Grandmother’s Story, Part 5: The Howl of the Wild

Friday, May 12th, 2023

"For one epoch and one day, the Wardens of the Wild reigned. Where animals and beasts disputed or doubted, the wardens quelled their infighting and fortified their hearts. Where the wild grew threatened by disaster or development, the wardens repelled intruders and restored the world with their vast power. Yet nothing of the wild lasts forever—such is not the way of nature.

"When their time drew close, the four wardens felt the call. And as they were the stewards of the natural world, so too did every animal in their care: those upon the land, those within the earth, those under the sea, and those above the sky. The wardens converged from their disparate realms upon a single location, tucked away in the furthest expanses of the wilds, along with every beast that could make the trip. The flocks and schools and herds all came together in a grand convergence known as the Migration—every animal, even those so rare they’re thought extinct.

"Can you imagine it, Charikleia?" The naturalist, now much older than a boy, put the stone tiles back in their velvet-lined box, the one his grandmother had left him. "Every animal on the planet, all in one place?" He gazed out over the deck of the Zoetrope. Below, the water was so clear you could see the eels and fish and rays darting through the coral as the ship neared the coast.

"Professor, you're getting off track again," Charikleia said with as much tact as she could muster, even as her eye caught a majestic lightning turtle through the waves. Instantly, her brush was in her hand, capturing the turtle’s likeness in her sketchbook for the expedition’s records.

"Ah, apologies, got away from myself for a moment." Baranthet smiled at his research assistant. Though he’d explained their mission as soon as funding was secured—long before he’d finished constructing the ship or assembling the crew—he wasn’t sure he’d ever properly told her the story that inspired it all, as he’d originally heard it each year in his youth: Grandmother's story, which he now told in her stead.

"When the Migration was complete and the animals were gathered, the Wardens of the Wild would select their successors. Some might rely on their judgment, while others might hold contests of strength or wit or heart, but in some manner, they would choose four new wardens to inherit the mantle.

"And so it was that the little elephant, the rattling snake, the angry fish, and the kind butterfly became the four new Wardens of the Wild, growing to great size as they were filled with the primal magic of their respective realms, over which they reigned for one epoch and one day. And when the Migration came yet again, as it must, they in turn selected their four successors before passing from the wilds.

"So it was again in the next epoch, and again, and again, the great wheel of life turning. And though many consider it a myth, some say that out there, somewhere in the last expanses of the world, the four Wardens of the Wild yet reign."

Baranthet’s wistful sigh was drowned out by the thrumming wings of the Zoetrope as the ship crossed the water’s edge and began soaring over sand dunes. "We’re going to find them, Charikleia."

"We have a similar myth back home, though it’s very obscure," Charikleia said, adding some notes to her sketch as she scratched the base of one of her horns. "Though it’s more common in Earthsong minotaur art to carve our stories in stone, rather than tell them in words. All the same, I remember seeing a petroglyph depicting four great beasts in the corners of Kortos, though the specific creatures differed."

"That makes sense, the wardens would have changed many times over the ages. Who knows what forms they—AAAAACK!!!!" Baranthet dropped his tea over the side of the railing as a small airskiff buzzed past overhead, much too close to the deck, a young centaur man at the helm.

"Professor! You should’ve seen the look on your face!"

"Telero, that’s my favorite teacup!"

Telero rolled his eyes and gave a half-hearted salute before he kicked a pedal with a hoof, sending the airskiff down toward the dunes (far more quickly than necessary) to retrieve said teacup. "Way’s clear up ahead—we should be able to get to the mountains by nightfall! It’s a little close to roc territory, though, so if you see a red dye marker, that’s too far!" His voice faded as the airskiff plummeted.

Baranthet shook his head. "That boy will be the death of me."

"He’s an excellent scout, though."

"Indeed." Baranthet turned to pick up his book. "Why don’t you get the rest of the crew together in the galley—we can make a plan for surveying the area when Telero’s back."

Charikleia closed her sketchbook and stowed her brush with her usual quietness, ducking inside carefully to avoid scratching the Zoetrope’s doorframe with her horns. Baranthet stayed on the deck a little longer, though. The naturalist took in the sights as he reached out a hand, feeling the warm wind rush through his claws. Below him, the land stretched out, far from Droon, far from Absalom, far from anywhere he knew, rolling outward until it blended into the horizon.

