Poor Wandering GM |

If we are not using a game map to show relative placement of PCs and NPCs, can we have a description at the top of each round that at least lists how far away PCs are from each other and the NPCs? It would eliminate having to ask the GM for that information when it is needed to decide on actions. Theater of the mind only works if we are all seeing things the same in our minds.
Absolutely I can add in distances. Do you need hard numbers i.e 12" or will descriptions leaving some wiggle room ex about "2 moves" suffice?

Dave Finsterman |

Psiclops gave me an idea. It's a dumb idea. What if we double cross Doctor Destructo and flee the scene without freeing Mindjack? We're villains, afterall.

Poor Wandering GM |

PWGM - what's your take on how much a flier can lift? The SPC doesn't address that in the Flight power description. What it comes down to is the "strength" of the lifting power, which obviously is enough to lift the PC, but how much more lift is there? Encumbrance is based off the Strength Trait, but that has nothing to do with the Flight power. But, just for the sake of argument, applying the "4 times max" Encumbrance rule to Flight (using my own weight as my basic "Encumbrance") would allow me to lift 4 times my own weight, which sounds over-powered.
Since Flight doesn't address carrying other people, I'm assuming I can't.
Now, if I had Telekinesis, then TK itself has a Strength, which would define how much I can lift.
Yes that is a question. I think the encumbrance rules can be bent to fit here. So with a d6 Strength you are comfortable carrying up to 40 lb. Encumbered at up to 120. Heavily encumbered up to your max at 160lbs.
hmmm I do not see as issue with just using these as is.
If you ever need to add your flight oomph to your strength that sounds like a Mimic PowerStunt. Spend a benny and for 3 rounds you pretty much have all the lifting (passive) strength you need. Note this is EASILY subject to abuse. So I am riding the 'Makes narrative sense' pedal pretty hard at least until we all get a better feel for Power Stunts.
Flight can't directly carry other people. Depending on trappings one could add the Shareable modifier from Spacer allowing you to grant other people the power to fly or adding an area effect giving you a very specialized form of TK.
Do you think this will work?

Poor Wandering GM |

Psiclops gave me an idea. It's a dumb idea. What if we double cross Doctor Destructo and flee the scene without freeing Mindjack? We're villains, afterall.
There is literally nothing stopping you.
But that would mean you are not an Omega cell.
So no support. You would be on your own. No friends, no resources, no cover. The game would change from 'the resistance vs the space Nazis' to hiding in the ruins and scavenging for food.
If that is the game you WANT to play then we should look at NE Breakout. Breakout is an homage to the film "Escape from New York". NYC is covered with an energy dome and prisoners are dumped in. It is a lower powered game more street level that four colored. It is nearly a pure sandbox where NE has a mission based structure.
Plus the good doctor knows who and roughly where you are. The V'sori, through the Mayor pay a bounty for the location and identity of 'Super powered terrorists'. Omega can always use more resources.
And the resulting fracas when you are re-captured/killed would provide useful cover for a more important operation.
In short you can bolt. But you will be raising the game a few difficulty levels if you do.

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Alright another Christmas that can't be beat in the can! Merry Christmas Every One!
Okay let's get to some of this.
1) Yes, wiggle-room descriptions should be fine. This has to be both ways, tho. If I say I use a power on someone, you can't flip around and say "Ha-ha! He's actually 13' away! You wasted your turn haha now I do my victory dance with turbo-mooning in your face!"
Then we shall have words.
2) You can betray Dr. D if you want, but Imagine knows on which side her bread is buttered. That can only be a short campagin, both as a player and a character. Someone powerful enough to swing the betrayal of a V'Sori guard with our escape has to be strong enough to make us dead and broke, both at the same time.
3) Mmmrph. The flying-strength rule seems to complicated by half. If we say that you can't -gain- altitude while flying (except with a benny) can we say that you can get someone down to the ground soft enough that they don't go splat?

Poor Wandering GM |

I definitely would have changed my drawbacks If I knew you were getting all actions at once. I have to guess the state of the board after eight superpowered people go. Is there anyway we can break it into a few chunks for future fights?
Not sure I am understanding this. You are certainly free to swap hindrances if something doesn't fit.
Would it be better if I mandated an "only post in card order" rule? Then actions could be fully resolved before the next person posts but that would seem to slow fights to a crawl.
Or am I missing something?

