Welcome to Star City, the city of the future. (Inactive)

Game Master PoorWanderingOne

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Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4
CucumberTree wrote:
Honestly, I'm not much for comics. I've read MAD magazine as a kid, and I watched a few movies based on comics(Logan is my favorite). But I don't know what a Issue or Splash page is. ...

Examples of splash pages.

Splash page (comics), a comic book page that is mostly or entirely taken up by a single image or panel. --Wikipedia

So as I understand it, as action unfolds, if a particularly epic action takes place, we can describe what a comic book artist might do with that moment and possibly be awarded a benny for it. Sounds good to me.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

How Karma looks depends on whether her powers are negated in order to keep her from going intangible and escaping. Or if her powers have not been negated, has she lost concentration, which would cause her chameleon body to revert to her real body?

If she is not using chameleon, she is a mix of ethnicities with dark, wavy hair, brown eyes, light brown skin, pretty angular face, and a curvy figure. She is tall and athletic, 5’10”, 140 lb. On missions, she wears a leather-like catsuit and a cape with a hood that can be brought up to cover her face with a Mexican Day of the Dead appearance in red and black.

If she still has a chameleon form, she could look like anyone, wearing anything. Be creative.

Joker; 5 Bennies

When he regains consciousness, Mr Sardonicous lifts himself off the concrete floor. Ice begins to form on his skin. It's only slightly warmer than the liquid helium in which he was held. He looks at the storage tube from which he was flushed. The cold-storage capsule had a liquid helium pipe used for replenishment. It was shut off. The manual release for purging was pulled. Someone freed him, But who?

Mr Sardonicous checks the room. It's a very large warehouse-like structure. He's naked. His mane is black and frames his head like a doll with missing clumps of hair. His skin is pail and his body is bony. His face is always marred by a cadaverous smile.

Searching for an exit, Mr Sardonicous finds clothes inside a garment bag hanging on the exit door. He stares at it. He opens it. Black pants. A black button up shirt. Black tie with the letters MS embroidered in silk. A black leather vest. Black socks. Black leather cowboy boots, and a Black Bolar hat. Lastly, a gold Rolex set to the current time.

He wears the ansomble. He looks spectacularly evil. His smile grows creepily.


Fortunately it was night, and the military base was lightly guarded. He simply ran and his incredibly strong legs launched him over the electric fences. The base resided deep in the desert. It took him three days of walking at night and burying himself in desert sand during the day to make it to some railroad tracks next to a road.

The cars he saw were like out of a dream. They were also very fast. He watched them from the shoulder of the road. He was fascinated. He was also very, very hungry. He needed food.

Mr Sardonicous walked with the road and tracks for a few hours. He saw a motel off in the distance. It was lit up. He would need to be careful.

Mr Sardonicous moved with stealth to a patio of a room playing music. His claw pushed into the door gap and popped the patio lock. He slides the door open. He glides in and closes the door. He can hear a man singing to the song in the shower. He moves closer and stands in front of the glass shower curtain.

Mr Sardonicous launches himself through the glass and grabs and consumes. The body soon drops to the porcelain floor. Mr Sardonicous breaths deeply while reveling in the feast. He goes to the desk and grabs a chair to bring back to the bathroom. He sits. He waits.

It doesn't rise.

Mr Sardonicous looks confused.

It doesn't Rise.

"No." He says.

It doesn't Rise.

"No. No. No." He says.

It doesn't Rise.

Mr Sardonicous punches a concrete wall, and his hand crushes a hole in it. He looks at the corpse and talks to it. "I have been boosted." He waves a finger at it. "I need it back, to kill enough of you, to take control." He smiles brightly at the naked deadman. "I wonder where they put the bad ones like me."


Daniel stood next to Heather behind the registration desk. He didn't work there, he just came by to spend time with his new girlfriend. Heather liked the company, but she really needed to study instead. "Look, you can't stay here all night." she says.

"I can always go to my other girlfriends job." He replies.

She playfully slaps at him. "That better not be true."

