Welcome to Star City, the city of the future. (Inactive)

Game Master PoorWanderingOne

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Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

The misinterpretation of the Switchable rule is obviously no good. If I redesign Dave based on that I could literally spend the equivalent of 518 SPP! The rule is what it is and it makes absolutely perfect sense and I can't see how it's even possible for it to have been misapplied (although I do believe it was an honest mistake). This should be a no-brainer. It can't be any more painful to fix than it was for the rest of us to make hard choices about which powers to take.

Nerds are fair game. Is my comedy too acerbic? Dave can see himself doing sick tricks on his hoverboard. And also breaking his ankle. Seems about right.

Dave Finsterman wrote:

The misinterpretation of the Switchable rule is obviously no good. If I redesign Dave based on that I could literally spend the equivalent of 518 SPP! The rule is what it is and it makes absolutely perfect sense and I can't see how it's even possible for it to have been misapplied (although I do believe it was an honest mistake). This should be a no-brainer. It can't be any more painful to fix than it was for the rest of us to make hard choices about which powers to take.

Nerds are fair game. Dave can see himself doing sick tricks on his hoverboard. And also breaking his ankle. Seems about right.

It's actually an easy enough mistake to make. If you have other supertype RPGs in your head it is easy to look at Switchable and think "Oh this is like a Power Framework from Champions." Any you are off on the wrong trail. That is what happened to me anyway.

Dave Finsterman wrote:

Nerds are fair game.

Given the day I have had my humor detectors are badly misaligned. I am assuming that was a joke. Also we are playing pretend superheroes over the internet. To misquote the grinning cat, We are all nerds here.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

I'm in the mother of all bad moods. But it is still a joke.

Dave Finsterman wrote:
I'm in the mother of all bad moods. But it is still a joke.

Ouch. I hope the mood improves soon. And thanks for clarifying the joke. It helped me to feel better at least.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

One thing to remember is that Switchable is a modifier on the original power. Thus it counts to the power limit. So I now have hit the wall with a 7 point power with 8 points for slots. So it's not hundreds of points. Only dozens.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Wow - so much happened in 24 hours!

I was going to make the same 3 suggestions PWGM made, but since #1 is unfair, and #2 would be hard and painful, but #3 is a surprise gift and pleasant, I was going to suggest #3.

I can't figure out Imagine's total SPP, but Doc Tox was only over by 14 SPP, so just give everyone else 14 SPP (assuming Imagine's is less) to spend as they choose, and Doc Tox and Imagine would just have to remove the Switchable modifiers (and Imagine's final SPP bonus would have to be calculated separately). That would also give Dave a way to make himself more effective (in whatever way he wants) without re-working his entire character.

And to soften the blow of making PWGM's life harder due to the power boost, I'd be willing to incorporate the 5 SPP they just gave us towards the 14, so we'd only be going up 9 SPP from where we are now.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Doctor Toxic wrote:
One thing to remember is that Switchable is a modifier on the original power. Thus it counts to the power limit. So I now have hit the wall with a 7 point power with 8 points for slots. So it's not hundreds of points. Only dozens.

I see what you did now, limiting your Switchable allocation within the 15 point max. I guess I can see how that calculus occurred. Anyway, it should be easy enough for you to choose one or two of those powers and delete the rest. Entangle and Poison, for example, and then you get 1 spp to spend elsewhere. That doesn't seem painful at all.

Imagine, well I see (118) listed in the header for powers. Is that an acknowledgement that Imagine has the equivalent of 118 SPP worth of powers? I mean, even if that's 118 spp worth of powers that don't cause damage, that's still 118 spp worth of powers. Seems like Imagine wants to be a telekineticist with telepathy and mind control. Should be easy to do with 50 spp.

The problem isn't that Dave is not effective, it's that the GM will need to scale encounters to meet our highest perceived power level. Dave is plenty effective as a Level 3 PC against Level 3 NPCs.

Unless there is some compelling reason to not follow the rules as written, Solution #2 feels like a just do it so we can move on without GM having to consider how he's going to engage our characters at different power levels to provide a consistent play experience. Just my opinion, but I didn't read the rule right is not compelling. There's no way any of us would be allowed to accidentally do that if we were playing a Pathfinder game here.