While he and the crew had already seen amazing beasts and breathtaking views on their journey, the Wardens of the Wild were yet to be found. But Baranthet had a good feeling. For though he wasn’t quite as adept at hearing the stars as his grandmother, he had a bit of her ear, and for the shortest of seconds, he thought that he heard it resound across the land, somehow clear over the Zoetrope’s wings—

The howl of the wild.

To read Grandmother’s story from the start, click here.

Howl of the Wild, Coming Spring 2024!

 A humanoid with lizard-like featured dressed in natural colored layered clothing, holding a book open

Baranthet, accomplished naturalist and expedition leader. Art by Gunship Revolution.

Paizo is proud to announce our newest project, Pathfinder Howl of the Wild! This latest creature-focused rulebook dives into the beasts and animals of the wilderness. Catalogue them all alongside an old naturalist and his eclectic crew as they sail their fantastic airship to Golarion’s furthest reaches, studying its lushest biomes in search of the elusive Wardens of the Wild.

Exterior sketch of an airship Interior view of airship concept art

Concept art of the Zoetrope airship by Kent Hamilton.

This book provides deep dives and regional variants of classic beasts of legend, as well as a whole menagerie of never-before-seen wildlife to study, tame, cooperate with, or confront. In addition, you’ll find unique gear for dealing with beasts (as well as magical items drawing upon their power), archetypes, feats, and more that allow you to evoke the power of nature. Howl of the Wild also brings six new playable ancestries for you to create a character who’s a bit more on the wild side, including the two revealed in the story above: the swift centaur and the powerful minotaur! Each ancestry is represented in the ship’s crew. Meet the ship’s scout, Telero, and the expedition’s scribe, Charikleia:

A centaur scout, dressed in and red, looking through a magnifying glass A minotaur scribe, dressed in blues and purples with gold jewelry holding a notebook with a brush

Telero, the ship’s centaur scout, and Charikleia, the expedition’s minotaur scribe. Art by Gunship Revolution.

Lastly, though we don’t have an airship of our own (...yet), we do have an excellent crew, without whom this book wouldn’t be possible! The ferocity and wonder of the wild is brought to you by Kate Baker, Rigby Bendele, Chris Bissette, Jeremy Blum, Logan Bonner, Dan Cascone, James Case, Jessica Catalan, Brite Cheney, Rue Dickey, Caryn DiMarco, Matthew Fu, Leo Glass, Steven Hammond, Patrick Hurley, Michelle Y. Kim, Dustin Knight, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Christiana Lewis, Jessie "Aki" Lo, Luis Loza, Letterio Mammoliti, Jonathan "Ryomasa" Mendoza, Quinn Murphy, Dave Nelson, Mikhail Rekun, Kai Revius, Ember Rose, Simone D. Sallé, Shay Snow, Levi Steadman, Kyle Tam, Ruvaid Virk, and Andrew White.

If you’re eager to learn a bit more about these ancestries and a few of the monsters in the book, check out this exclusive sneak peek from Wargamer for more information! Otherwise, be sure to tune in to PaizoCon Online 2023, where we’ll talk about Howl of the Wild in our Primal Previews panel!

But that, explorers, is a story for another day,

James Case
Senior Designer

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Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
keftiu wrote:
What a novel framing for a nature book!! I tend to skew more urban and political with my games, but this sounds like it’s too good to miss, between it being a fun read and having such sorely-wanted Ancestries.

Even for an urban campaign, I'm definitely raiding this for the exotic pets of wealthy people.

... Does having a hydra head mounted on your wall just make you look stupid?

One hydra head on your wall looks stupid, but I imagine six of them looks a little tacky. How many is enough to tastefully say “I killed this thing for real, but I don’t wanna go overboard in bragging about it?”

I would say maybe 7 or 8? If we're speaking mythologically. 6 is the initial amount (at least one record suggests 50 is the default number, so research your quarry beforehand), and then maybe 1 or 2 after that shows your initial attempts at decapitating it before you figured out the trick and started burning the stumps, minus 1 because the last head was immortal and so instead of keeping it as a trophy it had to be buried under a rock.

The REAL trophy of course is its blood, which you can dip your arrows in, coating them in a virulent poison that will serve you well against monsters and men for the rest of your labors!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Centaurs, minotaurs, AND Droon stuff? Heck yeah. These new creatures look great too.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Paul Watson wrote:
So this is where the hopes for a wieder Shoony ancestry release rest, huh?