An ugly man, who is dressed in black and wearing a black bowler hat, walks in. He snatches both by their neck and holds both of them against the wall. He squeezes the boy's neck so he can't hardly speak and can barely breathe.

"Can you drive an automobile?" he asks Heather. She is terrified and nods while he held her throat. "Do you know where they hold bad men like me?" He asks. She nods again.

Mr Sardonicous snaps Daniel's neck and tosses him into the back room. Heather starts to scream. Mr Sardonicous squeezes her neck and puts a finger over his mouth. "Shhhh." Spinning her around, he holds the back of her neck. "Take me there."


I'm getting tired. I need to figure a way into prison, like a sewer or something, but his knowledge is limited. I don't want to hold back the game start. You're free to invent from here, if you'd like.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

PWGM - I've run and played in PbP games where the PC's Bennies reset to 3 (or whatever) on each new "page" of Gameplay. It's simple, and the GM doesn't have to worry about remembering how long it's been since he's reset the Bennies.

I also was wondering how you're going to be dealing cards in combat. When I GM, I've got a physical deck of cards at home, I list the PC's in alphabetical order in a post editing window (NPC's last), then deal each (N)PC a card. Then re-arrange the (N)PC's in order of action, and post just that. Just a thought...


Cards: That is pretty much how I do it. At the end of the previous or the beginning of the current round I'll do a status post so nobody has to read back 3 pages to know that the variable over thruster is on fire or whatnot. In that post i'll also deal the next rounds cards from my Winnie the Pooh card deck. ( The E.H. Shepard drawings thank you very much. Disney can pound sand.)

Bennies: That is an idea worth thinking about. I'm thinking it might reset too frequently but we'll see what happens in play. I'm keeping the 'Splash Page' idea as it basically says stretch your descriptive wings and earn a benny. I don't know if this will improve player engagement but it's optional so I don't think it will harm it.

For right now we'll go with the "Reset whenever the GM remembers" plan hopefully with lots of gentle reminders (i.e. screaming) from the players as the bennies run dry.

Mr Sardonicous:

Ok. That bit of business happened at the earliest in 1967 when 5th Dimension wrote that song for the musical Hair.

Not an immense amount to go on but I think I can find my way.

So a random question.

You mention being hungry in this story. Do you eat food or do you Require blood to stay among the upright?

You have neither the "Dependence" Hindrance nor the "Doesn't eat" power. So rule wise you need to regularly ingest something to keep going. In the absence of your guidance I am going to assume that you can survive on blood alone but that you can and normally do eat food.

Oh and a suggestion, Spoilers really help for long posts. It makes navigating the page easier for other people.

Dark Archive

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Disney can pound sand.

This. In all things.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Bennies: That is an idea worth thinking about. I'm thinking it might reset too frequently

Idunno. I still play IRL with a monthly group of other "adults" and it seems that between the social catching up, the debates about rules, the ever-present need to show the wives what their bonuses are and which dice to roll (nothing against gaming chiXorZ) and telling the kids to stop...whatever it is they are doing, that one "session" is pretty much one combat encounter and, maybe, one non-combat interaction.

If bennies are truly meant to be refreshed at a session, I'd even say every 50 posts is slow. Remember that 50 gameplay posts include ~25 Discussion posts, which represent OOC discussion that also happen during a gaming session, which also take up time, and that babysitter is leaving when she's leaving so that couple that just had a baby better be home by then 'cause time don't wait.


Poor Wandering GM:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Ok. That bit of business happened at the earliest in 1967 when 5th Dimension wrote that song for the musical Hair.

**I didn't give a time frame, The song could be coming from a smart phone. What is the current time frame? I have done my best to not read about the environment. I want to be surprised both as player and character. It's much more fun for me that way.

Not an immense amount to go on but I think I can find my way.

**My current idea is:

He rams the car containing a drained Heather into the prison entrance. Using it as a diversion, he climbs the wall by digging the claws into the concrete. The barbwire rips at his flesh and it is instantly healed. He doesn't understand alarms or cameras or Comms. He is trapped and a fight ensues.

So a random question.