After a solid night of sleep and close consultation with the tiny Dr. Destruction on my left shoulder with the tiny Dr. Destruction on my right shoulder providing color commentary I have decided that the Switchable issue is not important enough to grant it further brainspace.

Doctor Toxic and Imagine please rebuild your characters and let me know when they are ready for review. I apologize to everyone for missing this error in character generation.

The game is still scheduled to resume this Friday, with the Lair taking the covert van upgrade.

Oh and the date is: 1d2 ⇒ 1 . October 27. Extra session 2 benny for Dave

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

EveryoneI have decided that the Switchable issue is not important enough to grant it further brainspace.

Doctor Toxic and Imagine please rebuild your characters and let me know when they are ready for review.

Can you clarify what we ar building to? RAW or 2-point?

Dave Finsterman wrote:
That doesn't seem painful at all.

Yes, I'm sure that you don't find it painful, but you aren't the one having to remove things from your character sheet. Please don't tell me how to feel about this.

Doctor Toxic wrote:

Can you clarify what we are building to? RAW or 2-point?

RAW please. Hopefully this will be the only time we ever need to do this.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|


Yes, the extra 5 points from the base made it super easy. Barely an inconvenience. So that was a piece of luck. However I did have to take things off and the fragile girl is now even more fragilerer...er.

As ever I concur with DocTox in that I'm still not thrilled about it and I'll be thankful to never speak of this again.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:


Yes, the extra 5 points from the base made it super easy. Barely an inconvenience. So that was a piece of luck. However I did have to take things off and the fragile girl is now even more fragilerer...er.

I'm pretty sure I wasn't going to watch that movie anyway but that video puts the nail in the coffin. Also, Kang is Nathaniel Richards, who is Reed Richards' dad? Uhh, wut? Would one of you nerds kindly explain this relationship to me?

Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:




Attributes: check
Skills: check
Hindrances: check
Gear: check

Edges: Issue

Dodge requires a d8 or better Agility. Your Agility appears to be d4

Powers: Issue

"Absorb 2
+8 Everything
+3 RediREKT
-1 Device
2+8+3-1 = 12 SPP"

There is no modifier called "RediREKT". Is this Reflection which is a +2 modifier or something else?

One issue and one bit where your language got away from me. But overall nearly ready. Thank you.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense


I enjoyed Quantumania. It wasn't the best Marvel film, but a decent mid-tier entry.

I don't know if they are specifying that Kang is related to Reed Richards in the MCU. Don't assume that they'll keep consistent with the comics. After all, the comics aren't even consistent with themselves.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:



** spoiler omitted **


I swear to Conan that in my notes it says "Redirect +3." Stupid synonyms.
Alright! With that 1 discovered point the Toughness that had been crossed out is no longer crossed out!

Blargh about Dodge. It looks like I have a free Edge to play with. Any suggestions?

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Dave Finsterman wrote:
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:


Yes, the extra 5 points from the base made it super easy. Barely an inconvenience. So that was a piece of luck. However I did have to take things off and the fragile girl is now even more fragilerer...er.

I'm pretty sure I wasn't going to watch that movie anyway but that video puts the nail in the coffin. Also, Kang is Nathaniel Richards, who is Reed Richards' dad? Uhh, wut? Would one of you nerds kindly explain this relationship to me?

I was put off by the movie as soon as I saw the trailer. Wait, so the ENTIRE movie happens because of...an ACCIDENT?

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go ahead and mess with physics-cracking science right here what go wrong...whoopsie! Oh well now we can get into some wacky adventures!"

Hollywood's allegiance to plot contrivances and allergy to proper cause-and-effect have worn on me like a three-week-old tooth ache, so now I'm hypersensitive to it. Accidents are fine with comedies like Honey I Shrunk The Kids. Okay, Rick Moranis not treating science with proper respect, I can buy that. But if some honest-to-goodness Avengers are gonna go do a thing, it should be with a goal in mind and purpose and forethought.
(Yeah, I rankled at the opening of No Way Home, and the movie had to dig out of that opening deficit. This one...well if you liked it then more power to you! =)

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

Marvel has been amazing with casting. Most of these characters I couldn't care less about but the actors are so good I just can't help but like most of the movies. So I'll watch this latest Ant Man and everything else. I don't even mind so much that the plots are contrived garbage. A good story is not why I watch this stuff.

