About Karma NEImage, use with Paizo Chrome Browser extenstion if you have it. Appearance and Personality:
When Karma was captured, she was using her chameleon ability to disguise her physical form. The GM will determine if she still retains that form or whether her super powers are being negated while in captivity. Time will tell whether other PCs will know her actual appearance, so that will be described later. While her body takes on many forms, she prefers a female form that is as attractive as possible, unless her mission calls for someone male and/or less likely to get attention. She prefers non-white races, although, again, she on occasion adopts white male appearance.
Her personality is reserved, rarely revealing anything about her self or else lying about herself either to protect her identity or to accomplish some information gathering goal. She frequently has a very intense expression, as if feeling strong emotions but not letting them show on the surface. She rarely smiles or laughs. Her clothing varies as much as her physical form, but when she is not dealing with the public, she wears a leather-like catsuit and a cape 98with a hood that can be brought up to cover her face. Her forearms are covered with a set of heavy leather greaves, and she carries a katana slung over her back. She carries no sidearms or other ranged weapons, but she has some grenades dangling from her backpack when she is expecting trouble. Attributes Agility d10 Strength d8 Vigor d6 Smarts d8 Spirit d8 Attribute Rolls Dicebots:
[dice=Wild]1d6[/dice] [dice=Strength]1d8[/dice]
Without boost from Super Attribute power
Agility is a measure of a character’s nimbleness, dexterity, and general coordination.
Smarts measures raw intelligence, mental acuity, and how fast a heroine thinks on her feet. It’s used to resist certain types of mental and social attacks. Spirit is self-confidence, backbone, and willpower. It’s used to resist social and supernatural attacks as well as fear. Strength is physical power and fitness. It’s also used as the basis of a warrior’s damage in hand-to-hand combat, and to determine how much he can wear or carry. Vigor represents an individual’s endurance, resistance to disease, poison, or toxins, and how much physical damage she can take before she can’t go on. It is most often used to resist Fatigue effects, and as the basis for the derived stat of Toughness. Derived
powered stun wrist claws d8 + 2 (fighting, Martial Warrior) [3d6 + 1d8 damage, AP 2/with raise 3d6 + 1d8 + 1d10, AP 2]
Molecular Blade Powered Katana d8 (fighting) + 2 (MAMW) [3d6 + 1d8 + 3, AP 3/with raise 3d6 + 1d8 + 1d10 + 3 AP 3]
Wounding with Intangibility SP Phasing: Opposed Focus Roll vs target's athletics or Vigor (defender's choice), if attacker wins, the victim takes a Wound (2 with a raise). Attacker's Focus roll is a critical failure, she takes a wound instead. Stun grenade d6 (athletics)
Strange revolver Range 12/24/48. ROF 1. Shots 5/6
Glock (9mm) pistol: Range: 12/24/48 (shooting) 2d6 damage AP 1 ROF 1 Shots 17 Weight 3 Combat Gear:
Capes: Capes impress foes and allies, but can occasionally get in the way! Short capes are purely decorative and have no game effect.
