Welcome to Star City, the city of the future. (Inactive)

Game Master PoorWanderingOne

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Welcome to the Evil Lounge. The music is hot the drinks are imaginary and the wait staff will cut you so remember to tip.

Now is the time for numbers and ingratiating folks into the setting. When you are ready let me know and I'll take a gander at your build and ask you a bunch of meaningless and annoying questions.

Start your engines

P.S. please feel free to suggest more music for the lounge. I would love to see an "Evil Lounge" playlist.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

Dave absently picks his nose in his cell. This V'sori prison is a dump and there's no TV! He's starting to wonder what the point of being here is. At least the warm mush they call food is passable. He kicks off his shoes and rubs his fingers between his toes for the third time today, in case any toe jam has built up. But he doesn't eat it - that would be gross!

And what's with that jazz music?

Dave Finsterman wrote:

Dave absently picks his nose in his cell. This V'sori prison is a dump and there's no TV! He's starting to wonder what the point of being here is. At least the warm mush they call food is passable. He kicks off his shoes and rubs his fingers between his toes for the third time today, in case any toe jam has built up. But he doesn't eat it - that would be gross!

And what's with that jazz music?

Dave Finsterman wrote:

...That said, the mind control type powers were definitely on my, err, mind when I was building Dave. He's a living weapon, but any big brain could simply force him to Fight Club himself. That's why I jacked up Spirit, which goes a little against type, but I felt like I needed at least a little protection.

Did you consider the Mind Shield power? It seems to fit your case pretty well and it is only 1 point.

Nice. Cab forever.

In that vein.

Male Human Brickwall

Preface, I have no idea whatsorever what I am doing.

The Vsori seek to troll him by playing Hardbass he would greatly prefer Schostakovich considering himself to be rather kulturny.

Character creation is in progress. I have no real idea what I am doing, and d4 in agility and spirit is probably a bad idea. It seems as if the skill list is heavily Agility based, including shooting and hand to hand fighting, hmmm.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Did you consider the Mind Shield power? It seems to fit your case pretty well and it is only 1 point.

Just plain missed it. Dave's mind is usually so blank there's not much to latch onto from the outside. Thanks!

Hey everyone. Hop in if you and lend brother White a hand. Solidarity and all.

Omega White. Don't sweat it. There are at least 2 other players in the same boat. And take heart SW characters are NOWHERE near as complex and Pathfinder characters.

I usually start with Hindrances when I'm making a SW character. Take a look at what the SWADE book and the SPC3 are offering and see if that makes things easier.

Slow and steady is the key. From what is in the alias I think you have a good start.

What Savage world books do you have access to? In a perfect world you would have the Savage Worlds ADventure Edition AKA SWADE. You woul;d also have the Super Powers Companion 3rd edition. Iw you are unsure it has the Savage worlds adventure edition logo on the second half of the cover. The NE guide is vital for setting/background but the rules are out of date esp the powers.

It not a killer problem if you dont have the books ('cept for the NE guide) but it will be a pain.

So what resources are you working with?

Omega and everyone

One this you are doing that is great is building the character first and then adding powers. Everyone should do this or at least have a way to see what the character looks like without powers.

I know, I know your powers are integral to your concept and it cannot function without them. I know, Mr. Nullifier beam disagrees. Make it easy on yourself and keep some idea of what you look like with out powers. Trying to do character archeology after the fact is a pain.

Everyone Combat drugs always annoyed me in NE. They are a little weak sauce and are rarely used outside of the addiction hindrance.

I'm fixing that. See the gear section on the campaign page for details.

Something with swing for the band.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

@Omega White, there will be plenty of overlap with our characters, which is all good. Go ahead and use me as a template, and you'll want the Claws mod under the Melee Attack power, and you may want to add points for Armor for the Colossus metal skin trapping. Stuff like that. I think the Super Powers Companion is an absolute must. I know it's $20 but I really don't know how the game can be played without it.

Emma Frost is in the group? I gotta change the station.

Must? Not so sure. I think you could get by with a bootleg/cheap pdf of SPC2 but then I am already familiar with SW so my glasses might be rosy. I am sure that the trifecta SPC3/SWADE/NE guide will make your life much easier.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

That's $35 all-in for a complete system. Treat yourself to a Christmas gift.

Also, I'm not in love with this avatar for Dave, but I can't find a better dopey loser image. Please pass along a link if you happen across one.