Review 2 Imagine

Powers: Issue, minor issue
.Please double check my math I show you with 1 spp left to spend

.Please clean up Absorbtion when you get a chance otherwise I will eventually ask you what RediREKT is again. I have a mind like a sieve...


Maybe a die in 2 skills?

If you want a combat edge you qualify for...

.Iron Jaw, +2 to Soak, including the Absorption Soak, +2 to resist getting KO'd. Pure defense.

.Killer Instinct, win on ties for Tests you initiate. Moves you more towards social conflict/support with Intimidate & Persuasion. Synergy with Charismatic.

.Nerves of Steel, ignore 1 point of wound penalty. More defense. Synergy with Tough as Nails.

For non combat edges ...
.Connections. You strike me as someone who knows someone. A personal favorite.

.Bolster leverages your persuasion/intimidation tests into dual attack/heal maneuvers.

.Common Bond is always a crowd pleaser but it takes bennnies.

.Rabble-Rouser lets you test an entire room at once. This is how Spiderman or Jackie Chan survive crowd fights. Well plus the plot armor.

.Reliable/Work the room leverage efforts in supporting other folks. You have the skills for this but is helping in your character?

.The Beast edges do not seem your style....

.Danger sense fits your psychic power set but you don't really have the Notice to power it.

.Liquid Courage is ... interesting. Might be worth it for you.

There are several other edges you qualify for but that is good to get on with.

Hindrances: Check

Attributes: Check

Skills: Minor Issue
Focus is linked to Spirit. It looks like you have a note linking it to Smarts. Your skill points came out correct though.

Edges: Check

Powers: Check

You are good to go.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:
I was put off by the movie as soon as I saw the trailer. Wait, so the ENTIRE movie happens because of...an ACCIDENT?

This isn't an accident from people being careless. It's based on having incomplete information.

In No Way Home, It makes sense for Peter to be all gung ho. He's always been an impulsive kid in the MCU who leaps before he looks. Dr. Strange is supposed to be a genius. Even if he was goaded by Wong saying he shouldn't do this, I can't see him not asking a few questions before doing a reality-warping spell. He already knew that Peter was doing this to help his friends, so at least asking this might have made sense.

Then again, I can usually forgive things like this in order to set up the movie.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Skills: Minor Issue

Focus is linked to Spirit. It looks like you have a note linking it to Smarts. Your skill points came out correct though.

I asked you about this way back, and mentioned that it didn't make sense to allow genius rerolls on this. Since his power is based on super-science, I suggested it should be based on smarts.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
Dave Finsterman wrote:
Marvel has been amazing with casting.

Sarah Finn is one of the heroes of the MCU. She has cast everything, and gone to bat for some of the people we got. I can only think of two bad choices in casting, and one of them is not based on their performance.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Doctor Toxic wrote:
Dave Finsterman wrote:
Marvel has been amazing with casting.
Sarah Finn is one of the heroes of the MCU. She has cast everything, and gone to bat for some of the people we got. I can only think of two bad choices in casting, and one of them is not based on their performance.

Well?? Who are those two people? =]

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|


Spoiler for the GM to read is here. For him to read. This spoiler.:

Yeah, I swear to Conan I thought it was called Redirect, but I see now it's Reflection. I'll still call it RediREKT tho because it's so much cooler. =]

With the extra point the Toughness that was crossed out is no longer crossed out. ^_^

I like this "Connections" edge, but I'm leery that it will work here because, it is another "Once per Session" thing that can get wonky on PbP. I would like a rather generous interpretation of that lest I use it once and then forget about it.

So too, I don't think asking local friends about things that are obvious to them but not to someone out of the loop uses up a favor in the same way that asking for high-grade military weapons and gear does. I should like them to be generous with the talking words.

