Karma NE |

Here is a draft of the Lair Map. I found a floor plan for a meat processing shop online and modeled this map on that floor plan. It has a meat processing area (to the top or north) which is where the meat would be cut and cooked, made into sausage, etc. There would have been some freezer cases and ovens and grills, which probably would either be stolen or lacking necessary energy sources.
There are some walk-in freezers and refrigerators which would also not be powered up at the moment, but might be able to function if there was a need to make that happen. They would be fairly secure if proper locks were added, but might need ventilation work to be a living space.
Toward the middle is an area labeled as the smoke room on the floor plan, which would perhaps still have equipment for smoking meat sitting idle. It also would be an area where large shipments could be packaged into shipping crates or containers and a bay door entrance, where I placed the SUV.
I put in a section to the SW that would have been an area for walk-in customers who wanted to purchase meat. I took the liberty of putting in some small rooms that would have been used as break rooms, offices, or restrooms.
South section has a lockable door leading to the first floor of the two story building that is described in the Lair description by the GM.
That area has a stairway that leads up to the 2nd floor. It might also have an elevator. The basement is reached via a stairway in the SW.
The Basement and the first and second floor plans are to the right side of the map which is best viewed in 200% magnification.
I've left these areas largely open for us to specify rooms and the like. I I imagine the basement was used for storage and there may be a freight elevator connecting it to the loading dock area and possibly the 2nd floor. Karma will claim one of these basement storage rooms for her personal space.
Hope this sparks some ideas of what to put in the lair while we wait for the new PCs.

Poor Wandering GM |

I've left these areas largely open for us to specify rooms and the like. I I imagine the basement was used for storage and there may be a freight elevator connecting it to the loading dock area and possibly the 2nd floor. Karma will claim one of these basement storage rooms for her personal space.
Hope this sparks some ideas of what to put in the lair while we wait for the new PCs.
This is amazing work! Thank you Karma.
I love that it looks like a (formerly) working meat processing shop. Excellent misdirection.Notes, no particular order.
.There is a seawater pool somewhere in the building/basement. Not Olympic sized and likely drained but big enough to submerge in and swim a stroke or two.
.The freight elevator probably needs to be big enough to take the van down to the basement.
.The basement can be bigger. It can cover the whole footprint of the building and then some if needed.
.There is a hospital sized elevator and a stairwell connecting he first and second floors.
.This is really amazing.

Laird_Thorne |

Rough look at Elemental
** spoiler omitted **
See if this helps and makes sense (doing this with Savaged.us, and some of the functions with Supers are still a bit quirky). :) This is Phillipe without any powers at all...
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Focus d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Research d8+2 (Investigator edge), Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Hindrances: Enemy (minor, Southpoint Slashers), Environmental Weakness (Sonic), Loyal, Mild Mannered, Phobia (minor, Enclosed Spaces), Secret Identity (setting)
Edges: Connections (Street People) (Human Edge), Investigator (Hindrances), Martial Artist (Hindrances), Super Powers (Free Edge)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, +1 to Hit)
Language: English (native, d8)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Focus d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Research d8+2 (Investigator edge), Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13
Hindrances: Enemy (minor, Southpoint Slashers), Environmental Weakness (Sonic), Loyal, Mild Mannered, Phobia (minor, Enclosed Spaces), Secret Identity (setting)
Edges: Connections (Street People) (Human Edge), Investigator (Hindrances), Martial Artist (Hindrances), Super Powers (Free Edge)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, +1 to Hit)
Language: English (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $500Languages Known: English (native, d8) Special Abilities
Power Set: Earth Elemental (8 pts)
Power Set: Fire Elemental (8 pts)
Dodge (2): -2 to be hit by direct ranged attacks (2 pts)
Env. Resist. (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) (Environmental Resistance; Air): Ignores background effects of a selected power type, reduces damage from that Power Type by 4, and adds +4 when resisting any effects with that Power Type’s Trapping - Applies to 3 additional power types (4 pts)
Immune to Disease: The character is completely immune to disease. (1 pts)
Immune to Poison: The character is completely immune to poison. (1 pts)
Mind Shield (Strong): Attempts to read or control the super’s mind are made at -4 (3 pts)
Super Attribute (1; Agility): Boost Selected Attribute by 1 (2 pts)
Super Attribute (1; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 1 (2 pts)
Super Attribute (3; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 3 (6 pts)
Super Skill (2; Persuasion): Boost selected skill by 2 (2 pts)
Toughness (6): +6 toughness (6 pts)

Poor Wandering GM |

Hindrances are still an issue. I am seeing:
Enemy (minor, Southpoint Slashers), minor.
Environmental Weakness (Sonic), minor
Loyal, minor
Mild Mannered, minor
Phobia (minor, Enclosed Spaces)minor
Secret Identity (setting), minor per campaign page.
That looks like 6 minor hindrances. The maximum number of minor hindrances is 4. Normal character generation allows up to 4 minor hindrances. Larger than Life allows an additional major hindrance. This Larger than Life major hindrance cannot be divided into minor hindrances. It is bribe to get you to take a major hindrance.

Karma NE |

I'll work on adding the features the GM described. If anyone has ideas about the location of the command center, personal spaces you'd like to claim, etc., let me know or make the changes on the map yourself. Everyone has editing rights.

Laird_Thorne |

That looks like 6 minor hindrances. The maximum number of minor hindrances is 4. Normal character generation allows up to 4 minor hindrances. Larger than Life allows an additional major hindrance. This Larger than Life major hindrance cannot be divided into minor hindrances. It is bribe to get you to take a major hindrance.
Aha! I see what saying. For some reason I thought I read that it could be 2 minor instead… So, 1 Major coming right up. :)

Karma NE |

I saw the new DnD movie yesterday. It's quite good and I recommend anyone see it, even if you are not a fan of the game system.