I like that avatar. He looks depressed and like he's been sleeping in
the same clothes for a week.

ZenFox42 wrote:

PWGM - here's my first tentative build. I may change it drastically as I understand the SPC3 rules better (especially the Telekinetic and Force Field Powers), but I wanted to run this by you :

p52 : Armor(5), Heavy Armor(+4), Requires Activation(-1) : +10 heavy armor (8 SPP)
p63 : Flight(4) : pace 12 (4 SPP)
p80 : Ranged Attack(15), Heavy weapon(1), Lethal(-1) : 6d6 heavy damage (15 SPP)
p57 : Dodge : -5 to be hit by Ranged attacks (5 SPP)
p69 : Invisibility : -4 to be Noticed and vs. attacks (8 SPP)
p78 : Parry : +5 Parry (5 SPP)

All with the Trapping of telekinetic force.

Hey ZenFox welcome to the lounge.

It all looks Legit if pretty combat heavy but hey I can't criticize folks for being combat heavy when Dave is in the room. You do you.
I do notice a lack of actual Telekinesis. Bold choice or ....
The choice of Armor over Forcefield is unusual for TK artists but why not I say.

Looks good. Can't wait for the full version.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

Okay, I've put the first draft of my SWADE stats into my avatar. I'll probably modify it based on what everybody else is doing.

I'm concerned with the toughness level. I don't want to be too far from the median level. I don't need to be mr. armor, but I don't want to be one-shotted.

As far as attacks go, I entange, spray acid, poison and when needed I explode in a burst of acidic goo and then need to pull myself together.

I'm assuming that it doesn't take an action to change switchable powers. Otherwise this would really mess me up.

It also seems that you can turn off things like area effect, which is why I took them on my powers. I'll often use them single target, but spray when needed.

I was going to go for the Telekinesis and Force Field powers, but :

Armor allows for Heavy Armor, but Force Field does not, so...Force Field is completely useless against Heavy Weapons? Why not allow a Heavy Armor Modifier for Force Field? Altho it does say it "reduces incoming damage", which doesn't specify ordinary damage or Heavy damage...what are your thoughts about this wording?

Telekinesis specifies an effective Strength, but SPC3 does not appear to have SPC2's Heavy Weaponry table - so does a TK attack only do its Strength in damage? I wanted to be able to pick up lampposts and cars and throw them or swing them at my enemies. If I can't do that, I would be better off putting those points into Ranged Attack (which I did).

And finally, TK is *weak* - even with 8 SPP of Power for a Strength of d12+1, according to the Super Strength Encumbrance Table (125 lbs), I can't even lift a normal person.

FWIW, on average, my 6d6 damage will only do 8 more points of damage than Dave's 4d6.

Also, I wanted to ask you : would it be ok if I rolled Focus for my Ranged Attack instead of Shooting? Focus seems to be the "super power skill", and I thought it would make more sense to use it.

Finally, SW is all about Trappings - so if I say "my Ranged Attack is a telekinetic punch", it is... ;)

Doc Toxic First reactions.

Aha I see you found the Hesitant/Calculating synergy. It's nice.

All thumbs will make doing science difficult.

What is "Weird Science (focus)"? If you are just renaming your Focus skill then I am all for the personalisation. But barring shenanigans it is still pure focus trait under the paint job. Not going to be doing much science with this trait.

Overall pretty solid. Never seen Explosion in play. Looking forward to it.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

Tk has a lot of utility, but I can see not taking it for somebody with more power than finesse.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

GM, while we're at it, I notice in the NE book, the Melee Attack scales to +6d6, but only 3d6 in SPC3. I'm not sure what the thinking is on the disparity between a super punch and a super weapon but it seems like something that is more about preference. I would of course invest more SPP into my attack if given the option. Dave is strong, but also limited. He can't fly, is slow, and is a one trick pony. Zen_Fox could easily vaporize Dave from above. I know it's almost impossible to balance characters but now I'm concerned that Dave is more of a dumb brick than I realized. Thoughts?

ZenFox42 wrote:

I was going to go for the Telekinesis and Force Field powers, but :

Armor allows for Heavy Armor, but Force Field does not, so...Force Field is completely useless against Heavy Weapons? ...

Zen Minor error

This is not correct. It took me forever to get my head around SW's heavy armor rules but I think it works like this.

Both Normal (not heavy) and Heavy armor defend against heavy weapons.

