Welcome to Star City, the city of the future. (Inactive)

Game Master PoorWanderingOne

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I suppose the Melee Attack (Special Weapon) is a device that can be disarmed, so that gives me two points back. I'll put those three points and the 5 points from the Lair into armor and spend money to buy a vibro sword (how much is that?) and a small and big pulse gun. That should cover it. Maybe some grenades as well.

GM SuperTumbler wrote:
... spend money to buy a vibro sword (how much is that?) and a small and big pulse gun. That should cover it. Maybe some grenades as well.

See SPC3 pg 13 for the start of the gear chapter. Vibro swords specifically are in SWADE pg 72 for the base weapon and then SPC3 pg 16 for the weapon mods. SPC3 pg. 17 for Pulse weapons and SWADE pg.78 for grenades.

GM SuperTumbler wrote:

Hi folks, this system is definitely close to defeating me, but I think I have a build ready to go. I've left 5 Power Points from the Lair Points and $5000 to buy weapons and armor. Can I have one of these vibro blades at this point? If so, I think I have melee under control. And I'll pick up armor with the Lair points and some cash if they can stack.

As for the Speak Language trapping, I was initially intending that he was tapped into the Collective Unconscious, and therefore would be connected to the minds of all humanity throughout time. Given the limits I'm encountering in the build, that probably doesn't completely make sense. You seem to be going for him being tapped into only humans who are currently alive, and that seems to work. I wish I could make him both a competent shootist and melee fighter, but that doesn't seem possible with him also having the ability to boost all skills.

LIVING vs DEAD: The trapping idea was basically a way keep you and Karma in separate lanes. She is much more dead focused so if we limit you to the living it creates some space.

ARMOR:Purchased armor does not stack with the Armor power. Take the best. Purchased armor DOES stack with the Toughness and/or Force Field powers up to the relevant limits.

SHOOTIST: You could always turn Great Luck into a Super Edge dropping Weapon Master, and then use the 2 Hindrance points that frees up to buy Shoot at d6. Boost trait will push that to a d8/d10 which is quite good.
If you want to go higher you could drop Academics and Battle, trusting JoT, Genius, and Boost to cover those until you have a couple of Advances. This will free a die or two for Shooting. Going a bit more you could drop Fighting to d/10 and replace Master at Arms with Quick/Level Headed or Fleet footed. This would give you a super skill point to toss into Shooting as well.
If the Fleet Footed edge seems out of place here I am bringing it to your attention because one of the former folks found moving at pace 6 to be limiting.


Savant, another review.

Alex Carter (Savant)
Novice Male Human, Drifter who hears voices

Attributes: check

Skills: Check

Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 6

Unable to complete review. Please identify exactly what your hindrance points are being used for. How many to Attributes/Skills. How many to edges. How many to cash.

Seriously it is a pain to play hunt the hindrance. If whatever program you are using doesn't allow it then please make a separate post.

Likely Power issues: I did not audit your powers but at a glance you have 3 super edges listed but are only paying for 2 of them. Also 2 points in Melee attack just pays for the Special weapon mod so you would only add +1d6 when using your weapon.

Overall: You are soooooo close to ready here. ID where Hindrances are being used and double check Melee Attack and your Edges. Then it is just gear and I am happy to help with that if you want me to.

Apologies to all!

My internet provider has been having issues with the network in our entire neighborhood over the past few months, with days of the internet going in and out. They finally decided to upgrade some system pieces, but they took way long, and too many days to get it done. This is the first day I've been able to login reliably for over a week.

I'll get caught up on everything asap. :)

On the plus side they system should be more reliable for a bit at least.

If I remember you only had a Growth issue to fix and then gear. If we can get that taken care of ASAP you can join in on the Milk Run.

Ok, I think this is a very workable version....

Phillipe Anthony Devereux
Novice Male Human

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d6 / d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Electronics d6, Fighting d6, Focus d10, Language (English) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Research d8, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 / 20 (8)
Size: 0 / 3 (Normal (10')
Hindrances:(Spend - +1 Edge, +1 Edge, +1 Attribute)
Code of Honor (M), Enemy (minor, Southpoint Slashers), Environmental Weakness (Sonic)(m), Loyal(m), Secret Identity (m)
Connections (Street People)
Investigator (H)
Martial Artist
Super Powers (45pts / PL15)
Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, +1 to Hit) /
Melee Attack (Generic) (1) (Range Melee, Damage Str+1d6+d4, melee damage bonus applies to thrown weapons, Heavy Weapon, +1 to Hit)
Melee Attack (Generic) (2) (Range Melee, Damage Str+2d6+d4, AP 2, +1 to Hit)

Language: English (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $500

Special Abilities

  • Languages Known: English (native, d8)


