100 Ideas for an Inheritance

Homebrew and House Rules

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180. You inherit a map to a fountain of pickles. You probably think it's a gag till various goblinoids start contacting you with offers and even requests to accompany you there. Diplomats contact you about how this could finally lead to a treaty.

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181. Your great uncle was a magician of great renown. You were the only one of your brothers and sisters who liked his act, and despite not having a lick of magical power or stage craft you inherited it all- a fair amount of money left over from his performance days (1d100 x 100 pieces of silver), a host of stage magic props (worth roughly 1d10 x 10 pieces of gold,a fair bit more to a collector), and one actual minor magical artifact that was the center of your great uncles act. He had no idea it was genuinely magical, and thought it was solely his stagecraft that was to thank for its effects. However you are now in possession of something truly potent that you have only rudimentary idea of how it works or how valuable it is. Others do, however, from your great uncle rivals to rival adventurers, and for every genuine offer you receive you also receive a few bogus ones.

182.A close relative, such as a father you never met, leaves you a duffle bag. It has a false bottom over a sewn in portable hole. It's full of drugs(GM choice). It's looking more and more like murder.

183. A bag of 12 magical beans. When any individual bean is planted, a random effect occurs, so you should have a chart of random magical bean effects on hand in preparation for this. In this case, the first time a double number is rolled (00, 11, 22, 33, etc.), the planter receives an actual monetary inheritance in the form of 100 gp x planter's character level springing from the ground.

184. A magic map to a nearby secluded location, like a glade or an overlook. The map itself has deliberate pinholes in it. If taken out at night and held to the sky, certain pinholes line up with constellations. The first time the map is aligned with the starts, it triggers the deceased's voice, giving a heartfelt declaration of love, loss, and sadness as well as encouragement to the player on facing their future and how much they meant to the deceased. At GM's discretion, it may also impart a plot hook or secret.

Scarab Sages

95) A lawyer arrives to inform you a relative you didn't know about has passed away. Apparently you have always been his favortie relative because your the only one who didn't bother him for money (in large part because you ddin't know he existed). He is therefore willing to leave his entire fortune to you but he wants to be sure you wont waste it so he's going to ensure your so sick of spending money you wont do it any more. Thefore in order to inherit the 3,000,000 (gold, estate, valuables, etc) he is worth you must spend 30,000 gold in 30 days and have nothing left by the end of it except a set of non-magical clothing. The information detailing this is on page 1 of the documents, the remaining 228 pages are a set of rules detailing what you are allowed to spend things on with hard limits on things like gambling and prohibtions on just throwing it into a ditch.

96) You receive notice of an inheritence from someone you once gave some money to on the street when they were begging. It is three puzzle boxes and a note. The note say's "One of these boxes opens a gateway to a dimension of pain and suffering where you will be tormented for all eternity, one will instantly slay the one opening it, the third will make you the rightful of a magical kingdom in a pocket dimension taliored to your own personal desires. You are only allowed to open one, apparently there is a way to determine which box does which before opening but I never managed to discover it. Now that I am dying I wanted to pass them on to someone else in hopes they have better luck. In thanks for your kindness all those years ago which set me on the path to a better life I could think of no better person to give this possibiilty to."

All 3 boxes open to the same dimension (hellraiser) its just different descriptions of what happens as a result.

183) Apparently, your great uncle was some top notch assassin and interplanar mercenary. You inherit a long list with attachments titled "people who owe me
money". The most harraising of which are
"Demon Lord Nocticula. Owes me 66.666 Platinum for services rendered regarding regulatory efforts to curb immigration from the dark tapestry."
"Apocalyptic rider Szuriel, owes me 10.000K Platinum for breach of contract because she didnt strip when I prevailed against her at strip poker"
"Queen of Hell Doloras. Owes 9813 platnium for provisioning with mythic incredibly cold resistant latex outfit."

Once you make progress and foolishly accept the inheritance, you end up realizing that you owe Abadar slightly more then the combined sum, and interest is kicking up on that one!

I think the numbering got a bit skewed there.

188: A folio with a map to a strange ancient statuary garden on one side. On the other side is the spell "Stone to Flesh" in spell book format. Along the edges are names and dates of prisoner sentences. You are the latest in a long line of jailers for an ancient empire.