Poor Wandering GM |

I haven't had time to work on my build at all. I'm still interested, but obviously feel free to move on without me.
No rush. Elemental is coming along and your Everyman build should be pretty quick. Do you need a hand? I would be glad to throw up a quick build to give you a starting point if you would find it useful. Changing the question from "Oh gods what should I do?" to "Well this is obviously wrong. Let me fix....."sort of thing.

Laird_Thorne |

I think I just need to work out his fire form and should be set. :)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Electronics d6, Fighting d6, Focus d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d10, Research d8, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Enemy (minor, Southpoint Slashers), Environmental Weakness (Sonic), Loyal, Secret Identity (setting)
Edges: Connections (Street People), Investigator, Martial Artist, Super Powers
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, +1 to Hit)
Language: English (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $500
Special Abilities
Languages Known: English (native, d8)
Power Set: Crystal Form (8 pts)
Power Set: Fire Form (8 pts)
Dodge (2): -2 to be hit by direct ranged attacks (2 pts)
Env. Resist. (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) (Environmental Resistance; Air): Ignores background effects of a selected power type, reduces damage from that Power Type by 4, and adds +4 when resisting any effects with that Power Type’s Trapping - Applies to 3 additional power types (4 pts)
Mind Shield: -2 to use mind reading or mind control on this hero. - Attempts to read or control the super’s mind are made at -4 (3 pts)
Super Attribute (1; Agility): Boost Selected Attribute by 1 (2 pts)
Super Attribute (1; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 1 (2 pts)
Super Attribute (3; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 3 (6 pts)
Super Skill (2; Persuasion): Boost selected skill by 2 (2 pts)
Toughness (6): +6 toughness (6 pts)
Immune to Disease: The character is completely immune to disease. (1 pts)
Immune to Poison: The character is completely immune to poison. (1 pts)
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 21 (8); Size: Normal (3)
Special Abilities
Earth Form: (29 pts)
.. Crystal Body (Altered Form; Earth) (2 pts)
.. Doesn't Breathe (at all) (2 pts)
.. Doesn't Eat (1 pt)
.. Armor 4 (Heavy Armor) (8 pts)
.. Growth +3 (permanent) (7 pts)
.. Super Attribute (Vigor) 3 (6 pts))
.. Toughness (3 pts)
Would I be able to swap out the Connections edge between forms? I could see him not being able to take advantage of that and having something more appropriate to the form maybe...

![]() |

I saw the new DnD movie yesterday. It's quite good and I recommend anyone see it, even if you are not a fan of the game system.
Much todo was made of the writers saying "We love emasculating leading men because it's fun and funny and fresh."
The scuttlebutt also was that Chris Pine only got the role because 1) They asked several people before him and they all said, "Nope. It's way too ridiculous. I'm out." and 2) Chris Pine wanted to "rehabilitate" his image after doing the stereotypical misogynist role in "Don't Worry Darling" so he willingly leaned into the silliness part and, in fact, had to be steered into being heroic when he was supposed to.
Having seen the movie, how would you respond to that? Is it more of a comedy or comedy/action? Does it in fact down-play the leading men to the point that they are the continuous butt of the jokes, and they are laughed -at- and not -with-?

Poor Wandering GM |

Right, time for a partial review for Thorne. Have to keep moving or Atlas will start ranting about gender again.
Attributes: Attributes: Agility d8 1+1s, Smarts d8 2, Spirit d10 3, Strength d6 0+1s, Vigor d10 0+3s. total 6+5s. 1 point overspent
Skills: Athletics d6 1, Common Knowledge d6 1, Electronics d6 2, Fighting d6 2, Focus d8 3, Language (English) d8, Notice d6 1, Persuasion d10 1+2s, Research d8 3, Shooting d4 1, Stealth d4 0. 15.
Hindrances: Code of Honor (M), Enemy (minor, Southpoint Slashers) (m), Environmental Weakness (Sonic)(m), Loyal(m), Secret Identity (setting)(m)
Please identify what your hindrance points re being used for.
Edges: Connections (Street People){human}, Investigator, Martial Artist, Super Powers{free}
Please identify where you are getting the 2 additional edges.
Base form Powers, check
Earth form Powers, check. Please note that you Persuasion skill drops in Rock form.
Looks good. It is likely everything is correct, I just need to see how you spent your hindrance points. Connections is not a super edge so it does not change with your form. Whatever form they know you in is the form that can use the connections edge. Looking forward to Fire.

Poor Wandering GM |

{Bold are important/core aspects}
Attributes: Agility d8 Smarts d10 All others d6
Hindrances: Curious M LtL. Overconfident M. Autophobia m. Hard of hearing m. Hindrances used to raise AG by 1 and Sm by 2
Skills TBD: Academics (sm). Athletics*(ag). Battle (sm). Boating (ag). Com Kn* (sm). Driving (ag). Electronics (sm). Fighting (ag). Focus (sp). Gambling (sm). Hacking (sm). Healing (sm). Intimidation (sp). Notice (sm). Occult (sm). Performance (sp). Persuasion*(sp). Piloting (sp). Repair (sm). Research (sm). Riding (ag). Science (sm). Shooting (ag). Stealth*(ag). Survival (sm). Taunt (sm). Thievery (ag).
Edges: Superpowers lvlIII (free). Luck (human). Great luck. Jack of all trades (smd10). Ambidextrous (ag8).
Additional action (5), Fast action (+2)
Awareness (?)
Boost/Lower trait(2), Any trait (+2), Power (+2), Boost only(-1), Self only(-1)
Chameleon (3)?
Deadeye (2) Deadly (+1)
Dodge (?) Activation (-1)
Genius (2) Fast learner (+1)
Interface (2) Code breaker (+1)
Object reading (2) Information gathered must be currently known by someone on or near earth (-1)
Skill bonus
Speak Language (1) Written word (+1)
Super Attribute (14max 6 to get all att to d8)
Super Edge (14max 6 to buy existing edges)
Super Skill (15max)
Uncanny Reflexes (3) Requires activation (-1)