  • (4) Env. Resist. (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) (Environmental Resistance; Air): Ignores background effects of a selected power type, reduces damage from that Power Type by 4, and adds +4 when resisting any effects with that Power Type’s Trapping - Applies to 3 additional power types
  • (1) Immune to Disease: The character is completely immune to disease.
  • (1) Immune to Poison: The character is completely immune to poison
  • (2) Super Attribute (1; Agility): Boost Selected Attribute by 1
  • (2) Super Attribute (1; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 1
  • (6) Super Attribute (3; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 3
  • (2) Toughness (2): +2 toughness

  • (1) Crystalline Form (Altered Form; Earth): (Called Shots have no effect; 1/2 Damage on Falling/Collisions; 1/2 Knockback) The hero has a morphable body made from a particular type of energy or matter. - Must make a Focus roll as an action to transform into his altered form. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated.
    (8) Armor (4): +8 Armor - The armor is considered Heavy Armor, and can only be damaged by Heavy Weapons., Contingent (0): Crystalline Form
    (2) Doesn't Breathe: The super can hold her breath for up to 15 minutes. - Doesn't breathe at all, isn't affected by inhaled toxins, cannot drown, doesn't suffocate in vacuum , Contingent (0): Crystalline Form
    (9) Growth (3): May grow up to size +3, strength and toughness both a +3 while power is active - Contingent (0): Crystalline Form
    (6) Melee Attack (Generic) (1): - Hero's melee damage bonus applies to thrown weapons, Heavy Weapon, Contingent (0): Crystalline Form; Switchable
    (1) Melee Attack (Generic) (2): - AP: 2, Contingent (0): Crystalline Form; Switchable

    Current Load: 0 (41 / 101)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)
    Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Larger Than Life
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal

    Created with Savaged.us

  • Now I just need to look at the gear list. :)


    Add an Edge

    Add Double Starting Cash

    Add Double Starting Cash


    I was calculating 4 points in Melee Attack (Special Weapon) to buy Power Level 2, then -2 points from it being a Device that is easy to disarm. Thinking that was different from having claws or something.


    Edges: I have 5 total edges.

    1 from Human
    1 from Advance
    1 from Hindrance
    2 from Super Edge

    I am using Savaged.US. It was the only generator I could find that included the newest version of the Super Hero book.

    If these numbers seem right I'll ponder the other feedback. I can see the validity in not having a super movement in a supers game. The others will take some thinking.

    Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

    I think I follow the logic of the issues I raised about intangibility. I'll go with the current build and use the flight to avoid things like falling damage. I'll probably need to ask how certain things have to be handled as they come up.

    Dark Archive

    Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

    Karma, I like the way you're thinking. I would definitely do that if Mind Control didn't give us an option to avoid them even knowing if anything happened. A trailer jackknifed would definitely stop them, but then when they get home they'll be all "hey sorry we're late there was a semi" which means there's a possibility of someone saying "a semi? We might've heard about that."

    I'd like to try the route where they don't even know a thing even did happen.

    If I flub a roll, then, by all means, please do have a plan B in place.

    GM SuperTumbler wrote:


    Add an Edge

    Add Double Starting Cash

    Add Double Starting Cash


    I was calculating 4 points in Melee Attack (Special Weapon) to buy Power Level 2, then -2 points from it being a Device that is easy to disarm. Thinking that was different from having claws or something.


    Edges: I have 5 total edges.

    1 from Human
    1 from Advance
    1 from Hindrance
    2 from Super Edge

    I am using Savaged.US. It was the only generator I could find that included the newest version of the Super Hero book.

    If these numbers seem right I'll ponder the other feedback. I can see the validity in not having a super movement in a supers game. The others will take some thinking.

    Thank you this makes things much more clear.

    1)You might have under spent on Hindrance points.

    I see you hindrances as:
    Curious, Major, grants 2 hindrance points
    Overconfident, Major, grants 2 hindrance points
    Hard of hearing, minor, grants 1 hindrance point
    Phobia, minor, grants 1 hindrance point

    If this is correct then you have 6 points to play with

    From what I can see you are only spending 4 hindrance points:
    1 edge: cost 2 points
    2x starting cash: Cost 1 point
    2x starting cash again: cost 1 point
    Total hindrance points spent : 4

    Where are the other 2 points?

    2) Edges. Well I think I found those 2 hindrance points.
    You list Ambidextrous as your human edge. All good so far.
    You have Luck listed as an advance and Great luck as purchased with hindrance points which is impossible but if you swap the two edges making Great Luck the advance all is good.

    We run into a snag with the next 3 edges being listed as super edges but you only having 2 edges worth of the Super edge power. One of these was likely purchased with hindrance points bringing everything into balance but knowing which one is important as only Super edges can be Nullified.

    3) Melee attack.
    Special weapon is a strange modifier. For 4 points you can get +1d6 base Melee attack (cost 2) with the Special weapon modifier (cost 2). this would give you +1d6 on every melee attack with an extra +1d6 when you used the weapon. (damage= STR +1d6 melee attack +1d6 S. Weapon) OR you can spend all 4 points on the weapon giving you +2d6 with the Weapon but no bonus damage to any other melee attacks. At this point level you are probably going to want the first choice but it needs to be clear in the power listing which way you are going with this.
    One interesting effect is if you do take the device modifier then you will loose the Entire power if you loose the device. No matter how you split up the damage dice.