I'm of course thinking about some kind of South-side gang. The kind that hates the Man as much as me and with goals that would align with the desires of our merry little band right here.

Possibly some of the people used to run and do crime personal enrichment drives with Imagine, but then had to find other patrons when she got herself coughted. Then we can always have interludes about "the good 'ol days" along with dreams of "getting the band back together".

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

I'll adopt the first solution on the firing a gun while intangible mechanic. It's something I'll have to work up to before it's effective anyway. I'm still thinking about how to spend the 5 SPP and the advance but I'm close to a decision and will post something on Friday.

My work schedule for the next four weeks will leave me little time for posting on Tuesday through Thursday, but lots of time the rest of the time.

P.S. I love the Pitch Meeting series. My favorite might be the one focused on the Matrix.

Pitch Meeting The Matrix

Doctor Toxic wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Skills: Minor Issue

Focus is linked to Spirit. It looks like you have a note linking it to Smarts. Your skill points came out correct though.
I asked you about this way back, and mentioned that it didn't make sense to allow genius rerolls on this. Since his power is based on super-science, I suggested it should be based on smarts.
hmmmm I found
this post:
Doctor Toxic wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Doc Toxic First reactions.

Aha I see you found the Hesitant/Calculating synergy. It's nice.

All thumbs will make doing science difficult.

What is "Weird Science (focus)"? If you are just renaming your Focus skill then I am all for the personalisation. But barring shenanigans it is still pure focus trait under the paint job. Not going to be doing much science with this trait.

Overall pretty solid. Never seen Explosion in play. Looking forward to it.

I'll change all thumbs to poverty. He has a hard time keeping material possessions as few hold up to his touch over time.

I was wondering about the skill. I'll rearrange to get separate science and focus.

Explosion is probably going to be a last resort power.

Which is where the misinformation may have slipped in. All this post talks about is renaming the skill Focus. Nothing else about the skill changed. Unless I am missing something. Can you find where we discussed Genius not applying to a possible smarts linked Focus? My search skills failed at this.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

Hey all,

Did we ever figure out if we all have cell phones/comm links? I do because I bought one in my initial equipment, and while I assume we all got one by hook or by crook, I can't recall specifically.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:
Doctor Toxic wrote:
Dave Finsterman wrote:
Marvel has been amazing with casting.
Sarah Finn is one of the heroes of the MCU. She has cast everything, and gone to bat for some of the people we got. I can only think of two bad choices in casting, and one of them is not based on their performance.
Well?? Who are those two people? =]

The first was Terrence Howard. He left due to pay issues, so it's really nothing on the acting. The other is Jeremy Renner. He always seems to play the same person. I can imagine that Hawkeye would be a better character with a different actor. But fortunately we now have a better actor playing Hawkeye. In fact she was good enough to distract from Renner in the miniseries.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Doctor Toxic wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Skills: Minor Issue

Focus is linked to Spirit. It looks like you have a note linking it to Smarts. Your skill points came out correct though.
I asked you about this way back, and mentioned that it didn't make sense to allow genius rerolls on this. Since his power is based on super-science, I suggested it should be based on smarts.

hmmmm I found ** spoiler omitted **

Which is where the misinformation may have slipped in. All this post talks about is renaming the skill Focus. Nothing else about the skill changed. Unless I am missing something. Can you find where we discussed Genius not applying to a possible smarts linked Focus? My search skills failed at this.

Sorry, I thought I asked this more explicitly. I do know I mentioned not using genius to reroll it in a gameplay post. It does seem odd that all heroes rely the power of spirit. It makes sense for some power sets, but not others.

Doctor Toxic wrote:

Sorry, I thought I asked this more explicitly. I do know I mentioned not using genius to reroll it in a gameplay post. It does seem odd that all heroes rely the power of spirit. It makes sense for some power sets, but not others.

I can see why they made that design choice. In SPC 2 the rolls were generally different for each power, Vigor for Absorb, Fighting for Decay, et multiple cetera. This limited the character types possible. You could not have a small and sickly super who was a powerful Absorber for example.

