Seven Dooms over Sandpoint Round-Robin [PF2e]
Game Master
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Owlbear Rodeo
My plan was to finish Burnt Offerings, then we do timeskip and I don't remember who claimed the beginning of Seven Dooms, but I figured we would rotate after each chapter then...
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP: 21 | AC: 18 (20) | F: +7 R: +6 W: +3 | Speed: 25' (30 unarmored) | Perception: +5 | ↻: Shield Block ↻: Reactive Shield ↻: Reactive Strike
Thanks for clarifying, that works for me.
Cleric 1 | Perc 6 | Speed 20 | AC 18/20 | HP 18 | Athletics, Medicine, Religion, Survival +6 | Crafting, Warfare Lore +3 | Exploration Activity: Defend | ◆
I will be away Thursday through Saturday.
HP 15/15 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +6 | Per: +6 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None| Hero Points : 1/3 Halfling Rogue 1
Owlbear Rodeo
Sorry. I have been putting out fires at work! Will get a post up today, hopefully!
HP 15/15 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +6 | Per: +6 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None| Hero Points : 1/3 Halfling Rogue 1
Aeshuura wrote: Sorry. I have been putting out fires at work! Will get a post up today, hopefully! No worries, was just hopefully you didn't get swept away by Helene...
Owlbear Rodeo
No, no, I am about as far as possible from that mess! I am in the middle of the Pacific. We worry about hurricanes, but we haven't been hit by more than Tropical Storms of late... ^_^
Owlbear Rodeo
Sorry, I am going to try post something tomorrow. I have to get out of here... Going nuts at work...
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP: 21 | AC: 18 (20) | F: +7 R: +6 W: +3 | Speed: 25' (30 unarmored) | Perception: +5 | ↻: Shield Block ↻: Reactive Shield ↻: Reactive Strike
No worries, we're here when you are ready.
Sorcerer 1: AC 16 [17 w/Shield]: HP 18/18: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5: Hero Points: 1; Spells +7; DC 17: 1st: 1/3; Perception (Darkvision) +3:
Male, plant Root Leshy; HP 20/20, AC 16/18, MV 25, Hero Points 1/3 Warrior Muse Bard: Perception +6, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6, Lowlight Vision
NOTE: I'm getting an unwelcome visit from Milton probably tomorrow, so if I don't post you'll know why.
HP 15/15 | AC: 18 | F: +4, R: +9, W: +6 | Per: +6 | Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None| Hero Points : 1/3 Halfling Rogue 1
Oh no. Stay safe. Hope you are not in the direct path
Owlbear Rodeo
Milton? Oh no! Stay safe!
I will be heading off to Japan on Friday, so I will be out for a week! I will return on Tuesday, 10/22!
If another of the GMs would like to do a little side thing, feel free! Right now, we are kind of in a lull of the aftermath... I will be ready to advance by the time I get back!
Sorcerer 1: AC 16 [17 w/Shield]: HP 18/18: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5: Hero Points: 1; Spells +7; DC 17: 1st: 1/3; Perception (Darkvision) +3:
Cleric 1 | Perc 6 | Speed 20 | AC 18/20 | HP 18 | Athletics, Medicine, Religion, Survival +6 | Crafting, Warfare Lore +3 | Exploration Activity: Defend | ◆
I will be away Thursday through Saturday.
Please BOT me if necessary.
Owlbear Rodeo
Going to give Mira and Anthony a bit to chime in before moving on.
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP: 21 | AC: 18 (20) | F: +7 R: +6 W: +3 | Speed: 25' (30 unarmored) | Perception: +5 | ↻: Shield Block ↻: Reactive Shield ↻: Reactive Strike
Apologies for my absence. I have bronchitis and have been sick for a bit. I'm hoping to be back on my feet this weekend.
Owlbear Rodeo
No worries! Get well soon!
Owlbear Rodeo
Mira, how are you feeling? I hope that you are doing much better!
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP: 21 | AC: 18 (20) | F: +7 R: +6 W: +3 | Speed: 25' (30 unarmored) | Perception: +5 | ↻: Shield Block ↻: Reactive Shield ↻: Reactive Strike
I am better, finally. Thank you.
We had a major migration fail at work this week and I've been pulling 15 hour days for three days in a row (don't recommend).
Maybe, just maybe, my life is normal next week.
Owlbear Rodeo
Okay, no worries! Just wanted to make sure we didn't lose you!
Owlbear Rodeo
I just want to throw up a little caution warning here, I am going to be a little graphic in some of the stuff you will find coming up. If it gets to be too much, please let me know and I will pull back...
Owlbear Rodeo
Will adjudicate later today.
Owlbear Rodeo
Due to Thanksgiving holiday and the subsequent weekend, I will be out until Monday. Have a great one everyone!
Sorcerer 1: AC 16 [17 w/Shield]: HP 18/18: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5: Hero Points: 1; Spells +7; DC 17: 1st: 1/3; Perception (Darkvision) +3:
I will be traveling all weekend. I doubt I will be able to post, so bot me as needed.
Owlbear Rodeo
Mira, you okay over there?
Female Human Fighter 1 | HP: 21 | AC: 18 (20) | F: +7 R: +6 W: +3 | Speed: 25' (30 unarmored) | Perception: +5 | ↻: Shield Block ↻: Reactive Shield ↻: Reactive Strike
Busy, busy. Sorry!
I was at PAX Unplugged in Philly Thur-Sun and had intentions to post, but GM'd 3 back to back 15 hour sessions and never was able to get around to it.
Back and catching up!
Owlbear Rodeo
No worries! I would love to attend a PAX Unplugged someday! Glad to have you back!
Sorcerer 1: AC 16 [17 w/Shield]: HP 18/18: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5: Hero Points: 1; Spells +7; DC 17: 1st: 1/3; Perception (Darkvision) +3:
Owlbear Rodeo
Okay, Lucien is up! I know it is the holiday season, so I expect posting to be a little slower... I am happy that we still have staying power! I can't wait to play, myself!
The rough part is that my face-to-face group has convinced me to run Seven Dooms for them (They were my original players when I ran Rise of the Runelords, many moons ago...) and so I will try to not use any meta-knowledge when I can finally play Kusano... @_@
Owlbear Rodeo
Happy New Year everyone! Now that the holidays are done, I should be able to be more consistent!