    I think this is more clear. Please let me know if I am wandering in the darkness.

    Elemental review

    Hindrances, check

    Edges, check

    Skills, check

    Attributes, check

    Powers, check

    Figured stats, check.

    Just spend your $1000 (not $500, setting rule) and you are good to go.

    Questions: What are you taking for your first Advance? And how are you spending the 5 Lair superpower points?

    Poor Wandering GM, you have done an excellent job of explaining all of that. One thing this has convinced me is that I will never run a super hero game using Savage Worlds. There are just too many character creation currencies for me. Ability points, skill points, hindrance points, super powers edge points. My head is spinning.

    Special weapon is so weird to me.

    So is there a way with special weapon to just get a bonus to all melee attacks damage? What I want is to be able to tap into knowing how to use any weapon, whether it is a Rambo style survival knife, or a broken plate, or anything anyone has used to stab/cut/bonk someone. Not clear to me if that is possible, but I think I'd rather have less bonus damage to everything that lots of bonus damage to one weapon.

    Dark Archive

    GM SuperTumbler wrote:
    So is there a way with special weapon to just get a bonus to all melee attacks damage?


    GM SuperTumbler wrote:
    So is there a way with special weapon to just get a bonus to all melee attacks damage? What I want is to be able to tap into knowing how to use any weapon, whether it is a Rambo style survival knife, or a broken plate, or anything anyone has used to stab/cut/bonk someone. Not clear to me if that is possible, but I think I'd rather have less bonus damage to everything that lots of bonus damage to one weapon.

    This would be the Melee Attack power

    Melee Attack wrote:
    A character can also enhance her melee damage by using this power, which applies to all armed and unarmed Fighting attacks

    For 2/4/6 pts, you do an additional 1d6/2d6/3d6 damage in melee. Seems like for the concept, maybe a 2 pt power to do +1d6 with any weapon you pick up?

    Poor Wandering GM wrote:
    Questions: What are you taking for your first Advance? And how are you spending the 5 Lair superpower points?

    Filling in a couple of spots from the original concept and adding a Skill die to Thievery and Electronics (Gaining Thievery at d4, and putting Electronics to d8).

    How do the lair power points work? Just 5 additional power points? But if we lose the lair, we lose the points?

    GM SuperTumbler wrote:
    Poor Wandering GM, you have done an excellent job of explaining all of that. One thing this has convinced me is that I will never run a super hero game using Savage Worlds. There are just too many character creation currencies for me. Ability points, skill points, hindrance points, super powers edge points. My head is spinning.

    True. Supers in Savage Worlds are the most complicated version of Savage Worlds I've found so far. It can be a bit of a fog until all the point types start making sense.

    GM SuperTumbler wrote:

    Special weapon is so weird to me.

    I agree. Special Weapon is on the short list of powers that needed more review.

    GM SuperTumbler wrote:
    So is there a way with special weapon to just get a bonus to all melee attacks damage? What I want is to be able to tap into knowing how to use any weapon, whether it is a Rambo style survival knife, or a broken plate, or anything anyone has used to stab/cut/bonk someone. Not clear to me if that is possible, but I think I'd rather have less bonus damage to everything that lots of bonus damage to one weapon.

    This is an easy one. Laird has it. The Melee Attack power with the Thrown Weapons modifier will add damage to everything but Guns/bows/crossbows. Increasing STR would also do the job. So Imagine is also correct. For guns et.al you are looking at Deadeye.

    Laird_Thorne wrote:

    Poor Wandering GM wrote:
    Questions: What are you taking for your first Advance? And how are you spending the 5 Lair superpower points?
    Filling in a couple of spots from the original concept and adding a Skill die to Thievery and Electronics (Gaining Thievery at d4, and putting Electronics to d8).

    Cool, just remember to record the advance on your character sheet.

    Laird_Thorne wrote:
    How do the lair power points work? Just 5 additional power points? But if we lose the lair, we lose the points?

    Exactly correct. 5 additional Super Power Points that you lose if you lose the lair or leave the Omega cell. This is why I recommend keeping a note of what the points were spent on just in case.

    Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4
    Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:

    Karma, I like the way you're thinking. I would definitely do that if Mind Control didn't give us an option to avoid them even knowing if anything happened. A trailer jackknifed would definitely stop them, but then when they get home they'll be all "hey sorry we're late there was a semi" which means there's a possibility of someone saying "a semi? We might've heard about that."

    I'd like to try the route where they don't even know a thing even did happen.

    If I flub a roll, then, by all means, please do have a plan B in place.