189. A durable wool shepherd's cloak. It's old and has been patched and resewn in places but is still warm, strong and serviceable. The cloak provides a +2 equipment bonus to Animal Handling to checks dealing with sheep (not goats, not cows, not cats), though this isn't obvious without a lot of testing and doesn't detect as magical if checked.

Some information-gathering uncovers rumors that your relative was a lover and consort to the deity of sheep. Said to have spent nights out in the meadows with the god(dess) and long, lazy days in the fields singing and picnicking (while still watching the flock). Rumors also say that their spouse was not a fan of gossip and rumors.

190. A wrapped bundle containing something. No one looking at it is able to figure out what it is. It's got a worn, wooden handle, with some disturbing rust stains near one end, and something on the end covered in a black cloth. Despite description, it just can't be named or categorized.

Once the black cloth is removed, the item is clearly revealed to be an axe. A DC 14 Intelligence check notes an odd blunt section on the blade, indicative of an executioner's axe, where it would repeatedly strike a hard wooden block. It's almost puzzling why it couldn't be guessed what it was.

The black cloth turns out to be an executioner's hood. If donned, it grants the wearer the effects of non-detection. It also has these qualities and grants them to the axe (specifically) when wrapped around it, in addition to the effects of puzzle box. As such, it may not detect as magical. Additionally, anyone trying to recall the actions of the wearer of the hood must make a DC 15 Will save or be affected as though by anonymous interaction except for acts of violence.

The axe is equivalent to a +1 battle axe and anyone wearing the hood is considered proficient. It detects as magical (once the hood is removed, unless the wearer is holding it) and deals an additional 4 damage to targets that are helpless, prone, or kneeling/cowering. It additionally grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks against such creatures. The wearer of the hood can also call it to their hand by concentrating for 2 rounds and expending 1 hit point per Hit Dice. There is no distance limit, but it must be on the same plane. All abilities of the axe only function while the hood is worn. It functions as a masterwork axe otherwise.

While there may have been some rumors about some wandering executioner going around as a serial killer in the surrounding lands, there are also equal tales of a wandering executioner working as a vigilante or law-dispenser. Strangely, the details of both are a bit hazy... as was anyone's recollection of your relative. He did have a twin brother, though... He might know more.

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190. You inherit the secret technique of your family, be it a spell of legend, a special attack, a magical weapon, or something similar. EVERYONE for miles and miles around associated your family with this bit of spell/sword/whathaveyou, and you were told about it constantly while training in your youth and early adventuring levels.

The thing is, it's nothing. Absolutely nothing. You didn't learn a blessed thing. But upon the reading of the will and discovering your inheritance, you absolutely cannot convince anyone else of this fact. People come from just as far around to challenge you to learn your technique, and at least one of your siblings, whom you are quite close to, has stopped speaking to you over it. At least one person has attempted to take your life over it, and it is rumored you defended yourself by exhibiting this technique, but to the best of your memory, you have never even learned it. Your legend continues to grow...

Freehold DM wrote:

190. You inherit the secret technique of your family, be it a spell of legend, a special attack, a magical weapon, or something similar. EVERYONE for miles and miles around associated your family with this bit of spell/sword/whathaveyou, and you were told about it constantly while training in your youth and early adventuring levels.

The thing is, it's nothing. Absolutely nothing. You didn't learn a blessed thing. But upon the reading of the will and discovering your inheritance, you absolutely cannot convince anyone else of this fact. People come from Far and wide begging to learn your technique, and at least one of your siblings, whom you are quite close to, has stopped speaking to you over it as they feel they are a better inheritor than you as they saw to the minutiae of the school attached to your family and are no slouch themselves, having several classes and students of their own. Rumors fly least one person has attempted to take your life over it, and that you defended yourself by exhibiting this technique, but to the best of your memory, you have never even fought anyone during that time period. Your legend continues to grow... without you doing much of anything.


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Or you could just roll on my coming Class Wars: New classes and techniques for existing classes.

191. You inherit the double handful of rather rich fruits and vegetables that are sitting on the chest of your deceased father- you are the sin eater of your patrilineal line. Each fruit you consume gives you insight into your father's various misdeeds, great and minor, and you enjoy a +2 bonus to your Wisdom afterwards, but take a step closer towards Lawful Neutral in terms of alignment. If already Lawful Neutral this is a +3 bonus, but you cannot speak with your father or any other lost souls using Speak With Dead or similar spells- the experience of reliving his sins weigh too great upon you to ever make contact with those who have passed ever again.

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