Free RPG Day Sanctioning
This year’s delightful Free RPG adventures, Pathfinder Adventure: Big Trouble in Little Absalom and Starfinder Adventure: Skitter Home are sanctioned for use in Paizo Organized Play programs as of their release date of Saturday, July 25th, 2020. Sanctioning guidelines and chronicle sheets will be uploaded to the product pages before then.
Pathfinder players may use one of the five provided pregenerated kobold characters, applying credit to one of their characters as per the standard Society rules. Once the Advanced Player’s Guide releases (July 30th), players may create kobold characters for Society play, including using them in Free RPG day adventure.
The Starfinder adventure utilizes either Skittermander Society characters of fourth level or one of the four provided pregenerated skittermanders. If using a pregen, credit application follows Starfinder Society guidelines. Remember that Starfinder Near Space provides character options for use in building new skittermander PCs!
There are a few restrictions for when and how Free RPG Day adventures. These are different than in prior years, to take into account social distancing due to Covid-19:
- GMs are permitted to run on a VTT for their local group, provided they get a physical copy from the store and are only running for local players.
- Once the scenario is released digitally on in August, anybody may run it online or in-person for whomever wants to play!
- As always, you can get credit for the scenario twice: once as a player and once as a GM.
Achievement Points Update
This morning, the last piece of the AcP puzzle fell into place and we turned on boon purchasing. You will now see a full list of purchasable Character Options on the Boon tab of your My Organized Play page. While our intention is to rotate boon options out, with the delay in launching AcP we intend to keep this first batch of boons until the end of the year. We may add to the options, but we won’t take anything away without plenty of warning towards the end of the year.
To help you navigate through the new features, we’ve put together a description of the information found on several tabs of your My Organized Play page, followed by a list of anticipated FAQ. If you have a question that isn’t answered below, please post it in the comments and we will get it answered, as well as including it on future iterations of the FAQ.
Sessions Tab
Your Sessions Tab holds a display of every game you’ve played, and that GMs reported by We’ve listed a breakdown of the columns below:
- Date: when the session took place
- GM: the GM’s name
- Scenario: the scenario, module or AP volume you played
- Points: the base value of the adventure, including GM credit and AcP. (This AcP value is not necessarily what you earned!)
- Event: the event this session took place at
- Session: the session number assigned to the table.
- Player: Your Organized Play ID #
- Character: the character that received credit for this session
- Faction: the faction that character earned reputation with
- AcP Earned: The amount of AcP you earned, after applying any multipliers from a Premier or Premier Plus event to the base value earned
- Prest/Rep: Reputation or Prestige earned from this session
- Notes: Any other notes added by the system
Boons Tab
This is your Boons tab, where you will spend your Achievement Points. At the top, you will see how much AcP you have to spend. To purchase, select the character you are purchasing for with the dropdown at the top of the screen, then click “Purchase” on the right side of the screen.
After you purchase a boon, it will be available for download beneath the available boons. It is a downloadable PDF, which you can keep for your records and/or print out, per campaign guidelines for providing supporting documentation.
Characters may have only one ancestry boon. Ancestry boons may be added to a character who has chronicles assigned but not applied. Other boons may be added at any time as long as language in the boon does not specify otherwise. Guide 2.0 will include language about applying AcP boons.
Boons must be purchased in between scenarios, to not slow down gameplay.
Achievement Points Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change my ancestry and background with one of the rebuild boons?
It depends on the rebuild boon. Rewrite History permits you to change Ancestry and Background. This boon phases out of use August 31, 2020. Career Change and Evolving Destiny do not.Can party members help purchase the Second Chance boon?
Party members may contribute gold to any costs incurred as part of the resurrection ritual. They may also sell the deceased characters’ items to help contribute to the cost if the player consents.What does unlocking access to items mean?
When you have access to an uncommon or rare item, you can purchase it at its listed price. You can also purchase the formula for these items you have access to from the Pathfinder Society at the same price as a common formula of the same level. Only the PC with the relevant boon attached gains access to this item.Formulas for items which limit how many a character may obtain are not available.
What does unlocking access to spells mean?
Having access to an uncommon or rarer spell means that your character(s) can learn the spell in the same way they learn other spells, provided they meet all prerequisites. A character must have access to the spell to learn it from another character that knows it. Only the PC with the relevant boon attached gains access to this spell.What spells are available with the Esoteric Spellcaster - Core Rulebook boon?
The spells available are: circle of protection, discern lies, drop dead, ethereal jaunt, false vision, globe of invulnerability, hallucinatory terrain, locate, magic aura, mind blank, mind reading, nondetection, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, protection, spell turning, stone tell, or undetectable alignmentWhat items are available with the Avid Collector - Core Rulebook boon?
The items available are: aeon stone (clear spindle), aeon stone (dull gray), aeon stone (gold nodule), aeon stone (lavender and green ellipsoid), aeon stone (lavender ellipsoid), aeon stone (orange prism), aeon stone (pink rhomboid), aeon stone (tourmaline sphere), bloodletting kukri, brooch of shielding, cape of the mountebank, channel protection amulet, chime of opening, clandestine cloak, dancing rune, dragonslayer’s shield, elven chain, floating shield, forge warden, greater disrupting rune, holy prayer beads, invisibility potion, katana, katar, keen rune, kukri, mending lattice, oil of animation, oil of keen edges, panacea, potion of tongues, ring of counterspells, spell-storing rune, spiked chain, or swift block cabochonWhat do I do if I have errors in my reporting?
First, check with the GM or event coordinator to see if they can correct it. If not, reach out to your local Venture-Captain or email issues to Please include photos or scans of the chronicle relating to the game with the error to make correcting info easier and faster.We hope you are as excited in utilizing the AcP system as we are. We thank everyone for your patience as we worked through the bugs and got the system set up.
If you missed it earlier, you can still check out the July Starfinder Society preview blog.
Next week - Gen Con Online! Until then —Explore, Report, Cooperate!
Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play ManagerAlex Speidel
Organized Play Associate
Achievement Points (AcP) and Free RPG Day
Thursday, July 23, 2020