You mention being hungry in this story. Do you eat food or do you Require blood to stay among the upright?

*Hunger is a motivator. Hunger is the most important motivator. The hunger is only fed by blood. He will drain lizards or toads as the need grows to its height. Mr Sardonicous longest time between feeding on humans was for over three years while he was stranded in a swamp. Don't know what happens if he's fully starved.

Oh and a suggestion, Spoilers really help for long posts. It makes navigating the page easier for other people.

*But not in gameplay right?

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Atlas2112 wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Disney can pound sand.

This. In all things.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Bennies: That is an idea worth thinking about. I'm thinking it might reset too frequently

Idunno. I still play IRL with a monthly group of other "adults" and it seems that between the social catching up, the debates about rules, the ever-present need to show the wives what their bonuses are and which dice to roll (nothing against gaming chiXorZ) and telling the kids to stop...whatever it is they are doing, that one "session" is pretty much one combat encounter and, maybe, one non-combat interaction.

If bennies are truly meant to be refreshed at a session, I'd even say every 50 posts is slow. Remember that 50 gameplay posts include ~25 Discussion posts, which represent OOC discussion that also happen during a gaming session, which also take up time, and that babysitter is leaving when she's leaving so that couple that just had a baby better be home by then 'cause time don't wait.


I dunno. We're doing 50 posts in that other game and we're moving to page 3 without so much as a sense of purpose yet. My preference, fwiw, is to refresh bennies whenever it seems appropriate to do so and not nail it down to a post cadence, which we could abuse.

Mr Sardonicous:

The current year according to the NE guide in 2004. But I am updating that to 'Nebulous modern day' plus 4 years.

The time in I have in my head for Mr. S is:

Mid-to late 1920's. Active in Chicago, associate of Capone. Captured by Federal super-team/ Mystery Men/ Science Heroes.

1920's to late 1960's early 70's Incarcerated in the desert facility by the U.S. Army. Study of your regenerative abilities may have had much to do with humanity gaining the ability to custom grow rejection free organs for transplant. This is when you lost the reanimation ability. Escape. Re-captured breaking into an early Super prison on the West coast.

1970's to V'sori betrayal and invasion. Held in a black site near a beach. Escape during the K'tharen capture of the site. Captured by the Vsori.

Invasion to game start. Held in V'sori custody. More experimentation.

That work for you? All I am assuming is that you have been in V'sori custody for something like 2 years.

Spoilers pretty much up to you. I assume every player reads every spoiler. In my view they are used to highlight the limits of character knowledge or send up out of character flares that there is something going on in discussion that needs prompt attention. So is 2 characters can see something but the rest can't spoilering the info to them would make sense. Not required by any means. As far as length spoilers that is entirely up to you. Too much player input is never a bad thing but if it is info or events that do not involve the other players a spoiler might be an idea. TL:DR do as you will. it'll work out.

Ok...I hope this is it! Please check for errors!!

All right, I'll go to read NE setting then. Thanks

CucumberTree wrote:
All right, I'll go to read NE setting then. Thanks


Start post about to go up.

Do you have specific objections to being incarcerated by the V'sori for the past 2 years?

If you do please tell me how long (roughly is fine) you have been in custody.

Ah-Rekhmire review

Heritage. not listed
~Comments. Assuming Human. Please correct me if I am mistaken

Attributes. check
~~Please make it clear what your attributes are without superpowers. This makes life easier for when your powers are negated and to know what is available to copycat.
~~ Seeing 9 attribute points spent with 4 levels of super attribute. If this is incorrect then Attributes will need further review

Skills. needs review
~I am seeing Academics 3pts, Common knowledge 2pts, Focus 2pts. Notice 2pts. Occult 3pts. Persuasion 2pts. Shooting 3pts.
So 3+2+2+2+3+2+3 = 17/15. Did I miss something?

Hindrances needs review
~Appearance. Do you mean Distinctive appearance? If so this does not match your background.

From your background "He is a tall imposing figure with noble bearing and fair of face. His actual visage is much different, showing a shriveled corpse-like creature with eyes like burning red coals."