This is the way...

Just throwing it out there, I will buy this day one if it gives me my beloved Pugfolk

I wonder if one of the unrevealed ancestries is Harpy? I don't think we have gotten that yet?

Ooh, that spellcasting songbird is delightful looking.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yup, this one is super exciting. Will gladly look forward to it!

Super hyped for this book! I'm really hoping it gives us a big influx of more fun familiar and animal companion types, maybe even straying into more fantastical companion territory. I'd love to have a hydra buddy.

Paul Watson wrote:
So this is where the hopes for a wieder Shoony ancestry release rest, huh?

Now, you have my attention.

Wait, aren't shoonies pugs-only by default?

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Friends. New classes require playtests. And you can bet on them being Gen Con releases. :)

So, we should expect a summer book announced at Gencon with an upcoming playtest...*wink wink*

Maybe in the form of a Eh? :)

Very good, but I keep waiting for drow, not cave elves...

Wayfinders Contributor

6 people marked this as a favorite.

So many things!

1. I want PC air ships. I have air ship flip-mat that I purchased years ago, and I want a chance to use it. Air ship! Air ship! Air ship!

2. Centaurs and Minotaurs! Yay, I can't wait to see these!

3. The whole book sounds awesome and delightful and I am both sad that I didn't write for it and excited that so many kickin' authors did! There's so much to anticipate!

4. If you have a wall of hydra heads, clearly that needs to be in the bathroom so that the heads can hydrate.

5. Will there be Grandmother stories in the book too, or is that a web exclusive? My hats off to whomever Grandmother's amanuensis was that wrote down these stories and shared them with all of us.


PS. I'll also accept gliders and any other dirigible. Thank you!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
LordeAlvenaharr wrote:
Very good, but I keep waiting for drow, not cave elves...

One of Paizocon's panels is called something like "Into the Darklands" so that might bring some hope to you.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Howl of the Wilds will be so fun. I'm envisioning a book akin to the Book of the Dead, which is my second favorite book behind Secrets of Magic.

Also, centaurs? Will they be a large Ancestry, or will we get medium variants as PCs, I'm good either way really.

Paizo, you've done it again!

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
LordeAlvenaharr wrote:
Very good, but I keep waiting for drow, not cave elves...

Me too!

GGSigmar wrote:
One of Paizocon's panels is called something like "Into the Darklands" so that might bring some hope to you.

Fingers crossed!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been wanting a book like this for a while, so I'm really excited for this to come out! There's so many ancestries I'd love to see that would work well for the remaining four like merfolk, sthenos, gargoyles, or maybe some sort of insect ancestry.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Book of the Dead is so good. I'm very happy that there are more creature-focused books coming out.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CynDuck wrote:
I've been wanting a book like this for a while, so I'm really excited for this to come out! There's so many ancestries I'd love to see that would work well for the remaining four like merfolk, sthenos, gargoyles, or maybe some sort of insect ancestry.

It's worth noting that the Battlezoo Year of Monsters product that is currently rolling out has stheno as a playable ancestry.

It will also have minotaurs, and it will be interesting to see the design differences between their minotaurs and Paizo's when both books are out.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Charlie Brooks wrote:
CynDuck wrote:
I've been wanting a book like this for a while, so I'm really excited for this to come out! There's so many ancestries I'd love to see that would work well for the remaining four like merfolk, sthenos, gargoyles, or maybe some sort of insect ancestry.

It's worth noting that the Battlezoo Year of Monsters product that is currently rolling out has stheno as a playable ancestry.

It will also have minotaurs, and it will be interesting to see the design differences between their minotaurs and Paizo's when both books are out.

I'm very glad Battlezoo is doing so well and scratches so many mechanical itches for folks, but their stuff doesn't do a ton for me because I'm a Golarion lorehound. I'd been very afraid that anything they covered would be steered clear of in canon, so this is a relief.

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

So many things!

1. I want PC air ships. I have air ship flip-mat that I purchased years ago, and I want a chance to use it. Air ship! Air ship! Air ship!

2. Centaurs and Minotaurs! Yay, I can't wait to see these!

3. The whole book sounds awesome and delightful and I am both sad that I didn't write for it and excited that so many kickin' authors did! There's so much to anticipate!