Normal weapons have no effect against Heavy armor.

Heavy Weapons have full effect against any Armor.

This means Force field DOES defend against Heavy weapons.

More reactions/thoughts/answers soon.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Doc Toxic First reactions.

Aha I see you found the Hesitant/Calculating synergy. It's nice.

All thumbs will make doing science difficult.

What is "Weird Science (focus)"? If you are just renaming your Focus skill then I am all for the personalisation. But barring shenanigans it is still pure focus trait under the paint job. Not going to be doing much science with this trait.

Overall pretty solid. Never seen Explosion in play. Looking forward to it.

I'll change all thumbs to poverty. He has a hard time keeping material possessions as few hold up to his touch over time.

I was wondering about the skill. I'll rearrange to get separate science and focus.

Explosion is probably going to be a last resort power.

Male Human Brickwall

Hmm, hindrances:

So, what could be interesting:
--A weakness to Mind control. Colossus get Mind controlled a lot, Wolverine a bit less because he is an angry boi. However, it seems that D4 spirit can be debilitating in a lot of other ways. Is there a way to get a specific hindrance against mind control effects, but not against like, fear? Both of these are pretty brave, and Omega White is no coward either.
--Heartless seems about right and is a certain pick
--A possible weakness to Magnetism perhaps too specific to count? Do Vsori have magnetic weaponry that could home in on him?
--Is there a minor version of gloating? Not dealing killing blows seems too big of a deal. Compulsive trashtalking would suit him.
--He is absolutely specific and dedicated about his mercenary contracts, to the level of a lawful evil devil in pathfinder (this was some mental engineering to keep him controllable by Russian military intelligence during his creation) but this may be too weak for a minor hindrance.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Dave Finsterman wrote:
GM, while we're at it, I notice in the NE book, the Melee Attack scales to +6d6, but only 3d6 in SPC3. I'm not sure what the thinking is on the disparity between a super punch and a super weapon but it seems like something that is more about preference. I would of course invest more SPP into my attack if given the option. Dave is strong, but also limited. He can't fly, is slow, and is a one trick pony. Zen_Fox could easily vaporize Dave from above. I know it's almost impossible to balance characters but now I'm concerned that Dave is more of a dumb brick than I realized. Thoughts?

I could give up Regeneration and allocate those points to Strength and add the Thrown Weapons modifier. That gives Dave options.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

I assume there are not Skill maximums in this format. That seems to be implied in the Super Skill power. To be accurate, a Power Level III Skill maximum is d12+15. Is that correct? Yes, I'm going to put a lot of spp into Fighting.

ZenFox42 wrote:

I was going to go for the Telekinesis and Force Field powers, but :

Armor allows for Heavy Armor, but Force Field does not, so...Force Field is completely useless against Heavy Weapons? Why not allow a Heavy Armor Modifier for Force Field? Altho it does say it "reduces incoming damage", which doesn't specify ordinary damage or Heavy damage...what are your thoughts about this wording?

Answered this I think. Let me know if this is still an issue.

ZenFox42 wrote:
Telekinesis specifies an effective Strength, but SPC3 does not appear to have SPC2's Heavy Weaponry table - so does a TK attack only do its Strength in damage? I wanted to be able to pick up lampposts and cars and throw them or swing them at my enemies. If I can't do that, I would be better off putting those points into Ranged Attack (which I did).

Check SPC3 pg32 "Large Improvised Weapons" and SWADE pg. 102 "Improvised Weapons". This should be what you are looking for. A Lamppost would seem to be weight class 1 from the table on SPC3 p32. So min STR d12+3, likely less if you didn't need to rip it free from the base and it would something like STR+d8 or +2d6 damage. Maybe d10 with a cone template or a built in Sweep edge. Likely a heavy weapon too, except for the breakaway freeway lights.

ZenFox42 wrote:
And finally, TK is *weak* - even with 8 SPP of Power for a Strength of d12+1, according to the Super Strength Encumbrance Table (125 lbs), I can't even lift a normal person.

Your math is a tad off. 8dpp of tk is 3p for d6, +2p for d8, +2p for d10. That is 7spp the 8th point is wasted. Telekinesis is very expensive but is is also very useful. No other power lets you manipulate stuff at range like TK. Matter control has the same range but is limited by what it can move. Also the 125lb is for casual carry. Lift weight for d12+1 is 500lb. Or a full ton if you spend a benny to Push your TK.