Your actual visage would certainly qualify for Distinctive Appearance or Ugly but you seen to say that the mummy is only what you look like when your powers are turned off. Please see the last paragraph of Distinctive appearance. It applies all the time or not at all.

~Vulnerability (leaving the Heka-sphere) What the heck is a Heka-sphere and how do you leave it?

~~Phobia(cats). Interesting and perfectly valid. How do you feel about cat imagery? Bast statues. Kawaii kitten vinyl stickers. Cat videos? Cat Stevens?

Edges. needs review
~You appear to be an edge short
Superpowers, free.
Best there is (Super Sorcery), Human edge.
Luck, 2 hindrance points.
Great luck, 2 hindrance points.
You have spent 4 of 6 hindrance points or did I miss something?

~~ Please identify power your "The Best There Is" edge applies to. I believe it is Super sorcery but it needs to be noted.

Powers. needs review
~Please identify your trappings. I am assuming Magic but it needs to be noted.
~Super Sorcery requires a d10 or better in Occult skill to use. You can certainly spend the points on it now and advance the skill later to activate the power but I do not think that is what you are going for.

~Absorption. What is the device?

~~Super Attribute is one power for negation/copycat/power limit purposes
so you actually have "Super Attribute +2dice Spirit and Smarts, 8points" or suchlike. Not a major issue but if you add more points to this later, by say Super Sorcery, you might hit the limit.

~~Absorption. Note the +8 gives absorption vs. all Power Types not all Powers. This means you get the free soak vs. a muggers knife [metal] even though it is not a power.

Gear needs review
If you have no gear please note that and kiss your starting $1000 goodbye.

Very close. The bumps are pretty simple to clear. Let me know when you are ready for round two.

I'm not sure why you are asking, but you probably have storylines in mind.

I'll bet everyone is excited to begin :)

CucumberTree wrote:

I'm not sure why you are asking, But I'm sure you have storylines in mind.

I'm sure everyone is excited to begin :)

Great I am going to take this as a no, that you do not have specific objections to being incarcerated by the V'sori for the past 2 years.

Many of the questions I ask/will be asking will not have clear reasons. Sometimes it is about quarter-formed idea that might or might not ever matter. Or is based on information you do not have access to yet.

I hope this does not bug you.

No, no. We all have our creative methods. If it help you create an interesting/exciting environment to interact with, then lets play with you're quarters handily.

Ok, 3-2-1 let's jam..
Changes to the Campaign page as we move into active play.

The walls of the Lounge gently fade to industrial black. Your hands are pinned, you are in pain. And you are somewhere else, someone else.

Ah-Rekhmire I have confidence we can fix the little bumps ASAP. Please let me know if there is ANYTHING I or the others can do to help.

Everyone It's last call and the band is closing strong.

Gameplay is open and the First post is up.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

Starting funds have been accounted for.

Excess amounts of MREs, cash, and sweet, nourishing booze are kept with mom.

Drek, chummer, did ya ever think we'd see this place again? =]

Ok...I think I got everything now...as for purchases...other than the ancient jewelry he is wearing, he has nothing...and it does not make much sense for him to be in possession of modern tech...

Bennies (and the equivalent in other games) can be weird. Some tables pop them out like candy.

Another suggestion is to give people a bennie based on the real-world calendar. Like 1 per month or whatever. Obviously RP time and combat time work differently, but you tend to need more bennies if you do a lot of combat.

I also had a GM who was bad at remembering to give out bennies, so he gave that to the players. He periodically gave each player a few tickets that they could give to somebody else for a bennie.

But I'm also good with trying your base idea and seeing how it goes.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

So, for RP purposes in the starting scenario, anyone who has a reputation and might be recognized should probably give the dets here or on a spoiler marked to that effect on their profile. Kara recognizes Dave or maybe she has him mixed up for someone else.

For Karma's part, she's tried very hard to avoid notice and even harder to avoid being recognized for who she is. She works alone and is generally out of sight. She was a subject of research back before the V'sori takeover so if that fits anyone else's background, that would be about the only way anyone in the game might recognize her. For that reason, I'm requesting players not read her background. She will reveal what she chooses to share in RP as we go along.