SPC3 went to (by and large) using the Focus skill and the Alternate Trait/Contingent modifiers to allow more freedom. I am playing in a tabletop SPC3 game and my character has no Focus trait. The only power they have that uses Focus is Contingent on an attack.

I also think that they chose Spirit for a couple of additional reasons.
Getting shaken-locked is the loudest complaint from new players. Forcing players to not drop Spirit is a backdoor way to avoid this issue.
Additionally Supers in the mainstream comic tradition generally have BIG personalities. This means at least a decent Spirit. Having a decent Spirit also makes the Test and Support skills and edges more available. Tests and Support action are unfortunately frequently ignored as they do not immediately appear as useful as Fighting or Frenzy. Forcing Spirit might be the designers way of saying Tests and Support action are very common in the genre.

These last two reasons are pure supposition on my part but it seems to fit.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

I'm okay with either one.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;
Imagine wrote:
Did we ever figure out if we all have cell phones/comm links? I do because I bought one in my initial equipment, and while I assume we all got one by hook or by crook, I can't recall specifically.

I have a Comm Link (I imagine it as an earbud) in my equipment, and during PC development I strongly urged everyone to buy one. They're only $100.

PWGM - how hard would it be to find a Comm Link "on the streets"?

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

GM: At this point can I assume I've established contact with my mom via phone line?

Also, I am making some basic assumptions about the base, in that it will always have "enough" bedrooms, it has functioning basic amenities, and it has a back door leading into an alley (because for it to not have this is quite beyond my capacity).

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:

Hey all,

Did we ever figure out if we all have cell phones/comm links? I do because I bought one in my initial equipment, and while I assume we all got one by hook or by crook, I can't recall specifically.

Karma paid for a comm link at character creation. We ought to find out, however, whether using them would give away our escape or our location.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

The question came up in the game play as to where we are relative to where we individually used to live. In my background, I specified that Karma took up residence in a crypt or a mausoleum, since she could enter and exit it in Ghost mode and no one would know her location or could locate her.

Since a mausoleum is an expensive grave option, I assume cemeteries with mausoleums might be in the wealthy upscale part of the island, but there could be older cemeteries that might have once been in upscale parts of town that are now run down and neglected.

If the GM has a suggestion as to where Karma's crypt would be, let me know. Otherwise, I'll roll random.

For what it's worth, Karma has the streetwise edge, so I suspect that would come with some familiarity with the city and particularly the lower class parts. All make a networking roll in Gameplay to see what she would know about local gangs and organized crime presence near our new digs.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Imagine - please check your PM, thanks!

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Submitted for GM approval.

Revision of original character construction
Skills: Shift 2 Skill points from Intimidation (goes down from d8 to d4) and add d6 in Shooting skill.
Super Powers
Remove Chameleon and limitation and Ranged Attack for a net gain of 4 points.
Add Illusion to replace these. Cost 4 points.

(scrub the vigor die increase)
Add 2 skill die increases applied to Stealth and Shooting (which brings both up to d8 and sets her up to take the assassin edge next advance).

5 SPP from lair
Remove the limitation on Heightened senses Karma will always have Heightened Senses (infravision, lowlight vision) whether tangible or intangible. Cost 1
Add Pace Cost 2
Raises pace to 8 and running die to d8.
I'm assuming this also increases her flight speed, which is her pace.
Add Telepathy Cost 2

I'll make the changes to Karma's profile once this is approved.

Did we get any money from Dr. Destruction?
What forms of currency are used in our lair's part of town? Is there paper and/or coin money or is it all electronic?

As mentioned in gameplay, Karma could fairly easily use her powers to steal stuff: (while invisible and intangible go to where merchandise is, become tangible but still invisible, pick up merchandise, resume intangible, ghost out). Assuming no one is observing the merchandise, such as if she goes into the store when it is closed and unoccupied, the items would just disappear.

I'm assuming that before recent events, Karma used this ability to get things she needed but she would not use it for personal enrichment, luxury items, and such and would not steal from anyone except those who could absorb the losses without suffering great financial hardship; this is just a kind of code of conduct for her. I expect if she wants to steal anything significant, we should probably role play it. Let me know if there is any small amount of cost she can assume she can cover with this, kind of like a low level of pay (assuming crime does sometimes pay).