ZenFox42 wrote:

FWIW, on average, my 6d6 damage will only do 8 more points of damage than Dave's 4d6.

Also, I wanted to ask you : would it be ok if I rolled Focus for my Ranged Attack instead of Shooting? Focus seems to be the "super power skill", and I thought it would make more sense to use it.

The second paragraph of the Ranged Attack power has you covered. Using Focus for this attack is not a problem.

Finally, SW is all about Trappings - so if I say "my Ranged Attack is a telekinetic punch", it is... ;)

Dark Archive

Actually as long as we're dumping on TK, I have a bone to pick.

It's not really the lack of damage that is why TK sucks. (At higher levels, 3 points in Ranged attack get you +1d6, and 4 pts in TK gets you +1d6+1, so it's certainly more worser, but not so much.)

The things that really buttons my pillow (is that an analogy? I'm really bad at analogies) is that you can't actually use it for anything useful unless you already know how to do the thing.

Like Piloting. When would you ever be like "Well, I'm a trained pilot, so I'm going to spend the points to have a really good TK as well so I can pilot with my TK, but to no discernable benefit." Same thing with driving. Like really?

Hence, if you do want to pick up things and throw them at people (and who doesn't?) you need to:
1) Spend a lot of points to get a good TK so you can lift things worth throwing, AND
2) Spend a lot of points to get your Fighting EQUALLY as high as your TK.

I know when I'm making a mind-based psyker, I really want to get a high Agility and Fighting.

With Ranged Attacks, one can just use Focus for all the things, which is used for a bunch of stuff, so at least there's synergy there.

(I'm not really saying the whole is t3h SUX, I'm just saying this classic comic book trope seems unattainably expensive.)

Dave Finsterman wrote:
GM, while we're at it, I notice in the NE book, the Melee Attack scales to +6d6, but only 3d6 in SPC3. I'm not sure what the thinking is on the disparity between a super punch and a super weapon but it seems like something that is more about preference. I would of course invest more SPP into my attack if given the option. Dave is strong, but also limited. He can't fly, is slow, and is a one trick pony. Zen_Fox could easily vaporize Dave from above. I know it's almost impossible to balance characters but now I'm concerned that Dave is more of a dumb brick than I realized. Thoughts?

You are a one Punch pony but I thought that was the point?

An easy way to solve the range issue would be to add the thrown weapons mod. That said as is Dave can force an APC Out of Control by punching it.
A good roll and you can take it out. Smash and 10ap might be overkill as they overlap a good bit. 4-6 is the usual range for non-vehicle Armor. 10 ap is useful vs. vehicles but Smash does that job better by bypassing ALL the armor, note Smash bypasses Heavy Armor.

I am concerned that you might get bored as your skillset is thin, again that is your concept, at least for now. A couple of advances and that story can change.

Clueless and Unlucky are pretty heavy as hindrances. Still more survivable than the Bloodthirsty Wanted combo.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
You are a one Punch pony but I thought that was the point?

Yes, and now he can actually hit vs another melee type. v2.0 loaded in profile.

Don't worry about me getting bored. Dave is all about life's little distractions. It keeps the nagging voice in his head down at a tolerable volume.

Omega White wrote:

Hmm, hindrances:

So, what could be interesting:
--A weakness to Mind control. Colossus get Mind controlled a lot, Wolverine a bit less because he is an angry boi. However, it seems that D4 spirit can be debilitating in a lot of other ways. Is there a way to get a specific hindrance against mind control effects, but not against like, fear? Both of these are pretty brave, and Omega White is no coward either.

Well there is the Minor Hindrance "Environmental Weakness: Mental. You take +4 damage from and have -4 to resist mental powers. This would not trigger on normal Fear checks or even against the Fear power unless the power had a Psychic trapping. So Scarecrow's fear gas, no prob. But the Mad Hatter.....

Omega White wrote:

--Heartless seems about right and is a certain pick.

Heartless (fron the NE guide correct?) I mean I'll give it to you if you want (NE guide hindrances have pretty much been replaced bu SPC3 SWADE versions) but it is a pretty blah hindrance. I think that is why it didn't make the jump to SPC3. Hindrances have two important mechanical jobs in SW. First they give you points in CharGen. Second and I think more importantly they are your bennie factories. When a hindrance causes you a problem in play you get a bennie. I can even tempt you "If you do this hindrance related foolish thing you get this nice shiny benny". Bennies are the fuel that helps you be awesome. Heartless just isn't that high octane. Can you tell me how Heartless could cause trouble? Say 2 examples? Heartless is also a good "stand in" hindrance. Take it and feel free to swap it out later if something feels better.