From what I've read so far, I don't think anyone would recognize Mr. Sardonicus, having been in cold storage for the past decades. Dave appears to have some exposure before the takeover. Ah-Rekhmire had a following, but was that under cover of a conspiracy, or was he the subject of news reports? Not many ancient Egyptians come back to life, so he would probably be hard to forget if he was a publicly known figure.

Not sure about the others. Unless told otherwise, I'm going to assume Karma has never seen or heard of anyone else in the room. Common knowledge for her is just a d4.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Dave Finsterman wrote:

Tonight's top story: a metallic human colossus wearing a striped Adidas tracksuit wiped out a squad of V'sori commandos...

Dave spits Cheerios all over the TV and himself. "That's what I wear! He stole my look! Oh no, now whenever I go out people will say I'm pretending to be him! NOOOO! This is a disaster!!!"

Heh. I'm taking this as canon. =]

Good points, Karma.

So too, I know I'm bouncing off an IP, so I think that trappings we can have about Len Luthor can be reflected in that famous conversation between Doctor Bashir and Garak.

Bashir: "Which stories are true about you, Garak?"
Garak: "Oh, they're all true, doctor."
B: "Even the lies?"
G: "_Especially_ the lies."

Luthor is some shadowy B-lister villain that is kinda like a perverted Chuck Norris, where somehow there are all these stories, with no way that they can be true. Or they are? Or you haven't heard about him and that's good too.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

You'd probably remember the Doctor being talked about in a report or two. Mostly because he's pretty distinctive looking. He usually gets away because he's hard to hold on to unless you're ready for him.

Joker; 5 Bennies

Chuck Norris is perverted? The Dodgeball movie is ruined now.

I'm going to listen to some Michael Jackson to feel better

Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:

Starting funds have been accounted for.

Excess amounts of MREs, cash, and sweet, nourishing booze are kept with mom.

Drek, chummer, did ya ever think we'd see this place again? =]

Cash and etc safely noted on sheet.

And no. I didn't, fingers crossed.

Philo Pharynx wrote:


I also had a GM who was bad at remembering to give out bennies, so he gave that to the players. He periodically gave each player a few tickets that they could give to somebody else for a bennie.


That is a very good idea. It could help foster player interaction. Expect to see something like this in the future.

Karma NE wrote:

So, for RP purposes in the starting scenario, anyone who has a reputation and might be recognized should probably give the dets here or on a spoiler marked to that effect on their profile. Kara recognizes Dave or maybe she has him mixed up for someone else.

For Karma's part, she's tried very hard to avoid notice and even harder to avoid being recognized for who she is. She works alone and is generally out of sight. She was a subject of research back before the V'sori takeover so if that fits anyone else's background, that would be about the only way anyone in the game might recognize her. For that reason, I'm requesting players not read her background. She will reveal what she chooses to share in RP as we go along.

From what I've read so far, I don't think anyone would recognize Mr. Sardonicus, having been in cold storage for the past decades. Dave appears to have some exposure before the takeover. Ah-Rekhmire had a following, but was that under cover of a conspiracy, or was he the subject of news reports? Not many ancient Egyptians come back to life, so he would probably be hard to forget if he was a publicly known figure.

Not sure about the others. Unless told otherwise, I'm going to assume Karma has never seen or heard of anyone else in the room.

Could not have said this better myself. Take a look at folks backgrounds, the not SECRET! parts anyway. If you think you would know something about someone then you do. If you think you might but you can't decide then call it a Common Knowledge roll with streetwise definitely applying.

Karma NE wrote:
Common knowledge for her is just a d4.

A d4 is not chicken feed. Remember you get to roll a wild die as well and either of them can ace. Plus you have Streetwise for a +2. So that is best of d4/6 add 2 with a target of 4. I like that chance.

Ah-Rekhmire wrote:
Ok...I think I got everything now...as for purchases...other than the ancient jewelry he is wearing, he has nothing...and it does not make much sense for him to be in possession of modern tech...