    Our instructions included the option to blow it up or steal the item. Doesn't sound like DD is particularly worried about secrecy. As long as we can cover our tracks when we're done.

    But if you want the illusion thing to be plan B, Karma can oblige. I'd like to attempt to have her not just pass through the transport but try to "jump" into the transports frame of reference to ride along (as discussed above). If she is invisible and intangible, she can "fly" with the transport, using the flight ability to move about within the van. That would put her in a position to do more than just report.

    She could create an illusion that would cause the driver to think the transport has an engine problem and stop to check it out (such an illusion of smoke coming from the engine).

    Depending on what they are transporting she could try to identify it and perhaps disable it.

    Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

    Like I said, I am good with the various plans to stop it. I can flex with what happens.

    Dark Archive

    Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

    Since the first casualty of battle is the battle plan I'm happy that Karma has so many tools too.

    Let's set up as we have said, but we'll see what Karma sees inside the van and go from there.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ok, I think I have everything updated on the Profile for crunch, etc. :)


    Your character idea struck a chord in me so I have been playing around with making a version of it. Since you said you were having some distress around the generation process and were open to a helping hand I thought you might want to see what I came up with. Feel free to steal or ridicule as much as you like.

    PWGM's version of GMST's Savant:

    Alex Carter (Savant)
    Novice Male Human, Drifter who hears voices

    Attributes: Agility d8 1+s, Smarts d10 1+4h, Spirit d8 1+s, Strength d8 1+s, Vigor d8 1+s

    Skills: * is a base d4 free. Academics sm, Athletics ag* d6 1, Battle sm, Boating ag, Com Kn sm*, Driving ag, Electronics sm d4 1(+2 to roll interface), Fighting ag d12 2+3s, Focus sp d8/d10 3/+1s, Gambling sm. Hacking sm d4 1 (+2 to roll interface), Healing sm, Intimidation sp, Language sm, Notice sm*, Occult sm, Performance sp, Persuasion sp*, Piloting ag, Repair sm d4 1, Research sm d4 1, Riding ag, Science sm, Shooting ag d10 3+1s, Stealth ag* d6 2, Survival sm, Taunt sm, Thievery ag (+2 to roll from interface).

    Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 6

    Hindrances: Curious, Hard of Hearing (minor), Overconfident, Phobia (minor, Autophobia).
    Hindrances used for +2 die type to Smarts and the Luck Edge

    Jack of all trades (Human)
    Luck (hindrance)
    AB: Gifted (super)
    Great Luck (super)

    Powers: 45 +5 lair

    Other/movement 21

    .7. Additional Actions 1 (5) (+2) fast action

    .4. Boost/Lower Trait (2) (+2) Any trait (+2) Power (-1) Self only (-1)Boost only

    .2. Pace (2)

    .2. Super Edge. AB Gifted 15pp Power: Warriors gift. Trapping mod: Limited free action to use, Self only.

    .2. Genius

    .1. Speak languages OR +1 Super Skill Focus.

    .3. Interface 2 +1 Code Breaker

    Defense 13

    .3. Dodge 3

    .3. Super Skill Fighting +3 dice

    .3. Toughness 3

    .2. Super attribute Vigor +1

    .2. Super Edge. Great Luck

    Offense 11

    .6. Super attribute Ag, Str, Sp +1each

    .4. Melee attack +d6 (2) +2 Thrown Weapons OR Awareness 2 instead of Thrown mod.

    .1. Super Skill Shooting +1 die

    Lair 5
    .2. Deadeye +d6 with mechanical ranged
    .3. Uncanny reflexes

    Recommendations: +1 Strength, or Thievery and another skill that is below it's stat

    Figured stats: Pace 8 +d8 run. Parry 8. Toughness 9 Dodge -3

    Gear, 1k budget.
    Body Armor or Body suit (SPC3 pg15) $200
    Ballistic helm (SPC3 pg15) $80
    Colt 1911 or Glock ($200)(SWADE pg 74) w100 rounds($40) and 1 spare magazine ($20) $260
    Omega Com link (free)
    $460 to spend as you will. Note spending all your cash might be a good idea. Prices increase significantly once play starts.

    SPEAK LANGUAGES: Given JoT, Genius and Boost trait, the Speak Language power is overkill. A Smarts of d10 with the d6 wild and the free re-roll from Genius gives you a 98% chance of success with a 64% of a raise with JoT. You can pretty much count on JoT giving you a d4 in any language. Boost trait will bump that to d6 (81%) or d8 (25%). Assume low average rolls so you are looking at a d6 minimum. This gives you base 75% to understand key passages in an otherwise unknown language spoken or written. You also have re-rolls from Genius and Power that will apply to this. So your chance of not understanding a key passage in an other wise unknown language assuming low average rolls is less than 2%. {d6 with d6 wild vs TN 4 is a 25% chance of failure. 2 re-rolls drop this chance to .25*.25*.25 = 1.5%} Avoiding this does not seen worth 1-2 power points.