Omega White wrote:

--A possible weakness to Magnetism perhaps too specific to count? Do Vsori have magnetic weaponry that could home in on him?

If you take this hindrance they do, or at least they will eventually.

Hindrances, well everything on your character sheet really, but hindrances especially are telling me what game you want to play. What kind of problems you want to face. Take a weakness vs Magnetics and you are telling me you want magnetics to have a role in the game. Not an overwhelming one, every DC street thug is not carrying kryptonite after all but someone will have that odd rock.
Rather than an Environmental Weakness to Magnets. the Power negation hindrance might be of interest. By taking it at Major or Minor level you will tell me how common you want this to come up in game.

Omega White wrote:

--Is there a minor version of gloating? Not dealing killing blows seems too big of a deal. Compulsive trashtalking would suit him.

Maybe Arrogant From SWADE. You seek not just to win but to dominate the opposition. You go for the toughest target by choice and you rub salt in the wounds you inflict. The example the book gives is a swordsperson who disarms their opponent and then hands them their sword back. Inego Montoya in princess fighting with his left hand. Trash-talking fits perfectly in here.

Monologuer from the SPC3 would also work. Need to tone the mechanical effects down a bit to make it work as a Minor hindrance but that is doable. You will occasionally loose an action to trash-talking, tooting your own horn, etc. Details as to how often TBD.

Omega White wrote:

--He is absolutely specific and dedicated about his mercenary contracts, to the level of a lawful evil devil in pathfinder (this was some mental engineering to keep him controllable by Russian military intelligence during his creation) but this may be too weak for a minor hindrance.

That is Code of Honor a Major hindrance, but you can take it at a minor level either to reflect a more flexible code or just because you like it. You may not be a gentleman but a contract is a contract (LE version of keeping your word). You don't bother civilians unless the contract demands it. You are a professional not some g**@!$ maniac.

Dave Finsterman wrote:
I assume there are not Skill maximums in this format. That seems to be implied in the Super Skill power. To be accurate, a Power Level III Skill maximum is d12+15. Is that correct? Yes, I'm going to put a lot of spp into Fighting.

Mainly correct. Traits, skills and attributes normally top out at d12. Race mods and some edges will push it a bit higher. Super Skill and Super Attribute simply ignore that rule. They have no maximum. This is why it is a good idea to write skills like "Fighting (agility) {d8 +4 superskill} d12+2. That way you know you can still raise your d8 as you are still below the d12 max.

Atlas2112 wrote:

Actually as long as we're dumping on TK, I have a bone to pick.

It's not really the lack of damage that is why TK sucks. (At higher levels, 3 points in Ranged attack get you +1d6, and 4 pts in TK gets you +1d6+1, so it's certainly more worser, but not so much.)

The things that really buttons my pillow (is that an analogy? I'm really bad at analogies) is that you can't actually use it for anything useful unless you already know how to do the thing.

Like Piloting. When would you ever be like "Well, I'm a trained pilot, so I'm going to spend the points to have a really good TK as well so I can pilot with my TK, but to no discernable benefit." Same thing with driving. Like really?

Hence, if you do want to pick up things and throw them at people (and who doesn't?) you need to:
1) Spend a lot of points to get a good TK so you can lift things worth throwing, AND
2) Spend a lot of points to get your Fighting EQUALLY as high as your TK.

I know when I'm making a mind-based psyker, I really want to get a high Agility and Fighting.

With Ranged Attacks, one can just use Focus for all the things, which is used for a bunch of stuff, so at least there's synergy there.

(I'm not really saying the whole is t3h SUX, I'm just saying this classic comic book trope seems unattainably expensive.)

SPC3 page 87. Telekinesis, Fine control modifier. I think they solved that one.

Dark Archive


You win this round!

(Still, 3 points? Ouch! =p)

PWGM - I found the Improvised Weapons after I made my last post, but thanks! I can't get beyond d12+1 with TK because of the 15 point cap. And speaking of which...

I said : "And finally, TK is *weak* - even with 8 SPP of Power for a Strength of d12+1...".

You said : "I think your math is a tad off...".