Well it doesn't have to be actually 'your' stuff. Starting gear can also be considered a shopping list for stuff you want to 'find' early in play. A pulse SMG that was brought in with someone else.... maybe a follower hid a supply cache. You get the idea.

And if you want to go without gear then that is cool. Just providing options.

Ah-Rekhmire review

Heritage. check

Attributes. check

Skills. check
~ The skill points check out but I think you are counting the modifiers from Ugly and Menacing as changing die types. They are flat modifiers to the skill check results. So you have an intimidation of d4+2 not a d8 and a persuasion of d4-2. The +1 after persuasion is a typo/holdover I think. Persuasion is a core skill so the d4 is free then you take a -2 from Ugly.
Does that make sense?

Hindrances check
~~Phobia(cats). Interesting and perfectly valid. How do you feel about cat imagery? Bast statues. Kawaii kitten vinyl stickers. Cat videos? Cat Stevens?

Edges. check

Powers. check

Gear. check
~~Or rather absence noted. Please confirm in discussion that you are burning your starting monies like the anti-capitalist God-King you are.

So a skills bump, walked past the Cat joke (note knowing how you expect to react to Cat imagery would be helpful), gear comments. Nothing to hold this up. You are free to wake up and post on the gameplay page, Welcome to the game


I made a small error.

I forgot to tell everyone that you have no gear at the moment.

So no Devices no jewlery, no guns lawyers or money, no lovely mementos from your trip to Boise, you have nothing!

He does not fear cat iconography, but that said he is not a fan either...Hello Kitty is an abomination of art in his eyes!! lol


Just to avoid issues later are you renouncing your starting $1000?

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

sorry...yes he is..."we don't need no stinking money!!" lol

Dark Archive

You sure you don't wanna have jewelry fit for a king surrounding your person? Then your rings and pectorals could be of heavy worked gold and precious gems imported from far off lands. (The R. E. Howard in me is salivating just at the description!)

Also I think wearing your entire starting funds as bling would be awesome. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

LOL...well if I am able to do that, then I will...is that ok GM? I was not sure that was a thing, but it would be cool...$1000 in golden trinkets upon my person!!! Yes, lets say that, if possible!

Ah-Rekhmire wrote:
LOL...well if I am able to do that, then I will...is that ok GM? I was not sure that was a thing, but it would be cool...$1000 in golden trinkets upon my person!!! Yes, lets say that, if possible!

Add it under Gear on your character sheet.

And remember you do not have it at the moment.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

yup...will do

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Karma NE wrote:
Common knowledge for her is just a d4.
A d4 is not chicken feed. Remember you get to roll a wild die as well and either of them can ace. Plus you have Streetwise for a +2. So that is best of d4/6 add 2 with a target of 4. I like that chance.

Good reminder. Just for the exercise, I did a dice rolling spreadsheet and programmed it to make a d4 plus a d6 roll, with aces. The basic pair beat a target number of 4 about 50% of the time. Add streetwise bonus and the chance of success rose into the low 80%s. The default d4 - 2 was about 25% successful.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

My preferred style of PBP role play is to share what other characters see, hear, etc. I don't generally share what my character is thinking. Others like to present a more omniscient perspective, including what the character is thinking and sometimes other facts that the posting character knows.

For those who like to know what other characters are thinking, I'll put relevant thoughts under a spoiler, as in my first point. If you're interested in knowing what Karma's thinking, feel free to read it. I might do it less as time goes on, preferring to let players know by my physical description what Karma may be thinking/feeling.

Those characters with mind-reading powers can also request a thoughts spoiler if one is not provided.

Tossed some formatting info onto the Campaign page. If anyone finds it too clunky shout out, but it has worked before.

Also feel free to ask setting questions. If I mention something/someone setting specific I'll try to get some data on the campaign page but poke me if I forget.


Background Stuff:

~The villain that killed your family was Hydra the mutant mastermind. Hydra is/was a hyper intelligent, tech oriented, super-supremacist. Considers/d non powered humans lesser beings. They were experimenting on your family and were quite frustrated when you just kept dying.

