Lord Vardak

Eidi's page

1,063 posts. Alias of Balacertar.

Organized Play Characters

Elf Thief
Grand Lodge Eldon García

HP 41/41 AC 23 TAC 17 FF 17 (+1 vs traps) | CMD 21 | F +6 R +10 W +4 (evasion,inmune sleep,+2 vs enchantments,+1 vs traps) | Init +7 | Senses Low-light +9 (+10 vs traps) | AP: 3/5 Dare: 9/10 L1: 3/3+
Acrob+13/+18,Bluff+5,Climb+7,C.(weap.)+9,Diplo+2,DisablD+17,Disguise+2,Esca pe+10,Arcana/Dungeon/Engineering/History,Local/Planes+9,K.other+5,Linguist+ 9,Spellcr+10,SoH+10,Stealth+11,Swim+5,UMD+9,Concentr.+9
Male Elf Magus 2/Rogue (Unchained) 3 | - (Inactive) (790 posts)
Grand Lodge Pandora Soulkeeper

HP 94/94 | AC 24 TAC 16 FF 19 (fortification 25%) | CMD 26 | F +11 R +15 W +9 [immune poison] (evasion,+4 vs. sonic and language effects) | Sing: 28/28 Ex: 3/3 LM: 2/2 L1: 6/6 L2: 5/5 L3: 5/5 L4: 3/3 | Ini +6 | Senses +12
Acrobatics+12,Bluff+18,Appraise+0,Climb+6,Diplo+19,Disguis+8,Escap+9,H.anim al+12,Arc+9,Dung+9,Eng+9,His+9,Local+9,Nat+9,Nob+9,Pla+9,Rel+9,Ling+7,Sing+ 18,Dance+12,S.Motives+18,SoHand+9,Spell+9,Stealth+9,UMD+17
Female Human Bard 11 | - (Inactive) (612 posts)
Dark Archive Vailis

HP 83/84 AC 20 TAC 13 FF 18 | CMD 19 | F +12 R +9 W +9 (inmune to sleep, +2 vs enchantments) | L1: 4/7 L2: 2/6 L3: 5/5 Sm: 6/9 Timelost Chronicler:1/1 | Senses Low-light +1 (Coco darkvision 60' +10)
Diplomacy+7,Bluff+7,H.Animal+10,Arcana+5,Hist+6,Planes+5,Local+5,Linguistic s+9,K.nature+5,Stealth+1,Sense motives-1,Spellcraft+13,Use Magic Device+20,Concentration+17
Male Half-elf Summoner 9| - (Inactive) (837 posts)
Grand Lodge Xien

HP 52/60 AC 27 TAC 14 FF 25 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | For +12 Ref +10 Vol +8 (+2 vs mind-affecting and poison, +4 vs fear aura 10'; immune fear and disease) | (Smite: 0/3 LH: 7/7 L1: 2+/2+ L2: 1/1) | Init +3 | Senses Low-light +0 (Eidi +10)
Acrobatics+7,Climb +8,Diplomacy+11(+13dayjob),HandleAnimal(others/reptiles/mount)+8/+10/+14,He al+2,Intimidate+4(+6goblin),K.nobility+1,K.religion+1,Ride+7,SenseMotives+2 ,Stealth+0,Concentrion+8
Male Nagaji Paladin 7 | -(Inactive) (451 posts)
Silver Crusade Arbiscar

HP 43/43 AC 21 TAC 11 FF 20 | CMD 17 (21 overrun/trip) | F +8 R +3 W +8 (+2 vs poisons, spells, spell-likes and death effects) | (Fv: 5/5 Bl: 5/5 SW: 4/4 L1: 4/4+ L2: 2/2) | Senses Darkvision +7
Acrobatics+0,Climb+3,Diplomacy+4,Heal+7,Intimidate-3,K.eng+6,K.History(dwar ven)+4,K.Religion+7,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+7,Stealth-3,Spellcraft+5,Surv ival+3,Stealth-3,Swim-1,Concentration+7
Male Dwarf Warpriest 4 | - (Inactive) (590 posts)
Sound Warrior
Liberty's Edge Ledt

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive) (451 posts)
Koriah Azmeren
Scarab Sages Elneth

(Core) HP 13/23 AC 18 TAC 12 FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 R +5 W +2 (immune vs sleep, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects) | +2 undead | Init +2 | Senses low-light vision +12
Acrobatics+2,Climb+8,Diplomacy-1,DisableDevice+9,H.animal+3,Heal+8,K.dungeo ning+4,K.nature+4,K.religion(undead)+2,Stealth+6,Survival+6,Swim+2
Female Half-elf Ranger 2 | - (Inactive) (177 posts)
Sovereign Court Sedala