Longer capes cost $50 more and are Min Str d4. They add +1 to the wearer’s Intimidation or Persuasion rolls (chosen when the cape is crafted depending on the wearer’s overall look). Opponents who attempt to grapple the wearer or perform physical Tests that involve grabbing the cape add +2 to their rolls. Large capes may also be upgraded. ARMORED: +2* ballistic armor, doesn’t stack with worn armor, can be bypassed with any appropriate Called Shot, and can be used like a medium shield (−2 cover, +2 Parry) if one of the wearer’s hands is free. ($500, +4 lbs.) Wrist Claws: Str+d6 dam 2 lb $150, AP 2. Sturdy, sharp three-tined claws strapped to the user’s wrists. Weapon Modifications
Molecular Blade: Edged weapons with an extremely thin edge add +2 to damage and add half the weapon’s damage die type in AP (+2 AP for a d4, +4 AP for a d8, and so on). $500
Skill Dicebots:
[dice=Wild]1d6[/dice] [dice=Common knowedge, streetwise]1d4[/dice]
Skills when Super Attribute is negated: All d8s drop to d6. Skills:
* Athletics (Agility)
Athletics combines an individual’s coordination with learned skills such as climbing, jumping, balancing, biking, wrestling, skiing, swimming, throwing, or catching. * Common Knowledge (Smarts) Characters roll Common Knowledge to know people, places, and things of their world, including etiquette, geography, culture, popular technology, contacts, and customs. Fighting (Agility) Fighting covers all hand-to-hand (melee) attacks, whether it’s with fists, axes, laser swords, or martial arts. See Chapter Three for the combat rules and the various maneuvers a warrior might attempt. Focus (Spirit) Focus reflects a hero’s ability to use those abilities that aren’t covered by other Traits. Sometimes this is called for by a specific power, other times the hero might use it for some minor or mundane effect called for by the Game Master. Intimidation (Spirit) Intimidation is the art of frightening an opponent so that he backs down, reveals information, or flees. Intimidation is an opposed roll resisted by the opponent’s Spirit. In combat, this is a Test (see page 108). Out of combat, a successful roll means the foe backs down for the most part, reveals some information, or slinks away when the opportunity presents itself. A raise might mean he backs down for the remainder of the scene, spills all the beans, or runs away as fast as he can. In or out of combat, a Critical Failure means the target is immune to this character’s Intimidation attempts for the remainder of this encounter! Networking: Intimidation can also be used as a “macro” skill to simulate several hours of working the streets. See Networking on page 133 to see how to crack some heads for favors or information. Notice (Smarts) * Notice is a hero’s general awareness and alertness. It’s used to sense sights, sounds, tastes, and smells, spot clues, detect ambushes, spot hidden weapons on a foe, or tell if a rival is lying, frightened, happy, etc. Success conveys basic information—the character hears movement in the forest, smells distant smoke, or senses someone isn’t being completely truthful. A raise grants more detail, such as the direction of a sound or odor or what topic a person is avoiding or lying about. * Persuasion (Spirit) Persuasion is the ability to convince others to do what you want through reason, cajoling, deception, rewards, or other friendly means. Persuasion isn’t mind control. It can change someone’s attitude but not their goals. A bandit may let you keep a sentimental piece of jewelry with a good Persuasion roll but still takes all your other goods. When used to Support allies (page 106) it’s an unopposed roll. If the target is resistant, it’s an opposed roll vs. the target’s Spirit. The GM should modify the roll as she sees fit based on roleplaying, any pertinent Edges or Hindrances that affect the conversation, and the circumstances. Reaction Level: How much a person is willing to cooperate depends largely on their attitude toward whoever’s talking to them. The Game Master can decide how nonplayer characters feel based on the setting, or roll on the Reaction Table (see sidebar) if she has no preconceived notions. Success improves the target’s attitude one level and a raise improves it two. Further increases aren’t generally possible in the same encounter—it takes individuals a little time to adjust their biases. Failure means the target won’t change his mind this scene or until the situation changes in some important way. A Critical Failure also reduces the target’s attitude two levels. Only one roll should generally be allowed per interaction unless new information is revealed, a substantial reward is offered, etc. Networking: Characters can also use Persuasion as a “macro skill,” simulating a few hours or an evening’s time hobnobbing and socializing to gain favors or information. See Networking on page 133. * Stealth (Agility) Stealth is the ability to hide and move quietly. A simple success on a Stealth roll means the character avoids detection if enemies aren’t particularly alert. If the character fails the roll, the enemy realizes something is amiss and begins actively searching for whatever roused them. Once foes are alerted and active, Stealth is opposed by Notice (a group roll if there are many foes, see page 89). The GM should apply any circumstantial penalties to