They were quite surprised when you killed them. Just as you were rather surprised when footage of the fight made it onto the news/internet.

Confusingly Hydra seemed not to stay dead. A year before the K'tharn attacks began Hydra kidnapped the daughter of the US. President.

The story is that no ransom demands were ever made and she was released unharmed a few weeks later. The conspiracy theorists love this story.

You had just started to uncover faint rumors of what could be Hydra's (or whoever was calling themself Hydra) organization when the invasion sidelined your investigation.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;
Karma wrote:
Just for the exercise, I did a dice rolling spreadsheet and programmed it to make a d4 plus a d6 roll, with aces. The basic pair beat a target number of 4 about 50% of the time. Add streetwise bonus and the chance of success rose into the low 80%s. The default d4 - 2 was about 25% successful.

Better double-check your work : a straight d4 (with Wild die) has a 62% chance of Success. d4+2 has a 96% chance, and d4-2 has a 32% chance.

Were you adding the two die's results, or taking the maximum of the two? Were you adding the bonus or penalty to the d6 as well?


Have any of your characters spent much time flying or flying in light planes?
If so give me the details (remembering to add them to your background as well) and make a Common Knowledge roll.

No special reason.. {whistles innocently}

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think this scene is perfect for the cover of Issue #1

Top of the page large red font “Necessary Evil”. Dime sized images of your characters are scattered between and around the letters.

Image of the interior of the Mbuna taken from the rear starboard corner. All of you are clearly visible as you react to the turbulence with the ‘corpse’ of Ah-Rekhmire closest to the camera.

The image is centered just below and bit to the port side of the video camera above the closed iris door to the cockpit. The issue title “Captured” appears vertically in white as if painted down the central walkway.

Everyone take an extra Benny.

Benny count as now, just after the turbulence:

Ah-Rekhmire: 6
Dave Finsterman: 3
Everyone else: 4

Remember that so long as you are nullified you do not have access to Power Stunts. All other benny uses are fine.

Is it possible to use a bennie (or 2) to try and overwhelm the restraints, or are they pretty well flawless? Just do not want to waste a bennie on something that is completely beyond doing!!

Ah-Rekhmire wrote:
Is it possible to use a bennie (or 2) to try and overwhelm the restraints, or are they pretty well flawless? Just do not want to waste a bennie on something that is completely beyond doing!!

They are not flawless. The cuffs are however Hardness 14. Hmmm... I said the transport models were lighter.... The cuffs are Hardness 12.

That means 12 points of damage in a single roll to break free. Damage dice vs. objects generally do not ace so I don't see brute force working with your unaugmented strength.

There are other ways but you will have to get creative. It will not be easy though. The V'sori are good at this.

If you want to try then tell me what you are doing/trying/looking for and we will go from there.

Joker; 5 Bennies

What's the hardness of me dislocating/breaking my thumbs to get out?

Hmm I see at least 3 ways to do this.

Athletics for the physical skill/training /flexibility to do it. Healing to know how the muscles, tendons, etc. work and exactly how to exploit this. Or Thievery for good old escape artistry. Other skills could also apply if you can make an argument/give a reason but the target might be higher.

And then there is brute force. Use your strength to cause yourself a wound that you do not soak and one hand is free. Two wounds, both hands. You will have a -2 to your damage roll as you can't get leverage in your currant restrained position. Arms at full extension overhead and the crash bar preventing you from leaning forward your waist/center/core is pretty much isolated. This will be arm strength alone.

So a d8/d6 -2 target is 12 {Toughness 8(2+half d8+brusier+brawler)+4to wound} to cause a wound and free what remains of 1 hand. 16 for both. Not an easy roll but remember the damage dice can ace.
You do not know if freeing only one hand will free you from the nullification effect.

Tell me do you think this 'saw'/'walking dead' solution should require a fear check for you to nerve yourself to possibly rip your own hands off or are you beyond such petty matters?

Joker; 5 Bennies

so its easier to break the cuffs instead? ok I'll try and break the cuffs.

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