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Organized Play Member. 52 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


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Envoy's Alliance

There the weapon trait training. But I wasn't able to find a single weapon with that trait. Is it something that was cut or some kind of upcoming weapon?

Envoy's Alliance

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Is it me or it will allow us to avoid going too big when using wild shape ?

Envoy's Alliance *

The first quest ever in 2e could need that to be available and I had posted about it on DM forum regarding that quest

Envoy's Alliance *

Michael Sayre wrote:

So you could either retrain Unconventional Weaponry after taking the Aldori Duelist dedication, or you could just use e.g. a longsword until you take the feat at 2nd level and gain access that way, at which point the dedication will completely overwrite any benefit from Unconventional Weaponry.

But you couldn't pick aldori with unconventional weaponry in the first place no?

From the guide

Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Connections skill feat – not legal
Experienced Smuggler skill feat – Allows you to always Earn Income with the Underworld Lore with tasks of your level -1 (instead of the normal level -2).
Dwarves: Dwarves have a clan dagger (for free) as part of their starting gear. This change is retroactive.

Wayfinder – all Pathfinders have access.
Katana: Unconventional Weaponry can be used to access the katana

Envoy's Alliance *

Gary Bush wrote:

For what is is worth, I have a local player with said cat and it is now Large. Despite my best efforts. ;)

I looked into said animal companion and I had a lot of trouble to figure out what should be his damage and stats and I ended up just doing something else

Way back and I had no answer

The said thread.

Envoy's Alliance *

What I would like to see added is something like if you have access to an unconventional weapon from a boon or something else you can then choose that weapon with unconventional weaponry.

Envoy's Alliance *

I wish the list could be changed soon since even if I do have access to a kukri with my rogue from a boon. the only way I can be expert with it is with unconventional weaponry which I can't select.

There no dedication or feat allowing me to use martial weapon that would allow me at some reasonable point turn expert while that feat lower it to simple. ( Hope I make sense)

Envoy's Alliance *

I know it old thread but with hireling boon and professional hireling if I pick combat medic can he heal in combat?

The hireling does not participate directly in combat, cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks.

Just want to make sure we have a game that will be short on healer and it could be my solution to help

Envoy's Alliance *

Just notice that the boon doesn't have any tags limited tag? I guess Slotless? Unlikely but still there no tag

Envoy's Alliance *

Thomas Keller wrote:
Thanks for the replies, folks. Full plate will just have to wait until I can get the Hefty Hauler feat from my school at 5th level.

Well if another of can help carry some stuff for you?

Envoy's Alliance *

Philippe Lam wrote:

I get it. As it was already hinted on the Discord group, there's quite the amount of discontent about that, and with what is written there that makes me think that the base idea wasn't bad but that the execution wasn't great either.

Here's hoping they will correct it soon.

Let say I want to join that discord anyone got a link?

Envoy's Alliance *

I hope they will add other source too I have an eye for an iruxi named axolexl that perform in dance looking for a bladed scarf

Envoy's Alliance *

Gary Bush wrote:

And another question comes to mind. Can something that has been Bequeathed be Bequeathal to yet a different character?

I would think no.

I would think no too since you can't keep it and have to sell it back and no longer have access to it.

Only thing I could see is if you pay again. the one that received the item. loose it too and so on but that worth the question and I really doubt it would work

Envoy's Alliance *

Just curious for the avid collector boon it is a chronicle?

Just want to make sure which buying guidelines apply

Any uncommon equipment in sanctioned Pathfinder content with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level (minimum 2); your character must have access to this uncommon equipment such as through meeting its Access condition.

Any equipment listed on your character’s Chronicle sheets with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level + 2. Some items found on Chronicle sheets are available for purchase only a limited number of times. Weapon and Armor found on chronicle sheets can be upgraded following the normal rules for upgrading.

Envoy's Alliance *

NightTrace wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

This all speculation as we have not seen the language on the AcP race boons.

Let's give Tonya time to catch up with us.

They're up now >.>

Yeah but we can't read how it is before buying it...

Envoy's Alliance *

My question for this boon is about if we can use it for a common item. Let say I have a reward for a specific +1 weapon or armor. I don't mind to pay the 4 fame but just want to make sure I can. As of right now there an uncommon striking weapon that I could do it.

The cost of this boon is 4 Fame for an uncommon option, 8 Fame for a rare option, and 12 Fame for a unique option. Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you bequeath a different character option.

Envoy's Alliance *

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Race Dorsey wrote:

This got a dev response on discord by Mark Seifter on the Arcane Mark discord sever. Wanted to put it here in case anyone finds this thread in the future.

Mark Seifter, 13 July 2020 wrote:
We removed all those annoying "Use it before the results are announced" effects because they give no benefit but can just be frustrating or much more powerful for those with metagame knowledge
Here's the reference link. I hope that link works OK (not really a fan of having to link to discord but it is what it is).