Laird_Thorne |

I think this is the final version of Elemental. I dropped the power sets, and just went with Requires Activation on the Alternate Form. Certain powers are Contingent on the Alternate form, so are unavailable when not transformed.
Phillipe Anthony Devereux
Novice Male Human
Agility d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d10 (H)
Strength d6 / d12
Vigor d10
Athletics d6
Common Knowledge d6
Electronics d6
Fighting d6
Focus d10
Language (English) d8
Notice d6
Persuasion d8 (d4 + Super Skill)
Research d8
Shooting d4
Stealth d4
Pace: 6
Parry: 5
Toughness: 9 / 22 (8 Heavy)
Size: Normal (0) / Normal (2)
(Spend - +1 Edge, +1 Edge, +1 Attribute)
Code of Honor (M)
Enemy (Southpoint Slashers) (m)
Environmental Weakness (Sonic) (m)
Loyal (m)
Secret Identity (m)
Connections (Street People)
Martial Artist
Super Powers (45pts / PL15)
Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, +1 to Hit) / Melee Attack (Generic) (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4+d6, AP 2, +1 to Hit)
Current Wealth: $500
Special Abilities
Languages Known: English (native, d8)
Super Powers
(4) Environmental Resistance (Air, Earth, Fire, Water): Ignores background effects of a selected power type, reduces damage from that Power Type by 4, and adds +4 when resisting any effects with that Power Type’s Trapping - Applies to 3 additional power types
(1) Immune to Disease: The character is completely immune to disease.
(1) Immune to Poison: The character is completely immune to poison
(1) Mind Shield -2 on attempts to read or control the super’s mind
(2) Super Attribute (1; Agility): Boost Selected Attribute by 1
(2) Super Attribute (1; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 1
(6) Super Attribute (3; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 3
(2) Super Skill (2; Persuasion): Boost selected skill by 2
(2) Toughness (2): +2 toughness
(1) Altered Form (Crystalline): - Must make a Focus roll as an action to transform into his altered form. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated
(8) .. Armor (4): +8 Armor, Heavy Armor; Contingent (0): Alternate Form
(2) .. Doesn't Breathe: The super can hold her breath for up to 15 minutes. - Doesn't breathe at all, isn't affected by inhaled toxins, cannot drown, doesn't suffocate in vacuum , Contingent (0): Alternate Form
(1) .. Doesn't Eat: Survives on very little sustenance. She can go twice as long as a normal human without food (see Hunger under Hazards in Savage Worlds) - Contingent (0): Alternate Form
(4) .. Growth (2): Size +2, Strength and Toughness both +2 - Permanent; Contingent (0): Alternate Form
(3) .. Melee Attack (1d6): - +2 AP; Contingent (0): Alternate Form
(2) .. Super Attribute (1; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 1 - Contingent (0): Alternate Form
(3) .. Toughness (3): +3 toughness - Contingent (0): Alternate Form
Current Load: 0 (121)
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Larger Than LifeValidity: Character appears valid and optimal
Created with Savaged.us

Poor Wandering GM |

Elemental/Crystal Titan First Review
Note: Up to you but the name feels clunky. Not sure what you are going for with the slash.
Attributes. check
Hindrances. check. Not a critical issue but how do you square the Code of Honor with working for Dr. D? He is not a nice person. Not saying it can't work. I am just wondering how it does work.
Skills: check
Powers bent but not broken rule. SW does not officially do partially limited powers. Your 5 pts of toughness, 3 of which are contingent is technically illegal but so long as you remember they are one power and subject to the power limit and the toughness/armor limit as one power then I am willing to let this ride as you are not getting a cost break and are in fact causing yourself a minor hardship. Unless another player throws a flag on this I am good with this issue.
Except for the one power issue it looks good.

GM SuperTumbler |

Still here and still interested. I thought I mentioned it to all of my various spaces here in campaigns, but I spent the last week in New York with 80 high school students on a field trip, so I was away from life and then now am a little toasted mentally.
I think I can get my build fixed up soon. I'm happy to come in with RP and gel the build if that makes things better. I'm not precious about any of this. Mostly I'm a GM, so generally whatever makes the story work is good for me.
I'm currently taking another shot at the build using the advice from this thread. I'll get it posted as soon as I can.

Karma NE |

My teaching schedule changes to M-Th mornings until 11 AM or 1 PM. So my posting should even out. I'll try to post every afternoon or evening, and check in the early morning as I'm having my coffee for any quick posts I can make.
I added some details to the lair map, mostly in the basement area. Since the place was used as a safehouse, I figure the basement would appear to the casual observer to just be a small storage area with some walk-in refrigerators and freezers as well as some closet space for things like cleaning supplies, etc. There would be a couple of secret doors to allow entry to the rest of the basement, which would have bedrooms, a kitchen/dining area, a recreation area, including a swimming pool, and a bath/shower area.
Some of these features may be part of a future upgrade, in which case, the infrastructure is there, but new appliances would need to be installed or repaired.
Karma would claim one of the bedrooms as her personal space. I'll mark which one when I get a chance. We still have the 2nd floor area to map out. I figure the control room would be up there, but we could put it in the basement if it would be more secure. Seems it would be good to have it where one could see out the windows, since we may not have working video surveillance cameras until we take the upgrade. The control room would likely be hidden with a secret door to keep it from being discovered if anyone breaks in.

