion.
And one rule when you post, if you are unsure if something works in a certain way, try it out, if not, I will just ignore the action or tell you what other thing to do. It just saves a lot of time in PbP. Even more if you add contingency actions in spoilers.
For example:
If no one says against this direction, I check the left door for traps.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 6[/dice] -> Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
[spoiler=If nothing found]
I open the door and go into the room if there is no immediate danger.
[spoiler=If the door is locked]
I call the party rogue to open the door. If we don't have rogue, I try to force it open with my axe Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20.
GM answer:
Great contingencies post! Thanks for helping the action to keep moving!
The door seems to have no traps at all. When you try to open it, you discover it is locked. You call the rogue and he take 20 for total 26 unlocks it.
Your torch light goes inside the room, and you see a big birthday cake. All of a sudden your Pathfinder friends come out around and greet you all "Happy birthday!"
That saves us from expending 3 days checking questions and answers back and forth to decide where to go and what happens with it.
Required info
Player name:
Character name:
Character level:
PFS id:
Advancement pace: (Normal or slow?)
Dayjob roll:
I will perform the compulsory character audit only if I find the time during the first week of playing.
Gameplay first post will go up once everybody knows exactly what character is playing.
Have fun!
Khouri Saltbeard |
Dr Evil here, checking in with Khouri Saltbeard, a dwarven warpriest of Abadar.
I admit to not having played him in a while, so bear with me as I get back in the swing. I believe this may be his first PBP foray.
Required info
DM DoctorEvil
Khouri Saltbeard
Warpriest 4
Advancement pace: Normal
Dayjob Craft Jewelry: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Corrella DeVille |
Required info
Player name: Big Joe
Character name: Corrella DeVille
Character level: Bard 4
PFS id: 20941-12
Advancement pace: Normal
Dayjob roll: Perform (oratory): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Imrijka"The Inquisitor" |
Player name: GM Deekan
Character name:Imrijka
Level: Inquisitor 4
PFS: Pre-Gen
Advancement: Normal
Dayjob: None
Looking forward to getting started.
Tundran |
Hi guys! :D
I was under the impression this game was starting in October. Unfortunately I don't have anyone ready to go right now. And usually I would be happy to play a pregen but this scenario's reputation makes me want to bring one of my own characters for all the RP. So I will have to bow out of this run.
Thanks for the invite. Have a great game! :D
Giladref |
I too was under the impression that we would start this around October 6th. I am currently in 4 PBP and would feel very rushed to start a roll play heavy scenario now. I was hoping to get lined up with session two games. I am sorry to have wasted your time. I hope I did not discourage others from applying to play.
If by chance I have misunderstood and you are just getting things lined up for an October start, then Giladref is your man. And I will happily provide information for him.
Again thanks and sorry for the misunderstanding.
Ss'alat |
Xunal, I think you will find much more fun in this scenario while playing Ss'alat.
Got it, thanks!
Required info
Player name: Xunal (a.k.a Malcolm Maynard in that boring real world place)
Character name: Ss'alat
Character level: 5
PFS id: 146423-2
Advancement pace: [color=blue]Normal[/color]
Day job roll: profession (scribe): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Petrok Kaznikh |
Gm Rutseg if you are short a player before you start Oct. 6th My 4th level Shaman should be ready by then..Or I could play a pregen if he's not..thx.. PS..this is a new player doting in I saw that a couple players might not make it so I figured I'd throw my hat in to the mix
GM Rutseg |
Sorry everyone. Due to country exceptional events I have decided to suspend this game temporally.
I am currently following close news at my country and cannot keep up with GMing a new game (I am already having problems to keep up with my regular games).
Tomorrow regional Parliament is scheduled to declare Catalan independence against Spanish Constitution. Depending on whether this descends into chaos or the situation is more or less hold into order, the game will start at one point or another.
Sorry, I cannot give you a date right now.
GM Rutseg |
Ok, we have officially begun. Please state presence on gameplay thread. We will move on once it is clear we still have a full team for this game.
Sorry for the long game start delay.
GM Rutseg |
Ok, it is time to introduce the rules of Influencing NPCs of this scenario. This works in a special way.
Whenever the scenario allows you to attempt an Influence check, each character may select one NPC in attendance to influence. Each of you can attempt a Bluff check (to pretend to be friendly), a Diplomacy check (to be genuine), an Intimidate check (to frighten the NPC into submission), or an appropriate Perform check (to entertain and amuse the NPC). Pathfinders can split up during these instances to work on different guests simultaneously, or can use the aid another action to assist comrades in influencing a single target.
You can earn 1 additional Influence Point per successful check for every 5 points by which the check exceeds the target DC for that NPC.
You may also gain an advantage over the targets of your Influence checks by exploiting NPCs' weaknesses. These character flaws or bits of scandalous gossip can be discovered with by hitting a secret Discovery check DC. Each of you may forgo an Influence check to instead attempt a Discovery check about a given NPC. If successful, you learn the character's weakness, granting the PCs a +4 competence bonus on any future Influence checks against that target. Note that these rules override the standard rules for using skills to influence an NPC.