I meant "8 SPP of Power" literally, as in the Power modifier, so I was talking 11 SPP of TK (without any other modifiers).

And yeah, I had forgotten how wonky SW's Heavy Armor / Heavy Weapons worked, thanks for the refresher! I just noticed that Force Field talks about "reducing damage", not increasing Armor or Toughness, so I think the "Heavy" issue is moot.

But looking at the numbers...

14 SPP of TK allows me to do d8+d12+1 damage (average 13.3), IF there happens to be a heavy enough object available (and would the -2 to the Improvised attack roll still apply?), and get Flight at Pace 6.

Using Ranged Attack, I can do 5d6 Heavy damage (average 21.3) for 12 SPP, and get Flight at Pace 12 for 2 SPP.

Finally, I don't know if you've mentioned this anywhere else before, but I'm wondering : will we get any more SPP as the game progresses?

ALL - I'd like to suggest that everyone take Mind Shield. It's only 1 SPP (you can change one of your existing powers to Requires Activation to get that point), and since Mind Control is in play we certainly don't want any of the bad guys turning us on our comrades!

PWGM - what's your stance on Secret Identities? As (ex)villians, shouldn't we all have them, otherwise the authorities could walk up to our homes and arrest us?

Also, I'm assuming that your notation "Free AB Superpowers" means we get the Superpowers Edge for free? I know it may seem obvious, but I just want to make sure...

And, this is driving me crazy - I'd swear that somewhere in the mountain of optional setting rules, we get an extra Edge. Is that right, or is my memory playing tricks on me (which is entirely possible)?

Finally, regarding Edges : can we take Edges that involve the Shooting skill if we have a Ranged Attack Power? Likewise for Fighting and Melee Attack.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

What is the range of toughness that we should look at? I think that we should probably end up within a certain range so that the GM can calibrate the forces we face. Otherwise the guy he needs to tickle the tank flattens the weakest.

Also, if any of us have heavy armor, then that means he's going to have to put heavy weapons or alternate forms of attack in nearly every group. Eventually we all pay extra points and they start issuing the heavy stuff more widely. It's a bit of a red queen's race.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Doctor Toxic wrote:

What is the range of toughness that we should look at? I think that we should probably end up within a certain range so that the GM can calibrate the forces we face. Otherwise the guy he needs to tickle the tank flattens the weakest.

Also, if any of us have heavy armor, then that means he's going to have to put heavy weapons or alternate forms of attack in nearly every group. Eventually we all pay extra points and they start issuing the heavy stuff more widely. It's a bit of a red queen's race.

Consider Zen_Fox above doing an avg of 22 pts of damage on a hit. I maxed toughness at 15 and that is not enough. Better not get hit!

I think we could really use a character with the Healing super power. If you can squeeze it in, the 2 pt Regeneration power gives you a free chance to heal at least one wound per day and can be used during combat as a limited free action. It uses Focus.

Dark Archive

What is a red Queen's race?

You run as fast as you can and don't get anywhere (it's from Alice in Wonderland).

But, Heavy Weapons don't do any extra damage against "normal" Armor, so that's not an issue when we're being fired at.

Toughness is...well...tough to quantify. (As of right now,) my Toughness is 15, but 10 of that are armor, so an attack with AP 10 and damage of 10 will Wound me. But someone with a natural Toughness of 15 needs to be hit with 20 damage to get a Wound.

I've run simulations, and found that it's far better to not get hit, than to let the Toughness absorb the damage. So if you can boost your Dodge and Parry with SPP, that's a better way to go.

ZenFox42 wrote:


Finally, I don't know if you've mentioned this anywhere else before, but I'm wondering : will we get any more SPP as the game progresses?

Check the Setting Rules on the Campaign page.

Everyone. A reminder, cast an occasional eye over the campaign page. I will try to send up a flare when I add something but I could easily forget. I find campaign pages quite useful.

ZenFox42 wrote:


PWGM - what's your stance on Secret Identities? As (ex)villians, shouldn't we all have them, otherwise the authorities could walk up to our homes and arrest us?

The V'sori killed most of the people who would be looking. Secret identity is a Hindrance in SPC 3 but I dropped it to a Minor one as most folks just don't care anymore.

ZenFox42 wrote:

Also, I'm assuming that your notation "Free AB Superpowers" means we get the Superpowers Edge for free? I know it may seem obvious, but I just want to make sure...

You are exactly correct Superpowers edge is free for all.