So that leave nimble dodge as the exception of doing before the result

Envoy's Alliance *

Will it be updated in the guide?

Envoy's Alliance *

Gary Bush wrote:
Iff wrote:
- Re-using tiles for different encounters of the same scenario is a definite no-go!
I don't see this as an issue and actually a benefit. Fewer tiles to have to keep track of is good in my mind. Don't forget, there are two sides so it may make sense to use the other side in a different part of the adventure.

Using the other side would be a no again. Because when I prepare with tiles I out them already in order. All I have left is to drop them on the table. If I needed a tiles whatever the side on a second map for the same scenario it kind of make it longer to prepare I have to make sure to grab those from the layout.

Plus I like to drop all the maps ahead on the table so the top one hide etc and it a better flow

Envoy's Alliance *

Watery Soup wrote:
Robert Hetherington wrote:
Missing one is now reported and I've got "all" 36 points.
I have more AcP reported than you! This clearly means I have achieved more than you, and is definitely not an artifact of all my pre-DDC scenarios having been reported with 4 AcP each.

Just hit refresh to sync your point and you will drop by half haha

Envoy's Alliance *

With that specific scenario we had the same issue but for the second use and also a certain typo asking for the same tile twice.

Envoy's Alliance *

I also wish I could play lizardfolk got enough point and id be ready to create a new hero.

Envoy's Alliance

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Aratorin wrote:
Kromkore wrote:
For the druid you could look by order too. Wild one never getting more then 1...

Except you're probably going to take Order Explorer at 2nd, because there's really nothing else worthwhile, and then you'll have 2.

Order explorer doesn't provide y

a focus point.

Envoy's Alliance

For the druid you could look by order too. Wild one never getting more then 1...

Envoy's Alliance *

Nefreet wrote:

Emphasis on the "legitimate" part.

You obviously couldn't proxy something you didn't own.

But if you are waiting on 4 AcP to be reported and you're about to play #1-88: Leshy's Reign with your Leshy that you can't yet print, that is going to create warranted frustration.

as someone who did a lot of tournament you cannot proxy any card in a tournament only thing close to it is 2 faced card that had special card to mark which one it is and you need the real card in your deck box. it was only allowed so you dont get a penalty because we could see the card through the sleeves

Envoy's Alliance *

Online Guide Team Lead - JTT wrote:
Zachary Davis wrote:

I am still not quite understanding one of the new rulings.

Guide to Organized Play wrote:
If the scenario you are running references challenge points directly in the encounter scaling, those override and replace the instructions here. Determine if your table is playing high tier or low tier and reference the appropriate scaling instructions in the scenario. You can then skip to step 5.

So do we still use the table in the guide to determine what is low vs high tier or do we strictly look for the CP total in the encounter section and play the tier the CP matches?

The exact cutoff for when a 16-18 party plays up or down is currently an unanswered question. I am hoping to have an answer shortly. In the mean time, I would suggest people use their best judgement.

might be me but as it written skip to You can then skip to step 5 but then at 6 you apply the calculation of 4.

not sure how to make it more clear tough

Envoy's Alliance *

the reward:
I have an issue with the fiery leopard that we can use for pfs. I'm trying to use it for my level 2 druid using order explorer. Should I use his d8 for the jaws and the build in grab my guess if yes.same for the immunity and weakness. But what is puzzling me is the fire damage for the jaws and claw. Should I just add 1 extra fire damage or replace one of the damage for fire and is there something else I'm not thinking about?

So any help about this is welcome

Envoy's Alliance

thank a lot

Envoy's Alliance

Im reading my last omens character guide and the armored skirt item is confusing me. The part about the Speed penalty, whatever the type of armor it is said to reduce the penalty by 2. should it be written by 5? seams odd to have a value other then a multiple of 5.

Envoy's Alliance *

i did GM the first quest we had a level 1 with level bump, 3 level 2, and 2 level 3 and it was a nightmare. they barely made it alive plus an issue with a certain creature which i have already commented here

they were very shocked by how they were mostly always critted by first attack.

Envoy's Alliance *

and of course no limit on the slotless boon

Envoy's Alliance *

Nefreet wrote:

You don't have Hero Points during Downtime, though.

Err, at this point I suppose I should say, "I don't interpret the current wording to allow you use of Hero Points after the adventure has concluded, including during Downtime."

I also think we don't have hero point for downtime but i could see it being the other way.

Envoy's Alliance *

im on the same situation bought a wayfinder i had 8 point now 6 left and i will end with 2 unusable

Envoy's Alliance *

the tabs for boon from playtest is also gone

Envoy's Alliance *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

so i suspect the acp system will be online before the 19th then.