Notice rolls for darkness, cover, noise, distractions, and any difference in the target’s Scale (just like when attacking, see Scale on page 106). Sneaking through dry leaves might subtract 2 from the Stealth roll, for example, while spotting someone in the dark uses the Illumination penalty listed on page 102 (−4). Don’t apply the same modifier to both rolls, however. If Stealth is at −2 for the leaves, don’t give Notice a +2 for them as well. Sneak Attack: Sneaking up close enough to make a melee attack always requires an opposed Stealth roll versus the target’s Notice, whether the guard is actively looking for trouble or not. If successful, the victim is Vulnerable (page 100) to the attacker, but only until the attacker’s turn ends. With a raise, the attacker has The Drop (page 100) instead. Movement: In combat, characters roll Stealth each turn as a free action at the end of their move or any action the GM thinks might draw attention. Out of combat, the distance moved depends entirely on the situation. The GM might want a roll every minute if the group is sneaking around the perimeter of a defensive position, or every few miles if they’re trying to quietly walk the path through a dark forest without alerting the creatures that live there. Edges
Martial Artist
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Fighting d6+ The fighter has trained in basic martial arts. Her fists and feet are weapons (see Natural Weapons, page 104) so she’s always considered armed. She adds +1 when striking with them and causes Strength+d4 damage. If she already has a Strength damage die from the Claws racial ability (page 18) or the Brawler Edge, increase the damage a die type. Martial Artist does not add to damage from other Natural Weapons such as fangs or horns. Martial Warrior REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Martial Artist Increase the warrior’s Fighting bonus to +2 and her damage die an additional step. Streetwise REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Smarts d6+ Streetwise characters know how to find the local black market, fence stolen goods, avoid the local law (or criminal element!), lay low when the heat’s on, obtain illegal weapons, find out which “boss” is hiring muscle, or similar shady activities. Streetwise characters add +2 to Intimidation or Persuasion rolls made to Network (see page 133) with shady or criminal elements. They also add +2 to Common Knowledge rolls pertaining to the types of disreputable activities listed above. Hindrances
Driven (Minor or Major)
A vow is a commitment to others. Driven characters want something for themselves. It may be to protect the realm, become a decorated officer, prove you’re the best gladiator in Rome, or the best pilot in the galactic fleet. As a Major Hindrance it’s an overriding desire that comes up frequently or causes peril for the heroine and those around her. Vengeful (Minor or Major) Payback is…well…bad news for someone, and this adventurer is going to get it. Those with the Major version of this Hindrance don’t let anything prevent them from a reckoning. This doesn’t mean they immediately resort to violence, but their actions always escalate until total and complete satisfaction is achieved. Cautious (Minor) This planner personifies restraint and carefulness. He never makes rash decisions and likes to plot things out in detail long before any action is taken. Suspicious (Minor or Major) Your character is suspicious of everyone. As a Minor Hindrance, his paranoia causes frequent trust issues. He might demand full payment before doing a task, want every agreement in writing, or believe even his friends are out to get him. As a Major Hindrance, Support rolls to aid the distrustful individual are made at −2. Super Powers & Trappings
Super Powers:
For one Power Point the character is semiaquatic and can hold his breath for 15 minutes before checking for drowning. For two points, he’s native to the water. He cannot drown in oxygenated liquid and moves his full Pace when swimming. Karma's aquatic power is only activated when she is intangible. ARMOR (1/LEVEL) A character gains 2 points of armor each time this power is purchased. Armor doesn’t stack with worn armor, but does stack with natural armor and the toughness power (page 88). Weak spots, small gaps, or joints can be bypassed with a Called Shot at −6. REQUIRES ACTIVATION (−1): The hero must make a Focus roll as an action to activate. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated (see page 42). ILLUSION (4) Illusion allows a character to create imaginary images and sounds. The illusions cannot actually affect the real world, but a clever manipulator can make them look like they do! The creator can conjure an illusion up to 12” (24 yards) distant, filling a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template with whatever image he desires. As long as the caster pays attention, the images react to the world around them just as if they were real—staggering back from attacks, taking “damage,” and so on. The sphere may be moved up to 12” per turn as a limited free action. It takes a Focus roll and an action to create an illusion, but it may be maintained as long as the creator wishes and remains conscious. It can be dispelled as a free action. Illusions aren’t captured by electronic equipment (unless one