(Inactive) (0 posts)

Acquisitives Koghun
(0 posts)
Lord Villastir

HP 51/51 | AC 22 TAC 20 Elf (Playtest) Male Wizard 5/Rogue (Inactive) (51 posts)


Ringeirr Malenkov
Delendir Farnes

HP -16/94 | AC 26 TAC 15 FF 23 | CMD 30 | F +11 R +12 W +8 (evasion; immune to sleep; +2 vs enchantments; 1 Will reroll) | Ini: +3 (+4 terrain) | Senses: low-light +21 (+5 vs traps;+4 terrain) |
Acrobatics+22,Climb+9,C.(traps)+5,Diplomacy-2,Disable dev.+23,Hand. animal+5/+9,Heal+8,Inti+5,K.dung+7,K.geo+5/+9,K.nature+9,Prof.(hunter)+4,Ri de+7,Spellcraft+5,Stealth+13/+17[+18/+22], Surv.+13/+17[+18/+22],Swim+6
Half-elf male Ranger 10 | RoTRL Doc·Treasure | +2 goblins, +5 giants, +4 undead, +4 urban/underground | Ghina +15 HP 67/67 AC 26 TAC 17 | (Died fighting Mokmurian) (1,663 posts)
Lord Vardak

Bald male Half-Elf elder (1,063 posts)
Blue Dragon
GM Rutseg

Iron Gods: Iron maps; (8,615 posts)
Alba Divenaar

HP 24/24 AC 21 TAC 12 FF 19 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +3 W +6 (+2 vs poison, spells) | EP 7/7 Ch 2/3 L1 4/4 L2 3/3 | Ini: +2 (+2 if surprise) | Senses: Darkvision 60' +9 |
Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +3, Heal +8/+13, K. engineering +5, K. history +5, K. nature +8, K. religion +7, Ling +5, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +5
Female Dwarf Cleric of Erastil 3 | - (213 posts)
Djarrus Gost
Hirabashi Yuto

HP 67/67 Sanity 32/34 [2] AC 26 TAC 12 FF 24 | CMD 24 | F +7 R +4 W +5 (+2 vs evil and fear, endure elements) | Challenge: 3/3 Resolve: 4/4 Honor: 1/2 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +11
Acro+10,Bluff+4,Climb+15,Diplo+10,HandleA+6,Intim+10,K.history+12,K.nobilit y+12,K.planes+9,K.dung/religion/nature+4,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+10,Survi val+5,Swim+10
Human (Tien) male Samurai (Yojimbo) 7 | Treasure | 3 Con damage (1,258 posts)
Holg Redhawk

HP 207+34/207 DR 3/- AC 45 TAC 20 FF 40 CMD 39| F +20 R +15 W +20 | Resist cold 5 acid 5 | Ch:4/7 Ki:4/4 DS:0/8 BR:8/8 R:12/17 WM:9/17 Ext:2/3 Staff:6/10 L1:5/7+1/1 L2:5/6+1/1 L3:2/6 L4:2/6 L5:2/6 L6:4/5 L7:3/4 L8:1/3 L9:2/2 | Ini: +5 | Senses: +11
Acr+10,Climb+11,Diplomac+12,Heal+12,K.arcana+4,K.eng.+13,K.history+17,K.nob ility+4,K.planes+17,K.religion+14,SenseMotive+10,Spellcraft+4,Stealth+3,Sur vival+8,Swim+9,ProfessionMine+10,Concentration+22
Human male Cleric of Gorum 17 | Treasure | (Completed Iron Gods) (1,247 posts)
Ramona Avandth

It's complicated Human with a level 16 pig | Character Sheet | (Completed Rise of the Runelords) (1,495 posts)
Kosei Sharif-El-Sadad