    THROWN WEAPONS: I think Awareness is worth the slight damage drop with thrown weapons. Awareness mitigates called shot penalties with all attacks which might be worth more than the d6 bonus damage on thrown weapons in terms of vitals shots (-2 with awareness for +4 damage) and bypassing armor (-4 or less with awareness to ignore Armor power / worn armor).

    OVERALL: This build really rides the Boost trait train. It is not so much for the die type increase though that is useful but for the Power modifier granting a free re-roll. For example: Your base shooting gives you a 85/45% hit/rise on TN4. A minimum boost takes that to 88/50%. The Power re-roll gives you a 25% chance of NOT getting a raise. A raise and your Deadeye power means your pistol is doing 4d6. Raise that TN to 8 (normally 10 -2 from awareness) to shoot through the eye slit of a standard drone helmet and a minimum boost with re-roll means you have a 75% chance to hit. Add things like Favored Weapon from Warriors gift and a laser sight and armor ceases to be a concern. You dice can still go cold and betray you but that can happen to anyone.

    Elemental Review

    Attributes, check

    Skills, check

    Figured stats, check

    Hindrances, check

    Edges, check

    Powers, semi-issue

    I think you can pick up a bit more oomph with the Melee attack.
    As I see it the base form of the Melee attack is: +2d6 (4 points) AP4 (+2 points) Contingent(+0) Switchable to 1 alternate (+1) cost 7 with 6 points available for the alternate.

    And the alternate is: +1d6 Melee Attack (2 points) Thrown Weapons (+2 points) Heavy weapon (+1 point) Contingent(+0). This is only 5 points. You have a point to play with here if you want to. You could add 2AP or the Charge or Forceful mods to this easy.

    Unless I am wrong that is. Double check my math/understanding?

    Gear, semi-issue

    What is an Electronics kit? Do you mean the $200 tool kit from SWADE pg 69? Also you have overspent by a touch.

    Tool kit $200 (SWADE pg 67)
    Stun baton (Baton $25 w/ Stun mod $250 SPC3 pg 16) $275
    Hand held comp $250 (SWADE pg 68)
    Lock picks $200 (SWADE pg 67)
    Smoke grenade x2 $50 each (SWADE pg 78) $100
    Total, $1025. With you listed cash of $75 that is a clean c-note over the line

    Or did I miss something?

    Notes, That d6 fighting will be annoying but it's pretty easy to raise later. Also the +1 to hit & bonus damage from the Martial Artist edge does NOT apply when you are throwing things. Strictly up close and personal.

    No critical issues. Just fix the gear issue and bump up the Melee Attack if you want to and you are welcome in the Gameplay thread.

    Game entry Info Assume you are delivering the groups van from Dr. Destroyer. You likely have not seen Dr. D since you were inducted into the OMEGA resistance. Your contact to get the van was likely a strange little fellow named MindJack. Assume you have one set of keys for the Van, the address of the lair, and the code-names/visual descriptions of the other players.

    Poor Wandering GM wrote:

    Elemental Review

    I think you can pick up a bit more oomph with the Melee attack.
    As I see it the base form of the Melee attack is: +2d6 (4 points) AP4 (+2 points) Contingent(+0) Switchable to 1 alternate (+1) cost 7 with 6 points available for the alternate.

    And the alternate is: +1d6 Melee Attack (2 points) Thrown Weapons (+2 points) Heavy weapon (+1 point) Contingent(+0). This is only 5 points. You have a point to play with here if you want to. You could add 2AP or the Charge or Forceful mods to this easy.

    Unless I am wrong that is. Double check my math/understanding?

    Ah, good point. Your math is correct, so I could have the extra point. I think Forceful fits best, so I’ll add it. :)


    Gear, semi-issue

    What is an Electronics kit? Do you mean the $200 tool kit from SWADE pg 69? Also you have overspent by a touch.

    Or did I miss something?

    No, that’s on me. There actually isn’t an electronics kit in either SWADE or the SPC, so I improvised. The tool kit seemed a bit much, but there was the Medic Kit for a cost of 100 which, in my mind is a really specialized tool kit. So, I modeled the Electronics kit off of that, seeing as it would really just be a different type of tool kit, only really good for things that Electronics skill could do…

    I can drop that though if prefer.

    Re: Fighting - you have a good point. I’ll swap gaining Thievery to up Fighting to the d8 instead. That ok?

    Delivering Van, check. :)

    Dark Archive

    Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

    I'm moving discussion of the plan here for OOC stuff because sometimes I get tired of writing [ooc].

    Point the First: It has an escort in the Downtown area but then once it enters Southpoint North it doesn't have an escort, yeah?

    My idea is that shortly after the escort departs, call it halfway into Southpoint North, we hit it.

    That minimizes any forces at the hand-off point helping, and it gives us plenty of leeway room to try again if we cock up the first one.