GM SuperTumbler |

This should be a little closer to what Poor Wandering GM suggested. I stripped everything down and rebuilt from the ground up. I currently still have 2 power points.
Savant (Alex Carter)
Novice Human
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d4, Fighting d12, Hacking d4, Healing d4, Language (English) d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Piloting d4, Repair d4, Research d4, Riding d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Curious, Hard of Hearing (minor), Overconfident, Phobia (minor, Autophobia)
Edges: Ambidextrous, Danger Sense, Great Luck, Jack-of-all-Trades, Luck, Master of Arms, Super Powers, Weapon Master
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
Language: English (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $500
Special Abilities
Languages Known: English (native, d8)
Super Edge (4; Mental): Adds 4 Edges to obtain from the Edges tab
Additional Actions (1; Mental): Ignore up to 2 MAP penalties - The hero can perform longer tasks more quickly (if possible, GM’s call). Any task that takes less than a minute (ten rounds) can be performed in a single action. Tasks requiring minutes are done in that number of rounds, and tasks requiring hours are done in a like number of minutes.
Boost/Lower Trait (Mental; Any Trait): Make a Focus roll. If successful, increased or decrease target Trait by one die type, two with a raise, minimum d4 - Boosted Ally gets a free reroll once per round, or once per action on Focus Roll, Can affect any trait "on the fly", Limitation (-1): Boost Only, Limitation (-1): Self Only
Super Attribute (2; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 2
Super Attribute (2; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 2
Super Edge (2): Adds 2 Edges to obtain from the Edges tab
Super Skill (4; Mental; Fighting): Boost selected skill by 4
Genius (Mental): Gets a free reroll on all Smarts and Smarts-based skills - The hero ignores the −2 penalty when making unskilled, Smarts-based rolls.
Interface (Mental): Your hero can interface with electronic gadgets, giving him much greater access to their inner workings than others. He gains +2 to Electronics and Hacking rolls. - Thievery gains the +2 bonus for interface so long as electronics are involved in some way.
Speak Language (Mental): Can speak any language, even new ones after short exposure. - May read and write any language, give a few minutes and samples
Super Attribute (1; Mental; Agility): Boost Selected Attribute by 1
Super Attribute (1; Spirit): Boost Selected Attribute by 1
Awareness (1): Ignores 1 point of attack penalties
Starting Bennies: 5
Novice Advances
Edge: Danger Sense

Poor Wandering GM |

Savant first review
It is not clear where you spent you hindrance points. Could you clarify this please?
Note. Overconfident and curious are a FUN mix. Also is your type of hearing issue treatable with a hearing aid? I can see this going either way. No game effect but good background.
Attributes, check.
Skills, check
It is not clear which edges are from Super Edge and which are not. This matters because the Super Edges are vulnerable to Negation.
Point totals in bold
Additional Actions I, Fast action. (5+2)7
Awareness I. 1
Boost/Lower Trait, Any trait +2, Power +2, Boost Only -1, Self Only -1 (2+2+2-1-1) 4
Genius, Fast learner 3
Interface, code breaker 3
Speak Language, written word 2
Proposed trapping modifier. You do not need the time suggested for speaking/reading an unfamiliar language but the language must be understood by a living person on or near earth. For example you can read hieroglyphs but you cannot speak ancient Egyptian.
Super Attribute, Ag and Sp 1 die. St and Vi 2 dice. 12
Super Edge 6 edges 12
Super Skill, Fighting 4 dice. 4
Total 48.
3 over or 2 under if you are adding in the lair points. If you are adding the lair points please identify what you spent those points on. Remember you did not get 50 Super Power points to spend. You got 45 and then were able to add 5 as an pseudo advance.
Current Wealth, issue.
actually this is $1000
Figured Stats, issue
Parry is 8/10 if armed. The bonuses from Weapon Master and Master of Arms only kick in when you are armed or have an enabling edge/power.
Overview. Not to shabby. An excellent character with a tweak needed here or there to make things add up. This looks to be very fun to play.

