Naturalist Occulist's Natural focus ability

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

"A naturalist can always hear the spirits of nature whispering in his ears, and sometimes those whispers contain helpful advice. As a free action, a naturalist can expend 1 point of generic mental focus before rolling an ability check, saving throw, or skill check to add 1d6 to the result. The naturalist must be conscious and aware to use this ability, and he can use this ability at most once per round."

My question is, while this ability states it can be used on saving throws, do you ever really get the option to do so?

its a free action- so arguably, you can't use it out of your turn. unless I'm missing something.

Most any saving throw effect you would want to use this on keeps you from using it

Since this is the Rules forum, unless we assume it's a complete development error, we have to look at if it can work as written. In this case, it can. Like you said, you can't really take free actions out of turn (unless they specifically say so). And you can do actions that would lead to making a saving throw on your turn (which means you could use your free action to get the bonus on the save), so it looks like it's still usable and the rules should be followed.

You are correct that most times you need to make a save will be off your turn, but there's also plenty of times you know an action might require a save, like running through a prismatic wall or when you opt to keep your eyes open at the start of your turn when facing a basilisk or before you try and disbelieve an illusion.

My reading and ruling would be that it is only usable on the naturalist's turn.

Silver Crusade

and which effects would keep him from using the ability?

Example- Hold person. He is still conscious and aware, so would he be able to make use of this ability? It seems to be a largely mental action.

Greater command, Halt- Would you be able to use this ability on the recurring save?

I mean... it's literally called 'generic mental focus'... so...
assuming you can take purely mental actions... :p
Unless it said something like 'you have to hold your fingers to your temples' or something to use it.

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Occultist arch Naturalist and Natural Focus(Su {sounds un-natural})...

Mental Focus gives you points to invest for the day or leave as "generic". Then there's in/out of body cost scalar.
Natural Focus lets the Occultist spend 1 generic in a free action (not immediate or "not an action") on his turn for a stackable +1d6 [untyped] bonus (if he gets another save) once. The Occultist just needs to be conscious and aware and can do it once per round on one roll, no other conditions or actions required (could be helpless, pinned, in an icy prison, held, blind, drinking beer, etc).

comment - there's a lot of Game doublespeak/jargon in the Occult Classes so careful reading is a must.

you can also review Aegis of Recovery [neck] $1500 as it has a similar effect.

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