takes the Film Quality modifier below). Disbelieve: Illusions never look quite right. Details are just a little blurry, motions are slightly off, or there’s an “uncanny valley” in faces and effects. Even making oneself disappear leaves a slight outline of their figure. Casual observers don’t usually notice these flaws, but those who engage with them or have reason to interact with an image or look at it closely get a Smarts roll at −2 as a free action (make a group roll for like targets); supers with abilities such as eagle eyes, microscopic vision, or awareness can ignore the penalty. If successful, those individuals see through the mirage. They still see it and may suffer from certain effects (see the Distraction or Obscurement modifiers), but know it’s not real and that an illusionist must be nearby. It’s up to the Game Master when to allow the roll to disbelieve, but any sort of detailed interaction (such as combat) should normally allow a roll. Once a character realizes an illusionist is present, he ignores the −2 Smarts penalty for the rest of the encounter. Disguise: An illusory disguise works well for casual observation. It’s nowhere near as precise as the chameleon power, however. Anyone who looks carefully should get a roll to see through it as outlined above. Fear: Illusions might cause a Fear test in certain circumstances at the GM’s discretion. Power Down: Illusion terminates if the super loses concentration. FLIGHT (4) Pace = 12". INTANGIBILITY (5) Intangibility makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks, like a phantom or spirit. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally—take resistance for more resilience against those Power Types. The power allows a super to walk through walls or other barriers but doesn’t make him invisible (take invisibility for that). Becoming intangible is an action. While intangible, any items the character carries also become intangible and don’t function. Beings carried by the character are dropped. Becoming tangible is a free action. Phasing: An intangible character can make an attack then become intangible again. Opponents who want to attack a “phaser” can go on Hold and successfully interrupt to attack, if they wish. Wounding: An intangible hero can cause damage to an enemy by phasing into a foe’s form (usually a hand to the chest). This is an opposed Focus roll versus the target’s Athletics or Vigor (defender’s choice). If the attacker wins, the victim takes a Wound (two with a raise). If the attacker’s Focus roll is a Critical Failure, he takes a Wound instead! Power Down: Intangibility terminates if the super loses concentration. See Power Down on page 42. Ignore this if she takes the Permanent modifier. INVISIBILITY (8) Becoming invisible is an action, instantly turning the character and all his gear difficult to see. Attempts to Notice her and direct attacks against her suffer a −4 penalty. If the invisible character does something obvious like stand in the rain, the attack penalty is halved for that turn and no Notice roll is necessary to detect her presence. Turning visible is a free action. Power Down: Invisibility terminates if the super loses concentration. MELEE ATTACK (SPECIAL) All characters cause their Strength damage when they punch or kick someone with an unarmed attack. This is free and isn’t listed in their profile unless they’ve enhanced it with additional damage (see the table below) or have natural or special weapons (see the Modifiers). A character can also enhance her melee damage by using this power, which applies to all armed and unarmed Fighting attacks. Cost 2 Damage Str + d6 Edges: A damage die from Brawler, Bruiser, Martial Artist, or Martial Warrior Edges is added on to a character’s melee attack. Weapons: Add any weapon damage to the total. REGENERATION (10) Whether the hero has self-knitting flesh and blood or advanced technology, she heals in an amazingly short amount of time. For 10 points, she may attempt to heal every round (a free action)! Knocked Out: Incapacitated heroes with regeneration continue to heal but remain unconscious for one hour (or until she’s dealt a Joker if she’s still in combat). SPEAK LANGUAGE (1) Your hero can speak any language. If it’s one he’s never heard before, he becomes conversational in minutes and fluent in a few hours. MODIFIERS WRITTEN WORD (+1): He can read and write any language as well, given a few minutes and some samples. SUPER ATTRIBUTE (2/LEVEL) This power increases a chosen attribute one die type per level. This affects Derived statistics as well, such as Toughness. Telepathy (2): The character can communicate with any or all intelligent minds of her choice within 24” (48 yards). Heightened Senses infravision: The character can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat signatures (or lack thereof in normal environments). If he also has Low Light Vision, he ignores all illumination penalties. low light vision: Low Light Vision ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination (but not Pitch Darkness). If he also has Infravision, he ignores all illumination penalties. Staring money: $3000
All attributes promoted from d4 to d6 using the 5 points provided by character creation (CCP), plus 4 Super Attribute (SAP) to raise all to d8 except vigor. Trapping: ectoplasm and spirit communication.