GM SuperTumbler |

At this point I'm a bit in the weeds on how I got here on the build. If we can focus on getting it to a point where it is playable, I'll go back and rebuild from scratch and keep better track of the numbers.
I made some changes. Dropped some Super Edges, added a Super Skill to Focus since that is what the skill boost power is based on. Added some armor since that was an issue before.
Currently built as a weapon user, but could easily switch a couple of things around to make his focus guns. The party is maybe already melee focuses and could use more ranged?
I haven't spent the 5 extra power points. I might think of spending those on the armor. I don't have a good story reason for him to have armor, so if there is some sort of armor he could have found or been given that would help.
Does he need super weapons, or are normal weapons good enough?
Novice Human
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d4, Fighting d12, Focus d6, Hacking d4, Healing d4, Language (English) d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Piloting d4, Repair d4, Research d4, Riding d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 20 (14)
Hindrances: Curious, Hard of Hearing (minor), Overconfident, Phobia (minor, Autophobia)
Edges: Ambidextrous, Great Luck, Jack-of-all-Trades, Luck, Master of Arms, Super Powers, Weapon Master
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
Language: English (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $500
Special Abilities
Languages Known: English (native, d8)
Additional Actions (1; Mental): Ignore up to 2 MAP penalties - The hero can perform longer tasks more quickly (if possible, GM’s call). Any task that takes less than a minute (ten rounds) can be performed in a single action. Tasks requiring minutes are done in that number of rounds, and tasks requiring hours are done in a like number of minutes.
Armor (7): +14 Armor - Limitation (-1): Device
Super Edge (3; Mental): Adds 3 Edges to obtain from the Edges tab
Boost/Lower Trait (Mental; Any Trait): Make a Focus roll. If successful, increased or decrease target Trait by one die type, two with a raise, minimum d4 - Boosted Ally gets a free reroll once per round, or once per action on Focus Roll, Can affect any trait "on the fly", Limitation (-1): Boost Only, Limitation (-1): Self Only
Super Attribute (2; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 2
Super Attribute (2; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 2
Super Skill (4; Mental; Fighting): Boost selected skill by 4
Genius (Mental): Gets a free reroll on all Smarts and Smarts-based skills - The hero ignores the −2 penalty when making unskilled, Smarts-based rolls.
Interface (Mental): Your hero can interface with electronic gadgets, giving him much greater access to their inner workings than others. He gains +2 to Electronics and Hacking rolls. - Thievery gains the +2 bonus for interface so long as electronics are involved in some way.
Speak Language (Mental): Can speak any language, even new ones after short exposure. - May read and write any language, give a few minutes and samples
Super Attribute (1; Mental; Agility): Boost Selected Attribute by 1
Super Attribute (1; Spirit): Boost Selected Attribute by 1
Super Skill (2; Mental; Focus): Boost selected skill by 2
Awareness (1): Ignores 1 point of attack penalties
Starting Bennies: 5
Novice Advances
Edge: Ambidextrous

![]() |

I might think of spending those on the armor. I don't have a good story reason for him to have armor, so if there is some sort of armor he could have found or been given that would help.
You can always have been gifted something by an eccentric genius that likes to pull strings from the shadows.
I mean, I don't really know anyone like that, but I'm sure we can think of something.

PsiclopsNE |

PWGM - you just hadn't posted in a while and I was checking in.
GMST - you can spend points on the Armor Power without it being physical armor - you just magically get 10 more points added to the Armor aspect of your Toughness. Don't try to figure this out, you'll just get a headache. ;)
If you want to contribute in a fight, you need super weapons, and they need to come from your SPP pool. The 2 generic weapon Powers are "Melee Attack" (typically your fists), and "Ranged Attack" (laser eyes, ultrasonic shout, mental blasts of telekinesis, etc.), and it should deal at *least* 4d6 if you want to be an effective fighter. I'm not saying you *must* take one, you can be a support character, effective at doing non-fighting things, if you wish.
I haven't looked over your build, but if you want to contribute to fights, you'll probably have to re-allocate some SPP towards a weapon Power.
P.S. - there are other Powers that deal damage, the two I mentioned are just the most straightforward ones.

Poor Wandering GM |

I do not see Super weapons as being required. Take a look at the guns in SWADE and SPC3. A relatively easy to get AR-15 converted to full auto (this is america after all)(stats as an M16) gives you three shots @ 2d8 AP2. Liberate some V'sori weapons and figure out how they work and you are looking at 6d6 AP4 heavy from a standard rifle. With a pair of Pulse/V'sori SMG's you are pouring 6 shots at 4d6 Ap2 each so long as you are willing to empty the clip. Deadeye would add a d6 or d10 to each shot if you are still worried about damage. This is not even considering special weapons/or grenades. With your weapon edges a vibrosword (STR+d8+d6ap2) might be useful. And conveniently enough the local gang is known to use them.
Then there are the called shots(SWADE pg99) that your Awareness power makes a bit easier. Called shots can bypass Armor.
Awareness and Extra action are a lethal combo. Add Quick or Level headed as you advance and you will have no problem.
You may not be going toe to toe with the heavy squad but you can make your presence known. Also SW combat is not just folks punching/blasting each other. Support and Tests (SWADE pg 106-7) can make or break a fight. We are using Creative Combat (SWADE pg 137) which adds even more power to Tests assuming you can be a bit creative.
Defensively your STR supports a ballistic armor suit which is decent esp. vs. bullets. You may want some Toughness or Dodge power to supplement.
In combat I see you more of Hawkeye or Nightwing type. you will need to think a bit more that a Hulk clone but I think you will be fine.
Look at gear for offense. Snag a bit of Toughness/Dodge for defense and maybe the Fleet-Footed edge or the Pace power for movement. If you are going guns Deadeye's per round damage bonus makes assault rifles/smg's even more fearsome than they already are.
This character takes more rule-savvy than the average bear but SW is a pretty simple system so that should not be a major issue.