ZenFox42 wrote:

And, this is driving me crazy - I'd swear that somewhere in the mountain of optional setting rules, we get an extra Edge. Is that right, or is my memory playing tricks on me (which is entirely possible)?

Take a look at Heredity on the campaign page. Humans get a free edge. Hybrids get a free edge or Aquatic as they desire.

ZenFox42 wrote:

Finally, regarding Edges : can we take Edges that involve the Shooting skill if we have a Ranged Attack Power? Likewise for Fighting and Melee Attack.

If an edge calls out a trait, like shooting, it will apply ONLY to that trait. But this is a supers game and things can get odd. What Edges are you thinking about? And what is the trapping of the power in question?

Doctor Toxic wrote:
What is the range of toughness that we should look at? I think that we should probably end up within a certain range so that the GM can calibrate the forces we face. Otherwise the guy he needs to tickle the tank flattens the weakest.

That would make my life a bit easier but don't sweat it. I think I can deal.

Doctor Toxic wrote:

Also, if any of us have heavy armor, then that means he's going to have to put heavy weapons or alternate forms of attack in nearly every group. Eventually we all pay extra points and they start issuing the heavy stuff more widely. It's a bit of a red queen's race.

What makes you think I won't be doing that anyway? Maybe not at first but you are fighting organizations. Organizations can learn.

Hat tip for the Lewis Carroll.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

You do have a point on heavy weapons. I was more thinking that the point spent on it would eventually be less useful as the enemies upgrade.

You can't ignore toughness, because a big hit will get you more wounds. And now I'm trying to find ways to not get hit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Doctor Toxic wrote:

You do have a point on heavy weapons. I was more thinking that the point spent on it would eventually be less useful as the enemies upgrade.

You can't ignore toughness, because a big hit will get you more wounds. And now I'm trying to find ways to not get hit.

Remember the Wound Cap in setting rules. It makes soaking big hits easier.

And seriously Everyone you don"t need to squeeze every point til it screams. This is not a competition. A strong concept and good play is vastly more important than mere numbers. If your concept supports Mind Shield and Heavy Armor go for it. But if you are scraping points from something you actually care about because you think you have to. Then stop. Play what you want to play not some min-maxed distortion. Trust me and your fellow players to adapt.

And hey if there every was a game to experiment with strange builds this is that game. I once described this setting as "Kite-man and the Condiment King fighting H.G Wells's War of the Worlds.
The powerful people, the well built people, they are all dead. You are what is left. You are the outcast the inefficient, the weird, the unexpected. Don't sweat the numbers.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

And seriously Everyone you don"t need to squeeze every point til it screams. This is not a competition. A strong concept and good play is vastly more important than mere numbers. If your concept supports Mind Shield and Heavy Armor go for it. But if you are scraping points from something you actually care about because you think you have to. Then stop. Play what you want to play not some min-maxed distortion. Trust me and your fellow players to adapt.

And hey if there every was a game to experiment with strange builds this is that game. I once described this setting as "Kite-man and the Condiment King fighting H.G Wells's War of the Worlds.
The powerful people, the well built people, they are all dead. You are what is left. You are the outcast the inefficient, the weird, the unexpected. Don't sweat the numbers.

Gaslighting! We're all gonna die!

But on the off-chance GM can be taken at his word, I reduced Dave's Spirit to d4. There are days he just doesn't have it in him to be super.

Hello everyone! I am working to try and get a character together here and this is the idea I have as it follows...

Questions? Questions!:
a) What is your concept? Give me a one or two sentence description of your character.

~I will be playing Hitscan, a tech shooter that used to be a famous streamer that uses their inhuman reflexes and hand-eye coordination to pay the bills, live the life they want, and keep their mom alive in the hospital.

b) What do you look like? Hair/eye color? Height and Weight? Costume? Think of what your mug shot would look like.

Hitscan is not physically impressive, standing at 5'9 and weighting around 170lbs. He dresses in an almost business casual outfit, favoring speed over protection. Black hair and grey eyes, he has a cocky smile that never seems to vanish.

c) What can you do? What separates you from the masses? Brains? Training? Acidic blood? Magic tea cozy?

A mixture of training and inhuman talent, Hitscan has insane accuracy with all form of ranged weapons and has the ability to absorb information at absurd rates. He is also a gifted expert with technology, devising tools as needed.

d) What have you done? What separates you from a random survivor? Describe a typical crime. There is a reason you could not be at the welcoming ceremony with Champion. If you are a hero give me an example of your heroism and tell me why you were not incinerated for standing with Champion?