Dave Finsterman |

Dave Finsterman wrote:Psiclops gave me an idea. It's a dumb idea. What if we double cross Doctor Destructo and flee the scene without freeing Mindjack? We're villains, afterall.In short you can bolt. But you will be raising the game a few difficulty levels if you do.
No thanks.

Poor Wandering One |

Alright another Christmas that can't be beat in the can! Merry Christmas Every One!
And to you. I don't celebrate but bully for those who do I say!
Also we had a lovely wind storm this morning. Nature was celebrating Winter.
Okay let's get to some of this.1) Yes, wiggle-room descriptions should be fine. This has to be both ways, tho. If I say I use a power on someone, you can't flip around and say "Ha-ha! He's actually 13' away! You wasted your turn haha now I do my victory dance with turbo-mooning in your face!"
Then we shall have words.
Goose-Gander. I would not have it any other way. Please call me on this, I might do this unconsciously.
3) Mmmrph. The flying-strength rule seems to complicated by half. If we say that you can't -gain- altitude while flying (except with a benny) can we say that you can get someone down to the ground soft enough that they don't go splat?
Well the Roof 'landing' is a bit of a puzzle. There are plenty of ways down that don't rely on a Power Stunts. But then I did load you up with extra bennies......

Poor Wandering GM |

GM: anything you'd like us to put in our PC header? Right now I've got the number of bennies remaining and her current initiative card.
That is perfect though changing the card every round might get boring.
Posting your card value at the start of your post would also work. But which ever way works for you is perfect.
Poor Wandering GM |

If I may add a small ret-con...
He will turn invisible as a no-roll, non-Free Action.
#5 in PC-action order.
Do you want the number of our actions including or ignoring where the bad guys are on the list?
Actually just having your card value visible in the post is all I need.
That solves the include vs. ignore issue pretty easily.
Doctor Toxic |

Doctor Toxic wrote:I definitely would have changed my drawbacks If I knew you were getting all actions at once. I have to guess the state of the board after eight superpowered people go. Is there anyway we can break it into a few chunks for future fights?
Not sure I am understanding this. You are certainly free to swap hindrances if something doesn't fit.
Would it be better if I mandated an "only post in card order" rule? Then actions could be fully resolved before the next person posts but that would seem to slow fights to a crawl.
Or am I missing something?
I don't think We need to go to individual cards, but grouping everybody on each side would help. I'll use this fight as an example:
Karma can post whenever.
* Drones/Other thing you don't know about
* Ah-Rekhmire
* Thing you don't know about
* Mr Sardonicous/Imagine/Psiclops/Doctor Toxic/Dave
This is only four (5) groups. And I don't mind if you fudge some of them to group things better. It's slower than everything posting, but in superhero battles the situation can change rapidly. Say one of the things we don't know comes out and tosses mindbender off the roof. In a tabletop game I'd have the chance to take an action knowing this. With this one, I can't act on this info until the end of next turn.

Poor Wandering GM |

Poor Wandering GM wrote:Doctor Toxic wrote:I definitely would have changed my drawbacks If I knew you were getting all actions at once. I have to guess the state of the board after eight superpowered people go. Is there anyway we can break it into a few chunks for future fights?
Not sure I am understanding this. You are certainly free to swap hindrances if something doesn't fit.
Would it be better if I mandated an "only post in card order" rule? Then actions could be fully resolved before the next person posts but that would seem to slow fights to a crawl.
Or am I missing something?
I don't think We need to go to individual cards, but grouping everybody on each side would help. I'll use this fight as an example:
Karma can post whenever.
* Drones/Other thing you don't know about
* Ah-Rekhmire
* Thing you don't know about
* Mr Sardonicous/Imagine/Psiclops/Doctor Toxic/Dave
This is only four (5) groups. And I don't mind if you fudge some of them to group things better. It's slower than everything posting, but in superhero battles the situation can change rapidly. Say one of the things we don't know comes out and tosses mindbender off the roof. In a tabletop game I'd have the chance to take an action knowing this. With this one, I can't act on this info until the end of next turn.
Oh, now I see. That is basically what I am doing but you state it much more clearly.
When I say post when you like I should have added that nothing is set in stone until actions are resolved which happens in card order. In this fight we are at Ah-Rekhmire. But I have also resolved (partially & hopefully) the folks in the M'buna as Al is less likely to impact their actions. I can't resolve you and Dave because you are Very Likely to be impacted by AL.
This is the curse and the benefit of a low card. You have to wait but you get to react to previous actions. Posting early let's you say "This is what I think I'll do. Then is everyone ahead of you post and your post still seems relevant that is what you will do. But you can ALLWAYS change/update your action. Think of posting before your card value as leaving botting instructions.
Does that help or am I still wandering in darkness?