Envoy's Alliance *

well if i dm it again on high tier i would avoid that encounter

Envoy's Alliance *

From the guide :

These negative effects must be cleared at the end of the adventure or the character must be reported as “dead,” unable to continue adventuring in Pathfinder Society organized play. Most of these negative effects can be cleared by spending Fame for the appropriate service on Table 2: All-Factions Boons

it written most can be cleared but right now the only boon is for resurrection

Envoy's Alliance *

Robert Hetherington wrote:
After the scenario The society takes care of your lingering curses/diseases etc.

except this is written in the guide

Negative Effects The Pathfinder Society has resources to take care of its members, and many of the possible negative effects an adventurer can be subject to during an adventure are assumed to be taken care of during Downtime. The exceptions to this are death, permanent petrification or polymorph effects, curses, and permanent negative conditions (Core Rulebook 618–623) acquired during the course of the adventure.

curse is being listed.

and in the next part of the guide
These negative effects must be cleared at the end of the adventure or the character must be reported as “dead,” unable to continue adventuring in Pathfinder Society organized play. Most of these negative effects can be cleared by spending Fame for the appropriate service on Table 2: All-Factions Boons

except there is no such boon yet for a curse…. this seam problematic to me.

Envoy's Alliance *

We just played this scenario and when we met

when we met:
The mummy guardian, the group had quite a challenge but they did overcome it. The issue i have is with this ability Mummy Rot (curse, disease, divine, necromancy, negative)
This disease and any damage from it can’t be healed until
this curse is removed. A creature killed by mummy rot
turns to dust and can’t be resurrected except by a 7thlevel
resurrect ritual or similar magic. Saving Throw DC 22
Fortitude; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 minute); Stage
2 4d6 negative damage and stupefied 1 (1 day)

No one was high level enough to remove a curse, there is no fame for such a service and the service would be 40 gold. Many player level 3 don't have enough gold to remove such curse. it can kill a lot of player. so is it really intended to be that hard?

Envoy's Alliance

Treat wounds use healer kit

Envoy's Alliance

Oh yeah sure for dragon form but my question was regarding the auditory trait. In the trait description it describe appropriate sound

Envoy's Alliance

So if i have both the wild and the animal order, and im shifted in let say a cat. Can i command an aninal so he can do anything or i can't communicate with him

Envoy's Alliance *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

just wanted to add to the previous post too is it only perform craft and lore skill check for earn income unless you have a feat opening more option?

Envoy's Alliance *

you could versatile heritage pick adopted ancestry : dwarf.
then dwarf weapon familiarity?

Envoy's Alliance *

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I think more exemple of downtime task for income would help and maybe im blind but i couldnt find if we were allowed to use hero point for those task

Envoy's Alliance *

what im looking for at this point is if there will be like playtest point a page to spend point on boon and print them...

Envoy's Alliance

fine but then why not just write the weapon also gain the weapon special property instead of weapon properties. the term properties tto my knowledge had never been written for something specific and even the exemple such as is not limiting to a kind a properties but only 1 of them

but i dont disagree that it only apply for the special keyword but just disapoint by the wording on the feat

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

in the wilderness origins there the feat weapon shift and i have a few question about it

when it state :
Your natural attacks also gain all of the weapon’s properties (such as disarm), other than the double weapon property and the fragile weapon property; moreover, when using this feat to grant the trip property to your natural attacks, you gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to trip an enemy, but you cannot drop your weapon to avoid being tripped due to a failed trip attempt. Weapon Shift does not apply a magic weapon’s enhancement bonus to your natural attacks, nor does it grant your natural attacks any of a weapon’s magical special abilities.

does it incluse the crit range for exemple a weapon 18-20 would the natural attack also turn 18-20 crit range and let say adamantite weapon would it give the natural weapon the adamantine property in order to bypass dr?

Envoy's Alliance

With the feat Weapons shift if i have an adamantium scimitar does it keep the crit range 18-20 for my natural Weapons and does it provide adamantium to my natural Weapons in order tout bypass dr adamantium???

Envoy's Alliance *

Im about to do it tonight and i had the same question regarding the bidding

Full Name

Bogie Remilidon




Summoner / 3







Special Abilities

Vivacious Gnome, Fey Eidolon








Common, Gnome, Goblin, Dwarven



Homepage URL

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

About Bogie Remilidon

Born in northern Taldor, Bogie knew that his duty, as a gnome, was to travel and explore. He became obsessed, as one does, with ancient architecture and ancient societies. Bogie spent months and then years exploring more and more remote areas. When he was searching a particularly old area in the Stolen Lands, he unfortunately crossed over to the First World. Terrified at first, Bogie fortunately was discovered by satyrs who took him to their Fey Princess. Bogie's story telling of his and others adventures impressed the Fey Princess. Worried that her story teller would fall into inevitable trouble, she assigned one of her satyrs, Windy, to accompany and care for Bogie.