After being banned from all major FPS shooter tournaments and seeing his last money be eaten up by the health insurance companies to keep his mother alive, Hitscan found that his natural talent applied to firearms in real life as well. He became a professional killer, assassinating political and criminal figures the world over. He was on site when Champion was eradicated, though a few blocks over leveling a shot against the district attorney. Didn't need to pull the trigger to finish that job.

e) What have you been doing lately? How have you spent the last two years under V'sori occupation? Most importantly tell me about your capture by the V’sori. Yes you have been captured, no this cannot be negotiated.

He was captured recently during a V'sori raid, sold out by an employer who didn't want to pay his fee and was pressured by a V'sori informant. Since his internment, he has been trying to learn all he can about the enemy so he can escape. So far all he has learned is that he can't and that leaving the surface of the planet is not good.

f) What have you seen in the world? Detail a hero or a villain or an ordinary person you have ran into, worked with, fought, or just heard about. Maybe a member of Alpha Squadron you tangled with. Maybe a criminal mastermind you worked for. Maybe a taxi driver or whoever ran the newsstand near your old lair. Make them interesting. Think of yourself as pitching a 1 or 2 issue special series for the Necessary Evil comic book we are all creating.

Vanessa Crane is a nurse at Star City Hospital and she is the main caretaker of Hitscan's mother. She has no idea who he is but is kind and affectionate to the young man who is so dedicated to the sick woman. Hitscan has a crush on her but also realizes that he is a killer, an actual villain. How could he bring her into his life?

g) What is the greatest thing in life? What is your desired end state/goal. Tell me what is important to you.

Hitscan's greatest thing in life is his mother. Call him a momma's boy but she supported him when he started his streaming career and was there through all the bumps and issues. Her sickness devastated him and brought him into a life of crime.

He would love to be rich enough to take care of her forever, get her the experimental and groundbreaking medicine she needs to recover, and maybe just retire peacefully where he can game for fun like he used to.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

Okay, played around with my powers a bit. Lost a few things like extra arms and reach, but got harder to hit.

I did want to run a special modifier past you. It's on my poison power. I called it innoculate - it's a special form of selective, and a little worse. Basically if I give people an antidote beforehand, then they are immune to this power for a couple of days. It gives me an area I can use in tight spaces since normal selective doesn't make much sense for me.

I also made my explosion heavy and forceful. Do not taunt the goo.

Doctor Toxic wrote:

Okay, played around with my powers a bit. Lost a few things like extra arms and reach, but got harder to hit.

I did want to run a special modifier past you. It's on my poison power. I called it innoculate - it's a special form of selective, and a little worse. Basically if I give people an antidote beforehand, then they are immune to this power for a couple of days. It gives me an area I can use in tight spaces since normal selective doesn't make much sense for me.

I also made my explosion heavy and forceful. Do not taunt the goo.

Inoculate is approved. Nicely done.

umm I know this will be a bit of a pain but in order to review and approve you I need to see exactly where your points are being spent. Could you please notate Doctor Toxic to show exactly where Attribute, Hindrance, Skill, and Powerpoints are being spent? I know it's annoying but if I have to do archeology to trace the points I can easily make a mistake and then there is hair pulling and foul language.

Dave Finsterman wrote:


But on the off-chance GM can be taken at his word, I reduced Dave's Spirit to d4. There are days he just doesn't have it in him to be super.

I can be taken at my word, usually. That said d4 spirit is a bold choice. You might get shaken-locked on occasion. Some folks find that really annoying.

Everyone As we get closer to start would you kindly notate somehow on your sheet exactly where each Attribute, Hindrance , Skill and Powerpoint was spent. I know it is a pain but it makes final pre-game review go so much more smoothly.

Also please give me a poke when you are finished so I can do a final review and start weaving you into the story.

Everyone SW does experience/advancement in its own unique way. Please reserve room on your character page for a list of what you took for each advance. This does not have to be big. Something like:


Novice 1. 1 die to Spirit.
Novice 2. Raise driving and Academics.

Would be fine.

This not only makes it easier to track advancement it makes flashback and time travel adventures easier. Not that a comic-book game would stoop to messing with time. Yeah that will never happen.

My addition to the music list

I love Minnie the moocher BTW.

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