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I see your feels and raise you SC2 feels.
(I was surprised that the song had the same name because they don't sound much alike.)

CucumberTree |
Mr Sardonicous wrote:Hey, Does the pilot have armor?Nope.
Hey Mr. Sardonicous. Did we ever decide how long after feeding your fed regen lasts? If you can find that info then please add it to the fed regen on your character sheet.
I stated an hour and you told me to relace it with the wording currently there.

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TOTM = Theatre Of The Mind
My character is leaving, but he wants to keep his new friend with him.
He wants to carry you out while you seem to be in lala land. I can write the whole movement phase, or you can interrupt me prior. I'll set up based on your response
This is very interesting.
Oh yes, we must have this. Do let's have this.
Of note, it's Mind Control, not Possession, so I'm fully functional while controlling my minions (assuming I ever get any because apparently I'm not very good at the getting of them) but let's not that dissuade this delicious turn of events.

Dave Finsterman |

I never listed Dave's age, but he's in his early-mid twenties. As I have posted in gameplay, he assumes this is a school and not an actual prison.

Poor Wandering GM |

I never listed Dave's age, but he's in his early-mid twenties. As I have posted in gameplay, he assumes this is a school and not an actual prison.
This is really cool about Dave. You are rocking Dave.
I was wondering if any of the characters might be familiar with this building or neighborhood. Where was Dave before heading to Washington DC? If it was Star City and Dave's family were poor enough to be living in South point then you might know this place or at least the neighborhood.
Does that clarify the question?

Doctor Toxic |

Were you active or living in Star City pre-invasion? In South-point? Were you in regular contact with children?
I am wondering if any of you might know where you are or at least have a grip on the neighborhood.
I was probably under Star City, using the sewers and other utility tunnels. He would not be in regular contact with children.

Karma NE |

Karma has been living in a sealed mausoleum in a cemetery in Star City. I'm not sure where in the city, wherever people were rich enough to use such burial resources before the aliens took over.
She would not be familiar with schools unless this one happened to be near her location so that she passed it by going to and from her missions. She has no children and all her siblings were killed before she became a super.
She is starting to wonder if the transport crashed into the right place, but she assumes this Mindjack person is being stored in a secret prison built where no one would expect a maximum security cell, if that is where he is being kept.
It is possible he is hiding in plain sight, working as a teacher with a disguise. But since it's night and teaching staff would not likely be on the premises doesn't fit that scenario either.
It's an interesting way to start the campaign.

Dave Finsterman |

I was wondering if any of the characters might be familiar with this building or neighborhood. Where was Dave before heading to Washington DC? If it was Star City and Dave's family were poor enough to be living in South point then you might know this place or at least the neighborhood.
Does that clarify the question?
Sure sure. Dave's folks split pre-invasion when he was only five. No sibs. His mother moved with him to Star City and was getting zilch from Dave's dad, whom he barely remembers. She got a job waiting tables and they survived, but often moved after missing rent and getting evicted.
When Dave was old enough to move out on his own he started working at the Kum & Go Gas and Lube in South Point and he's worked there since. He's never made Employee of the Month but he did beat up some bozos who tried to rob the place and the owner keeps him on more or less as cheap security.
He could probably pick this building out of a lineup if he had approached it in the usual fashion, but he doesn't recognize the gym as a place he's been before. But then, he doesn't make a habit of going into gyms.

Poor Wandering GM |

Dave Finsterman
Oh no Dave you have been in this gym. You spent 3 years here. This is your grade school. Well it was for 4th through 6th grade at least.
Public School S8 Home of the South Point Warriors. There wasn't really much inter mural play in grade school but the nearby high school shared the gym. Space is tight in Star City.
You have never been in the girls locker room before though.