    2) Apparently there's a site called NPCgenerator.com I'll be disguised as:

    Fay Boulderdown is a 43 year old female fisherwoman.

    She has short dark hair and green eyes.

    She has rough, sunburned, golden skin.

    She stands 177cm (5'9") tall and has a round build.

    She has a sharp, unremarkable face.

    and apparently she's being constantly psychologically tortured by a crazed leprechaun...but why bring that up?

    I'm going to be standing near the edge of the street, reading a random paperback. I'll do this until Karma sends back details on the van. Once I have eyes on the driver I'll go to work.

    Poor Wandering GM wrote:


    Your character idea struck a chord in me so I have been playing around with making a version of it. Since you said you were having some distress around the generation process and were open to a helping hand I thought you might want to see what I came up with. Feel free to steal or ridicule as much as you like.

    ** spoiler omitted **...

    Thank you so much. I don't think I was ever going to get all the way there. This looks like it does a decent job of all the things I wanted him to do. I don't need for him to be maxed out. It looks like it will be fun to play.

    I'll look to spend the last money on some useful items, but otherwise this looks good.

    Savant character design:

    GM SuperTumbler wrote:

    Thank you so much. I don't think I was ever going to get all the way there. This looks like it does a decent job of all the things I wanted him to do. I don't need for him to be maxed out. It looks like it will be fun to play.

    I'll look to spend the last money on some useful items, but otherwise this looks good.

    Hey, Thank you! I was a little worried about stepping into your space. Thank you for letting me.

    There are a couple of questions outstanding
    1. .1. Speak languages OR +1 Super Skill Focus.
    So super skill or Speak?

    2. .4. Melee attack +d6 (2) +2 Thrown Weapons OR Awareness 2 instead of Thrown mod.
    So Awareness or Thrown Weapons?

    I would go with Super Skill and Awareness but your millage may vary.

    Also I left a good bit of my design skeleton in place. Ignore the Offense, Defense, Other bits. They are a way to remind me not to over focus on any one aspect of a character, basically you split your points into those categories as a rough guideline. You can and will steal points from other categories as you progress in the build. Your "Other" category is more that a third of your points for example. But splitting the points up as step 1 means that when you "steal" points from another category you have a moment to think about what you are doing and to consider the opportunity cost. I don't know, it seems to work for me.

    Let me know if anything doesn't make sense. With any luck you will be able to join Elemental in the van.

    p.s. Are you familiar with how SW arcane backgrounds work? The Warrior's Gift power from your AB: Gifted is a nice little force multiplier but juggling Powers and a traditional Arcane background is an added complexity. Hit me up if you need a FAQ.

    Elemental / Phillipe Devereux wrote:

    No, that’s on me. There actually isn’t an electronics kit in either SWADE or the SPC, so I improvised. The tool kit seemed a bit much, but there was the Medic Kit for a cost of 100 which, in my mind is a really specialized tool kit. So, I modeled the Electronics kit off of that, seeing as it would really just be a different type of tool kit, only really good for things that Electronics skill could do.

    $100 dedicated electronic only tool kit. I'm good with that.

    Forceful is a fun choice. On an average damage roll you will not do knockback but with an ace or 2 you will send them flying.

    Poor Wandering GM wrote:

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Let me know if anything doesn't make sense. With any luck you will be able to join Elemental in the van.

    p.s. Are you familiar with how SW arcane backgrounds work? The Warrior's Gift power from your AB: Gifted is a nice little force multiplier but juggling Powers and a traditional Arcane background is an added complexity. Hit me up if you need a FAQ.

    You convinced me that Speak Languages isn't necessary, and I'm not worried about thrown weapons.

    So Super Skill and Awareness. I think that means I need to add a rank in a skill? What skill do I roll for the Warrior's Gift? Probably I should improve that one.

    I think I can manage the Arcane Background. More familiar with that than super powers. In general I'm going to be way behind the curve at using the rules, but I'm just going to play him as not being super experienced with his powers.

    Body Armor, Ballistic Helm.


    Additional $460:
    Tool kit
    Lock Picks
    Waterproof Tarp

    I'm good with you putting me in the van if you are.

    Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

    Can the GM confirm what I am interpreting to be the "hand-off point." That is a point where the V'sori escort leaves and the slashers will have their own people for the escort to wherever they actually get the delivery. If this is correct, it could complicate things, as we'll have to have a plan to deal with the slashers if they try to interfere.

    Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:

    I'm moving discussion of the plan here for OOC stuff because sometimes I get tired of writing [ooc].

    Point the First: It has an escort in the Downtown area but then once it enters Southpoint North it doesn't have an escort, yeah?

    My idea is that shortly after the escort departs, call it halfway into Southpoint North, we hit it.

    That minimizes any forces at the hand-off point helping, and it gives us plenty of leeway room to try again if we cock up the first one.


    To be very clear after the transport leaves Downtown it will not have a police or V'sori escort. It might have an escort provided by someone else, the VMAP only tracks V'sori, and police movements.