During the boat trip you will have time for a single Influence (or Discovery) check. Discovery checks are usually based on Sense Motives, but some of the NPC can also be discovered by using specific knowledge. If you want to attempt a Discovery check, just roll and I will pick your most beneficial skill against the target NPC.
When trying to Influence or Discover a NPC, it should be one you have interacted with. Make a good choice ;)
Giladref |
Just read the above again...We have three people to influence currently, Jeon, the mercenary Shafar, and Nigel's muscular andoren friend. We esch get a roll to influence, aid or discover but only one. So Giladref and Hervey are done. Khouri did a discovery on the andoren with the sense motive? Corrella is still looking but I would think she should attempt to influence the andoren as we are running out of rolls for this boat trip. Ss'alat should just straight up try to influense the mercenary woman. Discovering secrets won't help because I think this is it for trying to influence these three.
Giladref |
I don't think very many people in my experience pay much attention to the discussion thread. I am guilty of this often. It almost seems unnecessary. However, I am bored and will type away anyway.
With the site going crazy and crashing every two minutes, do the rules of gameday require us to finish prior to the end date? It is not really important to me. I have one other pbp going and it is moving about the same.
Is anyone in the know about the new iconic character they revealed? Why is a new iconic character required? Are they making more classes? Gosh, I hope not. I can't keep up with the ones they have now especially when you consider all the archetypes available. It is one reason I have shied away from GMing lately. I guess Paizo must keep making new angles and different products or the game will not make any money. Core campaign may be my final destination if things keep broadening. But, it is hard to find even on pbp.
Well, just wondering...
Looking forward to seeing how things play out in this scenario...
GM Rutseg |
If forum stabilizes we should be able to finish roughly in time. They have extended 3 days because of the crashes.
I also feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of increasing rules. I do like to have familiarity with rules and like having classes and races that feel natural around. It is one of the reasons I am stepping away from Society gaming progressively. It feels a lot about rule ingesting and overcomplicating scenarios.
I do prefer much more AP. As of late me and my group is reducing the accepted rules to just Core + APG + UM + UC. We think that has all the rules we need to play the game with a lot of variation from campaign to campaign and still feel comfortable about the game.
Corrella DeVille |
Okay folks this is one heck of a revelation and frankly Corrella is a bit rocked on her heels by it. We need a group concensus on how to proceed. So what say you all?
Ss'alat |
If they're identical twin sisters [u]and[/u] this prophecy business is true, it might be worthwhile doing the swap.
Damian could be a hard sell on it, I'm sure.
In the mean time, Ss'alat is just playing for time with a load of BS.
Just so we can have a bit more time to figure out what's going on.
Giladref |
Giladref is chaotic and loves the turmoil of it all, but is still concerned for the mission to impress. If we are found out to have known about this and it all blows up, any good will we created will be gone.
Really Giladref is not the one getting married so if the switch works he could be okay with it. I would like to hear from Michaella, the one in the boat, that she is okay with it and not going to eventually cause a problem. How does Olaf know that MIchealla and not Elaine will not work just fine for the prophesy. Might the safer solution of Elaine marrying the Viking and Michealla staying with Damian work as well?
Ss'alat |
As another Chaotic sort of person, Ss'alat doesn't mind going along with this little scheme of theirs.
I mean! If we save the world [u]and[/u] get our pay packet as if nothing is amiss, then Ss'alat is all for it!
IF all this is on the up and up, that is.
So just working on trying to make sure that they're not leading us on (much).
Hopefully that horrid diplomacy roll of mine doesn't mess things up.
Giladref |
I want to find out, "why Michaella?". Why did a back water Viking have to marry the most eligible bachelorette in the inner sea? This is silly. Elinor or Elaine or whatever the other sisters name is is a much better fit for a viking. No way someone can be Michaella and fool everyone. Most likely the mother will find out and blame us somehow. I think this prophecy is vague and probably is a little flexible also. Giladref pushed forth this opinion but with a weak effort (what a time to roll a three).
Giladref |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I hate to ask, but tomorrow I leave for 4 days camping. I will not have any way to post. The cell coverage is non existent. Please bot me as necessary. If this situation turns violent, Giladref will grease olafs axe. Then, Giladref will start with magic missiles attempting to stay out of melee. Then he will use his acid bolts. And finally he will use scorching ray X2 and or burning hands if still required. I will return late Tuesday.
Giladref |
I just realized I never put my info in.
Player name: Wydroe
Character name: Giladref
level: 3 wizard
PFS ID: 165069-6
Advancement: Normal
Day Job: Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Sorry for the oversight.
GM Rutseg |
I am aware. I see the game has already been properly registered by the Gameday VI staff so I can proceed now.
Please, give me up until the weekend so I have time to fill the chronicles and hand them to you ;)
Reclaim them if I am not back at you by Sunday.
Sorry for the delay, life happens.
GM Rutseg |
Sorry, for this took me forever, but here you have your Blakros Chronicles! They are on Dropbox, just simply tell them you do not want to log in and it will offer you to download without the need of an account.
Just let me know if something is amiss.