Agility d8: base +1 CCP +1 SAP Smarts d8: base +1 CCP +1 SAP Spirit d8: base +1 CCP +1 SAP Strength d8: base +1 CCP +1 SAP Vigor d8 base +1 CCP + 1 Rank 1 advance 5 core skills start at d4 (free) + 1 point from minor hindrance (cautious) + 15 standard character creation.
Fighting d8 (3 sp)
Traits: 2 from major hindrances + 1 from human race, with Super Powers free. Two major spent on edges.
Revise starting stats: reduce Intimidation from d8 to d4 and add shooting at d6.
Rank 1: add die to 2 skills: Stealth, Shooting. Lair 5 SPP: 2 spent on increasing Flight from 2 to 4. 1 spent to remove limitation on Heightened Senses. 2 spent on adding Telepathy power. Rank 2: Increase Agility from d8 to d10. The following spoilers are GM's eyes only.
Background before gaining superpowers:
Margola Sato Urspringer was born to Jewish parents in New York City. Her mother barely survived the holocaust in Germany. Growing up, she heard many horror stories of how most of her mother's relatives suffered and mostly died at the ands of the Nazis. Her father's father was a Japanese laborer working in northern California who married a native American woman of the Shasta tribe. Her father grew up experiencing harsh treatment for his minority status. He told young Margola his own ancestor's stories of mistreatment, including internment during WW II. These stories left a deep imprint on Margola as she grew to maturity, giving her deep sympathy for those who were persecution and her fierce hatred for those who cause this persecution.
Then her whole family fell victim to a super villain who targeted the family partly for its diverse ancestry. This villain (to be named later) kept such kidnapped victims in secret medical facilities located in Star City where they were experimented on in hopes of developing ways to induce super powers. All these experiments failed and when victims expired, they were unceremoniously dumped into bins awaiting eventual destruction. Margola was one such vicitms, as were her family members before her. She held out longer than most, but the experimental procedures eventually proved too much for her. She found herself in spirit, surrounded by the spirits of her family and of her many ancestors who lingered in spirit kept from moving on by intense emotions of anger and a thirst for revenge. These spirits focused their power on Margola and created Karma. Her body revived, now stronger and smarter, with many abilities that would be her weapons in the burning desire for justice and vengeance against those who committed atrocities. She could phase in and out of her physical form and go invisible, allowing her to escape the facility and set up operations in Star City. Her ancestors inspired her with abilities to fight with martial arts expertise. Activities since gaining superpowers:
She found herself between life and death. She still had to eat and drink and sleep, but she could transform into a spirit, travel via an astral form, move sight unseen through solid walls. She was listed as deceased, part of the villain's plan to prevent investigations into missing persons leading to the discovery of their evil. The cover story was that she had volunteered for treatment of an otherwise uncurable disease and expired before being cured. So she had no official identity. Her abilities allowed her to steal what things she needed to survive and carry out her work. She moved into a crypt, using her intangibility to pass through the otherwise locked chamber. She adopted the name Karma but did everything she could to keep her existence a secret.