    Check. Ambush is middle of Southpoint North.

    Elemental / Phillipe Devereux wrote:

    No, that’s on me. There actually isn’t an electronics kit in either SWADE or the SPC, so I improvised. The tool kit seemed a bit much, but there was the Medic Kit for a cost of 100 which, in my mind is a really specialized tool kit. So, I modeled the Electronics kit off of that, seeing as it would really just be a different type of tool kit, only really good for things that Electronics skill could do.
    Me wrote:

    $100 dedicated electronic only tool kit. I'm good with that.

    Forceful is a fun choice. On an average damage roll you will not do knockback but with an ace or 2 you will send them flying.

    Addition because I missed it. Swapping thievery for fighting is perfectly fine.

    Savant wrote:

    So Super Skill and Awareness. I think that means I need to add a rank in a skill? What skill do I roll for the Warrior's Gift? Probably I should improve that one.

    I think I can manage the Arcane Background. More familiar with that than super powers. In general I'm going to be way behind the curve at using the rules, but I'm just going to play him as not being super experienced

    SKILL AND WARRIORS GIFT: This is a bit of synergy that is called out in the SPC3 on page 6. The Focus skill that you use with super powers is the same skill that AB Gifted uses. You already have the skill you need to activate Warrior's Gift.

    1. Choose your Advance. (SWADE pg54) I suggested boosting Strength or taking a couple of skills but this is your call.

    2. Clean up. I left a bunch of creation and design notes that do not need to be there and the formatting is all over the place. Are you going to put this through the computer program? Or I could just go through and clean things up. Along this line the sheet still has the Thrown Weapons/Awareness choice listed rather that Awareness as a separate power and the Thrown Weapon mod removed.

    Actually putting the character through the computer program would not be a bad idea as it would be a good double check and might put the character into a format you might like better.

    3. Getting your gear into the sheet. :7) I can be a bit of a stickler about the whole "if it not on your sheet you don't have it" malarkey.

    Savant wrote:
    I think I can manage the Arcane Background. More familiar with that than super powers. In general I'm going to be way behind the curve at using the rules, but I'm just going to play him as not being super experienced with his powers.

    You actually only have 2 powers that you have to take action to use: Boost Trait and Gifted: Warriors gift. The rest are pretty much passive. This is another reason why putting Savant through the program whose name I forgot might be a good idea. It seems to pull the power text onto the sheet which might make it more familiar. In any cage if something does not make sense PLEASE toss me a question.

    Advice, if you want it. Take a look at what bennies can do. Both in SWADE pg 89-90 and, most importantly in SPC3 pg 31 for the bennie fueled Power Stunts. You have 5 per session so knowing what to do with them is pretty important. Given how many bennies you have perhaps the Elan edge (SWADE pg 39) may be in your future.

    Let me know when you have the Advance chosen and have the cleanup settled and we can get you into the action.

    Karma NE wrote:
    Can the GM confirm what I am interpreting to be the "hand-off point." That is a point where the V'sori escort leaves and the slashers will have their own people for the escort to wherever they actually get the delivery. If this is correct, it could complicate things, as we'll have to have a plan to deal with the slashers if they try to interfere.

    I am afraid you have no data on how the Slashers will act once the Transport enters their turf. But you are correct that there is a point where the police (not V'sori, this is a police operation at the direction of the invaders. The VMAP is showing no nearby V'sori activity.) escort peels away. From what Imagine has said you will be ambushing the Transport a few blocks after that point.

    Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

    Thanks for the clarification.

    Let me know if you want a map of the encounter location. I can work something up soon if you give me the general layout.

    Karma NE wrote:

    Thanks for the clarification.

    Let me know if you want a map of the encounter location. I can work something up soon if you give me the general layout.

    I think folks would love a map. The details are totally up to you for this one. Placement of roads and buildings, is the transport taking a major (2 lanes each way) or a minor road, where the overpass/maglev track passes overhead. All this is up to you.

    So make the map you like. All I have seen folks talk about is an intersection with something overhead. So I suppose that is a good place to start.

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

    Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

    I would like a map as well. Nothing fancy. In the immortal words of Doc Brown, "Please excuse the crudity of this model. I didn't have time to build it to scale or paint it."

    Poor Wandering GM wrote:
    Savant wrote:

    So Super Skill and Awareness. I think that means I need to add a rank in a skill? What skill do I roll for the Warrior's Gift? Probably I should improve that one.

    I think I can manage the Arcane Background. More familiar with that than super powers. In general I'm going to be way behind the curve at using the rules, but I'm just going to play him as not being super experienced

    SKILL AND WARRIORS GIFT: This is a bit of synergy that is called out in the SPC3 on page 6. The Focus skill that you use with super powers is the same skill that AB Gifted uses. You already have the skill you need to activate Warrior's Gift.