The only thing she might want to use it to get right now would be a couple of pistols.

Also, if you want me to roleplay the gathering of information rolled for in Gameplay, let me know a situation where she could learn things and I'll RP a bit to indicate her style.

Character changes. Other answers soon...

Karma NE wrote:

Submitted for GM approval.

Revision of original character construction
Skills: Shift 2 Skill points from Intimidation (goes down from d8 to d4) and add d6 in Shooting skill.


Karma NE wrote:

Super Powers

Remove Chameleon and limitation and Ranged Attack for a net gain of 4 points.
Add Illusion to replace these. Cost 4 points.


"Karma NE"Advance wrote:

(scrub the vigor die increase)
Add 2 skill die increases applied to Stealth and Shooting (which brings both up to d8 and sets her up to take the assassin edge next advance).


Karma NE wrote:

5 SPP from lair

Remove the limitation on Heightened senses Karma will always have Heightened Senses (infravision, lowlight vision) whether tangible or intangible. Cost 1
Add Pace Cost 2
Raises pace to 8 and running die to d8.
I'm assuming this also increases her flight speed, which is her pace.
Add Telepathy Cost 2

Approved with caveat

The improved pace from the Pace power DOES NOT apply to flight. The table on SPC3 pg 63 shows that for 2 points you fly at a pace of 6. This is the pace for a basic human so that is likely where the misunderstanding happened. The Pace power DOES increase your running die for ALL modes of movement. Assuming you make these changes then you will have a ground pace of 8" a fly speed of 6" and can 'run' in either mode for an additional d8. Does this make sense?


Lair info and more added to Campaign page.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
1. In the long building there is a pallet holding 30 rectangular boxes. Once the plastic wrapping is removed the boxes are revealed to be Australian 5 man ration packs. There are 42 boxes.

Wait there are how many boxes now? 30 or 42? 30 + 42? 30 -times- 42!

Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
1. In the long building there is a pallet holding 30 rectangular boxes. Once the plastic wrapping is removed the boxes are revealed to be Australian 5 man ration packs. There are 42 boxes.
Wait there are how many boxes now? 30 or 42? 30 + 42? 30 -times- 42!

Ack! There are 42. More tea stat!

Thanks for catching this I.

Doctor Toxic wrote:
I'm okay with either one.

Let's stick with Focus staying linked to Spirit for now. Doc does not seem to be a low spirit kind of person so hopefully it will not be a hardship.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

I read the linked description, and that links to a review of the things.

He had only glowing things to say. A glowing review? About gov't MREs?

Obviously the man is quite mad and had his taste buds burned off in a freak industrial accident.

Man even enjoys vegemite. Pure lunacy.

Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:

I read the linked description, and that links to a review of the things.

He had only glowing things to say. A glowing review? About gov't MREs?

Obviously the man is quite mad and had his taste buds burned off in a freak industrial accident.

Man even enjoys vegemite. Pure lunacy.

Well the Italian ones do look quite tasty, they even come with booze.

And what is wrong with Vegemite? It's pure Umami. That reminds me I need to order some more.....

Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:

GM: At this point can I assume I've established contact with my mom via phone line?

Also, I am making some basic assumptions about the base, in that it will always have "enough" bedrooms, it has functioning basic amenities, and it has a back door leading into an alley (because for it to not have this is quite beyond my capacity).

No on the phone line. You could replace the comlink you paid for for a smartphone if you like and that changes the answer to yes. Feel free to play Red ans you like. I will step in as my whims dictate.

Re-Lair. See campaign page. You are mostly correct in your assumptions.

PsiclopsNE wrote:


PWGM - how hard would it be to find a Comm Link "on the streets"?

Pretty easy. Industry Shops in Westpoint (see NE guide) will have someone selling them or you could try a Common Knowledge roll to try to contact a black market seller.

The price would be the same in either case unless you want a scavenged set in which case the price in $50 but used gear may have issues....

