Dark Archive Playtest

General Discussion
Psychic Class
Thaumaturge Class

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Isn't Thaumaturge name bit problematic both on thematic and cultural perspective?

Familiar Implement?

Dark Archive Playtest Officially Closed — Thanks, Everyone!

Behold the Unknown!: Welcome to the Thaumaturge Playtest

Thaumaturge and Recall Knowledge

2nd Level Playtest, but Also Not

Official Thaumaturge Class Playtest Feedback Thread

Last Minute Thaumaturge Playtest

Feels Bad Class Features

Playtesting a Thaumaturge at Level 10 in Malevolence - **SPOILERS**

Popular Thaumaturges in Media

Too Mqny Good Ideas

8th level playtest

Partial playtest level 1 psychic

Psychic Impressions - a faint trace, a sharp ringing.

Find Flaws and Battle Assessment

Thaumaturge and implements

Find Flaws and Forensic Acumen

Recall Knowledge DCs by Rarity Data

Change focus and amps

The Survey and Spellcasting

How do Aditional Knowledge DCs scale vs groups of the same type?

Paizo Blog: Dark Archive Playtest Ending Soon

If the thaumaturge uses charisma why isn't it a spellcaster.

Mental Stances, Mental Rage

Thaumaturge by the Numbers: A Numerical Cross-Class Comparison

Implementing Options

Psychics, the Somatic component, and limbs

Level 15 One-Shot Playtest

A very limited Thaumaturge playtest

Esoteric Antithesis as a Toolbox rather than a Damage Booster

Yet another Sorcerer

How About an Expansion on Spellcasting Items

Advice for Posting My Playtest / Analysis

Thaumaturge Analysis (and Minor Playtest Experience)

Any standout items or tools?

One More Activation and Wands

Quid's Thaumaturge Thread

Charisma, Creativity, and Sympathetic Magic

Scroll Esoterica?

Requesting Easy Implement Swap

Power level of amps

Unleashing Unleash Psyche

Questions about Draw Warding Circle

"and then I faked it" - the Thaumaturge's theme problem.

new spell trickster archetype from grand bazaar

The Case for Wisdom Thaumaturge

Visual and Auditory Manifestations

Bring me your builds!

Wand Implement

Level 5 Playtest - Sheer Audacity

Is Un-amp'd Message a "Beneficial Spell"?

Latnern implement: Can we have the lantern effect?

Thaumaturge Feat Chart

Multiple of the same foes?

No Perception Proficiency Improvement?

Charisma and Skills

Is Modularity the Thaumaturge's "Thing"?

I Am the Universe, Convince Me: 101 Thaumaturge Connections

Psychic's slots and incapacitation issues.

Concerns about Focus point cost to Amp a Cantrip

combing Antithesis and Implment empowerment. ?

Automatic Telekinesis rework

My Little Thaumaturge - Malarky is Magic

Unleash Focused Intent + Magic Missile

Fixing the psychic

Playtest Analysis from a Careful Readthrough: the Thaumaturge.

A careful readthrough of the Psychic

Playtest: PFS #2-14 Lost in Flames

Our Gnome Thaumaturge at war (lvl1 playtest)

Psychic + Thaumaturge play through converted Doomsday Dawn

Possible fix to Find Flaws / Esoteric Antithesis

Amped Up

Twin Weakness with Weapon implement and empty hand?

Constant Levitation Mechanically Underwhelming at Level 16

I ran two playtests at level 20 and here were the results

Looking at the Amp Feats

Concerned about feats

An idea on how to make the psychics cantrip spamming more interesting to play

My Playtest Experiences

Thaumaturge doesn't work with Hand Crossbow / Air Repeater

Implements and Esoteric Antithesis

Play test session feedback - Thauma / fighter tanks spider and lives

The death of the Mesmerist?

A little confused with Scroll Thaumaturgy

Esoteric Antithesis damage.

The Poet (or why I think Psychic resembles pf1 class design instead of pf2)

The current playtest and the changes you wish to see

Looking for group to playtest

10th-Level Dark Archive Playtest

Weird Interactions With Dedications - Thaumaturge

Thaumaturge playtest round 1

Is it just me

10th-Level Dark Archive Playtest

Deepest Wellspring Level 18 Class Feat

Knowledge Akashic

How come no Wisdom-based Unconscious Mind?

At the Mountains of MAD-ness

Stowing / Drawing Items Action Economy

Other ideas

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