Poor Wandering GM |

Savant second review
Attributes, check
Skills, check
Figured stats, please note that your parry is only 8 when unarmed and that your toughness is 6 when out of your armor.
Hindrances, check
Edges, issue
Please identify where your edges are coming from. Which are free, human granted, purchased with hindrances, or from the super edge power.
Current Wealth, $1000
Powers, issue
You are overspent. If you are adding in the 5 Lair points, please identify where they are being used.
Also are you declining the proposed trapping mod for Speak Language?
Comments, Nearly there. Just cleanup left really.
Unsolicited advice:
I. Fast Learner isn't getting you much as it only helps with unskilled smarts based skills. For you that is currently; Gambling, Language (largely irrelevant with the Speak power), Occult, Science, Survival, and Taunt. It also will not apply to J-o-T or Boosted traits. If you spend a couple of advances on smarts skills it will be nearly useless. That looks like a point better spent elsewhere. But that is just me.
II. Remember that a Hindrance point is worth $2000 and you are buying gear at book prices before the game starts. Take a look at the gear info on the Campaign page to see what is available between the three books. You can also request gear that is not in any of the books and we can work something out.
And finally I am really starting to dislike the format whatever program you are using for char gen. I can work with it put I have to basically rebuild your character for every review. Could you throw me a bone and at least ass a space or two to break up the block of text? Thanks

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Could you throw me a bone and at least ass a space or two to break up the block of text? Thanks
ass ass ass
This asset is as good as ass.
I have no idea how to 'ass a space' but now I badly want to do it a lot.
Huh. I had no idea that particular nom de gare would get past the Censor, but there you have it.
(Yes, I realize that is just a typo, but I'm 12 and it's late so I found this infinitely funny. =)

Poor Wandering GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Poor Wandering GM wrote:Could you throw me a bone and at least ass a space or two to break up the block of text? Thanksass
ass ass ass
This asset is as good as ass.
I have no idea how to 'ass a space' but now I badly want to do it a lot.
Huh. I had no idea that particular nom de gare would get past the Censor, but there you have it.
(Yes, I realize that is just a typo, but I'm 12 and it's late so I found this infinitely funny. =)
You haven't lived until you've assed a space

Laird_Thorne |

Elemental/Crystal Titan First Review
Note: Up to you but the name feels clunky. Not sure what you are going for with the slash.
At that point, I hadn't decided which I was going with. :) I think I'll keep the Elemental because eventually, I do want to expand to Power Sets for the other elements.
Hindrances. check. Not a critical issue but how do you square the Code of Honor with working for Dr. D? He is not a nice person. Not saying it can't work. I am just wondering how it does work.
I imagine he gave his word to help, and he's trying everything he can to keep it. He doesn't like the way some things are done, but he's fairly stuck with helping.
** spoiler omitted **Powers bent but not broken rule. SW does not officially do partially limited powers. Your 5 pts of toughness, 3 of which are contingent is technically illegal but so long as you remember they are one power and subject to the power limit and the toughness/armor limit as one power then I am willing to let this ride as you are not getting a cost break and are in fact causing yourself a minor hardship. Unless another player throws a flag on this I am good with this issue.
Except for the one power issue it looks good.
I see your point with the Growth.
My thought process: When he isn't in his Crystal form, he's always big and can't become any smaller. To me, this is the Permanent part. It forces him to be bigger than normal when using his powers.
Would maybe adding a Limited: must always use growth at full level (-2) would work better?

Doctor Toxic |

I'd like to hit it at a bridge where I can drop down on it from above. Or someplace where I can burble up from a manhole when it's stopped. Given a little time, my acid can get us in or disable the vehicle.
I would take the Omega commlink.

Poor Wandering GM |

My thought process: When he isn't in his Crystal form, he's always big and can't become any smaller. To me, this is the Permanent part. It forces him to be bigger than normal when using his powers.
Would maybe adding a Limited: must always use growth at full level (-2) would work better?
I am going to have to say no to that. If you were Large (4+) or Huge (8+) then being restricted to all or noting growth might be worth a limitation.
Even then it would only be a -1 at best. Permanent includes all or nothing and it is a -2.But you are only Size 2 at full growth. You can go through most doors and you will not have too many floors collapse under your weight. There are even cars you can ride in. All or Nothing at this level does not seem annoying enough to be worth a limitation.
If you are looking for points to trim. Does not Eat and Mind shield could go without costing you too much. Does not eat is very niche and you have a good Spirit/Smarts so you have good mental defenses without the power. Just a suggestion.

Karma NE |

I made my suggestion about how to handle intangible with respect to moving vehicles in this post.
To recap, I'd suggest altering the tangible power definition to include the effect of 2 points of flight that only apply when in intangible.
In effect, an intangible person has no mass. Gravity has no effect on them. Newton's laws are irrelevant, because they require mass to help determine how much acceleration is caused by a force.
If you agree, then we just need to figure out the cost. Intangible costs 5. Including 2 points of flight to account for how an intangible person can move at normal pace (same as you get with 2 points of the flight power) would explain how movement works, something the standard description assumes but does not explain how it is possible when one cannot exert a force on other objects. I'd suggest it not change the cost of Intangible, since the cost of the flight power (2) would be negated by the limitation that it only works when intangible.
I'd like to still spend 4 points to get flight at pace 12 for use when tangible. You'd have to rule if that same power could be used to propel an intangible person at the faster pace, but I'd think it would.
If this is agreeable, then we'd need to get the transport to stop. Then she could go intangible and do whatever without having to keep up a vehicle in motion.
Karma will wear her cape, mask, and take all her weapons. She will take and use the omega comms while tangible. She can communicate telepathically with others while so the comms not working while she is intangible is not a problem, particularly for those who can also communicate telepathically. She will try to stay invisible during most of the operation.