HP 176/195/163 AC 32 TAC 15 FF 24 24 TAC 14 FF 23|CMD 26|F+19 R+13 F+17 R+10 W+21 (im. p.)|Res 20 fire, 30 elec.|WS: 4/7 HH: 10/16 FB: 9/11 L1: 5/7+2/4 L2: 2/7+1/1 L3: 1/7 L4: 2/7 L5: 1/6 L6: 3/5 L7: 3/4 L8: 1/4 Ext: 3/3 Daz: 1/3 | Ini+3 | Senses+24
Acro+19,Climb+4,Diplo+1,Fly+7,H.Animal+3,Heal+25,K.dung+17,K.geo+8,K.hist+2 ,K.local+0,K.nat+5,K.nobility+14,K.planes+17,K.relig+2,Linguist+15,P.Orator y+4,S.Motive+8,Spellcr+10,Stealth+14,Surviv+12,Swim+1
Eccentric Garundi Druid (restorer) 16 | (Completed Mummy's Mask) (609 posts)
Pilla Linuveshi
Kyra Soulkeeper

HP 11/11 | AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | CMD 14 | Fort +3 Ref +1 Will +2 | Senses +4 |
Acrobatics +5, Climb +5, Craft (ships) +3, Perception +4, Profession (fisherman) +4, Profession (sailor) +8, Survival +4, Swim +5
Female N Human Expert 1/Warrior 1 (Secondary character holder) (277 posts)

HP 142/142 AC 39 29 TAC 18 15 FF 35 25 | CMD 35 | F +12 R +14 W +17 (im. fear; +2 il.; +4 reroll 3/3) | SS:1/2 PoG:16/17 L1:4/7 L2:3/7 L3:6/7 L4:5/7 L5:2/6 L6:4/6 L7:5/6 L8:4/4 | Ini +4 (x3) Senses darkvision 60' +18 |
Acro+11,Climb+5,Diplo+19,DisDevice+22,HAnim+5,Heal+5,Intim+8,Keng+4,Khist+1 8,Kplanes+13,Kreligion+14,Ling+16,Ride+3,SMotive+5,Spellcraft+5,Stealth-1,U MD+17,Conc+21
Female Orc blooded Human Oracle 17 | GS Doc | (Completed Giantslayer) (1,640 posts)
Amwyr Yuseifah

HP 61/68 AC 25 TAC 20 FF 22 | CMD 33 (35 vs grapple) | F +10 R +10 W +9 (evasion; im. disease; +2 enchant., DS: +2 sleep, paralysis, stunning) | Ki: 6/10 SF: 4/8 (DC 18) EF: 4/8 (2d6 cold) FoM: 0/1 | Ini: +2 | Senses: +14 |
Acrobatics+13/+21,Climb+8,Prof.carpenter+8,Esc.Art+6,Diplomacy-1,Intimidate +3,H.animal+0,Heal+4,K.history+11,K.nature+7,K.religion+4,Linguistics+4,P.O ratory+4,Ride+6,SenseMotive+9,SoH+3,Stealth+7,Survival+10,Swim+11
Wandering Elder Monk (unchained) 8 | barkskin 80m (571 posts)
Lord Glorio Arkona
Lope de Vega

HP 59/59 AC 22 TAC 20 FF 13 | CMD 24 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | - (623 posts)

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h (2,139 posts)
Machine Slayer
Samuel Soulkeeper

HP 86 AC 24 TAC 19 FF 16 | CMD 30 | F +10 R +14 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +15
Acrobatics+19,Bluff+12,Climb+4,Diplomacy-1,Disable Device+18,Heal+8,Intimidate+12,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/nature/planes+3,Lingu istics+4,Sense Motives+12,Ride+10,SoH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 10 | - (1,478 posts)

HP 35 AC 20 TAC 14 FF 16 | CMD 17 (+2 vs trip) | Fort +6 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +3 | Low-light +8 (+1 vs traps)
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+13,Climb+4,Diplomacy+8,DisableDevice+14,Knowledges+9,Lin guistics+9,Spellcraft+11,Survival+4/+5,Swim+3
Mysterious Mordant Spire elven female 5 | Character Sheet | Party Treasure | - (865 posts)
Dog Rider
Uldar Aren

hp 40/58 | AC 21 t. 16 ff. 16 (uncanny dodge, +2 vs traps) | CMD 18 | F +5 R +11 W +3 (+2 vs fear, +2 vs traps) | Ini: +7 | Senses: low-light vision +11 (+14 vs traps)
Acro. +16, Appr. +5, Bluf +8, Climb +7*, C. (bow) +5, Dipl. +3, Dis.dev. +19, Disg. +3, Esc. art. +12,Intimidate+3, K. dung. +5, K. local +5, Ling. +6, Per. +11(+14traps), S.mot. +4, S.hand +9, Stealth +18, Swim +4*, UMD +8
Male Halfling Rogue 6 | Treasure sheet | - (Discontinued campaign) (309 posts)