From there she focused on infiltrating the organization of the villain who was responsible for her death and the deaths of many others, including her family. (Identity to be determined by the GM.) Her first priority was getting revenge on the top villain responsible for her family's and her own suffering and deaths. She was still an inexperienced teen ager thrust into very adult activities without the benefit much education. She succeeded in her mission, but she made some mistakes that allowed the authorities and the news media to dub the deaths the result of a super villain dubbed Vendetta. This put pressure on her to leave Star City at least for a while. She traveled to Europe and devoted some time to her own education, traveling, sitting in on college classes (invisible and intangible), seeing the world, and enjoying herself. The spirits who continued to provide her with super powers also did not let her take a lot of time away from her mission. While in Europe, she did research to learn of villains needing karmic retribution, starting with the Nazis. She discovered a few Nazi's who had escaped justice and were living in Europe. In the process of delivering her brand of justice to those criminals, she uncovered a cell of terrorists plotting to blow up synagogues in Europe. She dealt with them, but uncovered a shocking revelation: Hitler had not died. He had super powers that allowed him, like Karma, to change his form. After making it appear he had committed suicide, he secretly set up a new base of operations and became a dictator of a small South American country and created anti-Semitic terrorist cells. After taking out Hitler and stealing documents that prove what really had happened to the monster, the press was again abuzz speculating on whether this new vigilante was Vendetta. None of this revealed her secret identity or abilities, so she continued traveling, learning, enjoying life a little at a time, but always getting back to the task she was driven to do. While in Japan, she located one of her relatives and he turned out to be weaponsmith. He made her a special katana, with the keen edge enhanced with a molecular edge and a power supply to add an electric shock to those it struck. She also acquired a set of wrist claws that fit in greaves that wrapped securely around her forearms and could extend to add damage to her hand delivered attacks. After the Aliens Attacked:
Once the events of the alien invasion happened, she returned to Star City to focus her efforts on killing the leaders of the alien occupation in the city. It was in this time that she ran up against the limitations of her super abilities. The aliens were much more entrenched by this time than any of the villains she had dealt with before. They had superior security systems, better weapons, and knew that there were super heroes targeting them (Omega). Working alone limited what fights she could take on, but she also did not want to work with a super villain like Dr. Destruction. She focused on intelligence gathering and feeding information incognito to Omega. When she thought she had an opportunity to get to the leader Warlord Grypon, she went in for the kill but was captured. (Details of that TBD.) This failure, however, placed her in the company of other villains who opposed the occupiers; could Karma learn to trust them and work as a team player? Initial answers to character introduction questions.:
Note: this was written before the character was fully created, so some elements have changed. Just keeping this for reference.
a) What is your concept?]Karma was a female human who, along with her family, was being experimented on by an evil organization (Doctor Destruction?) trying to convert them into supers with weird science. The experiments ultimately killed them all but only after they had all suffered terribly. When she died, her body was dumped in a bin to await eventually destruction. She went to the light, but it turned out to be the souls of many, many people who had suffered a similar fate as her. They empowered her in some kind of synergy with the Star City environment and the experiments on her body, and she found herself back in her body. She then discovered she could phase back and forth between physical form and an intangible form. She could also hide from sight with the power of invisibility, as well as other powers. She was given a charge to get revenge for all who had suffered at the hands of the most evil abusers and exploiters of the weak and innocent. She began using her powers to hunt down and execute those who had been at the top of the organization that had caused her death. After that she began traveling the world, tracking down other ultra evil villains (super and non) to eliminate. Then the V’sori attacked. She developed a new set of targets. Karma’s a b-tch. She's not a conventional villain, but neither is she a conventional superhero. She does her best to kill only the instigators of great evil, but prior to the V'sori attacks, she was probably considered a super villain by the established authorities and the Alpha Squad, since she just killed her targets rather than trying to capture them for trial. But she also was likely keeping off their radar and might have been more a concern for the other psychotic villains. b) What do you