Poor Wandering GM |

I made my suggestion about how to handle intangible with respect to moving vehicles in this post.
I was referring to my reply a few posts past that one, but it does not matter.
To recap, I'd suggest altering the tangible power definition to include the effect of 2 points of flight that only apply when in intangible.
In effect, an intangible person has no mass. Gravity has no effect on them. Newton's laws are irrelevant, because they require mass to help determine how much acceleration is caused by a force.
Perfect, though you are still in the frame of reference of the largest local gravity well so you don't suddenly start zooming west like a one person line of termination. Interesting to see what would happen in a deep space situation where you are not orbiting anything.
If you agree, then we just need to figure out the cost. Intangible costs 5. Including 2 points of flight to account for how an intangible person can move at normal pace (same as you get with 2 points of the flight power) would explain how movement works, something the standard description assumes but does not explain how it is possible when one cannot exert a force on other objects. I'd suggest it not change the cost of Intangible, since the cost of the flight power (2) would be negated by the limitation that it only works when intangible.
Mmmm I don't like adding the flight into intangible becayse that complicates intangible. This power can be used for more that just being a ghost. For example a Druid type could take "Intangible only vs wood/plants (-2 since this is so limited it might even be higher)". It seems simpler to do the flight as a separate power.
I'd like to still spend 4 points to get flight at pace 12 for use when tangible. You'd have to rule if that same power could be used to propel an intangible person at the faster pace, but I'd think it would.
Wait a bit. So you want pace 6 flight while intangible and pace 12 flight while tangible? Currently you cannot fly while tangible. It's doable. Something like this I think: Flight 4 (pace 12) Limitation Pace 6 while intangible -1 total cost is 3. Which conveniently matches what you are currently spending on your existing Flight power.

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I'd like to hit it at a bridge where I can drop down on it from above. Or someplace where I can burble up from a manhole when it's stopped. Given a little time, my acid can get us in or disable the vehicle.
I would take the Omega commlink.
I like this bridge idea. Always do what comes naturally. Unless you can do Death From Above. Then do that.
My idea: (recap)
"Okay, let's try this: As the van enters SouthPoint, Ghost, you, um, ghost in and see how many people are inside.
Then you and Psiclops will orbit around and keep a lookout.
If there are two or less, then, as the van approaches, I'll meander into the middle of the road and take over the driver(s). The van will pull over, we'll calmly search it and talk to them, then they'll leave, completely forgetting the whole thing.
If any of that fails to happen, both Ghost and I will try to disable it...and Psiclops will blow the thing up."
The plan here is that we can get in, get what we need, and get out, and leave NO EVIDENCE that we did anything, or that we even exist. Without due diligence the drivers and whoever they are going to might not even know anything happened, which is a good thing.
If we can't achieve anonymity, then we go Full Loud.

Karma NE |

Perfect, though you are still in the frame of reference of the largest local gravity well so you don't suddenly start zooming west like a one person line of termination. Interesting to see what would happen in a deep space situation where you are not orbiting anything.
omit stuff
Wait a bit. So you want pace 6 flight while intangible and pace 12 flight while tangible? Currently you cannot fly while tangible. It's doable. Something like this I think: Flight 4 (pace 12) Limitation Pace 6 while intangible -1 total cost is 3. Which conveniently matches what you are currently spending on your existing Flight power.
I had forgotten about the spinning earth aspect.
If the intangible person needs to designate a frame of reference to operate with respect to, how would that work, mechanically? If Karma were on the road and wanted to jump into a car while intangible, how would she shift from having the spinning earth as her FOR to the moving car? If gravity still works, what would happen if an intangible person walked off a tall building? Would she take damage from the fall or could she shift her FOR just before hitting the ground and avoid consequences? It's hard for me to work out a consistent trapping for an effectively massless body somehow being able to selectively be affected by gravity and solid objects.

Karma NE |

As for the plan of attack, let's assume we have an area under something like an elevated highway or train above. Make it inside the slashers area so we lose the support vehicles.
Karma has illusion powers now so she could create an illusion that would cause the transport to stop. See episode of Stranger Things where Kali causes a police cruiser to crash by creating the illusion of a collapsed tunnel (Season 2 Ep. 7). Or we could create a real roadblock and create an illusion that hides it.

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These are all fine ideas, but if I can Mind Control them, I have the Forgetful booster, which I think would be optimal.
Mind you, I can only do two at a time, so if you can fly through the car and confirm 2 or less people, that would determine our course of action. If there are more than two, then, yeah, feel free to stop it however you think is best.