4. If you have a wall of hydra heads, clearly that needs to be in the bathroom so that the heads can hydrate.

5. Will there be Grandmother stories in the book too, or is that a web exclusive? My hats off to whomever Grandmother's amanuensis was that wrote down these stories and shared them with all of us.


PS. I'll also accept gliders and any other dirigible. Thank you!

Here ya go, enjoy!

Wayfinders Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sadly, they are rare. I'm hoping for some adventures where they'll appear.


Any old excuse to break out Nature Documentary Voice

Or should GMs go for Pocket Monster Professor Voice?

Too many choices!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm very curious how we're solving the "centaurs can't climb ladders and do poorly in libraries built for bipeds" issue. The easiest thing would be just a sidebar about "why this is a rare ancestry, it's probably not a great choice in a campaign that involves a lot of being indoors."

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I'm very curious how we're solving the "centaurs can't climb ladders and do poorly in libraries built for bipeds" issue. The easiest thing would be just a sidebar about "why this is a rare ancestry, it's probably not a great choice in a campaign that involves a lot of being indoors."

Why? The centaur is the scout in the story and the minotaur is the research assistant.

Minotaurs AND Airships!? I’m sure I’ve had a dream about this before. It’s a dream come true! I’m very excited.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I'm very curious how we're solving the "centaurs can't climb ladders and do poorly in libraries built for bipeds" issue. The easiest thing would be just a sidebar about "why this is a rare ancestry, it's probably not a great choice in a campaign that involves a lot of being indoors."

Just add a deer/goat heritage. ;)

But seriously, in a game as big on accessible dungeon-delving as Paizo, I don't think "the horse girl can climb a ladder" is gonna cause much of a stir.

Ashanderai wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I'm very curious how we're solving the "centaurs can't climb ladders and do poorly in libraries built for bipeds" issue. The easiest thing would be just a sidebar about "why this is a rare ancestry, it's probably not a great choice in a campaign that involves a lot of being indoors."
Why? The centaur is the scout in the story and the minotaur is the research assistant.

You will note that the airship in question has stairs (which are fine for centaurs) but not that many ladders. The actual ship in the fiction is built to accomodate the crew, but a lot of things like "spaces built for medium-sized bipeds" are going to be hard to manage if have most of a horse coming out of your torso.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Minotaur have long been my favorite fantasy creature so eagerly looking forward to playing one in Pathfinder.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, I should say: that specific Minotaur art is gorgeous, they're so pretty!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I'm very curious how we're solving the "centaurs can't climb ladders and do poorly in libraries built for bipeds" issue. The easiest thing would be just a sidebar about "why this is a rare ancestry, it's probably not a great choice in a campaign that involves a lot of being indoors."
Why? The centaur is the scout in the story and the minotaur is the research assistant.
You will note that the airship in question has stairs (which are fine for centaurs) but not that many ladders. The actual ship in the fiction is built to accomodate the crew, but a lot of things like "spaces built for medium-sized bipeds" are going to be hard to manage if have most of a horse coming out of your torso.

Similar things can be said for differently ambled characters in wheelchairs, yet we have those in Paizo products and I think those books are all the better for their inclusion. I say let Paizo enable these concepts and let the players who want them play them and their GMs can work with those players to have the most fun they can while playing them. I’m not going to waste energy being overly concerned about it until it comes up in play (and probably not even then).

If it is a concern for you that you want to have ideas prepared ahead of time, that’s cool. I have no issue with that. I’m just saying, it is not something I’m going to worry about.

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Friends. New classes require playtests. And you can bet on them being Gen Con releases. :)

Is that returning PrC/Class from 1e? Or truely new one?

arcady wrote:
Minotaur have long been my favorite fantasy creature so eagerly looking forward to playing one in Pathfinder.

Lots of games have minotaurs. I wany minitaurs!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

From a purely selfish point of view, I hope we get a sneak preview on their size. I want to play one on Day 1, and I would also like to have my mini all ready :)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Laclale♪ wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Friends. New classes require playtests. And you can bet on them being Gen Con releases. :)
Is that returning PrC/Class from 1e? Or truely new one?