look like?]In life, her appearance was a mix of ethnicities with dark, wavy hair, brown eyes, light brown skin, pretty angular face, and a curvy figure. She is tall and athletic, 5’10”, 140 lb. Since becoming a vengeful ghost, she has the power to take on the appearance of anyone she has seen, so her appearance varies. She only assumes her original appearance at the moment she has a victim in her control. She has a trademark mask of death that she wears when she thinks a camera might record her during her infiltration and when she is confronting her target. She wants word to spread among the other evil villains that there is a vengeful ghost out to get them. c) What can you do? ]Being a ghost has its advantages. Her natural form is intangible and invisible, but she can become tangible and visible when needed. Her wounds regenerate naturally. She can change her appearance and has other powers that allow her to gain information on her targets and to better infiltrate places on her missions. When necessary, she has ways to fight past minions and deliver fatal harm to her ultimate victims. Note: since she would be hard to contain with the powers I plan, I'm open to taking some kind of limitation that the V'soris can use to keep her incarcerated at the start of the adventure, maybe some kind of nullification field or collar. d) What have you done?]Since becoming a ghost, Karma’s main activities involve fulfilling her vow to get revenge on the worst of the worst: brutal terrorist leaders, oppressive and violent dictators, organized crime bosses, and some other super villains, if they are particularly ruthless and exploitative. She goes after big fish only, although if she happens upon some low level bully, she gives them a taste of what it feels like to be the helpless victim. She took out Hitler, for example. Turns out he did not kill himself; he had acquired super powers and used them to change his appearance. Over time he had ensconced himself as a dictator of a small state in central South America, but then developed cells of terrorists who began to attack Jewish enclaves. Karma infiltrated his fortress and not only killed him after torturing him a bit, but stole files that revealed his true identity. After that was revealed, several governments mopped up what was left of his power base. She used the publicity of the event to make known her name (Karma) and her mission, just to put some extra fear into the empty void where the villains hearts would be. Once the aliens became the chief source of violence toward the helpless and the innocent, Karma tried find ways to take out their generals. When the V’sori arrived, her suspicious nature made her doubt their motives. She laid low when the celebrations started, fearing what eventually happened. Since then, taking out the V’sori leader is her main mission. She sometimes takes a break from her ultimate mission and instead dispenses good karma to the people that typically get exploited, trying to free victims of human trafficking, feed the starving, or get some funds to those who need them for medical care. e) What have you been doing lately?]Karma has spent the two years in Star City looking for ways to assassinate V’sori and K’tharin generals and leaders. While she is tempted to also go after collaborators like Mayor Perez, she considers them little fish compared to the aliens (literally big fish). Her capture was the disappointing conclusion of her first attempt to deal justice to Warlord Grypon. I'm open to suggestions about the details of how she was captured. They would need some way to negate her power to go insubstantial. f) What have you seen in the world?]Before her death, she had been deprived of the ability to travel much at all. After becoming a ghost, she traveled extensively, mingling site seeing and historical research with tracking down clues to locate her targets. She’s seen plenty of lovely sights, but is also way too familiar with the dark underbelly of human evil. A recent example: Karma was busy searching a computer for files to download when Louis (Benny Bangers) Wilkins, the owner of said computer, returned unexpectedly. Wilkins was an intermediate level criminal boss working for Willy the Fish. Karma learned of him working her way up the criminal org chart in the Docks.
“I’m what you deserve, Benny-buns,” Karma purred in a Bronx accent and then popped her gum. She was disguised as a platinum blond whose roots could use a touch-up, pink fingernail polish, red lipstick, and a huge bust showing lots of cleavage. “How I got past all your security tools is my widdle secret, but whacha really need is someone like me to gather dirt on yer enemies, amiright?” She kept him talking and guessing, thinking she was just getting his attention in hopes of joining his gang, while the file download completed. Then she pulled the zip drive from the data port, blew Benny a kiss, winked, and vanished. g) What is the greatest thing in life? ]One thing that keeps Karma from passing over to the other side is the thrill of looking into the eyes of a truly evil excuse for a sentient being, having tortured them enough to convince them that she is toying with them and will eventually kill them, and getting them to the point of begging for mercy, then letting them see that karma really is a b-tch. |