Poor Wandering GM |

Poor Wandering GM wrote:Perfect, though you are still in the frame of reference of the largest local gravity well so you don't suddenly start zooming west like a one person line of termination. Interesting to see what would happen in a deep space situation where you are not orbiting anything.
omit stuff
Wait a bit. So you want pace 6 flight while intangible and pace 12 flight while tangible? Currently you cannot fly while tangible. It's doable. Something like this I think: Flight 4 (pace 12) Limitation Pace 6 while intangible -1 total cost is 3. Which conveniently matches what you are currently spending on your existing Flight power.
I had forgotten about the spinning earth aspect.
If the intangible person needs to designate a frame of reference to operate with respect to, how would that work, mechanically? If Karma were on the road and wanted to jump into a car while intangible, how would she shift from having the spinning earth as her FOR to the moving car? If gravity still works, what would happen if an intangible person walked off a tall building? Would she take damage from the fall or could she shift her FOR just before hitting the ground and avoid consequences? It's hard for me to work out a consistent trapping for an effectively massless body somehow being able to selectively be affected by gravity and solid objects.
Movement and stillness are relative terms, they only have meaning when relating the state of one thing in relation to another thing. A bullet is clearly moving from the point of view of the target but from the bullet's point of view it is still and the world is in wild motion.
Now so as to avoid the post modern rabbit hole we are going to have to spread the Handwavium about pretty liberally. Let's ignore the How and Why of things because this is an RPG after all, and focus on the what. As in what happens to Karma if they go intangible in a speeding car?I posit, that either (a)nothing happens and you continue to ride comfortably, or (b) you vanish from the car and watch it drive away from you at 60mph because your max pace while intangible is nowhere near 60mph. (a) is the least disruptive choice for game play. Your intangible FoR is simply whatever is convenient for play. Choice (b) could also work simply locking your intangible FoR to the largest/nearest gravity well. This would mean going intangible on an airplane at 35k on in an orbiting space station would be a bad idea.
(a) or (b) your call. But you have to stick to that choice. Mind you most problems caused by edge cases, planes, trains, and automobiles etc., can be solved by burning a benny and mimicking flight to keep you in your desired location until you can become solid.
Answers to you questions:
"If Karma were on the road and wanted to jump into a car while intangible, how would she shift from having the spinning earth as her FOR to the moving car?" That would depend on the a or b choice you make. In game terms pretty much anyone could jump on/into a moving car. Just make an make an athletics roll modified by the speed of the car to leap onto the car on in through a window. This would be an opposed roll vs Driving if the driver does not want you in or they could a support roll if they do. In f0R terms this roll changes your For from "the world" to "the car". You could do the same or you could make a focus roll in place of the athletics and modified in the same way to "phase" into the car and hop a ride. That is if you took choice (a). If you take choice (b) you would have to leap into the car and become tangible while you are inside. This would be a difficult focus roll modified and opposed as in other case and would involve some risk as you would smack into the interior of the car once you became solid but no more or less risk that the person leaping on/into the vehicle would face.
" If gravity still works, what would happen if an intangible person walked off a tall building? Would she take damage from the fall or could she shift her FOR just before hitting the ground and avoid consequences?" They would fall because they no mot have any powers etc that say they do not. The game says if you are not supported by a surface and do not have other recourse then you fall. Taking damage is another issue. If you are intangible you would not take impact damage from the pavement. You would also not stop falling. If you stay intangible long enough they you would eventually fall far enough underground to burn up. Likely well before that you would want to use the Phasing aspect of Intangible to partly solidify and slow your decent. In game terms you would avoid damage but would have a long walk back to the game map. This is why most intangible folks buy at least some Flight. This question is not really impacted (heh) by the FoR issue. It matters not is you hit the paving stones or if they hit you.
All in all the hows and whys of things are something Karma might puzzle over but it is not something we at the player/GM level need to worry about. Powers work the way the game says they work in all their inconsistent and nonsensical glory. I pity the poor fictional physicists trying to reverse engineer super devices or understand powers. I suspect the "We are living in a simulation" philosophy is more common in the world of Star City than it is in ours.
Note: If this is all to much of a headache you can always redesign. Illusion, invisibility and flight can explain most of what you did in the schoolhouse breakout so I am good if that is what you want to do.

GM SuperTumbler |

Hi folks, this system is definitely close to defeating me, but I think I have a build ready to go. I've left 5 Power Points from the Lair Points and $5000 to buy weapons and armor. Can I have one of these vibro blades at this point? If so, I think I have melee under control. And I'll pick up armor with the Lair points and some cash if they can stack.
As for the Speak Language trapping, I was initially intending that he was tapped into the Collective Unconscious, and therefore would be connected to the minds of all humanity throughout time. Given the limits I'm encountering in the build, that probably doesn't completely make sense. You seem to be going for him being tapped into only humans who are currently alive, and that seems to work. I wish I could make him both a competent shootist and melee fighter, but that doesn't seem possible with him also having the ability to boost all skills.
Alex Carter (Savant)
Novice Male Human, Drifter who hears voices
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d4
Electronics d4, Fighting d12, Focus d8, Hacking d4, Healing d4, Language (English) d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Repair d4, Research d4, Stealth d6, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Curious, Hard of Hearing (minor), Overconfident, Phobia (minor, Autophobia)
Ambidextrous (Human)
Luck (Advance)
Great Luck (Hindrance)
Jack of All Trades (Super Edge)
Master at Arms (Super Edge)
Weapon Master (Super Edge)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Melee Attack (Special Weapon) (2; Mental) (Range Melee, Damage Str+2d6)
Language: English
Current Wealth: $5,000
Special Abilities
Languages Known: English
Additional Actions (1; Mental): Ignore up to 2 MAP penalties - The hero can perform longer tasks more quickly (if possible, GM’s call). Any task that takes less than a minute (ten rounds) can be performed in a single action. Tasks requiring minutes are done in that number of rounds, and tasks requiring hours are done in a like number of minutes.
Boost/Lower Trait (Mental; Any Trait): Make a Focus roll. If successful, increased or decrease target Trait by one die type, two with a raise, minimum d4 - Boosted Ally gets a free reroll once per round, or once per action on Focus Roll, Can affect any trait "on the fly", Limitation (-1): Boost Only, Limitation (-1): Self Only
Melee Attack (Special Weapon) (2; Mental): +2d6 damage to Selected Weapon
Super Attribute (2; Mental; Smarts): Boost Selected Attribute by 2
Super Attribute (2; Mental; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 2
Super Attribute (2; Mental; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 2
Super Edge (2; Mental): Adds 2 Edges to obtain from the Edges tab
Super Skill (4; Mental; Fighting): Boost selected skill by 4
Interface (Mental): Your hero can interface with electronic gadgets, giving him much greater access to their inner workings than others. He gains +2 to Electronics and Hacking rolls. - Thievery gains the +2 bonus for interface so long as electronics are involved in some way.
Awareness (2): Ignores 2 point of attack penalties
Genius (Mental): Gets a free reroll on all Smarts and Smarts-based skills
Speak Language (Mental): Can speak any language, even new ones after short exposure. - May read and write any language, give a few minutes and samples
Starting Bennies: 5
Novice Advances
Edge: Luck