    1. Choose your Advance. (SWADE pg54) I suggested boosting Strength or taking a couple of skills but this is your call.

    2. Clean up. I left a bunch of creation and design notes that do not need to be there and the formatting is all over the place. Are you going to put this through the computer program? Or I could just go through and clean things up. Along this line the sheet still has the Thrown Weapons/Awareness choice listed rather that Awareness as a separate power and the Thrown Weapon mod removed.

    Actually putting the character through the computer program would not be a bad idea as it would be a good double check and might put the character into a format you might like better.

    3. Getting your gear into the sheet. :7) I can be a bit of a stickler about the whole "if it not on your sheet you don't have it" malarkey.

    Savant wrote:
    I think I can manage the Arcane Background. More familiar with that than super powers. In general I'm going to be way behind the curve at using the rules, but I'm just going to play him as not being super experienced with his powers.
    You actually only have 2 powers that you have to take action to use: Boost Trait and Gifted: Warriors gift. The rest are pretty much passive. This is another reason why putting Savant through the program whose name I forgot might be a...

    I'll run it through the program, which is a website called Savaged.Us

    For the Advance, I'm going to go with Thievery because I see him as being a petty criminal before all of this went down. Not a real villain sort of criminal, more of a Florida man doing criminal things to get by.

    I'm pretty overwhelmed at work for the next 11 days, but they I get a three months of relative ease.

    Poor Wandering GM wrote:
    3. Getting your gear into the sheet. :7) I can be a bit of a stickler about the whole "if it not on your sheet you don't have it" malarkey.

    Always fascinating to me how different folks play differently. I'm currently getting into a new game called Everyday Heroes, a sort of new take on d20 Modern. It includes gear like pocket stuff and bag stuff.

    These are things that could reasonably be in a character's pockets or in a purse or computer bag.

    To me, that sort of vaguery is a pleasant relief, but it sounds like to you it would be a no go.

    No criticism, just different strokes for different folks.

    I'll get things updated.

    "Savant" wrote:

    Always fascinating to me how different folks play differently. I'm currently getting into a new game called Everyday Heroes, a sort of new take on d20 Modern. It includes gear like pocket stuff and bag stuff.

    These are things that could reasonably be in a character's pockets or in a purse or computer bag.

    To me, that sort of vaguery is a pleasant relief, but it sounds like to you it would be a no go.

    No criticism, just different strokes for different folks.

    I'll get things updated.

    I actually prefer a more flexible system myself. The problem is the player have some plot important/extremely limited items. I kind of have to track these hence the currant stickler attitude. I expect this to change but i do not know when.

    Let me know when you are ready to go.

    Savant, Elemental you two still with us?

    In the interest of getting things moving please assume you are both delivering the van and are currently in the Meat factory parking lot.

    Savant until your character is formally approved you have no powers and will fail any skill/stat rolls. So get that sheet cleaned up, choices made and gear stowed so you can get in the game.

    Dark Archive

    Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

    I'm still ready to RP with the newcomers as soon as they so much as say hi to my mom.

    Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

    I'll work on a map using what has been specified so far. I'll have it ready by the end of the weekend. Welcome Elemental. Your first post lists the PC as Laird_Thorne, and the RP referred to Phillipe. What are we calling you in the discussion thread?

    Karma NE wrote:
    I'll work on a map using what has been specified so far. I'll have it ready by the end of the weekend. Welcome Elemental. Your first post lists the PC as Laird_Thorne, and the RP referred to Phillipe. What are we calling you in the discussion thread?

    I’ll answer to about anything. :) Character’s Phillipe. So could eitherPhillipe or Laird :)

    This upcoming week is my worst work week of the year, so I may retain my "headache" for that period. Given the pace of PbP, that should work out ok. I'll probably be able to find a quiet moment to get things together at some point, but I'll be at work 15 hours a day for the next 6 days. Then I get my life back for a few months.

    Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

    I'll get the map posted as early as possible tomorrow. It's been a busy week, but I've got Friday and the weekend open.

    Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

    Ambush Site Map

    This is pretty basic, but I think the scale is correct. I put each PC image and some possible vehicle tokens.

    The dashed line rectangle is the highway overpass mentioned as the preferred location for the ambush.

    Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
    Karma NE wrote:

    Ambush Site Map

    This is pretty basic, but I think the scale is correct. I put each PC image and some possible vehicle tokens.

    The dashed line rectangle is the highway overpass mentioned as the preferred location for the ambush.

    great work!

    Savant Are you ready to go? Alias says no but .....


    So the ambush is taking place on a main road? No curve or intersection, just the overpass?

    If so where is the Villain Van?

    And what are folks starting positions and are you doing any other set-up before the Transport arrives?

    3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

    I think I said a while ago that Cyclops would be invisible, floating over the ambush point, close enough to hit anything with his blasts, but high enough to get an overview of the entire area.

    Not currently ready to go, but I'm fine with being a mess and hamstrung for the moment.

    Real life is just kicking me right now.

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