Combat tactics questions


i had a few questions on how to pull off these combat tactics and was wandering if anyone could give me their opinions

ok so lets first start with a tackle, how would you go about doing this according to the rules, you charge straight at your foe throwing your shoulder into them attempting to knock them down in the direction you were running.

how about when some one runs straight at you and you attempt to grab them using their momentum to throw them in a different direction.

or how about diving from a high vantage point driving your weapon into a foe standing on the ground.

i know there are a few more but i cant think of them right now, some basic rules could be interpreted for these but i am not sure they truly work for them.

any thoughts would be appreciated.

1) If you want them prone, then i'd say Overrun or Trip. But that's not tackling them. Grapple's a standard action to maintain otherwise i'd say Grapple>Trip. But if you don't have Greater Grapple, then straight Overrun (with Trample) or Trip.

2) They're running so no Dex bonus, which affects their CMD when you trip them.

3) Treat as if charging + falling damage to both of you. Must fall more than 10'.

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