Welcome to Star City, the city of the future. (Inactive)

Game Master PoorWanderingOne

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3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Yes, but do any of the versions explicitly define what being "in melee" is?

PsiclopsNE wrote:
Yes, but do any of the versions explicitly define what being "in melee" is?

Nope it is never defined. OED / Websters do not require blows to be exchanged to properly use the term though.

Language is imprecise.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Back when we were divvying up the loot from the Slasher transport bust, Karma claimed an H&K SMG. I then forgot to add it to her weapons and gear listings. I'm doing so now.

Here is the post where I made the claim. I don't think anyone else claimed the SMG, so she had one as a back-up weapon.

Edit: If I might, I'd like to change that choice to one of the Glock pistols, as they do the same damage and she's mainly interested in the weapon for use with her phase in ability.

Karma NE wrote:

Back when we were divvying up the loot from the Slasher transport bust, Karma claimed an H&K SMG. I then forgot to add it to her weapons and gear listings. I'm doing so now.

Here is the post where I made the claim. I don't think anyone else claimed the SMG, so she had one as a back-up weapon.

Edit: If I might, I'd like to change that choice to one of the Glock pistols, as they do the same damage and she's mainly interested in the weapon for use with her phase in ability.

Not a problem. Just remember to note how much ammo you have.

Paging Psiclops and Doctor Toxic. Psiclops and Doctor Toxic please pick up the white courtesy phone...

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Sorry, life got in the way there for a while. I promise I will make a full post tomorrow...

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

As Marvin said, Real Life! Don't talk to me about real life!

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

My work schedule has changed. For the next five weeks, I'll be unable to post generally after 3 PM (same time zone as New York City) on Monday through Thursday. I'll check games in the morning and make what posts I can.

Also, I may be traveling on April 6-9. I should have some access to Wifi and a laptop, but if a post is needed in this period, please
'bot my character. It's possible the trip will not happen, in which case I'll let you know. (I'm hoping to see the total solar eclipse on April 8 in Ohio, USA.)

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

I'm back. Danced on a Moonshadow! Saw the total eclipse through a nifty small reflecting telescope given to me by Psyclops player years ago. Awesome!

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

It's been three weeks without a post from the GM. As much as I like this game world and my character and the system, the extremely long periods when no posts happen is draining all the fun out of things.

We started this encounter back in August of 2023, so that is nine months and we're still in the thick of it. Most games would take at most a month or two for a major conflict. I'll hang in there but I really would like things to get back to everyone posting every day or two.

I've started joining more campaigns just so I have something to post to as many of the games I'm in have been likewise slow. I check for posts every day, but as days stretch into weeks, I'm losing interest.


I am afraid p-b-p has moved from being fun to being a chore. This is not the fault of anyone but me and I apologize. Then the tech issues and spending nearly two months out of the country made getting re-involved just too much for me.

I hope you all find good games with more with-it GM's in the future.

Thank you all
~Poor Wandering One.

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