Ultimate Intrigue Playtest General Discussion

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End of the Vigilante Playtest

Paizo Blog: Ultimate Intrigue—Vigilante Playtest!

Concealed Casting - it doesn't work, does it?

Unmasking the Vigilante- Round 2. Traits

Thoughts on the Social Talents (Playtest - Round 2):

Vegence Strike: 5 rounds total, or 5 rounds of benefits for as long

How Does a Fey Zealot Fight?

Startling , frightening?

Playtest pdf no longer available?

Extra Social Talent feat?

Mystic Bolt Questions

The Missing Factor (warlock / zealot)

Social Simulacrum wording

The ELUSIVE Vigilante?

PFS Vigilantes looking to catch-up on your credit lines for the Playtest Chronicle

Xebeche's Vigilante Playtest Notes for PFS

Important Dates for PFS Vigilante Playtesters

Fixing Vigilante split alignment issue

Should Startling / Frightening / Stunning Appearance be negated by Scent and Blindsense?

Switching persona: tactics you have actually used in an actual real game to change from Social to Vigilante or vice versa

Are we gonna get dev input on anything other than the stalker before the 20th?

Warlock's Caster's Defense

Warlock Build on Know Direction's Guidance!

On Vigilantes and Intangibles

What's on YOUR utility belt?

Building a Stalker, Need Help

Kobold Vigilante: "El Dracón"

On Warlock Talents - A Comparison

Jack the Ripper -- Stalker Vigilante?

Vigilante Playtest Recruitment

Many guises and talents

Can I play a Vigilante ON the 20th?

Question: Filling in two lines per scenario completed before 2015 / 07 / 20

Ultimate Intrigue - Vigilante

A thread about parallelism in specialization design

Idea to boost the Avenger Specialization: Superhuman Abilities

V2 Avenger - Thoughts and Suggestions

Round 2 warlock first (second?) impressions

A Quick & Easy Fix for Vigilante Balancing

My (negative) impression of the vigilante

Thoughts / a scene on how the vigilante could work

Vengeance Strike should be more awesome, and scale based on level, and will fix the class

Paizo Blog: Ultimate Intrigue—Vigilante Playtest Round 2!

A new look at talent distribution

Rethinking Renown.

Social Specializations

Left behind items, personas, and ownership (divination too i guess)

Your Super Cool Vigilantes

Zealot Class Skill Edit

Vigilante Archetype - the Revenant Revenger

My idea / Houserule for Mystic Bolts.

Renown & PFS

Trying to build a Stalker for PFS

We've Been Reading It Wrong!

uniqueness for the Avenger or general talents

Stalker Talent Up Close and Personal, timing questions

Chelish Diva / Negotiator vs Vigilante

Vigilante Archtype Ideas

R2 Zealot Divine Powers

Living shield and greater whip mastery

A discussion on the Social persona.

My thoughts on Zealot 2.0

Initial Thoughts on round 2


Avenger Talents Armor Silence + Skin: Not up to snuff.

A Thought on Mystic Bolts and Warlock Spell Progression

Should the Avenger get Toughness at 1st level?

R2 Zealot

The Lorax (Vigilante Zealot v2)

Wizard schools

Warlock forcefully cookie cutter?

Alignment restrictions kinda dumb

Just remove warlock casting for blasts?

Up Close and Personal and "Hidden Strike" talents

Limits on stalker's rogue talent option

Safe House Talent Question

Buidling a Mystic Bolt Warlock

ARMR Studios Reviews The Vigilante Playtest

Caster Vigilantes and Prestige Classes

Vigilante (warlock) VS Alchemist

Dual Identity needs scaling utility

Possible problem with the Stalker talent Foe Collision

Vigilante Warlock Arcane Spell Failure Chance

Zealot / Warlock Base Ability

Dual Identity Feels Like Baggage

Hiding the Identity of Party Members (usefulness of a secret identity in a party)

Vigilante Talents to move to Social Talents

My favorite thing so far: Warlock's familiar

Round 2 Zealot, Dark Tapestry divine power

Breaking News - superheroes of Golarion discover new trick that revolutionises their costume-changing routines!

Please don't include the Silent Dispatch talent in the final product

My Simple Fix That Solves Lots of Issues - Add Vig Talent at lvl 1

Building and progressing a Zealot Vigilante

Some suggested revisions and new talent ideas for the warlock (feedback appreciated)

Unmasking the Vigilante

Comparing talents to feats 'n stuff.

4th level talents

What is a Vigilante?

How unaware is unaware?

Skill Tricks?

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