Aaron isn't going to spoil that reveal months before the event. You're just going to have to wait.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My wishlist is something like:

1. Batfolk
2. Fauns (or a deertaur centaur heritage)
3. Shoony heritages for more dog/wolf options, for my girlfriend's sake
4. Selkies/merfolk/a jellyfish-themed ancestry
5. Something based on an insect, like praying mantises or damselflies.

In the interests of transparency, "beefolk" and "moth/butterfly people" would top the list if I weren't biased by my own projects. If Paizo has done either of those, it was objectively the right call and I'm excited to see what they come out with.

Very exciting can't wait try new ancestry's and reading the book ^-^

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If we do get a dogfolk or the Rougarou in this book, I do hope they provide a sidebar saying that the Shoony can also take the same feats. It'd be a good way to buff the Shoony without taking away from their lore.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I'm very curious how we're solving the "centaurs can't climb ladders and do poorly in libraries built for bipeds" issue. The easiest thing would be just a sidebar about "why this is a rare ancestry, it's probably not a great choice in a campaign that involves a lot of being indoors."
Why? The centaur is the scout in the story and the minotaur is the research assistant.
You will note that the airship in question has stairs (which are fine for centaurs) but not that many ladders. The actual ship in the fiction is built to accomodate the crew, but a lot of things like "spaces built for medium-sized bipeds" are going to be hard to manage if have most of a horse coming out of your torso.

I heard somewhere that horses have anatomical difficulty getting down stairs.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Hm. I dunno about horses, but cows can do stairs. :-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:
Hm. I dunno about horses, but cows can do stairs. :-)

Only if you force them I hear.

Ed Reppert wrote:
Hm. I dunno about horses, but cows can do stairs. :-)

Well, there are few things that can't go DOWN stairs one way or the other...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ezekieru wrote:
If we do get a dogfolk or the Rougarou in this book, I do hope they provide a sidebar saying that the Shoony can also take the same feats. It'd be a good way to buff the Shoony without taking away from their lore.

Not all the feats. We'd still want the ancestries to be distinct I think. That being said, I wouldn't mind some new feats having the Shoony trait and a note saying that specifically named Shoony featscould be taken by dogfolk/rougarou, and gain/lose the appropriate traits.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

The cow I had in mind was, in the 1950s, walked up the stairs of the bell tower of Willard Straight Hall, the student union at Cornell University, one night by the members of a certain fraternity. Upon discovery the next day, the cow refused to walk down the stairs. They ended up removing the roof of the tower with a crane and getting the cow out that way.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I don't think the Shoony are gonna be one the 6 new ancestries, but I would love for them to get more feats to make them more viable/fun. My bet would be: Minotaurs, Centaurs, Stheno, an aquatic ancestry, an aerial ancestry that is distinct from the Strix thematically, another plant ancestry (wyrwoods?) and an insect ancestry (maybe Thriae?). I would also guess a bunch of new ancestry feats for animal and plant ancestries. Whatever it is, I am really hype

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would squeal with delight like a 6-year old that just got a brand new puppy if one of the new ancestries was faun / satyr.

With the two that have been revealed coming from Greek mythos, I can only hope that one of the remaining four is the Faun / Satyr to give us the Hellenic fantasy ancestry package deal.

I've only seen them as a playable choice in one short lived RPG of the late 80s called Lace and Steel that I never got to play - but that's been my number one dream pick ever since.

Ezekieru wrote:
If we do get a dogfolk or the Rougarou in this book, I do hope they provide a sidebar saying that the Shoony can also take the same feats. It'd be a good way to buff the Shoony without taking away from their lore.

Or just reprint the Shoony and fix it there. They were released in a AP volume which isn't quite the same as being released in a hardcover rulebook

arcady wrote:

I would squeal with delight like a 6-year old that just got a brand new puppy if one of the new ancestries was faun / satyr.

With the two that have been revealed coming from Greek mythos, I can only hope that one of the remaining four is the Faun / Satyr to give us the Hellenic fantasy ancestry package deal.

I've only seen them as a playable choice in one short lived RPG of the late 80s called Lace and Steel that I never got to play - but that's been my number one dream pick ever since.

I kind of feel that Satyrs might be more likely in a Fey-themed book (which would be an awesome future hardcover to follow in the footsteps of this and the undead book).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fauns have often been presented a little differently from satyrs, though. That said, my fingers are crossed for deertaurs.

Oh, Handbook of Heroes is relevant today.

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