In any case the form will effectively be the same as the Omega comlinks with a base unit and earpeice(s). There are also earpeice only comlinks that are sold as a group ($100/set new only) that are preset to speak to and hear the whole group. Range on the earonly sets is limited to about a mile or less depending on terrain.

Karma NE wrote:

The question came up in the game play as to where we are relative to where we individually used to live. In my background, I specified that Karma took up residence in a crypt or a mausoleum, since she could enter and exit it in Ghost mode and no one would know her location or could locate her.

Since a mausoleum is an expensive grave option, I assume cemeteries with mausoleums might be in the wealthy upscale part of the island, but there could be older cemeteries that might have once been in upscale parts of town that are now run down and neglected.

If the GM has a suggestion as to where Karma's crypt would be, let me know. Otherwise, I'll roll random.

Most likely Prospect point (V'sori officers & favored quislings) or Northpoint (human upper/upper middle class). There are actually very few graveyards in Star City. Land was too expensive before the invasion. As as the island was created in 1955 there were not any old cemeteries to consider. Your 'home' is likely in the family crypt of a family that was wiped out in the invasion. Feel free to elaborate the details as you wish.

Karma NE wrote:
For what it's worth, Karma has the streetwise edge, so I suspect that would come with some familiarity with the city and particularly the lower class parts. All make a networking roll in Gameplay to see what she would know about local gangs and organized crime presence near our new digs.

Oh yes you are quite aware of the gangs in Southpoint. See the campaign page and feel free to ask for more details.

Karma NE wrote:

Did we get any money from Dr. Destruction?

What forms of currency are used in our lair's part of town? Is there paper and/or coin money or is it all electronic?

No, Dr. Destruction did not pay you.

Pre-invasion U.S. currency is still recognized though barter is also becoming more common especially on the black market. Mayer Perez has begun attempting to institute a post-invasion "Star-coin" electronic currency but it has not been very successful.

Karma NE wrote:

As mentioned in gameplay, Karma could fairly easily use her powers to steal stuff: (while invisible and intangible go to where merchandise is, become tangible but still invisible, pick up merchandise, resume intangible, ghost out). Assuming no one is observing the merchandise, such as if she goes into the store when it is closed and unoccupied, the items would just disappear.

I'm assuming that before recent events, Karma used this ability to get things she needed but she would not use it for personal enrichment, luxury items, and such and would not steal from anyone except those who could absorb the losses without suffering great financial hardship; this is just a kind of code of conduct for her. I expect if she wants to steal anything significant, we should probably role play it. Let me know if there is any small amount of cost she can assume she can cover with this, kind of like a low level of pay (assuming crime does sometimes pay).

This is actually pretty easy to do. You would just need to describe the store and identify the neighborhood that it is in and then make a Stealth or Thievery roll along with a Focus roll to see how well you did. This will largely just be a crit fail check but it might occasionally get more interesting.....

Karma NE wrote:

The only thing she might want to use it to get right now would be a couple of pistols.

Also, if you want me to roleplay the gathering of information rolled for in Gameplay, let me know a situation where she could learn things and I'll RP a bit to indicate her style.

I see you are doing this in the gameplay thread. I'll respond there but it should get some result.

Catching up on the gameplay thread tomorrow as I am getting a tad punchy.

Again most of the Lair details are up to you. Just remember the esthetic is a Hyatt with it's guts ripped out and you won't go far wrong. You have all the electric appliances you need. HVAC, laundry, lights and plumbing.

What happens next is largely up to you. Once someone opens the computer and V-map activates you can tackle one of the missions or not. Star City is your sandbox, well if your sandbox was occupied by alien Nazis but you get the idea.

For now though It is good night.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

So I'll say the crypt Karma had been using as her base is in Northpoint in the family crypt of someone wiped out by the invasion.

I think instead of spending 2 SPP on Pace, I'll upgrade her Flight power from 2 to 4 SPP. That will give her faster flight speed (12 instead of 6) but the standard d6 run die. Maybe later I'll add Maneuverable if I find she needs more range in tactical situations.

Should we specify a location for the lair on the Star City map? Is the lair located in turf controlled by the Slashers or The Family or neither?

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