Dave Finsterman |

Dave Finsterman
Oh no Dave you have been in this gym. You spent 3 years here. This is your grade school. Well it was for 4th through 6th grade at least.
Public School S8 Home of the South Point Warriors. There wasn't really much inter mural play in grade school but the nearby high school shared the gym. Space is tight in Star City.
You have never been in the girls locker room before though.
Oops. I retract the bit about pornos.

Mr Sardonicous |

Thank you. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves. I am quite entertained.
Do I amuse you?

![]() |

Imagine often uses children as spies, lookouts, messengers, and sources of information. But I imagine (see what I did there?) that she's not from Star Point. More like the New York equivalent.

Karma NE |

A villian-worthy number for the jazz fans: You Rascal You
And another: Dancing Shoes

Poor Wandering GM |

Poor Wandering GM wrote:Oops. I retract the bit about pornos.Dave Finsterman
Oh no Dave you have been in this gym. You spent 3 years here. This is your grade school. Well it was for 4th through 6th grade at least.
Public School S8 Home of the South Point Warriors. There wasn't really much inter mural play in grade school but the nearby high school shared the gym. Space is tight in Star City.
You have never been in the girls locker room before though.
Oh no you don't. That was a Perfect Dave assumption. It even made sense considering this was your old school. You likely spent as little time as possible in the gym and you have never been in the girls locker room so there was no reason for the penny to drop. I'm sorry I let the cat out of the bag early.
I expect the letters page of our imaginary comic is full of letters about Dave.

Dave Finsterman |

Oh no you don't. That was a Perfect Dave assumption. It even made sense considering this was your old school. You likely spent as little time as possible in the gym and you have never been in the girls locker room so there was no reason for the penny to drop. I'm sorry I let the cat out of the bag early.
I expect the letters page of our imaginary comic is full of letters about Dave.
Dave is a perv but he's into adult women. A locker room for children is just a room full of lockers.

Poor Wandering GM |

Poor Wandering GM wrote:Dave is a perv but he's into adult women. A locker room for children is just a room full of lockers.Oh no you don't. That was a Perfect Dave assumption. It even made sense considering this was your old school. You likely spent as little time as possible in the gym and you have never been in the girls locker room so there was no reason for the penny to drop. I'm sorry I let the cat out of the bag early.
I expect the letters page of our imaginary comic is full of letters about Dave.
I know that and so does everyone else. It's a room full of lockers. This was my fault for not being clear enough in my descriptions. If it makes a difference this room has not been used in ~ two years.

Poor Wandering GM |

Everyone The locker room and a Doctors appointment yesterday reminded me of something I forgot to tell you. This game uses a Red/Black card system.
This means that if I or ANYONE else does something that crossed a personal line threatening or destroying your fun. You can Black Card and the subject/situation will be dropped WITHOUT further questions. If it is a situation or bit of subject matter in play you may need to tell me how far back to ret-con or otherwise let me know how to get out of the hole without digging further. If it is looking iffy but it has not reached Black card levels you can Red card. This freezes play and we pile into the Lounge to hash things out until you are satisfied that we are sailing away from the rocks.
As a member of this game I also have access to to this. I will tell you now that I will, without hesitation, Red/Black Card torture or intense humiliation. Ignoring a Black card is pretty much the quickest way out of the game. Mind you I don't think this will ever actually come up but then we do not know where other folks draw their lines.
Are folks familiar with this system?
Good/bad idea?

Karma NE |

Good idea. I'd suggest steering away from overly graphic descriptions of how people are wounded or killed. I know that bothers some people. If I'm watching a movie, and it depicts death or injury in gory detail, it's when I switch to something else.

Karma NE |

By the way, as the last card to act this round, it's looking like I'm going to have to completely retcon what I posted earlier, as I expect the drone I attacked will be destroyed before Karma's turn comes up.
I'll be checking the posts regularly and post once the other actions have been resolved.

Poor Wandering GM |

By the way, as the last card to act this round, it's looking like I'm going to have to completely retcon what I posted earlier, as I expect the drone I attacked will be destroyed before Karma's turn comes up.
I'll be checking the posts regularly and post once the other actions have been resolved.
I take early posts from folks with low cards as advisory statements rather than gospel. If you main desire is clear and nothing major has changed between when you posted and when your card resolves then I'll go ahead and resolve. If stuff has changed I'll give you time to drop by to update. If things are held up and you prominent in your absence I'll resolve you the best I can. If I screw things up too badly we can usually rewind a bit and get it right when you do make it in.